The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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gEPTE MJBKfelf l^TE^T -_ «. rn , n d Bor." AW 2 *SrtSfiE '"VS 8tw, " rt ;;"P*" K « l, r5lrttn, »«d"tlie MMto- ami week: Tlre'ChamberlallOi. Iiwl Pshmr, SJicc Consul"* -■'■-• «w Krraoo mj, » d hug | nM8 U8t f» 7««*™" a ° d Wallier ' ln " A K',?i'i"(Mr». Snooner. manager*.—"Oiyu- SJHE oreVenteo by the Hpooncr Stoek Oo. l>t l Is l' rc .X°„ .j/y Spooner, as the prln- ■■■'TrniTrSiMMlcn; roaolkcr).— *«^!SwSliar^wffiipmS convict's "A Had Man '*r .." iiarrj Anguish, la excel Sfe vi n i s playeifto crowOcd. IK \Jit week, «H factory •1," nTfe 1H; -A." thrill re opened, 31 .with "SSiiir " Waller Wisun, 1u "•ft-.-utAi (Vi C iiylcr tfa'nngcr)—Tie '"ill relet? UMs started a weck'a en- Kroalloey Gaiety u ^ by j ol) „ UK2 B H »trong. Others are: Mnrtaj S rtbn % W iAl n E( Mario nod Aldo and [frown " n 3 finrtole'tl- Watson's Buriesquera' did ^'lTrSaoAOW« a II* .f' hook- "SI.i here JlghwSTaO: .An audience that fiumltV-house from top to bottom was prea- '''• i„ i-l«li tlie genial lessee, Mr. Teller, an- '?.'' .u«g«' The omening .attraction was S&l7nSs*Si*» Jjih.V. wnlch „l» continued nil of tnTwcek! Andrew Mack comes next, ■"fS^MP"wU. man.„ r ,._M;„. '"wllii. who ranks with the pest of SlirSA men In this borough, had ffi olcu.orc of, seeing many old patrons imons ho ' siidlencc that afied the ■ house ?59 oi -liestra to gn lery when the doors SS 11 own open for tbltirst week of the Si night of 27.. Tie interior of the ". . . ,.-„ .....i mini ope will be the attractions week of Aug. 27. WuMiEnumi (V. a. MrOrralrk. mana- ger!.—tlood attendance rules. An entire change of Jllffls occurs weekly. i'akiiiii task (IlnnkK llalrd. manager).— Fair houses resulted from good attractions week of 2ti. acabkvt n" Music (it. A. iiusli, mana- ger).—VJIf. Wife's Family" will open the utriftss. Hep... 2. „; . ,.. Noib: —Robinson. Amusement Co.'t Street Carnival wetk of 27«.: V ' rete- Bonswortb. Urand.Opera THo, Cons IT I*ETai>d rhotjng #ttj—- onMhuit (t; J,'>».' ) *utdlne,,«M»agcr),j- Blll SEana week: AerliTMarilniy,Wllls.»Jiii Collins;' Geo. K. Jttanc, iBurko *na-Urllne. Salmon slid Collins, Joe Whitehead and tifc .. I» o*a«r to •told KifUkes Jftd lo "l"r» A«»tU»il I* this MM. M. ••»!»■>• ..lalnly n«ldtc»si-d cinst l>« CA Ut 'l M s ; 'TH I.r-tlo A. ttlUUan l.*,n. Prof, i^.egar, cluw. I.lnilen. Arthur Ijldwla, tlaj» Ln. i.riiu Ms: Wall. U. JC l«bn *,A.I«llne !«., 1«» It ■ tflt««tr-««o.;'i- fAn mantwpe. «'■ bferloo lIsiryR Jolpmoo. A. Oiotnc. Alferl .Kellg. B. *■• OI>er. Rkhanl Hcjnlon, JoaepU U1II11. U'« Miner. Dt.i:.»l. Illlier. llene Toil, "«•.;■ , (1'U.I. «'». Taj or, Albert opKiihelmer. Tj> or, Jerry TTJm J»"<S?l"'. aSi Poller. Ilenrrp. TBIor. sjbnw-t. I'lOTIoln KrrU ToareeJ Jl'UgD l»ene. t*sK. ,J(J .. »!»M'«r4. — At Ilia Majesty's (kl. o. Brooks, ntahageri: the regular, season will open 8ept:;t; with "Bed Feather." Academy or Music (Walter tirraves. man- after).—Vollsrd'a Juvenile Onera Co., In "The Mikado" nnd""A Gaiety .Tjlrl," drew.''big hbnsTK Aug. .20-23. Pollard's company, -In repertory, 27-Sept. t; Nat M. Wills, lh.."A Lucky Bog." B-8. TRBATnu Fbancais (R W. lie Clair, man* agar.).—'.'At Cripple, Creek", drew-good,, at- tendance, despite the warm weather,' 20-23. "A'MldWght.Escape*' !!TT' , '., , . TitKATtiB"ItotAL (II. C. Kgcrloh. manager). —The Kentucky Belles opened the regular season, tpgood attendance. 20-25.: The Yankee Doodle Girts 27-Sept. 1, the High Hfliool Girls 3-8. , I ': .-,.' •-. THEATRtl N'ATK.N'Al. FllANCAlS (T'aill CftZP- renvc,' manager). — Tbe permanent IVenoh Stock Co., In "Arrah-nn-Pogue" do Prencn), drew packed houses Aug. 20 : 23. "Ia Bantie im.n- ., ■■■ ,,... 1, _i, a - a, TBRATkB PBS NOUVEAuTEs.—The , perma- nr-nt rrtucii stpek compsnV will commence Its regular season Sept, y, .with rara'ltreV'. (W.'Northey, manager).—TJie, Sec- ond Life Guards Band came to gooiThouscs ihiitre has seen many Improvements during A „_ 25-2". iheSnmer vncatlon. "The Power of Money Dohinios Vjbk (Hl-A.Dorsey, manager). • DM opening attraction. I-ast Benson Mr. _Blg crowds ruled 18-27, With the follow- Wllsou iays was tie largest In the honse^ lil tor", and from the Hat of'Ma-bookings • nailres he will be able lo discount last w'! business, The follow pg' sttracthm $ "&l lha. the Se W lng. Maclilpe pit)." v Aiiriiuit' tM^.' S. Schllsinger; manager).