The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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738 •THE NEW YQIRK OIJIPPEB. ,r%l»JvEMHEirl. • TO / ' ' )■ Irt W- ■i- ' iT- 1 -';-" i>!n« •■ THE FRANK QUEEN PUBLISHING MM. Umltid.) .JUrorulfCTOIItt. |, rl, ALBEBT J. HOBIE, Editorial and Huhinkkh manaqrr. ■ m < = — , 1 ". Li I i !. ■ ' i ■ SATtJBDAY, SEPTEMBEB 1, 1906. ■t'*.T k ■. RATB81 Advertisements—y.,.80 per Incb, single col- umn. ■*■- ■■ AdverHsefjoentii set with border, 10 per cent, extra. HUBSCRIPTIOX. One year, lo advance, 94; alx mouth*-, ?-; three months, fl. Foreign postage extra. Single copies will be Bent, postpaid, on re- ceipt of 10 cent a. , Oat T**™* *« Cash. THF; CLIPPER Is i-wited every Wednesday morning. The lust four (advertising) pages <.U 'Kt i»..khh on Saturday at 11 a. IL. and Uift nih^ir. pages on HONDAV nn4 TUESDAY. The Forini Closing; I'rdmutly, Tues- 4or t nt 10 «'«IocU A. MY ■ - Please remit by express, money order, cheek, P. O. order or registered letter. All cash en- closed with letter la at the risk of sander. Addrctesl ' All'*' r«upmuDi<<iiti»ns to xup m:w 10 uk. ti.ii'i'F-n. 47 West 2Hih Htreet, S'cw York. Rcgittcrcd Cofcte A&dreM, "J^utuqmtx." THE WESTERN BUREAU of Tut Ci.n-i't'it Is located at Iloam nin, Ashland Block, Chlcngo, .William V. Bryan, manager and correuppndent. where advertise- ments and Hiil>serl|ttlons arc received at our It'UHliir. rfllD). ..V ,.. .*&, .!,.:.•. :.■ j. ;;' THE LONDON BUREAU Located at 48 Crnnbourne St., London,-W. <?,, John II. Carney, manager ami correspondent, where ndvertlKcmentn and subscriptions are received at our regular rates. ■ • TlU. Cl.iri'KB CAN KB OHTArNKO, WJIOI-B- hale ami iiKi-Air., at our agents, Ilrentuno'a news depot, :i~ Avenue de t'Opera, Paris, France; M. LI lien thai, Frederick Btranse 101 (Terminus Motet), Herlln, N. W,, Ger- many, Diamond .News Co., 117 PradO, Ha- vana : Manila Hook nnd Stationery Co., 128 Kscolta, Manila, P. I.; Albert & Son, 187- I'll) King Hi,V Sydney, Australia, ... JUL M;\V \ 1IIIK Cl.IPPlOn pulills-MCB .ml'jr «mi- rdltiaii, inxl I- dated fniin \nv VnrL. qtlEBL ES ANSW KttBP. No Replies by Mall or Tclearrapb. AI4HIKHHKH flit WIIKIIEAIIOl'TH NOT 01TRN, All in qcjcht or mth hiioi'ld which to ailUNH WflOM TIIKT HKY.K, IN I'ArR OV TIIK CLUTKIl POST, UFVIITH. ALL i.kitwih WILL VH AjiVKIIT.IHKLV 0NK WKK1C OJSlA. 11- Til)) Hot'TK HP ANY TiiKVriilCM, COllPAM V IH MonuUT, IIKKglt Y.i urn lint ni< iloHTKN ON ANni'lir,.! l'AOB, WB CANNOT 8UNP HOUTKM BY MAIL Itfi TKI.WlttAI'lI. lilt A \| \ 1 |( , E, E, Ili, lUelimou'tt.—\V(' ,, 1 Vf ' m WWWl" edge of the preneul whereulmtils of tin! nnrly. AfldtcKM 11 letter In our rare aud we will ud- vertlrio II In Tiih Ci.ii'i'Kii letter list. ],. IV, Newark, A. II. II., IVlrMl.uil, MllN. C. .L, Cminlrn, "ANXMHD*,'' "HlVHHVIIMV," "I'l'NOV AM) I)(IWNH," T. «J. 4t., Clear Luke, nnd A. Y., Philadelphia—»ce answer to H. H. h„ nlwve. M. M., Wheeling.—A(ldrOs» the Minor Lltlio. Co., Ilroiidivny and Fortieth Htrcei, New York City, W. Hit II., Uhioklyii.—AdilreHH Will UobmI- tii', laa WiiHliliiifton Street, t'lilrflKo. A. u. H., KiiIpbi. —AdvertlHe your wants In 'I'm Ol.lW'KII. "Jkmmky." —Wc can only ndvUe you to writr in the I.llit'iirlaii 01' Congress, »l Wush- lilKlnit. .1. F. It., Ilrmixoii.—There Is no book pub- lished on (lie snlpJiH-t. Kxpei'leiiev Is the only tflaclier. W. K. tl„ Lenawee .limetlon.—Address M. It. Kiuikfly, it::i Smitb Street, New York City. T. K. S., PUUlmrp,—From S80 per week up. A. L.. Oicemvood Lake.—Znnrlg Is the name, not hunxlg. I. L. P„ Witshlnglon.—Address Col. T. Allstou IItown. Kiilt'kerboi'ker Theatre UuUd- hiz Annex. New York City. Saxtlky. Club. —Address the party, as bo In tlio proper one in niiKwei' your question, .1. M. H.. Kenton.—Address the luwryoll Anitiseineut Const rtieiIon Co., Pittsburg, Pn. CAItUM. C, L.. rfflahylllo.—It wins with \aw. w. W. K., Lvwistun it wIbh with tow and jack, itH those poluts tiiko precedence over >!uiue In the count. TUHF. W. A. It., Illnlririnfp.—'rtie brown horse wins. Hut If (he owner ofihe brown horse really wished to decide which wus the better borse; he wnuhl not nerept the decision or the money, but would arrange for unother NCB, +++ w - ■- OUH CHICAGO LETTER. (I'KOU UpJtOWN Luillttai'ONDENT). '•vJ.'Wtwitrn Bureau ' ' of lliu Now York Clluper, Hoom niM, Aaaland UIo«k, chtcavo. The Intense h.