The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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SEPTEMBER 1. THE 2STEW YORK CLIPPER. 753 L ^9E^4£ TZ PROFESSIONAL TRUNK WORKS (Estab. 1869). MAIN STORE. 412 «tu avc mn «r-^-.. »., .. *# «.-»-%# ■ STORE .r. ,ti 2 », 6 k T,!i & VE -» °OR« 25TH ST., N. Y. CITY. "0. 1 raw., a lack, 110.26; Mtaek,flO.TB; 32 lath, $11.25; 34 Inch, $12 25; 36 Inch. $13.25; 38 Inch, $14.25; 40 Inch, J15.25. I.*l. «D I«. .. .— t ..... . *P°V TronU, Oaaraalaml for 10 1E1IW. INCLUDING LOCK*. VACTORISH ■ MUw..k... wi..i Bn«klra, n. Y. ...»..«, ouincn, »iu.;b; az lath, (11.25; 34 lack, $12 25; 36 lack, $13.25; 38 lack, $14.21; 40 Inch, J15.25. *„ I PROF..281nch. $7.50; 30 Inch,$8; 32 Inch $8En-uini.h «a. ic i.-i. SK? ^rf»kt o»«ni»tw<l f»r 10 YEARS, including LOCK!. ""' writ. V°r c.t»*o K B on p,ot. Tr„„k., £=2V W '"»'W- 80 ! 38lack,$10; 40 Inch, $10.50. STEEL CUD, 28 Inch,$5; 30lack. $5.50; 32lack, $6; 34 lack,$8.(0; 36 lack, $7; 38 Inch, $7.50; 401m S l BO l>rr cent, reduction while they last. AU In good Silo"' "*•«■ «*l An .eramnl.tlon of odd. sad end. In SMOad Hand i>od Shop Bolted, Ball, Om r aad oth.r good o> 40 lack. $8. i.a.r. EDISON KINETQ5C0PES, $75 U n ALL THE LATEST AND HOST IM- PROVED KOTIOV PICTURE HACUINES. "American Projettograph." » TUB LATEST AND BEST '" MOTION PICTURE MACHINE, WITH FIBB MAGAZINE COMPLETE. A BIO LINK OF MOTION PICTURE ?.....i>ma ,1'lDiniia HlWal TUT a- mm a MACHINES (VARIOUS .MAKES! FILHB, BONO AND LECTURE 8TBRBOPTICON8. BONO AND SERPENTINE SLIDES. LEC- TURE SETS, ETC., AT SPECIAL RE- DUCED FIGURES. <i>ay*y«yva ) ^«v«v«v4V%, SEND FOR \1 PAGE LIST OF FILMS FROM 3c:fo 8c. PER FOOT. FEATURE FILMS AT LOW PRICES. Model B Oxy-Lithe Outfit $29.50 OXY-LITHE and OXONE. CABBONS, LIMES, CALCIUM JETS, ELECTRIC LAMPS, RHEOSTATS, ETC., BTC. 41-2 INCH, SI, NEW BONO SETS, S5. g. H., (3.SO UP. SO TBODBIB TO AH8WEB Q0E8T10.8. CATALOGUE ON APPLICATION. MOTION PICTURE MACHINES AND FILMS WANTED. HARBACH & CO., 809 FHiBBBt St., PHIL A., PA. • FILMS vnd SONG SLIDES FOB SALE AND KENT. Let me send too my catalogue. Up to date sub- jects alwajB on band. Stereoptlcona and Moving Picture Supplies of every description. Prices to meet the demandi. THE NEWEST OP EVERYTHING. U HsXTZ. aw East ad Street, g. Y. City. GOWNS f s°x r a^ 8LIOBTLY USED. Also STEEET GOWNS. W« cava on hand ft large assortment of slightly worn Evening Gowns.Dlnner, Reception and Tea Gowns. Toese robea are perfect In every respect, and are especially soluble for wear In HIGH CLASS DRA- MATIC PRODUCTIONS. We have a mil Una of Sea. Sim Coats and Fun of au Unas. MM. H. STARR, 867 Booth State St., CHICAGO HI8H GLASS MAGICAL APPARATUS At moderate prices. Large stock, Immense •srlety. illustrated Catalogue Free. New Mam- moth Catalogue Just leaned, 20c. Just out, List of ww books on Magic and new list of bargains In tncka A. ROTERBERG, 170 Ontario St., Chicago. SCENERY The Tiffin Scenic Company, TLTFIN OHIO. IIIPGIFTIM ;. l :» i J7a8wellUneof SILVERWARE, JEWELRY, ESPWl ,ncl NOVELTIES at prlcoa trial aro nght Headquarters forl'ucatrlcal Jewelry. Write b, "MKfKMcalalogne.scntfree. TheoldrellaDlo ■ u. CHER A CO., u Wabash Ayo., Chicago, III. • ( Tell It To Me" EZRA KXNDAX.J7S 3d BOOK. AM, NEW . JUST OUT. -)??