The New York Clipper (August 1906)

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AUGUST 4, THE 7STEW- YQ^BK €MfPER; •633 KMCOrivi staff fuf A. H. Woods I Martin Herman, general' manager } Joseph? Byron Totted, st«&» director; Alexander. J,, I'ol- TOck, press r*[irefi*otattvi : llalph Kohl, office fltftfetant. Vbt Mf. Woods' mNW attrac- tion* tbe following are engaged: F. V. Husey, iimiuaKm- ; Jiihn.t ainpMl.liiisinesK- roanagar ; •■Toe' flambler ot the west.'* Date Posner, Calder. J bualoeas mROnper ; lie:" i. K. Roberis, nrnni.- ...„. business manager; "Queen a 'with "The VolunteeT Organist;'* of the White Hlaves." Robert Goodman, maa riiiabeth Jamison, Rdtvln Maynard. Anna nger: Saju Dcssnuer,, huslncsa in a anger; n'Nelll Altec Brabam. Frank fond*! hr and "frertha, the- Hewing Machine flirt." B, Joseph'Crelghton, with WagenhnU & Kemp- o "-' r . .Gwendolen Brooks, Woa. Arnold, Jos. J. m tuorid of Players . «\QA0EiifiST8 MAD» THROCCH IUrl* & Btowua : Adcle Bemlogton. Lawrence Coever, (*d th Eleanor and Saw • Uoodwln, with ^pilntlDg the Town;" Ktbel Crotfeil, DWo* ihw Hwrtlwrne and Lulu Mar*eL for '.'The manager: ratal Csld> rrtnirow Girls;" Burdcci Slaters, with Earl "Chinatown Charlie:" Hurras P. W. Carpenter and T. II. Bur- per: Frank Barry, but! D\\k Sfeuioim writes concerning the Uow- lind a Clifford attmrtlyrw; -For tie proper presentation of the sensational elltma In act 5. of -the "'biiDtoifl Detective.* the lions, Toby and Netty hate been purchased) oat- right. 'The Phantom Iietectlve' has many other startling novelties, but tlii» Is the fear, urc, and Is expected to eclipse anything here- tofore ■ shown in the popular price hniis**. Loretto. 'lb* I*iou King*' has been .engaged UaudeiMHe and mi ns trel. Brien, manager: Harold Levitt, business manager ;. "ConfesBlons of a Wife." K. ■ W. Roster and Notks VMM W. S. Clark's Jrhhkx LlUBA Co.—The season of 1UUB of the ubov* company will sea one of the best and largest ooatfMkltt la the Eantern wheel. The roiupauy will bo equipped, with entirely new scenery and costumes, and tbo electrical —„-„ effects are.ttoiiteouH. Two eutirely newtbur* to appear In conjunction with the lions and , (mfl * ,. Tue i^onograph 8hop." show- will t>« awdsted by Mile. Vein. A striking . **■ ■ t reproduetltS of a pho line of paper bus been procured, and a com- plete scenic equipment provided for this pro iiTrea Wilson, "with" "Queen , of the White slaves" Co. T Etta Jewell. Alma FlcWrd, Aaa ltlitel and Adete Adams, with Annie Kusseli.s Co- B M. Trueadell.wlth W. E. EmerBon; Frtncei Vaughn, Marie O'Kelfe, Emily Schomberg, Vina Hammond, oaylord' Hur- uck Harrison Greene, Pan-American .Four, Lals'y Dlekerman. Helen Bagley, Mabel £,.- nott Wanda l'auli. Ethel Earl. Vina Bergen, Margaret Waddell, Violet Jordan, Helen Huhf. Dorothy Bthl, Wid. H. Stanley.Thelma favlor Jennie Harrington, Mae Allen, Vesta Wrede Bijou Claire, Helen Parker, Helen Drew "and Mayo Sbcehan, with "Everybody Works But Father" Co.; Lydln Valentine, Mnv Callan, Irene Kreltter, Gypsy Mooney. manager; rN. J. ( Schlo«s, business manager; "Tire -Power of Money." Al. Rich, mauo- ff.r: a. M. Collins, bualnesn tcanager; "Tom, tick and Harry." A, J. Pollock, managpr; J. A. Lawrence, business manager; "Secrets o! the Follce.", Clifford Blandish, manager; duction. The piece plays uothlug but the cir- cuit time,, and open*.early, In too AlhnrabTfl Theatre. Chicago. AH the shows approncbltiB completion, from n ' and the casts are about Deal, Hinge director of the stock, has gone to Toma _, for a week a outing. He will- I'oiLiinue with the firm auVither season. '- with ltowlnud and Cllf- Hmn noHj^un W. WOfVf Bia Cirr MiKaTkBLS.