The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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September !♦'• THE ISTETW; YORK CUtERPER. 745 ;, i "#^ OD -^ YEM *° Bad Ones, Welcome to "THREE OF ^ KI ND," and the Bight Kind. MA Thetalcst Coon "lilt" by CHRIS. SMITH ond BILLY B. JOHNSOri. »» wlso, BYE, MISTER GREENBACK e great novelty song "hit" by TH03. 9, ALLEN, composer or many. Including "Any Rags'" "My Pasty Rose," "By Hie Watermelon Vine (Llndy Lou)," "Wonderland," "Slrolllpg Homo Willi Jiunto, etc., rl< GOOD-BYE, JE NNIE JONES . A now BiDic aong llmt la bounil lo win out. By LAWRENCE B. O'CONNOR, composer of Ite Grown 80 Fond or Vou," "Bylvlc," etc. PROFESSIONAL SIl»OEnS-S.nJ lot, programs for cople. on* to .!.«,,. and other late songs. NO CARDS. ■ 167 Tremo'nt St., Boston, Mass. '5 Wa'H-we HI The OrlflMftl -Fireproof notion Picture machine. WU h KiiRftzl nei and Take- up Device Attached. litL.Onn be fltted with rower'a Original Fire- proof Magazines anil Take-up Device. I. POWEH, 117 Hassan Street, How Tors. ' All of our apparatus U fully protected by United States patenu ISBhodor pending, and infringe menu will be*vlgoronBly prosecuted. For Bale by all leading dealers. .. Chicago Jobbers, KLEINE OPT. CO. Sin Francisco Jobbers, MILES BROS. Authorize r]! Phil id el»h !i Arte ni. ■ L. M.SWAAB. 33B Spruce St. AT LIBERTY, HEAVIES, JUVENILES, ; LIGHT AND" CHAR. ,COMEDT. Wardrobe, Ability and .Appearance, experience In Stock intf Repertoire. PORT SHIRLEY, Ulnlhrop, Maea. 'Flinno, W(Djihrop2Ta-i. 0 Seasons Address TIL Repertoire People in Ail Lines «. HcOANrT, Mgrt Week Aug. 37, Forest City, Pa.; WcekBopt.ll.Nijnt loke.J'a. ( OUTFIT FOR SALB. Ban cleotrlc and caluium'attachmenta, rneostat swltoh, stage cablo. Cost>*ua. win sell for 126 and Btilp c. 0. D. Privilege ot examination. t O.TA TfLOR, 2j(l East Met fit., New York. •^TRanzettaoiLyman-fl-- Bccdntricj'acrobatic mo,rorlaugh- ing purpose, onl>. Now on tho Mozart Olroolt. P. S. N*ir Vlit Shooters arid Knockers ar.PaUe Alarm.'..* ■ ' ' "' ' , WANTED, A Character Ban, Ohiracter Woman. Must be experienced ln<-Faree Comedy; single prsferfod. Long season to right' paltlot. wltn Al •poclaliy miit inakes.good. WOMAN PIANIST WANTED, sight good render. Write OKU. IIOHKIt'I'S. Aldlp o Uotel, j\h Ave, and alb Street, N. Y. 0. . ' AX,' LIBERTY All 'Round Comedian, 8loc£ nip.; or One Night. Specialties. Quick swdy.'..Sober and sellable, low. Sure Salary. It you don't pa. don't wrlto. Address Mf.W S1H.ONO, caroor Revere Hotel. •2 , , Chicago, 111. Want a Novelty Act ' FOR WEEK SEPT. 3. People in an lines ot Repertoire Including Pianist. Must arrange Tho abovo act and people stale 'alary am letter. Address __ ~ BOX 108, H.veratr.w.N. Y. Al LADY VIOLINIST AT LIBERTY. Concert, theatre,' or nolo work. Experienced tn nil lines of. biisincBe. mva nAKONHiLi-. iltoom W4 Ashland mock, Chicago, III. WANTED, A YOUNG MAN. Must be ablo to Tumble' and also do Comedy, to rain In a llrstclaas act. Write at once to S. WINOUTT, EMPIRE THEATRE, PalerSOU, N. J. I*, .VAN FLEET, "rinte •T WEST 118th. 8TUBBT, NEW YORK. PRICES THE LOWEST