— -i'te'Curse,of. Di'lnk^ with 1V.Aug. Aoder- KiiaTls tills week's otforlng. VQnecti or the circus" drew large houses, last week. Next, -The Millionaire Detective.' liBAND FAM1I.V TltBATnu (Frank B. Carr, limtisgcrl.—"I*. Jekyll and Mr, Hyde' this nrek. with Oscnr llnnc In the dual role. I araM last week. (avKTV (James Clark, manager)..—The Buhman Show «nd Frank D. Bryan's Con- gress of American Girls this week. Nelt, New Vork Stars.' ■ ,'„ ; „„. Pavton's (8. ,8. Alen, manager).-''.The IHcrnal City" thle week. "The Minister 8 Sun" had a good run last week. Neat, "The LrciUM (kouio Bhllllps,.mnnager).—The season began hero njght # of > 26,._wUh i "lhe res. ■ -, . • 1, -v.i FonGi'Atle>t-S):Lu Bwos.' Ciqviib s»wed here 10, 18J' to. capacity for four perform- ances. ' . -. v . ... . wsit ittTwtiieij t»« •llaed. &mm» s? ^s^s&JSKfc . Mpok«n«. — HemMi chai>ge« nre € to be muclc ln-H,c"nniii!ig^rf.oi.t of'-tho HuUivnn fc CunsldlQe housed hero when the ttGution oittlB. It \§, given out tbat.Jqfin.r. Cotdcfly will )to proaioted to n l'ortiflBd IMwTpPS ,liat Wnl - nrohtir; now innnng*?. or the. W-UtilngtbTi Theatre, will ftiicrerd'hfiii In the manoffoaient oi-thfl Columbia TheiUe. Mr."Drehijra suc- cessor hnn not been named. -Wahium-ton , TiiisA-rpK. — "Jimmy;* iffiir** vetcriil" black tm oilnstrel. Is the ,tob. tlncr. a line of natter that matnin lilm pptmlw. Tl^ rtst'ofthc bill Ib sti-otig, tm; featured dfltift llei-bert lirooks and company, card miullim- \BLlwd and; trunk ■ mystery.;, the IHfS'nond t'onwdy Kour, Vo\\\n» and Clifton; anif CMbb. Ailmtm. ■ -/ 111 , ■ «"*• , : - *'■* SfWCAXE..— nicharda. * Pringfe n: flwilll Mlnstrelri attmcted I wo cnparWy houw» the Hret part of lasr wt*ek. The projtiitfflrrle wa.-j up to the mark, the features :l«lng : -Kteu s.inuaon's . tromuonc, solo, Arthur rrmt'i>.a work with;the hoops, Lemuel Hosr,;,,^ iOlo, "Asleep glB ttoi* Ijeep," and the work of, tfac band and "cboiits.." .Mlelrn. Mtw Wl Igfl r»»«N- Vltllnna MlWreil \'or, t - ll«Ute Ucentni J: A.« ^L^ t**l*. BeuJ.- I&* llnrry'iM- kSM Joint Walter' XVwMroii« Aunnlt-'Utftr..Mine. I' iMw. >>»'"»'« ■ MlWied Vox.- Haltle !*> Brl*". M™ u |g' Ins bill: Oscar Babcock, Ella Zulle, and w ■ - MelilhoiiM' by'Ibc Pea." Kmma Boll \\, V Uolden head of the clock company. Luna I'abk.— (TboCB Is dq cbange la. tbe free #lrcuH r -prorttuniii'fl >*hlB . ■week, which liss ini^tonBfllr^ttWlflffl cobs, the fiaua- hihmidts and their acrobatic dogs, .and the Slcuerta, In ccjdcstrlan actri. 1 At the Mundy Animal Hhow the chief performing acl» arc: apt. Crawford and six lions and HoncuBcs, Cnpt. Ulcardo. four lions and llonearieM, and Mine. Louie, with seven leopards add Uiikami.awd.— Business here, Is reported as' li'lng capital. . -,,. ■ *a . BoHTocK' f s,—Oalllara. with bis group of sixteen lions. Is the feature. ,. \ , M.VN1IATT.IN Bhaoh.— Bice s production of "The <;irl from Purls"'entered ,upon,ltH llftb week ut'the Munhatton Beach'Theatre 8un- ilay, <!onterno'H band concet*.ta follow on BMC, A 'twice dally.- This tWqek at VVKM Amphitheatre selections will- be given each ulRlit from the successful pieces of tho car- nlvitl." DtlKIHTON - I»AHK.r—Lloyd, i With "Is HNVofw. is glvlnt; n uhe etlifhitlpri. The t.n ■■ .Ill-Inn, NlitRHl-u Fulls. tu<! glaut '- - t . riiiii'N Anuiiui :Stii'W, rtii'piit.i. and I .mi Kn [iiinkes Hre Mi; fi'Hl lii'(*r!. •" TtHlUIITON Bhach MUHiq Hai.i. <W. ,.,C. lirover. mntiager).'— TWh week's bill:. Almce Angelas, llllnore Hlsters, Prof. Herrmann, Mathews und' Ashley, Four Ulnnos, Dumont Trio, lUtymoiid nnd Robinson, and the klneto- granh. Eight Plccblanls. ItiVKRUiDU I'Aiui (Al. V... Heiid, manager). —Week of 19. good nttendnne' saw. Sihcll's Moos."Hpuildlng arid Duprec, T. Tatloch, M. Darlo and the blosco-uc. ; Soiimkk. I'ark . (Lnvlgno & Lajolo, mana- cers).—The attendance was good 1D-*J1>. The bill was as follows: Thompson's elephnnts, Prof. Moxarto, the Four Livingstons, Jules Uogny, and Lavlgne'a Mllltury Baud. ■ ■ s p ' . Toronto.