The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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744 THE NEW YOEK OMPPEBc :*{*"? -r:'#}*?&iWj- ' i&fcPljBMBER-l. Grease-Paint and Burnt Cork Removed Without* Aid of Cold Cream It .-easily, quickly and thoroughly removes all trace of grease-paint, burnt cork or any other make-up, without the aid - of cold cream or without the iligbteat Injury to the moat delicate complexion, leaving the (kin feeling cool, clean and comfortable. . FOE SALE BT DIUOOISTS ADD 0I0CM3 "\\!ASli,-UR" MADE "WILL DO WE WALTKE & CX)MPANY Used and endorsed by the leading mcfnbera ' of every branch oMhe profession. We want every 1 rnemoer of the lire United State*, to test the merita of Lava Soap. '■' Send us' yonr name an* address, arid we will •end you ABSOLUTILY FREE A SAMPLE cake or ':iAVA"s6Xfc'-'. ! \ ;'■"'••' ■'•■:''•'■; saint^i^uis. WMM LOUISIANA. New ori«?nnn.—At the Weit End, Charlie KIhIk-v and Mi concert band, continue In high favor, H do Arthur Warner and his klnndrome. The hill week-of Aug. 21 In- cluded : Kwor Bros., Charlotte, Havencroft, l>w Wcllti and rone and hie dog. The two former turim will hold over for week of !£6, while the newcomers will be Ben Turpln and the fionanlcs Bros. niiBKNWALD.—The Dandy Dixie Minstrels will open their sciison at this house week of 2ft. ■ Cukhcknt. —This popular price house, look- ing much • prettier than ever, will open Its veason 2fT, with the Baldwin-Melville Stock Co., In "By Hlght of the Uword." This cora- panv will remain'for about three weeks. - Notch. —The Elysium Theatre has been rurchascd by My. (jreenwald, the well known heatrlml' magnate. There Is n ponslblllty •if putting n.IlalOwln-McLrllle Stock Co., No. - in It during the coming season -Much regret was felt here at the death of J«ewl» Morrison. This actor -was a big Ores- cent City favorite..,.. ..Tomes Whittondale, n valued representative of the Klaw & Ur- Iiinitor circuit, was a Crescent City visitor week of 20, nnd was the guest of Manager Tom C. Campbell Tho Cairo Cole Com- edy Co. left, here,' 28. under the able manago- ment of George, Ueorsay. ' They arc booked through the. rani holt country Elling- ton. 13. llalfour, female ImpcrsonAtor and character dancer, left for Chicago, 22, to fill aevcrnl jiroHtaWo engagements fleorge Venus, the 'hustling advertising agent of the TntlM and Crescent Theatres, Arrived here 20. looking much benefited by his Summer's outing. -—> 4« » ■■ WISCONSIN. ngent; Harry Leslie, treasurer; Joe Henry. Irene War Held, Bella Gllroy, Mrs. Henry Gibson. Cbrystol Levis, Nellie Carol, Marian Goodwin, Tom Corrlgnn and Jas.0on.vny.; .Articles of Incorporation were filed. here 11, by the White City AmuseoientCo.,' composed of W, H. Labb, of Indln spoils.', Ind.; Lum Simon's, Richard D. Bakrow.'