The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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St -yms rJKBre _yQgg^ v qijP3EfTO» EPTEMBER J. t ._.._ Nfiy VQHK CITY, ^ Krltf. /ft L*roe<<>r*«. I'nlon Square Theatre* US, K.. llogcra, n.»i.)p»i munaffer). -*xearly every sent was flUed at the mntl- <n«7r*»ffii nz..,,. Maude Turner Gordon ap- pMmd.-Ip lljJtu' Br>nt|! I>eaTUt'» sketcli, '•tlf»;i-/9j:iH»lai«»;.'D.lf<!0»e.''V J. K. Mur- Murray Hill[Theatre(AlffcJUlWH* mnnaperT—Fred ImlnVBIg< Snow Initiated this house Into, tile ..Columbia. Araflaeuient Co.'s chain of itheafirea)' Saturday, avenlng, Aiih. -7. Favorable weather condltlona and rayiMduClaVa'fl.aneiWon r.ounda nna round* * 3Hr jtlngnut Mr> udiABat^Qjtbi lltiglreR appeared for the dfflnce In roars oli uiurrlment. Othom were ot M .MaWe: .for , Ih'pir etcnllent tudceldoill.v the lijt of the.-entire Hinging. were applauded to the echo. They "was the real thriller of ( and.during , pretty, refined mid energetic, and the progress of which, "jtbo master workman** dancers, Kidman' and Mhiiauoii Is placed under a.stenra; hammer, and In flr>t,,*Iiii^ here. In "Sui.prt^ftfDff >tli» Press, which In a mr>- im lining offering. The piece -will.-go, better; when It Is trimmed ociwu n MtUe, and tho action quickened. jolnji K. HazBaru. wuu many reenllH In hi* amusing monologue, and his "Just a iini;," was a jiCTu too seldom tirurd, and the truth ua valWof which In too Utile renllxctf.- The Klll!l>Now]ali Trju. rtH ut<iial..d)d Hume excel- lent acrobatic work. Clifford and Burke -*nng. danced and: amused lo the .delight of the audience. The Iloouev si *i cru arc,. truly "cbJIn of the old block,' and the "Daughters ori'ttt/' are i neat excellent ... (first time here). In "The Astrologers," had on old act, worked-over with some ores* nlbnol good new lines. The audience enjoyed It. Harry Hotter and company, In the cy- clonlc offering, "A Matrimonial Blizzard," kept things at fever: heat and ploased. the I;sieners. i-i-s Durnnds were v*ry entertain- ing vocalists. Gates- and Nelson, on the- re- volving globes; tho w Faye Sisters, In r musical act, and the Ilcnlevs, acrobats and equilibrists, complete (lie Ml). - American Theatre (John M. Ward, mansgon.-— WoMj.'* Wilson-made a "rlumpb- nnt nppoarnnce on the went side" Of New York nt tiie matinee Aug. 27, appearing In the title role of "The Mad Man from Mei- tio." A four nut comedy drama-, by ('has. R. Hluncy, wlih music by Oscal! LuckHtone. TJm play woh originally produced April 30 Inst, ot Winners Theatre, Newark, and In -Ha present form at the Lyceum Theatre, Pater- son, Aug. fl. The story tells of .the betrayal of trust of Count •--■■■ lous, who securi-d Xaacy Gbtdoh, Easy .. friend, determines to get this fortune buck for 1 her, and assisted; by her sweetheart. mMS&LJL. Z*9 c t? r * Twenty-third Mmiiian Synare Theatre <W. N. Law- Street TESaire--Nenle McCoy, .ftruT her rence,' manager)—The season* at" tlils house Gibson QJrls appeared at tbls hoiitM* bii Aug. opened Thnrwlay nlgbt.Aug, 23; with "l~he Sat and. Miss McCoy sang tour songs, with .Tjro Mr. Wotaernys.? a comedy. In threa chanee of costume,for each'.. .Sha waaydii- a«tn, by At-John iltnkln. Its lint produc- ., citkdly pjijftsjng, and the act will undoubted- Hon In America occurred Aug, '21, at the liberal advertising helped L> draw ^--blg ly, be v nn effec.tlvn one when It )ihn xnorje^re- Ai-verne, U .I.,.,T"ieatre,- und It wuh originally boiiae, and a fine show did; the rest. Wltfcti lienrtniiy. ..i'roil Hay and coiApaoy, ,i Includ- produced March: lf>, 1003, at the Imperial the curtain roue on bit beautiful set, With " Tlieatr*, Wieatmlnster, Ens. The play deals with the.marital affairs of ■Tames and tticbard Wettierby, two brolberrS who, wlille reaHy not unlike at heart, are considered to: "be orapany, thp Fourteen very dissimilar, i Richard, on account ofbls ln% Constance 'Wfhdom nnd fxiula DentS I>Wacn!fd ftfi act. ithat Is l&ofiKQL of laughV, cotltldd "llomani Travesty." It had the an- (3*o. B Black J hf ""le riipfi I'lill cut Iiii<*Iahid at ciiJ« iio\}»n. on Monday even lag, Aug. 2,, when ,lny liunt's foul- act sen- autlongl labor play. "The Kuttr Workman," received Hh. ilrst New "Cork-product Ion.- There were a. great number .of .thrilling features, particularly a socne lu a blast fuwuce,- which twenty-one girls In elegant array, of' sfrlk< lag colors and unmlHtnkably elegant material, a'- spontaneous burst of opplauae gave' the season a most gratifying scud o™ Ihg, ofi.tho.glrls In the opening " the programme —i except In <i . feature with.'Ihia wow • •■good".Mr. Wftherby. Itlcliard'a franJtneBS The opening nrut part, "The Onlj JPcbUlo has canscd-Constantlfl, Ills wife, to doubt 0 n the Beach," deals with the difficulties hi.