The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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75a THEN1W YORK GLIPPEE: September i. THE SONGS THAT HELP THE SINGERS THAT HELP THE SONGS! .....i yon .1.. know ih. .« ..i hi. ma. w>n. !h- MI..I .r OM*Mtmtmtw »nwt f^^Tj^jr7^^^^ , !l^£Sim£mA.BSSP t ** °'<«.ir .ifi.1 the bl K nil or ..i< <-.•»„... he I...-, had, ..nrt we plr.lco oui word thai ll.i. ll.l ..r .our. I. lis. »Ht ■■■ ■"■■ ■JJ SSSSil Oti*l? aSV n.,l.~i (...lotion m a v.r.alll,. crealor of melody, and a. ■ produr.r „r ,irlvl».l .lag* bail.™, will gladly .l.«. any n»"'J* r [J 11 ','XSHJSI ™ ™. c"„ -all rt^ "" Vmli..lli.l «. tav. .1 lh> Ih.l g., « III. .1.1, b.t.ln... imlu.ll,., |.iii»ln.. nr.ang.r. room., batanew, all, n »»■»>■ » y».un.»n,„„„ , f Von know lli»'fain» o« OUo RDWAHDS, .acell.aef.. In adtllllnrt, HatMnll for a tnoiu OUS Eini'AIIM, who haabnlll up a rep •tag* hi. nmnbvr. belter Uinn ho ran. Heinrmbnr that wo havo all the Improve, yon can't call, wrllo. Leo, Bcir. On* Kdwar4l* and KelU Arutlt, are always ready- to teach you our or any -other publication.. 9T OUR BIC WALTZ SONC aUT- OUR BIC BALLAD TWO DIRTY LITTLE HANDS ■■r OUR BIC REPUTATION MAKER ■«■< '_ _ IF A GIRL LIKE YOU LOVED A BOY LIKE ME '- , |T OUR BIC MARCH SONC -»6 SOMEBODY'S SWEETHEART I WANT TO BE DBF- OUR BIC COON SONC -*Q WHY DON'T YOU WRITE WHEN JS& NEED MONEY? 3T OUR BIC NOVELTY SONC "Wi YOU CAN'T GIVE YOUR HEART TO SOMEBODY ELSE (aXEoT^M 3ST OUR BIC DAINTY SONC -*:. f IN A LITTLE CANOE WITH YOU ;J •— mr OUR BIC LOVE SONC ,*■"■: THAT'S WHAT THE ROSE SAID TO ME OUR BIO * SPECIAL. BLANCHE DING'S ■ _ii6 lit. RWuTMA^TEWITflflu A. SONG OE* THE tiivxiss now Mm GUS EDWARDS MUSIC PUB. CO.. 1512 Broadway, dgfe N.Y. City. HARRINGTON STOCK COMPANY, Competent Repertoire- People In all linen. Ststo what Specialties, If an v. Can plarc a good Slater TONIII. IftlliplcIC Will .ilol.l', AhUlly CMJI'llllHl. Mtlflt Julll oil Wire. Manager* 111 Illtl., III. rtll-1 Ohio Hint wiiui u IiIk Hi,na Orchestra tdiuw hi-ihI open lime. 1 linvc lour weeks open. AddrcssK. A. UAKllINuroN, Princeton, lnd.. week Sopl. 3. WANTBD, for |g THE ALPINE STOCK CO., REPERTOIRE PEOPLE--ALL LINES. Those doing HiicdultU'H prcrcrrid. (Jive full iIcsltIiiUoil and lowcut salary first loiter. AiId,seM ■ AUMNB STOCK CO., WiUgaW, Ind. MftimKci-fl In .milium, Ohio, Kentucky mid Illinois, send .open time, WANTED IMMEDIATELY, S^V fun IIHO Sep!, 3. ailOtli Later, cr 111gJi earn «.r mm Tenor ami RniMwt Mariiono. Wlro or write<iulek. IULIjIIOAHI). Clnciiinml, (>.,or route. J. A.COHl l(N, Manager. DOUBLING STBIR6. Dayton, Ohib; ing. 2.A, FENBERG STOCK COMPANY (Inc.), Eastern. Wants JUVENILE LEADUVTG MAN (Play Some Heavier) HftiM, t>e or gomt appearance ami mwo A 1 mortem wardrobe. (Hail to hear from c*>oti RKPKKTQIRK l4.i>M,K Ht nil lloiOP. . AiklrvM GM«>. M, I'K.MlKUOi, Manager, Worcester,HM4.. week Aug..