The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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September x f tbce °j$mr* ^o^k, Qjj%p-pim, m FOR A KKITll & PnOCTOIl'S OBIh S. Thl. 3"}„? '!" ".'"P!! LAt '«" '" <*T »«. If ypnr Joke. .lory or 1,1.. win 11.. |.*>. 1 will n»y 11. anyhow, .nil ,. dnV. olr.i Sm doubl. volt? .inn-ln J w» P „Ha IS, c ? "! loA '"•.»" •»«! "<•'>>'<■ •nbmlitlng. l f l m va«iiiil. to ... ».i„..™.ll>, M yonr i,l.» In. I do »?.!^S!»*VK.T^«THk! wfsl'on^lJ^SKSKte™ • or "lorl.. rrlatlv. to the... Wn.fl,. „ HCllKA.W ami „i,l lr-l'v original. Ttuwlmm'l ..m. wlU b. )l»y IP. I»n»^^«" »"«■»««».■ W.CKHopt. IV, PHOCTOU'll, Albany; n.m S«pt. 17, KRITH-I'RIII TOM'S, Nl. ' , .«d pay yon what It I. worth If It I in Imitation, of touuilt In a il.poTtm.iit .tor., chick.n., " attonaced In thU pap.r w..k of a*, whon 'Ttie »£»n "Wltli Jkgen^y Voioea. 8 Wblteley 4 Bell, Young's Pier, Ocean City, N. J., 2f*Scpt. I. WIiee>r Sinters ft Hall, Lyric I'ark, I'arsona, Katt., 27-Sept. 1; Lyric 1'urlt, Muskogee, 1. T„ 3-8. W'.'cholT, Baby Jrnjo, ft Co.. Lagoon, Ludlow, Ky., 27-Keivt- 1; arnnd, Jollet, III., 3-8. Wilton, Lilly, Dewy, Utica. N, Y.. 27-Sept 1. Wltioii Bros.. U. 0. II., Indianapolis, 27-Sept. 1; Colombia, Cincinnati, :i-S.- a „i:«)u, J«k. Howard, Boston, 27-Sept. l. iVIson ft Raton, 0. II., Oswego, N. Y. 27-Sept. 1 ; O.rlittlilrii, lu^lirtlcr. 3-ri. ■ WlUlimH ft Melburn, rdur'Sine Creelf, Hrle, Pi., 27'Sept. 1. Will!* A Barron, Empire. Des MolnM, la., 27- Worfi ft'Kingston. Bliss's, Toronto, Can., 27* , jftntV 1; <W*. Boeheiter' bT.'Y., 8-8.' W«kI, P'TBncln. Monro Park, Toronto, Can., 27- IcpL'l: r«rk, Dunkirk. N. T.,'3-8. , Wood. MIU. Vletorlo, N. Y. 0., 27-Sept. 1. W^'lnf's StfilllonH. Henderson's, Coney Island, N. Y„ 2T-Sept. J. , Woodward's" AttfatilB,' Chester aPrk,' Cincinnati, zl ,s.-,.t. W ' ■ ■ Yncktey ft Bunnell, 0, H... Pittsfleld, Mass., 27- > 9<|itl 1. Yeoman. Geo., Orpheum, Salt Lake, TJ., 27- Sept ll'Orpbeuni, Denver, Cat.. 3*8. Yoder, Exljlblflon, Toronto.' Can.. 27-Sept. 8. Ycrke Comedy FOUr. Mirer's 8tli Ave., N. Y. C, 27-Sept. A ;, Miner's, Bowery, N. Y.^ 0., 3-8. Yontift &- Devote,' Temple, Detroit, Mich., -27- Sejit. 1. ' " m Yohe, lla-f, WlscSrl* Q.-ove, N. Y. C, 27-Sept. 1. Young. Tot, Kok-unio, lml., 27-8t*)t. 1; Logana- port, 8-8. _. . ZniicllW. "Th*. H. ft 8., N. Y. C. 27-Sept, li Dnckalnder'a, Wilmington; Del.. 94PW*F ■» Zniet ft Vernon. Shea's. Toronto. Can.. Kfomtit. Zlmm#im«ar AI. ft Pearl, Crystal, J-;lwoorl,' Jifd., 27-Sept. A/ . .. Zlnnnrl Troiipe. Keith's, Providence, 2t-8ept. I. Zlnmrflfa, 'Bile., Klk'a Carnlral, DunUtScrN. Y„ 27-Sept. 1. ■ Zc*)Im, T^, WlMtnrln Qardens, N. Y. 0., 27- i«* « *°— Tlie MotfopolttOD Opera House li*. N. Scott, lunnngep) opens the regular eenaon-Aug. ye, wltii "Clie«:kers," my pop- ular . here. Chatincey Olc-ott, Q ln "ElTeen Asthore," Sent. 2. Grand (Theodore L. Unys, manager).— 'Cnrmen 1 ' contludcd the engagement of the (Jeorgc Fnwcctt Ox. *rcek o? Apg.' lf», tu hig.toouBCB. Percy. Ifnsmll, In the tftlt role, vyas excellent. The regular nea»oa opens 20, 5SL 1!'' 0W Kentucky."" "AcroBs the Pn- d(ST Bept 2. atAu t J. C. Van Roo, manager).—The Brigadiers had blir business 10-2n. The Jolly GIrIa 20. The Bohemian Burleaquem follow, • OHPhbpm (James Robertaon, manager).— RualncBB wn8 very good week of 20. New people week of 27: BerandB and De Doll, Dot Neumann, Melvit Barrett, Excelln and McClure. All the ortftra will hold over. Mr. Frcrck baa also opened theatres at Win- ona and Ked-Wing, Minn., both to be lunwn as-the. Majestic. Bifpinti (Sam Fink, manager),—Baplimi wna very good week "of 20. New people for week of 27 are: The Dnlya, Nettle Strand, May Curtis, and Mchrlng and De Shields, Those holding oyer. Gertrude Leslie, Carroll and Unrdnur. Brady and Hamilton, Wtlrlam I>e Boe, Theresn Kemp, Jessie Bepnett, ant) Glbaon andNoBh. Notr. —The Minnesota State Fair, on the grounds at'Hamlfne, this city, week of Bept. 3. < >» UIIIII. . / .'. ON TUB ROAD. ./'* " * " 1 * v-'. '* ■ SopDlem»|it«>f Mat—Received Too Late Brown/'Kirk (J. T. Macaule'y, mgr,)— Elmlri, N. Cainphclrj 'SliditlngBiea (Uarrle D. Pierce, ngr.) -IW. Y. City af-jfcnt. 