—We dptaM our ninth season ou July 23. at rxrafn, 0., to a packed Mouse. that had been sold out two weeks ahead « the opening date. Manager Vogel has aug- ment ul bis cinupnny this season, to nearly sl3«ty-Qve person*, *ltu many new rVnrufn mmibprs and some ne# comedlnus, retalping. however, his forniet end men. The flrst part this sefiHon Is entitled "The Cryilal Palitce. nhd i-onslntH of an entire singe netting of ilnetling beads, hung In uortlere fiiehlon, with intnlatui-e electric liimils twlukllng among them. This set was built In thin country, though the material was Imported from Aus- tria. Tho electrical effects were designed ntid mude hv a tlrm hi Uerlln, osjieclnlly for Mr. , s Vogei and are pronounced by the uinkWs to niftdsioue and »mn Hodn, wilt make their kVtha most expensive and liemitlful ever went first appearance lu this country, coming dl- mil ot their hout.e. The ovation given on the rect from thelc aucceksCM at the lirury Luiio rlM of , ll8 BriU r.urtnln was the greatest ever Theatre, London, Bug. The cotupauv will „iven nny attraction lu 1-ornln, aud the audi- consist of: Ida (lludstoiie. Sato Hodn, aid » nL>0 rc , ireBI )nted the ellio ot the city, beside llniter, Fannie Fedder aud her Jersey Hoya, i inv i 0K tji e niayor and the board of nideruiea Woods nud Green, linker and Roblnsou. Jrnnh DrC4C i7t. Manager Vogel will follow out hla mi,.. D-Kbll. nml Kn^blliv- I'lilllllA Ward. r "Tl_ ... T...,.L.I«m ih r ,.n,.l. >l„> inlitrl'l Jng* au exact reproduction ot a phonograph store on Broadway, with the phonographs Working, aud records aud machine* In WW. The closing lurlesqitc "The ltde of I-emon, h Ktfl funny, aud glvc.s the comfdluns planty In imt funny, aud given tL, . of opportuntly. Two English pevfonuers, Ida ** "* ■ ■ —« *— Hodn, will " Harry Earl remain; to«»/iw;wnhBtandln« rnmorRtothacOTtMrT. Mll i e r.'Fmnklln and Hucklt-y, Connie Wnrd. ^ulnV'rornT'working IhnniRh Hie mldd'o Sadie Marlon Is to play the title role In the Anna Jlmoks. Mac Morrison. Dell Seym our; SKSL Auteani for as Michigan, then back Eastern 'Dora Thorpe Co. ■L^ Peatl Roblhson, Marie hoblnaon. Martlla Bn- t tn0 ].; fts , en , country, playing lu all proba- ^•w^ifiK»Lffj»«i5B«5i co^^^^i^rihrsiri^. a^%sw^»«W B^er s^' 1 " ,or ffi h,tMmm ""' pleasant. Summer engagement. Owing to the persuasion of the people, the stock company will-remain during Hie Winter. Mlsa Leigh- toa bn» become a prime favorite with the people of Albuquerque, and Is putting forth every effort to please. On the occasion of her presentation of ovation, and her cult role was moat favorably commented upon The raster of the company is as follows : Hill " Webb. W. E. Nefl*. E. nlsb, business manager ; "The Mysterloas De- tective." G. B. McDonald, monager; Frank Gana, business manager; "Fallen bv the Wayidde.'* Fred ' Harvey, manager Thalia Theatre. ■ Tom AtAiiKs, who has been playing a sum- mer engagement through Michigan and Min- nesota, carries a first-class baseball team jaae Mayo and Claire Gordan, with. Melville with tho company, and has a challenge out Raymond: Slbel Guffney and A. Blancbfleld. in every city they vlelt. The team lines up StmSTiUT'rfo fe iei', „ Sith Woodhull's "High Holler" Co.; May as follows: W. C. Jones, George Steer, Ar. gS^gS!fca1i7Ilriin ?^Mu^h3o\ah Marlon, Phil Mathews,-Helen Vernon. Ethel nold C. Baldwin, Chris. Allen; W. f. brog- gWgi, 1 RSS^S& H W Byrne aud F*w«tt and Allc* Scherer, with "Davirs kenshlre, Sam Archer, Albert'Hyde, Danmr f}S^SHJBSS^Wm l»tf«aSI TaS AuctloS' Co.; Pete Parley, with the Ford- Gun* and Tom Marks. The company,-Mr. IfglEAgK TntlllMl&TtetlOlft W* hVaV Stock Co.; Al. Itlce, with John Grieves. Marks writes, has been playing to capacity Oin Reliable nntu .mob nay, an Fbom Ak-oBLt's CoMeiha-ns (SouthetMj.— all Summer, and-is boohed for retut-n dates We closedra highly auceesafitl season of forty- in all the principal elHes-visited. nluc weeks at Nevada, Mo., July 14, and re- Tom Mova has signed with A. H. Woods' open Angi 12, and play about the same terri- "Chinatown Charlie'. Co. fori' as fast season. The company has made many friends on Its first Southern trip, and uroaiiecfa look brlkht for next season. A number ot the old people remain. Ed. C. Nutt, the manager, is busy having new seen. Miller, Martlc Stokes. Tlnlc Kohs, Anna Fuy, Anna Ford, Frank Dewltt, property man; R. P. Hreenhalgh. musical director;: C. I«y- mnn, electrician. The compauy will be under the inanagement or I. Krohsln. Eixiott asi> Nwf repurt big success with Camllle," she received an ... . „i n yi ujt the parks this Sum- Interpretation »» *het dm- *££ an * d Tlnst 'week were at Tnluquvgo. Park, come guest when it does arrive. David -Hi Boikh writes; "I_have ajgned with Al. W. Marlln'r " Co., to play the part played this part for the past three aea- ■na With great success. We open about J. II. Fm, Gebali> was called to Bridge- ^^Vffh areat success ton, N. J., by a telegram announcing the w*J *}."