-at which pr^rallcd last week, hid the effect of cutting down the re- relpla.oft the various houses, hnt generally speaking.' business wns fair. The holdovers are: Klsle Jan!n,.ln "The Yanderhllt Cup." at' the Colanlal: 'Told in the Hills," at Powers*; "The IiI.on and the Mouse/* at the Illinois; "Monte; Crlsto," at McVlcker's; •The Land of 'Nod," nt the Chicago Opera House; ;''Bedford/H Hope." at the Great Northern,: "Twiddle Twaddle." at the (i rand Opera House; "The Time, the Place and the Mil/' at ;the La Salle. Two new comers. 'The Love Hoarc'" nnd "The Stolen Story," will be seen week of 27, the flrat named nt the C.arrlck nnd the other at 'the 'Htude- baker, iM.iNom TiihatiIk (Will J. Uovls. iuqiiu- fier).—"'ITic Lion and the Mouse" continues is record breaking run at this bouse. It will remain one more week, and then give wny to the Bousa Opera Co., In "The Free Lance." ■' Powf.hh* Tiihathb (Harry J. Powers, man* ager).— Told Ifa the Hllla'* continues Its prosperous ehgagement, but Its stay la draw- ing to a close. "J ;" Colonial turathr (Oeorgc W. Lederer, manageih—Clever Klsle Jsuia and her com- pany of enf,ertalnera remain, In "The Van- derbllt Cupj" MlsA JAnla will change her list of Imitations again iBIs week. Oahrick 'nii;ATHi> (Herbert C. Dure, man- ager).—"The Love Rnnte," a. new four act comedy by Edward I'eple, author of The Prince Chop," will have Its Initial perform- ance nt thin bouse Hunday night. Auir. i'<;. The chief role will be played by Odette Tyler. "Brown of Ilarvm-d" closed a moat prnHperaim engagement nt this house 2.Y Kti'Iikiiakkii Tiikatrk (It; K. Ilornuyer, mnnngcr).—"The Stolen 'Story," Jesse Lvnch Williams' piny of newspaper' life, will bo given Its flrat |M»rfornmn l ce Mgpdny, i!7. Wil- liam Norrls nnd cumpnny' closed 11 iirosperoua engnuement In "A HlronuoQH Life" 27*. *-'Plie Land of Nod," with Knox V/llson, Walter Stanlon, Mnhel lini-rlson hftd a host of other players, enters upon its tinnl fortnight 27. OiiAMt Oprua IlOtni (Hnny Askln. mnn- ngeri.— J<k> WelM-unud eoinpuny, In "Twiddle Twaddle," cnntlnileto be atroog laugh pro- vokers nt this limine. MoVh*ki.ii'k Tukatiik (tleorgo Warren. mnnngerl.—.Inmeji O'Nell, In "Monte Crls'.b, remains at Ibis boose, to coutluucd business. La S.\Lf*: TiiKATmt (Mart II. Singer, man- agtri.— Thf Time, the I'lnce nnd the Olrl" began Its Nihil week Hatiirihty, •J't, Cecil Lena, George Menduih and Florence, Hol- brook are still In the cast. Okkat Noiitiikiijc Tin a my. (Fred 0. Klierta. iiiimngerl.—"nfrdford'a" Hope," with Us big auto race. Is proving one 01 the best Hummer attractions this hoo»c Ims ever bad. .Ma.tkmtic Tiikathk IWm. Ncwklfk. mana- eer).—PHplnuu IMin Iturke and Ills Nine Schol Girls, and Uoliert Wittier nnd cimtpimv will be the prominent features of the bill nt this nana*' week of '27. ' The bill also In- cludes Olney and Cunningham, and llentrlce M.Kviltie. Olym,l*ic Tiif-A'iitt: (Abe Jacobs, manager). —Stella Mayhew heads the bill at tills house for. week of Aug. 27. The bill also Im-ludes: Iter! i.i'.-.Hi'. Kathcrlne Nugent, Chns. For- icster, ami Jane Couclhope. ' Haymahkkt TifKATHH (William Newklrk, ntitiiiif,'ei'i.—The dramatic playlet, "The De- serter." will lie a headline feature. The partn la the' capable hnnds bf Charles w. HUchcotk, WInlftyd Stevens and Jus. Evaufl. The Hard Ilroihfrs, aercdiais; Gardner arid Hevere, and Helena Gerard and her bentitl- 1 ni horse will also appear. CuiTKiunx Tjikatuk (John II. llogan, mun- ager).—"While 'Frisco llurns," 11 melodramu, bused uoti Sun Francisco catastrophe, will Ik? presented during week of Aug. 20. "Across the Purltlc" closed n week of good hiiNiness Bijou Tukatiik (William Koche. inana- per).—"The lliauiom Hetcctlvo" will lie the bill for lite week of 20. Mmiy new Special- ties will he Introduced.. "Nellie, the News- girl," closed a good week 2.1. ACAIiKMY TlfMATUK (Will Nun Hotlie, niHim- fof);—"Old Isaacs of the Howery." with tarry First In ilie t!tle role, will he the ut- traction beriunlng Hunday, 20. ' "The Cow Puncher" cuised a splendid week Saturday, 25. 