8. Campbell BroJ>.* Sliows—Alms. Nehr., 27. Arapa- hoe 28, Hotdrfilgc 29. Mlnden 30, Sutton 81, Vtmm Phh Q Maryavllle, Kan., 3. "Country Jay** (J. IT. Bamnnn, mgr.)r-Cam- lirldge, 0.,'Sept. 1. Coshocton 3. Borneavllle 4. WoojlsOeld i%. WellRhnrg. W. Vn. t (1. Canons- bprg. Pn. ( *7« New Kel|Bington 8. "Deapcrite OMancfc" (I^ert Howard, mgr.)—Mon- treal, Cflii.,' Mept. 8-8. •TfliiHt," Porter'J. White's (Olgn Verne, mgr.)— I.hptiiilna. Mli-h., 28, Antlgo, Wis., 29, Rhine- *lJiii<ft? SO. ToTnnlmWk 31, Ironwood, MlcU., Sept. 1, BeMnemer 2. Ashland, Wis., 3, Waab- burn 4, BnrDeltl *». Iron River 0. (ilithivan liriuimtlc—Sturgls, Mlcb., 27-Sept. 1, MeiiUmi B l «. ; - Gllnjore's Pluyera IFranclH J. Ollniore, mgr.)— Bejlalh, Mii,; 27-Sept. 1. .lulu,. Kun.,-2-8. Oortpn'a Mlniltrtln (O. 0. PearL mgr.)—Rock- l«»Pj* .*JB., ti at!pt.. 3, Oldtowu 4, Uordther 7, "nirPrrom Texns" <S. P. Bender, mgr.)—Atlan- ' tie" City; N. J., 27-81, Boohton Sept; 1,' East Htrqit'ltuiirir. Po., 3. platlngtou 4,/ratnKiinn L Mtdflletown 0, OhaiiibcrHlinrg 7, Hancock, Mil., 8. Till mm. Moii'te (W. A. Dillon, mgr,)—North 1 Adama, MnHa-.-Sept;' 3-8. nnrrlngtoii Stock—Princeton, Inrt.. Sept. 3-8 Cincinnati.—In another fortnight every theatre, save the new Shtibert bouBe—the l.vric— will be open. The American premier or "The Blue Mpun," at Mualc Hall, Aug. 28, wilt be the dramatic event of the coming week. ' Grand Opbra IIouhk. — Dlgby Bell wm begin the season Sept. 2, in "The Educatlou of Mr. Pipy." For acvernl weeks during the Fall fearlval, Sunday evening performances will bo given. ' CoruuniA.—Bright as a new dollar, thin liousa of vaudeville oiuned Aug. 20, with i'i I Lfiiniii and company, Hanson and Nul- w>. Augusta (Hose, Ferguson and Mack, Wft-tsoa's Bnroyard Circus, Howard and Blopd, Cub "Kdwords' School Boys and Glrla, and the Hazardous Globe. Hduck'8 OifinA liousa. — "Chinatown Charlie," 2C, succeeding a week of Klluit ft CazBolo'a "The Four Corncra of the Earth.' It was a creadon ns but as the weather. Business was pretty fair. "Young Buffalo IiYcniJM. i r"ne* First Palis Step,", tlie opening nttrnctlop, Aug. 20 and week, will be followed hv "Nettle, the Newiglrl." Pcopi.h's. —Teddv SImmonds und Phil A. Ott introduce-the Merry IJurloaquers 20, In "The.Mummy Girl." Drenmlnml llurlesquers did pplendldly last week, with Dave Merlon. Kniplre Bui-leaqiiera ne*tl - ■ 1 Standaod.— The Bone Hill Folly Co.. w»h George W. ltlce. In "The Iloyal Billy Uoata.' will he the introductory nitraetlon of the season Aug. 20. The Standard has \ma re- modeled,'and nq entirely new balcony, with eighteen modern boxes, liaa been built, t eiKJiit'i-'U niouern ui»4cb, hub utoh u«<i>. --•• chairs and draperies are modem, and an exhaiiHt motor fan (mures ventilation una cool, fresh air. A reception was given JB. WAtNflf Stbbkt.— "Peggy from Paris onene Ihe season Sept, 2. * ' ' Bobinson'b OHU Hoiibb.— Upon the sr- KiuWotTitmo*" Eastern (Oscar Oaheo, mgr.) rival of the Mapngern M "JJ"™ °7,* n . \' h J -rSannlbal.; Ma., Sept. l, Belleville. HI., 2, and Cape May It- ffM SKSfflJSH A SSSS -rerre. Mo;, > , - P Kocepangh Stock Co. would open Sept. J. A MaTrsV gpeclnUv Co. Al. Marts, rogr.)—Mont- new caruiln will be hung, new sents inatoiica mmerr, Vt., 30. BerksblM 31, Franklin Sept. j u the bftlcopy and n new and more »»> 1, WllllMton' R, Rlcbmond 4. '-- ■—■ *"- ■*■ 1 - rt1 "- "Montanii.'f Hnrry D. Casey's—N. ,Y. City Sept. Ninety aqfl Nine"—K. Y. CUf Sept. 3-8. "Jerry prom-Kerry" (Patten ft Fletcher, nigra.)— Port Arthnr'.' Ont., Onn.. Sent. 3. 4, Kenora^, U. Klnaey Komody Kc—Oreenrllle. 0., 27-Se'pt. 1. Napoleon 3-ff.' . . "Kiiig of Tramim," Kostern (Oscar Oahea. mgr.) Oaman Stock (Jobs Qnmjn, mgr.)—Marietta. 0., Sept. 3-8. , ' ' Orientals (Vf. B. Watnon, mgr.)—Altoona, Pa., Parker!' cV W*, Amiuwrncnt Co. (Cramer ft Tyler, mays, >—Lincoln, Nehr., Sept. 3-8. 1'efry ft Prcnsly'fl—Inernm. Wis.. Sept. 8 ; 8, Rehlnaon'i, Join), Sbrwa—Bristol. Tenn.,' 27, ' Abingdon, Va t ,'- 28, Olnde Spring* 29, Wythe- vllle 30, Pulnikl ■ Si. Kocky Mount Bent. 1, Wlfistoq-Hslem, N. 0.. B, Martinsville, Vs., 4, rtomibVe'5'. "\ "' "Ruled oir the,Track" U- H- Woods, mgr.)