The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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September 1. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER 749 "IT'S GREAT." The whole company is whistling and humming it." Your coon song is making a great hit." Think it the best coon song written for many a day." The chorus and title sound gOdd to me" are some of the expressions of professional singers in their letters to us about our new coon shout. IT IS THE WARMEST THING THE SUMMER HAS PRODUCED. SEND FOR IT. BY THE BEAUTIFUL Oil OHIO MY BUCKEYE GIRL Our new llluatiated Buckeye Ballad, A floating melody, with waltz ehorui. Ilanduome Slide now ready. Ifln New York, nee illtlet at ALFKRD UAHNTJI Ac CO., No. i;ih K. 14th At* A catchy marVU time ■•iitlint'iital liallail that i« making mi liu'niiinii.iinil.H ivlmiover anng. Worril and melody holh himmI,--TUV IT (HIT. . PROFESSIONAL COPIES AND ORCHESTRATIONS. SEND PROGRAM. WO CARPS. ; MAR-LiOW FUBl^XS.HX.N'Gfrr €30. 9 Portsmouth, Ohio. B. F. KEITH'S THEATRES AND VAUDEVILLE BOOKINB CIRCUIT. Kelth'H Theatre ..... Keltli'a Bijou Theatro Keith's lueatre Keith's Theatre mmuiMi, «. ». ""i New Theatre Philadelphia, Pa. Boston, Mass. bijou Theatre Altoons, Fa. Bostoo, Mima. Shea's Theatre ltiifTuio, N. Y. ....Providence, It. I, Shea's Theatre Turouto, Can. .... I'awtucket, B. I. (\>ok Opera House llocheeter, N, Y. Keith's New Theatre Philadelphia, Pa. Temr.1* Theatre Detroit, Mich. Keith's Prospect Theatre Cleveland, O. S. Z. Poll's Theatre Worcester, Mass. Keith's Theatre Columbus, O. S. Z. Poll's Theatre Springfield, Mass. Keith's New Theatre Portland, Me. S. 'A. Poll's Theatre Hartford, Coun, Keith's New Theatre Manchester, N. II. S. Z. Poll'a Theatre New Haven, Conn. Keith's New Theatre Lowell, Mass. M. 95. Poll's Tbestre Bridgeport, riun Keith's Hoyal Princess Theatre. London, Eng. Keith A Proctor's Union Sq. Tbeotre.N. Y. City Keith & Proctor's 23u St. Theatre.. N. Y. City Keith* Proctor's fitb Ave. Theatre.N. Y. City Keith iProctor'B R8th St. Tbeatre..N. Y. City Keith ft Proctor's 125th St.Theatre.N. Y. Cltv Keith Sl Proetor'ft Theatre. .Jersey City, N. J. P F. Proctor's Theatre Newark, N. J. F. F. Proctor's '"hentre Troy, N. Y. V. F. Proctor's.Theatre Albany. N. Y. Ilnrrv Davis Orand Opera Hoitfle.PUtsbijrg, Pa irhnae's Theatre Washington, EG Kernnn's Marvland Theatre.. .Unltlmore. Md. Grand Tl nitre.... i Syracuse, N. Y. ' t ' Alao Boolcln* tor 20 Parka and fl«aahor« Reaorti* Pcrtormera will beaent themselves by keeping tkla offlea Inform** of their root* and open time. B. F. KEITH'S BOOKING OFFICES, St. James Building, 0. K. MOOOOON, Booking ManatfT, I, ■ . NII3 to nan Hi. James Building, NEW YOHK CITV. S, 95. PoII'b Theatre Waterbury, Conn, S. & Pull's Theatre Wllkes-Uarre, Pa. 8. Z. Poll's Theatre Bcrantoo, Pa, Colonial Theatre Lawrence. Mass. Empire Theatre Pateruon, N. J Empire Theatre Hotoken, N. J. Valentine Theatre