> * nai succesa - severe Illness of bis father, who was stricken Km- itaiiiiiavkb writes that he Is summer with paralysis on the strectH of Brldgeton. .."SiS tS& ^ E<toond/ at Undsay, Can, Mamok Stanley, leading lady for "The L^rSS! 1 alW *- lM $Py* » Bllijr Ibi'lr (iwn n«n«H." vvtlli- tlint tli«y yva t.«vn pluvliiK with nreiit sue'esa for ilie Wnt- .rn VnudBvillu Munimerrt' AskocIhiIoii. Jonx Jiu. wri.PB: "Wi> ava with rilm- mi'r'x Park Co. tula Sununvr. Slmw lliilig bin" wr«A«u and UttMOIt, umalcal coiupillaiifl, have Joined lianOj mtatu. aud wrlti' tbat tber are ilnluj t'lflitoan mloatei or baruvny ana C °M» /' Bblmust, Uavlliu rloneil her fourth Biicwstfiil inn Willi, tbe llowaiil Stock Co., nt Ilinloii, Maa»., openwl lu tbo 1'lliuinot I'ark July u. nuil reporla niwitliiH nitli .iic- to«h. Slio will do* at llrldileBort, Conn.. Aug. 4. nml begin rotwaranln Aug. U wllh ' ■"IBCT I.lllea ('■>.. with whh'h ah» la alsnei Bontirt'tto roll's anil €lo lu'r ,anpi..laltr. .» Kiuatu Is at rnrn«on Park, N»n- I no wltb tUe Horry Bryant Show ngnlli next („,|, ( ,t iipm-i.. Musi., nud report, tbat bual- season. Hm Jack, Attkburo. Maaa.. with lloiky Point, Proyl- dcoce, and blani to fullow. Thjy have signed with ltoblc's Knlikerboekers for nelt Se GKO.' X. Wiutos writes: "Since• t cloacl with Harry Ilrynnfa Show I have bPi-u kept busy playliiB UuoiWer parka. I ini all booked in until tho show opens B^aln In AilRUSt. writes: "1 have signed w ' »" |r nmMe De MonvlTle, goes with « tbe Vise ".'" ;"S C . l 5,. To .h.*.. C -Sie New Vo k SrodnclloL, aild'l return to n)» }J' f 0 , , t S.;'.S," , ™:.'K,H W !S.: «W standard, a (Icriiian nnuologue, u one ^ c » H*nRl UoNr, manager for the trnrke-r '"»(,,! (iib'aud, one of the very few anrcen" ...cka Co.. writes from l'ninesvllle, l>.: '«o fl|1 monologue wowen, lias In preparation a 2* ,»'"•;'''"'•, '*&&•£\Ji"i^l: 'and "reletting things In shape for. ilext season. ^'Vinologne. »h» bn. uot " Their cottage Is on the »«f«Jl TO fSS ""*"» L'"tker Jacks ptomlMa to lie one ..£ „,„,„ Oilunor lust, only In trove llshlng Is grent. Little htheI rod bet two b w( TOmplln | M „„ lh o road. Thoro la M „. ASB MllH , ubi Sll.w III nut recently . lost a week vel. nform us I bat play Itlalro Musla - -hat ert painted, and next season we go out with rtogers< Brothers In lrelandT" who has been SHSSlilH Bffi^^^*^ ^^^^^^^^ BEB^i^^W aa^^.rain, *#£ &a*fiy*m*I^J*™^^ ^Ak^JL90m^!!L3^SSJ^i World's |m^--0S which opens »!■■«- ZS-*&OirmEm. Our oTlo of »W Stii? vTk, T&SSSSm, where e held over for another weak. Violet Le Cleare and Jessie neta Salisbury, B Ch*rles Count, character cctor, wrltee tbat he has copyrighted a new comedy drama called "The Coonti'y Editor," and two com- p'lules.wlll ;be launched the coming seraon playing North and South Carolina, carr, ~" Special scenery for the entire production North and South Carolina. carr;iug uptiai scenery for the entire production. A *^-"- |b tho .way of advertlnlng tvHI be revival of Sol Smith Itiiaaell'i "A Poor He- hla brother,-Jules Judels. He will atart re* hearsals Aug. 4, with the Catherine Pnrnell Co.- ■ - '■..-... i ■ . l i ■ Tbh '9AttA MacDowald Co., In "Adrift in New York." direction of 1. E. Ackerman, opens In Baltimore, flt Blaney's, week ot Aug. 20.' , ■ •■ Let! D. ElLrwobth will be featured pu"^urg. ^-'»i» "J-"!,-*' fp"e t ."n.r.e«"Tere"ne\,r-™i* SS SaTS Sw^ffBS Uoland U, P»«y. """l'*^..?,- 'iJ^'SSl great rhom,, will have tlie desired effect— .,{„„. | Io „. K agent l Wrest Stanley, J^dwnf^ fotn «,„,, ra i urn , ff„ m ,h« boj olOee Tho pre.