'CniA'Mat'K TliBA-inK (Weber Brothers, man- agers).—Margaret, Neville will appear fls a Mexican, lu "The Cow Ptmeher." beginning Sunday, 2tl. and for one week. "Thorns nnd Orange Blosseins" cloneil Knturdav, 2<"i. Al.llAMMUA TtlRATUK ('.lumen 11. Iti'fiwii, mauaBor).—"As T»ld..ln the Hills." a West- eru play, will be the offering nt this houRe for week of 20. "The Phantom Detective" closed a week of good business 23, Pdkiiy Tukatiik (11. M. Motts, manager). —For week beginning 27. "The Mayor of l'lxlr," a real Southern negro'musical com- edy, will nerve as (he attraction, for a run. A chorus.of hiiv voices mid ten buu>u play- • in have i k' eii NpeclaUy engaged for this slaiw. "My Nephew's Wlfe' r closed u fort- AvrKUMATii.—Hid .7. I'usqu'k new bwr- yunrtcrmalue. The.« done are: • d Saturday. 2a. with "Business Is llaalncaB/' "The Man,., Who lesqqe theatre reopened Satifrday. -a n^gowd DlIlT of which A). HerroV Big^Beauty Wus y*uii iiiiii iiaim ii u..n. ............... .™ f ,»,. / . :r ._; Ti ,i H r ' ~: 1 Ot*.""-uii.I1 P iiKt w«'k ol aooil stuff, nod uliould an more tlmn Wf I. two-dtntKIlt'times, arid It mtt.'ttorw If Vbratrr tbri'Dt- &"< » wry . enJoMWC Iitilldny, .mostly *a ect rA rnsall nver ,,™i l„j , a I ." imat"t». Tb°.» "pent In Il-etaS,' Jtarba and Verity are.Jbft a" ccte 0 "Sail over except head and/hands. >im wlib pum week at the Kmplre, Belfast. iM.'1m We saw Uitictira Remedies advertised 1 acrobatic »bow la boe of tae^alk: and concluded to. try them. So I sent r~r t that, .' ty. Holllly* for Marba », „„ „.„..u > n « a |.t;n» „tc J ■ or v are lew anil for between. A Deep *?•"? »ortii, consisting dWone.cake of Wbow wbk tbe fmuirc. .. .'1'bo.loi-al critics ate iinanlujoiiH lu pronuiiiu-liiK CliurlvH tlfrlt-li s (lrapinlle ,pluylet of war times In Vir^luU, "Tlie Deserter," one of the best akelebes seen In C'hlcako In many years Clay Clement Is dally reilearglng "Mam HoiHton' st the International Theatre. The scenery Is belnc painted nt the Auditorium Charles W, Hltcbrock. whose nrrlstlc per- formance In the- title role In "THe Keserler" nt the Olympic Theatre has won 'him much praise, was n ci. ji-i-kk caller last i'be play contest of tbe New '. ens to develop many new drai tar Inquiries from |87 persons Willi.ploys to enter have been received. The judges of tbe contest have not yet been announced. I^nnori: West, the singer, is rusti- cating- in Wisconsin, and will return home this week. l-:rnnb Slater,''of the West- ern Vaudeville. Maougcrs' Association, rande n flying trip to Denver last week, and lias returned .greatly benefited by the trip-to tbe mountains Charlea Ulrlch's new sketch, "The Hebrew," will soon be produced. - " . 1 n « i.. i ■• OUH LON DON 1. KTTEB, . FHOW Ol'B OWN COHBKSPOXDfiNT. Clipper Barean, 48 Crzmhouraie Street. 1-eleester Uiiuare, London, w. C. „ ,, j ... Alio. 18. rrenarattons ore now: woi| advanced for what Is claimed by the earliest tnMtrleal Autumn season dtt record. Tbe V!$.?' tb 5 .1™' w . c "! Itt September will find „ nenrly j| tu« principal London playhouses iBL*5Lirt"» open The dark SEES is of about the same S?ri Sent " duration here as In tne States, only the be- SSMr*_"SH! ginning of same Is about two months later In this city. Throe or four years ago few manager, thought ol opening their houses before October, but i;ow the seasons fotlow oarti other so closely that the dividing line between them has nearly disappeared. The following productions arc now duly an- Sflinreil: ".i Sin." I.yrlc, Abg. L'll "Tbe Jornls of Marcus." Cnrrlrk, Aug. ill; "The Wlaier's Tale." Ills llnjeslvs, Sept. 1 ; "Tod- <JCI, Dnke of York's. Sept. 3j ".Mrs. ifiE pies lelegrnra." Waldorf, Sept. a: "Tristan aiul Iseult, Ailel|>hl, Sept. 4 ; "The Mnn from Jlliinkleys. Iluyninrket, Sept. .