** 10 oa all trains and news stands, or by ir-.11. »5o. Address EZRA KENDALL, _j Cadwoll Are.. Mftvlleld Helghta, Cleveland, O. JJST OUT. 124 PAGE ILLUSTRATED MAGIC 14TALOQUB, 25c.; BOP. CATAU, Be None wr.'J'!!! »• a agont for Uabatma. 10c . w l>. LBROT. 108 Court St. Boaton. Man WIGS 0. SHtNDHBLM, 118 W. 28th St., N. £ The up-to- date THEATRICAL WIG MAKER. Send ■tame tot am Price US Jut oat Carry Your Own Piano And Feel Sure of Your Act. OVER 100 SHOWS CARRY THESK PIANOS (We nave many letters like thU one.) Castorland. N. Y., Aug. 7, '00. Have given your Baby Upright a thorough test It 1b a perfect success and a good drawing card—the show would not be com- plete without It. I heartily recommend It, and consider my money well Invested. MRS. ANNA C. FONDA, Fonda Comtdyjlo. Traveling Shows and Orchestras, Vaude- ville and Concert Hall Artists Know from experience how frequently the pianos furnished by halls and thea- tres are unreliable and unsatisfactory. You rarely, If ever, get the tame kind of piano two stands In succession. While at one place the Instrument you get may be all right, the next two or three may be all wrong—out of pitch, out or tune, rattly, etc., etc. The only way to avoid this, and to always feel free from worry on this score, Is to carry your own COLUMBUS BABY UPRIGHT This wonderful little Instrument, although only 3ft Din. high and 3ft. 61n. wide, has a remarkable piano volume and a clear, sweet tone. It Is tuned to concert pitch, making It especially suited for accompaniment to the human voice. The weight is only 250 pounds, and two men can handle one easily, especially when carried In our quick-packing traveling case, illus- trated at the right The piano la a drawing card In Itself and the low price places It within easy reach. SPECIAL OFFER.—The regular price la f 100, but we are making a spe- cial offer. Including a stool and the quick-packing traveling case mentioned above. Write at once to the factory for Booklet No. 41. COLUMBUS PIANO COMPANY, Columbus, Ohio. MAGICIANS, ATTENTION!!! And AU Who In Interested in laglc, Sloignt of Hand and Conjuring. THE SPHINX Is NOW the ONLY MAGICIAN'S PAPER published In the United States. Is In Its fifth year, and Iibb never missed an issue. It Is the only magical paper in the world not owned and controlled by a dealer or performer, hence Is Independent and Impartial. Every number contains EXPLANATIONS AND DE- SCRIPTIONS OP LATEST THICKS, SLEIGHTS AND ILLUSIONS, all furnished by the magicians who are performing them, liberally Illustrated with half-tones and other engravings. The only magical piper having a regular corps of correspondents, giving monthly news of ihe whereabouts and doings of magicians in all parts of the world. The only one that keeps Its readers posted on all the new books and current writings on magic. 