The New York Clipper (August 1906)

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August 18. THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER.' 689 "SOME ONE LOOKS GOOD TO SOME ONE, Will look good to you when you try It. If you were to hear EMMA WESTON sing it you Hbp would see the great possibilities of this song. Others are using f it, and pronounce it TRY THE mom s. JOS, MORRIS CO, s. mil Bt., puii»„ i'». I all communloatlons lo RTHUR LGNGBRAKE, Mgr. Prof. Hriil. N. B.-Also remember we pub- lish "THE PARSON AND THE TURKEY," by the writer of "The Preacher and the Bear." TABLE OF CONTENTS. ..— — ■■ i'nm. Mms Clipper's Anecdotes, Etc 082 Mr*. Henri Do Greau—Sketch tt»* Monde Lambert—Sketch 082 World of l'lnvcrs 682 Prof. Hnrry If. Parker— Sketch 682 Vaudeville and Minstrel 082 Features of. the Weekly Show 083 Our Chicago Letter 080- Our London Let tec 68* On tlie >Boart 000, 09S B. P. 0. Blka' Officer* for 1800 TOO Latent by Telegraph , 080 Vaudeville Routt List '. .-. 080, ODO New York City 004 Under the Tf-ritH *ll*<> Clipper Post Office , 601 Deaths In the Profession 001 THBATBIOAL CORRESPONDENCE. Virginia 082 Oklahoma 082 Montana 082 Maine 084 Colorado • • 084 Indiana 684, OOO West Virginia 080 Massachusetts 08G Pennsylvania * 087 Sew York State 687 allfornln 087 hhwie Island 087, ono Vermont 687 Michigan 087 Oregon 687 Tenueiwec ; 687 Ohio ,. AGO Missouri...... .v.. 1 ...;. oo» Tex a»i 090 Canada , 70U New Jersey... 700 Drl|iware..; ! . 700 District of Columbia 700 [■OUillSDI , 700 Iwa coo Washington OOO Connecticut 600 Nfbrayka 001 Minnesota 004 Wisconsin 'nil Kentucky 604 JIHnols 004 (srylinrt 004 North Carolina, 604 LATES T BY TELEft RAPH, —■ ■■'■ ■■ " • i ' GOLDEN GATE GLEANINGS. Special Dispatches to Tan Nhw Yobk Clipper. San Fn*NciHco, Aug. 14.—At the Or- Fheiini.(located at the Chutes) the bill week or 12 included: Carter and Bluford, Billy Van, Heiff Brothers, Lucaoln Trio, Prove- iiiiIpm, Oardlner-Vlncent Co., Edith Helena, Kdwurd Clark and Widows, and Orpheum motion plcturei. Ciintral Thbatjir, —"The New South" la current. Davis Thhatbe. —"Flddle-De-Dec" by }Iari y Jameu' Travesty Stars, Including : lice and Cady, Bobby North, Koaemnry Glow, with George Edwin Last as stage IU ftp II gel. ,- FROM OTHER POINTS. "The Senator's Vindication" Produced a t the Grand Opera Home, Chicago —"The Tlme ( the Place and the .G|rl" Receivea It* Premier at the Albambra, Milwaukee, 11 — "The 1'iinr Corners of the Earth" Offered far the First Time on Any Stase at the Avenne, Louisville, i.'£> Ujiii.adki.i'iiia, Aug. 14.—Cool weather re- sulted In big crowds at the tlieatrea '1 In? bill, headed by Minnie Dupree and com- pany, drpw capacity at Keith's "Secrets of tho Police had a ftne house at the Na- tional "The Convict's Daughter" at- tracted two big bouses at Blancy's The stock burlesque company at the Lyceum drew Brofjtable patronage Willow Grove Park ad a record breaklug crowd Sunday, to hear bnusa!.. .The other parks were also crowded. Boston. Aug. 14.—Fine, cool weather made business good "The Millionaire Detective" filled the Grand. Opera House. ...'..'.Harry Bulger began ma last fortnight at the Tremoct, to a good house Stock offerings were: "The Gay Lord Quex," at tbo Globe; "Fra Dlavolo," at the Castle Square, and "The Gambler's Daughter," at the Bowdoln Hrjunre Sunday wns tho best day of the season at the parka and beaches. Chicago, Aug. 14.