The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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SEt»TEMBBR 1. \ Aug. 27, with Dlabjr BclL.ln "ThO:di ( ratip,n HW PWS ' '?&*• WlggB, of flic CnUUngc I'nirh." next week. ... Arm.—"Under Southern Skies." 'J7 ami week knot, week "The Volunteer Organist" ntnvcd to good buslucBB., .''Sunday" follows. P (Ihanu.— I'hlH wceji'B bill IficlurlcK : "Thebe," it muslcnt fantnay,. during the .notion of which \Ym ltiiclc and tho ten *'I<ottio'.' girls *ire In- tr.tduml; l'rof..Allien! and "rotor the Croat;" ivrkinsnhd Plttcr, ijiilnliuvotid Mack, chalk Saunders,.; CrocRer and Arcwjr, Henry ami van Atstyne. Win, Mealy, itnd Montrose, solbinl and Urovlnl, Wnrrtty. Sisters, Mllcuel) j,ml Cain, Bay Cox, Seymour's doga, aud the <-Inenmtiigrnpn. ltyi.ARiw.—The Mme. K. Idpzln Ylildlah rn of Now York City, headed by Mme. K. Llticln and Saul Tornberg, Aug, HI, Sept, 1. Jlortlia Kollcll, In "The Honuia," will open the regulm- seoBon Sept. :i. j), ltU i;,—"A. Matt a .Hroken Promise"' thin week I/fl«t week, "llcr First False Step" iilcased, and played to goou undness. Ttic IttiVn, In "Down Hie 1'lke." next. IH.anbv'm Kmi'Irk. — "Yon Yonson" this week. T'UPt week, "Queen of the White Hlftvea" did well. "On Dangerous Uromtd" next week UAYETi"."-'Hie senson opens 27. with lloble's Knickerbockers. Rose Sydell's Lon- don. HellcB next week. A^aphmv ok Mi:hic— The Avenue Girls UiIk week. William*' Ideals next. U'»A l'ASK.—l'hll l>. (iretrne. * cahinu. — The Ureal Kaymond, Laura ivterson. nhd live other big nets. IMiKAM City. —All week: Iloicombe/s Pitts- burg Hnnd, l>o Uenzo and Luduo, Howie's London Mlustrels. Wkht -Vilsw Park. —All week: Nlrella's Fourteenth Jtegbnent. Kt:N.vYWuoo Park. —Kverv night:. Orent Western Tratn. Hobhery, South Amerlenn ' i"ii'i throwers, drnmntlc representation of jteminglon's lialnllng, "Fight Over the Water Sm'TIIMRX I'AliK. — All week : Ileywnnd, Kcnvon nnd Do (forma, and Kllwond CD, tiAKwwm 1'auk.— :All week: Jones nnd Mutton. Polk mid I'otk, Uodgrs and llo<lgon, and John F. Clark. CamiooN Pauk.— JcIT nnd LftT«m Henly, Talbptl arid Healty, and lutes); moving plc- lows. ... i — - * ■ ..-i York.—The Y'ork Opera House (II. <!, Ventz. manager) will open for Hip season Saturday, ftfet 1. with Mary Marble nnd Little Chip, In "Wonderland.' "A Uagged Hero" :i. "A Hairy. Fnrm" 7. Manager Pen lis litis hooked n .large list of llrsl ohms nllriic. tlnns, and- indications [stint to prosperous business. , .- UltlULAXD .I'AIIK TllRATUR Hork SI. Itnll- wn.v Co.. managersi.—The Highland r«"'k Stock Co. pleased capacity with "Too Much Mother-in-law" and "The Little Minister." i;r.K»TUii: I'AiiK (tin- l,iil/.-]nnil;i|i Ainuse- meat Co., managers).—This house, having n sealing cnpnrlty of several hundred, was opened lids week, nnd will present to llm public moving pictures and illustraled sonys. . From the attendance. It Is evident IhtU the. untiiHgeninnl will succeed. I'AtiuiR .(Win,, II. Pyle, manager),—-The nimmger Is preparing to open about the mid- dle,, of September, and promises to> present c\en stronger bills than those of Inst season, which drew large houses every, week, Xotkh. —Annie R. Voting^ treasurer of Ibe York Opera House, his returned from a long vni'si lun, and has resumed her position Nellie Walker left to,rehearse In "Lovers and i r-.-stU." in Row Vftrti. MIhs Wnlker win make her theatrical debut with this company. Knston.—The Able Hihtu Ilounn f \v. fC. hetwlller, manager) opened Its scnKon Aug. •I'l with "The Hevirs Auction," which, did rule business only, owing to the extremely warm weather. The following productions also plaved to fairly gocsl business tuider Ike I'lreumslancc*: "Duster Brown" 21. "I'iiii- handle. Pete" '2'2, "The KrrpM Hoy ^4. 'I'he bookings are: "Palntlne the Town'* HT, "I'eggv from, Paris'* '2H, "Wonderland" 'M, "A Uagged Hero" li), "t'liarley's Aunt" Sept. I, "Tlio Unlry Farm" B, "The Ginger- bread Man" U. 1HI.AM). PAltK / (-AS1SO (II. K. ReglllllC, mRtnujer),—The warm weallier conllniies to stud large crowds to this papular Suniinri- lank. Hurjug the j>ast week UcHkoii, Ibe eJiiy ntndellug and Mmoke arllHt: Knrlls nnd Itnsse, with their Intelligent dog*, and tho TJiree. O'Neills, In their minstrel act. were uiiiuiii; >ae favorites, and nfTordcd mast jdens- itni entertainment for the thousands or ,|tco- ' pic who attended the performances during the week. J'utsy Dora and other ei|iuilly eillclent vaiulevllle Kpccbillsts are thu attrae- Hons for the current week. , . . r— ■ ■ ■ ' • ' - - JlnrrlNlMirrv.