12 large pages, size "Collier's Weekly." Published 15th of every month, at $1.00 per year; 50 cents for o months, 30 cents for 3 months, or 10 cents single copy. Published by A. M. WILSON, M. D„ 906 Main St., Kansas City, Mo. All dealers In magical apparatus are agents, and sell THE SPBINX at same price as publisher. DRIVERS WANTED, EXPERIENCED SIX AND EIGHT HORSE DRIVERS. Good Inducements to Capable, Sober Men. None Others Need Apply. Address. THOMAS LYNCH, Superintendent laggage Stack, • • Baron I Bailey Greatest Show on Earth. BOUTS.—Schenectady, N. Y„ Aug. 20 ; Watertown, N. Y„ Aug. SO; Oswego, N. Y., Aug. 31: Auburn, N. ¥., Sept. 1; Warsaw, N. Y„ Sept. 8; Salamanca. N. Y„ Sept. 4; Dunkirk, N. Y., Sept B; Jamestown, N. Y., Sept. 6: Warren, Pa., Sept. 7: Oil city. Pa., Sept. 8: Butler, Pa.-, Sept 10; McKeeaport Pa., Sept 11; Connelavlllc. Pa., Sept. 12. Facifio Coast Amusement Co., OWNING 1ND HIM FIRST CLASS VAUDEVILLE THEITRE8 EAST. IORTBWEST AND NISI. WAJ&T&I*. at all times, FIRST OLASS ACTS Or ALL K1BD8 that oaa deliver the goods. SOLS BOOKING AGENTS: AL. 0NKE5, Family Theatre, USth St, New York City; 0HA8. WBAY, 906 American Bank Build., Seattle, Wain.; OHB1S.O. BROWN, or 8. Clark St, Oalcago; ARCHIE LEFT, 111 Eddy St., San Prenciaco, Cat Cars Wanted, Spot Cash for Two 70ft. or Longer BapgageCars Host be in first class Bhape or I don't want them. Also Combination, Sleeping and Dining Cars, folly inrtinped witb steel tired wheels, etc.. for fast passenger trains, 70ft. or longer. Immediate or later ry. What have yon got? FOB SALE OR EXCHANGE for cars as above, 4 fine Min'ature Dens, by Sullivan A Eagle, Peru. Ind.; a small Miniature Cages, 4 Hand Wagons, 2 Tableau Wagons. et Wagons, 4 Pony Chariots, 80 Sets Doable Baggage Harness, one Soft. R. Top, complete, used '" tiro 40ft. middles, complete walls and main entrance, used 14 weeks. All A. D. MtPIIEE Sept. 41 maid 5, llr» B don, Man., Cms., Care HcPhee's Big Company, or Fleming, Sask, Canada. delivery, made by _- 2 Ticket Wagons, 4 Pony 12 weeks: one 70ft. Top, with at Medina, N.Y. Address SOBER, RELIABLE, I.NTED, EXPERIENCED BUSINESS MANAGER. One who has had Circus and Car 8how experience. Moet be capable of taking full charge of company Ifneceaaarr and nnderatand advance work. WAMT A WORKER, NOT A KID GLOVE MAN. If ion drink at aU. don't write. Give foil particulars and state Mlarj, etc. Address A. D. BcPlIEE, ' , care llcrhee's Big Compsnj.Se.t. .and 6, Brandon, Hanltolia, Canada. — Western addreal, Fleming, Sask,, Canada. MONOGRAM BED ROSE ROUGE is made especially for the Profession. It Is In the form of a rose with five petals. Each petal can be lined REPEATEDLY until color Is removed. Used properly, each rose will last over iwo monttiw ir ean riA carried In vour purso or handkerchief without stalnlns either. It Is not affected by pefspl- Jirlnnnr St wate • BE*D FOIJH OENT8 IN STAMPS FOR SAMPLE A\D CiUCt'LAIl of aStoijr toilet prbpahatiowb. MONOGRAM CBEME COMPANY, 01 HEKKMAN 8THEET, NEW YORK. EXOLOSIVX STYLES AND Short aad Itaga 1-..U Hall ordera ailed, fit guaranteed. W1L.LIAJI BEIlNSTKIil, Tel. MB Madison Square. M0 Suttn Ave., near Oat St, N. T, —nub — FOR STAGE, STREET AND EVENING. WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. always on hand. ALL COLORED SLIPPERS MADE TO ORDER LN M BODBS. SONG-POEMS IM MUSIC PUBLISHED Olff ROYALTY. We write Maalc to your words. Introduce and nopularlEe. Send In MBS, POPULAR BlUSIO PUB. CO. (Inc.), Bait* fiU, No. QU Dearborn Bt., Chicago. MY MOTHER'S SONGS?" THE GltKAT HOME BONO BY IIOWABD D. BALINS. .» ,„„.