HARSTN & CO., 138 East 14th Street, NEW YORK. N. Y. TBI.. 31113 UKASlKItfY. NEVER CLOSED. Write, Wire, Tcicphono. AT LIBERTY, AI Leader (Violinist) and Orchestra. Now playing the eighth season at the finest resort in Pen mi, Ivan la. Kirat oIubb theatre or Southern rcHort "St "to![too WOOD. Address WILLIAM T. HAMHCttd, Leader, Eagle's More, Pa. WANTED QUICK, TO ErUAHGE SHOW, MuiU'lAn*. Skatoh Team, B. F. Come- dian, fioubrette, change for week,; Piano Player. Money euro; bank reference. Hayes & Robinson Show, KEZAR PALLS, Mtt., 80-T. AT LIBERTY, Myra Collins LEADING WOMAN. Ad dress 1130 WALNUT ST , Cincinnati, O . H. WILMOT YOUNG MARSIE ADAMS YOUNG WANTBD, Clover Mnn and Womnn for Hep. WHO; CAN ACT. " Ktnfe folly. Cletcr Feature Act. write. Don't misrepresent. Tickets if I know yon. I want a novely. H. W. YOUNG. Msescuu, WANTED. CIRCUS ACTS, MUSICIANS, MED. PEOPLE. Performers who double brass preferred. Long season South Bob Pf"In,. JMj* -.„.., WANTED QUICK, ORCHESTRA LEADER, CORNET B. AND 0. nilESTBROKMTBR. Vernon, Texas. CURIOHETTIST AT LIBERTY FOR GOMINB Slndy Ifcach Orchestra, Fall Rl«r, Mass. WANTED FOR IDIHBpIATB IlllOKIXiM ALL KINDS OP I'l COMEDY ACROBATIC TRICK HOUSE AERIAL anil NOVEL DUMB ACTS. FELIX RCI ST. JAMCN lii'iLiiixo, Mill strci-i and Broadway. •.•'■'■ WIRE OH CALL. AT LIBERTY, CAL L UHL. COMEDIAN. HIJIfllNIl and 1IANCIN11 SPECIALTIES. Uolgllt, s, 10. weight, m: Age, 3D. uare HORI, STOCK CO., . .,,,.. Covington, Ky. FOR SALE. SCOTCH BAG PIPES, Rubber (tag, Ebony and Silver TrlmnilngH; iin,.i Poekut, Cornet and Hum Boprmm Hnxoplione; hotli <;old and Hiivi-r Plated; I Set 1/our-iii-Uand Ki.'ilH, BxiiaLurge. Ttireu llurgalhe. i-Kur. NA MUT, wt w. rt.-rft Ht., Chicago, III. A Great Opportunity. wanted a PHruiorTuraruHi mqney getter,' thoroughly equipped.. Uobkc<l HUB] t<cHt t.|me and ti.Tiiw. . Want Man who can act hb CiiBlnnsn ■ain and Trcatiuror. Ilninl In your own, nionoy, Talk uuluk. Open t-cpt. it. AddrcHB THEATRICAL MArVAttlfilf, Slntion 0. UronMyn.Bf. V. Wanted At Once, OOOD COItSP.T, Hl.lllE TROJIHONK, ALTO AND K Fiat ULARlONIrl', at A'lTKNIIKNTa In Uos|iltnl. Salary, ,'J) to ,ao per month and malnlcuance. Married people preferred. Addreis joskph tJlll., Director, Uox wr,. llim, N. Y. ACTT FAliltS O. J. GORMAN'S Amusement Co., 'ill* TrcmoDt St., Honiou, Mahh. State opeu time and loweat icram In lint lerier. l to io weeks' cogagvmeut. Want novelty «liow for Labor Day. WANTED 10 BUY Good Menage Horse, Aim, Clown Dog, SditiernBiiir, Frost Leg audi Hiding DogH. Mufti he good workers. Sttiloago, color, Hlzo and all titer- do. Ntiuio ipwtut for fatll. UUVAL IIOKPMAN, 70 Haldwin t*t., \irl6gc* port, Conn. . Mortimer, Ed. J. Kerr. CAN VOU JOIN FIR8TTKAIN! AddrOB, II. F. U 11'UllF.I.I,, Havorstraw, N. V. WANTED, MAN WITH UP 10 DATE MACHINE ANI> FILMS. Alio want 1'tanlHt and several Tcr- lalile vaudeville People, wire 0. II. ACKE1V1I04 nroadway.W. V. Wanted, Med. Performers and PIANIST. Week Stands Addreen CEO. CIIKSTER, Manager. Sibley, Mo. AT LIBERTY—W. L RICHMOND, OIIARAOTKKS, BTAOE anil DIRECTOR. ODO piece only. Address VOL'NTSVILLF., INll. Arranged, eomposed. Low