—At the Lvrcnm Theatre 131, Itels, ifannager) ''DcvII'm Auclbm" drew » nlt^houno Ang.,22. Olghy Hell. In -The lldmiidim of .Mr. I'lpp," opened here 211, to big business. The company Is u- strong one, and.the, piny scored insticceas. Mr. Hell Ml ohllfod to inoku a speech. Al. II. Wllsnn. In "Met): In Ibe Alps," 22; (Jorman'8 MlastrelH Sept. 1. Wlllon Lneknye will 0|»n Hie WJO- uo'ii here it. in "The Law nnd Hie Mhn." Ul'KDA HottSH (M. Itels. mamigi'r).— Ibe Aubrev StfK-k Co, did well on the week. Sclma Ilfcrmiui, In "Queen of (he Cnuvlcts,' 27-2HI "When the World Sleeps" .'Ill-Kept. 1. Paxtanci Pauk (Felix M. Onvts, tiuina- U'T).— Lyle's Minstrels come week of 27. This populnr resort, which has broken all records for lmstnesB Ibis season, will close In two weeks. Nmtks.— Hubert McOllntock, of "When tliu Wuria Sleeps," and Stewart L, He Kraffl, or the Wilton Lackayo Company, were eti- lerlalned bv Speueer C flmrterH, of the Tuoumh H. Shea Co., 21, nt dinne r. SiTanton.—At t1m Lyceum (A. .1. Duffy, manngeri "It llnpia-ned In Not'dhind eomes Sept, 1. l»oekstndei's Minstrels. Aug. 21. opened the season to it crowded house, nnd gave Kiiilsfnetlon. Attnmil (A. J. Duffy, manngerl.— no lutrrnatlonal. Slock Co. week of 27. I he Alhambrn Slock Co.. the past week, was received hv giwcLhoiiHes, Ktaii fAIT. Q, llenlnglou. manager).— The season of burlesque opens Sept. n, Cmi-iit KgrAiiK TllKATltB.—TfcO season « vaudeville opens 3. Notkh,— Harritim & Halley's Circus 27.-.. The Main Show Sept. :i. Alioono.- At the Mislilcr, (HftW Bell pleased a lance audience Aug. 2-1. "I'ridcr Southern Skies" 2.">. "Painting Hie IWi follows. "Sunday" :il, Al. II. WIIkoii Sepl. 1. "'IV Utile IhicWss" S, Wilton Uickaye I, Louis -lames fi, . _ KbETHXtll AVH.XUK.—Miner's Merry Hnr- 1's.pters had full house 2X Myrkle * Harder Stock Co. 27 and week, the Avenue Hlrls Kent. fi. Oriental HurlewiHera I- , „ , n Ukbmost. PARK.—IMHy Jolinaon s Creole Holies 27 and week. ■<«» ■ m \nii: i \hiii . Whose picture appears on the front page of Ibis Issue, Is now apjiearlhg In "Marrying Mary," a new modioli comedy. »*""';. Theatre, Icivlng opened Ihero Aug. It. I he aiipearance at this house as ■...«•'J?- .ft 1 more than ordinary Interest In Mltw I »liln. as she wits once leading wndirelte or Augu«- tln Daly's company. Her recent xiiocss.-. Or* too well known to require menfion at this time, and doiriillewt In her present vehicle her manager lint* found n piny wlilcii she will mid to the list of (hose she has had the fortune of popularizing. *-++ XnntAS HAmixu informs no that hh part- ner. Mpn'.ircf Coyle, la regaining bcr healtti at Wild Wood. THE NEW YORK GLIPPEB: 1 H ! ^—-—I ' ' i —: I — 739 MAssu-iifsiri-i's. ." Sfh n,n h o V" K,,>n . npQm «'">"ny even- {Kir rnJfe C ?. ,U H ,bn . n,Ul t»"' ; l , ul««'fl hrgln .r,., n ^" l " P . *' nr, ' r WB "*'» « Monday if ernoon. nnd on Satardny night, Scpt. f. HolllF >I llw Pnrk and lie Co nnlnl, wiH nil Urn .nfli Pf Pr l!,m ?* .'" ,b " r W *fi nSS Hipheiim (formerly Kmptre). uneM on the IgrffW ^"^Ml'e ho,>,e! under min , ", l nt "oi-'-y Wnilama. The new bills tLiSt&SKf.: - : M Btakcs Will Happen," nt Oft "Custer's L f ,st Fight * at tho IV mL 0 , 1 . 101 '' 1 , 1 "" 8P - ■■* "Nohody's ltnrlltig." a the Howdnln Sqnnre. Last week's bust. nesH was satisfactory i Huston (Lawrence McCarty. miinnger).— 1 lie regular oobmmi begins Aug. 27? with the llrst production on any stage of "Caisj Cod lMilkn, *■■ nautical rural plnv, In four actH, drnmnllxed from Mix. Sarah P. .Mel, .m-ncs novel by Karl W. Mnyo. The cast melUrtes: Karl Itrown, Cbna, Mackav, R. .1. tabi Iffe, <;eo KbbardH. P. A. Nunnery. J. ii" n A'"iV* ." IIIlnm Hurrows, Snnmcl Colt. Ilnrry Monlgiinwij. A. W. Wllllutna W. II. Ml. .TntneR. Sarah Perry. Hessle llarri-ienle. [siiiiy Addison Pitt, Carolyn, Anna Hbenton,. Ufldon Morrlann. Heryl 1'iilhasn nnd Allaa MorrlKon. Llebler A r». nn the prcs livers, mid Hie cngagvnieiit is fur three Weeks. Thbmont f.ino. II. Schoeffci. mnnngerK— I he Kill and Winter si'iison opens 27. mark- °r.\}\ Q ^Kl'ml'iK *»f Hie liftli enjnigenieiit of "Tlie Prince „f \'\]»m" nt (tils bouse, .less Handy heads Hie uist. rti,, engnge- jneat Is for a fortnight, llan- llnlger. la Hie Man from Now," departed la^t Satur- day night, after thirteen, weeks of pros- perity. ' MAJR4IC (A. L. Wilbur, manager).—Till* hmrse will reopen for Hie season Sept. 1, with * J Idle, Itoiibau," In which Lonls Mniiii and Clara Llpmnn are starred. 11 ha Kb flnuu Haiiiw (dm, w. Mngee.nwa- ag<'rj.--"t'iiMler'H Limt l-'lgbl." Is tlio current aUracilna. nn n Hiiccefsor to "The Ilurglnr's Iiaiighlet.." a-hjeli tested the ca)iacllv acronl men lust week. The Hros. Hyrnc, In "litglit Hells." next week. h (fi.oiiH (Htalr & Wlllmr, managers).