The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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740 the Stew tokk clipper: "• :, > . - JSeptember t. tb< THE GREAT WORLD'S HASTES MAOICIAN. Preienllng THE 0BEi?EST 1T8TI3AL AMD SCIEHI1PI0 SEISiTIMS OS EABTB, 18 PEOfLr.'. SO TONS OF BAQOASS. ' a'- BIEMIIB THE BECOBDS OF TBS LEAD1I0 IBEATBES OF THE OBIEIT . Addreea THEATRE BOYAL. CALCTJTTA, rWBIA. IF YOU ARE A •<a.—m Verne.) <t—Chorus.) -, A GOOD Means muoh to you. You know how it affects your SALARY when' you stag a long that "wakes up" th audlenoe from the "Bald. <i.-Ai You oo On.) Heads" to the .<'Ooda t " Well, these FACES Illustrate what ffyX^t - ^, happens when you. sing MR. BECKER'S ORIGINAL COON BONO, We 'In not wr this Is the ONLV Hit pnbltahed, bat w« want yon to try It and we will Stake MONEY on it! SUCCESS. A 85.00 GUARANTEE send LATE PliooRAH (no cards)and we win send you Prof. Copies and Orchestration, and, after you have given H a kaik trial before ANY audience, if you can Bend us a statement signed by any reliable manager I hhowlng that tills song did not make good, we will send you etieck for t&.oo for yonr trouble In learnin-r It. That's*fair Guarantee, Isn't It! and the MurcbigonN«Uona)'Bank,'of this city, will tell you that our Guar- an tee Is liable to be 0. K. —• • - 1 If you can use a High clans llallad say so, and we will send you.a copy of II *■ §t%m § i auk Tueeii Ife not bad-ln (net Its Watch for our next ad. We'll tell you who toot the Song Instead of the "flVK." AkIWBy I LUVt Irltt ALMOST Good. The DIXIE MUSIC CO., Wilmington, North Carolina. CUSS A PUBS, 15 cEBTS FEB FT. 0L&8S B FILI8, 12 0EIT8 F IB T E OI SON Films and Projecting Kinetoscopes Exhibition Model Kinetcscope, $115.00. ., Universal Model Kioeloscope, $75.00, ABE THE RECOGNIZED STANDARDS THROUGHOUT TnK WORLD, THE INTER-OCEAN FILI EICHANGE, OLD INTER-OCEAN BLDO., Dearborn And Bled I.on gte., Chicago. "BWWI MIS" 11 II mm MACHINES. Start an Amusement Parlor and Penny Arcade and reap, a fortune. Edieon Coin-Slot Machines draw the crowd and accumulate wealth for you. Automatically run by electricity at small expense.' Write to-day ' for full information to NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH CO., 64 LAKESIDE AYE., - ■ ORANGE, W.' J." "WAITING AT THE CHURCH. The greatest comic song lilt of the century, and the only original and authorized slides for thU.ter' rlilc song lilu No sketches, but posed l>y diameter models, tvery slide a .kuockonl. Fewsre of voided slides, tlet the genuine slides made for the publishers, Frauds, Day ft Hunter. Someone Looks Good to Someone, OK HOMKONE LOOKS f.G01> TO MK. mil. by Joh. Morris Co. The greatest Bowery