The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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September 1. the new york: Clipper: 737 THE HOUSE THAT DELIVERS THE GOODS. 3sroa?xoxs FOR YEARS, EACH SEASON WE HAVE PICKED A BALLAD HIT SftJ'HM has become a Trade Mark in the world of . fianrcna." "ThA WnoiHnaTiiw," ho™ ^ri^ B * LtAD SUCCESSES. "The Apple Tree," "Dear Old J S have-positively iui fucces, rfth, a .L b J!. en 'B,"? hit8 wlthi ° «&e last eighteen monfhB. And now, as we have told y<m of others, we tell you SffiSDSSS!^o?S^£ol^^f e ™^ a ^ ILLIAMS and VAN ALSTYNE ballad, with which nothing on the market can compare. If you Site SeSSSfbfflad avalanche ' y * sweet music and simpl8 word8 ' if youwant the most beautiful slides man can conooive, get them K Liu fill For years each season we have picked the novelty Western hits, such as "Hia- watha," "Navajo," "Silver Heels" and CHEYENNE. Dnn'C W»ll tlmll ,ini ||,.. r on,.,, R» ai> |„ K „ n orv ,. t or KtMmr... Ort II'Row. Slrlki. Willi. III. Iron I. 10 LA By JAS. O'DAE and CHAS, JOHWSOW. Is another hit, breathing the romance of the Western prairie. "Iola" is the only real successor to "Hiawatha" ever written. Try it and you'll 11 ad our statement true. TWO LITTLE SAILOR BOYS By MADDEN mml JORDAK. The champion march song. With ■llde«. CAMP MEETIN' TIME ALICE, WHERE ART THOU GOING? By WILLIAMS aiitt VAW AI.HTYNK. , Thai hurrah cnou song. Letters evny day felling of II* Imiiitm**. mmbii, Hy IIKKI.AK unit (.TJItIIII.U. The novelty niaroli wmk Ml nt" the mmii WON'T YOU THROW A KISS TO ME? By W. J. MiKEXVl, • . The Dalntleet Serenarte Coon Bong Written In Yean. THE DEAR OLD FARM *II> .fBROMR AND SCHWARTZ* The Comic Song scream par Excellence. If You Want to (let a Laugh, Oct the Hong. IF I ONLY HAD THE NERVE V1NCKNT BRIAN'N Worthy Hn«vr**or to "Thnt'H ILjtw I Love Yon, Maine." I'M GOIN' RIGHT BACK TO CHICAGO - - - ■ • WILLIAMS anil VAN ALSTYNK. ,,';. , Sntcesior to "Back, Back to Baltimore " WILLIAMS anil VAN ALBTYNK'S Calrhy LHIln Actor Bong. I LIKE YOU, TOO WILLIAMN untl VAN *J.NTYNK'N HncceMor to "Why Don't You Try." Butter Than Their Original' H. REMICK & CO MOSE GUMBLE, manager. Professional Dopt., Chicago Office: 87-80 Clark St. manager Professional Dept., I) 45 W. 28th ST., NEW YORK. •Executive Office: 10 Witherell 81., Detroit, Mich. WANTED, THADDEUS GRAY STOCK CO., '. ;-■ 0W1N0 TO MISREPRESENTATION, WE WANT A No. 1 Genteel Heavy Man and First Class Comedian. Tell It all first letter find tin not misrepresent. Must be able to join on receipt of wire. Fares ad- vanced only to people we know. Address ';■-• ;. ■• . 