The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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• . ',: SEPTEltfiER 1.! UTESTBY.TELBaEAPE uaudepiiie Route DSL • r.OI.nRV GATE . lil.KAMIi:. I * '• aaaWa* THE 3SnETfr YOEK CLIPPER. 1 '741 GOLDEN GATE GLEAMSGD Special DUpatch to The New Tohk Clippeb, San Fbancibco. Aug. 2S.—At the Davit Theatre, thU U the second week of Harry )B Travesty Stars, in "VUtUSt" Cen'tbal TbeJlthi. —''Love and Law" 27 and week. Sunday, Sept 2,-Jiolb and Dill will begin *. special season,, open log probably ib "Lone8omeTV»D." Orpheum.— Bill for week of 26: . Mary Norman, Arthur Demlog, Terley, Gardiner and Vincent, ltelff Bros., the Proveanles, Edith Helena, May.Boley and Polly Girls. &ad the Orpheum motion pictures. Under tl)g Ccnt$. Fred : ZoBEDlfi, of the 3ells-Forepiugb Show,-writes from Seattle, Aug. 16: vThe last four weeks we have been turning people rtvay afternoons and nights. Our business here Is enormous. They closed the ticket wngoa at 7.30 last night, and the tent for To-day sold out for both Bhows. In Spokane two vseals were born. Capt. Weble Is very pleased with them. The Dollar Troupe Is re-engaged - for next season, with the Fore- paugh-Sells Circus, also Kretl Egener, the nmous down. Everybody with the shaw Is In good health. We have hod no sickness to-speak of, but Mrs. Dollar has been very e irk for the last two weeks. She will be In the act again by the time we get to Oregon, tiuy I<s Kleur hurt bis right arm during his ttrt, when be did bis big drop to the table. Be will work again la Oregon. He laid off seven days." John Mack writes: "I am In my fifteenth week with Harry Woodward's Big Tent Show, and doing fine. W« are In the wilds of Maine, but copies of The Clippeb join us every Saturday, forwarded from J. B. Hsmm's Clipper news stand, Howard Street, Boston, Mass." Notes concerning Sun Bbob.' Shows.— After an absence of ten years the "World's Progressive" made Its appearance In Toledo, 0' on Monday, Aug. 13. Toledo Is the home and birthplace of the Sun Brothers. Their ihow had lt» Inception there in 1891, &s a wagon show, and Blnce then baa been on the road continuously and has met.with much success and prosperity. In 1903 the show was converted Into a ten ear train exhibi- tion, and at the present time It la regarded is the leader of the "big little" railroad tented snows. The Toledo engagement was a remarkable one, both from a financial and successful standpoint Three performances were given In. the big top. morning, after- noon and nlgnt. The morning show was de- voted to the entertainment of the Toledo Newsboys' Association, accompanied by their own band, and also the Inmates of all the Orphans' Home Institutions of Toledo. These all came at the special Invitation of the Messrs. San Bros. Peter Sun had charge-of the youngsters, and chaperoned them through the different departments. It was one of the mbst enthusiastic ond appreciative audiences entertained by the Sun Show this season. Both -the afternoon and night shows bad ca- . pa dry business. The fact that tbe Sun Show Is a Toledo product, and, besides, tbe tfne equipment of the outfit. and the excel- lent billing done, created the etlmulous for all this fine business. The crowds were re- markable, . considering the fact that three ttf-the largest circuses and several minor shows- had