The New York Clipper (July 1906)

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m THE NE^" YOIIK July 21. SEW YORK CITY. 'Keith Jfc Pro. tort L'nluu >uo«rt- Theatre <•&■ K. Rogers, resident manager). — Ad iotciPHtla* bin was offered .Tuly 10, heading which were Walter Jones and Mabel Hlte itlielr first time herei, to their arousing ■kit. In which Malx-1 Hlte enslly taken the lead at the start. Ben Welch made a sen- fatlonal hit la his Jewish and Italian Im- personation*, being very artistic. Van Auken and Enrique did some good work on the horizontal bars. Berg's Merry Girls worked hard every minute, but were nnndlcopped by (tour songs. Their acrobatic dancing was .'spirited. Selblnl nud (irovlnl entertnlned well Id their bicycle act. Stanley and WII- gou were well received In their musical aet. (oakley aud McTirlde danced with their 00 customed vim, Id spite of the heat, and won lots of applause. Jeanne Ardelle add her Iflkv Dinks, did smne excellent ' dancing- Others were: The Buckeye State Quartette, Three Helton Brothers, Al. Colenfuu, Delmore ofl I; 111, aad Curtis and Adams. The kl- oetograph closed the bill. r Keltb 4b Proctor's Twenty-third Street Theatre.— Marie Waio-wrlght, ns- •tsitd liv Track Sheridan, plaved on July 10 a very, entfrtciiiicg little sketrh, by Frank Ttunehlll. entitled "Our Bahy," wnlcb hail toy number of laughable llaes and some real humorous s*ltuntlons. It wns exquisitely acted 1d the bargnlo. Miss Walnwrlgnt play- ing Willi capital effect the-wife recently sepa- rated from ht»r buslmiid. whom she still lovet* and Is anxious to win back. Mr. Sheridan did some Hoe acting an the husband. Bert Ualle. assisted bv Mae Sullor. Burn-ll Bar- tflrette'aod Will role, wive "Hogan's Visit," and .-Mr Leslie's well knowu Hue of slaug talk, delivered as only lie can give It ex- pression, was as funny ns ever. MIks Sailor, Mr. Rerlwirelte and Mr. Cole were especially 1 leasing In their rmmeetlve characters. Caroa i.nd Herbert, whose feats cm the urn are worth going a long way lo witness, scored a hit, and I>lxon ntid Auger. In their rbrerly worked up act, which thev handle without portnittlng the interest to lng r»r uu In- biflfff. Were big favorites. The Metropolitan Ahem Trio were 111 fine voice, nnd the prison scene from "F.-uiM" was greeted with tre- mendous applause. Others were: Itorscb and- Russell, the musical railroaders, whose net Is well si't and full of good things In tftej way of musical Introductions: Gorman odd Went, 'n their entertnlnlng art; Young American Quintette, and Kd, Batus, pqullib- I'lst. The motion pictures euntluiie. Paatur'fi Theatre (Tony Pastor, mnn.v geri.-M'barles J. Stloo aud Olive Hvnns, jtiat returned from F.urope, were the ((ar- ticular magnets June 111, and received 9 cor- dial welcome. James and Smile Leonnid. In -'Mile. Manhattan," pleased greatly. Kittle Campbell made her Auierlcao debut, and es- tablished herself at once. She Ih »n rM.ter- talnlng character comedienne, nnd knows how to douce. Charles and Fanny Van were favorites In their parodies; Ihicey. Chase and Adair succeed^ In a novel net : Billy Carter (iluyed uu' Ituujo with vim and skill: Annie lernstelL proved nu entertaining Miss, tub- ers wer: 1 : Ben Meyer, lleevcs mid Kenney, Brooks nod Jcnnctte. 101 Nino Kddle, llyley and Baron, and Walton Sisters. The vlln- gtnitli-closed Ibe bill. I'HridUe Hoof Garden (Oscar Hani- merstcln, manager).—This popular reaort Is 'Serenely muting along; through the Summer .'season with a euatliiunnce of the big btisl- 'itesn with which It has tteeu favored since "■ Its opening week. The management does not. , In fact, deem It necessary- to cliange many 6f the acts from week to week, which Is ample proof that the hill Is sufficiently at- tractive lo cause repeated visits from the fnitrons of the house. Arthur Prince began rffl second week July 111, us one of the feat- urea of Ibe bill. Nothing 'better or mure nrtitftlc th the way of veotrlloqulal work has ever been' presented here.' Much now. the UuBilan gUint. la in his fourth successful *eek: "Droiiaa. the Talking Head," Is a leiitnie fur this, the third week, and the tnovlDg picture rail mud collision Is In Its necood and last week, other holdovers are: Lnllu Selblnl. experi bicyclist: the Klx Mn- flvjil Cuttvs. In their sjilendld miisleul net: Mice and 1'revost. la "Humpty linmps," fud who are sulld favorites here; Tom learn, who continues to win favor as "The J.Hzy Juggler:" the Spook Minstrels, one of the best vocal acts uuw before the public, and Collins and Hart, comedy acrobats, who have not begun to wenr out their welcome here' although appearing for several weeks. Tbe Sharp Brns., In their dancing aet, con- tinue to please;, the only new net tills week Is that of the I'lccohi Midgets, who scored Ktrongly ou Monday, fin Monday nfti"-noon Mr, Itlce, of Ulee and i'revust, wan 111, nnd the team whs unable to appear. Wl»t n rlu Grove (Joseph .Hart, mana- ger).