The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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736 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. September i X CAN SELL YO0R- REAL ESTUTE CR BUSINESS, \ NO MATTER WIIKRE LOCATED. Properties ud BuslncHs of atl klpda sold qalcltlr for cash la alt parte or the United Statca. Don't wait. Write io-da,r, describing what jou bare to sell, and give cash price on same. IF YOU WANT TO BUY any kind of Butlne£>s or Real Eatats anywhere, at any price, write roe your reqalrcmeata. I can nave job time and money. DAVID P. TAFF, THE LAND MAN, 4IB KASHAS AVE.TOPKKA, KA1S. g - WE WANT TO BUY ClrcuRCfl clofllnff for the teanon who have Beanoned work horses to Bell, no matter how good or how bad, write us; we are quick apot cash buyers. I. rox asm CO., 318.HJ Worth St., Baltimore, Md. HOW DOES TOUR CAM PRIVILEGE PAY? THE FAMOUS CRACKER JACK Packed bo It cannot become unsalable. and our 5 and 10c. pneknge candles will greatly Increase Its value. Inform ua where yim hold A eanceaal^n aud we will fiend samples and prices. ROECKHEIM BROS. & ECKSTEIN, 243 SO. I'KORIA ST., CHICAGO. E Write for Sample* and Prleea. THE DONALDSON L1TH0 CO., NEWI'OHT, KV. FOR SALE OR LEASE, AT A BARCAIN, The elegant private Pullmai Oar "Pansy," csrt. long, elx wheel trtiokB, four state rooms, toilet, largo dining room and kitchen, all furnished. Write for particulars. DE LA00UR & FIELDS, Grand Theatre, San Ule go, Oal. Attention, Band and Orchestra Leaders! Do you wsnt to Learn to Compote and Arrange Muilrt If ao, Hend Me* stamp for trial lesson. Nothing to pay until you iiavc been taught lettnons 1, '2 and 8. If these lessons do not convince you that this 1b Strictly Legit* I male, then They are Free. Don't write un- let* you have a Uiorougli knowledge of the rudl menu of mimic, and Mean Batlneis. ©. W. WILCOX (II .x 0). 10 Union Bq t aare, Mew York C IIy. Niw Line of Repertoire or Stock Co. Printing CONSISTING OP 1.2.8b., l-Bh., 3-Sh. and 16-Sh. Standi. Send for Samples and Catalogue. GREAT WESTERN PRINTING. CO.. St. J-ouli, Ho. Printing for Dramatic Companies, Fairs, Carni- vals. Holler Rlnka, Circus, Wild West, Labor Day Celebrations, etc. FUTURES. Future Hash, or Wife Photos for PalmlBta, Pairs, Parks, etc., 12.00 per 1,000; $1.35 per 600, postpaid. Samples, loo. CABINET PHOTOS, for selling or adv. par- poses, $20.00 per i,ooo; $2.&0 per 100, copied from your photo, samples, 10c, OARBONA STUDIO. 3312 N. Broad St., Phl1a.,Pa. WANTED, MUSICIANS, To Double Stage. Remainder of this and Winter Beason. TRAP DRUMS and AGENT. OQDISN'B HIP VAN WINKMO CO., Waupaca, Wis. The Best—The Host Reliable. GRAHAM BALLOON CO. Would like to hear from PAIR MANAGERS through New England states and the South, after Oct. If}. Have three companies. QHAUAM UAI.hOON CO., Old Orchard, Me. WANTED, THE WHEBEABODTS OF C. F. FRANCES, ADVANCE DM. OUIIKN'8 RIP VAN WIKKI.B CO,. gjgMMj. Wig, n|nrjFii Lease, Sale or Storage, I ■ Jr VC J^ Kejialrrt and Alterations made. UIIIIWs&ll Scenery Cir for Sale. N. J. CAR WORKS, P«e«al« N. J. Several Fine Hotel Car* for root. Steel wheeled and nil furnlshcil. Address HISS NuMtllON, Wellington Hold. Chicago. C. A. HAWKINS, Mfr. of OvmnaBtio Apparatus. S35 B. 48th St., N.Y. formerly of lis K. ISlli St, Horizontal bars, leap, Ing boards and barn, barrels, cn-snew, globes, eto- KMJTHIF^ linf Sl)ml UB , * ur m . an . UBctl P L w ° ! arrange and publish. whip DTitiv Pioneer HusiePub* Co. (inc.) OUflU rUElS. 