—The', Princess Theatre (O. B. HUeppurd, ..manager), during, the Summer months, ha« undergone an entire change, the whole building having practically been re- modeled, and rebuilt, .and beautifully deco- rated, and It Is now to be claHB'ed.a* a U«t cIsfb, up'to date theatre.- lite opening-rard will be on Aug. 27, with the comic opera, "Captain Careless.!', : ., . M „ UlUNO Ol'ERA House (A,. J. Sum 11, mana- ger).—Thin place of amusement bas also been redecorated and presehts a fresh tip- peiirant*. "The Yankee Consul" Istbe open- ing attraction Aug. 27-Sept. 1. , ' JIAJESTIC (A. J. Small, manager).—Al- though the weather was extremely warm thin place did a good buB-new. .with "The House of Mystery/: .Aug. 20-25. Week of 27. "Buster Brown's Holiday." ■■. . . Siika's Thbatrk (J. Shea, manotf^r).—- With electric fans and u good card big bus - nesa,ruled week of 20. Week of 27- the bill Includes: World and Kingston, Hugh Stnnton and company, Ksaell and Vernon <S»., Steeiey, Doty a,nd.Coc, the Ualzers, Howell and Scott, tQc'k.netograp,h;' ," , m ' :. . ;. » . Star -TittutkB (V,. J. Stplr, manager),— The Merry Maiden?, good, buslhecs 20-25, Week of. iK Kcbttek*. Bellelt Mtmno Pahk (wtt B Knormous business rules. Tmvoraa.—At the Orand Ttieiitre (Dean B, Worlev. nmnngor) week .cgmbienclng Aug. 20: Martin Brothers, KflwaJd Kellle, Uw- rence nnd . Sheridan, Devaro and. CnWls, Adams afld- Kdwards, Master Harold Iloff, in Illustrated songs, ami (Irundlscopc, ,., Star Thbatbk' fII*. M. Owens, manngerl.— Week cemmepclng 20: Ilcorganlzed Allen Stock Co., prcKOiifing "Tbe Man front-Tetas.' Bertha Knatvold Htanrlng. Mr.-Hulllvon ahd Sir. McCabo, formerly of ilie Brniidoii Play- era.. Itn.yelK'en thn-cast.- PANTWBH' CUTSI'Ai. Tl.BATRB (W. J. Tim- mous. inanager)^—Week beginning. 20; The TM.KtatMrtj, Bosct'lty yuartette, the Mo* rells, Mirritt Sisters, Tom Ln Rose, In IIIuh- tratcd-song, and.motion .pictures. 4 * » : CONNI-CTICUT. iinrtr*ini. — At I'lirs-inw' Theatre "The l'rlhcc of PlUep" .waa.crertltably prcHented. Aug. 2S, to a large and appreciative audi- ence. , ...•!.,■ • , •. . HArtvord OrERA II0U8B.—"Hofty Tolty" opened here 20. ."A Crtivn of TliornK" tin* . Ished out the week,fairly. Lew Fields Co. 27. lb "About Town:" Beatrice Vance 2R, Hayes and Healy 20, "At Cripple Creek" .10- 8«pt. I.ft , .1 . ■ • 1 roLi's.—Lost week .closed the .Summer stock season. Which has lieen welt patronised. The..vaudeville, season opens 2.7,;: wBh "The SopbonioraiWIrlaiand tho r *-lrc«hm«n;*.\Uryotj snd LnngdoD, IAQM Thurber.und her. BUCK birds, (illduy ahd Vox, lltlntar': and Nrssen, Eddie Mack. Barhold'H dogs und monkey h. Luna Park. —Many creditable attractions. AHhV. Joa'c Ufa, May SfSK Nellie Arnold, k m „ Afoohli uerm nigtr, i-olp. Bliiuflt. .Wlllan jkoi'.t Bobc J f Hi,. v,*i tinker. Uulc EUMh V Htie^nl lirimllie. I'lbbli- iljrrUprtL Iftintiy Rrsnduh, BoilK Mrrotis.Jciiitett Ik'tPrly, Loiiltjp MHtWi -W lUrriMt. I'stay. Herttiwre -iwlie ltsnvtt Mm. Jus Uurntustet, -. , i. , Mix. nw hesuinont-.Urnce HMwh|t. May is. Warn w olue FitrniPt. rnn«y I'sHl, Nettle KBmitleiwy- M»yi|Wmer i; b»la [■'.win Miil'iin'Tit I'aiHrer Ulmichp dllllnewatL-r. llVtsre, MM« Xv ■ ■ Helen 'Phillips. •Pecltm fllsnt..Miyo. . rtiHtkav. Vlclorh t.-rlmiei- l»bti>l»el> Power* Jftwlel, UtlniOrc Sisters iltvl-rrNin, iyf --. lK>Wtliy llnmlall, MA.' .1' l'?!"'* (iertruitivnejuK MaMl Inagl-; ,~ IA>t|e BurVtitDli iSTaTi ttfwanl fark. Krnrst TMrcr. Walter liffinVAwn11 ( hiiitis.-j-*n ram w*W S Utlmr VIP Keatuslil'ThrelfcH. Ksrl I.HIK. AIMK .',„.._,., 1 ,'!.':. Iln.-llinui llrtcn Ilorrii IliiworJ. Emlij Imii'iirr, Umli. ArlhnrJ l.»M,. Mr. aV) I 'lirll". ■■ - . <,..,M». IW. frrrv. JsM xfrr Toir. IWarl. Hilly ...TnfostTor I'""* 1 '-.'*' "' ulart'arlani- T. K l * ,r "'' V' . "ArtE.'l J lltiuilillt. How, |,1 MlK.- -. .liKkKoh. MlnW A..* M. •TC:l!i, 11, l.Vl (<<intiU.r,i»lrs. MaMlMlaascll.. I ■ - ,lrnp.lB,c ulaiiil, t".J 111. ,,, ■ row. Ii K ja Bij »if)| kii|>t MirwroN. s(,»!l«lr. K" nr 'f p| im. Cm 'Jlulsiid,■ Kami INK JllrlttllrlUght, M«J ItKtfau MHrxaret lUu. Vlulci... ■ ■ Stut|.lw.s tlurnn Htauwn Mattte l^iiVu'Trsl, lliiymoiiil Tltun. John ■ Vary. J. Varim. B. a. VilM'lllst.-lH., Villi IIOVPI*. ';' man VAiiHlehlP Krei-l .VoorvbU, W..B. $1'V Yl. Oastrells^,-. .