—The- newcomers on this week's vaude- ville section .ire: I'uugo and Leo, gjmimsts, and <!eorge Iteno and lumpany. Both new iters ' sec? ft! heavily on 'Monday. July 1U. I'ungo Pud I.eo's lntrotltictlon being groiesuue gymp!iBtle and ucria) work of a liigh order, their best feats being performed on a (iwlnglua; isile. The novelty and <-leverness of their trlcka brought tbein plenty or ap- plause, tleorge lteno aud ciimpany. a new turn, Introducing five |>eople, headed by tieorge Iteuo, laic of Keno and Klchanls, made n iuoh*. ngrec-able Impression. Mr. Kciio's assist 11 at8 liu'lmle tbe LVxaimn, n 111 iin and a woinnu, who iinve been ussm-int«l with William Schrode, the well known clown. The offering had much to commend It, and trier with distinct approval. One of the outbers of (lie act a-us hurt on the Ofranag t Jglil, itud the curtain was iuiiiiedlnleiy low- ered, tlitm curtailing llie i^rfurnuince. Sa- it-tiLu, the remarkable expert In jnggllnj;. is Mill retalued. which speaks well for his cleverness, and Hint clever qtmrteile, Syl- vaater, Jones. 1'rlngle nud Morrell, who are encored nifnlu and agntn until they must of necessity refuse to rt»spoud to any mora culls, arc this week offerlttc new mnto^lal, with splendid etfrct. Ned Wnyhurn's "Italn lkars. with Neva Aymar. are still strong in fuvur. and "Seel.iB New York." with spright- ly Carrie De Mar and company, entered upon ■tmwveuth week 011 July 10. I .Madlswit N«|UHre lt»of (inrdea (llenry f Plncus.iununger).—"Mile. Cliauipngiic" opened Its rourth week July Id. New York Theatre (Klnw & Krlanger, raanagcrsi.—"Ills Honor, the Mayor," start- ed Its eighth week .Inly UI. -Aerial Gardens* (KluwX: Krlnngt>r, iuan* Agersl.—CeorRe M, Colian entereil h4s seventh week Julv lit, In "The tloveruor's Son." ' Ljceuin Thentre (Onnlel Krohmnn, luniingerl.—"Tlie Uim nnd the Mouse" be- gan Its lltlrlv-nflh week July Id. The man- ageinent announcta Its contlitunnre during tbe Summer. CmnIuo iSnm S. & Shubert. nmnoeers). —•■The Social Whirl" entered Ms llfteenth •week July ». Maude Uaymond Is lemiwrarlly out of Hie cast, and has Raw to Sharon springs, N. Y.. for a short vacation. Atlantic Garden 1 W. Kramers Sons, man- Bgersl.—The Morrello Brothers, gymnasts; iritourke and GHIlatn. singing and dnnclng acl ; Si'hepimrd aud Ward, eomwly sketch team; I.n Bell Marie, nlnck wire net; Josle Allen, vocal comedienne; Harry Scott, coloretl ci median, moving pictures and the l'llte l.mly Orclimtrn nre the nttrarllons for this week, llnrlein.— At the West Vm\ (fieorge A. ltlimu'Dthal, nianngerl the slock comuany nfferliig fur llie curri'titweek Is "Kasl l.ynue. with Leah !.e«| 'n Hie dual ntle of I.imU' Isabel and Mine. Viae. A fair slued audience *-.- to ir Mi U'ii Jh'- W --m! - .■.■»'.'i,s-- fierformance was presented, fluslncx!! has neon giHHl euuUf.o it* Hiiiiiiiil me iiuu^e i«*- iniitulng ti|n-n so late In the season. KKITII • 1'IUM-TOR'H 0\K lIlNliKWI AMI ffwKNTY-vinrii STKKirr TitKATRC.—The slock company'a' offering for this week Is "Hreet Clover, a cleverly written aud dainty com- edy, In four mu, by I'vullne I'belpa and Marlon Shun. It whs the New York premier of the play on July ]U. It proved n great success through Hie West durlug the past season, with Adelaide Thurston nu the star. The work has un nlinospncre of rural simplicity and much entertaining dialogue, and there Is plenty of effective action. It was handsomely sttiged. Tbe mat was care- fully selected, and proved most agreeable to Hie patrons, meeting with hearty approba- tion from an audience that packed the bouse at both performances 10. Tbe cast: Je- rome Hnlf-otalM*. tieorge Howell: Jack Hamil- ton, I'tulley llnwlev; Job Masson, Hob:. Lee mil; Kldrldge Urosvenor, Paul McAllister; Albert Rldde. Warn, Norton: James, Juki Heed ; Jubn. Wiu. JIorrlsM-y ; I.oIh Holcombe, Beatrice Morgan; Sunnle Andrews. Agnes Scott; Mrs. Kmmett. Izetta Jewel; Mrs. Liv- ingstone, Lorroa Klllott; Abigail Holcombe, Mathllde Dcshou : Maid. Dorothy Townsend. Tbe vaudeville offers Minnie Harrison, sing- ing comedienne, and the motion pictures. lU'NTiu & Siumon'h Oui IlKitiKLUKitn (Ben Hurtlg. managerf. — This place Is packed nightly, and the atlractloas are up to the ."tnndatd In every respect. Josephine Sibel, who beaded the LIU last we4k, made such a hit that she will hold over for this week. The new faces fur the current week are: The DahmAr Troupe of Five, Templer Saxe, C.ll- doy and Fox. Carver and I'ollard, Theo Jtillou. Jacques Paris, Von Klein and (jib- son. Wang Doodle Knur, nnd Mlrzl Melater's Tyrolean Trio. alh.