—Only one cnanga oc- curred down town this week, "The Senators Vindication.'* at the Grand "The Lion and the Mouse," at the Illinois; "Told In the Hills,'' at Powers'; "The Vanderblit Cup," Jt the Colonial; "Brown of Harvard," at the srrick ; "A Strenuous Life," at the Stude- baker; "The Land of Nod," at the Chicago Opera House; "Bedford's Hope," at toe Great Northern; "Thorns and Orange BIoh- soma," at tho Academy; "The Bye Witness," ft the Criterion; "Nettle, the Newsglrl," nt no. Albambra, and "The Moonshiner's Daugh- ter," at the Columbus, drew well The ue<4*l changes occurred at the Majestic and Olympic, Cincinnati, Aug. 14,— A breath of early Autumn helped the two theatres now open. .;....The Bohemian Burlosqucrs drew well at r People's. -.-. .Audiences of fair size ap- plauded "Ab Told In the Hills.".. .. Kennedy's wild WcBt drew crowds to Coney Inland.... Pauline Hall was warmly greeted In "Dor- ms'," at Chester Park Vaudeville proved magnetic nt the Lagoon Kyrl and his Band had big audiences at the Zoo. Kansas CiTr.Aug. 14.—"At Cripple Creek" opened at the Glllls, Sunday afternoon, to a big house, and capacity at night The parks enjoyed Immense Sunday prosperity. ......At Electric Park Sorrentlno and the Hands Rosea continued; In the Uerman VII* lag% Trask and Gladden were the headllnera. • At Forest Park the airship, "Eagle;" Lenge's Band, with Ethel Klrkpntrlck as boloiat; Sampson and Seaccho. on the lawn, and B. .1. Appleby heading the bill In Old Heidelberg, were the features. At Pair* mount Park Hlner's Military Hand, the Mal- vern Family, Marcel and Lauctte, ItexinouB Brothers, and Decrla were attractions. Milwaukee, Aug. 14.—"The Time, Hie Place and the Girl' was given Its premier 11, nt the Albambra. by the La Salle Theatre 8tock Co. of,Chicago. The general verdict wns that It wob a big hit from drat to last. Credit Is due Ned Wayburn. Cecil Lean also scored heavily. The principal members also received seven and eight curtain calls. Louibyillb, Aug. 14.—Two thousand peo- ple tried to gain admittance to the Avenue Theatre, Sundoy, to see "The Four Corner* of the Berth," but the police were stationed at the entrance to prevent them. As It won, a good crowd witnessed the first performance. Fontaine Ferry Park drew the usual Sundny crowd, the pavilion being well pa- tronized. Hagenbeck'B animal circus gave -two performances to crowded tents. jjjjjjjS Rome 55 Thla list Is made np ae nearly ac- curate as It la possible to make a list ,of vaudeville booking's. To Insure In- sertion in this department the name of the theatre or park, ns well as the city or town, MUST accompany each booking; sent aa. Abell & Ktnley, Chester Park, Cincinnati, 18-18. Acker ft Colli nit, Temple, Buffalo, 10-18. Adulr & Dahu, Boulevard, Medford, Mass., 18-18. Adnata ft Mack, Island Park, Kwton, Pa., 13-18. Adama ft White. Lyceum, Phllu.. 18-18. Adnmlul ft Ttiyior, Ornbeuin, Minneapolis, Minn., 13-25. Addlaon & Livingston, Walbrldge Park, Toledo, O., 18-18. Ahem A Baxter. St. Lonla, 12-18. Alienrns, The, Cascade Park. Oakland, Me., 13-18; UWeraldo Park, Bangor, 20-25. Alien™, Chan. A Juc, Highland Park, Brockton, Maas.. 13-18. Ipha Trio, Pl_ Keith's. N. Y. 0., 20-26. Alivn, J.■■!>!". Keith's. Phlla.. 