-,, and "Alad- din, (.iilety, Scul. t,-,. fhe weather has ly cool this week, nnd the open **Pj*»f feS*» Chl|*re». Sutler,,, ,„, ... and "Colonel Newcolnbe.". Sonic of the new tbrnS to; be viewtltl at the illpiHslroiae on Moniuty ucxt uri:„.ibe I'nmous Leamy 'i'rnupe of Women Acrobats, ibc Aliiioifs. musical eccentrics: 'mlettiiS marvelous tilics, the Wlllc ;Brqthers, In their ihillllng balancing act: Oudsow. the Cossack whirlwind rider, on his. wild borse. and Abr dnllab's Arabs, in their acrobatic melody. Opening at tbe 1'avlllon next Jionday. for - ....j., , f { ,„:,k>„', ( ""\~" ■""v>"es the first Time In this country, Is Kdna Alei- ™ e copid Iteaf ol, without any relief, an( | nnder iMrs^Ililly 1'aittll);. She hns.ajloe then went to 3 r)liysici$n and got:medfcine 1-niy Ke«lr> Vltlt TiftriUl^^i^'J!" ■) Womlerful Cure by Vstlenea. "My husband andfive chikireri were all afflicted withecjicma. Thejti'had it two years; We used all the hoine remedic novel and nliouts of nnd Verily nn i at their date book is my authority. " Lllticura boap, one box of Ointment and Leaving to day,' for New York, Is Wilson one vial«of Pills, and. we commenced m Ma en, child inpersono or and mimic. lie .. ,U~ii I-Jr. nnt lmndffc-. . ° will remain In tie stales until Christmas, "se them. 1 do not knoWhow to express Daisy Harcourt, "the olrl.from.the Colonies'." my joy in finding a cure, for two of mv ilnisbes lonlght her very successful engage- childreobwere so bad that they have th» ment at the I'nlnoe. Because of her success )..„„,_ „. r . - n ,.,„:_ i,„,i; ' 'i. e , tlle Miss Harcourt has been appear ?r? wn scars on,their bodies, where tlicy at the HWaee Beit year. She retntns to 1^6* Mite sore. Mrs. Maggie B. Hill, Stevens .fan-Mat •MSSon Gd MfflB ■ i n m i . n i ;- :<%m:- , i iriaJ iiiiit,irLYA» ijjA. Plillndrlpbl.._Tbe Lyric : w |u y, „ rut lit (lie llnnn ,A,..n .!..._> ^ ._ ■ l " K York Immediately to fulfil contracts on the Kelth-Proctof circuit. Toledo, and, 1'rtce left England early In the week for liccllb. where, tbey opened at |be Wlntergarden yesterday. The former was suffering from a' spralped wrist, nnd was rather noxious, nliout his opening In the Ger- first of the dojvn 'town .theatres to reonen man city, ■ Their stay at the wlntergardcn its doom,.,on Saturday, night. S.Dt 1 iKiS Is unlll slept; 30. ' ' ' - VVeronlotie,'" which will make Its local In. Mrs. Harry Detftp, of Dcets nnd Don. or- for a two ;weol(s' stay.' 'On the follouin^ rived .nfely one day tills week.. She wns met Monday, Sept. .1, Philadelphia' will have 1 1, at the dqeit by her slater, Ea)ma Don, nnd Orst view of Illanche Hlng, In ••Doll,- ii„. her brollier. Percy Mora. Conn and Conrad, Jars," ut'Jhe Uarrlcti. '* On thV same' dnJ. who have been very busily ebgaged on th» "Cliai-ley's Aunt" begins ihe season at hi r for some months, soil for Chestnut Street Opera House ' good houses have beiielrted thereby, Ibc King of England Is'n great theatre- man, goer. Since the middle of Augtisi, Inst int. Hie king- bus n tit see the following piavs : Leah Kliwlitu," "On the l.ove I'nth,''"the lrudlgiil Son," "On the (Julet, i'be While " "Oliver Twist." ••Caplaln ' '.'I'lghls Oul, "Decore," to play trolled by Keith A Proctor. Le Domino.Itouge, who opens at the Palace on Monday, has been causing small sensations during the week by ettendlng different shows in town with her fnce disguised beneath tbe red mask. Sbe bns been well boomed nnd advertised. ,.: - The following, h.ive been engaged for Shrewsbury Floral Ette, which takes place Aug. II". and 23,: f'nlcedn, theCee Sieo Troupe, ihe Four rnUjues, Hnrdecn, Conn and Con* rail, the Wai'tDubiirg ill-others, the Onrganl 'i'rlo. Mile. Helta's tfhnlne wonders, the Hound. Ing Pattersons, and the Kiitifinnn troupe of lady 'cyclists. Arriving at Liverpool on Thursday were the Lsvalis. Tliey open ut the..Winter Har- dens. Moi-ecombe. on Monday, after which tlicy go lo the Tower Circus, Blackpool, for two lyeelts,: and then to Soiithport for the week-of Sept. 10. . Kred Wrfii" , — House.' tbe bouses con- paiik ([.-. (j. xlion-Nlrdllnger, miihsgerl —This house_ reopened its'doo— D - Jr.. it member of the cele- iiratcu tninllv of comedians, nppeors at the Palace ou Idonday next. He has lust con- CbrysautlH-iniini, Drew on 1^-ave, ,. •"i'he Llltle Mlciins," "Lea Alfalies Sont lea ^"^ { " n 6 "8»Semcnl nt Daly's, where he Affaires." "Tbe Man from Illni klevV* and l'"- s , been .nppcnfliiB as Ihe Chinaman. In tbe "Hanies." Tlie following iU." wcrcgiven "y rcvlv "' "' L™ ShS* e'red Nlblo's Pal- speelal command at Windsor Cnstic-nnd t n< '° eugasonient (lulslies tonight. Orlglnnlly ;...uui-,ngiinm;. "Carrots." "A Privy Council." S3"B"J™S 55* weeks, his stay was'pro. chain, .... doors Satordsi- night. Aug. as to a pocked house, to wit™", "l%e Devil's Auction." The cast Includes- George -M. Topack. Wm. H. Lorello, Elora Drowning, I-JlaAubry, .Helen A. Sllmori Ednb West. Xlarle Elmer. The special! cVhi Lea Uuatlc.Thercsltas. and Dogota and Gloef nreulso a feature of the show. "Home Eolks" Gn»'xn Horag iO. A. Wegefni-ih manager).