* fnllltfulnesH. ■ while < In reality clulw. oud club friends are the.exjent-oMih. peccadillos. KeveiLhoh'SH Cuustanila bus left bis lied and .. mir'Jt TJWire (Xmk McKee, mana- ger).—Under the management of Frank 1 1,- Kew,. this houae npe-nedT.tae geaJon Mun.l,; evening^ Aug. 2T, ■ with Marie eSaL Tntfi ilrst mctrotiolltan production of "ManvL- Mary,"'a three-act. musical xomedy, bp «d! win, Milton' -ttoyle,; wrth :m aH lc by hkt ireln, nod jyrica by- Benjaain Hangobd ( ,,, The play ^ch WM^orlglnnllJ-^SiJ AjSg. -n at, Norwich, Conn., Telle theatJrvo a-thrice married and divorced youna ■»■»•> I". -Hf-'iio and Jfiisaairt, I". It. I'lillipH nnd'company, fi'abkucns nnii cnsv going ways, baa. bfan good - the promise on tl er lluay Day;" Rossow MldgelH, Murry styled the. "Imd"' brother, while .Tames, he- ''aJhglng Beldoin heard, ifc>HIM, Marshall and Lorolne, and Charlie cflipte of hla serious views. Is .called the opera, would be a fentui Itpasnw.- The motion plr-tttrea continue, ' 'Foiirleenth Street Theatre(J- Wesley Rflienqiiest, rannnger).—There wiik plenty of day ev rescued by the timely arrival of hit* sweet heart. Mr.-Uunt has really done quite well ill the matter of handling his story, and the elece Is entertululng to a marked degree. rlefly. It .Kills of how .lack Mitchell, the master workman In (he Empire Construction <'o,, Is fnlseJy.j accused of forgery by ItOdoey ■Wnde, the general manager of. the works, Mitchell Is In love with Florence Slaytor, „.....,. whose falher Js president of the works, and and Conttantln. I "rum this light, material Iward. and nt tho beglnningof the play they have.been separated one year... On the other hand James, who has led precisely the same kind of a life at his brother. Is believed by hla i wife, Mu van ret, nnd; irlends, to be a saint Bjr the discovery of a music ball pro- gramme .In per hpsband's coat, Margaret Is Islllusldned. and In a scene In which James makes-a "clean breast", of his doings, she de- cides .that she will follow the example, of her alxter, Conj*tontia. and separate from her husband. Richard, however, shows Margoret the folly of sac ; b a step,: and she not only freely„forglvea-)ier husband the deception be has prncilKcd ui>on her, but Is the means of efteciing B. reconciliation between Richard experienced by a Summer hotel proprietor to" secure male patrons to ~ entertain the Indies... lie secures three convicts aa board- E first Sight.- Marys first husband was Senator niiocligrass. to whom she ,was mart rled when a mere girl, at the request of >,,,- family. Illrectly after the ceremony "iJ. for i>"ri4 unknown. nnH i«i hmS! «."!¥■ nh hough they are forced to go through inapy ordeuls ii.i the result of the machinations of Wnde, they eventually triumph, and all ends well. Thomas Tempest wbh Jnck: Mltdiell, whose trouhlen nre mnuy and varied, an*), he played the part forcelully, while Alice Donel- son was most pleasing as Florence Slnytor. Allele Liiih' did mitru! good Work OS Rush Medlmry, nnd Wells Tlftytor scored as -Rodney Wade, John .Fields ■ :J.r. ■ and Belle Darling were deserving of praise for , ,. some good comedy work, Charles Wheelock lluuVn, ollas" Don Caro- j&MUSW ^ W^!"^ W eaI>, !iJ , er " I a. fortune helonalna to fct "■ ! n l cast: Jack-.Mitchell, Thomas Teuip- Kaw Load her 'Bet! est: Rodney Wade, Wells i'lnyter; Cornelius ■ ■ Slaytor. Hurry J,. .Banker,; Daniel Medbury, Albail \Wil~iireftlI; Snmmv Dell, John Fields Jr.; Alexander Finch, Walter Hill: Tom Landla, Arthur Forrest; Jim Murray, George Kdwarris; Onleltl, Chns, Wheel nek; •Warden, At. RoKcoe; Florence Hlaytor, Alice Donel- son: Rose Medbnry, Arfele Lane: Kitty Mitchell, Mclle .Darling. . i' ■■• Haekett'n. Theatre (Jos. K. Mnckett, mnmigcr).—"Tho utile Stranger," a three act farce, by- Michael 'Morton, was given its first- Now York production on Aug. 27. A review of the production will appear In these roMtuiiift next week. Thvutre (W, D. How land, real-, dent mnnagerl.