waltz song ever " oit inibllshed, and the greatest set of slides ever wade. ,9.00 A SET, 15.00 A SET Artistically posed and beautifully colored. CHA8. A. CALBBUFF, 4th and ftnen Streets, Philadelphia, Pi. GREATER GRANDE THAN EVE DICKSON & MUSTARD'S TRICK PANTOMIME*" SEVENTH SEASON BIOGRAPH —PATHB —MELIES. MACHINES. Power's Craeragraph and Edison M and ini. Models. Reels of Virtus, ench with a hendllner or feature subleet. 1,tK»» feet. Including a 1«* lucli Keel, S'iTi-OO; or two reels for fKiO.OU. Vive lN-eH, ft-WW, Luhln'a Marvel 1»00 Kxhlbitlon Model, brand new, complete, cost <8o.(K>-: our price IMMHt. ■.._ m, . . . . SPECIAI*—LublD'e Marvel tflOO Exhibi- tion Model, with electric attachments, and one Model U Oxyllthe Outlit, both brand new, with 1,0011 feet of Film, <m a Keel, Including a headline!-, and fifty Steieoptleon Slides, flfi.Y.00.' -. ■ THE OIlEATEsT UUtOMNtVKR. The brand new No. 4 Optlgrsnh. complete, and a set c»f repro. ltrltt-Nelson Vigbt Films, complete, for ,? lOO.OO. Now 10 Inch Keels,, for one.week only, by the dozen, 90-00; .single, T5c. each. Itrand new. Kdlaon. Exhibit inn Model, with "Camerngraph". attachments, comiilete, $110,011. F '• ,— . .; OUR LATEST DRAMATIC SUCCESS, KATHLEEN MAVOURNEEN. k Thrilling Irish Melodrama, in Seventeen Scenes. •»' :'. CAST OP 0H , #RACTER8l f V -' ! UfSLttS ..;...:£...:- .. HHY O'HEIL TERENCE O'MORE, Kathlltn'l later '. .„.....•. .WALTER GRISWoLL CAPTAIN CLEARFIELD, AiLIrllh LaiidlOtt. .............^....'.........H. L. BABCOM dugan, aearMHi'a wuiino Tool...... ..-.;■;..';.; ,.;..:..: w. r. fi.ovu DAVID O'CONNOR. KaWem't failttr .i...,. .- :....:...Bi M. I.KSI.1E KA1IIEK <l CAHSIlJv, ThaPansk frUMI....\........:...: ,:.!«. B..CLAHKK DAISY KEL.1.Y. frieU at Tfrmto... VS...,-.V.-..v...:.....o-i.%.!...".!ii*. MeDOVAl-L KITTY O'fcAVKRY, An Oitl Irish Character JENNIE CLIFFORD BLACK BODY, The JtoootrChlir...:.. ...'...'.'.; •.l.....-...,...:-.',.|-.;.C. F. SKABBRT RED BARNEY ) "• .1 - D. R. ALLIEN DARBY MTU ! tir the Bobber Barul 1 D. J. M.OINNIS DENNIS ll'OAFF I ■ • • )_W. F. BOimODOIlS SOLDIERS, CONSTABLES, ROBBERS, PEASANTS, ETC. The lu.ult, The Holdup, The Robber,* Cave, Serving tne Paper,, Tue Chme., Kalbleen'e Home, The Fire, The Abduction, Kathleen In the Robber,' Cars, The Drugged Whlaker, The Reaeae, The Angela,, The Village Dane, The Wedding. • . 'y .