already played Toledo this sea- son. The newspapers accorded tbe show .plenty of:space, regarding the general ex- cellence of the performance, and the admir- able manner In which tbe show is hanuied. This 1b the twentieth week of tbe current Mason, and the show has enjoyed a satts- Wctory season, fine weather and freedom trom accidents and blow downs. The circus performance, under the guidance of Orrin Mollis, Is In fine shape. The leading num- bers include: The Carl Lamy Acrobatic Troupe, Llndsley, Plank and Llndaley, tramp- oline triple car act and casting display; the 'riding specialties of Orrln and Nettle Hollls, Master George Sun Jr. and Master Melvin Hollts, William Connors, bounding rope per- former;' Marvelous, Lamberto, sensational Juggler and 'cyclist wire act; Willie Clark, acentric pedal, manipulator; Minnie Ash- burne, group* of blue ribbon high Jumping horses; Walter Ashburne's military and com- edy elephants; Josephine, novelty aerlallst; the Sun conclave of performing lions, hyenas boars, ponies, monkeys and dogs; a coterie of clowns: led by Whimsical Johnny Parker and ,**red Wright, including J. B. Oagnler, Stan Stanley, Tommy Under, Theo Smlletta, ~Bbb. £* Noire and[Tom Barlow^ The re- •:'cent tour of th? Great Lake and copper towns of Michigan and Wisconsin was highly sattsfgetory with Ideal weather prevailing an and Wisconsin was blgt **»*«.»..,, Ideal weather pKyafll ot air the stands. At Imlay City, Mich., the "TMtney Family, the old time circus people, Whitney Family, the old time circus people, itfjfl Cal. M. Gillette, the veteran circus agent, spent-the' day In camp as the guests of the "management. Col. H. H. Whlttter, general agent of Al. W. Martin's Show; Sydney Wire, of the Buffalo BUI forceB, and Harry Qverton, of Cummins' Wild West, were re- cent visitors to the show. The present sea- son of the show will continue until Christ- mas time. Earl Pihluph, hoop roller and novelty Juggler, writes: "This is my eighth week with wOSn Circus. My act is going good. We are: playing- In tbe Catsklfis, to a packed tent ever; night." -Fred A. Hodgson has returned to Colllog- wood, Can.,' after an enjoyable and success- ful Ushlngtrlp In the Canadian lakes, where he and a party of friends. Including Mr. Hlccsrdo, of Digby Bell's Co.. made their u«sdquarteri» on one of Mr. Hodgson's lsl- iinds. He'hns bought n good ilied yacht, afld will shortly make a tour of Lake Su- perior. M The Alpine Family, for tbe remainder of the season will be with the Norrls A Howe Circus. - miicellaiKOtis, ' n'offi KBOM A. G. CCHMISQ'S MUSIUM. —a«»,jll»jed New Brunswick and Prince BOwardTiIand to blfr bualness. Am Ifi Maine uaill October, r.verjone Is One with tan chow .-■ - - " , Tw«. A. Mack, Btase manager with Story i Canvas Theatre, celebrated Ms fortieth birth-. dai recently. The membera ot the company Sve him a banquet, which all eoloyeil. Mr. Bck.waa presented with a handsome dia- mond ring In appreciation of his work with the company. Prof. J. M. Sooner la.still leading Sjie orchestra with auocesa. Tnla la uuriflftjenth week through New Hampaolre and, Vermqnt. We nre carrying a band ot eighteen pieces and orcheitra of eight pieces. Ttn'.Oui. Ru.M>M nndl lie way to camp erery week. Every one In the company One. '. McKIhW'S DBEAUL.ND FL0ATIS0 P.L- acp Nora*.