1>. K. BKNN, M(tr., Clearfield, Pa., Aug. 27 lo Sept. 1; Bradford. Pa , Sept. 4 to 8 A NEW COMEDY NOVELTY ACT. FREDERIC FREVOLI, '' ■;'' 0HAPEAUBRAPH1ST, MUSICIAN, AND HAND SHA00WI8T. Addreai ii;i K. 13th St., \. V. C. HAS IfftMBDIATB OPEN TIMK. ...."' AT LIBERTY,' SEPT. 8, FOR REPERTOIRE OR VAUDEVILLE. CIIAUACTERS. (.HVEIUL BUSINESS. INGENUES, JUVENILES. HELEN--JACKSOIM and DOOOL.AS-MAUD DAINTV SINOINU COMEDIENNES. . FEATURE SPECIALTIES. CHANGING NICIITLV. Addre.s • GENERAL DELIVER1, Week: Aug. st, Haverhill, Muss. Week Sepl. a, Portsmouth, N. H. l>tv 11 IE BltOS.' IDEAL 311.VSTKLXS ■WANTS Comedy Acrolmllu Tram or Uonblt Club Act; also Alto, double 2d Violin; Trombone, II. and 0.,>or Tronilione-I double ttl Violin or Viola, tan nee good Mngle.Vovcliy Act wlto can wing ana Ortiiiie; Hlatolowust salary; positively wire. Etuaiglng ror regular coupon. Address Willi fin.par- 'IKlllurm IIkKUE BROS., Aug. 30. Stamford, N. Y.j 31, Roiliurj.N. Y.j Sepl. 1,I'lncUlll; 3,ltobarl, IK Y.; J, Dcllll, K. Y.j Walton, 8,e, N. V. At Liberty, Sept. I. ORCHESTRA AND BAND LEADER. K.\pciienccd In Concert, In Theatre work, good viodniet, wiFlies to locate In good (own. Big library u( Mandard and popular music. AddrcBs - •• r . JULIUS WUiTMl, Musical Director, State HogpHal. ML 1'lennant. Iowa AT LIBERTY. J AMIS S S. GARSIDE .(GENTEEL HEAVIES, Some CHARACTERS), eiVIIYIA WARREN .\Z ("fllUNM DAMES AND CHARACTERS), wnrdroiio the host. One piece or DnMH rep. Agjttg ,L S. flAUSIDK, 68 W. fllst. Street. N. Y. w A. IN TED, PIANO PLAYER, LEADING MAN, AGENT. Uaefnl Rop. people Willi specialties. JOHN o. ItAV, l.ogun , Kitn. ■■,. WANTED, FOR Stelson's Uncle Tom's Cabin Go. ■■'■:-: mm OKCIIESTKA Who Doubles Baritone, Lady with lime girl for EV(i; KJcetrlclanwho can play Biuall pari, Cornet ior'Bandaud Orcbcatra. .' Address LKOX tt'ASHUCRK. as per route. SkBtvfr Wauled tor Two or Mere People. S*r|otis nr Iterlned Comedr. Woubl like to hear <f old wicccks ilmf wodIiI hoar revivul. Aildrcsn ; H * YOgN(IKAN;lH VM l»l St.. New Y ork. Wonted, Good People for Medicine SBOw. state - »>1 (i OMt letter, open Oct. 15. '..: t : >. CAPT. O..W..SJIITU, Pickering, Mo. U IH SEJISIHI—REOORD STOCK - 5TH SEASON. WANTED, leading Man, Strong Line PartB, all 'Round Actor, comedian and Soubrette, Strong Speciality; Clmraeter Woman, Jwv. and iDjrcniie w onmn, (ion. Bus. Hen, Novelly Act to Feature and Ad- vaneeMHn. All must lie prepared to Join on wire. Write, stating n»Inrv and Full |iart.tciliary. Pay own. J. WALLACE CLINTON. Olcan, h. Y. SKETCH TEAM WANTED, ALSO SINGLE ACTS that change for week. Long aca«tn near N. V. COOKE COMKDV C O., Bellpor t, 1. 