The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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74$ THE -NEW YOEK CBIPPEB. 'September 1, '"'Hi'/ Gc M T WHimiTIS IVE>W. Vnu may h»*» aalectad your ionui for this Bcaaon. bot one might go wrong, therefore be prepared 1 with "CU it I. v."— You probably, know Juat enough nbont this song to have realized that It la tola* be a blf hit. We hevrjttat opened a New York office for tin. benefit of our profeaalonal frlenda, and we want yon to rail If convenient. >'not,write. _ Of con/ae^whenwrHlng.aend neceaiary progrej to __ if >im«r« ankuawii l<> ui, "BOB** ADAMB I* oar prefeaalonal manager. And will ««• that you are well taken care of, whether in peraon or by mall. Lota of new tonga BECAUSE yoijH ll.titi in CfJRLV*'looke Ilka onr big hit. ■ ? *, .. ' ag, sead neceiiary proneiS to select from though "N017 59 Dearborn St., CHICAGO. ILL. VICTOR KREMER CO. 1431 Broadway, NEW YORK, N. Y. ? On SEPT. 1,1906, the firm of PITEOT & GIRARD will dissolve partnership. The address of each up to October 1, 1906, will be ROOMS 716-717 BROWNING-KING BUILDING, 1265 BROAD- WAT, NEW YORK CITY. AH Contracit made wild the firm tn date hold Rood. Artlaia wrio have left PhotographflwUfhoerapha aDctPrennMatirr Itioar''aresliould vail ruraamebefore Out. 1. itn Oct. 1 all ontatendlnjr commit- •loot will bu placed in lite hand* of a Collector. RICHARD PITKOT. NEW YORK CITY, Aug. 2U> 1W0 ROBERT D. GIRARD. W ANTED jfjw PICTURE MACHINE OPERATOR. Competent Man to run Maolilno And make lilmnclf. uacful around'Theatre. Prefer one who can a|ao do sign painting. Addresn quick, j, JUJJB DIXMAR, Care of B. I-'. Keith, Office, HI. Jamea Building , New York . CRESCENT COMEDY CO. vVAHTTS CfeUXOK, HEAVY MAN, DIRECTOR. BOOKING. Good booking. is what you want, and good booking is hard for any at- traction manager to get at this time of the season. It is to your advant- age to c me to us for hurry dates, because house managers make it a rule, to send their open time to is whenever there is a cancellation, knowing that we are the. largest of the independent agencies, and most apt to have something to fill in. That is only one of many reasons why you ought to know about our facilities before going elsewhere. Wiiie today. ED. F. ADAMS & CO., 127 West 40th Street, New York. (Engagement Dept. also). < WANTED, *~1 miit'iH write. Join on wire, ■Msl ". A. BERGMAN, RtiRnvllle, Ind, -WANTED QT7XOK Miihi he ■(rood,' Other* write Long, mire neuaoD. . ™ ™ . ■ ■ ,! ...'.■ . UllApY STTJOK CO., Kent Ohio. 1». 