—We are on the Monongahe a and doing Quel,. Erery salary Is paid 1n full, and everybody well and happy. We get The Cumin every week. „{-a" »W" we put uh an entire new vaudeville Mil, »M turned away about three baadrrt jawple. Roster: A. W. McKlnney. Llaale MfKlaney, Hair, McKlaney, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis. 1. W. and Noilatta Burke, rattle Lewla, Mr. Luce MdErof. D. D. Bartael. „.,.,* Ton McQuajuu, who la In bis twjntletn wank- with the Pfercc Amuaement Co, as band, leader and trombone soloist, etatea thff their "ad." In laat week's Cmfhw Wougbt them tttf letura from musicians, •and-they'nave picked some Al mm. from •Stta gags as ort He theatre or park, mm w«ll ■> tt- Uta 2'Sf- < : U- K «"h'«. Boston, 27-SenL 1. • Si K. Co" 1 ""- Dsrion, O,, 27-Seni. 1 *?&2K.""'■« ■* Park. Si. Bead, Ind., A d»|r * Henly, Kellh'a. Pbll«., 27-Sent 1 Sep * p° ' U " an> " P " k ' *E3EK M- Artsms. Moxlcal. Bijou. Rotkford 111 ant kj *S\wS5 Island'ii., 3 ?.:,^?: "lent' i* 1 ' 0 ' Eltc, "e Park. Newark, N. J., if. 3e?t' 1* Ukewood l ' lrt - Skowhegan, Ue„ 27- A te ^ IS!& AWonw. flenslla. Mo., 17- aaS5& U. pe °P. I * B ' ""Pit 3p«--. 3-8. ge.,.273ept. 1; Uoag Qfs. Wooasocket, R. I., ^Si'ivtV* BtTM,We parB * Mwtml, Cso„ Al si 0 p1 8 '1 Th *' D^ * ,la,ln,, ' De«tnr, 111., 2T- A1 27 ft Sept 4 V HeDd * reon '"> C 00 *' Island, K. T„ Aline, wile.! Four Mile Creek. Erie, pg., 27. Sept. l; Park, Wneello(t. W. Vs., 3-8. Set J**" 0mUma P 1 '"' -*wnptte, Pa., 27- Alsfloca, Tom A Edith, Auditorium, Lyns, Mass.. ..£■■(£ 1; «oth«Bi, Bkln., 3-8. Albae, Howar.1. BosIod, 27-Sept. 1. ao rtM * Mll,Br * EmBlt < T*>ur. Bag., 27-Sept. Allttire 4 Llnd, BIJoq, Soperlor, Win., 37-Sept. 1; Bijou, Winulpej, Can. 3-8. ^^ 27-8e P T " 1 RiienUe part< Uon *r«l. Caa.', *ittS£*" JJI*' H'PP 011 ' 001 *' N - Y - C., 27-Sept. 1. wBui 1 Coci * l ' ur $- Mew Castle, Pa., Alleu, Joxle, Keith■«, Providence, 27 Sept. 1. A ► 4 c K , e * ]e r- BraJeiiburgli'K. phlla., 37-Sept. 1. Al £"! *. L f *LW' a{ y °- H ■ p| - BatM. Mich., il-Stpt, l; Bijou, Jackson, 3-8. Alrln * KeuDedy, Luna Pari.. Joonrtown, Ps„ 27- twpt. 1. Alpha Trto, Hippyland. So. Beicb. N. T., 27- Sept. Ij Empire, P«ter»ou. N. J., 3-8. Amerfcus CoaeUy Four, OlentaDgy Park, Oolun- br», o., 27-8ej.t. 1; Falrrlew Park. iDayton. American Trompetera (41, Orphean, Minneapolis, i 1 -fwpt. 1; Orpbeam, Omsba, 3-8. American Newsboyn' Quartette. Bljon, Chicago, X7-Sept. 1; Imperlarst. Louis. S-sV ^ aiKveh Aiulerkwu &. Ouluett, City, Urocktou, Mass., 27- Sefn. 1. Angela, a law. Music Halt, Brighton Beacb, N. x., 27-8ept 1. Apel A Summer, Q. 0. H., Indianapolis, 27-Sept. Apdale'a Bears A Monkeys, Fair, Lockport, N. T., 27-Sepl. L , AnJelle A Lenlle, SchaeSer's Garden, Oolumbns, O.. 27-Sept. 1; Slaje.itIc, Cincinnati, 3-8. Arlington Corned}- Four, Hathawaj'n, New Bed- tonl. MasB., 27*3ept. 1; Pnwtlr'n, Troj, N. Arlington'* Helston, Electric Park, Baltimore, 27- Sent. 1. Ardelle, Jeanne, A Co., HendersoD'n, Ooner Island, N. Y-, 27-aept. 1. ■ Arcber"!! FMininn aids, Henderson's, Conej Island, N.