The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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760 THE 2STEW YORK CLIPPER. September r ITOTTIVrF'l? HARMONICAS ■"■** JJ.AH MJM\ 9 | ACCORDIONS For those critical professional players whose artistic reputations are partly dependent upon the fine tone quality of the particular in- strument they may play. These instruments have no equals, and fill the bill for Vaudeville Per- formers Who BUST HAVE THE BEST. Used exclusively by WM. H. BURK, wro was the first to introduce the harmonica into vaudeville, and is acknowledged the world's greatest player. IIOHNKK GOOD8 ARE FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS KVEHYWHKRK. 475 BEOADWAY, HEW YOBK. Canadian Office. 76 York St., TORONTO. NEW JERSEY. r A GREAT RAZOR SALE* FOR THIS MONTH ONLY. BY MAIL 97c 82.60 and 83.00 IMPORTED RAZORS FOR 97c. Twenty-five thousand fine Importt-cl travelers 1 SAMPLE RAZORS will be placed on utile, for this month only, at !>7i-, each, These razors are from some of the leading manufacturers of nuon tn the United States. England and Germany. They are all HIGH GRADE SAMPLES. We secured their entire stock at a ridiculous figure, and now offer them for sale at the low price of t)7c, each. The assortment comprises ill the well known ttakev, Including the WADE & BUTCHER BRANDT, WOSTBNHOL34 PIPE BA9S08, I.X.L., BOKER TREE BRAND, BLUE BTCSL, BENGALL and fifty popular brands of all the famous makers, la fact, we have been Belling the same Identical razors sb high oa ¥2.00 to 13.00 each. Every razor Is guaranteed perfect and set ready for use. Any razor sold that does not give perfect satisfaction can be exchanged. WE GIVK SPECIAL ATTENTION TO MAIL ORDERS. All razors ure carefully selected, honed and set ready for use. You should take advantage of this great sale, as these certainly are high grade Soods. A chance of a lire time to buy a good razor at one third Its real value, rder your razors today, while you think of It, as this ad. may not appear again. B. BRANDT CUTLERY CO., 105 Chambers Street, N. Y. DEPILATORY POWDER The treatment of aupernuon, hair la something that requires the greets,! nicely and care. X. BAZIN'8 depilatory Powder is the result of much study of the cause of and problem ot destroying these growths with- out Injury to the surrounding skin or leaving a scar or the slightest deform- stlon. X. BAZIN'S DHH'ILATORY l'OWDBB Is absolutely safe and de- stroys the hair without pain, a simple, dalntr way of effecting a core. Send to Department "C for our little pamphlet on the snbject. "FOB UBADTY'8 BAKB." HALL A RUOKBL, Proprietor, and Masnfactnrera of SOZODONT, ...... . 2I5 Washington Street, New Tort For sale at all Or.t elaaa l,n, .fare, or sent h, mall In aealesl paokaarc. for Boo. TI1K AlioVl-l IS A BAMI'I.E UF OUIt MHDIFII Wc can mako a Imlf tono from photograph you ftimlhli: sot up jour mime, address and sot In type, and rirlni fiofl l.etlcr Hearts, s'.xll r r ,3.50, CHSll. K.NOXVIL.LK KNGIIAYING CO., »» Hay St., Knolvllle, Ten... IK ORDER TO INTRODUCE LIQUIDERMA The Perfect .Liquid Rouge * FOR Wo will send, pontage prepaid, a Mo. OK*"» Dux of Powdorma and a 60o. Dottle iCvti "f Miiiililunim. Addrcaa Derma to., (Inc.), ft K. lit h St, N. Y. WANTED AX ONCE, Repertoire People, Ail Lines, That double brass; Bouhretfo with Rood special- tied, MuhIcIhiih, H. and a, and Bingo Orchestra Lender with iiiuxlo. Stop at hntcK Mu»t jntn oil Wire. CHESTER GKNTKK, ViTDou, Texas. Hep. and Vaudeville and Jiiiimrt'i Coa. to nitty i-it night stands In a circuit of 4 good towns III Con tier! lent. Sharing term*,liberal. Wc want Al aitrautl'usonly. J. STAINTMOUPF, Manager. -»!■■» BOILING WATER ONE PINT IN ONE MINUTE Richard Toennes, Box 344, Boanvllle, Mo. BASEBALL AMERICAN LEAGUE. AMERICAN LEAGUE PARK. With Ho.Ion, Sent. 0. pflta, Sept. ' Will, Boston, Sept. 10, 11, 1 With Phll.delpfi iJ?"P}- »• ' RACING. COHEY ISLAND JOCKEY CLUB. SHEEPSHEAD BAY. 8«|>t. I to Sept. 15. 1. 