\.m;.i'\ closed for the season July 14, and will rcojien early In August. The report from this house Is that tbe opera season proved a siicccaa. Brooklyn.—At Luna l'ark the manage- ment report* Hint nu previous season has been ro prospermia as this. "The Mouutalu Torrent/' "The lirent Train Uoblicry" and the free open nlr clnus are still among the big attractions. Five baby lions, two dogw and a bear, in a large cage; a big baboon, a motikiy and Its babv. n performing pony, and lue man killing linn, McKlnley, complett' a lurge and Interesting free exhibit outside the Mundy anhnnl show. Inside tbe building there Is a large variety of different kinds of nulniiils. The performance Is continuous, starting at l.:t0, aud not ending; l»cfure mid- niglit. There arc no waits, nnd visitors are permitted to retonlu as long as they like. Mine. MorelU's leopards, Mate. l<uuic's lions, t'npt. Crawford's group of remarkably trained. lions and lionesses. Key. ills, and his perform- ing pigs, t'iipt. Rlcardo aud his etpiextrfun lieur.. Vlinar's group uf lions, sloHis. bears and dogs, and I'.nil Batty's remarkuble col- lection of performing lienrs, are leatures. Tin' popularity nf Col. Muntiy's exhlblHoti of trained 'animals Is shown by large and In- lercsted HUdlcuces. limiASii-ANit.—"Tlie End of the World" Is one of the characteristic Bhows, rtspiiring two theatre^ nnd more than one hundred and twenty-live persons, "rharooh's Daughter," "Creation," "The Fall of San Francisco." "Hell tinte." "The Midget City.*' the Infant Incithalors and Hie Mokl Indian Village and snake dance are other attractions. The llrst International reunion of Infant Incubator graduates will he held at the Infant lucu- niitor Institute in Dreamland, on Sunibiy, July sa IiiisTocK's Arkna. —IVArtngnon, an eques- trian lion, suit his white Arab mount, Kohl- uoor, nre nddllloiis to the bill here, accoai- nuiiled by Mile. Krachelta, a woman trulner. Steve Hrody Jr.. a bridge Jumplug moukey, bas been placed on exhibition. Heurlcksen and Galltaid conliuue their ucta with their tigers and linns. Uutat-iTox He*hi 1'AttK.—Pawnee HIH'b Wild West nnd Great Far Hast Show closed n successful engngetrient here with three [ier- forniaiiLVs on Sunday, In. Ferrari's Aulmul Kingdom, ihe I'lko, the skating rink and the untiling pavilion contluue lo draw the crowds. ' liiiNiiu.iN Hkav'ii Mi:sir Hall (W. T. Graver, mannger>.—Ceorgo Kvhuh, CJaiaWV and Hnlley. Cwipcr and itoblusou, Work and Over. Great Slrronje, Julia WlustoD, Itenler unil Gaudier, Junle McCree and the klueto- grnph ore on this week's bill. Maniuttak ItKACit Tiikatiik. —The Wes- ley-Walton Vniidevllle t,'o. Is this week's at- traction, lu addition to Fred Walton's pan- tomime net the bill will Include: Mav Yohe, JatncR Thornton, Mcdloln nnd Smith, lluy Cox. and the Itoynl Musical Five. Hi m>k;:s..n'm. Coney Island.—'llie bill week of July HI: Wlura Trio. Melaul Trio. Wntsoo aud Morrlsey Sisters. Deltorelll and Gils- snndo, World's Comedy Four. Starrow Trio. Texnrkann and Wnlliy. Zlngnrl Troupe (third week). Three Camaras Sisters, Flora. Amos, D's and Li's, Casino Four, and Crawford and Fort). Mohrison's Hockaway Bench.—Mill week of July 1(1: Hope ltooth aud company, Stella Mnyhew, White and Stuart. Bellman and Moore. Ward and currAn, Wilton Bros., and Gertie Heynotds and her Girls. ■ a NEW YORK CITY JOTTINGS. Tin; new Aslor Theatre, at Broadway and Forty-Ilflb Street.-will Is?' opened . on Thurs- day. Aug. -to. This announcement bas been made by Mnnngers Wagcnhul» & Keuiper, after a private view of the new playhouse linil been jilveti to Wlllhim Greuohb', the an- iliorMy on Gr«H:lau architecture. Mr. Grenoble was hrouglit I'i.iii to make Dual nug- geNltotis on decorations. "The work Is well advanced already." said Mr. GreiiolJe, "aud. to my mlhil, the structure wilt show the purest example of Gnudau lutcrlor In America, llie house will 1h> openisl by Aunle Hussell. who will nppear for ihe tlrst time as l'nck, hi "A Midsummer Night's Dream." During the en- gngcuieut Miss Ilussell will glvi' mntluee per- foniinuces of VtaH Kester's "Friend Ilnntinli." and late In the scnmin she will return to the Astor lu a new- piny, by .lerome K. Jerome. TllK followlug programme formed llie en- terluliiuieut given at the Actors* Fund Home, West New Brighton. SUiteu Island. X. Y„ Jnlv4.11i0U: l'luno uinslc. It.K.Colvllle; read- ing. Dnildv llauer; snug, W. J. Gilbert; rend- ing. Merwyti