—N. Y. City Sept: 8-S. ■ „ Smith's Coloasnl Shows—New Holland, Pa., 81, Conowliigo. Mn., Sent. |, • ■ . " ' "Seciets of,Police" (A. H. Woods, mgr.)—N. Y. City Sept. 3-8. , _, Trumbull, Mntie (Joe.W. Spenrs, mgr.)—Dixon, 111.. Seht. 3, Aurora 4. Kenonha, Wis., 0, Rock- fon], nl , 0, Sterling 7, Kowance 8. __. Tempest, J. U, DraiuatlCT-Olyphant, Pa., Sept woodmfT, Dora. Slock (J. D. Kllgore, mgr.)— Rnonvllle, I mi,. 27-Sept. 1, Elhmbethtowu, Ky., Wentlake's Cnrnlvil of Novelties—Altamont. N. Y., 27-3ept. 1, Westporl 8-8. '■ ... i M s V . ' . ■'■ e . HINNGBOTA. M|nnet>pollHr—At the Metropolitan Opera House (UN, Scott, manager) the regular Pall. and , Winter season opened Aug. 26, with CliaunceyOlcptt, In "Eileen Asthore.' The Ferris Stock'Co. closed Its engagement lieW'Sfi. playing the lost week in "Gls- monda" and "Camille," to crov/ded houses. Par week of Sept. 2 (State fair), "Check- ers.".. '/.!: Buon Opera Hoirnn (T. L. Hoys, mana- gefj.-i-Gftofge' Pnwcett's Co.. In "Woman Against .Woman." This same compnny. In "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," 10-22. and "The nelli," 23-23, to fair houses, Tills house w|ll; open for the regular Pall nnd Winter nejltjori Sept. 2, In flta'MOK) Play that has oiienea thla house for the■'port ten years, "In : 01d Kentucky," with Marie Qulnn aa QlnilRe, . - . ,' " ■; ■ 1 •.%.- V -OnpHHUx (Martin Ileck, general raana- gen..---Bill for 20 and week: NLtn Allen nhd company, Italian Trio,' Lewij and \yood- ford, Danim BrothetB, Paul Barnes. Four American Trumpeters, Kaufman Troupe. Bufllue.HH fine IP and week, _, : LvciiVM (I. C. Bpeers, manager).—Uwla Stone Stock Co. closed a two weeks r engage- ment 25, "The Little Minister" being too hill Ihe Inst week. This nouse will be dork iW-ncpt. 1, The Daniel Prawley Stock Co. tieglii nn engagement 3, In "Sherlock Holbics." „... „ TJ^iOta (John Elliott, manager).—PHI 'or 27:,Arid week: Bert Levy, the Gregsona. Gus Leonard,. Beiate Taylor, He'rinaii La Pleur, Noblett and Taylor. Pine houses 20 and week. ..-«...'■ - ™: Dbwbt (W, A. Singer, manager).—fhe Morty Mskers 20, The Polly Burlflihuers, 30-25. made nulto a hit, to good attendance. Tba-Brigadiers Sept. 2. Wo\iiv*i!i,ANj> I'ahk. —Special featurea for week of 10 :-Arna(do'n leopards and panthers, ntuV. Marvelous Boode, In n|a alack wire en- tetthlnmeut. with the usual petmaneDt at* tfnbllooH. Lprge crowds reported.. ■. ttktt liAnaifeT.—Llberfltl will close hla mi- Sane'Diout hero Aug. 20. Crowded houses ave ■■ prevailed. II) Hie -l|DK-(>ny mil* :i new »»« -*-"-» .--4.'-. nlent rpcrptlou room nrranged for tpaladies. The atocK company la now In course oMorma- tlon. There arc rumors' that Herschel Mavall may be leading man, hut It Is certain that Walter (lllbert, Wllioiv Hummel. Gilbert Ely and Harry Pcnwlck will hP back. . oiA"ii-ic.— The new home of 'vaudeville will be (Jcdlcateu Sept. 2, and while the open- Ins: bill Is not nnnonnced, the names of sucti nfgpetsas Joe Welch, Vlnle Daly, John W. ltntinoine, Helen Bartram, Harry .JfflgB Clarke La Domino Houge nnd Bob nilllnrd ns some of those booked during the season Too" (Walter J. Draper, secretary).—The Iloyal Hesses o' the Barn Band are^due 27, en route, from England to New- Keoland. Bohlmui- Kyrl and hla band enjoyed two *i&&FW$, M. lUrtl., ».--»). —The Oliester Pirk Opera Co. closed . fair- ly niMHUful «ea»0D 25. Grace Canioron »n» Ihe IUU o( Ihe (IddI week, when •'the Telenlione Old" was put on. I)r. Cliorlea K BmSf will l»lk on "Ilourts nnd Tilings'' 20. ESSuW I. M. Martin will give anwtnir shows cverv Sunday during Beplemlier. Mao Mclbinu and Hnfliawa. and Slegcl were seen In the vnnilevlllc theatre. Woodwards sea lions remain. ft ' ... Lonww 1.AOO0M.—Tlie season Is drawing to « close, and Amusement nirector will Olark nnnonnces for the final bill in tne Viindevllle Thentro, commencing Aw. M lrmn Wlckliol and company. W "WrUM Noon and Nuthti" Kelly and UM'i Toiu Mack. Hie MlUons. anil dainty Matlc Clark, In "new lllnstrntcd songs. The McredItk Brolliers will be seen la nn aerial outdoor * C Conby lsuHO.