-::; Wooiwukot, It,I., week Sept.u. , ;'., ; I ,/W ANTED, ,;•;., > Double Bass and Tuba, or Tuba Band and Orchestra; Cornet, Trombone or Alto, Double Props. :i ■Don r l write, but wird. others, wrlie. s\ Ocorge, New lirunswtci. Aug. ::n; St. Johns.3l,BODt..l* Yarmonlla. N. S.,Sepl. a. ■ • ,. UI'kuANK, OIIACE .1 AVEaTOK, Wanted, for Tinney's Concert Band, ... '.".. -WITH T, II III GREAT COLE BROS.' SHOW, WANTED, ALL LINES. MUSICAL TEAMS, AERIAL ARTISTS Coajp my pjiyn transportation. Address {tQYP BOBROWS, Kearney, Hebr. WANTED! AT ONCK. Man for Leads, Man for General Bis. Other iisefnl Dramatic and Specialty people. It you Hro not. tbero with the f w>d», ih-ii't write. Addfi'HH JK.VVO.V.V H1G STOCK CO., Now KcTiKlngion, I'a., week Aug. in; CKrnegle, Pa , week aopt. 3. P1LEIHV1E III. JED CARLTON, Muicotla. Wis. OPEN SKPr, 10. ONK XIOHT STANDS. FOR RENT OR LEASE, Combination Sleeping and Baggage Car, salt.; riiijilslictt cumpieie; .tool wheels And equipped for fust pa.wtuttcr norvlec Addrex. KD.MiOILI., Gen. I'd., Stieltiyvllle, III. XJ S I C X nr on Ml inBliiiiucnis to Riri'iiRtlicu-fttid enlarpc tor tonit Souliii'rn lour; Cornets. Clurlonois, AMob. Tnmilioiicp, HnweimmLlmmis. t Alw» KlfUlM tor bmrm or ioot. AiMnw c, 11. TINNKY. .Rome: CatteUBbtirc, Kv.,fii'|tt7t:fov»ii!:toi). v».. hppi.2; Kniireveri.W.Va.. Srpt :i;('Hrton Forge.\a„,ti(»|i^# f TO MANAGERS LOOKING FOR SOMETHING NEW. iCElCJSKY. fOHELL'S SCENIC STUDIO, coiaUnnus, omo. Opera House- and itnad Compttnles furnished .complete. Avuiinc Scenery to enny lu trunk. Asbestos- Cultalnti. Prompt delivery. Lowest prices. Sexonri Hand weenery on hHUO. WAITED, 2d Hand M. P. Machine. Palace Areh.l). C. (Dye Scenery). Hep. People, wrllo") Props,, Ucn. Ill/ Man mitt others. Pick A Chance, where aroyour .. KD. A. BHAM. Toronto, 0. WANTED AT ONCE, Al Piano Player and Touns Ladv for Illustrated Sonss. liOl T 6K OI'KNS SKPT. 5. 1006. ' ' AddrOM II. W. RO0EHS, Mgr. Dijon Theatre lk>.. whceltng, w. Vn. SLOT PHONOGRaPHS. Kilhon Sprint: Momr work likenrlinrm. lllg fav ■ IHICO. MANI1AT1AN I'llomHIKAPII NX, ..,, ; CI Urcrnwit'h. St.. N. V. Fully prolcetcil uy'^op'SilglitX For Bfdf * r-1*** M ltoyalty, 4 Art Melodrama, 14 Characters, new and original Idea and a mire nucces*. Wr f iirilier partleiilars, rttfltM WKi.Tr;UN IJKAMATIC AtlENCY, P, J. RIDGE, Mri., tfl U Salle St., Cbleago, 111. XfJf+» TOP TENOR At Liberty. Play part«. Amaieure, don't write*- JOHN J. BAKUh'TT, w Eighth Ave., ASewark, 8, J* Western Dramatic Agency, . 