—The 'J.'.,!! 1 £*■■ Hloi ' k °'- wl " Present -MIslskeH "111 Happen" (hia week, ns the Until bill of Ibe Summer season o( simk nt ihis house, ■■lagomai" wsh Ink! week's ennl. On Mon- day next. Mr. Craig will move over to the Hljou for a Kail and Whiter season, fiih-ning w!lh. "The llnllroml >,\ Lave" The tibiiie's regular Mason Is-gliiB mi Labor Dnv, with Hup Ward, In "Not Vet, Uut Soon." t'ANTMi Kni'ARK (HokIou Sluge Society, nuinagcrsL—The stteccusful Si u>r stork o|)rra seuKon. under direct Inn of V. C. Mas- son. ended IukI Saturday night. The house will ln< dark ibis week until Saliirdnv '.'veil- ing, when the Castle RrHHlY Dratiiollc Stn.-k Co. will open the regular season, will) "Mis- tress Nell." Howell [Lu^-i and Kugenlu Thn 1» Lawlon will bend the company. Howtioi n K4ji'A»R Mi. K. Liilhrnp, inauti- Keri.—The LoUimp Stock Co. Ibis week. In "Nobody's Darling," W'lhner Withers, nnd Alice Thornton have the loading roles. Dar- ing Ibe nut week "Her Morrlajpl Vow" pleased. "The White Caps" next. KkITII'M (II. K.. Keith, mnnnirer.)—The I-'udelles Woman's t'lrcbestni will cnncluile 1be thirteenth and final week of their annual Hammer engagement this week. They have added greatly to their well merited uiurels. Tills week's vnudevllle cards are; .lunle Mc- Cree nnd company, Claire Itenxv's trained ciiIh, I toner ly SlHlei-M. ('nojter anil KoMniton, Meluotti-Lii Note Trio. Cnrsfin nnd Wlllord, KNIe llaehm. Abdullah Urns. t.t). Austin Welsh, Hedrlx and I'rescoit. Murkey ami Mornii, and new motion pictures. IIowahu (.lay Hunt, business innnngerl.-— Overhauled from top lo .bottom unit made to look "iiple and upon," Hie old Unwind began !l« slxty-llrst season HO, anil big crowds were on luind. The current hill DOOM I 'I'he <Jrent Albns. .lack Wllnon, Law- rence and Harrington. Willie Went on. La Miixo lints.. Orth and Fern, Illiller llnvi- lainl, Hhiclc and Jonas, the Kratmis. Mnr|diy and AndreWH, Slddon Hrns., Connors nnd McKenzlc. tbr ItldgeH, Mnslcul Holbtooks, Cliefulo, nnd the llowardscopc. CnwMiitA (Ilnrry N. Pan-en, manager). —The Miss New York Jr. Co. opens Ibe third season of this popular Kmjilre circuit bur- lesque house 27. Churles Hiirldiiirdt heads the run condiment, and an unumiiilly xtrong olio mimes: The .Misses Vnlr nnd ltcvcrc, Majestic Musical l-'our. the Wdmnrs and Have KiirviiHoii. The smoking concerts and niualeur tilglits will him In be fentures. Pai.m.'ii H\ II. Wablron. inanngerj.—\fler n suecessful Summer season nf liuil'-Hiiue Htoek, Ibis house benlns, 27, Its reguhir MM* son, wllh nob Mnncliester's Cracker .lurks. "A Society .Whirl" and "Nature In Marble. Hull" arc two burlesques, nud ..Intervening vaudeville presents: Smith nnd Ilnrker, Mora Denton, Nlbbe and llordeuux, and liowcrs ami I'm-tls. Lvi'Ki'M (0. II. Hnlcbeller, manager).— Hob MunchcHlor's Vanity l-'ulr Co. furnhheH Ibe current entertainment. The burlesques are "On the Fall Itlver Line" and "Our (JenrgJn, Itose." The olio: Welsh nnd Mil- hind, Howell and Kmerson. Ibe l-'lve KngllMb Hoses. Anderson and Marguerite, thn Wang lluodle Knur, ami Clnreiicc Marks nud r»U> puny. The I hi Inly Puree Co. opened the reg- ular Henaou llMl week, to excellent bwlnesH, At'HTIN A: StoXK's MUMKIJil (A. II. White, ninimgen.— HIb crowds last' week, viewing "tin the Itoulevanl." 'i strong cimiblnntlon of cnilo hail acts, which hold over for another week. The cards: Leslie's Pig ClreiM. [•'. J. Dttgau, dnv madeler: Helyca iiimI Mllle Loi- ralae. trunk mystery: Mniule nnd .lessle KrankN. plivshral ciillurlst* : Kendal, siilmtn- rine diver; Hindoo wonder workers, aud Tilxle. miuke qnecen. In the Iheuti-e: Min- strel Maids. Introducing Krln Musclte, Minnie Hurke, tlrace Toledo. Cora Kvelyn. Mlhnsl Hlsii. Viola Crawford, Urace Ilowiircl, Clam Steele t'assle frcMch, I le Ulna.bur'*. LI- Belle Puller. Kiln (Jormnn, Frank Cook, Henry Mvers, .IokciiIi Maxwell, mill exlrn vaudiwllte by Mmwmi and Crone. James Maxwell. 1'r.inier nud Hawkins, .Icwelte nud Paslllht, and the Whltescope, Wai, Kim's Unmm (I<. U. Mnlker, mniia- cerl—Pi-of. Haichiy. hypnotist: Ilnlbmnin, magician; Mile. Healrlce. who poses on a bidder of swords: Londlu, strong man. ami l.riin's PuihIi and -ludv. arc strong eiirto hi'dl ennl* this-week, lite stage show ««■ sniils : llenc Citmpls'll's lliiilesquers. Ill Iji— Wnllv Credrlck, Hilly Hevcrly. M»J. Knellsh, Mnhrl Williams. Hliiifli Lorlim. Mat lie Camp, bell /Ulce Melvln. and Hunks nail Loreltn. ■ .Vll'RKWiPKiiX (V. H. WollTe. iiiiiuiigerI.