^P^Sfclfc! Mrvhet Ce«». irms-vw. Mw«ra- » WMfril iliMMMia lllite lli'hl. -bta .Vail. WM-vJ- ShmatH.tniv, ■mft&r \Wt % W** ItsMsfe. tms"- WphIOU. VA lliwi*. rtias;' Mn-nh. <■■■'■ Mc'llH-'. Jtibu MnrrlK, W Ma<:k, Jaa iv Mars, i.-mi,\\ fee S8Su« 0«rto». 11W (luillm. Mts.Ji UunnlngliHtu, ,- .. (jeirilc Outilo. I^slle^ QwwtM Bertie Carlisle, Uerlle Claire, Jessle oor(iln, sTftfiiae <3ini|i|n,' utl* Ciippln, HftttHi mfllns. A In UoU>. ( - oilfTonl INaqiK, DrimliiK- Mnup" r)(VtVr*He Jputile narli, I'eurl f)estiiond Hoi, Tcti*i Darrcll. Madge: m W Kit Ilstles, Ns'ii Dn verc, Vera Kfthii. Jt-itHlo Donursit... It.Mnl A, Donavsn, Mrs. J. »' jirJBi.r. fell,. I). *«MI. lolllo ■ ^wh, UUhsR *l.. I.itWlU'l' iks, manager).— lAKIAH'a RolJiT (W. J. Bobhlioi,'nans- Mj r J-—"'1'rie IloltKcs' o' lUie Barn". Band-dfeff to capacity week of 20, .... ,v, . CAX1DIAN NA+IONAt, KXIIIBltlON ( ; T. O. Orr, nwnancr).- Sir William Mullock Is Hi; man who will touch the button Alia..1(7. und cverytliliiK will then be in fnll siSlag until Bept. 10. .- ■■■ ,., ,, .,—i *^—l 1...M.I..I. At the (lr«nd (.1. B. Tiirton. mnnairr). HhepSrd'u plrtiirra will conliiiic nl I Auj. .'Ml, when Ibcv clone a mAM ""nit here. Dockstader'a Nllnatrtla are booked '"spniNOBANK Pahk. (.1. II. Slcwart, Urlilsjfllort.—At Mmlth's Theatre■ Itxl- wurd.i;. ftSllli ( mand|rer) 'mi tho Old CroU HonOH,'' Auk, 20-2-*, nlnved ti> ko'od lniKlhenu, ss did "The Queen of the HlKhblnderH." ju. and I lei rv Hrdwn.JIn "Iiavlil Ilnruiil," '^ I. 25. Booked: 'lACroWn of Thorns" 27-,20 (i "Queen of the I Circus" i|H>,' mutlnee and evening: "Carolina" 8V-'Scpt. 1. ■ ,. __2 '■■ 1'ot.l's (B. B: Mitchell, manager.).—"Tho Two Orphans'' played to. hlff bualneilK week df Aug. 20- "1'rlnce Kafl'l week of 27, which will be the farewell week of.the Htock corn- r«ny, which hka played ; to hTg lumiiieaa diir- tijc the Hummer. 'It haa heeh the most wmj. cenaful.aeaiton. of.the \*t)\\ Mlock Co, ■ liaw- reuce i 111 i. who hetidH the i^lnpany, will plrtjr I'nir... New Haven, during .the Wittier. v.u.ile- vllle will lit resumed at the locut Iheutrc sept.' a. .. :.,'. , ■ " DuiHIIvn. lskliel Bfc.. A lr,i. Dr Vere. OaUH Duily, H.ii'.v tMony. UlUsii VAw, M*rloti pu.-rtr.; EstiPF. I.lssle FKwii. Ollii Kilwarils Kstuiy Fuller. Oloilti i>r»'ly. Mine. .plto.v JoHt-tlllll l^cr/Jrese Item, Dells l.nmtfll*. Mrs.K 1^'p, lt*»!tle jowaiule. . Mtiyiiie 1 velauil. 'I.plnh VOW. Mile. .Verc.. Canny losmi. Heleu hatlns. Mile. MetVilioiigb. , .;■ Htbsl lleltllte, - Mr..:. Ii. I), Mlteliell. -. .. rhutlolte Uarx, Msy. : ><il.«: ttmrllue '-lav. aarly tliew. OUru „..ln;*- Morru Motion, JeliPl: MoMtni UlllHiil. Matsflen. Mlllh BraHWiSoi "iii-h, it' :■■>■■ mi iii tjlrhell MDie.l'>i. HllnW. Liillmi Rlii'Mon, , t,or rells Simllierliiti'l. lOecll Ktcvsrt Mirste HtAL Mary pMrwm Dp — a iifiwrii. laJatrta .ttlHS't. Mnu.l KllllU'TlHIMl. , Mllirtl.' H le^iirt, | Matle Mst-iiminlx.'. Tbi Xlerflitii, I'iylm MoHlils. *n»o ..Asuw'r. MM rhr nohl"., Ilanrttl A w EBiWv Ilhielr, it. »• itonitittj. \v, i. Hh-Hiwle. Ham Mrmli'iirKreil 8. fflijaiiinj ofswie Kollbhlistipr. mhT, MM ..r. i Kowaril-itoss. litdtt. Miihkh'k llw>.W.IUaeli. Kit Mnikin-K I'eurl Mnnree. Wsltrr Mni'i*lr,B, V. C. Mirsli. N.< W. Maitk. Uvo.,- MiillilKKjJBlll JHM-PniaM Wnwils.- Arthur flirts 0.,l'-' Willi .'ii .!o .r ( I. Way, w.' iK Willie, Tan. Wills, Arthur WuMi. T. II. Witlrti, T. r. : Warn. J :W, White, rtti ■ .'ft KIMilt Wtiltwl'le. Jack WleHinsiili. *~ rmf..f. u'ninni. Lmte'i; While I kiwi 1". otitrl Bleaimr lit*— Mltcltell. c- Mm. a. T MOrltlOV.*, K'.i-f MsleOtn. .Ilcssle Msrt«lU:>.Hanlr SinE. Aiiie N ill I ii. Mile.: Nice. Kittle .NaU. J'lirlicr. Mrs.Jaa. 'UtiiriHlyko I.Hn. 'I'sJlir. Krtiin f unison. Msp Tmli'MM.-Wm. firtrr RiHiijt»t- yinr.riimp. lto"e Vealmie ft Ol;l Vnutriili Domlliy Vsimori', i.iihi Vetirt. Ham. Wlllx, I.oiilw WtHAIwitrti;. ■ , ' Kmllle WnnlDtle Jt. , Oo., nateila tt'lMlom, , ! • . t Oonitrttirn WomtN'tlntllerllw Wesleer.. MW«i WotU. JJ*»elte W rail ami* I. Ii'lore im-q Wi'.ml. Knnny WMtMrs; Jsi'k with- Ibillii it- Walker Nflle K. \\«UiW KJIh 11. Weaion rnuMos Wllsnn, May Ward. Carrfc Ibrhawv ujni 1lnne.Hi . Itle1inivn.l. 'MM IIh-hiIh, 'l'lM> itdO A Hllherl,,, v.—;—.. WtHHlw.rd.,,11 ' lli.tV. lUrvey Maun. Xlvl^e. Tc- Mrt:.