.antl Lawrence S. Leopold, of Louisville, Ky. The* company hss purchased Hlvcrvlcw Park, now controlled by Lum Simons, and will acquire property adjoining to the extent of fourteen acres. A large amount of money will be" expended on Improvements, mostly of an aaiiatic nature Louisville State fair will lake place at tbe Jockey Club grounds, Sept; 4 1 » Mllnnnkre. — The final, week of the Hi-own-linker. Co.. was a series, of crowded houses,,nclmlrci'K of this popular company tip- pet, ring to be anxious to give their favorites a rousing send off.' "Sherlock Holmes" was • ii'.'fliuiir.l In a manner up to the usual stand- ard, and was well received. "Coming Tbro' tbe Kyc" opens;the regular season of the Davidson Sept. .2. ■ ;. .' 1 Ar.msiuiA. (.Inn. A.. Mgler, manager).— Kxrcllcnt nttcmlnncc rewarded "Tho Maid snd-the Minnroy/' ■ Fred Warrdn, principal coined Inn, was tho bit of tho show. ".The Halt: Room. Hoys" 20, "The Tenderfoot" ) ii.'.iou {John It. l'lcrcc, resident manager)- —HeaHon- opens Aug. 2(1, with "Across the Pacific." • ,. - HntinKnT.—Hdwil Thanlmuser opens tho regular season of this house Sunday, 20, with Henry Woodruff, In "Brown of Harvard.*' Utah (Frank' It. Trottman, manager)-— The Worry Makers imt In a good week 10- 25. Tho Clipper Comedy nff won en- thusiastic approval. Bohemian ilurlcsquera " Norm—Managor I#eon Wachsnor la e*i poetod home noon from his annual trip to Germany... .Mrs. Margaret Iloulchan died In this rlly July 6. She was tho mother of Waller T. Ilonleluiii stage manager of the rftar Tlioalro. Chns. Cromwell, mana- ger of the* Brlgadlork was willed homo from this city 10, nn account of the death of his mother In New York James Durkln Mil leave 20 to Join tho New Theatre Com- ■iinv, Chlrago.... ..I^ocal'parks continue to ..raw crowds Camerln's slldo for life was the feature at Wonderland last week. < 11 INDIANA. -fcnf Indianapolis.—At English's Onera.House (Ad. F. Miller, manager) the seanon will open with Al. G. Field's Minstrels Aug. 28, 20/ Pa itK TiiKATnR {Dickson ft Talbott, man- agers).—''Old Isaacs from the Bowery", pleased parked houses twice a day ifrfftf; . ''How Hearts Arc Broken" stood them up at every performance, notwithstanding the hot*- wcather. 20-U2- "Young Buffalo, . King of, the Wild West," 23-26; "Queen of tho Arena" 27-20.' - Grand Oi-kim Hoiibh (Shafer Zlegler, man-. ager).—After a thorough renovation,- this house will open Its season of high class vaudeville week of 27. with Harry Tate. Henri French. Willie Eckstein, Joe if.ymv Lillian Apell nnd Fred Hummer, RIalto Com- edy Four, Wilson Bros., arid Aurlel ■Darpwll-*' EMPinnTHKATRH (Chas. Zimmerman, man- agcr>.—Rellly A Wood's Show opened the season for tho house and company 23-35,- to capacity business. Fny Foster week or - 37. Gaiktt Tiiratrh (Kdw, Sbayne. manager). —Rohlc's Knickerbockers week of Sent. S. > Fanihank. —Well's Band opened for;-two, weeks 20, to very big buslnesH. ■ 1—Ames and Feathers, Bound- ing Gordons, and Drako'a bears drew ..big buwineea week of-20, ' . . IV ," J Wurn; CITY.—Business,still holds gtKt-tJ %C this popular resort. Titnouon tbe enterprise of Anderson. ft t Zteglor, who control the booking nf ilir Grand Opera House, Indianapolis will'get several big Kuropean-acts before they have been seen In tho Eastern liouses. Harry Tate, the headllnor for the opening ireek- comes direct from -Europe, making hla 11 rat appoanince here Indiana State Fair week of Sept. 10. * W M. STEIN COSMETIC CO. MAKE UP Akron, Day Drug Co. .