18-18. Alvln Bros., Liikeraout Park, Altoona, Ph., 18-18, Albtonn. The,. Happy land, Winnipeg, Can., 18-18; Dreamland, Decatur. HI., 20-25. Wtt, Alice. Wemuiu Resell, Da.' ' 18; Riverside, Saginaw, 20-21 Altmrlui ft Millar, Empire Tour, Kng,, Hi-Sept. 30. Alvln A Kcnney, Paxtang Pork, Uarriabnrg, Pa., 13-18. Aldo ft Armour, Bteeplecbaac Pier, Atlantic City, N. J., 13-18. Altborpc, Flora, Luna Park, Johnstown, Pa., IS- IS. Allnlre St Llnd. Unique, Minneapolis. Minn., 18- 18; DuluUi, 20-25. AmniKTK it Morettl, OuTernator's, Atlantic City, N. J., 18-18. Auierlcna Oomeily Four, Lakeside Oaalno, Akron, O., 1318 : Rock HprlngM, E. I.lvcnuiol, 20-35. American Trumpeters (4), Ingersoll Park, Des Mulnea, la., 18-18, American Newnboys' Quartette. Teople's, Chicago, 18-18; Alhnmbra, Chicago, 20-25. Amerlcon Girls (3), Pastor's, N. V, O., 13-18. Ansel & Dorian, Lyric, Jonlln, Mo., 20-25. Anderson A Oolnei. 0. 0. II., Pittsburg, 13-18. AnHon A Slilrhart. Crystal, Detroit, 13-18. Arxlftle's Bears, Dogs k Monkeys, While City, Syracuse. N. Y., 13-18; White City, Bingham- ton. 20-20 Anlelle & Leslie, Gratiot Park, Dunkirk, N. Y., 1318. Archer ft; Orocker, Olcntnngy Park, Colnmbas, 0., 18-18; Fsrm, Toledo, 20-25. Arlington Comnly Four. Doward. Boston, 20-25. Armluti & Burke, Ourcrnotor's, Atlantic City, N. 3., 13-18. Arnold & Gardner, Orphlnm, Springfield. O.. 13-18. Ascott, Eddie. A Co., Pastor's. N. Y/ 0.. 18-18. Aiihtlnu. Great, Loginsport, Ind., 18-18; Frank- fort, 20-2C. AiiHtlDS, Tossing, Falrvlew Park. Dayton. 0., 18- 18: Spring Orore Pnrk. Bprlngfleld, 20-25. Avoloa. Mimical (4>, Keith's, rL Y. 0., 18-1B. Avon Comedy Four, Fontaine Ferry Park, Louis- ville, Ky., 18-18. Axtctt & Dslil, Chester Park, Cincinnati, 13-18; Cedar re. Ssndnsky, 20-20. BardB. Foor, Shea's, Toronto, 13-18. Bnllev & Flckett. Pastor's, N. Y. 0.. 18-1B; Kteeplechnse. Atlantic City. N. J., 13-1B. Bates A Ernest, Young's Pier, Ocean City, N. J., 18-18. Barker A Barker, Sea Breeze Park, Rochester, N. Y.. 13-18. Burlier Ritchie Trio, Wistaria Grove. N. Y. 0,, 13-1H. Barry A Penman, Auditorium, Norfolk, Vb.. 13-18. Bartell A Garfield. E, Plttflburg. Pa., 13-18. Bunder-La Velle Trio, Forest Park, St, Louis, IS- IS. Dnmarda, Wonderful, Norumbega Park, Boston, 13-18. Beyer, Ben, Keith's, Phils., 13-18; Keith's, Cleve- land. 20-25. Beeeher A May, Guvemator'a, Atlantic City, N, J,. 13-2.1. Berwick. Alice. Belay. Nahant, Mass.. 18-18. Bedlnl A Arthur, Victoria, N. Y. £..-13-18. Bedlnl, Doiint. Keith's, N. Y. 0., 13-18; Keith's, Phlla., 20-25. Bean A Hamilton. Keith's, Cleveland, 18-18. Beverly, Wm., Gardner, Mass., 13-18. Berlins A Brockway, Columbus, 0., 18-18. Bert A Leroy, Mimic Ball, Brighton Beach. N. Y., 18-18. Bellman A Moore, fiheedy't, Newport. R. L, 13-18. Bentr A Price, Cook's Park, F.vansville, Ind., IS- IS. Be Ano«, The. Wood I awn Park, Latrobc, Pa., 13- IB; Pastor's. N. Y. C„ 20-25. Be.illx. Zluc A HnrbUun, Culllus', Columbus, 0., 13-18. Berry A Berrr. Rprlngbmok Casino, Ho, Beod, Hid.. 20-25. Bergere. Valerie, ft Co.. Music Hall, Brighton Beueli. N. Y.. 1318. Bison City Trio. Grand. Hamilton, 0., 18-18; Orphlum. Chllllcothe. 20-25. "«6V Hhnv Tlie" Pastor's. N. Y. C. 13-18. Blake. Lucille. Kraplre, St. Paol, 13-18. Blamphin ft Hebr. Star, Atlanta, Ua., 13-25. Blsek Husssrs.' Sliea'i, Buffalo, 18-18; Shea's, Toronto. 