*. .Wm.; II. IIUimw MAckcy &<t:ri>l,.llre»l-. ... \fir"l.. Mike Ifeldllw lt"L"ir.vlr siaMS, fml lM-UK.n.». Jki Slaraliall. Ittlnll, WalOT .-,■■ Hnrrr W.iflMiriileiti*>^l, I' MrKwra. K- » Hull™. ,»»/'{„ \t.»re. KiiariW r.|..k.«. Jack Jf McMaluni. Mr. Kl ar&VM M.vlni.i. K.IW.I. llMM.ll. KiI. Marsh, K. «'. si.wi.iim. iliu MeHaliwi. C.W. Snlley, Harw Murl.liy, T, II. Ifnlmiiei. Altral. Mid sA, . Jmi*«ls|i<.l«'rr, Kcauk Mcyilck. II. ll.lscliylrc.' Mr. M,..i0.ell.i. Al. | , (lll»h. 1(!'™> M Ii. iiiil.l Kddle ?l«". ►.d'!"' Mil). Mllh. Klrplinnti MaeAvoy, A. .1. M.-Il.lde jjfi Welromc Mack * Dint,. IUII JW Norton rrnf.Jue Nli?,HlH. trarlo • Nam.- A Adalni NrTmin. '-' (I. inn tei.o'v «". , " , . I ,",;■ MsMjopaawi ijurr. Zrirn, Violet Autlll.t, Altflbtt, Itoy Aiitllil Harry »■ Audio,.. Afll f- m£ AuiTre, Vleter Ackerinun Kudle Arnold. Jack Alio, IWiekt Altam, Hrte.t, A|M. ' I'liA Altrrlopn Trian lietem, 1' AcJlltt. Ureut ■nana- hie, been draw-. union. v... . . ■/■.. , , „i,rV_^T!lc I.vceum Stock Co. Iihh lieen draw- ituuntnX'*, Coney I«lrtnd.-lllll week &■ S^^2S&1. -J. Cahn.of.New Vpr.k, Jf 27:. BMBerer.AI««ltal...Tr)o, Bandy : and "^ oll „ 8 palsied .T. II, Hlcwnrt in the Ijan- Vll.ou, l.'olll'eAlvlnos, KlekO and I'ravoll, SL™* Jf the l'-trk ,'theatye, : rclurncd;to "* "napasTo/* * ^y.ulllng*s haraeH,- Melrose'.'i'roupe.. Archer's nill>lno (jlds,' rjivlne and'I-eonard, John ami Beitha Illch, Rtfsh miffimt, the Lu- .Kilns. Duhlado's sheen, Jean Ardcllc and her Inky HlnkH, «n<V Cherry and Bntes. ■ ■ .—-» ♦ ■» — — . MH'HJf. * !M. Itetrolla—At the Detroit Opera. House. (B. C.Wiittney, manager) the rejntlar sea- •■on ofiened Auff, 3U, with • "I'lff 1 Full Tout! PR' "C'a»talu-Oaretesa M -iHept. 3. , tinxm ■ (K. D- Sttalr, manaf;er).^-r"My Wife's I-'anilly" ontertalned fair slzed.liounes 111-J3. KrAst llouan, In "Uufua ttastus," LAfA.BiTt. Thijaj'he (Dr,. Campbell,' rnan: >*wr).—rXlio Brandon Stock Ufci In "A, MP dier-of the Km'nlre.** drew well 10-U3. 'lhc hame vtrnpugi in "Northern Lights," 20. -Viimusv (li.D. Stali'i ,nmnuger).r-"Hc^ el-el Service ft.-tiu" pleased packed hotiseB 10- -"■■ "Uncle Tom's Cnbln". 20,. ) ■ lt;.Mi'LK (J. if, Moore, miiniigpr^.-^I-ast, WfiBKi hilt was tmiiHually good, und crowded liuuHes ruled. Attract i..n« tor 21- Include Mury Duitoul uiid coinnunv, Hahel .loiinson, '.Hthcrlrte Mayes, Hum i-141 tun; . Lew. smiy. FlUUl ('. yoimB, Cutbleen .De Vole, Her- btrta dogs, <OHvette Troubadours, Marccna, ^evaro,llnd Marucoa,. and lhc kluotQitrapli- Avkndh IDnW'4 Campbell, .iia'migcr«).— I he Cutfy Blossoms Bitiles',itcin presented a lirutClass finteituiomerjt,' to: giwd attend- aai-e. The -Dreamland Burlesniiera 20. i'hystat, (J, ,J.. Nash, manager).—Last "nek's bill made a Ml, and Ihe.attendance wis. ..up to the standard. .Attraction* lor week of 27 Include: The Bradys, I'tohIc and Limine Beverly, Marckley, Anna'Share, An- fcon Xclilerhart, and thft klnodrome. IIavkty iliiu-rv II. Hedges, manager).— lae (Jay .Maatiueradcra will be the opening attraction M.> ■ ; . KitKcraic Ruffe (L'oula MyN, mauager).— * jnilore'a Bau'd" drew large crowds 10-25. IIIvcIh's imperial Italian liiind 20. -.■:! m .*^r—~*—:—" - ».rnml ' iift'iiirin. — The New Powers IHftrTjr 0. SnniDii'i-s &. Co., managers) opens >h" beason Hang i;i, with Lillian Itusacll, In i Mlllione.", . „ .k "Unrler to [sir Ww'vbrt.iS™ He'-irno^TnioailnK-Ihe -D,"vld llarum" Co. Mr Slcwart wSl Ce .the sole -manager of the Tnrk Theatre for 1 tho re- m K e E l 0 lJoSrrHte„krtt.k..;tbemnn'- aeemen of. thctirwd Sept. ,1. u»J"» •'■ llirnt'd from ll huolnpss trip to Now York, in™annotlilt-es the regular openlnr for Labor Tin* It In the Intent on to oirep.wltti a Seville blu" 0 wltb the K,,,r 1$*^™ an headline™. A.'J. Small, of Toronto, wna In the city 21). Skfnnef^^^^E^ Coming 1 nerformuneea. vrm, XZ3Tm£SirEuL Sklea" 2J-2S, 1''Way ^wiiJJast^d-J^al "'Under Southern ,. Kast'' i!U-3Vi Ciil- aln»tiela 31-Sei.t. hane,' * "'eaton ••^^•"ffi'voVun^r orgflar bn,;- bill club played, two gamea of ball. 20, -'• with a local, team, wlnnlas be llr.t one 14." and ohub tho aecond. .l.l-l. 'h'"' "J llV'nrst"defeat ithat the club has au»a nod I ice eniorlng IheMarlllne I'rovlncc circuit. Judic Anillln; lif UQlarlo, and WM.