- eimia Aug. 4, lllnslrels Aug, 7. ror mriy weiss, anw- nic bis novel spei'lrtlty, tlie r'uiiny lli'y llnbe, (liuauial Kt, UuAItt Wrltto friun Crorii, aamva'n.'lWSoott," John H.t'umpaoii. Jean ffiSLgja f, [ or a 8m) d aruson. Rowley. Joe Doner, WJIlle Sheedy, Charles ">f, }■ HAnvBY writes: "iUoa. l'rosto a»d I Hodgea. I,. C._.Martln, Mae Joyra, Ajlee Jfere- ,„;« illasorved pnrtocrslllp, and I will Join if" John W: Vogel's Ulg Minstrels the coiling 1 next season, Under mnnagement of & Davis, opeblrig Aug.. 12, ' ■>■ ,u old faahloned ioitntry newspaper, sent latlon' out as a herald, pobllsbed dally and edited Eugene- by the country editor. ... ,\ Notrs raolt lllB.B0N.s«tt,HTOclc Co^—Wo Notrs and ltosTiiu of the FttANC.fl GutBNB are organlnlnp. and will open In David City, Co"-—We clone a seanon M thirty weeks Aug. Neb, Aug. 22.. playing through Nebraska, 1 and will reopen Immediately. Roster : Iowa and South Dakota. We have a nice list FriUKla Greene, On* K. iMacDonnld, Itoht. Hnzlett; Victor Fauat; Lionel Paris,. W. H. Kent.v.Ved Alvord, Will Cowlea, Mnttl, Mac- Douold, Blanche Hanson, Minnie Thorne, Mrs. Cowlea,' Baby Cowles and Alice Greene, of fair flate. for our opening this season, and will feature Lucas< and Lucas, In tbelr novelty acrobatic specialty. We will carry twelve people, and:make-three night and week stands. The Cmiter reaches us here Mrs COWieS, liaUy COWICS nnu A,ICC \iienua, wees Kltlliux. am,, LUli-r.M iruun un irc... All-people will-- remain : except - Paris aud on Saturdays, and we are always glad to l-'ausf, who linve signed with Field's Mln- get M. , .. atrcls, add VKlug of Tromps.7 - ^ J ■-:■ LftHXAta. A. F.MMERT asd wife (Mlna Notes 'mow tjie "sly Wife's Family Co. arifflu) have Just closed a auet'essful ten (Western)i W-. BlcUowan, mutir.ger.—we are weeks' engagement with Oscar ft Cook's Ma- li- our forty-seventh cobsecutlVe week do not j Mt)c g tack Ca at- Klkhart, Ind. Mr. Era- intend closing, and are booked solid until fflert WB , dlrectlni; the stage. Mrs. Emmert Blanche our opening of, the regular Beaaon In august, doing all leads, ..Tbey, will take.a two Weeka' We feel,'conudent that wo are entitled-Jo re , t , before opening' with the Datrymple the record tor keeping out a .trlctiy flrat Comedy. Co., where Mr. Rfomert will direct class attraction llfty-two weeks without los- tlle plage-and Mrs. Emmert will 1 be featured, lng a night, nnd,- above all, cleaning up. a TBt! gistEaa McCohkeu, will be strongly good proht, on the season. Credit for this featured by Is M. Hoyt and Fill f^Vy. late Hodgt-n. , dlth, Nellie Doner, Anna Ward and net Sheedy. "A Wife's Secret" Co., tinder the saute management, begin. Its season at Columbus, O, Aug. -2.4. with the. following. roster: Joseph Mount, manager: C. N, Button, agent; Clement lirrwioan. George B. CeUBur, Wat. J. Bhnv.- AHdn jst- JoTln, Tommy Toner, Frank Edwards, W. W. Newton, Grace Hop- kins, Winona Bridges, Anna Little nnd La- tent: Dudley. ,. ■ Tub nrfl Orano 'IH»at«b at Ilcndfrsoo. N.- C, with a seating capacity of Sou, will be completed about Oct. 1. B- B. Aronson the manager . Kd. HtflMStiAW, Irish comedian, hna signet. with Vance &■ Sullivan's "The . Burglar I Daughter" Co., playing a part and doing spe- cialties. Tbe past four seasons lie has been wltb the Jas. 11. walilck Amusement Co. will close.wltb llnrgrenve'a Aug. 4, nml will open with HI llenry'a Minstrels Aug, 7. for roily weeks, Inlrodilc- "' ; <!B< llullv'la. S. A.!': ••just"a few jlnes to lot the •Isiys' know what n lively plnue Bolivia Ib. 1 linvc traveled all through It. Afler leav- ing toy partner, Monterey. I Joined rt small circus In Chill, and nfler playing for a few hid FKnv, of the Fern, Comedy Four, writes: "I have signed with Wine, Wouinu and Song Co., lo play the lend and work Willi the quartette lu the olio. r itnfse mnalr7 a'iiii' biisineBa"ti ~S preVarutlbn for [ u Vre J 'lV"iu>'7irilronif'lo'''tUe~lnti)rlor. so It took one buiiilri'il iiutlea for cargo mid per. toimcrs. The life we led wtfa not the best: . The Four act u „„,|| m lu .llficront rltles wc slnrtril for Ho promises to be the greatest singing and h,i„. mir llrst, Junii. was to cocbnlmmlia. cotnfdj four Hi tlie_Western wheel. All nyw i: vpi-yi lilug had Id be carrlrd on miller music Tnfi Verno:. Sihtbhs, Amelia and Kath- ryn, will sail for Kuropo Sept. 28. Their otject, they write, Is to afltls an estate vvtilrh they Inherited through tho death ot flielr tincle, Dr. F. II. Mver, In Paris. Jtatli- ryu Vernon, nfter a relapse from a surgical operailon four months ago, has fully re- covered her health. -... _ John asp Alio McDowell were com. must be given our able manager. Mtt. Aic- nutnaget. tw Chester De Vonde. Tney are to after an extended cohsultatlon between be glv n,. who lug produfjtlou Aator Tbe production hen been under way for three years, a series of peculiar Incidents have de- layed it. The announcement was only madn Gowan..wTio lor yearn successfully ha.tdhul „| a ,. a n leading rolfca In the productions the Walilck attractions, and this being bis w bfch will he stlectsd tor the beneOt of their llrst ventnre on his own account, It was oalf ability. - Their specialties will also be a, natural to suppose, after Ills many yenis-ol strong featnre. Caklrton Sistehs Co. SdlEB.