0. IIARTMAN. GOWNS FOR THE STAGE AND STREET. Wehavatin nahdalirseniiHorlnieiit of nlJttiiMy Uficd F.VRNINO 410WNH,l>INNEIt, KE0EPT1ON and Twfc UOWNK. MhosH UiiwiiK lire perfect lit-every respect, of Uralatost Mjrlaa. and art mpeclHiiy MUlttiblu for wuiir in IIIkI) V\n*n DfaniMlo I'roduotloiiR. WwhIho haven full Hoe or 8KAL', MfUKKKl,, MINK f KKMlAN LAMu UOATK and t'l'its of all kinds, which we beg v»n to kindly eall and lutipcct. ryirvie. Telephone, <M8 atnill.on a^nnru.. DOKTOR, 4H1 tltu AVE., OltV. SHIELDS FEATURE DAMSEL DIAMOND DRESS New feature A«'N: Will o' the Wisp, Radium Dance, 4 Seasons, elt\ These alrone: ftmiur. sola .re money tuskers. M llrllllnul Pointed Herp. Cloak Slides, $10; ill for »«. For 1'onlug: white.Velvet Cloak, Milk llrcsi silver i.Hi'*. :■" Rich Col'd HHde*. for rir,. Serpentine Hllk Dress, l.u JOKtlhu things to draw. OailiurdBraalllipoil lint. PROP. HIIIBI.DS, luro B'dw.y, N. V. qulot; bargalna. ••auvsuras 0OWLII8 TRIO," noybltt aerial gymnasts, pe&tobwo LITTLE MARCHIARITE," Tin with C.ntury Wonder. »5,000 FOR HXR EQUAL. IA.0OO Hooked solid with llu. WuMlorn Mgrs. Ana. Permanent Address, caro CLIPPER WESTERN OKFIUK, SOI ABlllan.l Wont, 0hlc«r, o, [II. WANTED QUICK, Jack Mien's Hinstreisl IMITATOR V Of lilt-da, uciniAiK, and mechanical aoundfi. ) A tliree-yeu r uoKttjremeot to the rl«iit purlieu. I Hiiite i.Ke, tmlary, aod full pnnu-uiarH ludrai f letter. Pholdb returned. Slleuce a polite I ncKaiivu. AddreHa the l.VMAN II. 1IUWG . afOVIHO PICTUHE Co., l»7; South River St. I Wllki-K■ Uurrv, Pa. INTERSTATE AMUSE MENT co. OWNERS AND OPERATORS OP THE 8EVEN NEW (VAUDEVILLE) M AJESTIC THEATRE ^ •IN' Birmingham, Ala.; Little Rock, Ark.; Dallas, Tex. Houston, Tex.; Fort Worth, Tex.; 8an Antonio, Tex.; Bhreveport, La. WILLIAM DILLON CO., Good Rajertolre Aclor, Uo, ; l 1 S8,J J iu. en " e " Vaudenllli Ads, Pianist, »iS« Union, Carpenter, ,ffi W. A. DILLON. O.n.v., N. V. P. B.-Wou d llkn to lio.r ttum Will lleaWn. .11 EdTY, 0L)VE MAY HARRIS, Gomel Soloist. Up In band. Oroheatra work. Solo work a specialty. Only first elatm leHponmble purlieu anawor. innn AVBNVB A. New York. TWO I KUMllOMCH i 1IIAI' UKURIHBll, with Vi;i[in 1TONK PitA VBH« He mire Htate Halary, _ _ JACK ALLBN, Dlnghamton, inathimeiit; UAR1TOH STKINU BASH, that doulilcfl any Pay own. KelieanialH now on. "aw York* WWTMI) ftU1CK, for the COUNTRY JAY, Oliaraoter Man (Mlfer lloavj), Ohatuicr WODta (M« MOM), suite luwou auclall. Ku«)olnou wlro. 1'ONltlvely no .muteum. AildreHH J, IIOWAUD BAvKAS, Mfr., ■ u» r rpllton,o.. »: Urloliavlllf, u.,»l; cambrl(Ho,0.,atint.