20-25. Blair ft McNuIty, Topic Billings. Mont, 18-26. Blnck ft Leslie. Crystal Park, St. Joseph, Mo.. 13-18. -^ Bowery Boys' Quartette, Olympic, Chicago. 13-18. Bowprf), Wnllera ft Cruuker, Wonland Park, A«h- IiiihI. l'a.. 13-18! Lincoln Purk, New Bedford, Mass.. 2n-25. noehm, Elnle, Keltli'a, N, Y. C. 13-18. Boyd ft Yulll. Lyric, Ardmore, I. T.. 13-18. Itottomley Troupe, White City. Blngnamton, N. Y„ 13-18; Union Hill, N. J., 20-26. Bohan, John. A. ft 8., Boston, 13-18. Bryant. Tom, Relay, Nahant. Mais., 13-18. Bryant ft Savlile, Manilla drove, Tamauua, Pa., 13-18. Bradley, Margaret, Island Park, Sunlmry, l'a., 13- 18. Bntre it Dnlgnesu, Southern Park, Pltliburg, 13- 18. Brlghl Bros, Queeu'H, GIsagow, Scot., 13-18. BrookB, Franklin A.. Liiui'a. Buffalo. 1A-1S. Brand Sisters, Ross Park, Blughamton, N. Y.. IS- IS. Brants, Seliua. Olympic, Chicago, 13-16; G. 0. II., 1'lttshurg, 20-25. lirlttoim, The, Relchnlten. Colo, tier., Sept. 1-16; Snlhsu, Mannheim, 10-81. lirlukleys. The. Lwm Park, Cleveland, 13-18. Broad. Billy, Keith's, Phlla.. 111-18. Bradford*. The, Metropolis, N. Y. C, 18-18. Brobst Trio, florman Park, Uwlston, Me., 13-18, Ilrcliany, Loulae, Itamons, Grand Rapids, Mich., 13-18. Drooks. Jeanne, Forest Park, Little Rock. Ark., 13-18; Forest Pnrk, Ksnsat City, Mo., 20-25. Browne, Tom, Kellb's, Cleveland. 0., 13-18. Breton. Harry A Gertrude, Al Fresco Pork. Peo- ria, ill.. 13-18. Brooks ft Vedder, Keith's. N. Y. C. 13-18. Busdi Family, Lyric Pnrk. Ft. Smith. Ark., 13- 1H; Lyric Park. Ardmore, I. T., 20-26. Burton, Al.. Keith's, Boston, 1318, Burkes, Juggling, hell. Oakland. Cal., 13-18. Bnsrli A Klllott. Valley, Syracuse, N. Y., 13-18; Island Pnrk, Auburn, 20-25. Burke ft Urllne, Family, Helena, Mont., 13-18. Buckner, Oreat, Oa Budnvera, Budapest, Aim.. 13* 31. Burkleys, Musical, Steeprechase Park, BrlflKruort, Conn., 13-18. Byron ft Blanch, Star. Muncle, Ind., 13-18; Grand, llsmlltoit, O., -2<> irr.. Byrou ft Langdon, Chuae's, Waahlngtou, D. 0., 20- 26. Carter ft Bluford, Chutes, San Fran., Cal., 13-18. Carlln ft Otto. Ori'lieuin, Denver. Col., 20-25. Cadlenx, Olentnngy Park, Columbus, O,, 13-18. Casad A Dc Verne, Irion Park, Youumitowu, <>.. 1318; Pnrk, Wlicellng. W. Vn.. 20-26. Carrie. Mile.. Fdectrlo Park, Kansas City, Mo., 13-18. Cnrson ft Berlnger. Keith's. N. Y. C, 13-18. Caspor. Win. U„ Giivernator's, Atlantic City, N. J.,.13-18; White City, Phlla., 20-25. Cate Faintly 14, I'nntngesi-.Portlnud, Ore., 20-25. Carroll, Mnhel. On>lie«m. enT Paul. 13 18. Cnrdownle Bisters, Waldcmeer Park, Erie, Pa., 13-18. Carter, Taylor ft Co., Belllnghsm, Wash., 10-18. Cameron ft Flannguu, Forest Park. Karmas City, Mo.. 13-18: Columbia. St. Louis. 20-26. Campbell. Will, San Houci. Chicago, 10-26. Caprice, Lynn ft Fay, Olympic, OuIcbko, 20-23. Caprice, '^Original/' Wonderland. Danville, III., Hi-18; Dreamland, Decatur. 20-26. Carroll ft Clarke, Bijou, Osbkotb, Wis., 18-16; BlJou, Appleton, 20-26. Carl Bros., Colorado 8pg*., OoL, 13-18. Cimipliella. The. Wonderland Park, Danville, III., 13-18; Family. BIouk City, In., 20-25. Carnoii ft Willarri, Keith's. Phlla., 13-18; Chuso's, Washington. D. C, 20-20. ■ Oarrer, Annette, Henderson's, Coney Island, N. Y., 13-18. Carrollton ft Hodges, Lyric Park. So. McAKster, I. T„ 13-18; Lyric Park, Ft. Smith, Ark., 20- 23. Casada (2K), Lyric Pnrk, Omaha, Neb., 12-16. Christopher, Lagoon, Ludlow, Ky., 13-18; Wal- bridge, Toledo, (>,. 