—The Curie- ton Sisters closed their company at Grand Valley PSrk. Braatldrd, Can, July 21, after a prosperous season of eleven weeks. They, Kranklyri Vail ant! P. S. Wltbnmi Join the Myrkle'Hardcr Co:, Eugene J. Half, taaoa- ier, to resume thelrforier bosltlous—Hazel, for leading soubrettes: Daisy, for Ingenues ' .for-.leadB, and chafactera. 'J. Irvbag Southard And^wlfe"^ Etnme^ Salisbury the productions w fl tsh and her managers, and after she tlirru are no liolela on the wny, nnd all you meet on tho mud are Indians nail llamas, but when you nrrlvn in a clly and your net is gond the people certainly like you. When 1 .Till my Solto da l.n Vidn,' for the Brat time, the people went wild." ,t ilKOUim Balsto?., atnge machinist (of Loml ot), has signed for tlm cnmlng season with Marry llrynnt's llurlestiiiers. Al„ Hi lIBI.riilli nrrltos: ''Wo have soma good lime booked. Including Pastor's, N. ¥., nnd tho Hownrd, Boston. Our act, 'The Tom BatbMas hn» Jttal llnlsbcd fourteen i r |, tt polttlcluu,' bus been revised, nliw successful weekn wilt, the J. F. Harvey Co., „,„»„ added, auc, la making good My wife a nud Is resting until the week of Aug. 20. ■ „uuoge from a llowery girl to a Fifth Avenua - gUCBSIllfl." j anu B«r,r,A Dottn write met Willi big BUUCSMS sloct, L.j» nud Is resting until the week of Aug. 20. . oHuoge from a How !fi„ Xotbk p«oji the new ulltlstrel orgonlan- |„|| 0 |, re p» ,bem gi "P? tlon, to be known as Bryant's FuinoiiB M n- KMt onronm „ n °, Blrcls.—Next Bcuaou will llud this now mln. tbat llioy liavo m ... Ilnd this new rolB- tbat they liavo mot Willi big success sloes signed a, contract to continue under their Btr0 , or g Hn i 7 ,atlnu uot In the rear, but In tbc coming Kast, presenting thulr novelly act, dlrecttoa. for. a term of years: '-• ' froht rank. tl. W,. ringlehrelli, who has been introducing trick.dniin.nlnx on a gold uriimj ■ un. In vaudeville. Thny were well lyoke, Mass. Mr. Leslie is one j or lending soubrettes: Daisy, linns of the company, add reporta Bnd hoavlPS . Frahklyn Vail, 4 ilbv great aucdess. 'TnM have P . g. witbam. for principal B, «:■ Whltney.'a "Isle of Spice 1 i rv vng Southard Aid wife. E: -.-. who hna been introducing lrlck.drii.ninlng on a gold drum. FiiAMK Mills has been eugaged at lead- , 0 |i aver ij. Primrose, Dockutader aud ,| le on |y una In vaudeville. Thny were well lng mnn forOlga Nethcraole In her next tour. tnn flfli class couitianles, will lie luftlmger, received nt llurtlg A Benmon's Itool (Inrdcii. " S. NoaTHBDU hfls been engaged by the BiBBiifi S ami ititeriocntor. He Ims iii-ho. N . y .. week of July P, and htlve slgnsd doted with him Hurtle Melliuru, wljoso with llurtlg ft Seiinoii'a Trnnaatlalltlc Co. reputatlOu Ih very exleunlvc as a black fan f or „ext aeasoo, conicdlnn. A challenge band will be carried, nnd the dally tmradc and open air concerts will bo a fenture. Ou barada the mciubuca will be attired in full are»» uniforms. Ihu first part will be » maalerplece. Tlie cos- tumes worn In the llrst part court cos; tutues ot all the world's governments. Thd cxp.Honce, that he would Bcore a success lorbliUBelf. Next seanon ;Mr.: McGoWan will have several nttractlons on the road. Includ- ing two "My Wlfe'a Family" companies, both playing the Western territory. • Ma. and Sibb. Jack l.osL.E.who ha-vebedn in vaudeville, are playing at Mountain i'ark Casino, Holyoke, Mass. Mr. Leslie l.r - ■ of tbe comediai meeting With' clgned with' B Co. for next'season. '' .....-,. «. a SouThafdV Ifty off a few weeks at Mt. Clement, j/TiYfleu, Harry Moore, Andrew MacKnight, u|E' Wt iVcompr7M »«« of"the beat acta pre- rXiinH7mMe"io" il» uii " No-fBd from HoitT'a Comedy. Co.—-we t0 eD j oy tnb bathf , there, pwvloua to re- Joseph II. IJenner, W. A. 