—Instead ol Drjant'j Mln- strel. "or the Inst week, ft*,SP»jJ«l"ffi will be thrown open for vaudeville Aug. m, wllen tUo Olln I'Vmllv. Delia, Hick., the l.a ni'lls nnd Herbert and Von will °UH""J£J diicTlan.'and oYerylmdy was" deUgbtJ-d wltli Fall festival Is,on. Kennedy's Wild West J"£"° I J- ell "fi 1 | np pcnmnce of the nudltorltnn ended 2U. The season coses Ulio'Dar- ^ne ^Kwn.hln'er's Daughter",week o? 20. si'HjiKii Chat. — rite ™*££2TiJS2x won In the hand concert «t Coney Inland. ..Harry Shockjey 1> hoony becnune trie Walnut Is once more ready to mi.... ■11,c Queen City bathing- beach Is: strt onen. ..Dnn Boner has aecurad the old Ma- mm con- < i»v.if. mi _ At the Euclid a ardent. (Max Paetkenbaiier, manager) "Tlie Girl with the Green Eyes" la the bill of the Vnughnn tilaser Stock Co. week of Aug. 27. "Are You n. Mason i" picked the house at every perfonuance last week. Ciu.oN.Ai. (Drew A Cnmiibell, managers). —"A Modern Magditirir* Is the offering by Ihe Laura Nelson llntl Co. week of 2?. -"The Adventure of Lndy Ursula,'' by thin com- Eimv. week of 20, drew big and enthusiastic , ouses, proviug a|l$s Qalrs Btrong hold on , the theatre go lug nubile Lyceum (Geo. M. Todd, manager).—Flake O'llnra, In "Mr. Blarney from Irelapd," i week of 27. "The Hall Room Boys" hid 1 good receipts week of 30. "Gay New York" next. ■*,*. ■ ' ■ _Cubvkla™ (Opo.-M. Todd, manager)^- 1 Charles T. Aldrlch, a Cleveland boy. In "Secret Service Sam," wpek of 27. Al. Mar- j tin's "Uncle Tom'B Cabin'*,, drew ^fairly well last week. "A Man's Broken Promise" next. ! Kkitii'h (II. .A. Daniels, manager),—Jill : week of 27: Marie Walnwright "arid Frank Sheridan. Bristol's bonles. O'Brien and Havel, Walter Truemnp,- Luce and Luce, - Lillian Shaw and Bon never. Star (Draw A Campbell, managers.— wil- llntns' Ideals wepk of 27., The Colonial Belles drpw weil week of 20. The Merry Burleaquers next, Luna Paok (Elwood Solsbury, manager). —'llie Great WeBtestf Bind-of Cleveland will furnish the music week of 20. <"ot.i«,»,u« (M, P:'Troitler, manager).— The Herald Squnro Opera Co. week of 27, giv- ing 'vThd.Mascot" 27-20. The Coliseum's vaudeville scnaou ended 20. N'.Tt. —'I'lio Lvrlc lias h*pu acquired by J. J. Ryan, who will reopen It Sept. 8. „■ — ■■-11 " ,t i. ..I ■ M ■ Colambna.—At the Great Southern Al. G. Field's Greater Minstrel*.will open the bouso Aug. ,11, Sept. 1. "49 Minutes from Broad- way" B-8v ' " SttpRBRT (P. Q. Miller, mnnager).—The houne will open with Eddie Foy. In ''The Earl nnd tne dirt," 8-8.* W. 0. Shandy, of New Yoft, will bo the treasurer of tJia house. Hnrry Overton ban closed with, the. Hagen- heck Show, and will be the advertising man- ager wl:lr the hotlsc. ili.;it Strkfit (Pitas. W.iHarper, manager). —-"Yotiia; Bnffnlo" drew capacity houses Aug. 20-22. ■'tyn.'la Josh Sprnreby'' attracted good bouses 2&9B. "At the' World's Mercy" 27- 20, "The Four CorncrB of Ihe Earth" 80-1. Oi.kntaxrv I'abk (W. W. Prosscr. mana- ger).—An excellent bill, consisting of Young nnd Melville. Carroll Johnson. Catherine Cull. the ChfaHek Trlii. llerr Jausen and com- puny, the Rnppo Slaters, and Sadl Alfarnbl. Pleased large crowds hnt'wcek. Dnredevll inuKherty, Iq "leaplntr the gap," proved.a Rtrong outdoor attraction. Kosatls Naval Reserve Band continues to be popular. Croa* tore's Band 27. 28. «•'• • fiiu.ip' G,Anpi:M (ir. Collins., manager).— Tills popular resort was"'well patronised last week. lilH wceb of 20: Fox and Summers, Josephine Hall, nnd Ed. Hays. Nqtes,— The Ohio State fair Sept. S-8.. .In- dlnnota Park continues to draw larac crowds. Pain's "Last Days of Pompeii" will be a nig feature at the park Aug. 27-Sept. 8'. Robert Stanley lias closed with the Hagen- heck Show, and has joined ltlohtsr A Ht. John, the advertising manaesrs of Indlanola Park, who are billing Pnln n "Last Days of l i.inpcli."....... ..lay Oulgley has gone to Cleveland, to join the Vaughn Olmer Stock Co., for a short while J. K. Burke was a local visitor 17, 18.: I M I ■ I I " ! — Voiiiitfii<nvn.-At the Grand Opera House (T. K. Albaugh, manager) the Myrkle-Hard- er Stock Co.. week of Aug. 20, had good .patronage. The Bays 28, r *Tbe Shoplifter" Pai.k,(M- U, Guggenheim, manager).— "The Enrl and the Girl." with Eddie Foy, opens this house Ang. St. The Four Hunt- ,luj(i* Sept. LI, Henrietta CroBman 14. ll»BA P*nK (E. Stanley, manager).