Dalits ; bunjn solo, lllelinrd 1'ark- er: song. "The Sweetest Flower I hat Blows," It. K. Colvlile ; recitation. Harry l.nngdon ; "Lord Ed8v*nV* Samuel Verney: story. "The Hlflck- siutlh," Samuel Chester: 'infellca*' (EruaDl) It. K. Colvlile. I'arl '2 —1'lnuo uiuslc. It. K. Colvlile; reading, "The Heroic Gnat," Samuel Verney; "When the Heart Is Young." song. Mrs. rnmpltu : sang. W. J. Cill^rl: recita- tion. Hurry Lnngduu: banjo solo, Itlclmrd 1'nrker: recltiillun. Menvyu Dallas; recita- tion, "liidepeudetice lltdl.' Samuel Chester; sung, "Simon, the Celterer." It. K. Colvlile. Master of ceremonies John L. Vincent. "Mizi'AU," wild to bo founded upon the Old Testament book of Esther, will have Its first metropolitan production at the Academy of Music. In September. The play Is the Joint work of Ella Wheeler Wilcox and cunibe Scnrelle, an English dramatist anil musician, wlih music especially comiKised by Mr. Searelle. A cast of one hundred Is iimmlsed. nnd the lending; role will boplayc:! bv Elizabeth Kennedy, supported hy ctirtrlen Dalian. Frank Losee. George Wessells. Mrs. Louise lllal and Evelyn Cnrter-Carrlngton. TitKATKKa n,08KD abe; The Knickerbocker, Manhattan, HI Jon. llelasco. Wallack's. Joe Weber's Music llnll. Hudson, Garrlck. Broad- way, New Amsirrdom. Hlpitodrome, Majesflc; Ganlen. F.vrlc. Academy of Music. Princess, Kniplre. HalVs, Savov. Mndlsou Sgjnare. Fields', Herald Sipiare. Criterion. Lllierly, •tiruud Ois-ra House. Murray Hill. Four- leeulh Street. Colonial. American. I'roclor's Flflh Avenue. I'ns-tor's FlftyeWith Si reel, 'I 1 hd Avenue. Yorkvllle. lrvlug I'lace,'Phalla, Circle, Miner's Eighth Aveutie, Minei'H Itow- ere, Dewey, Loudon aud Hubert Museum. GkoruK M. Cohan celebrated his twenty- elgbtli birthday July -1, and received a silver and gold desk aet from his friends. K!*w> Erlahger gave him a at the Hotel Astor. I'havk B. Hatch has been engaged as gen- eral stage director by the ShulK?rts. IIaI'1-yi.ani*, the new park nt South Bench, S. L, U growing In popularity. Klmify's "Carnival of Venire." with Its many beau- tiful effects. Is the most striking feature of the'many attractions. "A Carnival ofi Ven- ice" Is now Id smooth running; order. Carl Von Wegern's band gives dally concerts. William A. RftAbY assumed, on July C, formal possession of the Manhattan Theatre. His new tenancy la of Indefinite- duration. lie will remain until the' railroad contractors begin work on the railroad tunnel. Joe Wkm:r, wbo has been visiting the St. Lawrence Itlver for several seasons, la now al the Thousand Islands. He has purchased Maple Island, about one mile below Alex- andria Buy. Plans are already being driwn for a handsome cottage to be erected on the Island. Walter N. Lawrente fan engaged SariuM D. Merrill for one of bis Mndlsoa Square Theatre productions. The Whitc Kath of Amcrica will have nn outlay aud clum bake nt timer ParK on Friday, July 90L Under tbe Cents, Antomo rLRtLLnNES reports great suc- cess with his tours through Cuba and Central America. This year he will run two first class circus and variety companies In Central America nud Columbia, and also three other companies Tor tbe Island of Cuba, making in all live cumiMDles under his personal di- rection nnd muuagcineut. At present Mr. Publllones Is touring through the great Pana- ma Canal, and writes that he Is enjoying great success. The prlucrpal opera house. the National, or the Tacon, of tbe City of Ilnrana. has been eogoged by him for the season of 11IOG-11KIT. .Mr. Publllones will ripen there the first week In Xovemlwr. Mr. Publllones w'll arrive Id New York about the beginning of September. Johnny Hurrlson will lie la Xew York In August, to arrange all contracts, etc. All (lie different com- panies will Im?kIu their seasons between No- vetnlier and the middle of December. Ai.rxa.nukh IjOWANm: Jh., son of A. A. Lo- wande, died at Hie Wlllard Parker Hospital. New York, June 2K, of diphtheria, nt tbe age of four years, after a four weeks' Illness. The deceased 1-ov sang at the Harlem Baptist Church, nt the age of three, aud was a grent favorite with all Its mctuliers. N'OTKS FKOM CAW. HAtlKNDKCK SHOW.— The Curon Slaters, "Flying Butterflies," are scoring Immense success with this slow, which Is doing phenomenal business. They Inform 11s that their act is proclaimed by ncwsiiapers as the moat sensational, unique and stnrtllng aerial perormance to he seen with any show. W. B. Uerrod (clown) and wire arc enjoying success. Mrs. Ilerrod's trained cockatoos prove n strong feature nt tbe Immense side show. ROHni OF THR GBBAT WALI-ACK SHOW, Ai»vaxck CM No. 2.