'laylor^John Mo- " nttA . n vaudeville houses. TUe paper will S? | (1 n uttfl fjelKtwt ns t'hrll jolhltig the ThoB. B. Shea Cd. ■ , -a Keuna, Lauls C.Tenches, Juggllorf L>e Lisle, ^ „f upeolal dcsi K u. There wlfi be two g^Ju Shaberta for "The Hornet's Hpt Clara Marnts!, who -algoed a contract with Lew Fields, has obtained a,release, and Will appear In'"love's Lottery" under Alfred E. ■- Aaioa'a mandgemehi. She waa Mine. Sl-Ihi mana-lleInk's understudy last season. II. .W. TAiLon, manager of Taylor's Stock Co., hflti signed the following people for next oh: William Dale, Ken K Urbg, KrauclB * idreW MacKBlght, acasoh: opened our nrellmln'.try season July Casino Theatre, Keokuk, la., -td over three swkely, shii-man & Co. lSotils.—Ar- Al. Anderson, J. Hamilton Oolncs, Ajine Ivua, thoueAnd paid .admissions, the largest num* rnngementa have been made by which tbe cavrle t>e, Kthel Hnmrlck and Zula El|s- ber of paid fldmlfialona at one performiinee „.,,_ ^.p^^ DoeheBJf of Devdnahlre.'r by worth. Nine players will ho 111 the repertory, ever la-.tte Casino. Our business haa been Slra. Chas. A. Doremus, In which Sweely, with - seven vaudeville acts. The tour IB very large, and we remain one mora week, shlpman & Co. will exploit Hoselle jKnott booked for a Heawm oi thirty-eight *«■••. . We have • the strohgest company,'both dra- tIle com ing season, will be novallz6rt, and Jno. P. ltoowpi (basso), formerly or tne matlc and vaudevilTe, we ■ have ever carried tne D00 Vf placed on the market by Messrs. team of Talbot and Itogern, will aUrt re- (eighteen people.. Our plays are -all new fl roas ,t & ihuiiop. la conjunction wllh the hearsaln with the "Mttle Jack Horner Co. lo repertory, and ore all scenic produetlona. tmir Tne gju,,, „ rni h nf , n i HO arranged with julv 30, under the management of Melville Notes mom An. W. Martin's "Umclh tne a^ye mentioned publishing house/ to jj. Ra) Toai's Cabin" Co.— Kverythlng Is - prpgreH- . tiace the theatrical cdmona of "When lng Ih the fine shapfi at the headquarters or n-nighthood Was" In Flower'.' and ."Dorothy the <fhow. The new scenery It* all built, ana Vernon of tlaOdoa Halt" upon the market, will be n revelation to theatregoers. A num- Harrv M. Baylor, who was 'Stricken with a her of novel scenic features will be intra- t \\[>i\'t: touch of paralysis two months ago, dueed, and Manager Martin will have the nn j nn( , since beea under treatment, at, the tiHonta ahead nnd u force of nam asslatfliit«. The general press ageut Ih Harry Hra-tlngei'. r'rellniinary fletalls will bo -rarrled v**Wff their hvidquartera, Jtiith Uulldlng, Clnclh' jiiiti. M Batkm ano Kbnb«t, Oermfln conieqjahs, bare signed for .next seasoh Willi • red ir- wia, through Wilfutn & Klynn, of New York. Noikb r»0H Dukcak Ci.AnK.—'Wie "Mr. Booiey of Ireland" Co. will open its aoajpa early In August. Duncon Clark's Lady Min- strels Co., »"pt 3. the Kailtlle Hill Co., Oct. J, and "Tho Claim Agent," Oct. Hi. " . IliiiKUes abu LAUHouuBnk have sinned with tins illll'e "HmBtt Wet" Co., Mini ii old woman iiiuriUici. u strong lend fur Mr. Hodges. nVDiond. BILLI MiKWE wrltea: "My vaudeville season 1 vrlu, through Cuba Evblyn riie Military Maid," te- Bll, TlfAIItlU AKIl llBLENB Timi.B write t "Wu «ro lu our null. jv*»h with the Jli;o, W. UudUu's Tllltls'B tMyuliilo Show, Ml"* Tnllle'B dogs lire innklug a b g hit thriiiig t Peiilisylvaula nnd West Vlrglnlll. Wo will lake u Kiinrt rest the last of August, at our home, Llnesvllle, Pa." IIabhv TiiiiHHOH, lu hla monologue, IB featuring a new Hut of songa. lie writs* go ..with W. F. Mnnn r a production of .'Ab To(d In the Uills,' doing tlie black face role. eeniIv uuderwei t a surgical onerntlou for that hl» bookings for next mason are lleiirly anftJdlcltlif Ini Hie Massachuse^s liosnltal, compieted, and Tie Is to prudiico a brand HW Hoston. and will aoou leave there to begin monologue. ....... l- m hw sei \wh work 5 V.lAemim, nf Albert Jncuucs nnd IJro,, D ^. ltw ™ u .?