-S, Miller Kent, In ' Raiu?"- ';' Sept. 1. (iiirmun's Minstrels did fnli'i.,".'i ffirJ 8 'foiBS* "— B "™' ln '•"">«" Gln,\ai> i Miller Sc Kaufman, mnnagersl — Jessie Mne Hall In "A Southern Vend™ a " makes her local bow 27 and week "The Count and tlie. Convict" drew well dim houses Inst week, the noting of John J Ear. fell,. In Ihe lending role, being received' with much favor. "The Master 'Workman" ;Sept I iSrStHf*. <. 1- *- «■ NIxonNlrdllnger. in,nil' ger):—"Ilnled Off the Turf" 27. Ixitlle Hi" l(i)s. In "My Tom-Boy Girl," pleased big SepTV " ^ " e ' , ' , "' "'" ,,l « l ""nders !i •«, ,uiuiii,iu.t in »>iiiuMir i nst c nun at ^•■o-.r-.. "■•*" .u-... tt ..,. v.,, b , u »,,j .iingiinm: "Carrots." "A Privy Council •■ e'"-'"^' 1 '"' ,m " "eeks, his stay was pl-o- llari'lnge Has llcen Arrnngeil ''"The MeV- '""g" 1 '°ur more. He returns to America II." "Tue Wblow Wuos" mid ••Pantaloon " 1""T 1 Bll ." r ! P'easnre trip on the continent. ...,.- ...,,... IK .. _,... ._ _.,... . . ... lilt 111 llrl.iLi./l In rnliiru in . I,,. Il.loss I,, n«» (Dnrcy & Speck, managers).— The stink i.llerlng for week of 27 Is "Tlie Lighthouse by tlie Se.i." Us't week the mem hers of the stock acquitted themselves favor- $S£g3REE&S5 lBk BfeM? 'I**™*****?* »aSnee M wan h 'nbi J ^fSvW'V;rd& Jockri» , 'S^, , y t .o' i 'aPpSlr n on Z iS'l „&%&!&$>&' * 'f 1 «»'™!'. ff- 10 Stoll tour. In e. sensational sketch, entitled JJEIiV™ „f ,l?^i-» I L'^'™ . " nc " wa the tr- culled ••The Pet .,f tbe Public" '""•"""> "A Jockey, Honor." it Is also stated that C""?" "%L "" ,".™!™ fegfi °9»Y i t - ;l ' The English rights of "Sherlock Holmes' "e s. to rece ve Ihe biggest salary IbV r-iffi^J™ 1 ^ ffiffi ,l ¥*i. bnve ben laken over by lliimlllon Stiiwurt, forded for this tour. Kri«sllr Conrot, who 3JB8 weM kuown i^iRf' |0 t'"1* l '" 1 - r ' by Mrrungenient with Charles Erohman. The ''»» ■.•tlrld Iron, ltie management of the Em- Sis|a!fic web-o,„e ,.[rffl>i!E£ ri $i.t*. ""' seas,,,, wT I ,-i.hllnenc.. at the llojal. Preslon. P";e- Xewcnst e-on-Tyne, I, to have » benellt. jSSPmJS^X^iWi'^'JS^ t ^l& on Bent. II. Mr. Stewart will essay the role f"* d """ Douglas are nraqpg the thoiis- dlelon "a \.!u ,', al " oa !*S Kd 4 lr "M" nfljoln . '' ' '. ' anils of passengers- sailing for-New York to- "! ? u,j,„iA W i.'"te" 5 ' m f° "«"? •"' rt ' If lyas announced some lltne niro that <Wy. Their latest trip to tlila comitry has HowardiKii ( i„ .'-'■' 'W.Khanlt, Ihelr former ones: . 1 i 0,s A , ", , BK»».: -.-..-ssfiil patronage. Soynioiir Hicks bus wrluea a new musical niece, wllh vr cs In/ c. H. Taylor, and music by.C. II. llnlnes. wlikli will probably . announced some time ago that (Issle Lofius was Kolng lo New York, to be ben as 27 and « '" llie Criterion, and one or two of the Nbiiw plays, st the rinn-t, ims Ik'to selccii-ii la Ivlleii 'IVrry for leading mnn during her American tour, , Jacob P, Ailler, Hie popular Jewish iictor, bill with Sim, Vlid"o0lnVaT8at,"were Ever has ittnile a tremendous hit in London.' on burl and Ultliigc. i'.io' 1 ' 1 ;' 1 "', "' k ''"' "'. 'nf I'n.vlllon Theatre, . 1 ,'»"' l .» <'rollln has l,een doing splendidly "!?.'! r J' l . l !" K i *?. V ,™. ,I ! 0 I""" 11 , is'iqile surgcil nt Ilrlgbton this week. In a few weeks lie will go lo Paris for a long run, possibly' six months Lelpjlg returned to town the'mld- d e of Ihe week, nfler u month's engagement ?!,."".!'"'.";" Marlgn,v. Purls. On the same will lie sailing from these shores, as lie is due to open al Keith's, Boston, the first we.k In Oeloher. ... '''""' Pleasing turns nt the Alhanihrn are lony Wilson and iiciolse, and Hie Amoros hlslers. ltiltli nets occupy good places on tbe bill, and lliey go exceedingly well. The Mu- sical .lolinslons are meeting with Ihelr usual Blleeess. Next week will Hod iheni nt Black- pool ng.iln for iim.ilx-,- three weeks. This will lie their third engagement at lhat sea- side resort during the past few months. uaim:. Portland. —At Grant. the 'Jefferson (Cnjbi i MONTANA. " " '" r • Ii...,.