7N Mauhatun Utdg., Chicago, m. MUSICAL SPECIALTIES Used by All Leading Artists. Send for New Illus- trated Catalogue. THE ONLY THOROUGHLY EQUIPPKD BKLL FACTORY IN THE WORLD. we only manufacture our own Inventions, for which we bold letters patent. Our goods can be seen at Carl Fischer, New York; Oliver Dltson, Boston; Volkweln Bros., Pittsburg; Igoaz Fischer, Toledo: Kaiser Music Co., Cleveland; Grlnneli Bros., Detroit, loo BARGAINS will be fonnd in J. 0. Desgan'.s Second Hand List. It la FREE for the asking, contains loo serviceable Instruments of all kinds at lews than coBt price. .Nitilil,7JI!Ml!i..l.l.l. " r\ and.,. -.■ U ■ 1 ^ Designs 9 We Work loi in; CLIPPER, Why Not For You' • Write: ron'pfiicES, Chemical. Engraving Co. Spangles, 11.00 Per Pound. Cotton Tights, pair. $1.00 Worsted Tights, pair. 3.00 Plaited Bilk Tights, pair 2,60 Best Silk Tight*,) BM 9 inch cotton tops, f *" w Calf, Thigh and Hip Paddings. Gold and Sliver Trimmings. Send Deposit with order. THE BOSTON REGALIA CO., 387 Washington St., Boston. Maes. CHARLES LELLA, Manufacturer of Theatrical and Custom Shoes. 410Ponrthave, bet. 281b Established ism. and 28th Sis, If. T. Clogs aid Dancing Shoes a Spicially. Order, ol All Description, Filled Promptly. UNIFORMS BAUD, MILITARY. MINSTREL OUTFITS CARNIVAL COS., USHERS And 411 Others StsI lir UTUM. Itillii llil »u!n Special Alleillta Gives tbe Freteulei estern Uniform Go. ' tn&m. eiARK «t.- SH1CAGS Atlantic City , HOURS Iron NEW YORK via I New Jersey Central Passing Through Lafctwood* Solid Vetiibiile '1 rains. liutTel Parlor Cara. L». W.ojd St.5.3aA.M. dally (ta.50P.M. Sat.}, M.eiccptSun. Lv, Lflwrty St.,9,40A.M. dally (1.00P. m. bat.), 3.40 r. M. except Sua. %&m$m®m yXNfralOOPSM any man or boy; small cost. Send to-day '2c. * tump for particulars and proof. O. A. Smith, Room <f, am) Knox vine Ave., Peoria, ill. WARMTH BRIN6S TRADE.—BABY CRAND Pianos, 6 Crank Pianos, 16 fo'dlng Organs, 800 Folding Chairs, 200 Canvas Seat Settees, Me- chanical Fog liornfi Megaphones'22x00, 22x60, 18x88, and other Blank Tonta; Klddughta, Gaso- lene Torches, Elctitrlc Piano, Ha'lyhoo Umbrella. SEND POB PRKK BARGAIN BOOKLET. R. II. ARMI1UUSTF.R, Sprlnglleld, Illinois. PLAYS. PLAYS. PLAYS. ~m For Stock Theatre, Hopertolre Companies and Road Tours. Also bought, sold and revised. Playa for Amateur Organizations. Lpw royalty to re* rtiiBlblepanieB. Rome protected. Catalogue free. II. W1NHETT, 140. Broadway, New Yor. City. VLLIK AKERSTUOBI, HI m\tt% For Stock and Road Cos on low rLATal royalties. Write for list. Have ■ lawl ■ IP several comedy Bketchos ready. Plfiys and Sketches written to oider. T* EA ST 7th BT. , UIIOOKI.VN , H. Y . CONTRACTS HETTHK tIKADb. BNYULCPBS. TICKETS I'ASSUS, PAUtn, Etc. Write tor Simples tt'.hlt rtK. Po . R5R Dnnrhnrn 81.. Chicago. Ill BLOOD POISON FOR M0REJHAN TWENTY YEARS we have made the enre of Blood PotBon a specialty. Blood Tolson Permanently Cured. You can bo treated at homo uuuer same guarauty. Capital $600,000. Yt'e Boliclt tho moBt obstinate casos. If you have ex- hausted the old methods of treatment and stilt have aches and pains, Mucub Patches in Mouth.BoroTbioat, Pimples, Copper-Colored Spots, Ulcers on any part of the body, Hair or Eyebrows falling out, write forproofi of cures. ]00>page Book Free. COOK REMEDY CO., 1111 Masonic Ttmpli.ChlciBO, 111., U.S.A. UNiTEO STATES 1 PATENTS AND FOREIGN J AND JRA0E-MARKS And make yon a fortune. If jrou bare a PLAY, SKETCH, PHOTO, ACT, S-.ONG or HOOK that Is worth anything, you Bhould copyright it. Dou't take chances when you can a-vare our scrv imall co«t. Scndfor onr SPECIAL OTfER 10 HVTNrOR5 before applying