1- S. V. WASTED. FOR BURTON STOCK CO., Slater Team, BBMhltf Arllits, Leading Lady, Piano Plater, Musklaw lo donlilc Sl»|c. Tuba and Siring l!a«». Han wllh Moving Plcluro Maclilno. write. S. E. I.HSTEII. Mgr„ Salem, III, AT LIBERTY, CLARIONET. Al man; locale or travel. Only reliable'manager* address LI.SLI1. CANrlt.bll, *" care of Pen , liel., AHaela. Ca. OomlPrrcAllrartloii. at very riaiuiable pilrea and W"»» ™;|g'- TAtulR| g,,,, „„ mn _ |„,|, WANTED, Character Wan and/Woman. Addresi WILL BEINOLUS, HatUiiinile, |U,. AN ESTABLISHED SUCCESS A r..'111'V, just CO days from the date ot publtoa- tluii, th*[ lnlmliablo "Rag" for piano, "JUST NOISE" lm* more Mian nrnde good, And la In Its second edition, Not nlttce Scott Jopllu's fan.ous "Maple Leaf" lis* Hiich a real rag been placed on the market. 2.1c. at your dealers, or postpaid direct fromi SOUTHWESTERN MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., Boi73ri,Tl'Lr,,., ISO. TEIt. N, B.—We waot every professional piano player to have a copy. Enclose programme. Write plainly, and don't get excited becausc'our ad- dress I* not "Now York." We are rcpresenied at the Mc-slc Puli. IIscliftiiKC-in W. L'stb Rf. DROP IN AND ASK LEN PPENGKK ABOUT IT. At Prices That Are Right. 8xr Francisco, -i r , elides, partly colored, with lec- ture, price ft); l'oso And Serpentine, uficts. per slide. Klcbly colored and blocked out Comic, Bong, and Lecture Slide-, cheap, Edison Exhi- bition Outlll, complete, $S6; 1 Universal Edison, complete, $6. F >. Wc buy lilmi, slides In any qiitni- lity. * . C. L HULL 8c CO. 209 E. S7TH ST., CHICAGO. ILL. AT 1VIBBRTY, GEO. F. HOWARD A good Dutch Cmuediiiii, n clever Jew ('omi'illiiii, a good Slock Comedian. Notblng but the bent mm upply. Uurlc^iue or draiiiii ur vmidevlHe. . tillO. K. HOW'AHII, Coney lalnml, N. Y. Ctumoi's liiijHTliil .Miiwli- Hull. For W. Lawrenco Gallagher Attractions, tinod Comedian with speclaily tor Irish Part. Heavy Man for Mexican. Oilier dramatic people write quick. Kenstiti opens Hep. 8. People en- gaped report Sep.-J, LAWKKNCK. Will buy two Kill Trunks. Managers send open time. IV. Ia. UAIaI.AUIIKR. East Hrookfield, Mass n WANTED QUICK, FOR "OUT IN IDAHO, Man for Mexican Heavy; also flood Coniedt D; wllh npcclaiflep. Mum Join at once. Must not bo over mii In height. II WEItlt CHAMBBRLUN. P-**'- «■' PARTNER WANTED FOR, LAOY MINS IHt: S. I have avvcll'iia'ppr./.WaW'ifitrtner Willi siial ctnlial tlial I- a Conn illan or Agent. I. HEIST MOItKI.AMI. Hndlav, Olllo, WANTED, AT MX TlMIS, 8KBT011 TEA*». SISTER AOTH, SINGLE LAUIE", and MALE TEAMS, HKWEV, MUSIC HALL, UT1CA, N. r. DAVE UA1U1 1, Manager. THE MARCH SONG HIT OF THE SEASON, i. ROSABELLE H FREE, Profosslonal Copies to Porformors enclosing Pro- grams. JOHN 8CHOMAKER r Prof. Manager. NOIV HHADV-' I'm Goinir A Mllkfill." " Down llv Hie Hllvef Stream," "ll'a Had lo Hake Pro