-—Al the Broadway Theatre (J. K. ileslct, mniuigert the Stewart Oiiera Co., in "ltiibetle," played to a large house Aug. lo. (iiuN'li Opkiia llfit'si: maiiagerl.—Lulu Sullnu (Dick P. and conipuilv, nlglifs engiigemout at th|, liotlac Tuui'AiiKlio TllkA-riu-: (I. M. Welngnrleu, ratinager).—The. uiuslcnl comedy cooilc oiiera, wllh solos, duels. Iritis und choruses, will lie Die features of Ihe bill for the week of 211. Hurry Bryant's Kxtravngauxu Bur- lesque Co. will be Ihe attraction. The Troca- lloro Slack Co. cloyed Its season 2o. I''ni.l.v TIlKATtiu (John B. Eennessv. inan- nge.r).—Ilellly & Wood's Co. will he featured for week of 211 at t|tls house. Berg's "Six Merry Girls." cuiininghnin nud Coveney. Wil- liams and Aliyne, and Henshaw Franslotll will appear In the olio. I.n-.! week Mluer's ltobeinlnlis closed n week of good lluslncss. Wutl'H t'rrv i I'nnl 1). lLpKse, nuinnger).— Tlie novel!r of Ihe bill, iH.gTiiiilng or the week of 20. will is 1 an octette of lerench fcinnle singers nnd dancers, who will assist Henry "Morni's Old Guard Band." There will he n new bill at tbe vaudeville thealrr. Midget City. 'I'he five show. Jewell's Manikins, and IIIU Otto's Wild Animal Show continue fa- vorites. mi other attractions, inlrlek Conwny's Band will return for week of 211. The Knights of Columbus will hold f.i-aut. manager.) the regular season opened Aug. 24. 25, with "The College Widow," to good houses. "As Ye Sow" 27-"" lllVBBtitw Paiik (William M. Johnson, i 0 '?,'",." 1 FAA ro " t „ D . rol b"i e " < '?„ | n "Cnstl auagerl.—Poln's llreworks show, nnd llfly 5, B ""i;. »i'"? ere "", "'" , rll !> Gelshn, , ' ii.v smashing all records. ""»■'» America, enjoying a well earned boll- "Dorn Tborne." lfl.2.1, httd large houses. The piece was well singed. Between the nets Male Howe. Jessie Date. Braun and Vel-ner. and the moving pictures. Next week. "Eallen by the Wavaldo." Nirrc.--Chi>slor w. Gllletle, musician at the Grand, and Irene Lortou, leading Indy ln meloilriniiilU' iiiles nl the Grand, were nini-ried here Aug. In, "'- n nlenlc al Ihe park next Saturday m ciivtks. —Ellfr, the mermaid: cti round Mi.- doors in a villi, endeavor to sect,,- seals in n house which lauely scats one thou- snud ia.ople. Mr. Adler Is nt the Pavilion for one week only. At the illusion of the cgiigruiont bo returns to New York. It Is eslliunlod Hint Ihe subsidized State lenlres of I'laace, such as the Theatre 1- rauonls, the Odeon. Ihe Opera and the Opera Combine, are forced lo give ovviiy ,so luiuiv free scats to members of llie government that lliey eau never make, any prollt. The yearly siilisldy paid to lite Opera Coiulquo amount's to eight thousand nullnds, bat this sum Is more tllnn eiiiwllcd by the tickets claimed by IHilltlel.ns. lieiiutles, not content wlllichilni- ing seats for llicmsi-lves. arc In the habit of asking for them for their constituents, bo at Ihe end of Hie season there Is ulwnvs a tie- flcleut for lite house. The same' practice ubta ns In the provinces o( Erauee, Where the thonfrlciil miiuuger Is Ihe servant of the mu- nicipality. So many free seats are exacted from tlti- unhappy luitunger that It may be snlil the subsidy ruins the theatre. The middle of the week, "The Belle ol Mnvfnlr" wns done for the oue bundled nnd Ilftlcth time nt the Vaudeville. As slntcil before, Edna May Is not In the cast. At i ' an nintlslng action for damages for Insult Ims been concluded be- fore the French, Ooneulnr Court at that port, Paul Sim, a CoiiNtautlnople critic, sued the tenor, M. Holland, for calling him a "pIk- nont" from the, singe. Holland and Sim were not on good terms, nnd when Holland enme uu the stage Is sing his part In the light o|iern of the evening and saw Klra sit- ting In the front low of Hie stalls, he about. ea r "Ko you nre here, you nlguouf.' 1 The consul could only make out that "nlgnoiif" meant n ohoemnker's apprentice, ami' de- dined to award Sim nny damages. -sUBo* si^yiSlJ™ .:■'.;■ man. nianngcr).