>: Coaliootons. NUTI1INU HVCCKKUB l.IKH IfVCCBSB. LE MAIRE I^E MAIRE p«..nt "THE HEBREW GONDUCTOR." »rP««kB. rt . E Wbo inaimgod Imperial VilinlovllUi Uo,. will learn or lucrative ttMnlM. AittleH «>r «0 on M-HRAI., WHg. l'Hti Hi. v P linarti\ltdilr., hU "BILLIE KENT," AT MHKIM'V AI. lilt SI II'I', 1, 'Oil. Now Willi IIK0. KAWOKrrSTOi'K, MllllicaliolH. Tile orllllMl "SPIKK" MiNKIL. Willi KLFIK I'AV'H "UKI.I.r. Ill-' AVKNUM A." Blimllillami DanolnB. Juvonlto ('oincilliiii, Tor. add.. MlflTHOPOl.l'I'Aa) IWTKI.. M. I'aill. Hlllll. LADIES' ORCHESTRA, Itonlillim (Nil lwiiul.»lilii«;», WjahM «ll|»i|C- mintimmoditteir. Addnw Mauikk. iikih.ii, »T Oxforil HI roc}, flilladiilplile, n. » o is i*r e: «, -v AND ALL.THKA'flltUAI.UO0llB. Kc«uerj naluted clit'aulyand unlcviy. 'AmatourH Hiipiillcd. OlfAH. K. mUU, «J W. 41.1 Ht., Now York CltJ. WASTED QUICK. « B «»mffiS PICTl'HR UUTFIT.. Hlalo Ju.l what y..u liave. HOjOOF, ('. 0. L l'A.._MIU._W.; .FAVI-rlTK FICTI'HR OUTFIT., Hlalo Juat what have. HOjOOF, I'. 0.. l'A„ »Utl. M; FAVI U ITV. HI. | ilHDAVMlBB AND l.l:i:» CH AS. OAN Tot •'JintC'VIHWr TBAINr. WIRE U. 'X. VAN, UAVEK0TKAW, K. V. WNITEHOUSE WANTED, LEADIN6 MAN AND WOMAN, COMEDIAN, STR0N6 SPECIALTIES; :,■„.'. lifllKK UBKFVL TEOFLK, IVRITIt OK WIRK. BASS AND TUBA, DARITONF, Double Violin; CLARIONET, CORNET FOR BAND and ORCHESTRA. Addrow USOAR K. COOK. 0. IL.tllilo. 4, AT IT AGAIN." HOLLtUD HOTEL, SIMBB LAKE MBK, WII1TK PLAINS. N. Y. run Stags ^Lwieo^ weekly _(_.!]_ yew artiuml Want to lie»r f rum el h, at uiieo. Uaumrn. Moimluaue Hot xttiir," vttftoty wtr.tim- _ ikiu* ArlTttfji, Sliiiterri, Fflimlo liiiiHiri-uiitKorii, WrentliTti o-ln A). MAY, r ■■II in if iiii|"ii miiiiiiim □, 11 ii:min n, nu m ■. mill, furmeriv Vlt\\ Ht. aatl 4lli Ave.. N. V., and Itvoll, New liruiifiwtok, N. J. WANTED, PEOPLE IN ALL LIKES BFHEB. HiiblNKSS. Flaunt, Novdij had, b. r. Oomodlan, H. and II. man preferred. Fertuauiui posllloti. I'eopie in all imei, wrlie. Add'ma UK ALVKBKZ, JIIDlata, Noll. in (a> ^a »ii " WANTED AT OHOE, Versatile Performers for Medicine Co. SIokIob and Uanolnit Sketolt Team. Alio come dl:in. aatur. uo lltult If you are worth It. Tlckela X Mown, nil F. M. sTisKit, KlUKiiuiiil, w. Va. FOR SALE Jilt. Top. 40ft. Mlildle 10ft. Hide W.lla. N..18,10 Tl.r High. Two w. .r Band i , .imoal n.wi Drani,,.. J. K. EDWARDI, :: :■' uaro of OLIPPKR onioe. WAN1ED, TOM PEOPLE Who can Double Brupn or Cornet, Man for Tom Lady for Marie. Muat disn the parta. HuHtiinji Candy Hntchcr, Bona canvim Man who can handle Heutaaud IIkIiih, How* Uonller, trood CampCuok. Salary Aure. I.ontr neiaon Souili with 10 dIl-ihh for Winter b. (IILLMOK, Oivllle, O.Seut. l; Kremuut, U M pur uddroHs. WANTED, HEAVY MAN. Join on wire. Oilier people, write. Cllllf RAINttn'oHTII. Wlllier, Neli. WANTED QUICK, S. & D. COMEDIAN FOK MINSTREL END, LIVK HOUHRIttTK, Mil- Hltul fiti'k-ti Team (mau mid ivlfe). Lady for IIIih- trnted Hoogn. Novelty net. Notlvkcta. I pay all. If In town, CALL. HURT JUKL. aoa w.42d st.tnolmont'a Cafe), N.V. MAN WANTED FOR GENERAL BUSINESS