for a patent, flf will pay you. HANDBOOK on Patentstfnlfm. Weadviaelf patenta- ble or not. FREE. We Incorporate STOCK COMPANIES. Small fees. COttHUlt us. W0RMELLE & VAN MATER, MaiM^rt. MoaUa Coprright I P.ttot Co. Inc., W«SWIGT0N,D.C SIEGMAN & WEIL 77-81 BOOSTER ST. (Bit. I,ring ud Brmnu), Nil. Y.rk HAVE TOD 8EBS THE 1 11 W. $1? IF ROT, 8K\I> POB 8ASU'LBS. LATEST SHADES, FINEST FINISH, HEAVY QUALITY, YARNOYED. The beat Bain made for wear and appearance. Also a roll line of lower priced satins In all shades. THE MURRAY CO., CllfCUS CANVASES, Pole, and Stake* SKATS, n. n . Etc BLACK TENTS. SIDE SHOW PAINTINGS, FRONTS AND BANNERS FOR STREET FAIRS. Agenta for KIDD'S PATENT CIRCUS LIGHTS. W in W. WMblogton St.. CHICAOO, ILL. SHOW TENTS For Circuses, Wild West Shows, Black Tents, Candy Tops, Flags, Eldd & Baker Lights, etc. Send for 10 page price list of second band Tents. BAKER & LOCKWOOD MFG. CO., 7th and Wyandotte, Kansas City, Mo. I'n I ted States Teat ana Awn in j* Co., Randolph and Union Streets, CHICAGO, HI. CIRCU8 CANVASES. BLACK TENTS Our Speolaltr. SIDB SHOW PAINTINGS. GOSS CO. i^^r^^£ M.RKUHKELY WMffiffiSIBImwi MANUFACTURER OF SHOW CANVASSES TENT Large Stock sort, and Under Bew and Second Band. Write TIIK CHAHLK8 P. SIKDEtt TKBT AUD AlrVlfllVO CO.. •oooeasors to tbe T. W. Noble Oo., Tent Depu Detroit Baa- and Ufa*. Oo.. Detmtt. Mlob. or Actress. No profession .'so fascinating or profit- ..... able. 1 teaoh you by mall, so yon can go at once on tho stage. Send tor my beautifully lllni- traird book explaining method, also pictures, scenes of plays, actors, actresses who have become eillolent through my training—mailed FREE. Audrey HENRY DICKSON SCHOOL OP AC T1N O, SOP Klmbal g aU, Chica go. MANUSCRIPT PLAYS 144 LA SALLE ST. •w JSTTED, To oorrenpood with Tronpo to open up now Opera Hoime at Slxlftben. Mich. JOSEPH OBAV, SlxUkea, MICH HISSOl'HI. SI. Loola. —Bnrtnra. with the hotue. that hnvo opened ha. been good, an4 the oi>en air reeorts are ltkewlM doln» well. l Lr.°i»n OA«Dra.-"Th» ^SSjFSi n big drawing card week of Aug. 20. end John B Voung. In the role of Angort Lump. I. making a hit. Frank StamnewW. B. West. I'Fed Knlghta. Cecilia Rhode, and l'corl Revare are well cait, and the chorus rilapl.7. careful drilling. "1492" .week; of 27 with Itlchurd Unrlow a. Queen Uabella. West BSD Ueiohts (L. Ohert, manager). —'•The Sorceress," flr.t time In English In St. Louis, wn. the offering week of .iO. In the role of Zoraya, Ethel Fuller P,r"«J '«J mastery of the Intensely emotional demands of the character, and It E considered to be the finest piece of work she has done. Bne was ably supported by Fletcher Harvey and SJlnnd Edwirds, the latter, «. tbe Cardinal, deserves especial mention. Margaret Bates, Blunchc Hnsleton, Jnck Ferris. Edwin Arcb er and others arc giving splendid support, assisted by in extra est of sixty people. 81'BUHDAX garden (Oppenbelmer Bros, manngersl.—"The Christian," with HenrMte llrownc as Glory Quayle, was tbe bill week of 20. M»ss Browne 1. a new-comer from Chicago. w»io was called upon the middle or the week of 13 to assume Mauue Full, ro.e In "Mistress Nell," Miss Fealy's sudden Illness preventing her from finishing the week s en- casement. Miss Browne Immediately caught on" and hss made a delightful Impression as Glory. Walter Edwards, SB John S»rm. shared honors with th? star. The supporting company were well placed. It Is announced that Miss Fealy Is Improving, and that she will be able to resume work In "Barbara Frletche." underlined tor week of Aug. 26. Business 1b excellent £ Bavun's (Wm. Garen, manager).