20-26. Chndwlck Trio, Meyers-Lake. Canton, 0., 13-18; Olcntfingy Pnrk, Columtum. 20-26. Chntbsm Sisters. Crystal, Ellwood. Ind., 13-18. Chandler, Anna, Henderson's, Coney Island, N. Y., 13-18. Chllders, arnce, ft Dog, Electric Park, Balto., 13- 18. Clarke, Edwnrd. Chutes, Ban Frnn., Osl., 18-18. Clifford ft Orth. Emiilre. I»s Angeles. Cal., 18-18. Clifford ft Burke. Troctor's 23d St., N. Y. C„ II* 16; Proctor's, Troy, N. Y., 20-26. Clark, Cuss., A. ft B., Boston, 13-18. Clnrk, Marie, Lagoon. Ludlow, Ky., 18-18. Cotton, Lola, Crystal, Kokomo. Ind.. 18-18. CoakH'.v.ft MeBrlrte, Keith's/ Cleveland. 0., 13-18, Colburn ft Orenncho, Utlca, N. Y., 13-18; Roches- ter, 20-23. --.«..- Cornnlln ft mm, Proctor's, Newark, N. J.. 13-18. Conroy, John ft Mniole, Fidgcwood Pork, flhnmuklri, l'a., 13-18. Cook. Carl. Keith's, N. Y. <:,. 13-18. Coltimhla Comedy Four, Shea's, Toronto, 13-18; Farm. Toledo, 20-25. Cole. Will, Columbia, at. Louis, 20-26, Cogawells, Cycling, Touring Mexico. CoVllna ft Hsrt. Victoria. N. Y. C, 18-18. Cole ft Olemeoe, Olympic, Chicago, 18-18, Cook, Frank. A. ft M.. Boston, 13-18, Colonial Septette, Ye, Music Ilflll, Brighton Beach. N. Y„ 13-18. Crawford ft Dnlancey. Avondale Helrbts, ladlsn- apolls, 13-18; Bijou, Hnmllton. O., 20-20. Cretro Bros., Ex«.-lsfor Carnival, Dover, N. J.. 18- 28- - ' - Cunningham ft Smith, Savin Rock. West Haven, Conn.. 13-18; Keith's, Boston, 20-25, Davis, Lanrn, Lakemout Pork, Altoone, Pa., 18- 18. Davis ft Wilson. Rosimore Carden, Fur Rockn- way, N. Y., 13-25. Dalros (4. Crystal, Detroit. 13-18. DiiTeniKirt, Hnrry, Proctor's 23d BL. N. Y. 0.. 1318. Dsvls. Mark ft Laura. Tumbling Dam Park, Brhlgeton. N. J., 13-18, «.J . Darmodr, Cedar PL, Sandusky. 0.. 18-18. Dsgwell, Aurle, Olympic, Oblcago. 18-18; Colnoi- Mit. Ht. Louis, 20-26. Daltona (3), Proctor's. Albany, N. Y„ 18-18; Howsrd. Boaton, 20-23. De Mont Trio, Hans Soucl Park, Chlrngo, 13-18; Forest Park, St. Louis. 20-26. Devosu, Hubert, Rocky Spring Park, Lancsnter, Pa., 13-18. Delinore A Oneida, Proctor's, Newark. N. J.. 18- 18. De Canto, Cfaas., ft dog, Bteel Pier, Old Orclisrd, Me., 13-18, Dervln, J as. T„ Lyric Park, Ardmore, I. T., 13-18. Do Ross's Dog, Lagoon, Lndiow, Ky., 13-18. De Lore, Mile,, Monlmorencl Park, Quebec, Can., 13-18. Delmore ft Dsrrell, Hteenlerbsse, Atlantic City, N. J„ 13-16; Casino, Buckrw* Beach; Vs., 20- 25. Deltoa ft Kennedy, Huber's, N. Y. C, 13-18, De Witt ft Asbmore, BlJou. Duluth. Minn., 13-18. De Yenie. Tlieliua, Lyric. Jonlln, Mn., 13-IH. Dennett Misters. Woodlyiuie I'nrk, N. J., 1318; 18-18. De Monde ft Iilusuiore, I'eople's, Kxcelslor Spgs., MO., 13-1M. De Mutlm, The, Woodland Park. Ashland. I'.i., ni- ls m PaytS Rlslera, Proctor's. Newark. N. J., 13-18. Dlxotl llniM.'. Lake Mlriilgun Park, Muskegon, Mich., 13-1M; Orpheum, M^lunenpulls, Minn., 10- 23. Dlaquolo. Oleulatigy Park, Columbus, 0., 10-18. Dixon. Bowers ft Olitsi. Purk, Wbeullug, W. Vs., 13-18; Coliseum, Clevrlauil. 20-26. Dllka, lillka A Dllks, Auditorium. Sea Isle Oily, N. J.. 13-18. Diamond, Lew P., BlJou, Calumet, Mich,, 1:1-18; BlJou, Marquette. 20-25. Don.. Eiams, Hip., Blrmlnghsro, Eng., 13-18; Hip., Bury, 20 25; Stoke, !!7-He P t. 1; (Irand, Bolton, 3-6. Dorsch ft RuMHi-U, Celeron, Jnmcstown, N. Y., 13- 18. Doyle ft Granger. Electric Park, Kankakee, 111., 18-18. Dobcrty'9 Powilrs, Olcott Beach, Olrott, N. Y„ 18-18. Dougherty, Daro Dcill, Olcntnngy Park, Colum- bus, 0., 13-18. Donovan ft Arnold, Boulevard, Medford, Mass., 13-18, Dockrny. Will Klectrlc Park. Montgomery, Ala., **•■».