—The Zylpha ijidles' „ cliestrn and moviug p letiires enterlnla here, thentjo arc Gninbler from Ihe West" follows." IvKiriis ill T. Jordan, manager).—Ned nnybinns HnltoDenrs are the leading real-. lires week of 27. Olhers nre: T. J. Koch and company, Meredith Sisters, Seliiut llrantj, l.eo Day, Caron and Enrnum. Illiiss and llenilnglou, Elf/wruld nnd Glldny, Bnl- tare. Brooks anil Nedder, Carl Cook, Adnlr nnd Henry,.tho Pour Meivlns nnd the klnclo- grnpli. Business wns big Inst week, v.. ,."'. "}''"W. "'■ '"'«• manager).—The New Centqfe Girl, 27 ad week. Two bur- esqiira. "The French Ball" lind "The lluftg KPrKr' ,i" r '' V. ""■. Programme. In addition v.,ft! o"."' which Incltiiles: The Bnrtcllcs. Nellie Sylvester, May Belle. Millie Vnlmotir. ernnels Bishop, Tom Harrett.Jnck MeCnlie. irnnk llnycs. and Arthur Vonn. Williams' Ileal I-.xtrnvngnnxn Co. hod a sueeessli.n of wenk " 8 °" W Slor 8Uow ,ilr,s BC,t trJrf'WX , j0 J l " <?• Jermon. raonagcri.— I is the last week of the stock burlesque c'tmponl, the regular senson opening Sept. i.' w J , 7Ll l, *i- I f" rat » Duchess CoT Business wan fair last week. - m£* n K0 . ( -'l!" * K °enlg, ro«nogerB).— JJi.„t".«"' r ..J" !w Vork stnr » "pened the amson 25, wllh a cnnnclly house. An olio. to Bi!',L? l< "' , ', 1 £IH 1 , ' 1 '>' aon ' l '"nnle Everett, the Shlonlna, Williams nnd Dawson, Mer- "li'' Alvony and Bush Brothers, furnished . Ohst, Penk's Island (0. W. 1*. Coding, manager) —The stork continues Its pleasing presentations. But one more week remains of the season. "A Bit of Scandal," 2f>-2!V, nW^'<^?>S &-^^&SR "BoVlon-raies'S ^Thffia^jtt^sOT mo^,T.^ r r% o 0 a\2ierr ,F a D o , f ^I'K°Cu-TTp ik TH F ATnE (E. V. Phel.n tmgli^jaimiK^^h!M m;u»g?,.^^„?,,,e,,^co D ,,S»^,ce,,e?,,• ^% t S's^¥^* a ^^i^ on tlie ballndlsta James lie .. Through the eonrtesy of Manager JPht'lan L the oflleprs^niid men from Waiting "«' .. u was showered' ewnlngSB ""l.-o™ I°Jve and E"^ 5 * ToMn^'' ' , r'? eDh "' "»""'•' »"'" %•»» »"" He ,m s nd s r.r E J-fsSss ia,"Sr ta *™°* rarrnaeerl.-j. w. Gorman's Columbln Vaude- ' BhAncvntinon'^ "dim .1 &d« (T. P. Hop- ts of much merit, to kilts, matjtucrV.—The Fall senson heinn "-, "."lev. favorable 'eon- wltlii big 'crowd. A "I, 12c^ curio'hall'"lie big vlllo Co. preRcntcd - line hualhesa, L'O-Su. ■^«» VMHMONT. llurllnjilfiin. — At Hi* Strong Thealre tralin St (iuuil. uiauagera) the Karl Burgcx* Co., week of Aitft. JSt, ideorietl. Boohed: raster's moving nlcluren BQ, "lied l-'calher" ♦ *» NOTRH FHlIM J. L*. ItOCKWKI.H/a "KrN.vt Sorrii" Co.—We oncned lite aeaaon of illllil- ft*. Aug. 14. on Ca|M> rod. Manager Itoekwell hna one of the bent colored nliowi* oil the road this senion, nml Judging Troln the tin- itR'nnis offera of goftit tl(ite nl Ihe Iteal liou^es. It looks iia If Ihe iii'iisiiiTit \' ef laat year 1h to he daiillcated Mils aeaaon. Manaokh .i.m'ksi.n has leaaedriata Ilock- Welrri ihree net veralon of "Jack and the Bcaustallc" for the,,t'lara Turner Co. _. 'apt. flow* elaon. the ski Jumper, will he the fcutiLrcs for the wi'ek of 38, Free helter-skelter Clara, free dog :md puny show, and free akl' con- tests will continue to he given. A prtxe of SKiti will hf given this week for Ihe nolutlou of the ni vkI cry of I-.'lter. the mermaid. Sank Horn (Leonard Wolff, aianagor>.-r- ('apt, l.eauder I'vaih will he the new nitnio- tlon at thin mirk for the wci>k of L'tt. Anew Wouderlaad la being luataih'd. and all th*'old favorite siiiiwi remain. A new hill will be. |ireaenled In Ihe Vaudeville. Theatre. Uavinia Tiilathv; (J. J. Mu,rdock, toana- gerl.—The Thianna t>rclietdra closed here, With a Kiilettdhl arrav of sololsls on the i»ro- gramme. i-'vhlny nluht lias been reRervetl for a hmnI iirogtatame. the ilrst uart de- voted to Wagner, and llie aecond pun to mis- ccllaiit'otis ronipoaltloiiK. OI.AHK Stiikkt MfRgl'H (I,«iiIm H. Hedges, manager).—The hill of week of 2(1 will cou^ tnln several new features, nud attractive im.grftNimca are prnmlaed. M&IMK ]»i\ie MraKK (Wtlt J. Sweenev, mannaerl.—Volney, the man of invMterv: the Norseland giant, the allotted woman, Nel- — armleaa painter, wlIl:ho the curio hall day. hacked hy a I'arls syndicate Col. Maple- son slatea .that lie has made an nlTer for the Londou Oollseum. The offer 1b a cash one, Inni Informed, to Oswald Stoll, mnnag- Itt.w'wtnr.of lhc_ Collfieuni ('oaipaiiv. of Iz&rfS. T°^.» Mamie,, female piiglllst; Cn|c New- tnln Ulngmnn Mdik. Jatncs Mnndv. Mile. Olo. '\ " r * ?