_"v.. k- b ,_. o^i,.v,n,i * ,...i,«. ,i i i,„ ^jiu ovrrcolue by the heat best production that he has ever had, ana p^gt.flrndiiHte Hospital, announces his speedy been ■: that Is saying a great deal. Following Inst recovery, and will soon he at-his desk again lteved year's successful Innovation MdUager Martin j n connection with Hwcely, Shlpman. &■ Co. end tl will hot have dny parade, but Will still teat- Krnest Shuter, who has done excellent work of mu: , ure hlB Peerless Concert Military Band, lr¥ , t jj e ^minei,!, department o( the tour of composers. American composer: which will tbla season be again under the n 0M n e Knott the past season, bns renewed Ushers are concerned In tbo measure, because direction of Prof. Woody Van Anda. Par- „,„ TOntrac t with Sweely, Shlpman A Co., or recent yeors much American music has titular attention will be paid to Ihe cost, t0 0( , t „ business manager In oxploltlng been stolen and republished here. Which will Include flfty male and female rtoselle Knott In- "The i Duchess of Devon- chuvbial .Hbrnh bus been engaged tor nctorB, selected Irom-the-beat lalent. Arlj s bire" the coming Beaaon. tbocast of "Told In t be H 111,. ■ _ other feature which will be used again, will i^m James announces that ha haa con- Mr. abu 'MBB, H. II. Iiivino will appear be that of an all white company. . when Bnmma ted IiIb arrangements for his coming as co-stars here in the ball. Manager Wllllaths llrst proposed this Idea toUP | D "Tha Merry Wives of Windsor." clipiob CBAwrnsD has arn last season, the kUoWlng odes predicted that opening the New Frlck'a Lyceum, lied Bnak, tisatlon- of " the innovation would not be practical, and n. .1., Labor Day, Hept. 3, the tour wllL extend Tales would be abandoned before the season was to [be Pacific coast, returning to New York "Miilvonev I half over. The success-of-the show last year i n Anril. to inaugurate an: Indefinite engage- - was unprecedented, and tbe management laid mout'here. Mr. .latncs wlll.berthB lolly, flit It to the new methods employed, therefore flnQ - flirtatious Sir John Falstalf, and wilt be lbs saMo'policy will,be maintained. Maha; a bij assisted by, Nellie Mcllenry,. who hns Ker Martin looks ■ forward ■ to a Heoson of been specially engaged for Mistress Quickly: Biicceas, both nrtlstlcally and llnnnclally. The ApUle James .will, be tho.-Mlsti'ese. lord, Jand season-will open Aug. 8. nt Peru, lnd., onU charlotte Lambert the MlBtress Pago: Nor- tbe tour that follows embrocca every large mm Hnckett plays "' ter.Pag. during the evening performance <m HBtllrday, July 21, at tin- ilrnnil Oiiern Ilouss, Pitts- burg, p.. They Hnlflli their act with it ■triiuk mfslery/' 111 which Mr. JarcJIles IB iiauili-ilircd. iilaced III n tfiink, and a ciiuyaa cover Ih wrunpcil nruuttd thn triltik, innklug It almost ttlrllght, After Mr Jncuucs dls. covered that bis brother had fainted he hart Hie curloln MM «nd, with the usslat- aniw of the performers, opened the tl'liUK nml found lallxi iincoimelolis. They worked over hlin fm' over an liuur befom reviving l'aiibivee a»i> Urn tale J.ibi closed ii Hiuh- mar Bonson of fifteen weeks nver tb», X, C, cltv and town In tbo country. ■ Aronsou, Master l ( age:Wm. Clirystle Miller, David BWisostos Is spending his vocation justice. Shallow; J: Arthur Young, Platol! „, M ,i«i, «..T,n« ot his fruit farm at Orlnaby, Can. c. D. Burt, Ilardolph. and IJIIInn Lanmster. nobert II. Mantel), Al, E Bavlobd musical director of tM Hwccl Anne Pate. -The production Is brand c.aub Boubi, w Joseph Hii- Mr. Crawford Madahb With the some year or J he act. BMT0A i - - la a uew piece doting next acanoa by David BelaHio, <■■ -■.■*■. . L Iiii, [a* KlNuRBunr has been engaged by in Kinn-Nbbb write: "At Oklahoma, City, Co., fn ■riiiav lilglit, July IS, Molis. Klus-N«r MS, llluylng the kiisl ned on urgnn on his chin, while Mils, houses. Graud Opera Bouse, Syracuse, N. Y., and M w, and. will,he massive and complete his-wife, Mabel Btnnton, ate visiting their every detail, while tile costumes and ejubel- dauglitcr In Syracuse MI.B Stonton has llahmcnts will be historically correct In the been engaged for the "Sam Houston" CO. last act (Heme. Oak) some startling nnd 'I'licv will lieturn to New York about 'Adg. 1. novel electrical cited*i are promised. _ Mh.mied FLottA, Who haa just closed a notesi rami Tim w, KJ"*«> B '™*>— long aeasoo In vaudeville, which extended to Barry-Cboote, who was with this company the Pacific coast; linn been engaged to ploy ihe past season, remains with „Mr. .Lewls, the part of Mantle Modlgln, In tne new lb. alcal production, "Panhandle Pete,' which opens early lu August, with JOUiea Hnrrl- gab. "the tramp Juggler," Ih tha title role, ltehearsala begin shortly, CIIAttt.ES E. KI.UllIDOE. lor ii»v J-:"." A"- " ■" Zeke HwntieV, of the "David Hul-iira" Co., ntttaotlotl. Bonier: W, P, I*wls. Horry I« returneT to the clly from Sarntoga cboale, W. B: Darcy. «us Rapier, Bar Par- Burinis where lie has been spending hi. v.