^T. W.'ATgfn :«"e B latter the mother of. and bo ' ■ 116 brother of Minaret. Autrlln. iNltlnit frlonda at their old tonic liere. Miss l" «'. llalrd leftKTfoIr New York to resome her theatrical work. former were v ir." Aug. 2:i-2r., played to fait omloa: "Joluwy Aviso" 2U-2I), 01011^/. lltl-Sent ,t. . ■ Oarburn'B MIlllnnB. , mjkufli: lUrin Htalr. manager) I".' Norlh Slar," " Patranan. i',,i„..„ »lj V'"fe'« Ifumlly'i. St|-Se|i_ ,- '.isa.vp OfnitA, uuiisk tCbilfchlll * Uarls. iaaiingers).—Vhildevllle altractlona for week "(_,Aiis. 2U Imliido: .tico, A. neapcHell- ■'wire IIi-.ik.. .Ii-imiic Ilfooka, Clark and West- I"!. iiiiiIAIIoii Jtuborlaon.. ... . ,.■ U.iMosA Hxiit liclcmiitcr, muoager.t.-rAt- * w'eelt of 20 are: Cnron and Her- 5 B. ; Itlmnnd and »'■ U«»d, and the klno- d 'Bubu (Nsah * Burrows,. Rrop'letjirs).— and moving picture..^- cSutarai. ar»< "'«"«*' vim.IMA, KurfolK^— At the Academy. "I Music (UKo Weils,: logs! manuger) the regular sM- sun .«|»encd.' Ahg. ; 2i>, ; , with' "The ompty Fair" ai the attfactlon. ."VIoletle" foliawn 2tl, Tim Murphy Ut), "The Sultan of Sulu" ai-Kept. 1. ' .i ■• ■ - OctwN. View , Qsjtm (Otto Wells, local nDMRrje — Ilaverly s Mastodon Mlnntrrtls opened at llils resort Aug. 2(t, fp..onc"i)f tile lurgoKl houses of-tbe. season. * VuildevUle will hold (be boords *•»' weeH uf 27, w|th the following; people : Wrludammtr. Carimell at)d Held,'. Jacobs' -inurvelous ,dogs, Morris sad Morris. thivTIiree Conts, ; and' llok'Ombc, Cur- tis and comuany. . . . • Achh (WiUnrHon & Maoalt. mansgera).— This house', opens 27. wttb the follnwlug Keople: Kdoa .May Hehaar.. MelltfUmnt, essle' Ilosfniond, Mamlo Dinrtian,: Kdna ; Ben- nett. Not-a i-'lt/gci'u)it ami Kdltli UtiqiieHue., hi.ii.i' {-Abb. Hmttli, manager). — People booked for .week of 2|. lipid over for week of 27. BiifilnesH 1h kooiI. , . - Mamiatcan u'riiinisn Broa., .mapaMrsV- —reeple who play llils Iujuhc week of 27: May LemiielB. Eminn.WaUa^o, the Maddcrns. War- Iluivey, Arthur Larie. .F|ureuco «ml Tarker, and 'Klalu Fay. BuhIdch Ih "ood.. After H thoroughly, successful season of fifty- two weeks ibe Madderns close at this house Sept* 1. Flirenco and Parker close on the xrime dnte. Both tenuis will g« direct'to the I'atfijlc coast, , ■: , . .AtitUToniu'M iJ. M, Barton, manager).— IlllHlliesH at (ills ltnii.,i! .-DiillQiWrt %'«(:>■■ Hallo-. fiiclory. There wilt be no chauge lu the bill for week of 27. "...... . n mm 'fl'iWKWMi;, ■Wll,' foil I 1 A hkj. Km fister, Ji>' IliintH, AtlhurW Beruh«tat fi j B ; ,,1'ote.i wiiii Nut all iSMi.ii w; a.* t'UllllllD I K Dull ViMiik Cok'Uinn, J. SuMUi Bob Otishlhi. H, ur«fii. iiobt. plllon, John l).i>K W. II. „ |h)PJ|ofan JriHB DallUli. 1- A- ifurrow. Win. CiilaJMjttii, •I"lin Cdrier, l^rslik filthier. UVaah Mii'-u. Mr. & .Mrs.JiHm T tailwell. A. A. •SfWnr. -Frank Clllo.. .Juhii "Hivlf In Olil v vjwlnls",t>i ■ llCllv, (lW». fnar, i "!■■ i ;,'i Rex kmy. Will ell, I'Mw-ir I>, Oisleliw, ■; , Tony infix,, l-'red Vl'.'.'l. (HlUH. SiilHlK, i'lin«. iciiiio, . Mr. I H-AKu m.Kii. IrtUUi, Si. Li l>:r l.tslr, J. O. Iwohwrti Utfl II. Ifmllcv. *1<1>. lioiHiwtiii 'ton liiill Mr- I>(lU(jlllHt. WlHi ItawHuii. Hi ii NHlti. I'rof. thjinitettu. Lnrtt putHon, Wj A. Fmiitiiii. llAb inn ft C«i., Nnt grrculeati <lonkn;r ii. ^IlllltOll, JlU'B -Iiihi-.. II. A.- <tnmem Mr.lWIl 1. Aiiliurii Whi nihil, Will., itfau, A. n. .iniltli. i'-. F- Siilsiitiiu JSe»h Mlm>ni, I ^n iMur, .Itiirrj' A., Hniiiii IliirdeuB Helby. Arlhur Mivnifr. Al. Wfafrltd lh Bplbj-. Arthur mem. '■■ H|)Hiil<llU|[ A l)ii|irei (OWl ./Tilii _ vfiya, ,n. c, . W«illlmhi. J:'K Weat. wslMin tt'ulU J.,fc. Wlilah, Muttrlw Wtlltlllllrt. s'HI- n*-m> J oil uay Well". Tidtr UIIIIuiih \Vmlllii. Mr. WIImoii. Wall wVttk.: J. A Oils Wlilttilkvr. I'ref. Hsih Wilier A ils'r Wmv.' Mtowr WsM. -Hitfi'v , Wlaslow. attt, Well*.. WsItW Werner. J.-\A- Wi*Mm. Kodr willimiiHi.ii iJ, J Wllllniii". Arlli. W.mmIh. FruuVI'. waiH.ui. vmnV wiasdier- ' rriunil'u jhlUOVSQ -In-*.U rjiiriliiK I'wf.t-' , ' lllllH Mfiiiphu. .\i ||o|>klna'.Kast Mod. Park (A. ll. Morrison, mansger) iMislness was good, week of Aug, iU, wtUi uo. uitructtve pru- gramme^'wJiH'h Included: The UluaUI«s. Mr. nnd Mrs. Water house, Avon f'ohipdy. Pour, Pajfrev and lloeAcr, and Hie kluodropic. Kr- llnger's Bund played on-the- lawn-uftor tho performance. Bentrlce Fisher llrllngcr. Solo- 1st. wus, cnthtislastlcslly Mpplailded. FAiuYi.ANiiP'Anv (K.