{**; . K( l ,,,Tms np«J nubher Neck Soe. In the OKLAHOMA. Oklnhonia .CHy,—At Ure K. ... tho The • Cfirey-Cotler frlo. Allen -■'. the offer wiiri.e placed Bfore iBSg WP-*- WW mhnjigera). the Curtla nan meeting £""'p"'}^.* ™ ( ?k™^ B*» * ' Ihe debenture holdeh. ga soen M'a lupetlnir can he convened, ('oloncl Mnnleson has hocu eleclcil tirnldnt of the Society of MubIc of which ihe '- pa Delmnr dnrden "iioes wig 'iff Weber* «S &S2W Aug. II', """ TT o,£.. ■ J ,'- .;"'" v.i>,rer. ncnevieve jncouy. Sothers and Iloft, the WtallfHUL Joe Cramer nnd l.ubln's elneogrnpli .J5** < 9*'?Mv^ rA » K (•*• n. Lincoln, nun- SS'i'.'-CT? 0 ""? 1 .," "aid begins Its llnal week ™.i. "SJ. w i" °^ n ■" 'be season nt Ibis *faUiaEt**!S!t " la, week was Immense. WKffiti* Pajk Herbert's Blxfh Hegl. and niiihot-lsetl Colonel Maples, Hie offer, leaving C4ll,otlll „s win' Should this offer Ike nccepled. I. .. to run opera enllrely on condnciital lines, and to present. In nddllltm to standard operas, several successful works which bnve not vet boon performed In Isindnu. it I, n part of Colonel Mnplcson's scheme lo con- vert Ihe root of the Coliseum into, an open air garden, where Ihe audience could repair In Summer be!ween Ihe nols, and where sun- nera could be served after tbe opera. In- terviewed Oswald Stoll. who. as stnted be- fore Is the rliairrona of ihe couipaoy; stated that negotiations are now proceeding but so far nntlilp.. rteiinlte has bren seiiieil. ■ llMrbphm 'Pree, on. his tour, which begins son, armless painter, wlllbe the rllrlo hall ft IllackuAal on Rent. .1. will be sittipnrtcil Mttncllons far week of 2ll. In the theatre by ll,e follow ng players: Nora' Lancaster Madge' Marlb-v, Helen Evetet and Susie Constance Collier. .Mrs. K. II. Ilrboke. lid' Cnraello will be features. uund Maurice, 0. w, ■ Anson and Charles iii.oi 1,1 nit- not-civ or MUSIC. ..... r . , •."»•, .■", nun n. ». >>., aim m .Ui:»iii.,.. ?"."*•— ih-iuciib oiaiii »ei;,- e bend olhces nre In Purls.' and he ilv, S for , '.T'," f '""• "?""*? Cat « *•« * W,twH. t J"TS« ,'. M ""n.™""' iff* rlnclpsl pnlrons of this w,clety StfirSlfi Xu. *r "' ""'week. The new press T1 " 1,™ B „, 0 'T* '»• « Ancliy, nianagerl — 1 of e20».oO» S^,,n^,,,,,L I ^ w ,\' 8, > building up a T ' won 10 make K "\ ,"n,iV.' B ',.-K"t» H"" 1 ™- •rking ,-npllnl. Week of II). WAnTSW P™P>;lelor).— It in iii>niwvdn,i ... * iy • j" anrton nnd Lerov. .lamen 'i» !..*M ^VS*" 1 Hervloe; Vardamrm. Jnrk tilhSSr'. .1 i,n„.V it is Ihe prlueipni palrona of this wicietv mZAET^JSZJ^S w "^.^Ift 'Hie new nresH K» ]'»'.?,J«.»J«IW *LJM nt aS3P So B o,fJ!r»oe^r',?.'. ,l ,.i':..,!» bllll »"'K '*" mullc'a"^i tr aetionf B * nd ™'«" , " C » »» , " 8 .. (Wm. J. Thompson, 0 fine music discoursed by the 1;» V ,,'" : ?.1 mlu> - Jork lMm«ori'and llltr.,,1 J"*"- 1 ■■niierlarBahdlBdra'wIng'hTg"crowds week 1J was Very good and pleased dally. ■-,-,- Jf;A~09 „i. , .y o '. l i,: TI '™tre. C6. was. In. .iPTBrfBrJ. 'eeently nrlnted nnnminPr miisicnlnttractioa; V\'-V8I1INI1T|1.\ 1'AnK jfog ,-.i ,.,. ,-. 11 B.aniigcrl.—l'bt ~ griH>ll'w BraKM ft? "' f " t 'f''V" l 'n ; iVla'rs, , "ne«,Pj: W'SS tile uwlhlsned'h'l, £111 !B**rti! " n ' """ ','* 'ollnwlng Iioiibo. Bflffi c )*\ nnu-'neen sold to win be In the coi-point oil: Wichita tlkla. C ,' »' " n ? "tan-nee, and it is tft inten ' " n "' W> cohmnny lo build two on the West side of Ihe State and onerato from one book mv°S Mfj Will l« loealeit l™K"oiai 83 and , will, be: la charge 6(,C.t B. Olson son, nrjMeljl; K. J. u Bsore , vice ■presUent t™™."*"™' •««>«>, aad C.'u. Olso. Ii'inie Iri At- II, >>odmnn Wiinn- HIT' '," rnlwl., Knmnel K. xTxon. who Is largely Interested In the project, will com- plete, the structure, abd wlllliave It ready „i?P Q " HSH «?«•!> H T. .Craven, dra- ^in'iSS! ^ r "'' ?"*'|e' WfVi »»• "' turned from, a three mbntH,' tour df Rutope. IkiV.'H'ft-^ *• Wegefdrth gove a veV,u r "5! »«''■■ to the stockltohlers of the William Penn Theatre Co.. whleb Is erect- ,„ -""" "*' -° « •'• * ""an; ^fi2ttS*Jm&& *U«»lM,g»j,—Th6 Nlgon, otiens Its t««son