— Od Isaacs of the Bowery," with Harry FlrBt In the title role, played a week's engagement at this house 19-25. The supporting company Included Harry Webster and Will Ingram. "How Hearts Are Broken" Is booked for 26. Imperial (B. Russell, manager). — For the Beason'B second week Manager Russell offered "A Wife's Secret," a last season's auccesB, with new people. The cast waa headed by Grace Hopkins, . pretty young woman, who Is tbe heroine. Winona Bridges, as the negro "mammy," did a splendid bit of cbsracter work, and proved to be a most capable member of the company. "Thorns and Orange Blossoms" 26 and week. Grand (John G. Sheeny, manager).—This playhouse began tbe Beason 19, with "Ari- zona," presented by a good company, and with attractive stage Bettings. Highlands. —Tbe Royal Hawaiian Band created a sensation at Col. Hopkins' gold mine week of 19. Tbe unique organization is A military band, a string orchestra, with a chorus glee club, end solo singer, all In one. I.el Luhna, tbe soprano soloist, possesses a beautiful voice, and sings native songs. The vaudeville bill Includes: Gus Edwards' School Boys and Girls, Kowaakl Royal Russian Troupe. Cameron and Flanagan, Ferguson and Mack, De Mont Trio, and the klnodrome. Wild and his airship. "Eagle," made several successful flights, and has been retained as a special feature week of 26. ALrs. — Nahan Franko's concerts have jumped Into favor, Indeed. The programmes are satisfactorily srrauged so as to appeal to all testes. Harpist Scnuetze appears at'the Sunday concerts. Wynne Wlnslow, the well known St Louis soprano, Is the soloist for the week. Joseph Sheebsn week of 2& Mannion's Pare. —The bill week of 19 was headed by KrenclUe and Lewis. Others contributing to the programme were: Robin- son and Odell, singers: Okuras Troupe, La Adclia, dancer; tbe Wilsons, and tbe Msn- nlonscope. Business Is excellent Fclipsb Garden. —The Stanley Stock Co. nre giving a creditable performance of "The Mansion of Aching Hearts," with Arthur Stanley and Ella Allen in the leading roles. Columbia. —Tbe week of 19 was headed by Bert Leslie and company, In a new sketch, "Hogan's Visit." Others are: Helene Gerard, find horses, Smith and Campbell. Rlalto Comedy Quartette. Aurle Dagwell. Forrester and Courthope, Duryea and Mortimer, Laser and Lngar. and the klnodrome. Standard. —The Empire Burlesquers were the opening attraction at the Butler play- house 111, headed by Soger Imhof. The olio Included: Blxteen Minnehaha Maidens, Mar- tin and Crouch. Four Leigh Sisters, Four Musketeers. Week of 26, the Twentieth Century Maids. Handland'b Tare:. — Gregory's spectacle. Moscow," closed, 26, a successful engage- ment Globe (H. E. Rice, manager).—Week of 19 Included: Hyde and Robertson, German comedians: Glbb SlBters, singers and dancers I Ldwln Harris. Hebrew comedian; Lulu Bes- selmnn, Illustrated songs; John Zouooulas- KlB musical act, Frank Doran, buck and wing anncer, and the klnetlscope. The constant Increase In the attendance at this house has been so marked that Manager Bice has found It necessary to enlarge the capacity, which, when completed, will help to accommodate tho crowds. Barton's Big Show. The house has under- gone the usual Summer renovating, and will be complete with conveniences for the com- ">», ?f It; patrons Frederic Burt was a visitor in St Louis last week Edns Bruns Joins Francis WIlBon Sept 1 Otto Lamar returned from New York last week, ond opened the Exposition roller rink to good business, considering the torrid !?TriVV' A , theatrical fxehsnge wis opened In St Louis recently by Rice I Rich- ards, nnd Is doing excellent business. An exchange hns been needed a long time Handled by such well known and experienced FHu fl 5 K1 «,«ud Olck Richards are t b ds fair to rank among the foremost booking agencies In the West Iorem oat « i » COLORADO. Denver.