—The season at this house was Inaugurated SnhmUiy evenjng, Aug. 2S, by ti.u first local performance of "Tho Toiir- lsla." a'two act ttyustcal comedy, hook and lyrics by It. II. Iturnstde, nnd music by Ous- left for parts unknown, and ten years .atS* she obtnlned a divorce. Husband- N-, -• . and their antics were, amusing. -Nat Bishop Drlghatu Smudge, she discovered al fk Jeromo played the Hebrew, Frank Carl- rectly slje was mnrrlea to him, to be a u lt , ton, the-Irishman, and Clros. Mills, the Gcr- man, and *be left him nt the railroad •>•» man. with good effect. Wililard Terre, as the tton, and forthwith went to the divorce hotel 'proprietor, and Frank Young, aa an court. No. 3 was a husband of conveniens old newly mnrrled man, helped along the He wns Willie Drlnkwater, the son of her fun, as did Jack Lewis, as a French count, uncle, who died leaving hia estate*to tbem Margaret Bennett, Josnplifne Barlowc and t;p- provided they married. They went tliruuiih rthne Sales had prominent roles, add Marie the cerembny, after which, she went her wav l>'Oy!e made a bit In an eccentric old maid and he his. and h In fondness for John Bar- pott, especially in. a kissing; bee. wherein leycorn soon furnished grounds for divorce she drags her victim over the entire stage. No. 3. This la the situation when the cur bestowing many Baliitea on his unwilling tain rises on the Urst'art, the scene of which lips, hot mlsslog the mark once. The mu* Is laid In the courtyard of the Hotel Alamo slcal hnmbers were very attractive,.especially In a Florida town. Mary meets Ormshv "My Love, My Lu," led by Josephine Bar- Kulpepper, son of Col. Henry Clay Culneu ij, muieuni lowe, and a French song, by I^oulse Liwsler. per, and Cupid takes them In hand at once 33m tfia '^^ BarriBon Ststert:' net also was eneofed.' By a coincidence Mary'tt three ex-hushands „, h ,!w Ji?h T - ne concluding chorus .iguln showed the are stopping nt the Alamo, and Ornate cm. characters of .the. two Mr. w*therhjs with ^ strength of the show. First in the suits Senator Bunchgrass on Introduclnc an clean eat precision, while In the cliarncter olio came SuBari Fisher, a baritone singer of nn'tl-dlvorce"'Mil: " 'OrmBby"" of -course & f'^^^^^^J^j^W^^^jV^ fine voice ond attractive appearance .and Ignorant of Mary's many marriages, and on |h "b^bct t? '&&"-?.. . C" ■ ^'^ methoDs._who was encored and.presented. with account of l.l 8 ._ father/ numerous'dlSSr™ Mr. conae- iiiii-tinii. and on the rise of the curtain" on boll) nets liberal applause greeted the. aceneB, which were rich and harmonious in <wlor effect. The action, which occurs-In Hin- dtisinn, follows ibo effortu of John Duke lo secure Dora, the daughter of Million- aire Blossom, aa.. hja wife, and also to bunco bin guardian, Timothy Todd, Into, giving him money. (Jopnl Slogk, Charley Snmnili, and the CqiidI'b book-J<eep- er,- fierty Quick, they start for Meilco. After many exciting and nniuslng adventures their 'aim la. aconipllshed und Bit end* hnpnlllF. Wulter Wiluu was ntrOcuhirly ulectHltig us Kus.v Loud, and "siliU'.l the action to word 1 '-(or name). He mat with a ready response from the oudlence.In.a~l hlfl v/ork. Will II. Vedder. us CbnHey, «M natural and interesting/at nil times, l'aul Kloti.offered a- Vfry. nmuslng Kpuclnlty, and In'general hie act lug pleased. MIhs Ko|alle, n ** Udrty, wub n bundle df ginger, npd set a.faa.t pace fori the others. Her song,- "Hollo, Jlpimy," nnd her specialty Intur on, inutight hiii* innuu>er- uble eucoreB. Florence ' Mulone was very plehslng as Nancy, nnd l)C8ldns looking I'l'Mtv. dressed the pail 4|i good. iaite. The others were cupnble, Hticcesa will un- doiibtedlv -crown tbo ■ effm-ls of those i-esnoiislble for the production-*Thq cast:, Kohx. JLeod,-, Walter Wllsun '. fotiht, l.miz/m, cRfflj Ha'nihiill :■ Charley Kmpoth; WiUCfl. Vcddor; Daniel Flun, John 10. Kelly; AJtrsui, FiniT Klolz': Jnrffnh"WTrnronr'Wftller Henth; Clirlslmh Wnrd,..lames Morton: Jake Haicum, Th.unns Hayes: Vedro. Del:.Iohim; Touev, llenth Whit em I Manuel, Kudger Rich- hi'ds: cnrilio.iic.irKC Newton; rSudiypto't- Alf. Humes: i'ortei; Fred- BtrtleU■jifflilW,' Win. Kink;; Nuilcy tiujdcii, ^'renLv;Ha"hhe-: (ihriv Qiilck. MH Hnsnnii; ■H('Url*n'T«frmi CmolouH, Ada -Van AVllot pKI*tei]iM|rlc, May DIckKoif: Jenilv Cnlder,- -Anna Fink; Marie Wilder. Helen Dickson-,:Celeste Teller, Uift- rilde Blakiti Sudle Binnley, Fdythe JarnM] Dora Huubeiiui, Amy WII1Iu.ub: Norn Fntr- el.lldN.- Genevieve Crowley; Lillian lMsnett. line Dtfvefiun ; Mini I-ooflttlc, Mny .Ulhwni; Boniu; Mllla Kiltie; Ronionn, Frinnx lOchurt; IMoiV's, Kutle Dndley: J'tiBfiuulhiii, .iimc Mack; l'eul, • IAmIo Williams. RieetlUtl Blftlf: II. W. Mttle, mnnnger: Geo. 1). Wal- ters, business luuuugGr; A. C. Kteluor, mn- • slcal director; John H.Kelley, stage ii'nno- cer": Albert Humes, enrpeiiter'; Fred Uut-tlett, ■propertleai Wpi. Kink; electrician, Next w'eiij, "The. Nlnoty nnd NlnV ■" H'lsturln Grove (Joseph Hart, mona- Ser).