terms. A. KltFTflMAR. m K. Hull St., W. Y. AMATBUH8 Of alt.kinds,Including Singer*, coached; intro- duced. Tfinl tarns, r.iiy appearances urranK'-'d. FOIlRESTBR, L»l Broadway, Suite 308, N. Y, P.THAT BOOK, which nil vandevltie performers am talkihg al>0]it—yes, MADISON'S lit J IK. KT SO. ■ in -vou niii's-fii It-contalnn loo pages of the ,t)i'igi[tfi'i arid funniest mouolugtiee, paro- |il(esi sketolioe, htirlesQues, nlilewalk pat- tor, etc. The hcadllner'a standard rom- it'dy guide and now lianiimnn 1 rutunrw iwudgo to nnceos. $1 per copy—tnon/i ■•■)"". Hm-K'i'Mnr-j out ;-if print except- ltiidgcta:t, , 7and h; iinv i>, il.Uu; .1 for 12: or linilKi't-t .1, I :,sstHiiofor*2..'.o. JAUfBH MADISON. 1404 Third Avenue, New York. MINSTREL TALENT WANTED. HlrongUurnotfor Hand and Orchestra, M and 'id Tenor Vocalists, Uiiritone (lailadlst. Other ur»t clans singers slid miislulaDB. AddrcsiJOHN u. vni.ii i., .,.. "The Minstrel King," as per route. ROGERS' STOCK GO. <K. 0. ROGERS, Sole Owner). WAKTED.-Comcdlaii, Wntnsu forSoiihretlu leads, good Hop. Pcoplo. I'lantst. and Agont; must have ivajdrohe and lilniitv. Hcnd fnil barttoulura. Mgr. pays t>oard. Long season. Mnderatu sAld. Ties. opc;i Sept. io. Ad. w I lli amson, New York. 50 Cents for a Book Of 10 HketclioH; t Acls for 1 Mnlc, VFoiualt 1 ; b Acts for '2 Males. Mnney order ari cent Mampi. Address IlKItNAni) KLINO, l»l«yw<lBlii, Ml Jay Mt..-Hr(J,i*]yri, N. Y. KkelelicH and m$» wiilten to order. u * , REPERTOIRE PEOPLE Addre^h JOHN piTT.tU'n DolvUohoe*. N. Y. N. li.L'iWrtui Nuveiiy Act for next weak and Al Pianist, must arrange.. , WANTED, CO RRTfiT, Double Hand and orchestra; ■ BASS, JHUJMMBK, sight render; one douh.lng Stage preferred. Oenerlolro pooplc, wrlle. > 1)11. II. I). HVVK Kit, rurt Wurlh, Tnx. Tuba Wantad Doubling BassT Union Props OrOrcticatrs. Al«ol7ulon Preps playing good lluss Urn in Write home oillco, ('snien, 0. Join (.inm- pany en route, Coshocton, nr Marlon. 0. All wook titands. Tell all In drat No time for lettors. Join on wire/ Lushers and bums save stamps'. Hubert B||\ writu, also Fred Davis. , PDPULAH AMOSBMKNTS CO. (Inc), Canton. (>. >ZVnxxt Qiuiolc, ICii I jno. IIIMMELEIN, Kelley's Island. Ohio, unlll Saturday; Iheu East LlverViol.O. :* _! Wanted Immediately, Ijtdy I'otforniere. Long engagomeut to right ones. Open on win- nr Sept. io. Address JACK itooNi; comjkr/uai.l. syraciiso, N. Y. WORKING WORLD, lilg mcchsuicai show for sale clieup. Just the nu.iB for the Kalra, Tent or platforni.'Llst free. CHAR. HOOD. h Van Nord*n St., No. Cambridge, Mass. Wanted, HAM OlMUN, Loud and up-to.dalo. ' Wrlto, giving price and de a< rlptlon. (,'LINTON oh a v, llamnmiidspnrt, s. t AT OWE WANTED, DRAMATIC PEOPLE lit ALL UDULVi Addrow I KDWirV PATTBKBOW, Concord, N. II. na v u| UII1TUAII MaulMiDius, inch,, wants UI.I A. W. Tllllfflfln, Kxporlencod Physlcisn and Donllsi, registered In Michigan. Alsogtwd Comedlah and Picinru Machine and O.vyllthu Outfit. For sale, Tents, Stage, bents iind Piano. OPEN FOR LABOR DAY. 1IALL00N ASCENSION, IIKIII DIVKH, SLIDE FOR LIFE, 1IOXKKH, WRKSTLKHS, ETC. Illlllo