The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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754 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. September i. OAD THAT LEADS TO HITVILLE. We will show you the way. Ask us. " We a se songs will land you there; look them over. Here is the song they are all talking about, tl was. Did you sing '-Nellie" ? If you did you can imagine what a hit this is going to be When we 8 One of the sweetest stories ANDREW B. 8TERLINC ever told, one of the most beautiful melodies HARRY VON TILZER chorus slides. ;*'S© rVI EN E W O IN ES \A/E WESTERN SONG, ■TIIK. coos ivovklty; ■ D /% - H .the yrnisH SKlUCflAllB: 'HOME; SWEET HOME, SOUNDS GO' mmm* } NEW STAOK ;I SONG, NEVER SAW SUCH JEALOUSY III ALL MY LIFE." Y VON riatri^^tOTEJilicCTtoLX^ ,'.' i'": ■'".: . — MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES FROM THE 800,000,000 8T. LOUIS WORLD'S FAIR Registering Turnstiles 100, perfect condition, Juit ■Ike cut, wltli font leaver, Hnulntiir from 1 to 100,000. uii - voo.oo BO oooond hand ticket ohoji_- porboiuii each aflH, tbouiand. INCANDESCENT LAMPS KSfft W^KttjKl UtMiUiTand aervlceablo. 100 to 110 voltece: ISO in o barrel. Price rami DO In sninll auintltToa, oe'li Oc 190.000 mine UN nbovo, lirnnd new, in full cum loti, oaon,.....10« 10,000 now, It) camllo power lanipa.oach ~, 1. NEW STRIP TICKETS Printed foroae at the Kir" nlttnni have never been •modi 2.O0O to a rolli coniec iitlvdly numbered. Denom- inations: to, lie, Wo, Mc. IUffcmnl Colon. Priceprr ISO In Iota of 10,000 fto 30,000 now, 10 cariillo power lamps, ooeh lie 5.000 Lamp*.u«ot1, nulural colore, ruby, union, amborand opal, Tented and aurvl<ionhln. Trice each.... 10c 90,000 aamo an above, brand new, prk-o each...... ■ Joe 5,000 HARDWOOD FOLDING CHAIRS w. oil; bmt nialloublo Iron flttiiiun; alrnplo In con mmlo of ion „ aoned h ar d- oonatructlom fold (mrfectly flati strong, durable and comfortable) will not werp| aro or aupcrlor to any ottitir make; brand now. Price, In amen lot* $0,00 Special Price en Larger Quantise 1,000 UNIFORMS fSBkVX^SSS^JSEb Wrlto for our Bpoclal wo'tinge Catalogue No. 8. A. «Tt». II ooa came a eo-iiplcto Hit of all kind* of Kl tic trie a! Huppllo*. general amu*ernent material men yon are "onitantly purcliunlna. We havo fnrealu Kirn Hose, all klmU of Flrn-flfflitlnfr Apparatus, Klontrloal Hupplle., Fliiuii, Hunting, Furniture, llouiohold Uoods, Plumbing Material, Machinery-In faol everything "under toe aan." Addrois v OHIOAQO HOUSE WRECKING CO., 3fJth and Iron 8t»., CHICAGO STRATE _ PARK ROW BUILDING. N.V. A-I rutc 8et«. SQUARE INCH- rt ■ wuls HALF-TONE PROCESS CO. oj I DO YOU USE ACETYLENE? IP BO WK WANT TO IKII1I TOD A SAMPLK IURNKR. Wa know we nave the but burner erer nude tor uii In a stereotuoon « BoAtf nelut Machine j Uo for Lighting Tneatreo, Medicine Oi»n end oiroueet. Addree. Room U, ltto. lor temple. V/M. M. CRANE COMPANY, 1131-33 Brood-oy, H.w Tort TUB OlllOAT KNOI.I8II VAUDKVILI.K PAPHR, THE MUSIC AND TMEATRC •"BEVIBCW. 