-;:'M'ol./ ilocnacbUd, Kobn & Co. WilUantson.tV, Watts. A. T. Jones & Sons. . . Boaton, Haas. Klein's Pusroncy. IlriMiUf.m, SIu... Janics Kdfar'ot Co. Braoklrn, . 10, J. Huels. 11. BurkhardC ChlcRsro,'■ 111. - V. M.' Botni & Co. f Wm.- Ilepner Wl» Xo. 1 Inilnnntl, O. . T. .Sswlrsohlna. • , 'toss' FbarnMiey. ; '■ l'< Cl^vrlond, CI. ■ W.' Kradse ft Son. , BtanAard'Driig Co.,- Stearn ft Co.. . (Jrand llniild., Ml.-h. Bcnrouder ft Btonchouse. •p ......._. h IndlaMBpolla, ind... jfetjer's Pharmacy.' ' - . b-.'J.' :.-.' ;.-2i : i.'f.'" I.nn.a.trr. , Vm. fe, K. K. BrlBDiaii.';."v'"... I,n«t.v(ll^, Hj, ■■ ■ T. P. Taylor ft Co/ ."' Kaufman Btraaa Co. ' . . L.I1 M. STEINS MAKE lOVHIIHVf II*-. - (Pwlley A Burclt, managers) was opened forjthe seas son Monday, Aug. 20, when Tho Grand opened . when "His Hlg'bncjMi, flu- Bey," was presented by a good company. Tho weather alone kept a big crowd from at* fending. It being tho warmest of tbe season. I'uopfsN'rt (I'edley ft Burch. managers! was well tilled matinee and night 10, .when "Tbe Soup Bubble" was given.' The ploy gavo satisfaction. The Robert Wayne flbpek Co. opened 20, to give dally matinees aner evening performances throughout the entire senson. The bills will be changed weekly. "At>i>y and I Key" will appear 26. ■ . ■', Cook'h Park (Ilnrry baurenco, irmingor) liad a strong bill week of 10. and big cbrwiib attended. The bill Included: The Mrour Lytta, 1. Magrane.■■ IVorln, fit. .F. M. He Kroyti- F. Lautercr. Ydnkeri, N. \ Perry Corning.' '/., l'lillii*1rl|>hisi, P«. N.. Snellenberg.ftrCo. H. A. Nolto Drugs. ,V Phillip J. Buck" . Glmbel Brothers. -> ,: m ALPINE COLO CREAM ri>o. Poiinit, 10*i. Half and ..,.•-..,' ■• lse.Jurs. / •V UREASE PAIHT M«.8l'l«klB Cardboard Tulle. : UNINO COLORS 4B0. Hf irk, Savihe as.Falnt Tube* ALPINE POWDERS 30c. Half I'oiuni, -MU, Quarter* M0I8T ROUQE < 95. aifass P*»t. Tbree Shades. ^' STEIN-ROUOE ; -- h ' ■ 1 No. IS.:' BOc. Per Box. *'< ■• • WHEATCROFT CREAM ALIqaldPowdar.^Ot.Bot.orXtsV. -' KHIOKEBBOCSEB MID C8CAI our. mm, *.■>.. Half,' SPIRIT ilUM I ir,r..;ilnttlr, will, llrii.h. ' stiih-cerAti: . ; A SKIN FOOD,■ _ : ■/ $1 Larste. SOc. ninllam, ; MIIL'S BURNT CORK 1st. I'ohikI, ,Or. ||»ir ''•- Mr. Uuart.r. -?.,'.-,.:. 1-Y C^bt.mbna,' O. '-V' P. F. Mjkramz. Kampmann'Costume' • , .... ,-.« .,-■ Works., '•'• : -,'-t»it»fli» 1 :alleli.. Mrs/C.'it*Read. .•,' ■ t ■rMkra.-'ikTli .1 -_f Costume Co. Public Drug Co. .>. 4 GlnHielJBrothers. i •( • '■' !M«WWrk.,:i«. : J.'.'.'V. rettj's'Plia'riiiacy.. i\ , Pitt.imrK', Pa. I Mrs.!J^lralfy .' '". :.; sBwrMWsj(i», Bfe. ■! . A« l-;Catttf. :■ . ■ ■'• ] ' Nan Antonl.,,,'l>,. ' Wolfft^Mari'Co.V," i_. ■'»I*1>rsibiid,'iv..' ; '- lflic<tli>!r|<Co. ' •■-■ 'i ■' ^i'Wrtosrlliidl'.'b.'' > CiW. :WesteDleltor.v. , ■ •onta. M.>. . _Smiat • ' f'Wrfttna'n. Vist. Btlr,..Wr & Fuller. ''■%«*r?ef«er,K.'-.Y. N(rl,bi) l -BarroWclougli.v. Pnttr..m, N. J 44B SIXTH AVENUE a. \& ■Siltnitfl .Hyki ■■•(W.C.iBiBlBi'. MsjerBros. '■■■kit: S.n. York l:llr. . n George Nlilmlhi'lm. ,«.,lt MScj'*Co. • Glblsn, ■ th»: Urusitlst ranss H*!B^^ YORK '^y v V-■•' Wstahljajsioii, D.'