The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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September 1. THE ifc^EW CLIPPER. ever composed Why wouldn't it be the biggest hit In the country ? This song Write*for them. , THINK THE WORLD OF." THJK .ORBAT HI« COO* SOKU HITv i itiLHiiMiJ beautifully Illustrated with extra VSTKRXItYG HBd ; VON;TlL/KU'S NOVKl-TT SO!K«, OUR'.PKMKNT TttRIMFJC HAI.UD HIT, "WOULD Yp LEAVE,OTRHAPPO •THK -TKKHI»?1C ;MARCH,fSO?fO; IJI "THE GOOD OLDfSONGS OF THE HAKRV, JULKS atad WILL, VOIT TJJt.ZKK a** alW AHOY" O'af^ W . .•£ ftUJilO 6th AVE. TO THE PROrESSION. Galling Rtady (or your Fill Campilgn, Rtmimbtr wt ire Koidqairlort lor PROFESSIONAL UNDERWEAR, MIUICD RDfl* DANCE SKIRTS, BLOOMERS, ' '■■''flk'HL45L U0 '» PROFESSIONAL HOSIERY AND TIGHTS, PROFESSIONAL SHOES. SHORT VAMPS. Sand for Catalogue. PROFESSIONAL MAKE UPS, GREASE, PAINTS, POWDERS, ETC, MAHLER BROS., MI-MO 6th AVE. MAHLER BROS., 511-filB 8th AVE. MAHLER BROS., an-niB ath AVE. SPECIAL OFFERING. ODR MM BOX. Hade from Its very bett tin, «re blank enameled. Eepe- dally made for profeialonal me, Having a trey w«n oom- nartmenU for Oreiuo 1'ftlnl., Powderc, .-a MM - fc Comb and Brnen, Wlm, Etc., Eto. Bai SKAT Oa donble aouon look, with two key., at P» ■ ^" OUR COLD OREAM Eaprenly prepared for the Tlieatncal Frofeaalon, fnaren. teed to to absolutely pure and never become rancid In anj climate. Put np In pound Sorew Top Tin Can. at *Sc.| bait pound at life. SABPLES OF OBEil oBIT FBEl. ALL MAIL ORDERS HOST BE AC'OOMPAINJD BY BONES ORDER. NONE DENT 0.0. D. Our Ntw Theatrical Catalogue sent free upon request. ACETYLENE BURNER. The CRESCENT BURNERS. INDISPENSABLE FOR USERS OF ACETYLENE. Every Burner Guaranteed. ' Each Burner Good tor Over Honn. BEWARE OF INFRINGING IMITATIONS. M. KIRCHBERQER & CO., (Untral LIc.niMi and Soil Aointi, 44 Park Place. New York. "TUB PHOOF OP TUB PUDDINO I» 1» TUB BATIrlO." X SONG BOOKS THE CHAS KI1ARRI5 50NOSTEF [- ABSOLUTELY-til'ttiESi - I ALWAYS CONTAIHS'Tllt-lATtSl HITS I WctfSmlPim for Spml toll CALL UAHO otteThoat RESTAURANT *7Js SIXTH AVE., BeLBth and 20th »tn., NKW YOKKOITY. Dent of Food, Perfect. It Cooked,Dellciounlj Served. Prices rca-'. Hpeclai Din- ing Itoom for Ladles- I Stlkollae TlBhU, •4.00| Wonted TiprhU, Oa.iVo. Cotton Tights, •lJoOt 811k '■ lajhta, fnm M.9B mpi Shift* «« matcli, all same price as tl*hts| Pnmpi 95 eeatai (Jalt- ere. fti.Ofli Elastic Sappoi-tan, •l.OOi Cloth Supporters. *h eeatai Send n>r catalogue and samples of tlajhta ix*ea. PoeltlTeljr a de- Soslt required, ftatlorectlon guaran- ed or mono* refunded. 8PIOER BROS., 88 Woodbine Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.; New York omoe, Lloeoln BIdg., 1 Dnlon So. frV. B.MOORE. MANAGER V WfCWirni ,.,-UM CXC'IaNGL..'. ____ fSF-ND r or cxr^-ucxcvuE,.. '§6 TRANKLIN ST. CHICAGO. IL tfMWZM*dP CAL m^ssssmsEEi T1 '<• find that |at the money. Call or wrltT." P. ». ZIMATBBMAH. » B. 14th ■«., II. T AND LOWES? PRICES. 30e. par 100* LEVIN BROS.. fi 80-83 n. BUTB STRUCT, TERBE HAOTE, IND. Our 1MB STREET- MEN'S CATALOGUE It now rtady lor dlitrlbu- llon. Writ, for II to- day. Youctnnolaflord lo bt without • copy. M.ll.d Int. POT. ■00.) IN ORDER TO INTRODUCE The Perfect Ll>,nld Hook. LIQUIOERMA POWDERM FOR We will nend, pontage prepaid, a toe. Box of Powderm* and a 60c. Bottle of Llqpiderma. Address (Inc.), 5 E. nth ■'., N. Y. eT>fC« Box of Powderma ain Oartna Co M. 8TRA88MAN, ATTOBNEY, 8G8 Broadway, New Tork Clly. TtftT $14.40 per 6ross. Only goou you 10 cent* per eet. The beat 35 cent seller that over happened. Send 15 cents for sample set And our new catalogue No. 19. HOuERS, THURnlAN & CO., 38 Michigan Avo., Chloago, U.SA .tti.ui.1 DOCTORS, MEDICINE PEOPLE AND SHOWMEN Why handle rocky Wall when you can handle goods thnt win sell themselves, Klectrlc Helta from 11 per dot. up. targe variety to delect from. Klectric Jar 76c. dot.; Klectrlc Insolca, •7« / 4c dor. pake. Boap, fat.10 groaa; Fire Medi- cal llatterlea. Bend 7Ce. for Bample No, 14 II It., exp. prepnld. Latest out One thin] canli required. Trial order will convince. iJirgoit Manufactoran of Klectrlral Belts and Appliances In U. B. A. Established 1878. Lecture and THE EfaEOTBIOaUi atmUJaOB 00., Bsuilsgtoi. Ufr lllfiHl CDC CfllDlll ICl* <" Qt> e, Batons, Ouru, lU.HIng Olobea. Hoops, uUnuLEiTltl sllll nrLICiriaaaWlrewftlkera 1 Apparatus, lUjman Alee. Stamp for vvuyiiiiMV WW! I hlbW Ohtalog and Bit Edw. Yan W«k ( OlacLnnaa.O.