—Dan, Ueltaugh, muna- ger: K. O. IloKsmnu, rhurge of i>aper. Hill iwsters; Amos McKluney, H. I. Milton, I. A.- Meyers. 11. Smith, Joe Cars. Clnrenee Groves. Ilnrrv Leslie, T. S. Thompson, John Mulvl bill, Tom Serrln, M'ui. Cain. Mike Powers, Tom Barman, Walter Xlssen. charge of ban- ners, assisted by Al. North and Hick Mayer, tX K. Wright, porter. Max Dili.ak Informs us that he Is clown- ing suivessfnHy with Campbell Hrotbers" Sbuir, . . ■Sana fbom csoixmak mam, SHows,r- llett K. Turner, romedy Juggler, la now ea riiutf with lhl>i show, nnd following ore clowns: Harry Brandon, W. K. Donnhngb, I^rt K. Turner. Bert Smith. W. S. Griffith, Swlfty Vaneellu. Geo. Wyman. Dick Walton, Li-kboff Bros., Harlani Manikin and Ollle Gustad. After Ihe evening performance at LiikotLi. X. Duk.. the following people a'ere the guests of honor at a large banquet given by y. N. llahders. the ever popidar president of the People's National Bank of takota: Fred J. Warrtll. adjuster: the Nelson Fam- ily. aei-InlUia; the Noetzel Family, wire ptw- [mMft; tne Petet Family, acrobats; W. S. tlrinith, Imr performer; Harry Wertz, assist- ant cuuealriau director, and Haines, twenty- four hour mnn. Tbe evening was very pleas- antly sueot with songs and stories. Mr. Huhdern was presented with a very beautiful Selii-tiicm* pin. Fred J. Worrell making tbe preseutatlon sttecch. We all dlRllked to de- part, but the two shrill whistles told us we must go. ns It wns a long Jump into Lang- don, where we were to snow tbe following tlay. Tin: ma BaHW. under the direction of Mile. Itoge-Kdyth, with the Carl llagcnheck Shows. Is uow In its third mouth, with fen' (hflnges mid no calamities. Uoster Is as fol- lows ; "Garland Ballet," premiere damans* Mile. Kose-IOdvth; secumtns, Auna Kelter, Fanny Hradshaw, Myrtle llalaey, Ella Webb, Sarn Harkett, May Kennedy. Flo Itlcli- mond, Kdna Kdwards, Kmma Keely. Lucille lirndford. Alvlua Bemete. I.'oryphees, MIssm Crawford, llem-hy. Nell. Ollphunt. lngnlls, Ithodes. Wayne, Macarts. }m Molhe, Cutt, Wilson nnd m Sola. Sioux Indian ballet— Misses Keltar, Kennedy, Keely, Kdwards, Hnckett and Ilradsbnw. Ballets staged by Mile, nose-KdvHi. i-ostumes by Mme. Thomp- son, music bv C. Z. Brousou. Great prepani- tton Is belug made for the Chicago engage- ment, (wo weeks, beginning July 10. Bun Hoax. "Ibe Calliope King." of the Pawnee Bill Wild West Show, Is ut his post oirnln after nn illness of len days with ■ nise of "grip." Bud, who Is n leiiture with the Wild West Show. Is the oldest living calliope plnyer, being In the business thirty- three years. Mack anh Au.r.s are meeting with suc- cess doing their black fnce singing and talk- ing acl in the concert of Ihe Frank A. Hob- bins Shows. IhiWNiMi ano Downing report meeting with cratirvlne success with the Wnsbbtiru & D'Alraa Trained Animal Show. XOTKH KltoM SciliMTT Jfc SAnCENUKR'S Cturrs.—We milled up stakes from Little Conev Island, N. J., where we have Ihh'ii Inditing forth until Inst week, and are nt present touring through Xew Jersey. We hiive a brand new mil lit. complete, with 4iixSP top. J. A. Lnrentrn. who wns mana- ger for Dick Turner's Show, holds the same position wllh us. The roster: Seluultt & Famuli 1. proprietors; J. A. Ijicentrn. mali- nger: Mrs, L. Scmnitt, treasurer; William Mon.ihnn. boss niuvns mnn : Chns. Nostrame. advance: Bernard Banr. master of proper- ties: TJa.Mll Finmerson. sonbrelte: Noremus, ihe Mexican bull lighter; Ij Centra and t.n line, novelty musical team: Karl Bush ami |lm„ heavy weight lifters and all "round ath- leies: A. Selunllr. lightning crayon nrllst; Ihe Three I hunts Bros., comedy ncrohnts: Klta Sontag and I.ucinda /.tt/umti. singers and dancers: also Rchmltt nnd Sarcrndcrs. noveltr dog, pony and cat circus. We carry 0 band of twelve plrces. ntider the lender- ship of Al. Hiuchellffc. We have lieen doing good business, everybody Is hnppv. and we are heading our lenls due South for the Wlnl*»r season. Tub «i-n IIki.iaiii.i: Is al- ways n welcome visitor lu our enmp- Mtts. Gi:o. Kint>. of the Kldds. with Fnre- HUUfe * Sells Bron.' Circus, mourns Ih? loss uf her mother, who died July Bt. nt her home at Chlcnto. Mrs. KIdd. who returned to her mother's home before the latter died, will rejoin the show In about ten days. tlltT FMTX. of Hie Kemp Slaters' Wild West aud Indian Congress, mourns tbe death of his ulster. Trlxle Fritz, wbo died July 12, at her home at Pittsburg, Kan. The following-changes have been made-In the roster of the Mafii-Cummlns Wild Vtest and Circus: A. J. Dixon has superceded Ben F.,Wakott aa twenty-four-hour man: Harry K.. Overton, toil trading agent in ndvance. The following Is a complete corrected list of the officials: Wolter h. Main, president and general manager, Frederick T. Cummins, director general: W. K. Ferguson, general agent; Herman F. Tbielen, secretflry: Chhrlea Phillips, general press agent: Tom L. Wil- son, assistant press representative ;. A. H. Wrsifnlt. ' assistant ' press representative; Oa-e»i W. Ihmd, assistant press rejiresenia- tive; Win. W. Power, assistant manager and treasurer: Wm. Vogt. assistant treasurer; Wm. Wells.