mlses," " Hunting lhe I'ok^uiii,' 1 "The Delia of I-'ulc," "Echoes of the Pusl," " I'leam* Mo Not Cl"s« tlio flatc," "When Evening Fulls," " Dtjintuid file Union l,iilml," "1 Oaumil Live Willmul Vmi," " Dear to My Life." "The Haltle of Manila,"" (Hi: Win. Will Mir* for Mollicr?", "Tlie Hood My Mirilmr W«w," "IWIsli Someone Would l^ive Mr," " Whero tlio Nodding Wiiinws Hrcaili," "Hweot Lily (fiiucn," "Sweet Molllo Medico." "The Wsndeilnga yf the Mind," "Vlcoula," "The Rugged Coat," "The Loss or My Dal)y," "Calling From llio 01 her Shore," "Jue, tlmPet." MELVILLE MUSIC PUB. CO., 55 W. 28th St., Hew York. WANTED, for RICE & CONLEY'8 BIG WHITE MINSTRELS, fills show was changed from colored lo wliito -I weeks ago, and lias iicun doing remsrkahlc business. Hand and Orclicsli-A Leader with iiiuhIc, must piny violin; Oorne' lo doulde lid lid., Cliirlunel, Hltdo. and Al Trap Drummer. Hlcycle Act, JiiBBlcr, Miisleal Team, or Novelty \vl of any kind, good Cutitcdlart for ond. Salaries must liolow iih we n»y them every w«ek. Tlrkniri advatn:ed. wni.pny IihIT your fare rut to show. Addrens by wire W. II, HICK, Mgr.. Canyon city. Tex.. Aug. '.mi and :ai; llorofurd, bl; Texlco, N. M., Si'pt.l; I'oriallH, ;ii lluawell t 4; llagermati, d; AilesUi,«: Carlsbad. 7. , Musicians \A/ar-it:ocl, FOR" CARL GLAIR'S SUPERB BAND, 1). B.oi-MdNHTEKK-FLAT HASH. Thoroughly exiHileiiUOd MASS Wil'MMKHs. Vaniiicleaoecurrliig Sept. 1 for balancL' of Seawon anil next If HiillMhu-lnry. dlhri' Miisl^lans, jiIchho write. Add res* or wire caul CliAIII, liaiidmaaier Kitrniim A- linliey shows, pur mule in n,ii*ri;ii AUDITORIUM, CHARLOTTE, N. C. INDEPENDENT OPEN TIME For ItEI'EHTOIKK nr LIlillT OI'KIIA I'urnpnili™. , A. I'KTKIII. ■VkZATVHTIEliy QUICK, MINSTREL MUSICIANS 0f ALL KINDS. Mast lie'able' to |olnou receipt of wire. .Slate salnrv ami experience. Pay your own. All must bo Sight Headers and llioroughly compelent. Seaum IhOh-1'j week". nlcaxed to hoar from [,'iioiL mliiHlrel talenl. Address fKE» It. FdWI.KK. Manager IfAVKKLY'S MAftTOHON M1NSTKELS,' Hlcliuiond, Va., week Aug. 87; Atlanta, ('.«,., vnfl Hopl.9. ■ WANTED. FOR METROPOLITAN STOCK COMPANY, First Class Repertoire People In All Lines. Prefer those who do specialties. Al Sifter Team, or man and woman with feature specially to clmnjpf for week; lady or gent, wllh fine voice for lihMlrnii-d song*. Slatcnll lirsilif^riEK, Season 40 wooks. CLIKHJItll KKKVKS, Mnrloii, Kk„ wek Aug. W; M'-lTiiiken, Ks., week Sept. 'i AT LIBERTY AFTER SEPT. 3. ». A. IIAI.ZIEL, Monitor E Tnli. and String Ban: <'. II. 1UUHHKXMA!., Claflonel, B. and 0.1 OILI.IK PAlUfc. cornel and blag.; IIUUT. ltCDINII.L, Hand Lcador. Camol, B. and 0. Joint or separate. Addrca* iv'alcrvlllu, Kan,