-C. ',- HecjM eV'tfJo.--' , - '•'' "i* ;' V 4>' '•'K#iifem«»o'rt; P,*.' , y . ..-. •■■ :.vFiat:CUa^^'r Hair Store, ■■■' : >' = -" / = h "J-'-A-Kriaroft*. > ^V *i 'ZvMi&frBnrr*, P«. ■ BloomIngdale'-Brot.iert.' " Knickerbocker -Pharmacy.' ■ Jdn*a 1 'EbbVs' Sons! ■ '*>< ■ ■ .,'( '•. '-Bcgall. PrOg'Co.' .- ■ •'-' T ii,'-'' *>r . .■ ' •;.■■■[ ■:■-,•::■■• •,.?,~f7-"> w W,r: .WhfcellnB, W. Va. ' '''.• } '•',< -y ■„■..• -■■ t Mctolii'BiDrug-'Stored .roneous, ns ho did not -enter' this- country until ho arrived here us a member ofLydla Thompson's troupe, about tbirty-ljvc i years ago- He was.edgfiged by Alexander Hender- son to Join'Miss Thompson, who was already hero. ■ ..'■,■ '*'*,■■ ..'' Frank Kkntv a.JFormer actor, died In the hOHpltal In Cooperstown," N. Y., on Aup. 15. i''inm IiIh personal,effects It was learned that he bad been at one time a; female Impenjoua- tor and comedian,- and-had-not been on tbe stage for some twenty years. Any Informa- tion concerning his relatives,will be gladly received by the ltev. I|alph Blrdssll,. rector of Christ Church, Cooperstown. N. Y. Inter- ment was In Lake*ood Cemetery, Coopers WANTKD—win; accept all round- sketch Tmni, first claw Comedian or man with good Moving Picture Machine as partner, Have every- tlilng-for miiir.11 tent stmw. will pay Al S. and D. Team $20 and all. ugr. Modern Remedy Co.; aadorui, 111.- p.s,—M.BnrKo, write ■'..', I Niiiivnv the Franclscos, Richards, Teggs nnd „. jlels, the Tryors. and the klnetoieppo. •'town, Aug. 10. ■ ■ ■ .,•• , The other amusements of the park are doing--"* CUROK a variety actriiss, formerly, v ... ,L* ...a... ASt . kJ,.l..v,IAI«* unrl ClutOP PKNNKV1.VASIA. I Wtlk.—Kiirr.-. ai fho Nmbltt Thea- m1 (K, A, Brown, manager) Dockstsder's Ajlnsfrcls bad a good house. Dim: "Tho Mayor of Toklo" Sept. 1, "It 'Unppnncd In, Nordland" 3," Oormnn'a Minstrels 4, Ly- man Howe 1 * moving pictures 0-fi. . Gn'ANii Oi'ffltA Hophpi (II. A. Brown, man- ager).—Philip I<evy'a Albambra and Knlck- erbuciter. Stock' Co.-played to fair, buslnoss only, on aecuimt of the hot weather. They Save* excellent .performances. Due: Rmma anting Slock Co. Aug. JT and wcok, Sclma Herman Sept, »-5. WMIIniiiSiiort.—At tho Lycoming Opera House U-. J..irisk, tnanagcr) Tbnddeus Gray Stock Co., .week of Aug. 20, notwithstand- ing exlrcmoly hot weather, drew packed houses. Ysle's "Painting Ibo Town" Sept. 1, Myrktc-tlarder Stock Co. week of 3. 1 pAttK Pavii.ion (Lyman A. Pray, manager).—Vallnmont Stock Co. pru- M-nii-'il "Between I.t.vo «nd l>uty" Aug. 1!0- -*J.- "My Uncle from Japan*' lilMlfi. "The lOlopcmcnt" will be given 1!7-1!0, "My lrlsh- Amerlvan Cousin" 30-Sept. 1, when season closes. Dnnlels,. the Fryors, nnd the The ntlier aninnommitB of the purs aro nr thejr share of business. of .tbe team of Schotield and Oak Summit Park <B. V. ' Gallahan, man- recently at Blerods Concert Ilall ager) has been doing a rushing business-' " Bill week of 10 Included: The T>AblirrT>c(i Slstors, Klpp nnd Klppy, Geo. Kvers, Nellie Itevolle, n» and Koxlc, and (he klnodrpmo.i Tiih Thkatorium. Is offering now sela of pictures'twice weekly, and good attendanco Is always'there. ..;, . Tin; Nkw.Bi.tou TnnATRR Is almost com- pleted and an early Ji'all opening la expected,, , -si. 1 1 ... « is 11 .,,*;, I.n Fayotte.