* assistant treasurer; Paul W. llarreli, director ndvance car No. 1: Burt J. Layden..director advance car No. 2; M. C. Mosn. mnnoger advance car No. 3; O. B. Bowers, route rider: Harry Clarke.ln charge prograaime advertlslns: J. K. Zimmern, ad- vertising solicitor, .and II. Stanley Lewis, advertising solicitor. KrixcHCTt. the Juggling drum major, re- ports nieet!ng with great success with tbe Barnuin A, li.'ilicv Shows. Tut: Carl 1Ia«kxbkck, Hhoivs report meet- tne with great success everywhere. This v'.'H they are nt Chicago. \n. ] iir'THiTii.i.s naioADg, In advance of Cole Bros.' Shows, closed at Big itoplds, Mich.. July 4. and the hoys have signed for t he Wlr.ler season as follows: Clyde'Kent, Great Northern Theatre, Chicago; Kid K09- ter. general agent for one of Elmer Wallers' attractions; Bert Foster, Century Theatre, St. Louis: Foster Mcleod. ltUBsell Bill Cost- ing Co.. Chicago; K. C. Moucc. Great South- ern Theatre. Columbus; Chns. Bowers, agent tor one of Cohen 4 Harris' attractions; Jack Nohn. as advnnce for Gur Hill's "Gay Xew Torfc" Co.. and Miio Edwards, with Shubert Bros.' enterpriser. . When the Sells-Floto Shows exhibited re- cently in Pueblo, Col., The Pueblo Utar- Journal extended an Invitation to all chil- dren under nine years of age to be Its gatata, and the tents were crowded. The newspaper paid $~>(Hi for the tickets. Punch Wheeler sends newspaper clippings wbtcli show plain- ly how our mountain orethren enjoy tbe great show of which he Is the shining press light. He says: "Business in Montana Is the largest ever In the show's history, and tbls in face of opposition In three towns, with ttoe Fore- pa ugh Show." John Ponsol writes: "I am getting nil rlent. nnd was- nut nf Ihe hospital about three months ago. I was n well known per- former with tin? Furepatigh A Sells Bros.' circus, and lost my left leg two years ago next 2.*ith of July.' N'tTES from thf. MotiOANS.—We are doing a ulce business out In Kansas, week stDDds, We have ten swell living wagons, and a O'lxSti tup. lighted with gas. Our roster la: Walt O. Morgan, manager, "king" of hllnd- told driver*: J. S. Morgan, trick wagon and treasurer: F. K. Pattee, press agent and ad- juster; Louie Murgun. vaudeville sketch: Ikin Bennett, comishau and master of prop- erties; Harry Patterson, musical director; M.illle Patterson, illustrated sougs, cad Dr. Eklon. office man. We carry "Itaiie" nnd ■■Ginger," the two trick ponies: "Tom" and "Trapper," trick hull dogs; "Tripp," high dive clog. We are well and happy. We stay out until the middle of November. 'COHRECTICLT. Hartford. - At Parsoua* (H. c. Parsons manager) VmpH She Loved Him bV*wh given ati excellent rendering by the Hunter. Bradford Players week of July (I. Tht at- tendance was of fair proportlona. Thi<i week, which cloaes the season for this com jinny. When Wc Were Twenty-one" will be presented; The Hunter-Bradford Plover" In cloning Iheir a-ason here, will carry with* theni many grdtefal remembrances from our theafregolrg contingent. Lew Dockitader'i Minstrels July a"». * . Poi.Fj* (Ixmls E, Kllby, manager "Friends," which was the programme for the past week, played to good business, and notwithstanding the excessive beat the house van miide delightfully cool bV use of the electric appliances.- "Northern iiKhts" Is announced for week of 10. . - . Pahk (Darcy & Speck, managers u growing more attractive as It gets Into bet- ter shape, and tbe attractive features ore numerous and pleasing. Oral .Cedl and ber deu of trained leopards are the lialri-bl«ioe fcat'.ire for week of IB. B i .NuTE.T-Maanger Parsoifr, on a three dm 1 vacation, left New York by steamer fur Portland, Me., the past week, and reporteu n splendid trip. The genial manager U "every loch, a Bailor," and rough weather bns no terrors for him... .Treasurer Steven son, of Parsons' Theatre, who has been Bit- ing similarly for the Hunter-Bradford Piav- erg, has made a legion of friends during hL season Just closing. Mr. Stevenson Voutem- plate? a well earned outing in the Maine woods, stnrtlhg on his tour week of i!;t. Bridgeport.— At Poll's (E. B. Mltckeli tranagerl the Poll Stock Co. pUyi-d -('he Frisky Mrs. JohnmHk* r> <week'of July !l, to big business. The same company presents ■'The Cllmliers" week of lfi. Notks.