~Y., M-Sept, 1. AiVAier « 0.,^-vr, O. O. H., Plttsburf, 27-Sept. 1; Keith's. Polls,, 3-8. Armond, Grace, Bljoo, Qnlncr, 111., 27-Sept. 1. Arnsberg & Murette, Atuunta, Qa., Sept. a-H. Ascott. Eddie A Co., Electric Park. Newark, N. J., 27-Sept. 1. Ashtoa A Earle, Park, Wheeling. W. Vs., 27- Sept. 1; Idora Park. YoungHtown, 0., 8-8. Axtiton A Martlne, Gran Varledade*, Havana, CuU. 27-Sept. S. Asher * Pattenon. No. Adams, Mass., 27-Sept. 1; Kye Beach, N. Y„ 3-8. Asntou, Arthur, Grin Vartedadn, Havana, Cuba, 27'Sept. 8. Austin, Claude, Majestic, Chicago, 27-Sept. 1. AurtliiH, Tossing. Proctor's, Albany, N. Y., 27- Sept. 1. Austins. Great, Ellwood, lnd., 27-Sept. 1; Dan- .tlle. III., 3-8. Arolos, Musical («), Empire, Paterson, N. J., 27- Sept. 1. Avery A Hart, Victoria, N. Y. C. 27-Sept, 1. Baiter A Flckett, Berkshire Park, PlttsOeM, Mass., 27-Sept. l| Ulfbland Lake Park, Win- sted, Coun.. 3-8. U«ndi- A Wilson, Henderuon'a, Cooey Island, N. Y., 27-Sept. I. Bailey ft May. Fair, Hamlin, Minn., Sept. 3-8. Barrett Sisters. Doric. N. Y.. 27-Sept. I. Baiters, Tbe, Shea's, Toronto, Can., 27-Sept. 1. Bates Musical Trio, Biversldt* Park, Montreal, Can., 27-Sept. 1. Barrett. Memo, Orpheuro, St. Paul, 27-Sept 1. Barnard*. The, Tae Willows, Salem, Mass., 27- Sept. 1. Barlell A Garfield, New Kensington, Pa., 27- Baxter', aid, Renwlek Park, Ithaca, N. Y., 27- Sept. 1; Casino Pier, Blnglumton, 3-8. Bomex ft Edwins, Grand, Hamilton, 0., 27-Sept. 1; Bijou. Pluua, 3-8. Bardett, Mr. A Mrs., Snmmlt Park, Utlea, N. Y., Baker Troupe, Snbbatla Park, Taunton, Mass., 27- Berger' Bros., Carlsbad. Mineral Wells, Tex., 27- Sept. 8. Bamlyn, The, Crystal. Detroit. 278*111. ». Benton, El wood ft Maggie, Collins' Garden, Co- InmtMW, 0.. 27-Sept. 1. . Bennett, Edna, Acuie, Norfolk, Vs., 27-Se;it. 1. Besserer MuBical Trio, Henderson's, Cooey Isl- and, N. Y.. 27-Sept. 1. . Bell Boy*' Trio, Columbia, Cincinnati, 27-Sept. 1. Bcane, Geo. A., G. O. EI., Grand Rapids, Mich., BerviiB H'b/boIs, Orpbeum, St. Paul, 27-Sept. 1. Ben»y. Claire, Keith's, Boston, 27-Hept. 1. Berlins A Drockway. Olympla Park, McKeesport, Beat/ ft Price,' Bijou, Omaha, Neb., 27-Sept. 1. Berry ft Berry, Lake Mlcblcus Park, Muskegon, BelleiViro Bros!'.'o." 0. H., Grand Rapids. Mich., 27-Sept. 1. __ m , Bedlnl, Donat, Proctor's, Be,nab' fc Miller, Proclor's. Albany. N. Y., 27- Beyer. * Be'n, Keltn's, Cleveland. 27-Sept ft. Bell Trio, Wneola, Neb., ****** U Bison City Trio, Orpheum, Lima, 0., 27-Sept. l; Star, Muncie, luil., 8-8. _ _ . Blram, Boium, B-r-r-r. Fontaine Ferry Park, Louisville, fa., 27-Sept. 1.„,.„ . _ M v " BIef>slngt, The. Midway Park. Mlddletown. N. Y., 27-Sept. 1; Montmorency Park, Quebec, Can., 8-8. Blnck ft Jones, Howard. Boston, 27 Sept. 1. Blair ft McNulty, Topic, Bllllnfa, Mout., 27- Blanlphln'* Hehr, njatt Park Casino,. Columbia, Bl?n.»ei(. Ww^'A 8 bn.. Alhambra, N. Y. 0., 27- Black 1 '* MM Howard. Boston, 27-Sepi. 1; Vle- -^IPM^ Rrt 2M St- N. Y. C. 27- m££* % i*B*, trrle Park, J»)plln, Mo., 27-Sept. Borfeverrj, Col. QutM, Hlppo6^otM, at. Y. C. t Borta'n', %har A MIMred. AodUorloa, Lfna, Mass., 27-Sept. I; Httliaway's, New Bedford, Ranks with "The Moonshiners" as One of the Really Great Character Productions in Moving Pictures. Length, 736 ft. Price 12 Cents Per Foot. T ™ ro ' RECENT HIT8 "THE LONE HIGHWAYMAN" Ii i inline eairicttr. li public lift kc Is Ike popular ld«l •! t Weiten tows, ii the leader ef ike Snndiy school and Ike ken tl a daring rescue at a child iron a horning kalMlag ka ii the one man liivanallr re. apeeted aid idolised. In print! life he la "Black Dick," a bandit tar whose body, dead ar alive, a reward ti $5,000 ia offered. Hi! Identity is net revealed until ttt dial teene al the production, where he lay. dying in the koine THE IIKSCOE. CRUISE OF THE GLADYS, 68011. A yachting comcil;. LOOKING FOR iOHN SMITH, '•The Talking Plotuna." 