Toledo O. Trent Theatre Trenton, N. J. Dennett's Theatre London, Ont, Dennett's Theatre Hamilton, Ont. Dennett's Theatre Ottawa, Ont. Dennett's Theatre Montreal, Que. Henderson's Music Unll Coney Island Celeron Theatre .....Jamestown, N. Y. IT LIBERTY, COM. SET. 3, TiGKLAT 1 BUNNELL, NOVELTY COMEDY MUSICAL EXPERTS, WILL PRESENT A NEW AND ORIGINAL COMEDY MUSICAL ACT. SPKCIAf, KEATU1IR MADDB HIU.HA1I CO. TPH weclt, Al(t. 2T, I'lTTBI'lEM). MA»B, WAISTMSEN FOR BENNIES BIG CO., REPERTOIRE Thoao doubling i>mia rIvoii preference PEOPLE IN ALL LINES. Loiiilinii Udv to feainrc, S. ami l».8lnler Team, MiiHlolani .Hooked Hoild tor !U weeks. iu.luan.l.Gree.. .toy, »fc tf«™" N H tE , €....» B.y. Wl.. \A/ A IM T E D ! SoilEMAir, GENERAL BUBIIfESS MEN. ACTORS IN ALL LINES. ALSO MUSICIANS, B. AND O. LEADERS. L.O\SKF?S tSAVSC STAMPS. l'lCHCl.'. B. DBMTON, Mgr. B.nttiia OMUMMH ■■■..,; ' All.<l»rt»,U.T.,WCcllorg7;l,HWIOII,O.T,,WCL.kol3. ACROBATS. you*S&. .'»; ; . o » ;l te. in Aa,t,..; iM , i ]o m 8hOT , < , Ro> „„ to v.., 8e p, t ;„„,r,l ia ,: M porro. l ,.. SATURDAY NIOHTBOPEN AT CHARLESTON THEATRE, CHARLESTON, ILLINOIS, Sept 13 ancl'M, Oct. u,H .nil ST. Nollilnd but popular ptodtfmaOOU ' __ T. o. aMAiwaaws, "«"■«•■•■ Actors' Society of America. Members ate reqnrated t« ootll/ tlic smrelary rtM!«>«»!»" SffilSoWSBS i-nMHInit N. U.-UANAIIKIIH will Hull II to tllolradmnluge tu coo»ull ™ "'^Vf., sifoinil, »e" H*i-i-ii in: i.mi mi:, it™. people. Heuri'tary, GOVERNAfOR'S MAMMOTH THEATRE ATLANTIC CUT, NEW JER8EY. . II. J. I.Altll i\, Pnprl.lar. WANTRD—all Hoi, „f roHluro At«. No ant WANTKD-Din Novolly AclB for All«. 13. 2» a" J "■ 8IO fkiiv, ■•■■|.r. ur ! r v",r , ?Vr"w , m° a "'- A iSiras!Sfii—■ REPERTOIRE PEOPLE WANTED, Ili-nvy Man, .luv^nlln Woman ■* -a*|j»t>li< of nlarlng tomt* hsavloM, irniirillmi wllli itronK apueliiHte*. .Iuvmjii.. Mat> In ulna illu»ti*»imK», HiuithmXciMul vol..-, I machine and tllaHc. C-liararlvr Mau with •jMiclultlvi; kooiI Stage ' Carjionler. mu«t -, bv rt^»H i'»w»ii elwtlrlvlan and piuy •mull parli* Uhik eitguirenicnt, ture Kiiii.ry . UiiaI be aide (o Join hi onc»; no time for correapontk'nee; Htutf all UmL letter. AddretiK AHTIIIIH STAMl.RV, H102 UlnneHou Ave. si. LohIh, No. P. H.-HDfill K. M'CORMICK. wire. wanted; MAN FOR MARKS, ftlno B»!»b Drummer thai douiilei bukc or orehe*- tm; niiiKt tic able tu handle hUiinluril immle; kImi. oilier jiuod Tom )ieo|>lr for IjuIkiilc or Himimer and WhilLTrtcanoli. »how rutin Die year around. A two-car allow. Wftnt a goud A No. l Colored Bu»s SIllRIT. ' W. C. DICKEY. Mgr. TERRY'S UNCLE TOM'S CABIN CO.. I'llllTK: AKHIimilllOD, 111., AUIf. -11; MllKOTl, III. 8cpt. I; Mutoe, 111 , bept.ll: Wapello, III., Hi-pl. i H. , worth, II., Bnpt. b; llllflHOII, 111., Bept, 6; I-: 1 Paw,, III., Sept 7; Mlm.nK, III.. Bept.«. WANTED, OOOD AI.1. AROUNU SKETCH TEAS! chiiiiKO fnr week, put on act* and make tliem tic*' niir to play piano given prcferuuee. Other MM >peclaltj ..