1. B. B„ East 31th St. Ferry. O. A. HAWKINS, Mfr. of OymnaBtio Apparatus, 83ft E. 46th St., N.T. formerly of 118 K. 18th SL Horlioniai bars, leap, lug boards and bars, barrels, crosses, globes, etc- NeTTnrU— The season Is now fairly un- der way here, all the houses being open ex- cept the Umpire, which Is undergoing exten- sive alterations, and will be opened about the first of October. Newark (Lee Ottolengal, manager).— This theatre opened bright and fresh hept. It, with Robert Kdeson, in "Stronghcurt," having a good advance sale. "The Prince of Pltsen" week of 10. Empibb <H. It Hyams, manager).—The mezzanine floor of this bouse has been en- tirely renovated, and the bouse gene-rally remodeled and made quite up-to-date. It will open about Oct. 1. Phoctoh'b (F, P. Proctor, manager).— This theatre has continued business In a tirosperous way through the Hummer, and luslneas Is brisk as ever. This week: Eu- gene O'ltotirke and company, In "Parlor A;' Geo. H. Heno and company, Mme. Rlalta, as a special feature, tn her mirror dance; Alf. Grant and Ethel Hoog, Dorsch and Russell, Cbas. and Fannie Van, Emerson and Rotten, Newman and Knowles, and the pictures. Columbia (M. J. Jacobs, manager).—The second week of the season here finds "At the Old Cross Roads" doing a goodly share of the general business. "Adrift In New York" opened the season last week with fairly good results. "A Slater's Sacrifice" week of 10. Bl&ney's (J. H. Bucken, manager).—Lot- tic Williams, In "My Tom-Boy GlrL" this week. "The Boy Behind the Gun" received good attention last week. "Bertha, the Sew- ing Machine Girl," 10-15. waldmann's (W. 8. Clark, manager).— The season began with the accustomed dash here Saturday, Sept. 1, with the Morning. Glories. The house has been renovated and painted, and the opening audience enjoyed an excellent burlesque bill. The Trocaderos 10- 15. Oi.tmpic Pans (J. W. Wefers, manager). —The Aborn Opera Co. la still receiving fine support, and In "La Perlcbole" Grace Orr Myers Is pleasing this week. "The Merry War" drew well last weeke. In the garden Joe Smith's tenor solos are as po- tent and welt rendered as ever, and In the open air Gorman's diving horses are re- tained. Electric Park (C. A. Dunlnp, manager). —This big home of varied entertainment still draws large crowds to both indoor and open air shows- , Amateur night, at the the- atre, Is still a feature. Hillside Park, —The hippodrome and bal- loon ascensions are the features. Notes. —Treasurer Sol. De Vrles, who wss In the box office of the Columbia, and further identified with Manager M. J. Jacobs for many years, now has a position at the New York H<ppodrome... .Former assistant treas- urer, Clayton Lomax, of the Newark The- atre, Is now treasurer of the Columbia, and Kuianuel Blum Is his assistant Ed. Miller, who wbb formerly in the blx office at Proctor's, Is now Treasurer Robbing' assist- ant At the Newark .... Leon Evans, of Wald- mann's Theatre and Olympic Park, was re- cently presented with a handsome diamond Masonic emblem by the staff and employes of the park, In the way of appreciation and good feeling. » ■ - -■ ■- Pateruon.—At the Empire (A. M. Brug- geman, manager) this house opened Aug. 27, to crowded houacs, and continued to draw well for the rest of the week. Bill for week of Sept. 3: Nina Morris and company, Barry and Halvera, Von Klein and Gibson, Alpha Trio, Zona Klefc, Cooper and Robinson, Four Nlghtons, villa Holt Wakefield and the klnetograph. Buou (Maurice Jacobs, manager).—The London Gaiety Girls Co., beaded by Pat White, the popular comedian, proved a good attraction fast week. Itlalto Rounders Is booked for week o* 3. Watson's Oriental Bur- lesqucrs to follow. Lyceum (Francis J. Gilbert, manager).— "Billy, the Kid,'' had good bouses ug. 27-20- Lottte Williams, In "My Tom-Boy Girl." played to crowded houses SO-Sept. 1. "The iiurglar's Daughter" 3-5, "The Woman of Fire 7 ' fl-S. a— e Trenton.—At the Taylor Opera House (Montgomery Moses, manager) "Wonder- land," Aug. 29, had big business. "Buster Brown," SI, did well. "The Little Ducbew" Sept. 1, "The Gingerbread Man" 8, "The Black Crook" 4, "Man aud Superman" Q, Kva Tanguny 6, "Little Bo-Peep 1 ' 14, 15. State Street Theatre 'Frank Shalters, manager).