54111. NO WEDDING BELLS (or HIM, 53811. A I'lirunlo old liai'helur net* a .limine or married llfti. THE MASOUERADERS, 57911, One of tin' lolllexl society comeillea In yeat-4- 1'arilrulany adapted to lilgli trlHHH audlt'QcoH. THE NIGHT OF THE PARTY. 4951). A hllnrloim comedy, with two nii-- cIiIovoiih chlldruD uh ttto li'atllng cliar- aetera. THE PAYMASTER, C12lt. » Tlie "Way Down h^tat" of niovlug Idolure*. A poaHlve liltevervwliera. THE VILLAGE CUT-UP, 57611. A Qlittw mat enila lu a mill pond. UQi|iieBtlonauly ttte tilggeat acreaut of tho Haaaou. at the child ke had mad. SPECIAL Wt- lB.v, Jaat Rec.lved From Our Lo, Angelea Office TliceK Allrai'llv, N«w Frttductlona. The Pasadena Ostrich Farm, 145ft.' The Greatest Pigeon Eanch in the World at Los Angeles, 253ft., And The Ascent of Mt. Lowe, California, 216ft. THE LATTER I. PAUTICl I.AHI.V UE1.I. ADAPTED TO HALE TOI'IIK. AMERICAN MUTOSCOPE & BIOGR APH CO. ii I4th ST., rWEW YORK CITY. KLEI.1K OPTICAL CO., Chicago, .FECIAL gjjEJMlg AOMWTg. PACIFIC COAST HHANCIII ■gM W. PICty MT.. Lo. Ang.lea, DM. Newark, J.. 21- Boiilnl. BlaK. Kelth'a. a«Hoo. »S>ot. J. jB Qeartetu. Plfbtlof tie KUnie.. Atlaatle ailSian mo. 2 Biloa!Vf. Horoo. Mk»., M* P t. i - niton. Jicksoo, 3-e- SowVn Walter. A Crookcr. Sh«d j's, Kewport Bottwilfj Trinpf, l'slr. Siratom. N. Y-, S7-S*i,L 1; EXDOtltlOO. hMM 3-8. Bottcr. Sm A Co.. K. A P. 2M St., N. T. C. l&S&L. Keith*., PhlU.. M-Sept I. Rft JESS nSHZ wwdim r?«k. Om>5". N. J.. 27-Svjit. 1; Pier. Atlantic City, Prailys, The, Crystal. Detroit, 27-Sept. I. Drown & Wllmot, Winnipeg, Can., 27-Sept. 1; 0. H , Oraml Porks. N. D...S-S. Bniulux. Les. Victoria, N. V. C, 27-Sept 1. Buttons, The, Itelciiallen, Coin, G«r., Sept. MS; Hiilban, MttDnhelm, 10-30. Brooks. Frunkllu A.. Bartholomay's, Ontario Boach. N. Y., 27-Sc|>t. 1. Brudfonia, Tbe, G. 0. H., 8aD(lUHkr. 0., 27- Sfiit. 1.. '. Brlmiam.jiir. Ocean Vletr Casino, Norfolk, V.„ BrobatTrlo, Majflower Orore, So. Hodsod, Mas.., 27-Sept. 1. „ Broadway Quartette, Majestle, Brooklyn, 27* 27-8ept. 1; Murlou, J-'Imllay. O.. 3-8. l.rliikteye. Tiie, Luna t'ark, Scranton, Pa., 27- Sept. 1... Brlt.tol'8 Ponies. Keltli's, Cle?elan«t. 27-Seut. L Brown. Jack A MMian :Wrlslit, Blerrjmaklm Pork, Brunswick, Me.. 27-Sept. 1; Lincoln Park, New Bedford, Man.. 3-S. Burke 4 L'rllne, Grand. Tacoma, Wa«a., 27- 8erit. 1 ; Orund, Belllngliam, 3-8. Burns, Harry, Pastor'., K. Y. 0.. 27-Bept. 1; Park, N. Y. C, 3-8. Butler, Nellie, A Co., Empire, Patenoo, N, J., Buxti & KJIiott, Ilenderflon's, Coney Lined, N. Y., 27-Sept. 1. Buckner, Great, Or Budavera, Budapest, Aut., 27- 31. Buckleys, Musical, Mlddletowu, N. Y., 27- 3* |it- 1. Byron A Blanch, Grand, Dayton, 0., 27-SeVt. 1; OrpnfHim. Lima, 8-B, Byron & Longdon, Poll'., Hnrlfonl, Oono., 27- Sept. 1 i I'olfs, New HaVen, 8-8. Cttrlln k Otlo, OnbiMh Mlunetpolla. Sept, 3-8. Oantoi:, Al., Empire, Glens Falls, N. V.. 27- Si-l.t. 1. Coftatl. r*\.<j). People's. Kicel.lor Spgs., Mo„ 27- Sept. 1. Curler, Tom, Braitenlmrgu's, Plilla., 27-Sept. 1. Carey-Cotter Trio. UrndenuuriflTa, Plillu., 27- Sept. 1. Carroll A Clarke. Bijou, Green Bay, Wis., 27-Sept, 1: Bljon. Marinette. ;t-S. Casper A Clark, Emtilrc, Glouoeeter, N. J., 27- Sept. S; GuTernator's Theatre, Atlantic City, :»-8. Cate Family (4). Panleges, Beningham, Wash., 27-Seut. 1; Puntnge., Tai-otua, ^-8. Corimell A Held, Ocevi View Casino, Norfolk, Vp.