— The fill ladles' convention, n wilherlng of fill:Women, who are oh- Relive, tut llght- vclKbls. Is Ibe eurlo hall fentm-c. Itoss nnd Carer's niirleHipte Co. In In the v|Mie|piisi Hie- n reV W olio: Mile CUtwl Annie RoMl .leiinie Itavmnnrl. Violet .lennlngs, Welsh and II, I.av Nlgbt, In the free open nlr 'ircn" will be seen: Sadie Know ton. in her *■ Iveof "ilea h :" Will Hill, high wire tMlker. nnd La Helle llbinche. In her Kllo> for lite I'n^liiif- •■ was cor id last week. W vnt:i5isi. Park (I; C. TbompHon, -niin- tumh^ym fenturvs this week .ire: l»i.rl- log's tmined ..onles. Van MHjri N; trlnle bar lierformers; l'mf. U lloux, Ml* oDiil-t • Pre*! A. Ib-nneti. liumrairtintor. and Bi Hnlem failei Hand, The season tine will tOflt nntll Sept. 1.1, Vowr' nniA P.UIK M'iiiI Alljerte. Iiuiuil- gorj.--JHll for «uek of \X: Uellmuu uud Moure, the Mussnnds. Hnlley and PUtcher, "111 Archie, the Pnnsunls. and the komo- nrnpb. The nrtndcal eometly, -What Wright Left." pleased large erowda lant week. Munruup IhiCLKVAKD Tnt.vTiu: ij. W. (loniuin, manager).—A strong list of vaude- v.lle acta Is promised by tho management tills week, following the Alabama Troubadours, who furnished Hue entertainment last week. Lkxisotox P.\uk UiflR Hcnwm, manager*. —J. Wi. Oonnuii's Specialty Alliance Is this Km . H . u ?* r!l " f - Ihirlnr the past week the bill included: van Curlland Trio, McNmnee, uniiks-Bflixli Huo, nni Mitchell and Marron. Ninns.—Curl T». f^othrop, ronuerlv the populnr biiMinrsH manager and press riRent of the Howard, has taken up bis new dudes at the lientl of Keith's press deportment ( hnrlcM Chirk, stage iniinagrr at Austin & stones during the past fifteen weeks, hn* Joined "Pecks Hud Hoy.- playing comedv roles:, and. with hi* wife, presenting tint Hpeclollv. "Two .lolly Companions." A rrnnd free carnival Is alinuumvd nt ttevcre 1 each from Kepi, ",-ltl Mark Price, of Ibis city, has been engaged Tor "'Hie Shell*. herd King." t. p. Kellw, tcelum of Kennedy s Wild West Show, at Wonderland, has signed with Hargreavea' circus for next «eason Kupt..Cn«n. Stone, of Austin & Ntones. Is spending his vncnllnn at 'Tuhk Pond, Me .ihmlon Aerie of Kngh-s will bold their annual Held day, nt ltevcre Heiich, ou Lnttoc Hay. •■ • » . . i.oivfiL —At the Lowell Opera llouao "Cqslcr's Lair l'Tglif dretv very good IiiihI- nesa Aug. 'SA-Sh Chus. P. Keime, John Ar- iliur, Horolhy M. Lyons and ItflDJ AmVilt'dc- solved spei'lal-'inenib'i. Ilnrry Li inline nnd Mart Ucngnn made Hi- most of kihm| nuiiedy parts.' Heunel-Moultoii Co. week <.f SJ. Acaukmy ok Mrau 1 . —Thn lltlnl season of slock will lie ttiniigiiriiled Sept. ;i. by the ■Severln He Hi-yn Stock Co., presenting "In the I'alnce of die King." The roster Includes : Severln He Horn, Pn-derle Hurt, .lack Chug- non, .In^eph .1. tollon. .Insiqih Imllv. lieorgn (Jlrnnl. .lack .1. Crotty. Will J. MeCorimiek, Kugenie llayilen. leaidng Indy; Mnls-tle Ks- letle, Kodle llndclllTc and Mnrle Curtis. ■ IIath\wav'h Is undergoing n thorough brli*bleulng and palm lug for Us opening. I,n bor Hay, mid Mr. Khuunbn Is In town direct- ing tho mm*. Vandevllle—the Itest oblnln- nble—will be otTen-d. Lakkvikw TiiKATHK.—Current I The l-'our KlinnnoiiH, the b'loyds, llerr Ailguat Dewelle, the (jrrnt Nello, ns^lsled by Mile. Nello, and J. L. Hay. Canuihk Lakk I'aiik TlliiATnt:. — "Little ibtl llbllng Hood" Inst week enpeclally de- lighted the little fir Iks and buslnc** ruled lug. All the Characters were well taken, and .1. Craiit (Jllition. Karl Heddlng. Irving Wal- ton, tillxahcth Lnuci" nod Pauline llnrbc won new laurels. Weeks of L'7 and Hrpl. .'I "Uumstlo" will lw repenlnd.«in IlKAi'tl Casino.— -Crowds fanra tlirongeil this iiopular resort. I'lNBtii'imr Vaiik.— Hnslncsn continues big. •Miumrm, —The llrml wo lion is doing n phenomenal liiislness al the Central Street groumla, The slny wilt he for nt Icnm six weeks Kinll ,|. Horjes Is Bgalu direct- ing the orchestra at tin' iiihmu House. Mr. Itorjcs ban had a successful senson lit Cnun lilc Lake Pnrk Hari-.v A. Wnodwiird, fininerly mnnnger of the People's Thealre, Writes that bl« Pavlllan Then I re Co. Is piny- lug to capacity business tlinuigboiit Miilne nnd Nova Scot In Winifred SimubiiiiK. with Ilnrry and Mnrganq duly Yokes, In "A Pint Mistake." is u Lowell K lrl. and her pleasing vocal powers arc winning her well deserved applause. • ■■'■' liinii—Al-the Lynn Theatre (Prank U, Harrison, manager) the seiismi o|M'iied Aug. ^K. with Brolhers Hyrne. In the "New Kl«ht Hells." Hap Ward, M, Hi "Nol Vo|„ Jlnt S ;" A ml c w- Mack Sepl. 1, Tl ins R Shea .'!-*. The house hits uwn exteualvcly remodeled nnd Improveil ilnrhig tho Rummer mouths. Al'MTrikirill Harry, mnnnger 1.