—Tim Grand (Geo. Mander-' hock, manager) opened the theatrical season Aug. 17, with "The Cowboy Girl," to good business, Coming: "Tho Umpire" 23, * r Arl* mim" .24. North Bros. Aug. 27-Hcpt. 1, Johnnie Wise BV "Coming Thro tbettvo" B.;i Family Tmhatrg |ltort>rugh k Mnurlce.' miinngcrB):—This house Is playing to' nnc Inislnons tnsplto of the hot weather. The' Mil, nncnlng Aug. 20, Included: Robby Mack,', the La Renos, Hall and Coburn, Curtis Vance, and the bioscope. « i» ,. . * ■ KANSAS. ., and .XiOuls-' vlllo, Ky., not herself at her boarding House In that city, Aug. 0.- She whs thlrty-tlvo years of age. and was well known -In tbe. profession. Her right name was Annie Cook, and Hho came.from a highly respected family In Paterson, N. J. .Her remains woro, burled: noro-by-friends. ' .' ' '•' -iu:u:i'ii. ltont'Ktr,, a- musician and conu foser <ft wnrld-wide reputation, died. In San Francisco, Cat., oh Aug. 16. He wan about. sevcniy^tlve yeark of. age. Mr. Rocckcl had for many years.maintained a school of voqat culture In Han Pmnclsco, In which he was usslBted by bis wife. ' ■! • . ' ■ > ■. ■ '.. Willahu HoLCOMn'HjmuBlcai coinody, "Pan- handle Pete. 1 ' with. Jqmes Harrlgan In ilio 'title role, was successfully produced at.tho New Plalnlleld Theatre Plalndeld, N, J., Aug. 10. The lyrics aro by Udwunl l.saka and n«vl(l' Kemp, music by Samuel Lehman. Tho work was Htnged by Will H.-Conley, and the daneeB woro arranged' by Ned Wnyburn.' Cast: Willie •Nowlywed,, Kmmot I^innon; Lyman I.yter,. Francois. Blddv. Tucker, Wra, IP KENTUCKY. ' Lonlavllle. — At tho Avenue Thentre (Cliiis. A. Hlirtw, manager) "Chluatown ritarite" wbh the nttracllon nt this Iioubo for tho second week of tho acason. The police ¥ mil uut attempt to stop the Sunday per- * forinance. hut detectives were on hand unr- log the play, aud secured tho names of tlio liiTnctpal nclurs and nctrcHses- Tho hot tfcuthor during the week did not prevent Inrga crowds from assembling to see tho play,,' Kor week of Aug. 20, "Young Unf* BUCKINMIAM TllHATHB (Wlinllen Bros., mamtaers).—This hmise opens tho season with fne'Kmnlro Builcsquers20. . MAHt'Mi- Tiikathi: (t'hns. A. Sliaw-, mana- ger).—Tin- season's opening lakes place nt tbls house' Sept. 3, with "Tho Ballroom Boys" ns tbe attraction. Macaui.hv's 'i'linATiir: (John T. Mncauley, manager).—The ininnagemcnt announees tho Reason's npcntng will occur Sept. 3, with tho Al. G: Field Minstrels as tbe attraction. Kuyiwink Kkiiiiy Paiik <Wm. Itclchmau, manager).—Patty BroH. were tho hcadltncrs week of 10, and scored a. decided hit with their unique and phenomenal act. Mills and Morris gave an entertaining stunt as the minstrel girls. Lee Marlyue and Nellson, Gill Brown, and-tlio-Fcrnando>May Duo also scored heavily. For week* of 20: Blmm, Kmum, U r-r-r Trio, Cameron mid FlaunRun. Hubert Do Mont Trio, J>ellgUt Borscb, and kliioilroine. N«m-:«.