—On Monday night, Aug. i'7. begau the ntl week of the roof garden tenson b«re. '1'nere'wns n good sired • audience present,; nnd expressions of regret WfW heard ibot the most'KueceHst'ul scutton >lntbc hls'.ory «( the roof garden was near Us close. Tho' entertainment furnished by Messrs, Brady and Ilnrt has been of reilucd cxcellcnre. and uf splendid character, under-Jos,. Harts licrsonal uinuugemcnt; i The bill for the iiunl week • lieruwi: May Yobe,-in vocal- hum; Joseph llnrfs pretty oct, entitled "Ihe Crickets;" Al, Leech and the l\iree Rosd- hndB, "I'lmt Quartette, Keno. Welch and Mel- rose, comedy acrobatic act; the Four I<ukenH, In their unrlvnlhul high bar act; tho 'llireo Xocllcrs, lu n-BRiiHiitlonal. trapftze: net over the audlpnce; Sunm, Illusionist, «tul the mo- lion* pictures. The Sunday concert Sept. 1 ends the seusou here i'MNti.r'ri Tlienlre (Tony Tafltor, mnna- cer).—The house wits crowded Monday, Aug. *T Sludge. "The Military i Maldt- re- turned after n long nhsencc, and tbu un- dvlng ipopulnrlty of this-clever little, woiuun wan uttcsted upon her entrance. Smlrl ami ICessner sang nod dnnccd in their eccentric und nmuHlng style, and the dog'nlso won out, Ylnlou und Clayton (flrat time here), In "Wl! t'a'Mcv, llurgiar," had an omtiHing sketch, which', made a great BVCCMf. The Three St. Felix fllsiers, In song nnd dunce. ■M' warmly applauded. The Three West ana, the 'neat-little muMclnua, who are always In high favor everywhere, wou out, ns .ever. Collins nnd Brown were very 'amusing In ihelr offering. ChnrleB Harris, 1» '"".he. Iu- spector and 1lte Maid.", wore. Uiorotiglily iiiniiHliiK. nn<l deserved tho success, wou. -The Two' laieklw Into popularity, umi <•».-u«ww ««v" I.ouls Katib.Frank .Bnrry, hit |p ; n comady sketch. Others wew;..Har- (^niphell,.Italphlvohiu Roy. linker and .lack bach-and Harris, In a Mug »K; net-; Tjiiwjq; i^n. A. J. l'ollnek la manager. Mr. Uunklu him sucoeeded In umklfig Int.erestrng little piny. He uii dra\._ characters of .the. twfrMr. Wetherbys "J"«b ifaUM utrengt'h of the show. First In the suits Senator Bunchgraas on Introd clean cat-precision, while In the character olio came SuBari Fisher, a baritone singer of "--' -SM --■-""•' l ™ B * 3r " ** il * of Robert Cnroe. a serious wig, he has siven flne voke ao(l attract | Ve appearance .and the stage a new study, wm. *. ,""J"*"""""- methoos, who was encored and presented with account of hla father's numerous dlvorr™ an actor new to AmerlcanH, mt« Be vei-nl floral pieces;.Fred Watson and the he-has organized the anti-divorce league unJ fully^pleasing lntorprotat ob t of R chard, and Morrlwe , a , Rt „ B f 0 i| OW cd in as neot a sing- become it* vice president. The colonel oh fciL - 5? B fi",l? l K;a! t L K l «i2? !eB ffl t »W ^d dancing net as has been seen In tbfs lec.s to his son* marriage with Mary, & elty In inany atony. The attractive sisters, In cause he believes her to be an adventuress beautiful -costumes of black and white, as but when he meets her he"Is smitten with well as Mr. Watson, In nn evening suit, pre- her charms and becomes his son's rival ftas seated their, s'ngje and collective work to the her band. The Eey. Thorley Throciuoitun best advantage, and were recalled repeatedly, also proposes- to Mary,'but Ormsby holds flip The Maatelblnders Sextette. «f ladfea went key to her heart, and tbey are married Tp through a series i of Austrian dances and complications arising from the presence nr niiJllary drills without a hitch. Gbns. Mills the! ax-husbanda and the desire of Marv to ana/'ack Lewis,. In Dutch makeup, sang keep from Ormsby the knowledge of her nnd JoKed. Then came the Todd-Judge family previous marriages fi:rnlsb plenty of bobhS* pf acrobats. The ever young principal of the and In the eiid,. When he is enlightened the troupe manipulated his feet with-ninal pre- clouds pass away, nnd all ends happily Mbw clslon. and although one of hls-ntslltoots.was . CaaJTl has never been aeen to ^better nil handicapped by n wrist In splints, their full vantage, its the role of Mary fits her like a line of marvelous tricks was" presonted with gloVe, and slic invests tho character ■ nil usual effect. The Tarloua ityleg of double her pleasing pertonallly and charms bar -work lent an added charm to tho play. Hawtteyls one of the cleverest light dlans seen on the local stage In some time, and tho success he attained wns thoroughly well deserved. St., Clair "iayueld carried tho role of Robert came to promlheace. It h little more.