-, 27-Sept. 1, Cameron * Flsnuuan, Fontaine F»>rry Park. f»uls- vllle, Kr.. 27-Sept. 1: East End Park, Mem- phis, Teun., 8-8. Cartwells (4>, Auditorium, Lynn, Mas.., 27- Stfpt. 1. CuoipbcllM, The, Crystal Park, Omnlia, 27-Sept. 1;' People'. Park, Leavenworth, Kan., U-8. Carlisle's Dogs & Ponien, Olympic, Chlcaip, 27- Sept. 1. Cartrn A Herbert, Bamooa, Grand Baplds, Atlcb., 27-flept. 1. CaroTi A Furnum, Bniuona Park, Grand nnpldl, Mich., 27-Mept. 1; Makstlc, Ctilcpgo, 8-8. Cfinton A WIDanl. Keltl/s, HoHtoi), 27-Sept. 1. Canter * Bartlett, Atlnntlc Garden, N. Y. 0., 27-»ept. 1. Carrollton A Hodges, Forest Park, 1.41 tic Hock, Ark., 27-Sept. I. Chatneroys, Ttie, Hlverside Park, Montreal, Can., 27-Sept. 1. Cherry A Bates, HcDilerw-n's. Coney Island, 27- Uept. 1: K. A P., Ifnloii Sq.. N. Y. O., 8-8. Chick A Lillian, Diilntli, Minn., 27-He|>t. 1. Cliefialo. Howard, Boftton, 27-Kept. 1. Cbllders, Grace, A Dotf, Proctor'M, Allmny, N. Y., 27-8ent. L Chadwlck Trto, UkeoMe Pork, Dayton, O.. 27- Seut 1: Paator't, N. Y. C. 3-8. Chatiiain Sifters, Irrlng, Goshen. Ind., 27-Se]it. 1. Claude, ToTy. Proctor'.. Albany, N. Y„ 27-Sei)t. 1, CllrTonl A Orlb, Norelty, Uakland, Cal., 27-»ept. 1; 8an Fran., 8-8. Clark A Duncan. Olympic. Chicago, 27-Sept. t. Clifford A Burke, K. A P.'s L'ulon Hq., N. Y. 0., 27-Sept. 1. Clslres (3), Sobmer Park, Montreal, Can,, 27- MetjL 1. Clarke A West ley. G. O. H., Ornnil Rapids, Mich., 27-Bept. 1. Clark, Marie, Lapoon, Ludlow, Ky., 27-Sept. I. Cotton, Lola. Cry-tal. Frankfort, lnd., 27-Hept. 1 r Crystal. Klvrood, Ji-S. Cowley, Jas., Olympic, 27-Sept. 1. Cowper. Jlramle, VVeaterly, R. I., 27-Sept. 1. Cole. Will. Olympic, Chlcsgo, 27-Bept. I. Cooke. Carl. Keith's, Pblia., 27-8ept. 1. OolonNa Comedy Four, Rock Springs Park, K. Connelly. Hugh. Rand's, Troy. N. T.. 3T-SepL 1. Camwella, Cycling, Touring Mcilro. Coats (3), Ocean View Casino. Norfolk, Va., 27- Sept. 1, Colllsi A Brown, Pastor's, IT. Y. C, 27-Sept. 1. ' Cole A Clemens, Majeajtlc, Chicago, 27-Sept. 1. Cook, Frank, A. * K.. Boston, 27-Sept. 1, Conlun A Hastings, Snmmlt Park, Orlskany, N. Y., 27-Scpt. I. Cox, Ruy, 0. 0. H., Pittsburg, 27-Sept. 1. Cole A Coleman, MmtsubeMle Luke, Manchester, N. II.. 27-Bept. 1; Hubbatlu Park, Tuuutou, - 'Mass., S-8. Colburn A GrenncUe, Ontario Beach, N. Y„ 27- tkpt i. Colonial Septette, Ye, Freeboily t'urk, Newport, fi. I., S7-Hept. 1. Connors A McKonrl,;, Howard, Boalon, 27-Sept. I. Ufok A .Mauisun, 1'rocior's, Albany, N. Y., 27- ' Sept. 1. Conroy, John A Mumld, Renwlek Park, Ithaca, ' N. Y., J7-Sept. 1. Cotton's Comedy Donkeys, Klectrlc Park, New- ark, N. J., 27-Sept. 1. Cramer A Hnwklnii, A. A B., Boaton, 27-Sept. 1. Crocker's Fxlnciited llorsea, Lima, ()., iW-Hept. 1; Defiance, 3, 4; Bowling Green, '», 0; Fostorlu, .7, 8. Cruiner, Joe, Bradenlmrgh's, Pbllu., 27-Sept. 1, Creco lira., WuHlilnvto;), N, J„ 27-Sept. 1. Crawford A Do Laucey. Bijou, Plguu, O., 27- Sept. 1. Crickets, Tbe. Wlatariii OroYC, N. Y. C, 27- Sept. I. Cooker A Archer, G. O. II., Pittsburg;, 27-Sept. 1. Sept, 1. Cumuy, Hilly, Godfro;'., Grand Rapids, Mich., 27-Mept. 1. Curlts A May, Empire, 8t. Paul, 27-Sept. 1, Cunningham A Rosa, Highland Park, Wlusted, Conn.. 27-Sept. 1; Luke Cumpouiice, tSoutlilng- tou, :t-S. Daly., The, Empire,-St. Paul, 27-Sept. I. Duvi., Mark & Laura, Wlldwoad, N. J., 27- Herrt. 