—The senson will he opened Aug. 27, with the pour Piccolo Mhigei* Pmtl Ln Croix, the Kottr Cart wells, the Village i iiolr, Arthur and Mil- dred, Ituvlnii nud eomnnny, 'IVun nnd Kdllh Aliuulid, (ieorge Tluttcliei- mni rims. Pruest, nnd the vllagrnpb. Harry Stiles mid bis or- cltestra will furnish the music again. The bouse has been completely ccpilppcd with now scenery, aud many other Improvements bavu been added. Itm.Av. Nniuini tClmrlcs W. Sheafe, niiiu- nger).—-ftusltiess eon lint lea exiTllcnl, and the season will close Labor liny. 'I'he cur- rent bill Includes: .lennnette and llolwiln. Ceoruo Mni'lou. the Ci-ent Inmnn. King nnd Williams, the Koallng-TcdcHra 'I'rlo, and llm moving pictures. Tlu:.\ritK ilieorge II. Cheolbnni, innnagerL-r-Thn (Jnge StiM'k Co., slurring' Hltii I la vis. plnyed lo good business aW Tho Hot Karroll Co. y7-Kept. 1, excepting 1'P, when "Might Hells" will be seen. (JoitMA.v's KPUHHR Tiii;atiik. Salem Wil- lows (Michael lioyle. maniigeei.—The reason closes l/alstr Hay. This week Mr. tioriuuu's specialty conipnny Is the nttrncllon.' * ■ ■ ■ ■' li'nll Itlver—At die Academy of Music fW. Prcd Mnsou. resident' manager) Prim- rose's.Minstrels idnyed In good business Aug. gfl, Messi-K. tinkland, Crawford, Irwlu, Kmlle Suiters, Kil. Muxlvr and lOddle lloran were well received. If. W. Tavlor's Stock Co. inudo Its Initial nupenrunre here 21-2S. to fnlr re- turns, flood special lies were well recclvitl. Hose Htiihl. In "'lite Chorus Ifldy." 27: An- drew Muck, In "Arrab-na-l*ogue." IM-'J!): llnp Ward. In "Not Vet. Hut Soon." Kepi. I ; Ken- nedy Stock Ph. :i-7. "The Vlriflntan" H. StiKK.nv'K Iti.iin; i.initii W. Harry, iiinnn- gen.—T'Jie J. Prank Hurke Stock Co. pre- sented "Ilewnre of Mill" last week, lo good business and satisfaction. Mr. Hurke and MIks Klder deserve special uietilloii for ex- cellent work. Merl Walter, Aim Singleton, [■'loreiice Mm-k ami T'lon-nce I) ml ley won new laurels. "Hohl-rt f-hnmel" 27. i Nii'KKMiPko* lli. It. Ilutllnloa, mnnnger). —Hualucii* Inst wc-k wnn tip to standard. Hilt week'or 1*7: Kelly mid Kidney. I'Mytli ltoberls, Poster mid lluglieH. (iraee Helmout. Nolan mid llolmei-, I Ml ton nnd Nb-kelsrope. HfrTfOti—Sill Lcillngweii, formerly of llm ltnllltiton Stock Co., nud Inter with Hie Wright Huntlnglon Co,, has signed with Viola Allen Prcd Consbllne, ronuerlv of Hie Sitvuv Theatre, has folneil the ",b>kyll nnd Hyde" Co, Marjory Ploieher. or the .1. Prank Hurke Slock Co., is Hiking It brief rest lit New York. Ni:i non Thk.vihk tt«eo. If. Miller, reshtrnt mnnngeri.—l.ew Plelds' nil sinr sttM'k com- pany, In "Aliout Town." 2o. for two iter- lormnnres. (II wn« given Ha Inltlnl por- ftirmniiee at Providence. It. L. 221. Healrlce Vance, In "The tJueeii of the Circus" Aug. III- yeoi. t. , Pom's Tukathk (tlordon Wrlghler, resi- dent inanngerL—"Tlie New Man," by Ihe stiK-k conijuinv, hist week, wns a laughlhg success. Until Hlnke wila the alar of the piece. The engiigeineut will (dose wllh "Too Much .lohnson," week of 27. Vaudeville week of 1 .Nkw Uu.Motin Thkathk (I'. F. Shen & Co., managers!.—"A ltaee for l.lfe" Aug. SO, for three days. Oitinu Park. — Wn:dil»urn A D'Alma s Trained Animal Show exhibited Aug. 21-33, and pleased. Worceat*»r<—At Ihe >Vorce«ter (Alf. T. Wilton, tnnniurer* Anna Km Pity piiunlsea srtrprlsea hi "Knmnolency" week of Aug. 27. Lew Plebls nnd bis nil slur company pre- orated "About Town" 'li. la big ntlendnnce This wns the third presentntbui of the piece and n little of Mr. Plelds' pruning should tiring nut n star production by the time the rifiiipunv roaches llroadwny. Fiian'kun t.l, P. Hurke, resident intnn- ,«r>.—Week *•' 1:7. PenlH-rg Mliwk Co., in repertory. Andrew Maek oncned here 2:1,21, iti "Arrah-nii-Pague." to fairly psul returnw. Hyrne llmlhers. In Ihe new "Might Hells." cmuc lo good liiislness Bfc Ilnrry Hrown und ci nn pit in- will apjienr Sept, :t-r». In "Hnvld Hnruui.' Poi.t's (J. C. I rbldb*. resident inoonwrl. —The farewell ap|tenrnuces nf the Poll Stock Co. will occur In "Montn t'rlKto," Aug. 27-20, and "Hr. Jekyll and Mr, llyilc" IK) Kept. 1. Sept. ;i will murk the opening of Ihe vnude- vllle senson. . . I'aiiK (Alf. T. Wltlon. manager).- Week of Sept. •'! this house will open wllh Miss New nrk Jr. LAKH fWnr. Consul. St. Ky. Co., mmia- k n-i-.i),—The i Pauplrc S|ieclalty Co. I.nsi week J, W. tlnrmnVfl Comedliiiia drew to good hiiHlness, llnr Heiiroril. At Ihe New lledford Theatre (Win. II. Cross, mnnngeri "Cnster'a Lust Fight" rOJOn Aug. 21, hi gond Imslnetis. as dbl "Klghl Hells." 