- F. HlDBlelun. mnna- ccri.—"AtBaebctoWa llomanee, . week of 1». drew well Adelaide Warren, n(Ler u norere illness, bait return"! to tlicleading role*, sou the: pretfeoitttlona In g'em'ral give satisfac- tion. "Uiora Thorne" *J0. . ' Muni' <itrtij. .M. SlHlnhack, uwnagei).-- This tlicntre will open. Its regular-season 2«. with "A Mad l-ovc/' with l*yda Powell and it MrtiDg voiniMny.. Ball Ulltt'H'HI, Itnllry .1. HaVeni-Frank M Itatwney Ir, Dawnin, l«bj|i fi-lillii I'ref J .T. Pjitplre Cms.. * KiiiorMiii Wnlt«V FhiH>ndqrf W.C. |<lKimer, Fr«I Karl & Wilson KvitpU. llniry Kliimrc. D«ir«u Itark-M Arthur ICik-tt. Prnuk Krwoml, IL. J- I'm r«Il. I'llff ud blogiuph. Ji'uillbha for ... llenulugi, ,.., Lewis, flBd llIanDlngs. ,.Jm,: - Macdonsld, MetrowpUthn *Crlo, Polb-Kpi- i ii* and Carmen Sisters, and Wells and ^llS. ,. -J - : ,::■ , ■JODFHox's Pavilion. (Chna. Godfroy, noan- ««er).—Attractlpoa' for .week of,2B.: Chat- "Qm aisters, Billy Cumby. .Etigcae, licury, «,»>■ il"fv, MOotnmdo and- Copetand, and Horence Plercd;. . :;'L Knlnniaaion.—At ,thc Bijou (P. J. Cox, nit.iin K cri .lttislije«B.;haB l>eeh jrood. despite tli" hut.wfalher. W. .8. Iji Contpt. Wootl- iuid .im] Uurlburo, llowisou aud Whlutler, itupulile. -At Staub'a Thnalre, (I'rlU Htatibi nianagerl the Jewell Kelly Htock M'o, opened tile season at llils house Aug,' 20, to immense business, The plnys for the week »rc: "The Hates of : Justice." *>The Mttle Mollior." "Jesse JameH." "Whole Htmni Farnllv," Tracy, the Oullaw.:"-.. "Ni>bpdya_ mild, 1 ' "Iceliihder" snd "New lork by llirlit ' Comlhg: Goodwin-Davis Co. Aug. '•THept 1. NMI Burneaa, In'Tlie Cblfnty Fair '* Aug, - ^t>, iMnnslleld Stock Vu. Bt*lit. SSlTAI Ffeld'M Mlnslrelsr7.. \ <- •• ■ •.". CrkAMnn I'XSJt thhatiik (V. i>. i^ruehi; umurtgar).—Thbi Is t|ie ,slxteent1i wwh with, ggg the reruchl41ypzeae.Ce., kud builue*-. ns u .-',.* rule is good.. The.plays for this week .are: - p —,._^Tne j*j»»r ^";' u -t hu^nM-iuisflee "Tlw Strikers and "An.ifiolaji outlaw. Kor'lMlWV« k v, °*t*V2&MX#; • licea appbltiied treasurer ot Htaub'ii Theatre, — •WAJMIBili'r'OI^ -piV-^The' Wylnr Co., 1? .inn .*?«■_ ™ *:."'" !>..„„ t,. itlfhps. Burscii Burton &Durt')ii Boklil, It'ivmcMitl HpWr, ■■ P. Bailey ollvotl). nsriiea, 1 Maurice Barrett, Tom Boyle, I'raniiH BlfmliSffi<')'"« -c Bi.verle<. Fl-snk Bvrne, J. II- W Breckeiirl il«s, Onss. Dulls, I'r.'J Ilrsn AHmiiiIIU'N it K rkley. v. V noilwlck. K. H iiiitcs. ff. M. lll'(.li'|tH-li!, Prank Brosxiia. Paul It Brurkway Frank Hrmiy Win. A. Bsrtvtt Harry, Biimn, KltltTno Harry A WvolCord Beck, K. Harry. Daw ■ ■ Beverly, Pr.iuk Ilelfonl, Al. «. ,' ""^ nroMiie V. L. IFpi-kusoii. I>ks ■ Hiock- Co>. Frrtlb, P.-Hans uonheur Bros? |ivrr#. Will 11. lhiwct- A ■ iFantus, Jsues Ourtlss W'**"' '"JV" m BHfretU J<* " J-nUwotHl ,°UtT HwwMe-r U. C. Freer, AMn BrLlikr. ft. ll. Prlel. Frai* Behiiont. Chas. HtJ«her._Oo. Burdeit Broa. Plshi Uliplow Frankll BoH'ern ft Cnrllsn llfiwu, Clark I' Itf-Anus. Tliu ittiii-h. J; A. IVlUff A McBrlde I'diitts. John I-' CsrllHle,.. fn.f . R. 0. fmin. it, K. Outlier, K«l.- (Uatke. Uarrr. Olark, 0«o. H. Cbittiwoy.J.W, run* nfer. nr. Uw D. (ilnrli, wai. it. OiiiwAy. o. ii. CMificr PrM \\ ammi, J. Uf- Croucher, W. V. Va))- A Hail -■ Ciiu»», >'r«r)k fWark, Jsa. H. QaMal. l?'rs«k ■5pftfe V.K Carriyk, Tbe {j.-lHl-lllllI, I Iliiyea,. Jiuies I ilaiftlit A ■ ' [T . I»eaii lulines Hilrtou ihm-iiu. ciias. I illiiikl, MriillK. lllftRlim, J. <► nafaah ww.-ii iinti'iiijii'ii Jaa. llnlnie-H. Jtuk llinvklni. ■i W. Hisidey Mmta llrus. I nl I until KHUN lldirlfli-ii. !«■ P ltciii. Wlllw fsrr«y. Brrl j|«le'Wslisr M Harris llsrry A Ma.lckm, W.; P. ItHllelt J.I/ohIh llulc'a Wl* I ' ''lH'H Hiilrv. fii'ltni iiiiiullloi. il«rl>t lluw , .1 (lee. K. 'I(tlbi)wh>iy. ii- Uiillium, n I in:-. I'', i* JoWithl. KSin llouao, freil ttj llsrdar, Wm. II jimneii, iwoma Illi-Ury, ''■!! llerl-ert. ■ . Harry M. ifc.M.iiti; llsrry llnrniT, JlMI linn*. "' F> Hubiirii. T. n. IMrtiert/ w. omer llliHI. l»l" Marland * , ,. . )|olll«nH Harrises, H""/ «MMRMV| N. 