—B. De Vault, manager of tho De Vault Musical and Repertory Co., Is In the city, organising u company to tour the North- went and West. The rosier of the. company la: 0. De .Vault, manager; J. Powers, as- rflsta'nt manager; C. HylvoBter, stage man* ager; Sam Levle, inuelt-al director; Louise Levic, dlrectrcvs, U. Williams, advance Wichita—At Wonderland Park Thea- tre (J. T. NuttlC, manager) the Wolfe Stock Co. bad a nice huslnesa, week of Aug. 22. Prof. Import's balloon ascenston Is the free attraction In-the i«rk... .Sclls-Floto Shows Is billed for Sept. 3. a»» . TKVAM. . . kt-iiv McCann Danny Tucker,.'Vic' MllOj II. Conley'": Galveston.—At tho Galvcstoa Electric Park (Charles Frenkel, manager) tbe fol- lowing people opened a week's engagement. Aug. 10, to good attendance: Baron and, Munden, Dolly Carlos and Don Carlos Hall. a ■> NORTH CAROLINA. ' Charlotte—At tho Latta Park Audito- rium, the W. A. Peters Stock Co. continues to draw excellent crowds, desplto tbu. bad weather, Acaiwmy. —Tho Dlxlo MlDBtrcls. Good ttislucua Aug. 17. 4*» DKATI19 IN TIIK PROFESSION. ' Hahky It. Austin, character comedian! aged thlrly-nlne years, died nt the home of his wife's parents, 23-14 North Third Strr"" Philadelphia,,Aug. 23. He had been Airily, her of the theatrical profession over twenfyr Ave von in, und whb lately associated, wltl) F. M. Stelner, In Austin Stelucr'a "Uncle Josh Skinner" Co. For tbe past two year* he had been manager of tbe Austin. Lnwtoh A Austin Co. He was married lu Maachef- ler, Vfl., May 28, 1800, to Emma B. Lufrtoq, who was a choir singer In Itlehuond, Vsi, nnd who' hns ntipeared with him In both' drama nnd vaudeville. Mr. Auatla lo/juir*' vlved by his wife, turoo children andMils aged fntber. Dr. A. N. Austin. Wm. B, Caiiill, whose death waa noted In Inst week's Issue, was erroneously stsjeA ■\Vm. Mhtissey; A in jah O'Gtaff. Abe Lcavttt; Aljy Astor, Matt Taylor; Reggy Aslor, Frank Gerard: .OiHeer^Onspot,-wd. Rohcoo; Fllmvrc .Fakus. T. A- Brown; Mrs. Wm. Nowlywcd/Kddto Jfidwards; Molly Jolly, Rose Bergere; Dolly Jolly, Florence. Bcr- cerc; ."Moyroo Mnrtlgan, Bertie Douglnes: "Aunt Jane," Jane Adelaide Hood, and James 'Harrlgan M I'unhandlo Pete. Noma prom tun Mtrtmi Yinton Co. — Myrtle Vinton, H. P.. Buhner and Vivian Rulmer arrived, at Seymour, la., Aug. 1, from their pleasure trlp L through tho'Knat, and found nil their people waiting for'them nnd'rcndv to begin-rebesruals, which began Aug. 2.. We opened Aug. 0, In Seymour, and as this Is the second tlmo we'bavo organized there, we were- greeted' with <a house that was very gratifying, aa we-broke the house, record. The snow gave excellent satisfac- tion, and we booked a return date In Oc-' rober. Wo have twelve people' a« foliowa: Bulmer A Vinton, sole owners;< II, IV Bui- man manager; M. J. Scolds, advanco rcpre- senlatlvc; Geo. A. Chllds, .luck Campbell, Hazcn A- Afkermnn; De -Wolf James, Mar tits G. Wesley, Henry Pennington. Goldlc (lorrell, Vivian Bulmer, Beulah Chllds and Myrtle Vinton. Tbe weather