22. Andrew Mack Ml, Hat(i*wav'» (.1. Mi llnihnwiiy, tnanageri. —The llntliawny Htoek Co. closed lis slxlh Summer OMWMI 20. hnvlng had n very suc- eessful run nf about I went y weeks. The Prill vaudeville season iu.h>us 27. wllh the following: Fatinund Hnv ami couiiiniiy, \lnle ti.ilv. Heo. Wilson, Haiikuinr. Schiller Trio, Arlington Comedy Poor, ulnMV hlslers, Mo- cnrlo, nud vltitsrnnh. K»vi»v (W. II. Shine, uuiuugcrl,- Moving pictures and llluolrnled snugs tlrew eie.-lleiit bitsliiesy week of 211. Week of li7, plctotes, solics ninl Umpire Trio. NoTKN.'-Theodroe ll. Hnvlles will resume, his duties us manager of llnlliawn.v's 27.... Since W. II. Hhlue b'ls Itfell Ihe owner and nimuiger of the picture show at Ho- Havoy ti much heller cnlorliiltiiueul, mid corres- piindltig business, hns been In urder .inliii f. leaven this week to dike chnrge of ll.iihuway'* Lowell. _- .. » Tn it nl 011.— At Hie 'Pniiiilon Then I re tCnliu St Cross. ninuugiM-sl "Custer's Last Plgbl" opened Hie sohmiui Aug. 2<K lo a top heavy house. "Plabt Hells" runic ^:t, lo fair linslnes*. 'I'he .lames Kennedy Co. week of SAtiUA-riA I'.viik Uoseph .1. I'tynn, nutnit- p.i-i.— '|-|m- American ViiudevHle Sluu week of U7. Iiieliidlng: The llaknr Troupe, Wesson. Wallers nml Wesnou, Ijfroy Heusoii and cum ltiiiiy, llerl. Murphy, Three Melius, nud Clie- fitlo. -Notk,— Hrlslol Counly Knlr Sepl. Il-ll. ■■ . « LiMvren«4>. -,\l Ibe itpern lloune, An- drew Mink, hi "Arrnh-nn-PoKue," cmne lo I'll; I mch Aug. 25. "UlKlil Hells" :i|, 'I «M Her Hake" II". 0 1 » M\V YOIIK H| \ 11;. d«s|il(e (he o|iposltlon of the Summer thea- tre*, •iheslvr IN> Vontle \\\, Aug. 27. ltntiii'K'K tli.ns Pauk tlleurv Taylor, mnnnger).--"Tin* Hello of New \ orlt." lust. week, proved the most popular utlrnctliui or Hie Summer, playing to cnpuelly. After two more weeks of musical comedy a few weeks of vnudevllle will he given. Uiai,to (P W. MrPanncll, innnngerL —■ Penple for week of 21: Wells nnd 1H« l.ei>ti, llranil Slslers. Heb Auitln. (Hive Ctnplon, Urace Wntxmi, ljati\r l-'ayelte and James p. Pronillove, tho llliiltoMcope ami Illustrated songs. Htisliii'sH hns Iteeu very good. Hmiuiihiv. Pauk tP.nocti Little, manngerl. —-New nrrlvnls: Charles llecbiw, "bnighlng Hilly'' Illues, lie Alios, acrohul; llellu Hramloii. Hustness Is big. Ximw.—Manager Little, of Kblrhlge Pnrk, hns been arrested, charged with vloltillng llm lnw by giving entertainments In P.ldrMgo Pnrk on Sunday, lie hns retalmsl coiimiei, and will light Ihe case. In die men 11 time, entertainments an' being given Han Oulnluu Is visit Inn bis finally In this clly for a week .Itanium «V Hulley's Circus drew bilge crowds nt two iierforniiiaccs 22. William T. Hlninptcd, formerly eblef usher in the Lyceum, Is the guest of friends ami relatives here. He hns been a resident nf New York for the p:isi |«n jwtnt, I'tlen.—The .Majestic Theatre (Wllmer ifc Vlucletit, mnnngers I opened the se.-isou with llneksliider'H Mltl-treN. to 11 packed house. Aug. 211. Yai'ke nml Adnnis, ln "Hankers and Hrokers," ptenseil gouil Ikuihos 21, 2"i, tiiul ins 11 nee. '''Way Mown I'Jusi" Lalmr Hay. lllll'llKi'M I Wllmer & Vllieeiit. tiuiungers). — The house hntt tn-cn greallv liiijirbveii. mid will open Aug. 27 whit Six lumoR Jue Welch, Put Kooiicv, Mnllon Ilciil, tlnrdner nm\ Hfnddnnl, nml.Molly nnd Meebuii. Hkwhv Mrstc (linviil Hnrrv, uinua- gerL-Thls week; The llohlues. Ilowttrd tool i.inliibni. Lilly Wilton. lAurio llooth, Stellit Cuiv and Pearl PiiVmnu, I it it'.v Pack IHouoIiih* & Scrnm. mnnuri'K), — Hnth's orchesii-ii still continues lo draw well. Summit Pauk (!•'. A. linker, nwniiger).-- • Liisl week's hill drew blu. 11111 this week: Miirpliy, .lotitiKon nml Murphy, Taylor nud (iraIT, >lr. nml Mrs. Harllrlt, nnd Toulcy nud ll:irl. rarrKR,- Orlu C HiiIcm will net ns liens unit nt Ihe Hrphriim Ibis senson, Hcnruo Koehl will be muslcnl dlret-lor Al L'>w villi' the Parlello Stuck Co mblned Willi hVtlnetl ft M'Uillon, wilt itieseiit "The Col- lege Ulil"' week or Aug. 27 The Hbui tN. V.) iiihth Hoiisi'. under I In* new man- iigeluent of Kane A MoiihcI, will open the senson with "The Mlkildo," Hept. :i At llcrkllinr, N. Y.. Paul Krlesers conipnny of dun lots are forolsbliig the bill lor (he cuiiiilry f.tlr, Aug. Ll7-*ll>. Alliany. At Haruiaiilis Hleeekcr Unit III, II. .laeoliH. lililiuigeci two giioil llllrac- lloits lil-Dilulit out. oXicllUlll nllcilillilice, lieliu: '■Tin- Mllllounlre Helci-llve." Aug. M S3, und ''Me. Hint ii'iio I," 2:12:1. "The Ihilrv Parni" ai-'JII, nml "The Nlllctynml Nino" Wl Sept. I. CMrilit; (Tho.. It. Henry, resident moan- CM 1 !.