-Hum a character bit, fc«t as acted by Mr. BavMd It -rlsesi above that ,distinc- tion, Unll McAllister, aa^ James: was con __■ tlntes^but his Inclination, tor be 1oo dramatic frequently sUoiteO the :plcture. Tni rol«-calls f»»r light comedy work,'hot Mr. McAI'Istcr, in bin endeavor to carry (■nt the sei'laus vein'In the -character-, often overstepped the IaohiIh and became toa-aerl- ons. Ivfitcls'jijn fW-lhton wus copllul as Aunt cluni; Mabel Cameron,: as Margaret,, and by the.Oriental Girls hod tho made so pronounced a saccess. Wmi Coiii.- Buster Brown Girls pleased esneclnlly. Mario lelgh, as Ormab* Kulpepper, wns ot his boat -• »" l '"»;u«, mm .muRic ay uub- "^"""t V'.'"** .'=w*"«»";«»,«. j ^SL£^SX^ ^°yle. ns. an Oriental "birdie" with designs and won deserved recognition. Enaone Cotrtm tnve Kerker. The offering had lis P'rnUcr nrnater of properties; Henry HcWffer, mu- on . th( . aurtah's life, gave the comedians op- waa'excellent as Col. KaKier, and m$S& '■'■"■ well .merited approval fdi" ,'hls rendition of Cringle, assls'tijiit .rrcnsiircr; Geo. Wother apoon. press represeiitntlve; l-'runk_ Jaoger, May SI last, at Uie I,yrlc, Philadelphia.' The $8f carpenter; Xlporge A. Jff£*!ilr el«- nortunlty" for" IniighnEle business, .'"jttie" ner- hnvii di nV niimh n. .,.,.,.. m! i In .»--. Il-li-lllll 1m Rl rifl WPPH ; WO ftll*. *-..••„...>...,. tua ..fl a f..lln. r tk. n ..>l...., Fy„ "■ThA'**i"n<it OlIP In "thA : Tt»«f lif""'\ |V'"*""\V" "* the Woodward; Smith' and"' Atwejl, ns the ei- bhz ^"* L "3IT t "*flE """" " *"■"«■*> ■■> uumuess htisbtinds,.Now. 1. 2 nnd'3, respcctlvclv. were louse openea io ng mann«er; Hugo Conn, .muslcbl director! lit, Aug. m wtin y fftnK Young, stage manager; John W. Boa* d-the performance mrill electrician. The house has been ihor hill en n hh In of n. .«jkL. i._,..i.. i j.._i .>.. l, *^.... Wctherbya'' began 27, to good business. HI hit 1 * tloivery Theatre I I'd win D. Minor, manager* .-»-T1i1b h( buflness -Rnturday -evenlni tbi! Rfnr pbow*5'0|rls, one _ went with a-rush. Tho bill consists of a playlet, entiled Dopfflr Dan." which, runs the cnifre eVening. The specialties are In- terpolated nt onportnner moments, and the ■The "-Dear' Old Purm," by Dew Adams clever-contortion and toe dance by the Misses Fennel) nnd Bt. Clair,-/'The Shadow of the I'.vinoild," n pipe dream ,of Dopey Dan, wherolu ."Hiili'lk:!," u bcsutlfpl. picture, hwhkens nli'd. slags to Mm, .'(in-nmihl.-d by other beanllfui honrls; "What's >tbe Dae of Kajnh.of Hatigapang. runs off with Dora to general tfaw « the programme Is lntcrest- hls palace, tognther wllh Lclltlu "llemlhg- '"« throughout■" ("barley -Nlrbola as Dopey way, her gaverneiw, who Is tho Arst wire of l* 1 *" 1 ' V'tb bU gaunt now.of Jonguage,, caused Todd. -ThciTst of.the story u nfm&st h'opo- "**auy Iqugha, The supporting company-was IwtNly. Involved. Alfred lllekmun mvifti PP* nB follows: Chnrlle Fulton, Jim Mnckey ; most pronounced hit of the evening Jn'ihe 'Marlon'Fulton;'Marie Croix; Herman Orab- luvenfle ohnriicter of Dnke, and pIcaTcd groat- felder. l*ew Adams ;t Ijiwrenco Decker, Jim ly. Richard Coldcn met with success In his 'I>lxon; AunHt/isIn DecKer, I^oule Dynn,< and wing, "that'll tho Time." WHHnm-aJruetto Kiity, Ada'COrbelt Alt took good care of wos excellent Iwith ns singer und comedlah. their work. ,Jobn Raker made hit In his having n true knowledge or the subtleties of runny a grocery boy, and also certain situations. Fred Frear was a "hit In !1 " a head waiter; I'ert LMnclley, was a n minor -part, Alfred Prooiu deserves credit clmrnilug picture ns Zulclka, ,|s one of the for hh work as the'hotel proprietor, Julia BWHan niiiubcrs, nntl is u vivnclous actress; Hnndeison wan dulnty as Dora. Anua Boyd P" re, l I' a 'Bella, Fred Cai'DoIl,' Rae Bov/den, has a good Idea of .humon and scored many Mitbcl, Benson, Kanny Fennell and stdin laughs as DciU'h. Ah the bustling and fresh King assisted in minor ro|es. The numbers corFospopideut, Ihe theatre' ence applnudeil all the,fervor Mr. Kerker 'contributed two or three '.rood nuinliern, ,nnd Ihe others ware , fulrly well done.' Tha^,chorus members lacked'''drilling, and disturbed the picture too orteu The cast: Johu Duke, Alfred .Hickman ; Timothy Todd, Richard Ooldeu ; lUcnlamfn BIiuhdui, nil. Hi Ryley : Clonal Singh, Wllllum I'ruette I Askeema,' Fred Frear: Ni-oi-ian, Hownrd Chamber*.; I^wfab, Albert Froom ;>■ K>i)lb, F. Kek Hchllllng; Ram Dow, Alfred Cnhlll; Dora, Julia Banderson I> Carolina, Anna C. WIIhoii : Kathcrine, Mabel WHMur: Dor(,thy, Kdmi Chase; lOlennor, ICdna MoClure; lie- t it In Hcnunlngwfiy, Antin Howl; Julia Jelll- coe, (Irace Lu Rue; Princess Cholulu, Vera Mlchelcna; Archie Lawrence, Jnck Hender- son: Reginald Wilberforco, Robert Algler; ("regor.v Muralon,- m W. CoiihIhb; Theo- dore Walsiughaua. rhlllp Lelgp. John U. Flt/putrU'k Is business mnnnger of tlje com- pnnv The .