— The. Ceballos Twins, Itosallr and HUorloh. returned to their home la this city 14. after a successfnl Western trip lu their acrobatic turn. Nicholas Oeballos. who hju been touring France and Spain, Is exitectcd to arrive home from abroad ^0 a purt 1' of fifteen members of the local lodge of Kn left this city 13. to attend the notional meet- ing In Denver. Col...;.. .Smith's Theatre U now In the hands of decorators, being rr- decorated for tbe coming season.... ., A gold lioud issue of JdO.iMlo. and papers In the raorlgag" security by a local bank, was re- corded last week In connection with the con- struction of the new Bridgeport Theatre In this city. W. R. lshatn. E. X. Eades and Tony Pastor are the leading spirits lo the new enterprise.....Col. Cummins* Wild West Show comes to tbls city July i',i. ♦*-*■ NEW JERSEY. DEATHS IN THE PROFESSION. llAiinv s. ("Fikkkv") Barxftt, who died at the Providence Hospital, Seattle, Wash., on June :M. and whose death was brieny noted In these columns last week, was widely known through the Northwest. He operated at various times different amusement ven- tures in Seattle. At one time he had-a theatre In Nome. He first went to Washing- ton in isMi as mnuager of a vaudeville the- atre la Spokane. He remained there for sev- eral years, going later to Seattle, which had been his home ever since. His first venture la Seattle was the Star Music Hall, on Occi- dental Avenue. He ran that for some time,' and then, with Frauk Munroe and Tom O'Bellly, built.uud opened the Star Theatre, under , tbe name of the Madison. From Seattle he went to Nome, and after a year there be went to Snn Francisco, where he managed the Belvedere. Last August he re- turoed to Seattle, and for a short time man- aged the Gaiety for Mose Goldsmith, Mam kt. Fkkxanoez, a comedian, died on July 1), In Phamlx, Arlx., agvd twenty-one j-earB. He first went on the stnge In "East Lynne," when he was a child, and later studied art under Mr. Vail, nf New Yors City. About four years ago he went on the road with a traveling company, aad became well known lu the West He la survived by his father, Manuel Fernanda, his aunt. Pearl Irving, and his cousins, Maud and Mndgle Irving, Katherlne l>av!s aud Mlnulc Culifil, nil well known ou the vaudeville stnge. Interment was In St. John's CntlioH-- Cemetery, Worcester, Mass. TruxiK Fiiitz, a musician, died at her home In Pittsburg, Kansas, Jul] 12, from tu- berculosis. She wr.s musical directress of the Murray Comedy Co., last season, until her Illness compelled her to leave the road. She leaves a mother, oue sister and four brothers, two of whom are members of the Keiup Sisters' Wild West nud Indian Con- gress. Interment wns at Glrnrd, Kaasns, July 16, K. I* Gkatks. manager of tho Caalno Opera Co., died nt. Nashville. Tenu., on July 11. after a short Illness, aged fifty-one years. Mr. Graves lint! lieen in the profession about thirty years, aa actor aud manager. The re- malns were Interred In lit Olivet Cemetery. Nushvllle. Tenu. n Kvtii.uiixk Bnuwv. a ehoma girl with tbe Augustln Daly Opera Co., died at a sani- tarium in North Denver, CoL. on July 11. Six weeks ago she was tnken III "from ptomaine poisoning, and typhoid fever de- veloped. The remains were aeut to New inrk City, CHAKI.KS llAncn, once a well known actor, who played leads with Tbomar. Keene tine others, was found unconscious In front of the caalno. New York City, on Sunday ,am ruing, July l.i. nnd was taken to the New York Hos- pital, where he died shortly after noon. The Inst time he bad nn engagement was several years ago when n small pari In "Quo Vndl«" won given him. He was forty-three years old. Rmua Bkkthau. of the vaudeville tenia of Bertram nnd Wlllard, died on Julv H nt Ihe home of W. ft Swent, at Bronkhaven, Miss., rrom malarln. nged forty-live venrs. Ills parents and oue sister survive hhn'. In- teruient was at Hose Hill Cemelerv, Brook- hurcii. Ncvrnrk.—At Proctor'R (F. F. Proctor, manager.! the hill week of July 16: Macv nnd Hall, Doherty's noodles. Jack Norwortn, 1'red and Anule Peloi, Jos. n. Klernan and com- pany, O'L-iughlln nnd Cohen, Willa Holt Wakefield, nnd Curon aud HerberL Olympic PakK (11. Werus, manager).— The Aborn Opera Co., In "The Beggar Stu- dent." hillside Park (W. Thalia, manager).— Wild West and Hippodrome, Olive Swan, wpiestrlenne. F.LECTBIC Park \C A. Dunlap, manager). —Bill Week of lti: Gulden aud Hughes, Gil- son and Countess, Messenger Boys' Trio. Little Girl from Nowhere, Kngle and Adams, and Glenroy and lius-el. 9 I Atlantic City. —At the Savoy Theatre (Fred F.. Moore, manager) Beu Harris' Big Vaudeville Co closed a .big two weeks' en- gagement July 14. . Wells. Dunne & Harlan Co. 10-18. Primrose's Minstrels follow. Yot'Sti's Pikh Tiieatkk (W. K. Shackel- ford, manager).