—The following bill for week of Aug. 30: Middle- ton's MannlklnB, Anna Goldo, Do Cnmo and his dogs, Whistling John Browne, and the American Comedy Four. John L. Sullivan and a vaudeville bill Kcpt'2-tt, Avon Pakk (Job, W. Wean, manager).— Vaudeville cohilnhes to good attendance. Notes. —Frank L. Evans, for several yearn programmer for the Park Theatre and idora Park Caalno, expecta to organize a road sliow .soon. His many friends wish him suc- cess..... .The Pour Huntings are rehears- ing nt Ihe Park. . , —■■ ' * ' — ■■ Marlon.—The Grand (C H Perry, man- ager) was opened for the season Aug. 22, by Al. G. Field's Minstrels, who have started the season at the Grand for many years, and they were greeted w<th standing room, only. A peculiar accident took the people back fifty years, as In the early part of ""P* 1 "; formanre an explosion In tbo electric light plant put the Grand In darkness. ■ The per- formance was continued with four sperm candles, until gas connections could be made, Alamo until Its-season closes- .Manager Collier has leased the Coldren Theatre, Iowa City. C. C. Rowley will continue ns Its resident mnnngsr. Lottie Munro left IS, to visit relatives at Merrill. Mich. JP»hJ»QJie--v-At Ih* Grand. Oners, Houso (Win. X. Bradley, -mkungar), Aug. 14, (11 fenr/'n MJusirrls ninusnl a good houae. "A ItTleOyr --- Uncle J row'" 27. , „ atcnHt" had a fair house 22. Coming : •tlncIeJosh Perkins" 2C, "The Flaming Ar- Buou (Jake Rosenthal, manager).—Tho house is dark. Notes, —In the rustic band stand. Union Park, the Royal Hungarian Orchestra Is In Its second week, assisted by Mltw Seneseu, violinist, and Miss Allen, cuntralto. The at- tendance for the week has been Immense.,.. Toe TrKState fair will be held here 27-Sept. s. Including regular fair attractions and ■peed exhibitions by Cresceus ind Dan Patch. Ringlliig Bros.' Circus 8 Meiv- Bertha Lincoln Heustls, soprano, has opened her studio for vocal I11 struct Ion. S) 1 | . . ' NEW JKRHBV. and It 'was then finished by live wib light.. The audience remained quiet and took tne offnlr good neturedly. ■ , "4n » ItlWA. Dee Molnee^-The Orand Opera Rami was reoponed Aug. 23, by "The T3ye \Vlt- iiobb," A well Hired homo greeted tills pro- duction, and everybody was delighte* *» tl1 Newark.—At l'roctor's Theatre (P. P. Proctor, manager) the bill for week of Aug. 27 Includes: Julia Ring and company, Herr Snons, Mosher, Houghton and Master, Dave Nowlln, ihe Glecaons and Houlihan, Dudley, Chcslyu and Burns, llount Bedlnl and doga. and Quaker City Quartette. * OLiunc Park ill. Wafers, manager).— "The Merry War" holds forth. t'.iE.i MniA TiiHATHK.—Sara McDonald, la : "Adrift In New York," Is this wuak's bill. ItLASKv'ri TiiKATitK (Charles lllar.ey, muu- ager).—"Tho Boy Hehlnd the Opq A , with Harry Clay Blnney, is here this week. KiJicrini' I'ahk (A. C, Duulop, manager). ^-Collins' comedv tloukuye. Vera do lina.hil. Adolpli Adams, luuneiiu, Fwllx nnd Claxtoa and Awotte, laddie and company form the bill week of 27. „ tM ^ ■ Uillsipb 1'i.KiHuaH Pahic (W. Thalia, mnnucci-l.—Kurds '.i:id Busuc, Ben Meyur, 111.11 nnd Hill, the Marians, Sutton and Hut- tun, Tuylor Sisters und Four Uregorya make up the 1)111 for week of 27* BJ 11 !■-■■■ '■ Jersey city.—"Bertha, the Sewing Ma- chine Girl," closed s very satisfactory week at the Academy Aug. '■!■•■ Acapkmy (Frank 10. Henderson, tuansgsrL —"The Girl and tho GatAbler" week of 27, "Carolina" Bupl. 3. Bun 'fun it. W. DlnkluB, manager),—For the o|Kjnlng wttek, Aug. 27, Champagns Olrls. LuihIuu Gnlrtv Ghls to follow. ■ • <'f .' Nothh. — The Fynus-Kleln syndicate, oper- ating moving plciures and tllusiruied'suuga. have opened a "Nicollet," In a large and well situated building, with an elaborate lobby, directly opuoslle the Bon Ton, und nra ilolug a large business and giving good siitlHfnetlon. The plot tires ere changed twice a. week. B. Guttiiian i«. the local .representative At the Academy "he KAllery ndmlsslou has been . rhnugi'd from tlftuuu cunts in twenty-live cents... .Manager Henderson la Interested with the Klein Bros., owncra uf tho Hon Ton, In (he new thratro |o be erected op Grove Street, and to ho known as the Majestic... John II. Uonea Is back again lit thuAciideniy, ns busliMiHM mnnngcr and treasurer, with Wni. 1*. Culfiuuii, assistant; John K. Luugnhce, stage manngor: will Mnrao, advertising agent; F. w. Peter hcIipil orchestra leader, .At the Bon Ton, Henry Wolff returns an advertising agent: Rlfhar<J Wolff, stags manager; Jack Armatrong, proporty maator. ......At Keith A Proctors the artlsuns are busy day and night, getting tho house lu shape for 11*■- opening lu Hepiember. ■ I S ■ _ ■! — ■ f Aflantlo city.