1. DarlH. F, Rlcbanl, Ilolyoke, Mas.., 27-Kept. 1 ; Newport. R. I., 3-8. Dari. A Walker, Watertown, N. Y., 1. Hale, Dorothy, Family, Kluux City, lu., 27-Kept. 1. Dagwell. Alirle, u. u, IL. liidluuuiHillH, 27-Sept- I; Culiniit'iu, Clnelunutl, »-H. Dayton Hlslers A He Vuy, Cripple Creek, Cot., 27-Hept. I; Victor. S-s. Deloya <•'!), People's, l^avcnwortb, Kan., 27- Hept. 1. De VVItt, ltiiru. A Torrence, Wlntergarton, Ber- lin, Ger., 27-Sept. :IU. De.euii. liiiirrt. Ili'iLvM.ik Park, Ithaca, N, Y., 27-Sept. J. Dcinonlo A Belle, BrooUlde Park, Atbul, Mils*., 27-Sept. 1. De Faye Muter*, K. A P. Union 8g., S, Y. C, 27Sept. 1. De BuHslni, Vera, Electric Park, Newiirk, N. J., 27-Sept. 1. Derwln, Jas. T., BIJou, Khnwnee, I. T-, 27-Sept. 1. Deltons (■'!), Noriimlkegii Park, Aubiinutate, Mush., 27-Kept. 1; Keith's, Pro*Idciiet*, ,i-8. De Mnnde A Dlusniurc, I-'lecirlc Pnrk, loin, Kan., 27-Hept, 1. De Vere A Do Vera, Weut's, Proirlu, III., 27- , Sept, 1. De llcuzo A 1a Itue, Dream City, Plttibiirp, 27- 8eid. 1. De Venie, Tlielino, Lyric, I'nrsons. Knn., 27- Kept. 1; Lyric, Miifkopre, I. T., 8-8. Define A Kelly, Appletuu, Wis., 20; Green Buy, ilO-flept. 1: Mariuvtle, 3-8. De Voy A Miller, Spring Lake Park, Trenton, N, J.. 27-Sept. 1; Moxurt, f^ineaHler, 3-8. De But/, Count. A Urn.. Wonderland Park, la- illaunpolls, 27-Sept. 1 ; Temple, Detroll, 11 H. De Lora, Mile., Fair. Whitney's Point, N. Y., 27- Hept. 1; Fair, Naslmn, N. II., 3-K. Demlng, Arthur, ClMltett, Sail Frou., Cal.. 27- Kept, 1. De Vllbls, Great, Grand, Flntllay, O.. 27-Sept. 1. De -Mont. Rvlwrt, Trio, Foutnliie Ferry Park, LoiiUviiie, Ky.. 27-Hept. I; East End Park, Memphis, Teun.. 3-8. De Laceys, Dancing;. Lyric, Muskogee. I. T.. 27- Sept. 1; Lyric. Ft. Htnltli, Ark., 3-8. De Mntti*, The. flieeidecliafie Pier, Atlantic City, N. J., 27-Hept. 1. Do Cue. Harry, Gcnnett, Itlchmoad, Irul., 27- Kept. 1. Dltks, DHks A Dllki, Family, Shamokla, Pa., 27-Sept. J. Dlion Bros., Oriiheom, Han Fran., Cal., Sept. .1-8. Dillon Hrm,, Klverstde Park, Saginaw, Mich., 27- Hept, 1, ' Dliou. Bowers A Dlion. Meydrs Lake, Canton, 0-, 27-Hept. 1: .Hprlnp llrore Park. Hprinirfk-ld, 3-H, Dlamoud Comedy Four, Star, Seatlle, WuhIi., 27- Sept. 1. • Diamond, Lew F„ Bijou, Rockford. HI.. 27-Sept. 1. Dlerk-kfl Bro... JelTers, Saginaw, Midi., Sept. 3-8. Downey A Wlllard, Dtjou, Bay City, Midi., 27- Hept. 8] BIJou, Alpenu, 3-8. Dohladn's Bhcep, Ilemlersaii'M, Coney Island, N. Y.. 27'8«l.t. 1. Don, Emma. Htoke, Kng., 27-Sepl. 1 : Grand. Bolton, .3-8; Snip., Porlsuiouth, 10-1!.; South A Royol. 17-22. Doyle, ft Grauger, Oeutiett, Richmond, lnd., 27- , Sept. I. Doherty's-Poodle., Electric Park, Baltimore, 27- Sept. 1. Doherty Hlnt.ri, Keith's, Boston, 27-Sept. 1: Proclur'M, Tfoy, N. V., 3-8. Data 12), Kfaijiire, Um alullien, lu., 27-Srpt. t. .Dudley, n.eslyn ,\ lliiniH. Pmetm-V Newark, N. J., 27-Hept. I, Dnuiiurs, Flyluic, Rlvervlew Pnrk, Chicago, 27- Dupont, Mary, A On., Tiin|i1e, Detroit, 27-Hept. P i. Frmik, Atlnntlc Ganleii, N, Y. «.. 37- Du Hois. GiiM-ruiiltir'H, Attiintle City, N. J., 27- Hept. I, piishiin, Minnie, Aiuiin, Norfolk. Vii., 2T-Nept. I, Duninnt *Jrki. Music Hull, Brighton lleieh, N. DiirniHls Ih*,' k; a p.'s Union Hritintv, N. Y. II, 27-Sept. 1. Kurle A Bnrlletl, Hlghlnml Lube, WliiHted, Cuiiu., J7-Hept. I ; t.nke amipoiim-.