127 LA SALLE ST., near Madison. CHICAGO, ILL. OFFICE OPEN FROM 10 TO 10. IIKSK 1100U FOR MAN'Ar,I'.ltS. Manrtgers w.dUdr rollut.le people in all lin.ncheH or the theatrieul profeEaion, write. 1 IONi;sT DEALING. NO MISREPRESENTATIONS. NOTICE.-HKCOCNIZKD ARTISTS ALWAYS ON IIAKD THAT ARE ABLE AUD CAPABLE! OF JIAKISli «OOD AT ALL. TIMKS. KOT1CK.—We can furnish the beet dramatic people—LEADS, Heavier, Churucteia. Jurenllea aod ftcnct-al Huttltit-iej reoplc, Soiibreltcs. etc. Also Vaudeville and MliKrel Tcople, Sons and Lmcce Teams, sister Acts, Singers of ail kind,, Musical Aels, Piano Players, etc. - -.--:- EXPERIENCED CHORUS GIRLS FURNISHED. NOTICE.—We Invite people In all Hues of the theatrical profession, that wl-h fln>t claps engage. merit-, to call or write. P. J. RIDOU, Plamigfr. WHITE CITY, CHICAGO, Al Corn Decorator To We charge or decorating While City with corn for closing carnival. Mum bo experienced. Write at once, with references, Mating where yon have decorated with corn and salary wanted. PAUL D. HOWSE, 6en. Igr,, White City, Chicago. KOTK.-Whlta Clly wants a tin.- .Men J -Go--Hound for I.rxt aeason. Sea. linoto. and fall rlflscrlptlna of your machines. f' •'. GARTER STOCK CO.. Supporting MI8S LOTTIE 6LENI0BE. ■ \VA\TKI). fKfEKfOiliEPEorLF. with wardrol» and some BlUUiT. Compunr l«ot«I _;" Z, , ,, ,, .. ,' ■«■*. "«*■ 'alary reasonable and all patllculara ar»t letter.. TlckcH ad- mck (Fair date" <-'AllT£R, Vandcrgrllt, Pa.- Au 8 .30, 31 'and Scpt.l; Corry, Pa.,Scpt.3«nd MUTHI.-Want cicrer People lor my one piece attraction, opening, about Oct. 1. ■ GEM THEATRE MASS. WILL OPEN »T. 17 FOR SEASON '06-07 WANTED, For opening and later. 10 cents from Doston. VAUDCVIULE Address C. \i\ SHBAFnVManagcr. OPEN TIME. I THE ROME, MAYO and JULIET I -J RltniE«nilC SIIMCTori piir,,.i l£ BUIllESgUE MINSTREL SHOW. 8EPT. 24TH- asnoPS cl ' EV ' EK OKCTLEMEN IX TWENTY MINUTES OF REAL COMEUT. »KY MMIIM;. . . .- . . . KCCBNTRIC-DoHCIWe. .ITMPBRAPHS. SUSS l.,»M n a,.ir,i«rj ( "' "ouiniqitc acta In vandcre. - Reliable i SPECIAL I up-to-date anenta tor limn class vaudeville houses arc rcouc.ted I I to communicate with TOM mayo before Sum "!.-.! w I rirnnf cnvviit "in. iiaim .-. " SCENERY. Cure or iii. Address SOENIU THEATRE, Mlnoespolls, Minn. GRAXDI 8TOCKCO. (Sapporllnit LILLIAN I.EIOHl •"''" PEOPLE Of ALLt. L.IIVES. Those dolun ■ceclaltles prelerred. Also Man with Moving picture siachlne stTuSall nnt.ietK'- Op.f» nonse manager, send open tune. Address ROBERT' grand" General DeU^y.Jop'iu, »«•