'I- ii.ii Alts-rl tkirlb. Muk - llfiiiluwuy II. A. lloglin. J'Sltl J. MarrliiKlon UK liiv tun, Frr«l ■Ii'ihih, )■:. 0. .tlOMH. Joll" Vu ttnti\*K* WHfnl Jouc*, Curt Jachiioii, Mori. John S. JniHia, Irvlm Jaob Mr. * Mrs Jtia. Ti NIcIiuIk; C. W. Null. ltd., ft, Nul'in- M,iiaU'al xFtiHiis.' w«. , NrtUiiianii- Ih'ii.J Nt'Uini Ulflbi 4 1 " is'tfYoriiifi*'* rt MAi QK" rrtariii'H ■■«*.,* wrBit iiiiitr n Wek'll. J* w.iriiir.-. jlaiiiii nain.w trie Hnta, I'.. Ju..., 'I- lia>h«ii iiarrt K»i>. Joll.* Misftiiiint, i. .—At t'.is ilran.1 tliwrnllgUM Ii, Mnnagarsl Hi'*'*"/*L K ?2 lit. An*: .211.: Willi IVSMM Iniwiaural aurMlnn..' r Arl- k» ,..n. Dllr.- lHnil.,,11 A , hi Hllrlrlsk ntallt .v.--.i-. Ilie Mank". as Ilia Iniuwural »|trai.llOd.. ronii" will follow. ., .... u ., ,/,..» 1 1,. iiiu,iJ,i,i'bii»;I1uii»!» IS W-JpnUJI iiiunnitvr).- "™»li.liB of a Wife ntiw S3 lii.iiBim last ■ work, In sgM of »»*■*»; irenie lu.l weallier., 'I'llls week 'J'"°*' HoallH" • will |ik, H» annual engagement. Seal week.''"''lie Kye WllnOMa. ■.- ...?■.. tini'MKiiM tAUrlfn, lick, ueneral njaua r r -^•Tlio will olien Mii|il. ^. Willi a tine Hal of viiiitlevllle.lawklnga.. • .. .-.„„:..„ tnwu-n TliBMaB (lucupli, It. IW oe«j i. in.nagecl will effl Muoitoy matinee, A|lg. -». wlll.'fl.nlln.wrlallhirlo.jlfert, ; UaMtllKI Tliniiali will ouiin Mum. :.,iH«^«™'Wr B s.| ! |»on. riM, agcr). -'Hi" noaiBMi will open Hepl. I, wit" ,ff ±S3ViST*iKA, ltB -Wood^warriWi meut Pp.. niuoagerst.-'llie «•*»". */ l * R" orianUedl, who w prese... e AH ? r «f FHcndshlp ' as Hut no MiltiUMUT TllHATlti.. iirfii. proilurtlon. Waller Huiiford will of this house. The bo .the local, .tnaiiaac. ... .,.. : . - work Is iH'Irttt rap dly pushad. and Hi i» m 3d that' th'e mit 'will be In rcadlnow by fhAii ran- PaIik (Hani Henjaraln, n.naBi,#*r|. —H..rrei»|ilo.and,thfl KamlH m**LP* mm to ha llio-|w|Hitar drawing nrtt, IPOJtWjfJ from Mft.fV.rn from ■'MephlHlopheles wer»* tlmiwn Ml Uff,i».Uw«i''^»J,7 l ,; inii-U", I». 'IM. . y,r .™"?-.{ , liBffii!i? i ' week Included:' lsM"kit,M«H ju((nn,'W'/n Ulc dancers: l.llllan Hort-y H*B, H ''^' l.loyd, an Ausinillan singer, and he i.-tn'tP Urothers, violinist*. The eruption of Ml. Mm wiitt n nliiliili ffuturi'. Urt werk l*rige ! s HiiiMl. will. Maud- IUhJ. ml a*mdolsti.seored.-a UK.. On ticJawu lUt IS" wew: Poutilil^ ItaU and llm, lit e* oerl Vvcle act: ttperll oil the lapeze. la Old TedcllVtirg the ads wersc U Verr. Mars, ilcu lu n pleating dmiclug.act; Will Kheri Hrisiks In songs. Chart, Frilpun, Jim- I'riliee. II. II. ITBIK-I* elMI. <■' rif-L.' <;. i-'.m Perrell, frwl P.iwler, Krcil U Vrtvw Ursa. Vent. Harry H. I'iihIit. I<ml.« I'llKlMixli. I'rftftnt Piinibani I.H1 V, (illiler, CJim, tirsiv, Billy OrlfBttt, John norfasia, Ji A. Oregorjr, 0- J* i.oorUrlHi.l. . Osrnr h [lanlner, hiv* iWrtmut, Hurry (lw«dniiiii. H, ■ J Uruviiu, I... L. uresi .Jlii*r.i 'JmlittLU, rtolilhi. day* C. U.' f.ruliba, Hr.K.B (Jouluc, W. J. Klui, Kalr*. Brim. Ketnlsl, I-'" Konat, ImuIb .|nv. Hurt I<. {fmiettc, P. Crrniawi llsrry Keuiplcr J.i^iii Kebo, Jpiimle KnTUiiatiitli W.ll " 'nlxlil Alfi'«li; Arlli.T. II-.Tar OAUKOltiMA. I,IiihI.-7. Will M. U'llllM'lH, Juliil 1*11111 * r.ihmi leflell. Prank Im, -Veen. Ham l.aWrence Wnlt. liuwr*)!<.■»(, Al. Faiilteane, Marry LsiK-H Krvrnnl IjitiHlu, (i.fll. Iifoiilianl.' • - : ..Ji Protii'ts I'm'!' t'. A, XI. loiter. Df.. J l-.H)it, Dr. J, V, l-t>CJ-iilU«'.-. I'ri-it MlClfT A I.Mdl-r Laue. Leopold Otafclauul.—At,thr Mt"*'4*'l»«,' , *i^- ul j V & ford Ht.M'k i'o., In."P«»r ller ('l.lhT^u h rh.»e . bud .'AceJInot jMnOW week ending A MM. ,IP, The shuip r.impatiy. In 'TTha I owerof Truflt, SIMM "New York. Hay. I»y Hay' foH«a«(.. MMKUTr.—Hlshop's ipnipapy ii hl»*ye'lJ^j, 1 ** nw lit, "Ulrone-Olrofls" iscrona week), •J»av, Jreyf narked .houiWH.,-, I-. . ■ .' "v. . Bm.t. — Keatiirea , 27, anil week : I.jniti,, Kallnowakl. Ufa*.. Billli«.rland, llurlln. llotliwell Brown's Oaloty <llrl«, Hie hiograiili, _■ •-.,-■ --\~ .1" Novm/rr.—Aliroellona 27 »'«l,"« ,k i : ,„ A '' arnl.l'rank tlraliato, ni«J* msiistjr of ttt Libert/, ligvc lotmoea' l,aellyjn ; "r|ie l.ltilr Mln Her" -wjfk -ewjljig 111, The >ni TOtniuiiii'.lii "A »HI» «»»» I'lijl,': 211-211. "The I|Hy tlM> I'rlW'. ti..! In 2ul Jreyf is, lili*' ■ud, url lrl>, anil ger OUc-Kofk-