- At the Snyoy Theatre (Fred R. Moore, manager) "As Ye Sow" did excellent business Aug. 20-22, as did ••'^Vay Down Kast." 2'1-ifA., "Sunday" 27*20, 'The Roecr Brothers In Ireland" 8()-Sept. 1. You Mi's PiKB.TiiKATna (w. K. Nuaksjl- ford," mabflger).—The same good patronage greets tho John C. Fisher Opera Co., wlileh remains for another week, . ... _ ' STlCKI't-rXHAMB PlBB (Gllfa W. Clement, mnnager).—Big business puys tribute always to vaudeville here. GuvBiiNATOit'e Tiikatbh (Sydney Ffrn, manager).—HttslnesH Is always large. An- nounced for week of 27: Mons. Herbert, Bis- ters Millar, PliarlKuineuu Brulbcrs, Iluth Uur- nohl, Du Hols, Parish, Snell and lfctwd, Van Oof re and Cotrely, Harvey and Lewis, King and HshIouIc, Hetmiore Hlsturs, Amy Orauvlllo, Whalley uiiil Whulley, Two Macks, Leon aud Adeline. ai.haubua. —Vaudeville hae been Inaugu* rated here, to pl eased patronage .—At Woodlynne Park (H. D. Le Cato, manager) barring the Inclement weather the latter part of tho week business continued good. Tills week's attractions In- clude: Bryant and Savlllc. Millorshlp Sis- ters, Clurk Gundy, (Joldlu Fulkw. Hurt and Dennotte, IlnmlUou Hrooks, Miller and Fortlner, and Tony Baker, who has been loosing after ihe stage during the Summer. Camokn Tjiuatiih (SI. W. Taylor, mana- ger).—"The Cursu ot Drlpk," Aug. 20-22, apd "The Man of Her Choice,!' 23-25 hoih played to good business. "Queen of thu Highlanders' 1 27-21). "A Child of the Hegl- ment" ao-Hept. |, "Tho Gypsy Girl" IWL , Notkh. —Dr. W. II. Lupg rauoiMeu the mayor of Hie city to dig the first spadeful (i. earth fur his new theatre, to be culled the Camden Broudwny Theatre, Uan DBMS' uus neuMipw w^ lestlc cufe. nnd will turp It Into a free> cort hnl Aug- 20 ...".Dugan and Mi ck. two Cincinnati boys, made good at Ludlow iSgoon. in their sketch. "A^ ght at Long- via*" Superintendent Sol A. Stephen, of the Zoo. Is: In Chicago..... .The. mem- bers of the Chester Park 7)pe» Co nlI leave fnr \'ew York 20 Sam Mylle. Lllllnn ifcIiVtrre. % Monlton , ud Cecilia Weh- iter have all signed with ''Thei.Olrl and the Baldlt"...... Frank N. Mnndevllle will be muJlcnldlreetor of'The Vanderbi t Cup" Frederick Davidson returns to choir work" at.St. Andrews Church. He prefers to be soloist In church to star on stage °dna KmJfiij one of the cutest mljes ever aeen at Chester Pork, Is a great favorite. She was nn emphatic toast In "waiting at (he Chtirrh."..... Charles Sell welter, late of tho Columbia, in to 7 be treasurer nt the O ymplc, and his sneefssor ns assistant, treas- urer at .he Columbia Is Harry Thompson.... Montnvllle Flowers la going to devote all his time to dramatic plntform work... ... T.iur" »»«illr' Is visltlnr her sister. Mrs. Mil- ton. (Dolly Woolvlne) Nobles, in New .Vort. ...Alary Hissen-Hp Moss, the soprano, has gone to Kurope to rest before taking up the season's work prepared for her by London C. Charlton. taoiioken.--At the Lyric (H. P. SooUer. manager) "A Child of the Kvglu. ui" nhd "The Curse of Drluk" divided a p.-otlUble weeki ending Aug. 20. "The Gambler-.of the Writ" 2(1-20, Joseph Sonttey. lu "BlJJy. tho Kid," liOSupt. l : "A Wouinn of War a-5, "ThCi Burglar's I»ntighter" 0-8. EMfllii (A. M. BnigKOOi&nU, proprietor). —Thin Jtbusts wiilch M now In the Keith- Proctor circuit, will open with a uiutlnee lienor Day, Sept. 3. The Initial offering will Include: Finny Rite. P.d. P. Heyunrd, the Four Avolns, Nellie Butler nud company. Vou cleve, Pete and company, Scott and Wilson, Le Dent, Maseu nnd Vox, aud the kluetogrnplL Mntlpcvs will be glveu dally, r *v»4 W'KST VHt.;i.MA. Wh.