- rlsh, Ross Wlnterateen, Albert VoDlmka. caiion ■ • • -' Chos. Johnson. Karl Sinnstury. Iva Lewis, E arthPA IticiiAnnKos. who formerly wa« LiiMno Montrose. Jessie Rapier, Vlolett Iladd- wllh tbe liaker-Vnnde- Co., le resting: at ley and Baby (llndys. i • ..• -■ ■ Rocllestcr He joins'the Cook A Harris Co:. 'emjIETT 1.1TTLltll.v, for ihe past ten sea- n August, ^fc»r>rItown. aud will pilot boo. agent for the Frank De'luium Co be comnniv ihrongh the towns they played closed with that attraction »la)r 18, and ait ra™ Ml. snd Mrs. Cook are at ftylvar. joined the Guy Stock Co., In the ;..<.■ ._.... B^b. .. —any. y e report, jrood business in ^rtbern .ana. will support Bertha Kallch, Jameb Bi.akel>:v Arrived from Europe July ill. and started lu rehearsals with "Tbe Little on I'i Khf»">«r pTayi!JThc"'snflM,for7twb minutes. ... Ilie ilermilll "cotundy ilstcrn Wheel of liurlcsi|us 'llils dented unite u bodioHou." lltiMBB anu Lewis Inform us ihat they Cibil Maiidb will preaent "Trlplepatte enjoying Ihe best of health.- So far our Tristan Bernard's futtr act piny, at rite Duke KunliHer season bns been both. pleUBODt and of -York'B Theatre, London, In September. nrotltalilc, and, as a rule, our mammoth -.riie Hcapegrnce," with Poullne Chase, will waterproof, tent is crowded or well illlpd be used as a curtain raiser, are not with the (leu. Adams Pniiioiulmc Co,, bv J Hartley nnenln. on tbe road opening July. -.1. at, .in., win. i aboni Hept, 10. (i.Tga riioit 'run New Ywik mibbtiiklh, —Ililslness la ntlll gsoil wltb us, There lieeu very few cliiltiges In tin- rompntiy from Wluit It wua wbuil. we storied out. Prof. Joe TebMlnat hmi left In Join Bench A How; ' libici , :,, o en'the road ^Xokla fir next season er's Klluw, nnd III Ills llurr, who Is leading Pi . wa hava i'rof, he baud. In n very ruf. Lancaster, our or- (ieo. Still MS .. , ■: : ,', been Charles CliAht.nB CeijiMme; fot.fijj! year, the .eawn^Mr. Lewis wlll^put^oujj^one ^ght n.. Dillingham for one of his new produc- l'lw SnOBBnfB will star Eddie Foy next season, in .,"fha Wild and Wooly lioy," by John D. (lUbtrti MELUOL'ltNE M detective. Jatert. In sul aye. In "Law and tha Slab," neil season. RuOBBB Cowlb^ will be In Marie Cahlll'i support, lo "Marrying Mary," CM.. T. AltBTOB bBC (Jreen Room Club with Beach: Mr. Dofr, the musical director, it hta home lu Defolt: Geo. Shaw, at Coopers town, abd Sam Shaw, at Oneonia, N. Y. DASibr, E. HAblon has been engaged for Ih, pari of Saaballat, with "Ben liur," for the coming seaun. uaclt MbT'ano Mbb. fbbo MtciBB ha*., signed for a term of years wltb Walter. A affttuewt, to be iUlred lu a rural comedy drama, en tttieii "H, Town CIowd," "obS"" cibeX" 1 ' writes; "I am now per- Hil£n bus "muiie fbr iiiniseif a big homo out fertlhir arrniifteiiil'iits for Itumchlng iny new here, anil wc nave booked Ihla niuuliy for «nnw .be 'fwentlelh Ccdrury Vniiilcvlllo nelt annum. ,, .,. ., . Star.' orand Pantomime Co. and. Moving maiicblw A»n ItBnTiioi.i.t. wlih the r bc- Plcturt Show. I feel confident that tills rnliotlc cncknluos, nrrlvcd from llrnr.ll re- Bimw will ccrtaiiiiv prove the novelty show reatly. . . .... „ L Ttnoalre, wllh ih"Wc oiolU muvfug pic- IVim.B pLAriKfl OtiiBrio Beach Park ftres lam gii da to inaugurate an nlwolutu- Rochesler, N V„ Oac«r Paul, bnslui soloist i »,w Idea whfih will prove a refresliltig ot the I'aulls was made ..Master Mnsot, $£&&&&& »',7t ISSi-'*•* B ^ °' W """" BKSuin^^^uKlle'tt m, SiiunV ? 2ffijS.*^!*Sl* l0 Vo«" coffioffinBI™! repatt. fneetlhg wllh Hoi.ll." Co., for the Winter.season. ... __.. ilAcDowKii. will appear as the iort of WIlloB Lack- O'Bbien A^n West, pt-lnclii'il Irish nnd WtlSory r of"! n .%..g?»x« York & «S3 iveMluV^^^, ^ „ ^^^SJ^fLU The- ZSRsrjsi'siT-'*'*- m£mlmfiP n * &£ifflB^&>° ; ™