■ . « . Howling. Jos. ft Myru, Olentangy Park, Coluui- hns, o.. 13-1H. Draculs, Novelty. Btocklnn, Cal., 19-16. Dupree. Minnie. A Co., Keith's, Phils.. 13-18. Dunbsrn, Flying, (tlvervlew Purk. Chicago, 18-18. Dupree, Maldn, Savin Hock, West llnven, Conn., 18-18. Dndlty, Cheslyn ft Bums, Pastor's, N. Y. C 13- 18. Du Boll, Guvcrrnitor's, Atluntlc City. N. J., lit- is. Duahan, Mamie. Acme, Norfolk. Vs., 18-18. Duval, Vloln. Athletic I'urk. Buffalo, 13-18. Du Hols, Oreat, (luwriiutor's, Atlantic city. N, J.. 13-23. Dunhnr. Geo., Lincoln Park, New Bedford, Mass., Dnnbnr Trio, Proctor's 23d St.. N. Y. 0„ 18 IB. Darin, Victoria. N. Y. C. 18-16. Knrly A Late, Lagoon. Ludlow, Ky., lS-18. Eckel ft Wnrucr. Electric Park, Albany. N. Y.. 13- Kckert ft Berg. Kellh'a, Olevelsnd, 18-18; Laku- slde Pnrk. Akron. O., 20-25. Eckoff A Gordon, Majestic, Chicago, 18-18; liny- market. Oblcago, 20-26. ._ Eddy, Arthur, Kljrlsn Urove, Tncson, Arls., 13- Edwards' School Boys ft Girls, Sueedy's, Newport, It. 1., 13-1K. Kdwsrtls ft Beaupre, Avondale Heights, indlnn- apolls, 18-1K. Edwsrda ft Vaughn, Guvemator'a, Atlantlo City, n, j„ in-iH. Elmo, Pete ft Allle. Ilnlnue.' Los Angeles, Cal., 13-16; Pickwick, Snu lllrtfi, 20-25. Elton, Hum. MunIc Hull. Brlgbloii Beach, N, Y., i 13-18; ChaKo's. WiiHliliigton. D. C, 20-26. Ellip-Nowlsn Trio. Keith's. Fulls., 13-18. Emerson. Frank. A. ft H., Boston, 13-16. Emmrrk-k, Ixiulse, Clieater Pnrk, Clnclunnil, U- 18. Kmraett, F.ntteno, Twin Oak Park, Balto.. 13-18. Knglolon, Nan. ft Co.. Park, Mertden, Oodii., 18* IS; Pnrk, Wehslcr. Maas.. 20-2B. Kivps-Uretlu ft Co., I,una Park, Cleveland. 18-18. Htuuernldu. Collins Onrdeus, Culumhiis, O. 18-16; Fsrm, Toledo. 20-25. „ m „ io Evelyn Hlaleri, Atluntlc Garden, N. ,Y. 0., 1316. Evnna, Evan, Lakemout Park, Altonna, Pa., IS- IS. Evers. Oeo. W„ Park, Grand. Mnrlon, Ind., 13- 18; Oak Park, Evansvlllv, 20-25. Kvoretta (4J, Proctor's 23il Ht„ N. Y. O, 13-1B. Evans Trio. Relay, Nslisnt, Mass.. 18-18. Failles (2), Steeplcchaiw Park, Bridgeport, Conn., 1H-16. Fadotto Oreliesirs, Kellb's, Boston, 13-18. Favbls. BlJou, Lincoln, Neb,, 18-18; Novelty, Denver. Col., 20-25. Fagnn ft Byron. Keith's, Phlla.. 1.1-18. Fay HUtt-rs, Seilnlla. Mo., 13-16, Farnum, Bud. Trio. Oo!Htm', Cohinibits, 0., 13-IR. Fnys, Tho, Vlciorla, N. Y. «.. 10-18. l'flrrls-Wlley Trio, BlJou, Calumet, Mich., 13-18; Marquette 20-26. Fennel ft Tyson, Lakemout Park, Altoone, !'»., Fields ft Hanson, Hillside Park, Belleville, N. J., 13-18. Fink, Henry, BlJou, Duluth, Minn., 13-18. Flake ft MriDontJiigh, Orpheum, Mlniicnpohs, 20-2S. FiisgiTul ft Glldny, Proctor's, Alusiiy. N. V., 13. 18. Fltsgerald ft Trainer, Wlusted, Ooiiu., 13-18; Hon lb 1 ii (tt on, 20-25. Fink, Harry. RtJou. Duluth. Minn., 13-18. First. Barney. Collins', Cotumbim. O., 18-18. Fields, Will II., Criterion, Chicago, 13-20. Fisher ft Johnson. Mine's, Kokomo, hid., 13 18; Lake Vies- Park, Terre Ilnufe. 