- The bouse will reopen for Ihe sen- son as -i burlesipie hoiiMe, with ('lark's linn- away liit-ls Sept. ;i-: P . Vnully b'alr d H. Pitorroii'M tlio word Uriibinn, resldetiL munagel 1 ). - Vnoib vllle eonlluiies to druw kih'iI limiM'M, 11-id the Pull season looks prola- mine Lilsl week, those si In envoi 1 were; Lmllmi. Lillian Hbliw. nud Scnlt and Wil- son. Por wei>k of 27: 'I'oby Clinnb'. Clins. nnd h'niiiili' Vim. Sllne mid Hvnns. Imiersou ninl lltoillep, lli'Kiuiti und Miller, tlrnce ChildeiH, nnd ''00k ntid Muillsoii. HAIKTV (II. II. Nleliols, inniiflgei'L Thin 1 se will ..pen 3T-3W, wllh lli- High Melionl llll'ls. The .fully tlrtlMS Widows lUI-Hept. I. Al. Tun Park I Mux Hosen, iminnger). - (I ten I lllleiHllltiee colli ll s, and will ex- I I Into Ihe Pull. NoVcltlcs ul Ihe |tar\ lu- ilmle: .Mill', linrello, bnllnoit usci'tihloulsi ; Hiuiliiii'*pi 1 mined gouts, liming* and ti gle, Mile: P.lhardo. and Work ami Owen, HoI> nisi', \( (be i)|ieril House IJllllies IT. O'Coiniell. nuimigi'i'l (lily llrda.' MhiKlrels came Aug, 21. to good tiiiHlnr>t;<i. Hooked: The Lome Klwvn Co.. tn reperlory. week of 27: "When (he Harvest Are Over" Hept. :i. Kellnr I, "Wlien Knight hood Was In Plower" S, l lent let in Protnunon h. KMriiu; Thkathk IT. I''. Murray, mo nit* per 1.—The Kiujilrv owned Uh rmoov 'J'i. with "Tim tju-en of the Hlghhllidera." to full cn- btifllj. "At the I I'd Ci'ohh roads," ■ 2:i-2<". .played to big liiisiness. Hooked: "flolty T<tlty" 27-20. dark !W Sept. 1. "Adrift III Ne* York" :i-.*i. Clnrk'H Itnuntvny (ilrls UH. MniXTAiN 1*1111. Cakiso (Lfiiibi pe|||ss|cr, inimngerl.—"Ttie <" drew big IhinIui'i'm th» week .if 2» HVW the week of 27 "Mile* Anion" will Iki j;lveii. ... .SprlnifftVltl.—Al Ihe Cmirl Sipmre Th»- nlre lit. «>. 'illmore, tniiliaKeri. after being denned from till to dome, the scasori'Of ifiKiit- i»7 wns laum-lied Autr. 2.1. wllh "The Sign of die Cro*s"ns the lilll foe two iierfonoanct-i. Honked : "Carolina" Aug. i!7, 1H, "When lb* HnricNt Days are Over"' Hept, 1, with mati- nee: "Holly Tolly" 'I-,', with ntatlm-c :i mol Si Yiddish conipnny. from Thalia Thcalie, .New York, tl; XttUW O'.Null 7, 8. IhiflTiiIo.—At the Sim- 'I'M.'in ic (P. C. Cornell, inntiauer) "The Pree Lance" will hn given Aug. .tU-Sepl. I. Hhiia'h.— 1* Ilrun Uriind (i|S'rn Trio heads the hill week of 27. Others nmieiirliig are: (>' Meets Stsl era, Met Yen nud Poole, mill Howard Jiinl Howard. Ai'aio'.mv (P. c Cornell, manager).--"The House of Mvslery" Is the atliiiclloii for week of -J7. "RHMMHi Hewnrd" follows. Lib Man Mortimer. In "A Man's; Hroken Promise," did nicely InHt week. Lakavh'ITK Tiikatiii: (C, M. llngg, uiauu- ger|.-*-The Merry Mniilens nppear week of •IT. Tho Avenue Hlrln 'did well. Friday night Is ngnlti observed dn umnteur night. Linn's Muhkcm. —May NoIIroii. Lllllmi imugbiR. Nenl .lolmimn and Hurry Heed. Atiu.ktIi: Pauk tit. H. Mndiroom. mun- iiger).—Nelson [I'limum iterobiiis are wlimliig features at this resort. Ureal pre|>iirallous ore under wny for Lnlmr IHiy, Se|it. It, which will have hondt|uitrlor0 lieiv. .hnlgnieiit Huy, .figure eight apd Ihe rllvers nttnlellons are ilruwing crowds. J. P. Clnrlt nml Ciinlowuhi Sisters, Francis Wood, ninl Fergiis'Hi and Ini Pre closed 25. Tnt'K TitKATtiK IP. C. Curnell, inn linger I, —"Me. iihn mid I" appenrs week or -7. ".Hosier Hrowit's llollitay" was observed with fnlrty gisnl resultH. '' 'Haiiiikx 'I'm t:.n 111; il,. N, Wouleot, mniiii- gcri.—Under new niaiingeiuent ibis bnimo will reopen Sept. ;i, wlili popular priced vaudeville. Mr. Woolcot Is well known Hi the profi'SHlotl, having looked nffet' II. It. Jacobs' loenl Inlcrests nnd bitterly engaged In press work. --. 9 llnetii-Htcr.— At Hip Lyceum Theatre (M. tl. Wider, iniinngeri (he regular si-tison opena Aug. 2P, :<(), with hockstnder's MlnsirclH. Kdwnrd A. Ilradeii nresonls Stanley Hiirk'il "Man mid Ills Anger* :tl. Kept, 1. Natjonai, Tiikatiii: (The 1'iillcd Amuse- utfpi Co., (nwNMI —The 1 1'Kiilar season opeuei! Aug. 211, wlHi l-'lske o'lVnrii. In "Mr. Hlm-ney from Ireland." Despite the ojiprrs- slve weiithcr crowdeil houses were'the rule. Iftmsell Hros., hi "The (Jrcnt Jewel Myslery," 27-2P. 'TIk- Curse of Hrlnk" IIO-Hepl. I, Cook (Ij-kiia Ifffl'OK 1.1, II, Moore, 111111111- gert.-TlH* Moore Stork Co., In '"New Kng- land Polks." had good iittciidafiee week of 2(1. "The Wife" week of 27. Thn regular season of vaudeville m this house opniiH liuitlnec of Si-iii . ;i, with 11 Hlroug bill. CoKfXTiinN Thkathk i Henry C. .lucobs, mnnngeri,—The doom nf tlds rnw hmiHD open 2.". lor lbs season or HHt.VH, with Clark's It una way Ulrls, tiNTAiiu. BtUCII Pauk Lias. fJIancy. amuse, meiit dlreetof). The long aiilU'||iulei| Munll (Ints ffsllvnl opened here ior ii.two weeks' riigiiL'eiitetit Aug. 2d, with nil iiiiinenm- crowd In utleiidmice, ami llils hns licen' the rule throiigiioul the week. The Tomilsso Cariilvnl l.'o.'s Hlrluu of iiIiiiwh supply Ibe amusement, seekers. "Clilifiilin" jtroves n powerful draw- ing curd. The NorretiM, U\f(\, illvers, owing to their enormous success week of 13, were Im- li edtiitely eagflgi'd foe present week. tlMtM M.wv.s J'aiik (It. i;. Wilson, mmiu. gnri.