Hooinson, AiiiUHcmcnt Co., I^iiilsvlllo, Ky . Wl\Tli'll..J : " r " 1 c, »»" 0o '"- AJU l.jT!ll» , ""»«» c dlao. MUST BE OOOU, SOUKIl and RELIABLE, or 1 don't want you. State all yon can and WILL do In first letter.'' W. P. OABLKR MEDICINE CO., Cairo, II, WANTED, PIANO PLAYER, MAN with PICTURE HACIIINE. OTHER OOOD ACTS THAT I'M V HllUIC. J01I. SALARY F.VBKV WEEK. MODERN REMEDY CO., ■AUjjTjgj t.AKE, N.V. THE MUSICAL BUGKLB.8 Have immedlaie open time. All agents. Address WT'ATK. iMbct. 17th and Iftth st".| New York. AT LIBERTY, J, RAYMOND, Dutch and Black Comedian, Specialties; Hand Leader; strong H-flel Coruet, rlauo. Mustllavoticket. Htatenalary,eic. J. RAYMOND, Mllfurd, llcl. I .-Pftferred, Man or Woman. OOOD TEAM TllAU',11 doSlliglenand Doubles, (mugood i ULKINO AND 8INQINQ ACT. MUSICAL TEAM For road .'Moving, Plrturo Show,vt!iruo.nlghl '<*. ',** fltouili.' Must ho ,. I. .•.nt.'nj.TO (iiuui: , 'MrdgrHn nlghiiy. Add'os" O. T. CRAWFORD, uA.yie wfT>m»TiiK. nt. ,.m .», MU . WAHIED quick, PEOPLE IN ALL LINES. Stito ago, wiilgllt, kixi] aalary. Ad'iress in 11) n. K1IAVSB, Manager WOOD SISTERS (,'..., Amoy, III. WANTED. Al SOBEB, BELI4BLE BEPEBTOIBE PEOPLE, All LIKES. Comodlsil, wlth'AI Specialty, Must lntvn good sinning volgu for Illustrated songs, (tood loosing HeavyJ.aiv Stitja|(; pur mvn. None hut trio hdHt need answer. iikti'M a KtiWLRlt, jj M:n iimadwsy, Now Y ork. and Clarionettisi roUTllflATRi:: Addrois . II. AM ATI R1DII .IRIIWIN. i:li,u liillo, N. C. .11 an lor Mark, .nil Douohi. Alto 16 Ooiil»l« A,*.*. Artoriln All».. \VI,„ llouble In Bill Potter. McOlfTUIlilOlv'H II.VCI.K TOM'S OABIK, Will 1|enp, write, ' firanvlllo. Ohio, Sept. 1, PAULL BROS. For itnnd and Orchestra (Cornet a u u viollui. two good Acrohrtts, oporatnr Unit donh es Brass, Dlus- irared Singer that doutiies smite Drum. Luwett ■aitryln Orstlettor. Wo psyall. HImiw opensat CoDUDHue.,0., uet. 4. Address Ilravs Hand Wanted* •1 (orneta, Ktiplioiiimn. Tuim, Kllde Tronilwiie. Dntinsffir Holler Skating at (.'hlllicothr, Ohio. fo«aon op its Sept. 'it and closes about Jim", dot. Addrets, sinIhik very lewiist tsslary, to JOHN W. VIXIKL Oai)':rund Wsnsgor. Ilomei Wr«miiig, *y» Va, Aug. w, M(-K''0-p(.i(,rn.. Aug. Dl-SoptiMt Stfliilicnvltle, Ohio, Sept. ft; Alliance. (hum. nenf. ft, KINSHY KOMEDY KO. %»■' * T%T f U MALE 1'IANIST who can ar- « iaVPlvi O range, HENEIIAL BUSINESS HAN with H|tedlalty, ^Al'Eiur.MlEll I'llOPERTY MAN for pa"". M. L. KINHEY, Orcenvlllfl, Ohio, week Aug.'il; Napoluon, Ohio, week Sopt. K - - WANTED, ISTtBlItVud Deavy Ian, Vandevlllo Aolt, ' Comedian ond Beperlolre Ptoplt In all lines.' < Nattw lowost; pay your own ION OAItllul.l.. Clarksburg, W, Va. LIBERTY, VIOLINIST ILi'iiler) and PIANIST, gfnt. and wlte. Btrlclly. first class and experienced In theatre work, Ileslr, to locate In live town. Can also furnish Al olarloneltlst. Address PBOV. i: I). AiiHOTT. Pen. Del., Atlanta, Oa. Wi IIICBTV Singing Soubrette. Change for LIDCnil. twoweeks. Work any old placo In Acts. Oood Wardnilio on andofTMagn. flood Med. Co. and Vaude. Co;- write.' No telegram,. Addrcis EVA 1I1UHI.EV, Ueu. Del., Prceporl, nl.