<e9|iiM. —The Court Theatre (R. B. Frausheliu. nmnnger) will uueu its season Aug. 2D, with Jftbu Vogel's Minstrels. "The Wlsnrd of W' ID. . . WlIKKLINU l'AKK (GcorfTC A. Mt'I.SllgllllD, inuuflKer).—The park was crnwdud lust week, pud thu attraction gave the hettt of iatla- imtiou. Bill week or 2d: Four Couiedv Ac- robotic IIIlls, Barry and Johuson, Laura lluckley. I" Dancing HowitrdH, and Omo, Coni-iv Isi.anh I'ahk (Geo. A. Scliaefer. iiiiinuHi'i'j.- -Achlile Phlllou proved a good drawing card, and IiuhIiicih wax very good. Norna.—The tenth uuuunl Sacugerfcst of very got . - JiougcrfCBt of the 'Comml Ob|o Suenger lleslrk was well htteudeil 2J-2J1, nt ihe Court Theatre. Mrs. Alice Waterhuunc, soprano; Cdward Strung. teuor, aud H. A, Julin. baritone, guvo good witlsfactlon. Pn-f. Hermini M. Scho.'ltev, director, scored a grout success with his chorus nf eight hundred. Tho Cleveland {Symphony Orchestra, under thu direction of Johauu II. Beck, wits one of tho llucst sym- phony art-hcHlniB ever here. Ml'rt. Allen Mer- rltt-Cochraii, engaged for Ihe Sucii|fc;rest, did nut coins, on nceuuul of ulekuess....... Set-rotary Geo. Hook, of the West Virginia Kxposilhin nnd Slale Fnlr Aaaoiditilou, who line u big force of men getting things lu wliupe for Sept. 11-14, stutcd thut the purses for the large races nn< greater than rver. le will also have Knuhemdiue with l|ls ulr- shlp C. It. Truck, fiirmvrlg manager of Ihe Western Union Telegraph Company of tliUeUy, anil who Is well known In the the- ?trleal profeHHlvii, Is tlangerously III with [right's disease. ««» HAHYI.ANII. Uiiitlmore. — Ford's (L'hnrloa H, Ford, miuiaavTl reopens Aug. 27. wllli I.jiuimi II. IfowtTa pictures, which.will he seen twice dally during the week. The regular the- atrical season begins sept. It, with "llubes In Toy land." AiiTKiiiif it (.Tainus L. Kernan, uinnagtir). -~"l'anlioud)e Pete" oifcns the aeasoo hero Aug. 27. Florsitce Illndluy, lu "Thu Girl nnd the Humbler," Sept. ... Muniimkntai. (Ham M. DiiwHoii, resident uiuiiugsr),-. -After having heoit virtually re- built, this long lime home uf vaudeville will throw open Its duors Aug. 27, preMimtltig thu Colonist Billies, The TlmruiighlmHls Mopt. il. lloi.uiiAv Hxiii:i:r (Ororgn W. Itlfe, uinns- «er.—■"JUl.tlOD llewuid" huglliri a. week's stnv 27. ''The ('onvlct's Diughtor" closed 2n. "The Wuy of Hie Trnnsgrossur" Sept. !l. Hr.ASKV'M (Uhurlos li. Blnney, uiuiiager).— This week, "tin Dangerous Ground." ''Adrift la New York" had a light we«k, eudlng 2f>. Heutp A, "A Child of Ihe Reglmotit." (jAVr-.iY (W. L. Iltiliinif, uintingor),—Koso Pydell's Lonil'iu Holies, with c'liurmlon an tho lending feature, hold forth 27 and week. Ruble's Knickerbockers drew well last week lit splto of ihe Intense heat. Tim Bachelor Club Supt, ». lOifHcridC I'auk (Ikbnnhurgor A Irvln, it'.nnnger).—Tin* current week's bill lnaludea : "A Night hi nil KukIIsIi Music Hall," Me- I'hee and Hill, Josttphtne Gitsamini, Susie PlHher, Ooherly's poodles. Large cruwoa wero In evhlence last .week. Makvlanii (James L, Kurnap, manager). —The opening will occur Sept. II, wllh an attractive bill, heiidod by .lutile M^Cree, acaoumv (M, J. Lchmiiycr, manngor).—v This houso will reopen Sept. 10, wllli "Man und Ills Angel." Kxtetiulvu Improvements l.nve been made during tha Siiuuner. »•» ItllOIMd INI.AMI. Atiiinoniuii.—"Behind the Mask" pleased good sited audiences 10- "Tilly uiseii week of 211, Pobbteu's- Opuba Housr. — HI Henrys Mlmtrcls open this house 2B. "Uncle Josh Perkins" week of 2tt. KkTFitE.—BUI week of 27 j The Two DottB, Wills and Barry, Geo. Hlllman and five other big numbers. ., ■ . , % „ . . isriKimoM. Pahk. — MeMohon's Minstrel Misses are announced for hendllners week of 2«. ■ ■ ■ Pafereoii.—At the Empire (A. M. Brugge- miinn, manager) rellned vaudeville, which became ho potiulnr nt tills house last sea- aon, will again,' be In vug lie. The regular reason will be opened with a rautlnue 27. Following Is Hie hilt for the opening week: I'd. P. Reynard,'Nellie Butler and company, Pour Musical Avolos, Von Cleve, Pete and company, Scott aud Wilson, !*■ Dent, Mhci>» and Fox, Jolly Funny Rice, and the klnoto- graph. Lyceum (George M. McMunus, manager). —"A It-iee for Mfe" played to good bouses Aug. 20-22. "The Matter Workman," l» Cedar Haplds.