—Present week ends l|u> Huinnicr vaude- ville season al Ibis exlrchielv popular resort, which hns been by Tar the' inoxt suceessful one this park Inn ever enjnycij. Coiunieticlrig 27, aud coiiilriiilng for two weeks, n ntoiiKlcr cnrnlvnl will Is- held here, under the uuxplccM of (ho I'icnl cnrnpunleK of dm Hlule Nnlioniil Guard. HfJA iMttKRK I'Alilf Ml. K. WIMon, mnnn- rcn. -The Flfty-foiirlh RndOMM Hand (lo- cal i 211. iiiom hoioion. At Hn- HI one Opera lloiisn i.l. I' I-:, ri.'ii'k. innnairori Vork" mid Aih-ms, In "llaukei'N nml llrokors," drew well Aug, 21. Ihickstuder's Mlmilrcls plenned il Itilgo aildleiiee 22. Nidi O'llrlcil, of llils city, wllh I ini'kstnder'M .Mfiisirolii, wns given n hig re- ceutlon and hitmpiet by the lorn I Indite, Knights of CriiuiniiiiH, tificr the iierforinii ni"M, '•A Hcsisirale I'bnnee" 2M 3ft, Myrkle-llnrilcr Kloek Co.. In ri'is-rtory. 27 Sent. I. AliMttltv Tiihatiii;. -*T|ils lionse, devoted entirely In vaudeville, under the uiuuiu:i<iiu'ii! of Hush tt. Weber, will I pencil lo Hie pub- lic for the llrst Hum Aug. 27. H bus a sent- Hig ciipnclly of l.lutl, uud Ibe furnishings und deioru'lloiis are ln-mitlfiil, Hurry. A. Hslley will la- renbU'lit uiatiagor. The open- ing bill Includes: II.MMiia nnd Mclnlyre. Del Tnrclll and CllsHando, l,o Chllr nud Hurl, Sidney Hcutio nud ciuiipnnv, Harry ll. Les- ter. Thomas and Payne, anil r.ilntnl'-. poules. IfnsH I'hik (J. r. !■;, Clurk. inmuigert. - I'miiv. und Pnin/, llnstiis Hunks, llslrnibi. W. A. and Cninllle Itohine, Mfl l>l'H mid Coi'bli-y, mid llobhi drew large business 20- WlllTKClTV P.U1K fL. H, ^'ngivr. Ulllllllgcr), -Prof. Wlio-iii'Miiriii's bctirn ninl monkeys, Hie MiiMimt Hurtled*. Ihe American Tlln, mid John lllley phnseil 2ll J.l. IIMIMM & IlAtt,MV':-i ClIII.'PH rolllCll 2H, . i:iuilrii. Al Ihe Lyi-euui (M. Kids, llinii- ager) Dronui Hum log prcHcutitl n pleasing rrpvrtorjr lant week, to ctowdvd housed, ,Iooiisl<i*\ ii, At Ihe Hnuitiebi ll|ieni Huukc lit, Itels. mnmigei') Hbick Palll Troii- biitloiics, Attic, ix, gave a good piM'fiiriniiiiee. "Mur New Minlsler." 20, had very Hue sh-.w. "Von Voiikoii" iitulliM-e and. night 2."t, "Ar- rival of Kilty" 2H, "Hnv New Vork" RU, "Th» Lloil und Ihe Mouse" Sepl. 7. "The Isle of Spice" II. CKi,duoN (J, J. Wnlers, tnannger).—Week Aug. 20: Kllabali/iil .tap Troupe of acro- bats, lll'l-tht Hipmro () •telle, fie VeilllY mid lh\ Vi'iimr. Alexis nud Sr-liull, llhiueli Sharp und cimlk rtuiinders. Notkn. Hare Hcvll Imsh was Ihe free nl triu'tlon Week of 2lt Pain's Fireworks Co. gnve mi exhibition '„'.'t. This was the bllllller week of the Hi'iiHou, oil iiceouill of ll|o Hlnlc l''lreineu's Ciiiiveutloii. .... .Chniloltn '1 'go and Allen Muy continue lo win tip* nliiUHO with I heir sim|/s each evening The paper Is now up for llan & Hulley's Circus, which up|s*nrM here Kepi, ll, — ♦»♦ OMMMHfc Port lot id. A l lh"(irniid Tlientre (Ji :l IL Krrlehsott, mnttiigcri Ibe Hnrrv Ln Hose Co.. John liiiuii-WIHieliun Fruiiels uud com- pany. Hie Three (ilr/lelles. i'IiHm Lime. Lvoim mid I'niiniii. ,|;nih:s Harkc. mill mniltaeiKie. Staii TniMilit; fjii s li. Kri-lcksou. jiihii. nreri.- Tin- Allen Stock Co.. week or Aug. SRI. prcreiih'd "Cntiglil In Ibe Web." 1.vnii- TllKvriti: (Keutlug A, Flond nm- gersl.- -The Lyric Slock Co.. week of ■ 2(1, presenteil "Pnrftwra .III Ihe Mine," P.CMTAUKK' TllKATId: l.lnhri A. Jollll^oil, inuii|tucri. .lolin ctibli nud company. Fash- ion Pbite Trio, Ifnlpli Ciimiolngs nml com. psny, Herl Climiilierliitii. F/Htlf McMiistem, Jean Wilson, nnd blogritiih. Piiitk'h Ni:w TlllM'iiu: iThonifls KnonVv, nmuagei-i.- Miic N. Vernon. Ilurnev Mulnllv, Mnrle Hllhtrd. Itaby Itulh. Ln Ii.iIk.-i i,.. it,,,,- ney and Kofrester. F.aiices Kh '. Junes and Iliivelle, Vlrglnbi'Vcrnou. haa Hurl, Clam Wagner, Lena Monr.H-. Hi'ssh' Ford, Midget. Weblnir, the Ureal Lb.yd ntuf Lillian Itlitek. iiakh Si'Mjukii Pauk (S. II. Prledlniider, uiiiiingeri, —Tlila ithui'I co'iliuiies lo t|o ex- cellent uiudncmi. Hpoclnl atli-hctloiiH week <f 20: Mnrlan LHJeiis woman ikr hlielt diver: Frank Comnr. In "Tlio lilo of Drain.*' An open nlr iiiisbicilon of "As Von Like Ii" u nilttnumed for the netir fit I lire. I|AI.K'M Si'liMc Ti.ri: of Tim Wolil.ii fFied PrllK. innnngrri cot,ib n totlo fair taislucii. Pr»|fKf.\f«;||.Kri.l,SI HlloTHKIlB' ClItCI.'M Will glvi' four pLTfot'gJUU'-tj 'M, 21.