—At Manhattan Beech (W. E "»''• manager) the Auguetln Daly Co hid wTei bU wS\rll, It ^he d Ch, e ga.b°^t week "Snn Toy" drew big houses The man ngement distributed soulenlr photos of"the members of tho company at the week's performances. The vaudeville concert ,, nouneed for 19 will take plsce 26 nr'«o« U "Th\ D,1 ?.?,.. (Marj B"tch - -1»E«. pro- a, J ","corrn"g k "he\ n v1,y J - ST ft| S!£ " .?S ve a .""'""ed perfomnnce of Pi. Ek 8 ™ 6 " L ««">«' r at a special mat- —nS P {i, , .">. ( H a "J D Beck ' ? en ««l manager) aiH.'S'JrS' of 20 tblBTiouae oponeffor f„. nc """"ba "'"Hon, before a record creak- ing audience. The bill ■ The vim,SI.~ A tetto, Maenrr. dog, and monkeys"cftteU, Bros., ZlBka and King, Car I In and of o Bryan nnd Nedlne, and pictures °" 0 ' Curtis (A. a Pelton, manager)—"Look ilSv^o^^fe^ iiiffl'iM^is pictures' ' U " l * n M:tMn * na ~mpany; Noveltt (Henry Lnbelskl, manager) —Rill for week of 10: Yum.. Reoub™ SirSi Cole F &&> ffiH lSSST rlle^ •* HALL'S Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer renews the hair, makes new again, restores to freshness, gives new life. Stops falling hair. Keeps the scelp clean and healthy. Makes the hair soft and smooth.' Sold for 60 years. Tor the whUkei* and moustache we make a Dve kaownasBDCKlMOHAIf'S DTE. It colors fi rtantly a rich brown or . toft black. B. P. KALI A CO.. Hsahoa. W. H. THAT DAINTY HINTCOVEREO .., CANDY ,r- C0ATED ^" A [HIWII-O // GUM. , h —v.... FIVE UNTS S3. REALLY DELIGHTFUL JUST RIGHT AFTER DINNER Trs Itinm! n tor im btr/ cbjc- • r I ABBBl 1 leu in jour iuihbor- hood send as ton oeots for a sample packet Any Jobber will cqbb'j itore- (eepsT. with CMcieu. FRANK H. FLEER a COMPANY, do , Philadelphia, DJI^., aad Toronto. Canada S0Z0D0NT TOOTH POWDER is a beautiful polisher, absolutely free from grit and acid. Are you using it ? You ought to be. Ask your dentist. ■atabout half p _ Wen traded in for "HOLTON "awE3aS whTch la- L celallotbers. If you want the best, boy •"HOLTOK" I —If yon will ha»e auiotber rtialco.wB h&vt It for yon I Cbeap. E»erytQln(t for bands. Our cataJoe and oar- I gala Hat free on request. rW*HK HQLTQH a CO., Ollawa B1HX. CHICAOO I FLASH LIKE GENUINE D.ij'-TtfgM. y...ucaauwiia Diauu^J aqual In trillnucy to aoy lanulna Stuna at onvthlriietl. tba BARODA DIAMONDS IN SOLID GOLD RINGS lists.) acid teat and »p*rt «itamlR>- ti.-iii. WapiaraiiteaUiaiii. 8m Ibcm flrat. then par. Catalar*. Frrr. Paten. u,nr Jteaaura Icrdndad fur FIVE two-cent tUmpa. THE IIABODA CO., Ppt*. iio Karta Stat. 8U Caleac*, B E ™ LITHOGRAPH^ A80UT HALF THE PRJCE I NEW LITHO-TINT.PAPER - SEND FOR.CAT'lOGJt ■-- Morrison ShowfrintTo,,,,,,^,! OoYou WANT aVULITARY GOODS? I«^S£, , S!£9 RMB . A^tY or VAT! 8TJ1T8. ISJ5 , .i2E SS Md EQUIPMENT OP BTEBT 1>£3UIUPTI0N. From QoTcrnment Auction. ho matter what yon want in that line I can ■apply it. New or second hand. Sena for oataiogns, b. b. Abrahams, 822 South 8tv. PhlladelphLa, Pa. SCENERY ••SILKO," the PerfectTrnnk Kind, largeststodlos In the World. DANIELS 8CKN10 8TCDIO. Oblcago. AjlL'oLjlt ll Bl * rr "°'- a - Dealrn »n>i , . , . Asenta. write for whole BJ"."5a of the Utest Pnxzles, Novelties and I'ockct Tricks. USIVERSAL HUPI'LY CO., la U salle St, Ohlcft-o. Eatabllshed lsso.