- •• * , Send <er niaelrated DrMilpOve circular Ha, 30a. He. S!MS. Code VECI1TVAA.N. Length, 1.OO0R. Cla.a A. Sl".u.0U. THE LAUGH OF AIX THE LAUGHS, HOW THE OFFICE BOY SAW THE BALL GAME Send for mounted Deaerlptive Clrcttlar Nm. SOS.' No. t(M, Code VEADORIA. Leagth, TSBft, Clin A. 1117.73. ANOTHER UP-TO-DATE COMEDY' HIT. A LAUGHABLE PARODY 'IN tOTION PICTURES. "WAITING AT THE CHURCH." VESTA VICTORIA'S LATEST AMERICAN AND ENGLISH BONO SUCCESS. The BeeUug^T/ie Proposal—vision of the qonejmoon—Obadlih'a Home— Femilr OblecUOBt— "WalUng at the ChunSn"-"Caot Qet Am; to Harrr TOD To^Der." No. 010.1. Code VECIITPERK. Lenath 470rt., CIA., A, I70.50. NOTE—JVe repair meclilncs making them cnunl to • new. work•- done by .killed tne- HUMPTY DUMPTY AND TUB »~, BLACK DWARF A wonderful kaleidoscope of Mirth, Music and Datico. Tho most complete production of Mother •jiujmi'H fNlry raiitoiuttne evep Klvon. ct.n place m mice tttrong Mule (^uarie.tte, Comedy AciwimLic Aci, Snmll SI»iting and DaiicliiR Bister Team, tinfl 10 Small Chorus Ulrls; Address. JA8. BONNRtJUI, Bole Owneir, MamphU, Ttntt, LNTED. An Up-to-Date Musical Act GOOD QUAStETTB, MUSIOIAN THAT DOUBIB, ORCHESTRA,DOUBLE BRASS, LEADER OF ALTO AND SECOND VIOLIN. Tbln allow I, booked willd 40 weckH. way At onco. will ailvancu llckota to Santa we knotr. All niUHt Join oa wire. : Mnalolunii mldroaK 1'UANK. II. llKHST. all othera, OKO. B. BECKLBY. 9ea, Manager, Inlorlakcn. N. V. l'arte of Macblnes and General Supplies always In stock. LEWIS M. SWAAB & CO.. ■S38 Spruce .Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Botb 'Phones., . ,. . , "fleet Us at Jamestown, Jamestown Ob the Strand," Thiri lalcHt and moBt popular soiijr, whiob'teiwita own sweet Htary In niitatc-verse, and dedicated to the Jamestown Kxiiosltioii, •& cl«. toby. Mailed free. Special ratea to c-iiiIm of 10 or more. P. A.MUBPIIY, Publisher, <48 R. Main St., jJMJttjjL Virginia. HEAVY OR LEADING MAN, VERSATILE WOMAN FOR REPERTOIRE. Otber nserill people. Musi linve good wardrobe and sober. Address' 1. B. ROTN'OI'H. Mgr, Flora DeV*,, to. Berlin, AVls., nntll Sept. a ; limifievllle, Wla, Sepl. 4 and week. MVTED, SKETCH TEAS, Ian and Wite; TWO TOOHB 1EI, SU8EBS aid IAI0EHS; VEBS&TILE C0BBDI4H, EXTEEIEIOED FUIIST. All ntntst iimko Rood for week. People with Med. Sh»\r experience desired, llarmond Itavmond, Cluirtie Aruuidn, uh'.iitc write. State all, with lowext, In ant letter. ■ F . . DR. JHOttPAJH, Bt. JAhnk vllle, H. Y. * Hundreds )>lnreil weekly. I'roilUhlc engageinents. BK ONE OR T1IRM. Itra* Hint if. Stock-, Keporlolre ntld Vandevillu People, aIho MitHlolans, write and tlF.T ' ONUUIt IIUtlKS. ArtlPts vicinity Boston, mil. Hondo, miners fur local and travel- J Nothing too large or iniali. WH.9 UHn ■ Ing niiiiiiiger.H. (JonnnlsslouH pruni|itly executed, WE HANDLE EVERYTHING PERTAINING TO THEATRICAL AMUSEMENTS. KKW YORK IIHAMATIt AND VAIHiKVII.l.K BXCIIAMOBL 3 Trrmujit Hum, Uoston, Mass., Rooms W, 13,, Telophon* 1U6U-71 Ilkym*rkat, ACTORS, BEWARE (Every Do B Has His Day) Horse cars