20-25. Florence. I,co, Manhattan, Norfolk, Vs., 1,1-18. Flynu, Karl. Electric Park, Kansas City, Mo., 13-18. Flood Bisters, IIHIskle Park, Newark, N. J., 13- IB. Fog-arty, Frank. Sheedy's, Newport. R, I., 1.1-18. Fords f4>. Victoria. N. Y. tt, 13-1B. Fox ft Gray, Bergen Beach, N. Y„ 1318; Elec- tric Pnrk. Newark, N. J.. 20-25. Fox ft Hughe*. Bon Ton, Halt Lake, U.. 13-18; Lyceum Ogrinn, 20-25. Fontl Boiil Bros., Waldemeer Park. Erie, Ph., 1R-18. Foster. Ed„ ft Dog, Park, Wheeling, W. Vs., 13-18. Foster ft Foster, Ramnnu, Grand Rapids, Mich., 13-18. Fredo ft Dare, Wcnona Park, Bay Clly, Mich.. 18-18. . Frederick. Great. Lnna Park, Pittsburg, 18-lfl. Frosto, Cbsa.. Electric Psrk, lols, Kan.. 13-18. Frsley A Fraley, (ltivernstor's, Atlantic City, N, J., 13-IN. Frsnnlscos (2), Cook's Pork, Evansvllle, Ind., 2026. FroaJnl. F. G„ Monnlon's Park, «t. Louis, 1318. Frsnket, Pontile, Domlulou, WlnulfH'g, Cull., Ill- tft; Osrdner ft Maddern, Kellb's, N. Y. tt, 13-18; Pastor's, N. V. C, 20-26. Gsrouer ft Revere, Humous, Oronil Itnpbls, Mich., 18-18. Gardiner, Happy Jack, Proctor's, Albany. N. Y„ 18*181 Proctor's. Newark, N. J„ 20-26. GaWlser ft Vincent, Chutes, Han Fran., Cal., 1.1- Garrlty Misters. Shea's. Buffalo, 13-18; Hbea's, Toronto, 20-25. Gsraon. Msrion, Music Hall,-'Brighton Beach. N, . Y,,.ia-18; Procter's, Newark, N. J., 20-25. Gates ft Nelson, Proctor's 23d St., N. Y. 0., 13-18. Gnlllsnl Trio, Henderson's, Coney Island, N. Y„ 13-18. Oartrlle Bros.. Orplieum, Suit Lake, U., lil-18; Orplinmi, Denver. Col.. 20-20. Gnvlonl, Bonnie, Ingersoll Park, Des Moines, la., IM-JS. GalTy ft FnmiT, Central Pnrk, Allentown, l'a„ 13-18; Spring Luki- Pnrk. Trenton, N. J„ 20-26. Gnvln ft Piatt, Brookslde Pnrk, Alhol. Mass., IS- IS: Woodland I'nrk. Ashland, I'm.. 20-25. Gerald, Musical, llljou, Appleton, Wis..-18-18. UciH-st. Gortrudo, Okuitungy Pnrk, Columbus. 0., 13-18. Ocorge A Harrington, Altro Purk, Alhasy, N. Y.. 13-18. Olllen. Tom. Hoag Lake, Woonaockot, R; I., 13- IN; Brookslde Park, Alhol, Mass., 20-26. tllrsnl ft Gurduer, Proctor's 23d St., N, Y. 0-, 13-18. (inu-ri. John I)., Proctor's, Newark; N. J„ 13-18. illlbt-y, Etliol. Freeport, 111., 13-18. tlllroy, llayiien ft 'Montgomery. Lyric, Man Frsn., ful.. IH-1S; Novelty. Oakland, 20-25. Gllluiore A Cnrndl, Alamo Psrk, C<«lar Itnplds. In.. 111-18; White Olty, Chleago, Hfl-25. OIcqsoii, John ft Bertha, A Fred UouUhsn, Keith's, llnstoii. 13-IN, Gnttluh, Mr. ft Mrs., Orplieum, Webb City, Mo., 13-18; Park, I'Dnmns, Kim., 20-26, Oogiiy. Jules, Hnhmer I'nrk. Moutreal, Can., 13-18. tJohismitii ft Hopiw, UUevdy's, Newport, It. I,, 13-16. Gordons (:i), Itamons, Urand Rapids, Midi., 13- 18. Gordon ft Chacon, Oakwond Park, Pittsburg, 13- Gordon, Don ft Mne, Fnlrvlew Pnrk, Dayton, HI* IS; Spring Grove I'nrk, Springfield. 20-26. Golih'ii ft llnghes. Tumbling Hum Pnrk, Bridge- tun, N. J,, Jil-IK; Hieeiilecliusu Pier, Atlantic City. N. J., 20-26. Goldsmith & Horn*. Newport. II. I.. Ill-IB; Liu- coin Pnrk, New lledr<ml, Mnw„ 20-26. (toldln RiisnIsii Troupe. St. Louis, 13-25. Goiirley, Ki'i'itiin ft Gourlcy, Ilcndersun's, Coney lslnud. N. Y„ 1318. Cray's Marionettes, Pnrk, Gloucestor, Mass., 13- Gross, Win!, Al. Fresco Park, Peoria. Ill,, I3-25. Grny A Orahum, rltnr, Cluvelsnd, 13-18; Kaif Clly. Mo., 20-25. llrnut ft Hung, Kellb's, Boaton. 111-18, Grant, Mile., Acme, Norfolk, Vn.. 13-16. Grunt, Hldney, Sacondnus Pnrk, (Hoversvllle, N. y„ 13-16; Viilloy Pork, HyracLtsu, 20-26. Ilmiimoud, Mr. ft Mrs. Chas. l>.. Kuburtmn Park, Vlekslmrg, Miss,, 13-16; Pnrk, Columbus, 20- Ilallvn A- lluyes, Henderson's, Coney Island. N. v., 18-18. ' liulues. I/ils, Wonderlund. Revere Beach, Mass., 13-18. Harvey ft D» Vora, Aslorln, Ore., 10-181 Van- couver, Can., 20-26. llutiard. John, Keith's, Boston. 