Is Intensely hot, the thermometer reaching 102 In the BIUfflOlANB Wanted, Pianist, VIollnMf, Clario- net (Ulgft and Low Pitch lustst; Cornet,-Trom- bone and Trap Drummer with Tympanl; nrBt class and reliable, fur (Huh grade lyceum con- cert, work, fave'lng: .A'lilrcHnTltK bALISDURV OHOllKSTftA.; UP Monrno'Slroot. L'Ul osgo. h). , im.i.'m'i 11 vr i:i> sono HLlDES-We have the largost colleotdon of Song Bets Inthe world. Prices from 12 a set and op. over' fi,000 o<!<l niides Scenes of Travel, Soldier Pic- tiirci.'MoimiiiTlifH, An., la Into of 50 or more, lOc.; Hinaiier loifl IGc; all finely colored. Nojordera titled for less .than lb midon. "Gash with orders.'* Big bargains In storoptlcons. Send pcrma- uent'nddreM for onr big tisrrfaln lists. KL1TK' LANTKHN. SLIDE CO., ^07 West Mth'St.,' New yorkOlty, WANTHD-Sketch Teams. Single A*-f«. Tlek- ots to tJiOHe.we know. A bigcity mtd. show..Pen-' Sin 1 know, wire. Othors, arlte ss' toiyour acts, liaugo often. Naroo aalary. Pay your own. A. J. wlckors^Prop.. 321 Hurqn St., Cleveland 0.; Geo. B. Harmon, Mgr. ft 8—Also Operator Will Moving- picture MachlnB and Films, stale, fully what yotrhnvc. ',...,"'' wanted, for Viola's Dog'Circus andTaado- vlllo Show, Sketch Team, 11. P. Comedian, Dancor, Man with Picture Maolilcc. Ohsiige 8 nights. All first letter, lowest salary. FRANK FOY,»gr., , JlawBra Hotel, KvHnBvtiie.ind, DANO WANTKD AT ONCQ, 6'Of 1 men, who can double Orohentra or some Specialty, Siaio lowest salary. We board tdiT. All Winter South. No ticket" a'vanced. J.TEEL8HQW, Rlddlcaburg. Po. ltrjH,j-.,hoL. .. He had been a laeui-. shade Aug. 10, but business on tbe average Is good, thus proving how popular Mlss-Vin- ton and her company are 1 through the West. We have new plays, paper and scenery thle season. We feature Jos.. D. Clifton's tried success, "Myrtle Ferns," which h a great favorite with our patrons. \ : " Ham Tkkk" company's baseball team beat, tbe llammeratcln employes' team by.a score of 4 to 0, on Aug. 28,.and are open to meet all teems In-thu theatrical profession. 1 DKUt.AU Bbitakt, whosft nmiie oppearcd upon the programme -of "Huled off the, Turf," at the -Pourteenth Street Theatre, New York, week of Aug. 20, sb Helen Bart. lu have bcea seventy-seven years of-age.-7 |«y, writes that this was an error, as aba did Ills daughter, Hellena. M. Cnlifll, Informs ua that ho whs In tha sixties wben be died. The titatemeut that he toured the United States In the Oftleti Is also claimed to be or- not play too part In this city. MiTciiwr.t, Imoaaiiah, has'signed with Mc- Cauley A Patton to play Mr. PattonVpart in "The Minister's Sou.'' NATIONAL LEAGUE. POLO GROUNDS. With Boston, B..