Some Black face Parta. RD. BKl.LKVILLK, wire. Addreaa ARLINQTUN'S tOMKDlANS, . Camlirldgo, Nebraaka. BIDE SHOW KEN. TtintrraateatTttbior 1'iatforiii atrmciiuii on earth Is the 3-K jad OalapookB with 8X10 I'uliiUuu, Jib. LUliree. WM. RfHft.SO"J. a Van Norden hu, No. Cambridge, Mass. WANTED, ACTS 7 Of All Kinds To Send In Their Open Time. STRAIGHT WEEKS 7 Aodr... TWO 8HOW0 DAILY / E. F. CARRUT HER S, General Manager, Interstate Amusement Co. Booking Offloe • ■ ■ Ma)estlo Theatre *Bldg., Chicago. SUMMERS If OCK CO. WANTS-A VAUDEVILLE TEAM I'uiiiK HtroDgSlDglng ami Dancing Aet in one. Must i-hange for a week and play pans. A CHARACTER ACTOR T0 ^K iuE AlaJ A.% X>ZA.3WZtS^r a . Long engageniem. Htate lowext Hilary and all particulars in first letter. Will buy a set of "Carmen" "^nerj 1 - Address GBO. li. miMmkhk, Mgr. Summer's Park. Hamilton, ennui*, BsTTIS REPERTOIRE COMEDIAN will, gp.olalll.a, Rlrong Van<l.vlll. l>nl.■..■«. Olher ,>r»i.l.. wrll.. Adilr.H EDWIN li mini (TOOK CO., tllsy Cnlr., Ki. MARGUERITE BLAKE STOCK CO. The Hitl. i;etiturj Attraction jirenonllng, tlila imeiiualled repertoire, Vanity Fair, " ahlna, TM.lua, JI.«.i,i, llnd.r 1'wo Flail, Willi lloau or.N> Octuroon. Hauagcrs iI.-mi-Iiik tnw A 1 attraulloD, addreae \X bine w nAl.Dllil! b deilrlng t WANTED, , Lea MUer- ev.da, .nit hi iv \v a i.imnv Boom501, Knlckerhocker Bldg,, 1402 Broadwnr.N. V.CIlf. LEADIUGMAN, heavy MAN, COMEDIAN Wa.n-t«.d, for Btooh and R.portolru, FEATURE LEADING WOMAN; MUST HAVE KLROANT WARDROBE, ABILITY AND EXPERIENCE. MAN WITH MOVING PICTURE MACHINE; MUST HAVE THE VKRr BE8T FILMS AND BONOS. '-' ■" ~ ' A HEADLINER VAUDEVILLE ACT. Flit, weoHIIyoil are O.K. Addreaa WALTER ARMIN, LYOBUMTUBATRR;Bt,',lo»epll,Mo. __ IMPORTANT TO lVIAIMAGERS OP DHAMA, I'llKK. CU1HRDV Oh IIIIHI.BHt.IllC. It Toll can 111.00 TWO V.IWUI. people tliot can play charactor or Oomedr purt> to the liost of nadl'actloii. • MR. and MRS. EDWARD EVANS Ar. AT I.IHKItTT, will, an BNTIUBLV HEW 8PKCIALTV, .nlitlad, TUB *• p> o na/ k at or b> u m ." Why. «», we have anon, MASTER WALTER, 10 years old. who can ploy paMe'and a Jm meelaitr. 1'erniauentaddrem 1114 Tlllliu a\'|.!niik, N..vr V. ood slDKl art. IIII£M:H i.KIIMIMIIMHtJUMi ....... gADlH VBUDKK THK NEWLY MAHHIBO MAN . . . . . . . . '. max lllUulM BROOKS and VEDDER Anew team with | a new act. it. miii » of new Oomedy. singing and Dancing: Finish In one. Aug. in, Krtlbn, ridla.. fa.; Sept. a, Waalilngtou I'.rt, Bayimut, N. '.; sept. loV&oieh'., provldeme. \AT A1VTED, Singing and Dancig Comedian and Heavy Man ' 110HIIIJNO BRASS, other Repertoire People, write, slide Trorohono and oilier Musicians. • sobbv FouriTAiai, memnwa, N.D. WANTED, COMPLETE NO. 2 CO.. Including Band and Orchestra.