13-16. llailnnil ft Roltlsoii. IIooslu Valley Park, No. Adams, Mass., 18-1H, lliirrlsmt. 1-ve, Keith's, Phlla., 13-18. HuyV Ed. 0.. Orplieum, Mprlngneld. O., 20-25. Haves, Kutberllie. Shell's, BurTRlO, 18-IH. IHirbnrli ft Harris. Pnrk, K, Brooklteld, Mass., 13-18: Hnhbntlii Park, Taunton, 20-26, llnUiriwiiy's Indian Tableaux. Hleephicbnsu Pier, Atlsiiil.- City, N. J., tll-IH. Ilnywiird, (Vmroy ft llnytvard, Ooluinbla, Ht. Louis, 13-18; Haymarkel. Chlcagn. 23-26. Hnuvev ft Dnane, Dnniuiiiiiul. Deciitur, HI., 13' IS: Danville, 20-23. Ilnrrla, Hcuuregnrriu ft Co., Itwky Hprlaga Park, I. minister, Pa., 13-18, Haley A Hart, Qarlliolomny, Ontario Beach, N. TV, 13-IH. Hurtr. Keltli's, Phlla- 13-16. Ilniulllou ft Hrmki. Island Pnrk, 6unbtiry. Fa., 13-18: G. O. II.. WllmhiKtuii, Del.. 20-25. Hurry ft Lewis, Guvcrnator'a, Atlnntlo City, N. 4., I3-1H. Dayman ft Frnnkiln, Hipp-, Birmingham, Ens., 13-18; Pal.. Oiuxron. 2d-W: Hip., Brighton, 27- Kepl. I ; Hip., Llverjswl, 11-8. Hntmon ft Nelson, Valley, Syracuse, N.Y., 13-18. Hmev. Kdllh A Uv Jr., crysinl. Klklisrt, Ind., 18.18. Hamilton ft Wiley, Empire, Springfield, III., 13- Hamilton Bros., Novelty, Hsn Fran,, Cat., 13-18] Hell, Oakland, 20-26. Hurcourt, Daisy, Pnliufl, I>ondon, Eng., 13-Bcpl, 30. Havrlngton, Coliseum, Cleveland, 18-18, Ilsrrlriglon. Daniel J., Oloiilaiigr Psrk, Columbus, *}„ 1S-1S; Spring Grove Psrk, SprlngtloM, 20- 26, HeiTinunn. Adelaide, Mnji-stlc, Ollli-Hgo, 'JO-26. Henly, Jeff ft tavern, Alnmciin Purk, Butler, Pa., 18-IM. Hey wood, Great, Avon Pnrk, Yonngstowii, O., 13- 18. Henry ft Young, Shellpot Park, Wilmington, Del., tS-33. neiiuliigs, r^wls ft IlennlngsT, Olsr Ft., Ksu- dnsky, O., 13-18; Casino Psrk, Kslamssoo. Midi., 20-26. Ileum, Tom. Fullest Bergrrf, Paris, Fr, 10- He»l. 30. Herald Stjunre Quartelte, Olentsngy Park. rVilum- liua. G., 111-16; Celeron Pnrk, Jamestown, N. Y„ 20-25, Helena, Edith, Chutes. Msn Fran., Cat. 13-16. Herbert ft Roger*. Forest Park, Little Rock, Ark,, 13-18, Herbert's Dogs, Shea's, Buffalo, 13-18, Herbert, Bert Leunon, Worsllnwii Park, Luirobo, Fa.. 13-18. Ileitis. Laughing . Billy, Athletic Park, Buffalo, HI-18. Illllobrand ft Vivian, Acme, Sacrnnieiito, Cal., 20< Hlli's Dogs, Inman's, Coney N. V., 13-18. Hliiniuii, Cnpt. Sidney. WniuhTliiinl, Milwaukee, Wis., 13-18, Illllinuii, Geo., Crystal, Detroit, 13-16; Withert ft Warren. BlJou, Omaha,'Neb., Ift-IB. Hlekiniiu llroa,, Orpheum, f/)s Anxelea, Gal., 18- 26, Hill ft Sylvian/, Temple, Dutrolt 13-18., Ibdnmn. Al. E. ft Mamie, Onlrnl Hnlle, Stettin. 0«r., 10-31; flslnsiider, Elbsrfebl, Sept. 1-16. HofTman. Lew, Woodlyn I'nrk. Camden. N. J., 13' 18; G. O. II.. Wilmington, Did., 2(1-26. Hoffman, Kittle. Pntuce. Boston. 13-16. HnMsw.prflis. The, Heldclls-rg, N. V, tt, 11-16, Howard ft Lhideii, Southern Fork, Plttslmrg, 13- 18. Hoi-v ft Lee, Pastor's, N. V. *1., 13-16. Holmes A Dnrbyelle, Pastor's, N. Y. (',.. 13-18. Hoiiiien Bros,, Hillside Park, Newark, N, J„ 13< 18. Howard, Great, Pavilion, Bnchunan, Mich., lit- is. Howard*. Dancing, Temple, Detroit, 18-18. n«lt, Alf., Empire Tour. Eng., 13-Sept. 30. Hoffman*, The. Glob*. Billings, Mont.. 18-26. Humes ft Lewis, BlJou, Green Bay, Wis., 13-18] Bijou, Calumet, Mich., 20-26.