■engagement la Indefinite, Timlin Thentre (Sullivan . & Woods, managers!.—"Secrets of the l'ollce." by Owen Davis -had Artliiir -3. Lnintvla this week's at- traction. . The various thrilling . hcoucb are luld In NeW York, I^oHdon, Pirns and St. lVlershtirg. Tlie cast Includes these charac- ters- nnd players: Nick Chambers, Albort Mc- (lovern: Jack Duuston, W. H. Dehlinan; Atlas, Henry Frey-; Hoy Olnrksyn. Alex. Spencer; Huron Diivray, I'dwln Treuor; Alltclikn, Mm tin Vomers; Hkedgc. Frank Kouiej-n; IVte, Oeorgo W. Park ;■ Jenks. Clias. Woolstnn ; Xoolnr, Pete Parley; Hnscun, Win. Hums; Iv'nn JvunofT, Clias. H. Miller; Inspec- tor of Rnsslnti Police, Chris. Gallagher Jr.; Cliurley, W. T. Watson; Mary Bland, Rlt)ta- belli Rnthbourne; 01gt\ Wnrrcnough, Julia I'Rhly brightened during the Summer, ... lobby, presenting an especially Inviting ap- pearance. Next, week, the Cracker-Jacks, Dewey; Thvutre. (Union ; Theatre • Co., managers).—M.. : -M. Thelse's Wine,' Woman well all that was required-of themi The ploy nil SoiiK: Company, hcuded; by Bohlta. made "*aa liandsomety staged, the,two Bcenes being ».. ■■..,.» ^ T ...., .................... .. r , i... --*--— mi (i urn M 11 \i*a tit thn lj...i f, ., i... 1 ., i ,.,-■,, ,. .- 'it.. hiisbunds, Nos. 1, 2 and'3, respectively, were capital. Annie Buckley did well In the smnll rpje of Flonrette, and won decided.-favor for her rendition of the aong. ""Gwendolyn.'' Ren H. Grennell, as M. Arcbambeau,. proprietor of the Alnma Hotel, nnd fleorge BackUB. as the Rev. Throcmorton, were each In ;helr clement, and scored successes. The others did Its liew York, appcurnnco of the seusou here Monday uftcmoou, Aug. 27,' A'-good sized audience was on hand to greet fnem, and the show gave the bent of satisfaction. "Going Into Vaudeville," an original farce, by M. ,M. Tbelse, opens the show. It is full of bright comedy and funny sayings, and was n big iuccchh. The Bcenery and electrical effects were beautiful. During, the action of the niece Max Armstrong's American pony ballet wits Introduced with great auc- cess. Several excellent songs were Intro- duced by Bonltd, who made quite a hit singing "CuL-rlsama." ,The real -song hit of the evening waa made by Lillian Hart. whoBe or"Susan," wns received With -pro- " ~ company Is made up the" way of singers ... whole piece wnB'ex- ceedingly, well rendered. The cast: Pedro Oanalngo and David' warfield,' Alex Carr; Robert Mantel I, James iMulleu ; Sheriff Tuck- er, Lew Ilearn; Proctor.Keith, Chas. Ray- mond ; Gpo. M. cohan, Allan Coognn; Chnuncey Olcott, Sid Fern; Slngnor CuruBo, Horn Llebert; Blanche Bate's,'"Nettle Clay- ton:- Maude Adams,' Ethel. Hall; Tesale clever foot balancing, by the [A 8eIla"Tr|o (two men nnd a, woman) ; '"Decemuei* and May." by- Misses Croix and Mackev, and the finale. "When a Luiiv • fJeads the Band," showing especially; handsome costumes. "The Bed. White and Dim; Girls" la the.title of the big number. The, glrla, In handsome cos- tumes, built, on original lines, go through a scries*bC prociisiG infinity and nrtlllery man- ojuvres. and made n decided hit. Tlie -show throiighout: shows Invlsh expenditure In caul pin tint, nnd should give entire satisfac- tion. Wm. IVnnowv is manager; Charles I'minottV musical director; John Vincent, Its.season Saturday evening, Ang. 25. with Campbell's Nightingales, In ''A Trip to Junt- tWfc '"a\T#0 uot burlesque. Th* story tells of anilnventor, Prof.- Schmaltz, who gets Into line examples of the scene painter's art. The caat In - full: Mary Montgomery, Marie Cn- n|ll; Flonrette, Annie "Buckley: Senator ItunehgrnsH, II, Gn> ' Worn]wild r Bfawp llriglmm Smudge, Murk Smith : Wi'lle Drink- water, Roy Atwell ;■ Ormsby Kulpepper, Wll- I'nm. Courtleigh; Col. Henry Clay Kulpepper, Kugcne Cowlea; Kitty Kulpepiwr, Vlrglnln Ktnunton; Rev. Thorley Throcmorton, George Backus; M. Archnmbeitu, Ben S. Grenuell; Porter,. James A. Held; Head Walter, Wiiilnm Herman; Waiter, Fraaklyn Ar* detle,; Btll Boy. George Lyman; Miss Curley, Blaqche West; Miss Greene, Anno Mooing ; Miss Smith, Anna Belle Gordon; Mlsr/ Kcene, Frnucft Curruthers; MIbs Hbv- KA Olga. May ; Miss Wiley, Elizabeth King: Miss Longalnce, Virginia .Stelnhardt; Miss Loogfront, Elsie Shaw; Miss Arbnckle, Ethel Shdw; MIbs Verdon, Sadie Long; Miss Brown, BesslerGrnhum ; Misa.Mortou, Jane Hewitt. Mir.K diliiir in under the direction of Daniel V. Arthur, with Joseph c. Drum, 1,'uslncnw mnnnger; A. E. M,orgon, actingman- ngr.; F. V. Cavanugh, agent, and George V^P'."