14 Leicester St., Leicester Square, London, W. C. rORBION NIIIISl HII'TIONM, - - - - - 8s. M. PSA Y f** PHOFKSSIONA1, AI>VKIlTlf*BMKNT», - . »«. Od., Slnstl. Columo loch HEW YORK CORRESPONDENT AMD REP., IDA CAULK, OFFICE, 70S ST. JlMKS BH, vfnere advertisements wlU be received. Copies on mo. Dazian'sTheatrical Emporium NOW AT 142-144 W. 44th ST. (Near Broadway), NEW YORK. THEATRICAL COSTUMES AND SUPPLIES, MVK11Y IIKO.UIHITK FOR TUB STAOB. MWP FOR CATAFuOOHB. HAVE YOUR MUSIC PUBLISHED BY US. Send Hi, good poem, • good melody or » complete wort, We here no rewrite writer,. All let equal treatment end consideration. All letters anawered promptly. ' lMOIKKH MUHIC PUBLISHING COMPANY, IlHI "jenbotton Did,., VIIICAOO. TRICKS And Trick Apperatas. TOST A OOHPAHT, Ml Filbert St., (KstabUabedMlO), PblladelpMa. AW Largo Catalogue for Stamp. THE LATEST. THE BEST. JUST OUT. OPTIGRAPH NO. 4 MMol ISOT llu the ONLY PERFECT FRAMING DEVICE Write ve for 40 REASONS ttaj Tea H.e*ld lay THE NEW , ... OPTrORAPH In preference to any other Holloa Picture Machine, BlfGatalogU* of Lautanu, Film*, itlidci, Acoeuorlta, ete. AMUSEMENT SUPPLY CO. (Inc.) 481 Chemical Jioult Bldff. OUIOAO WE IIAVB FOR NALU AND JUKANK Advtmee. Prlvlteje, Baigajc, BU»ek, Am- taomoblle end Blerrw-uo-HoBBtt Cart, 60ft. long. Dealrablo for Show/ and Carnival Com- panies. Reasonable tormi. Write for parttODltrs, TUB AKMB PALACE HOR8B OAR OOHTANT, Wo. UK) Mopadnook Building, Chicago, III, J. |w. mmm, If anufacturer o( ITUiTBHaL T16BIS tn Silk, Wonted and Mercerized, and nil kinds SP0BTH8 SUITS. ml Ridge Ave.. Phlla., p>. Flie Magical Apparatus, ILLC8IONS. TK10XB, Kto. Grand Kn,l or Century, fully Illustrated. I1O0K CATA- LOOtlK, 2ec, tree lij mall 1 OataloRiie of Parlor tricks free MAUT1NKA A CO.,Mfr».. 403 Slxtb Ave., N. Y. "R A OrCL- A «- V n/kPQ PRACTICALLY NEW JD ^V\7 UTilUI Xl \jJZL Xll ts> 66 PKET OVER ALL PECKHAM TRUCKS WILL SELL CHEAP Bend Us Your Equipment Inquiries WALTIB A. IBLIICKEB turriT 10. in BT. LOUIS HEBE IB BOBETHIIO HEW I STAGE DANGINe TAUGHT BY MAIL JOHN P. HOQAN'S u CHART AND DIAGRAM SYSTEM Enables anyone, without, former experience, to become an accumnllatied dancer. Porfull parllo- uiara Bend 2-cent Btamp for circular, Prospectus, JOHN P. HOCrAN, Toother of Stag* Donclnf, Kin.' lloll, Hojeatle Thealr. Bolldlof, 50th St. aid Bth Ave., Now York City- SSB>1VI> US YOUR MANUSCRIPT OF SONG POEMS, ORIGINAL MELODIES, Or COMPLETE WORKS, How I. the time to hove them ],, I. All letters auwetod promptly, PIONEER MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., Boot. TO», Il.nhottoii Dldg., OHIOAOO, ILL. WE ARE BTIIX DOING BUSINESS AT THE SAKE OLD PLACE MRS. L. BCHEUEB Wlalica to Inform tho 1'rofcBslon tlmt »ho uoa 1" »'« k , ■wins. k. ovnEUBR for the coming reason a Larger and Finer Stock of o ., ? V Jf!^ , !! B • alHW *< "BOEPTIOM, AND BTREET OOWNB, Ocntlemen'e Pull Dreie and Tuxedo Suits, Street Suits, Prince Alberts, fall and YVInttr Orercoats, Inverness Capes, Ktc. Prices "JUST RianT." Wo hove Bulled you before, vrt can suit you again. MRS, ,,. scheubr, 024-U20 Sonth street, Pin.., P«- Branch Store; S10 W. Mulberry St., Baltimore, Jl.l "■""»> Katz, Theatrical Costumer. BURLESQUE WORK A SPECIALTY. Also KmiROlDKRKD DRESSES for Specialty Acts. " -xinotok n» LEflNQTOH AVE., near Mib Street, Kew Tort. Tel. son Puu*'