were all rlgbt III tlielr [lay. So were Canvas covered Irnnka. But their daja are passed, ' Maral-Oet a UAL FIBRE TRUNK. Semi lor catalogue C. • ■ WILLIAK BAI. (Inc.), HI W. *0thSt.,N. T.CIty. A CHANCE TO SKOVRE A SUCCKSBFUL COMEDY-DRAMA with l'j.jicr, Scenery, Parts and Music. To be pur- chased cheap or leased on low rates. Address ■HCW., Care of THE CMPPBR. LIFE OF A nr/ti cowboys and Indians nrsi nCHL BRONCHOS - STAGE COACH llCflL A STIRRING WESTERN DRAMA IN MOTION PICTURES. SYNOPSIS OF SCENES: TBe "Blr Horn" Baloon—Meeting between Hero and Villain— Entrance of MM Toll" ■IS IJIIII aaaj tie lenderteet—Collection foe. Salvation Artny Lassie—Arrival at tbeHauci —Cowboy Sporto, Trick Riding, Throwing Lariat, Wrestling—Departure of 8tsge Coach fig> J*!3V»i ,t< ft g Indiana—ltunnlntrFlebt (3 scenes)—Capture Stage Coach and. An- d - S" % Olrl--Indlans Escaping and Covcrlne Trail—Arrival Wounded Stage Driver at giant) fuajbaMl Jj Purault—ihe Fight—ThrlllW IteKua ol Olrl Irom Uadfj QalloplaJ Horse—lleunlon Hero and Heroine—Death et VIRals. ' No. 0»otl. Code VAVASSEl R, Length. l.OUOn. Claa. A. I150.UU AT trllBEtRXY, NO. 6U78. Code VBDABTINAS. Xengih TZOR.. Claaa A. SMy A i ,AMS ARRIVINO TO ATTEND A "UUl|n,OK NATIVE FKAST 7SFT. HAWAII A UN DEFAHTINli TO ATTEND A "MJAll'i OR NATIVB ilsVl' lOOFT ,11 M-v K >..¥,*.?' t. S . 8 ,' .. l . tU , H .'V LA ' "AWAII, SOFT. SIIKUIIVi: SHEEP, SI^?il!i'*.A R iS C, ■i.JSi?S A,, • °5»*T. WASHING SHEEP. Ill 111 Nl.A RANCH. HlffiSi* J?, 1 Kff« C SSK8 J""^" 0 " "C"UTK," HI'MVNLA RANCH, S»F1\ HAUMNO SIUAR CANE, KOHALA. PLANTATION, HAWAII, SOLD COMPLETE OR 'in'sEPARATE SCENES. > . -I :. ANOTHER COMEDY HIT THE TERRIBLE KIDS BIND FOB ILLUSTRATED DESCBIPTIVB CIRCCLAB H* 2SJ. '»!• *B. SS«I, Code VAULT MB. Length, 000ft. Olaa, A. (OO.'sO. OUR LATEST NOVELTY THREE AMERICAN BEAUTIES ■■■■ ^•^SmStaS^!Ll.^s&SSafs s ^ «*• •"?»«» «»» ch HAND COLORED. HANO COLORED. *.. aita, Pad. VA UDEVILLE. Xeayla OOf l, Cl«a.U,a.™ife ••■« torXattaat Catalan and Clrenlare, I EDISOIM MANUFACTURING CO., OJFIClFOBDrnTKD aTOODOlI* 25Cl'riii™M=rt.9*, bl .^ A .' 5 ,' lre " *7"<>Hej New Tort^^ Pros Sl»* Print..,, jomsoikirg, Pi. '^HTlSSS&r^^^^t^ STOsSft r-ttaa uacii.ALUI'I, 1107 Flllroor, St., Baa FrlncUKO, Cat JUVENILE LEADS. ONK PIKCK or STOCK. Address CAM OF OgUraAL UKLlVKflV, Foatorla. Ohio, WANTED AT ALL TIMES, Kew Fa«es, New Acts, For the Ranicrn Oircatt. Single Women, Hister Acts and Sketch Team*, write. DAVY & LESLIE, Eastern Druutio and Vaudeville Agency, I ..„■■ ,,.. S^.Tre moul Ron, Boston , Mass. Heralds, Dodgers, And all kind* nf SHOW PR.Nt.NH up to Full SheeU. New Building. Nojol. too small, hut we'll take tho nig ones. ■ Itoeated where -paper is made.