^ "Ultiaeei-. Tbo biisluess staff of "Daly's Theatre Is:. C. W. Moffat, business '""TWP anfl treasurer; C W, WUIIeta, as- ■ treasurer: Chun, Anderson, stage mo- James Kane, master of properties. Blerhig, electrician.. ... Rose Miller, Nellie ShnnnoovMablc Smith, Grace MadlBoni Llllle Miller, Clnrn Ba'raett, Flo <?lhtre. Handle Wilson, Ida Bnulland, Gertie 1 Walker, Mary Dawrence, Viola Hanson. An olio made up of excellent acta, followed. Raymond and Clayton, comedians, talked and Bang well. Alox Carr and company, In a clever sketch, called "'The -End of the World", won favor. Mr. Carr'a acting !&JS*.3&k" JSS! °I ce Uent and be m- 1st: Prof, alllton's'ltrolned"^dog^aDi'VoviBg SSSi "TO.'JSrtSaT which jff as jastly pictures are here this week. ■""""""* earned. Ire wus ably- supported by Allan • Coogan and Jltmmle Walker. Fern, Hcarn, Hurliiu Grand Opera House (John H. Springer, manager).-—Williams and Walker, In "ABys- ilnla," began tbelr second and last week Aug.: 27. Next week, "Little Johnny Jones." Atlantlo Garden (W. Kramer/a Sons, man- agers).—Milton and Kaiser, comedy triple bar act; the Threo Musical PramplflB, Joim- son and Buckley, character sketch; Frank Dunn, t lamp comedian ; 'Marie Evans, vocal- nnd Hurt, In novel picture ballads, were good. A; clever burlcttu, entitled "The Mil- linery Maids," which employs' the whole com- pany In beautiful cbstumoa and excellent Inventions, but "'"King nnd dancing, closed a most eutertnln- „ Bleeping Beauty ami the Beast." Star ("vYm. T. Keogh, .manager).—"Toe Man of Her Choice" opened to a good slaed house 2T, nnd wns well received. Next week, "Secrets of the Police." Metropolis w» sang and danced homselves Oo ,. ui)n . Hnggla Orcoil. EdlUL Gray, and irity. Lewis >«aHMWll **"©.* Douls Kntsi., Frank .Barry, Fred Busey. John eon'andHerlda. In "My Ohcla-froiD Iroln»<J. • findiUfry Burns, In hug punching., Tho vita- g?npfrelonrd the bill. Yorkvllle Theatre (Ilnrtlg & Senmon, um wt >nii mMnnuersl.—A new farce comedy, entitled | on g the ■'A* One Horse Town." begun a weak'a en- | n i"i wee nagWHrnt hero Aug. 2T. Went week. Hilly Vail,\|n "The New Erruiul Boy." byrlo Theatre (iCaf &"I-co Slnihcrt, mauagerH). — Henry E. Dlxey 1 opened llila •SSSn Aug. "ir.. for a two weeks' r«liim eu- Mutement, In "The Man on thc-'Hox."* 'into Blnr niia" his nlnv rcuonied the .former 1 success. The enst: Lieut Hubert Worburton. Henry I". ■Uny t nioa. Henderson, Sydney Booth; Col. Atineslev. Henry Iliinscombe; Count KurloCf, C*He Williams: Col. Itnlclgh. II. 8. A., .Tns. A.Jlllss; Mngistrnte Wotts Fred W. Peters; John Mnrtln. Clias. I". llowaou: -Oulcar O'Hrlcn, Chester _Boecroft^ Ofllcer .Cnjisldy, ■Rilled Off the Tnrf.' Parndlsu Hoof Gardca Jjl Dm know tho -... laughable as ever. The cast: Patrick Mooney, Dnn Graccy ; Prof. Scbufnltz, Rlchy w. Craig; (Oacar Ham- Be*lella Mooney. Adn B. Burnett; Kittle meratcln, manager).i—The continued spell of Mooney, . Gertrude Pierce; Gladys Foster. luit wenthcr caused the management to pro- Dorothy Blpdgott: AnLonlo Barcllmipu. Phil *■" roof scasou here one more week. Adums: Officer O'Shaunnessy. Hilly K. Wells; t wns announced ns the ondlng of Spngettl. -Frank Thorndlke ; Win. Dooloy. lOd. |lv roof itorforniuucvt for JWM, and tho Oliver. Tho olio Included.: The Sisters Bliss, change in St>pt. '1 emisod ijulto n chnngc In bookings thut hnd beau arranged. The bill for this week IIhIh; The,Fays, In Tbnumn- tn,rgy; Rice, and Prevoat. In "Dutnpty IjuMPBt" Fred Kurno's compnny, presenting "A Night In an English Mush- Hall;" the Empire Cllv Quartette, In comedy und songs \ Slunor Goi'innnel. baritone vncullst t Avery unil - Hart, colored coniedlaos ; Milt Wood, dancer, and the first appearance hero ot Lcs Ilnniiu.Orlck billiard hnll experts. With w mluliiLure billiard table on the ettige, nnd using small Ivoty balls anil cue, the balls chbrncter change net: Rlchy W. Cratg, In "Mo -ond My Partner;" the Yorke Comedy Four, Mor-cllc. in her original dance creations; 11- lus'ti-h'ted songs, by Billy K. Wells J Oracey and Rurnett, In nn ccentrlc comedy act, nnd Thorndlko nnd Blodgett. comic opera- duet- tlsts. The house baa been repainted and prosoniB 'a very nleaslng npnenrance. The houue staff conststa of: .1. H, Dubln, treas- urer; Fred Bock, advertising agent; Julius Volger. musical director: 0. L. Van Dake, C N. Bchaoffor;" Winiani. Wm. Wall; Nancy ore .made to Jump into receplacles .fastened Woemirton Pauline Whitson ! Mrs. Conwny, to the bodies of the two performers: handles manager).—fTnttlc \V]lllams, laj'rhe Little 1'atbFvnKurnlch; Cora, Miidge.Pleroe; Eilza- K-th- AnupRloy, Marie Nordstrom. John E. Wkrner Is manager for Walter.N. Lawrence; W. B. Burlock, press represents I've i Chns. ■ HowBon, stage manager; C. E. Heunlon, r'i i i.»;,.