■!.,.n- w.iovan play piaim, write. Thla. kIiow never cfoHim. Now In ourllfith ronieituilve' week In Stale or Oeontla without 1 loner tnotw) bad). If yon c*n make guod and deMlru lung, num-iv flt)liHKcmcnt l 'w..u>»i«uuKaii In tlrm Ictn-r. Will, HMtid tlckctH. Addr«HH J. W. BIT/,*!., Mgr. Meyer Conoort Co., Mad I Hon, Morirmi Co., fla. . USE A "CROSS" LETTER HEAD AND WOHK KVKIIV W KICK. Kree Bamplee, UontraiilH, Tieketii, EDVolopeu. nto. CROSS mdmjukwh »t,. CHICAGO Pk«. BTAIIK MUNKY, li.c. BOOK OF ODTB, !00. Seymore Hotel, 48-54 Soutb Ava., Boobester, I. T, JOHN A. DICKS, I'lloi'. Ilecenlly enlurireil, talon tl up. PROFESSIONALS one or ttii! "Irnyn" called mi me laHt week and aahl wd don't all kmiwa good IMDS wlion we Kte It; your mouk. "l.KAHV'H AtliKVWAV," la a K«>od!, I aiifrlit n> liavo utuwerod .vonr ad. In itio UfJPI'KU Iuub »ffo. Well, render, fiw aend a eont Tor a prof i-^, copy. It'a n nrt j to olio shot In your favor.._ , „_-' ... MIAN. 11. COL.KH, Mlrt<ll«t»wl»,Cnnw. 1A7 AWT ED 9 OIE BOOD, flBBT CLASS - BILL POSTER. Wendy work anil good wageH. , . . TUI-INTON BILL FOCT.SU 0»..-TrcppMi«,N. /., COMPETENT WARDROBE At»e>»»ty.' MANE LUC1LF/ (French) Kellable manager! only, addmHH « WW H Aft AII HT., Ht. I^ouIk, Mo. GOOD OPEN TIME AT AfAliKM V OP II mid, I. A K HIV 111 I), N. 1. , - iOIIN"huSW, Mgf. At Liberty, Billy Price, lilack Face, IiiHh, Siuslnir, liancliiR and Mono- Ufguo Uomedian. Houcr aod retlaide. Wire inc. j;iiMi», MO. WANTED A faAC PUNCHER To join* Uatr PiiiicIi nit Art. AddreHH . ■ JOHN FAKKF.H, IM V.nli.ll HI., imi.t H..H, N. I. A FEW OF THE LEADING FEATURES WITH THE 4 PAW & SELLS BROS.'UNITED SHOW THE FLYING LA VANS OSCAR LOWANDE'S IMHHHl •'lltt'l'N.- TBHKK SHOWB A WKRK. GOOD PLAtlK TO PBAOTIOH. WUITH BAIII.V. PEARL FOREPAUGH, FRED WELCOME THE CORNELLA FAMILY Aintrica's ramous Acrotals. THE 3 CORELLIS, OOIEDY fEATDBES. FRANK T. ST. JOHN, 5 DUNEDIN TROUPE 5 World's rameu Artistic 'Cyclist!!. BILL HARDDIC, TIE IU06MIS BUI. PAMOUH JAPAHKNU TltOlll'K, IN ATS UM OTA'S HOW IIOOKINU VOIl I'll ii: WIN'IKH. *«;THE JEUNETS^ AC'UOIIA'I'N, II..,1 Kinl II.nil TIIK Wtllll.ll'S IlllSi MAIIVKLOIH AKHIAI. UVIWNAHTN. NETTIE CARROLL, QUEEN OF THE WIRE. THE 3 DE BOLIENS Kr.nili AnuljHl. anil Com.lly Ail. AT I.IIIKHTV IIKI). I. TIMKUK Atir. 14 MINIITKH. Joe La Flour, TUm Llttla Fallow On Hid lll|h l.addnr. N ovtiliy, Whirlwind, Acruiiufin ItmiHation. GEH and PAULINE KIDD Eccentric Qonidy Sketch and Drum Solos. WM. TESSIER, " IIIOAD llAI.AIVdIMO, TUAricyni AK1> WlltB. LANCASTER and IIAYWAIIH, ■ ■ A MAHHIAUK llllllKKU. IN VAUilKVM.I.K NKXT WIMTKII. IM>IVK<J V\ FAMILY AUHTItAMAN (irnc.fiil, Aiil.ilr. Ai-rolmtlc flkatur.. mOUAIIIIHON IIOI.I.KIt HKATKH IIHHO. FRED ZOBEDIE, The Inoonipurs 1)1 o Hand lialnncor. with ilia KiiioK roit I.IKK. DOLLAR TROUPE KIIHM'K'M l.llKMIll MIIDIIAM. KucnifaKud for nost lama wlih tLoAdam l'iir«|i*lli{ll U Si'li,. Hr.w ' Clrrii-, HnVitH TOW opnn wnuki for Vaudovlllo (IiIh Wlnior. HiduAitoiH, AMIKKT MIlTllKltUNO, Sl. Jamott Miilldhig, Now York. ■M IfflJTIt ill SPBCHITY Ml WANTED For McPHEES BIG COMPANY, BAND AND ORCHESTRA < oximrlnnrod dramatic i>ro|iln iliatdu h\u-i i.iimi ■*, Hlnirliiff and Danolntr O'liiii'dian mid Hoiilirnlle linn ihmlimli urnl i iln h[ii<-ln:tlr- !.. fr.iinn-. MTD.K UlHb rarMlWDl purfit llli.l KI'KUIAM'IKH. Hkoltin Tt'inn, CoHlorliniilm. Hliti-k Wire,Uflli JlUUltrMUl Hlloiil Aola, Ulark Fan). Dulirli ami Irish Hlicctaltlot. I.iniir hi-ahuii.. Will mlvanco (Ivkota to (inod pou,»lf. Kultnr, rollalilu, oxiiitIoik^iI nuniile only wanted, who can play and droaalhoir part*. If yon htum; dooit wrii.-, utih drink wttli thla allow K<>in yuu ft now Jolt. Your, money itvory wnek with thl* hImiw, FIHH'I' VHU.IN TO I.KAU OR- cIIKKtha and Donhhj lu Ihmd, olio who nun Arian(i«. ttohur. Iiit»lllnu Aiciil Hint, ran ihimI. Mint, mid two-UIII I'oMtci-a, AddrcNaA. D. M.I'IIKK, €ar>* M.I'IIFK'H lllu ilOMPANV . . 4J . .„.„...„<. u .a.« -. Ht'pM ami fi, UIUNI10N, Haiiltoha, Uanadu. WoHli-ni Addrein, FLKftllNU, HAHK, Canada, ' i rKlll'imiUKKM AUK IIKIIUKHTKII Til UAI.I. AMI HKK UKOHUB Kill, IlKHItlHllNCINQ HUDSON P. ROSE COMPANY, hrtirprn II mill VIA. H. ilully. J'urlk. Itim Imvi. I.niglilJob, on MrynHAmnuiia <l hiH llinlr inrniry. Ju»l jual i>|iiimi'iI n Irnit «f U 7 l.ii'l'K, Ml A I. lllll>.> ,\ ami l>HI,||AM ■•AUK PAIIKWAV, » ilrlv.flvuv ulKUterl wlllo. I.m. mc.I.I „ii .■iwrl.TNl-. "'*" ,/,, WI'AUMWI III.IMI., Mti. Ill Wml »U Wri-i.|,' I1h.hi wi, New Vink UltK. WHY NOT bal .ii, i OKI' A PROFESSIONAL TRUNK? O yon Imvn nol ftlrniiily jmn -\uwA ymir irniiku, why not mull your onlor Ui im. It will receive prompt attention, Money i eturni-d, If not Hfttlrtfacuiry. Bend for oauiogiio 0. wii.uam jiai, (inc.), ■ UQ W. dotli Bt., K. Y. Qlty, 'i lioora Kuatur Adora'Hocloly. WANTED, VAUDEVILLE ACTS KmllioriilKiKlnitcllIni: Hprlntrllrlil, ll.mlln.n, Minii. Newark. Huuxlli'lil, lllillllciillir, Hurlammilll, )»jinn, Hiirimi, Kiniiioy, M. UfarpaoL oii.o; itl,riiiii<ntii, HuiKiiii .ml oimiiim., inu.: Wnltwiuit,'w. \».; IMnurii, .nil llrninwvlllo. I'». kikhiuiiii wi'»h to nmt-clua m:u. H'.li, lull uitril mra .ml Iuwi-hI aaliiry In flr.i i.ii, r. Holm- I iiliuli. oiiuli llmi*. No iii-i. l,H, irimil llil, ilriull. Now liullilltiit ii im iw.ouii tlmane In H|irlliKll,.|il .ml Nuwurk, (I. 0.11 uao Kxiii'Mi'iii'i'd v.uduvllK 1'l.ulala, lllualmllKl HIllKcra und Uii:m HiillHKiira. Aililraaa Ul)» ADM, <lf|ilil»ln Tll.Xr., .|,rl,, K ll.l.l, Ohio, WANTED QUICK, FOSTER'S DORA THORNE CO. .»! lAtdlna r.nily, l.i>nillut; Mini, Mrnvy Mnii nfli] Wiimnn, H.nnll II. Kniilin-lti., r.l.lil I'lim*. il.nii ThMW ill. MB «lK-lillll,-« iglvi'ii l.ti-fi'i ,.. Al:l'li!iiii.rlilV..f, Aki-iil wllli trunk. Htlila ill 1 In llltl. Mnkv II low— ll'K i.ur,.. I - I..r,n,.■ II ,.„, ■ la.t.-.rl itna-nli'.r. I!il ill Hluu- tli.Blir, plfaan wrllp. CIIAS. Ii. COI.TOX, 10IJ I'm.|iii.t HI., ludlainpollii, lad. ^J