|H. 1, S,il,4. AMERICAN LEAGUE. AMERICAN LEAGUE PARK. .with Piiiia.ioTpii),,, g?i>i, a, a. , ' ' , . .. (BASrBBN), ■ ' ■ . Supporting HISS MINNIE REMALEY, -■"•Ofsla., In «U liin.., Tliose HolriK jphclaltlos prJcforriKl; also PlinlsL , s ( .Mrtross JIEH1.B TiiDusIiAi.K, Manamr, ■ • 'V : '-. .EBtliorvUle, Iowa. AT MBSERTTv SEPT. L E. E. Trousdale, OK I HOI SIIAI.K imuf., flti»ra<Jt«r Comedy Old lien, s'lrrKle Slnglnt srjrl Dancing spcclultr, sildolromiiolic In BanrL Also Berenioe Trousdale, Javcnlle I*hi|», »(.mo Baa.lOL. Nlgllt Btatids pro- furred. J«lnttin«affeiiiontoiily,» ' . ■ ..' . ' B.E.TKljlI»PAIiE..ij|ear Lake, Inwa. WAN*EEJ>, ., % Team, Single Performer/Organ ..Playtsr, Jfead ;.,,.. At, onoc. Ticket'It needed, wire nhKKK, Clip* Ooumj, Kansas, at traoo. Wrllo BROOKVILLE, saline 00., Kaa. T • ■■ ,, WAwrao, ACTS of ALL KINDS lor FAIR GROUND SHOWS Lady OontorUonlBtit Kire-EatbrB^ugglora, totOl Ish l>anccrs,; Magicians; Ladle*' tor Illusions, rslkors that can make good ononiona. Open at Detroit, AngJW. Tffft, tSmfo \ ' Mlch.Stnto FalrGroiinrta.Ucirolt. Mich. . RAGING. CONEY I8LAHD lOCBEY CLUB. SHEEPSHEaH BAY. Sept. I loSapt. 10.. ,' !■■ I. B, B-, Ea»t 34lh at. rtrn. ' WANTED, FEW BAND PEOPLE, TRAP, WIRE, W.Yi,., < .i!i STOIm0NI8 ]i .'-ako "so »"', and 1..1M ;aT PEOPLE. rf.'O. HPAJJOLEB, OBEAT WK8TKB N II. R. »U0W, P1^ 1I,I.I P3P,DU0. PA. PEBFOHBIEBS AND nUSlCIAIS , In all branches wanted. Commnnlctito at once. „, ^„, N.^.hBONAIlll.Mgr., -.■ ;Ward MlnHtrclB,-Su Josupli, Mo. (Qcn. Del.) I For Bate clioap. T\yo ^omeiiy charact- orn,»Man and Woman, well known autliotfl. HANCOCK, uaro of CLIPPER* WANTED, FAKCB COJUBDY PEJoPLB# Ecciinlrlc Dutch Comedian, with Sinolog and DunninK.^peoittlty; uijanictcrMtiu.'wtih Bneolal- t-y; IrtrihC.nuedlnnfor»m»irPart. MtiBi.8incand llsnoe. Man for Dude, with Specialty; ClmaVcter W onion. Ingenue and Honhrotio who canHinghnd Danco and do. SpocJuUtes. Isoiig, sure ongapc mont. Ott night, stands. Also want Capahlo Pianist, who can direct and Agent who can fpf Bt; Slate nit-particulars and'lowcet.'pny your own. BoliearaAiKSopt.8;-openH. Send photos, Addreps •IlAllllY KA8TOJl, of OulTirtne, Chace t ■ ItWteD. I3W-10TO llroadwav, N. Y. Olty. 8KBTCHES,Traveaiio»,IUii:lotiiiueH,etc..wrlt. ton to order. Only boat original work furnished. J03. KERSHAW, H29 lluttonwood Kt, Phlla , Pa. . TitB Oni'HKUM. Tiii-;vnn:, Allentown, Pa., under the direction- of Wllmer ft Vincent was formally opened Monday evening, Aug. ■11, when a- fine vaudeville programme woe presented.. , •• ■ -■ Aiv H. Vox has algned.with "The tights of fJotuarn Co., to do principal comedy and hla ecrentrlc eluglog and dancing ppeelattlea thirtT-llve weekB. 'Jtie show (it routed through Ohio,.Indiana, Kentucky, West;V|H gliilannd^Morylaod. - ... . TjW relatives of A, L. Burleigh are anitoua to bear from him, or trom Borne one who W*Wrab.for^iNni. t an»iiT>r«n«ttftn 1 i Piano isign was laat witn mack HUln of Montana" I feason' to right party. Join mTtoccIpi of wire; Kill be forwarded. . i weat Mept.3. , * ^,K. OINNIVAN. AT LIOEaTY-Hnsloal.: -faam. man'and wife, UHiogtirasH.fltjina'and novelty Instruments; On chlmoa; good wardrolio ahd Al Btage Betting, tin clone In one Htralght or comedy. Must have SffiSfe i l00<1 f *"»tutO. act. AddrciH MUSICAL MACK.s, ^^cd«riokton, III,, Atife Ml llrownlag, II., Ang.-3i; Iltith, III., Hopt. 1. Core of Ehenbartii HendorHoo, Floating Theatre. After that dtfo addresB care ot J. C, Dwigau, 3167. N. Clark St., Ohlcigo, ill. ■■ ,-. "", '4 1 ?J •>.t ?'