-r'i w, it. Uetatlnr. properties. ' Mnnhnltnti Theatre (Wm. A. Brady, Mniilmiti rmtiirigpr,.—Blanche ,Wa|sh ; In Eorvt'imnla l itartinl her third week Aug. i!7, nrc snnlfiHl out, nnd pIbioIr are discharged by Impact with the hounding balls. It la nn entirely new net here, und wns well re- ceived. Tlie vltngraph closed the show. The matinee audience wns n very large-one. Third Avoinic Theatre (Mnrtln J. Dixon, manager).—Lonndcr He Cordova, as the Mandarin, and Ethel Blande. ns Madame, nlnved the leading roles In "Tlie Shadow Maiguerlle 'HimM 8i|«are noof (-ui-dci. (Henry Shuync nnd Ihmithv Huotf. J. Blnlu Gllck Plm-iis manager).—"Mile, t'hampoguo" be* Is juauitgcr: Al. NelRon. advance; Walter Cberub." startnl her fourth week Aug. 27. Casino (Snm H. & Lee Shubert, mana- gers).—"The Social Whirl" commenced Its twenty-first week Aug. 27. New York Theatre .(Klaw & Erlnnger, managers'!..— Mclntyre and. Heath began their firth and Inst wek Aug. !!7. In "The Ham Tree." Next week, "Tlie Rogers Bros. In Ireland," Acnilciny of IUnale (Gllmorp & Tomp- kins .mnnngeM).—"Otwtln Fnranm.-.ln ."The Vlrglnlun,"..opened bu fourth and lost week Aug. 27. Next week- "The, Heir to the IToorab/' ■ ■*•«■'*-. - Belaseo Theatre (David Belnsco. man- ager).*—Blanche Hates opened her fourth with an aterastW -bnw'Tn il«- ^-«ai«S pn^urahie. The bouse hga been redecorated, order "A TenmirnrJ■ IhTai.nn.1 » P win? r Ji-2? °l" 1 witn ,ts mw carpets presents : fl m^t CTrj4 Sp^^^^SS^ B wTkTs^' C ?WarLwa e S!^°Ven part, was full of comedy and spectacular sur- week S A One HOrse Town' opfrng ^OT&^-E TSS ^B^S ^Williams, maaager,. piKEnBM sss. °b? ^vtaKn 66 M|VM the burleequa ijnnrtetta; "Bill SlmmonB*' by Wayburn's;- "Fiiturlty Winners,'!. Mile. W May Delmont, nnd a showy flnnle. Oan P Be S?l? «""bnais, Hd. LatelL Oertle llcy- Murphy, Beatrice Harlow nnd Chan. Barrelt "V ldH , flnd n "-" r Whlrly Twlr|y Girls, Hdward presented on enjoyable specialty ; Corbley B1 °bdell and company, Clnrice Vance, Sharp nod -Burke appeared In tielr comedy con- J(r .°thers, and the Empire City Quartette. *— - m Keith ft Puoctor'n ■ onk Hiindheo , asd TWKSTY-FIKTH BTBRBT TllCATnH.-—FullhOUSes at both performancea 27, which marked the return of sbveral of the house favorites to the enst. "In Spite of All" Is the current offering. The ' vaudeville offera Blanche Mhttrp nnd new motion pictures. IIMITM & SKAMON'B MUBIC HALL (Ben Ilurtlg, manager).—The policy of this house was changed from vaudeville to burlesnue- Aug. 'jfi, with the Dainty Duchess Burlesque Co. Ihe opening attraction. It U the only burlesque house on the West side of Hnrlcin. The burlesque, "Chilly Con Carole," contains versntion und «ungs; a series of moving pic- tures wore nh Interesting feature.' The bur- Icsque was 'The Goddess of the Moon," with .Miss Harlowe In the title- role. Geo. "P Murphy, Frank Burke, Chns. Barrett, Ed. Corbley, May Belmont and Jeanette i3her- stnge mnnnger. Next week, Broadway Gaiety wood were cast In.auitable rolce; "The chorus assisted faultlessly In-the musical selections, ehtltled "Jealousy," led by Miss Harlowe; 'Dancing Eyes,"* by I Miss Belpiont; -The Shady Side of Broadway," 1 by Miss Slier- wood, and In, tbe finale, ''Gupld la the Cap- tain of the Army." The scenery nnd ward- robe Ifl-raoat showy. Will N. Drew Ib mnua cer; cints. Flnbcrg, buslucss manager! Geo. fun that Is bound to be well, liked. .Tbe olio Keller, musical director: Joe Mullen, me- '■"• a most excellent one, and presents: Rcflii- chanlc; Al. Marshall, .electrician. ■ Tbursdnys Ion and Stevens, Hersog, Adams and Duffy, will be amateur nights throughout the season. Keeler and Hawley, nnd Leila Belblnl. Next; Next week, the Champagne tjlrls, . week, tbo Parisian Widows, Htiber's Museum (John 1 IL Anderson, Gotham (Dave Kfaus, manager).—BttW- mnnnfevri.—W, L. Trnvos. weight lifting, neae during the past week was beyond'ex- Hcoau week here nf great eurcesa, tops the pectatton, conBlderlng the warm weather.'Tha bill In 'the curio hall this week, April's Europcn/i Seusntlon Co. opened to -a big Neapolltiiufi nnd ninny others compose tho finely .arranged bill. In the thentre, which Is doing nn ev:e|lont business, a fine bill Is hodse. Next week, lesque Co. W. B. Watson's Bur- itn its' tenth '.week Aug. 27, _.l Woore, agent. Next Week, *lto*i'"i"**. ,, '';.L. •week Aug. 27, In "The Girl of the Golden given to crowded houses at every perfofm- ^¥'eat , ' Brooklyn—At the Majeatlc iW, C. Frld- ley, manager) Billy B. Van appears In "The