->,.■ m. cord la .T.rr heart. Writ, for Free Prof. Copy. It toaean a com •g c ' l J^ BtLT aroaic PUB. CO., Auditor!.— Bldg.. Chlcgo, m. DO TOU • • sna EXTRA! SKETCH for Iwo males or MONOLOGUE for one. Suitable for Vaudeville. Minstrel or Concert Either one for a Dollar, stamp, or silver. M. H. LINDZMAN, Box 1U, Brooklyn, N, Y. «<1 (1th Avenue (near nth St.). NEW YORK. CASEY'S 1508 Broadway (near 14th St). NEW YORK. I Ou.ranteod Flva Ysaira. WKITE FOR CATALOOOK, Ealabllslied (7 Yean. Shipped C. O. D. on receipt of MOO. RUNKS "PATTERSON" TUB WOHLD'S 1.KAUI1U "ATLIS" NEW OATALOOTJE JUST OUT. THE BELBER TRUNK AND BAG CO., 1»» Claaabla Av.., Pallad.lphla, Pa. THEATRICAL AND BARS SECOND HAND AND NEW. ALL STYLES of all the LEADING, MAKES In first Class Condition. LOWEST PHIVE8 BASEMENT STORES »IS^JLiJfe»** 8CHWARZ A CENTRAL TRUNKS. lfln.,|T.I0i S81a.,|8.t0: Sola., «0.BO: aSla.,110.00: ttiln., 112.80. Clrcui Trnnlu1,S4ll8lH, EM. BUI Trunk., IOl28llS, lailde, f 12.00. Llt,o Trunks, <2Ul38Viaia, Inline, I18.0*. Ippat oa reclpt of 88.00, bat. C. O. D., except over 800 miles, then remit whole imonat •IIIONB » CO., OHNTBAL TBDNK riCCOBT, Bat 1884. B W.cor. 7th and Arch Sta.,P»l!A LEATHEROID TRUNKS. LIGHTER, THAN STEEL. 80 TIKES STROIf OBU THAU WOOD. Send (or Now Theatrical Catalogue. LEATUEROID MFO. 00., 031 B'waj, N. Y., near Spring 81 MANAGERS, Attention! If yon owned a railroad, perhaps yon aro satisfied to carry heavy excess breeding trunks. But ir you want to save excess baggage, get a HAL tronk. Send for Catalogue "0." WILLMaU BAL (Too)., ^^^^^^ 110 W. 40th 8t., N. Y. Oily. mm BOOKING AGENCY WANTED, Vau.i«llli Papit, for 20 Wh. Circuit. Bend all open time, photos and plenty of literature. REPKItTOIRK I'KOPLE that with Drat olsHfl eiigagemcnts should write or call. Oanplaoe at unco. Only first olaas act* treated with. PUTS For Stock Coapiolsi, for Ripiitoln CospulN, for Astam. LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN TBI WORLD. Bocks tor home aaaaae, ment, Negro Play,, Paper, Scenery, Mrs. Jerley'a Wax Worka. OkaV loane Freol Freel Proel BAnVBL P11E1C II, IT W. »9d St., N.w lark WIGS WILLIAM IIKlWFlt WIG CO M LEADINO WIG HAKEIU. largest stock in America. Wigs made to order, roll Una of paiat*. powders and oold cream. Bend for catalogue "O," to either placa. w* west sflth St, H. Y.; Ohloago Opera Hooto Bloox, OLUcago. FUNK*CO.S T Jd p S,^ MoVlCIIER'S THEATnn, chloaco, 111. Telephone—Central, 00e. Send for Catalogue. ThoaBt^rloaal PRODUCTIONS A SPECIALTY. Oostumer. 34 EAST 201li 8TREET, NEW YORK. WIGS TOUPEES, GREASE PAINTS. ETC. And the Lataat and Moil Popular Stylos In Ladloa Hair Omtlaa. A. HI. BVCH & CO., 119 W. Wlarth aHraaat. m - - , ■ WgUjMfc ■n PAULTADSIQ'S EX0HAM0E CPFlOl, * w 104 East nth 8t., New York, (lerman Barings Basil EUROPE BDlldiD f- Telephopo^»»_ Qramercy^ "- dress, sTanetig. 1 printwi matter and taf. tree. YANKAUER & CO., raroon BLUfUVAOTUaBBI, Jkl I. 156 WE8T B'WAT, I. T. TOOLBlAl*