—At Greene's Opera nouse (Will S. Collier, manngor) Hi Henry's Min- strels, Aug. 20, gave a rlne programme. "The Bye WltnesB," 21, deserved better business. "TIIIv Olson" 24, "The Old Clothes Man" M, Jnek Hoefller Stock Co, 20-Bept. 1 (ei- cept fiO), David Biggins, In "His Last Dol- lar," «0: "Two Merry Tramps" 2. "A Llttlo Outcast"' ft. "A Stranger lu Town" 4, "My Wire's Family" 0. A..AMO Park iG.. K. Barton, manager).— This good bill drew well week of Aug, lb: The Franeellas, Kamorn Family, Belle Gor- don, the Vahdergoos. Grace Armond, Walter B, Myers, the Alamoscope, and Bchoildl's Hand. HI Henry's Hand and several of his company appeared Sunday afternoon and iil.ihi, 11). lniies nnd his band gave roar tine concert* 22. 2it. which drew crowds. Notts— Nellie Hmliji Rlcbahtson <s di- rector of Oreehe'4 Optra House orchestra, while Prof, Jacob Schmidt reinalus nt the elvea liberal ..patronage „23-25._ Hnoklnas: Inpt 1. ilium (Mnurlee Jacobs, malinger),—The "Billy, the Kid," 27-20; VMy Tum-lTiiy Glfl" flO-Hept 1. I'rovliii'ncu.—At the Provldoucu Onorn Tloiiio. l<ew Fields, Aug. 22-211, In "About Town, drsw good audiences, and •vldriiuly ploased. Kt:irit'a.—"A Virginia Courtship" was Iho offering of the Albee Stock Co. last week. Ah nil addition, n vaudeville turn waa given by thn Cojol|1a! Septette. Tho stock season einlii 27, wllh "coiifiiHioii," 1 ho /.liiuarl Troupe helping out with vaudeville, 'lint regular vaudeville kcqhou open. Lnlmr Day, Dmi'Iio;. — "A illtinlL-hi t'Hcupi'," 20-2R. proved a thriller of lliu first water. Its author Is Howard t'oopur. Tlie scene Is laid lu New York, and Ihe plot centres ahunt a signet' ring which u rich uncle lu the old country has willed. Il imtsi be produced by his pephow an proof Lbnt lie Is ibti real thing. Iho nephew la Joe Mendel, a Bowery hoy, who is ineiiui'eil by his fuihci'n fiirinor purtner, Bliuou Bloom. The lattor Is assisted by n wicked ntiorney-nud n woman, who got jws- sesslon of Ihe ring and lose II. Tho con- spirators sro ourflHtia by an Itnllun organ trli»d«r, wlio Is led to hclluve that the hero has led his duiighler astray, lu tliu eust ore: Cliarlus Goodrich, KuMHeitp L)oulhig r{ Rubv Frwouil, li'ily Ilurlow, f'luin. J. Toolo, Cmiilllu Online und Delia Knight. "Tlie Ililrg- lur's Dnughtitr" 27, "The Power of Money" Imi'kuiai,. —Tlie Innocent Maids 27 ami WririTMiNHTHit.—The Dnlniy Pnreo Biir- lesrpicrB week of 27, to bo followed by the Bluu Ribbon CO, — ■■ . — » 4 '■■■■ Viewport.—At tha Newport Opera House (Calm it Cross Co., nmniigers), Aug. 21). "Klglit Bells:" Primrose's Mlnslrele, 21; Custer's Last Fight." 22. nil did fair htisl- ,..„ n.,.1,, f.ii.m In "XIn miinn Alnnv '* High Scool Girls played to good business week of Aug. 20. Loudon Gaiety Girls Is the attraction for week of 27. • ■ Trenton,—At the Taylor Opera Houso (Montgomery Moses, manager) isell iiiirgenn, In "The County Pair," Aug. 22, pleased. "Wonder I a ud" 20. "Busier llrown" li, "The Little Durhess" Sept. 1, "The (Hnfcerbreml Man" R, "The ,II|ack Crook" 4, "Man and Superman" B, Grace George 7, H. htati: HTBkKT'TmiATfiB (Frank Sbnlters, rasimger).—"The Devil's Auction." Aug. IB, did well- "A Bad Man from Mexico." 20-22, had satisfactory business. "A Child of tho Regiment" nlnyeil to good sized houses. Al. h, Wilson 27, "My Tom-Boy Girl" 28, 20, "The Gambler of the West" 30- Bept. 1. ness. Mario Cahlll. In "Marrying Mary, -"life Jack 27, Rose Stnhl 28. 21), "I" Ward ill. wna well received 2.'l, by a large audience. Andrew Mack 27, Rose Stnhl 28. 21), "Hap" SllKnUT'H PRRHSinuT I'AHK (Cluis, fl. Cook. manngor),—Hnslness Is excsllein. Bill Tor week of 'J1: Ye Colonial SeptelUi, Harry Le Clnlr. James Thornton, Bowers, Walters and Crpoker, Mnmlo llarnlah, l^onnlu Pollett. Tom nnd Kdna Almond, and thn camera- graph. ■»»» ALABAMA. ■ Bt>lma.—The Academy of Music (Long A Iters, malingers) wlfl open the season Sept. it, with T 'A llunawny Matdi." "Tho Counly Fnlr" II... v .The Central Alihima Pair Association (It, II. Mnngrum, secre- tory) Is making extensive preparations fur the fnir. which will run from Oct. SO Iq Nov. a. „ -