— -The John C. Fisher Co. continues to draw big houses. For week of 10, they will present '"IHie' Silver Slipper." AuiAMUftA TiiBATHB.—"The Black Crook" continues to attract excellent patronage. GrvEnxATon's Theatrk (Sidney Fern, mnnnger).—The s.ime big business continues. Announced for week, of 1U: Mile. Carrluo. Iluher, Cnrew and Hayes, Zeretls, Horry Weaver, Galatrtx, Carlton and Irnle. Three Capes', the Graces, Komers and Lew. Two Alels, Marlon nnd Pearl. Francis Wood. Mantell and Mack, Emma Pearl. Davev and Phillips, llellly nnd Morgan, Lillian Steele nnd Mettle Fielding. fllMili aimi Pin (GHea W. Clement, manager).—Always'good houses. For week of iur Barto and Uiffettv, I^es Laroses. Koiuetie Sisters and Nelson, Hanson and Drew, Sodle Helf, M Mora, and Pierce and Opp. Camden.—Woodlyone Park (H. D. Le Cnto. manager) tbe best bill of the season closed here Fast week. The Musical Bachelors, ami Little Zeke and that funny little pig, were the bits of the show,' Jack Symouds. who "says things," and McGoldrick, of Du- mont's Minstrels., also scored. Manager Le Cato promises nn equally good show this week. Including: The Great Richards as the feature act, Joe F.dwards Gardiner and Golden, Iva Bonnet to, Tom and Gertie Grimes, J. A. ltevnolds, and Miller and For- tlner. Tonv Baker, formerly of Dockstader's Minstrels, is looking after the stage, and Is making a host of friends In and out of the profession by his courteousness aud fair deollng. 4» » TF.X.AS. Ft. Worth.—A; White City (JBke Swartx, mnuager) a good vaudeville bill, lu which the Rosards, comedy acrobats, and llie Two Russella, musical team, were feat- ured, atlraeled large crowds In the theatre week of July ii. The outside attractions con- tinue to receive good patronage-. SrAxnARn (Frank De Beo,ue, manager).— "John Paul Jooes" was tbe title of the nauti- cal burlesque offered by the big stock com pnuy week opening U, The olio brought out Copelaud und Copelnlid, KIukhIcv and Kings Icy. John Brace. Mimical klniiliby*. Mlnnln Wnrdell. W. J. Kelly, Vera Miller, Fay Del- niar. Pearl Gil more. Lcttle Coltou and Lulu Li.wtou. Business is big. Chdwx (Kugeue M. Purklss. manager).— "The Girl from the Golden Weal" was the slock offering week opening !). lu the olio: Lawrence Gordon, Clara Himtoon, Frank uud Floyd Mtnont. Halt a tlale, the Usters, und Bessie Lnmonde. Bnalness Is booming. MASSACHtSKTTS. Worpeater—At Ihe Worcester Theatre (Ja*. F. Rock, resident mannger) thellunter- It rail ford Co. will rr-lurn July 23, for a two w«vks stay. They will produce "When We \\et-e Twenty-one" aa-'js. "The Advent are of Lady Lrsuln" 2(1-28. "Trllbv" HO-Aug. 1, and ■The Ainnznns" Aug. 2-1. This Is ihe llflh year this cumpany or players has becu at the Worcester. Iliey having constllnteil the Sum- mer stock heretofore. 1'oi.i's (Chns. W. Panda, resident mono- fr i r, 'T.JJ ee, S. °? ltt J n * l *° 11 H»«* Co. will offer "The Bells." Week of 2.1. "The Gilded Fool" nud a new Hussion ulav. White CtT-v (K. H. HlgHhfw. mnnnger).— Week of 10 the special attractions are "LMda** and the Aztei-s, together with other features 'Piie permanent attractions nre being very well received. I*AKB (Worcester Con. St. Ily. Co.. mann- B Vt r .?*'^S. e r k . .°t , 10 ,ue wuslcnl eumedr, "What Wright Uft." Last week Uormai>\ Ahhniua Troubadours were very well re- ceived. Galveston.—At the Gntveston Klectrlc Park i pave Wels, luunnger) the Holllugs- worth-Lewls Co.. In reiwrtory and vaude- ville, closed a week's engagement July 7. to fnlHy good business. The following vaude- ville people opened b, to n good sized house: Alsace and Ixtrralne, Ted E. Box, the Two Franclscos. Carter and Waters, Holly Price, and the electrogrnpb. ii » ILLINOIS. Heratur. — At Dreamland Park Thealre («, F. Given, manager) the bill for July H-14 includes: Yvette, Bobby Mack, Johnson nnd ruiniinuv. Illustrated songs aud moving pictures. Tbe free attraction Is Sampson and /diccho. In a strong act. Creatore's Band Is Iwnked for two concerts, 30, 31. Tiir TiiKAToaiitu (Mitchell nnd Blair, pro- prietors and managers) opened 13, to a crowded bouse. This Is a roxy little theatre. Just Onlshed. to give nickel iaWan consisting of moving pictures. Illustrated sooks, etc. There are four other people.besldea the man- agers In the company. Including: Fannie Green, ticket seller, and MIm Kellogg, pianist. Xotes.— John Robinson's Circus. July *. was well patronlied, and pleased the crowd.