-, Nutitlilugiuh. 3-B. KekHtelt. Willie, G. o. IL, linlimmiiolls, 27- ■ Hept. 1. ■ Kl'kei-t A Here Four Mile Creek, Erie, Pa., 27- Sept. I. Kek Tom, Hljnii, Uuliiili, Minn., 27-Se|)t. t. KekhofT A flonlou, Colunibln, Ht, Louts. 37-Setit. t: Olympic. Chicagft, 3h. ^ Kddy, Arthur, Klyslmi Grove, Tucson, Aria., 27- , Kept. 8. Edmund., Goshen, Intl., 27-Sept. Ii An- derHun. .1-8. Klllolt, Belnlr A, Family, GluvernvJIle, N. T., 27-Hept, 1. Kllimre Histoid, MuhIc Hall, Brlghluu Dcai-li, N. Jj, 27-Seut. I ; OIjiiho'm, Wmlilngtou, D. D., KIiiki. Pek A AI lie, L'ulon, IhiberMltehl, Cut., 27- Sept. 1, KlUiu, Hum, Temple,' Detroit, 27-Sept. 1 : Cook'., IhicheMter, A), V., .1-8, Fllls-Nowluii Trio, K. A P. Union Huimrc. N. Y, «... 27-Hept. 1. Kiiienwn A BmiJIeii, Proctor's, Allmny, N. Y., 27- Kept. I. iCuimelt, Kugi'iie, lloirmuii'. Ganleii, Bnlto., Md,, 27 Swi.t. f. . KinpiToiH of Miihle (4). G. 0. II.. Grutid Unidd., Aliiih,, 27-Hept. 1 ; Temple, Kl. .Vuyne, hid., Kninlre City Quurleiie, Vl.ti.rls, N. Y. »., 27- Kept, I ; Orpliiiiiiit, Itnatou, .'1-8. Kiuplre OWnwIy Four, KetGi'M, N. Y. C, ,1-8. Ktiglcton, .Nin, ft Oii„ ph'usim- Hay, N. J,, 27' Kept. I. I , ttam, Lore11«, & Vm„ Lima Park, Senintou, Pa., 27-Hept. I, KwwraMa, lUwk HpringK Park, W. Llvnrpnol, O., 27-Hept. I. Kthiirdo, Nuoiul, Hippodrome, N. Y. 0., 27- Kept. 1. KvatiB Hlster. (3), Ca Wd H Park, New Castle. P.., 27-Hept. |, Hvaiis, M-irh*. Alluiilli* Garden, N, Y. C, 27- Hept. I, Kvers. Geo. W., Futility, Lnfiiyelle, lnd.. 27-Kept, I : Twi'Mle. Ft. Wayne, .1-8, Kviiiik Trm, Steel Pier, Did Orchiml, Me., 27- Hept. 1; Pastor's, N. Y. (J., It-8. Fxcellu. Drplieiim, Ht. Puill, 27-Hept. I. s-'milas (2i, Luke Nlpiuue Park, llxbrl.lge, MaM.. 27-Hepl. t: Knulrv, Plttsllehl, !l-8. F»yl>|ii, Adonis, Novelty. Cripple Cre«>k, Util., 27- He|it. 1 ; Grinid, Cut. Kpgs,. il-H ■"ay ru-pi. I Fay HlHters, 1 id, Cut. Hi ttiple's. L ^•avetittorlli, Kan., 27- Fuy«, Murveloii.. Vk-torhi, N, Y, «., 27-SepL '■ F.irull A l,i' Ruy. t'liHlm.., New Haven, Coun., 27- Hept. .'.; Cork. Mvrldeu, ;t 8. Fvriiniiik Muy, Duo, ('Inst Kml Park, Meiutilils, Tejin., 27-ffttpt, I, FergiiMon & Dupree, Hmitheni Pnrk, Pllt.litirg, 27- Hept. 1. FerKinwiii A Mcrti, Woolworlb Ruof, Luucanter, Pit., 27-HciiL l; Ilnlliawuy 1 ., New Bedford, Mas.., A-8.' ' Ferris-Wil«y Trio, Ben's, KkcmuIjU. Midi., 27- Hept. 1. Fisher, Mr. A Mr.. Perkins, Grand, Plttsburf, 27-Hept, I ; Hheu's, 'lorontn, il-H, Fluke A MclJonmigh, Orpheum, Denver, Cul., 27- Hept. I. FlUxeriihl A Trainer, Rye Beach, N. Y„ 27- Hept. I. rink. Henry, itlJou, WInntiH-g, Can., 27- Sept. I. Fit. Geriild A Traluor, Wnshlnglon Park, Hay- oune, N. J., 27-Sept, I ; Henderson's, Coney l.luiid, N. V.. rj.8. Fltagemld A Gll.lny. Keith's. 1'Iitla.. 27-Bept. 1; I'nictur's fifttli St., N, Y. a, .'1-8. Fields, Will II., Criterion, Chicago, 27-Sept. 1; Acadnuiy, Chicago, S-H, Finnan, Pearl, Dewey, 1/tlca, N. Y., 27-Sept, 1, Florence A Parker, Manhattan, Norfolk, Va., 27« Kept. I. FIowI Slater., P.h'ctrb; Park, Albany, N, Y.. 27- Hept. 1. Ftynn, Joe, G. 0.. IL. Indianapolis, 27-Hept. 1. Fh»r». Mlliireii. IllHirle Park, Munlgouiery, Ala., 27-Hepl.-1. - . Flemen ft Miller, BIJou, Duliilli. Mlna., 27-Sept, 1; UIJmu, .Superior, Wis., 3-8.