—Al, If. Wilson, Aug- 27, ploused a good slzt-d houBe. "My Tom-Boy Girl," 'J8,29 had satisfactory business. "The Gamb- ler of the Vest," 30-Bept. 1, did well. Cecil Spooner, In "The Girl Raffles," 3-15; "Paint- ing the Town" (I, "A Southern Vendetta" 7, 8. TnENT (Montgomery Moses, manager).— The opening bill for Sept. 3 and week In- cludes : Charlotte Perry and company, Clarice Vance. Four Melvln Bros., Ferreros, Redford and Winchester, the Shubert Quartette, Jack WIlBon and company, and the Trentograph. Jersey City.—"The Girl and the Gam- bler" had a good week at the Academy, end- ing Sept. 1. The Champagne Girls, a very clever road attraction, presented a strong olio and fared finely at the Bon Ton. Academy (Frank E. Henderson, manager). —For week of 3. "Carolina." Week to fol- low. "A Rocky Road to Dublin." Hon Ton (T. W. DtnkluB, manager).—The London Gaiety GIWb week of 3. Rlalto Round- ers to follow. NoTr..—The Bon Ton has been completely restocked with new scenic sets. Ed. Cadugan has again assumed control of the box office. — e- Hutu.ken.—At the Lyric (H. P. Soulier, manager) business Is good. "A Woman of Fire" Sept. 2-5, "The Burglar's Daughter" ti-s. "A Bad Man from Mexico" 9-12, "The Life of a Policeman" 13-15. Umpire (A. M. Bruggeman, proprietor).— This handsome amusement resort opened the regular Beason 3. *)»» DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. w.t*iiiiiKton.—The Washington theat- rical season Is fairly opened this week, only one bouse being closed, the Belasco, and that wilt open Its season on Sept. 10. Nbw National (W. H. Rapley, manager), —The season opens 3, with Stanley Dark's "Man and His Angel." "Babes In Toyland" 10-15. COLUMniA Theathe (Luckett & Dwyer, managers).—The opening. 3, presents "Little Jack Horner." "Mrs. ".vlggs, of the Cabbage Patch," 10-Hi. Relasco Theatre (L. Stoddard Taylor, mnnngcr).—Season opens Sept. 10. Academy or Music (J. w. Lyons, mona- fer).—This week, "When the World Sleeps." tost week, "The Way of the TranBgreesor" had crowded houses. Dolly Kempler, In "The Gypsy Girl," 10-15. Majestic Theatre (Ira J. La Motte, man- ager).—This week marks the opening of the regular season, the house having been oc- cupied for the past four weeks by colored troupes. The opening bill la "The Girl from Broadway." Last week, "The Policy Play- er" (colored) had large business, Florence Bindley, in "The Girl and the Gambler," 10-15. Ta'cbum Theatre (Eugene Kernan, mana- ger).—This week. "Hughey" Kcrnan'e Wash- ington Society Girls. Last week, the opening of the Benson, Carr's Thoroughbreds did ex- cellent business. The Avenue Girls 10-lG. The Lyceum has undergone extensive Im- provements during the Summer season, and h now up to date In every particular, It Is hnder the direction of the Empire Circuit Drop it, trick It, or if you can think of a more severe test of Jialety, please make it — we accept any challenge. Our exclusive patent safety lever is the reason why accidental discharge it impossible, and it lifts the IVERJOHNSOMaSI Revolver out of the "went-ofT-by-accident'' class. This lever must be in place before the revolver hammer can touch the filing pin and can only be raised when you purposely putt the trigger. Our Booklet "Shots" Mailed Fr.e J^teTlBft;' owner o( firearms should know, and goes Into the details and illuslutes by sections! views the peculiar construction of the Iver Johnson. Iver Johnson Safety Hammer Revolver I Iver Johnson Safely Mannerless Revolver t-inch barrel, nickel-plated finish. 21 rim I 3-inch barrel, nickel-plated finish, 31-38 cen- BrecittridKe,3j-j3centernre cartridge, S3 I ter fire cartridge, - • ,- - - S6 For sale by Hardware and Sporting Goods dealers everywhere, or will be sent prepaid on receiot of price if your dealer will not supply. I-ook for the mvTi htadtsn ihearipand our name on the barrel. IVER JOHNSON'S ARMS AND CYCLE A River St, Fltchburg, Mass. New York Office: 90 Chamber! St. Pacific Coatt Branch; P. n. Beckeart Co., 2330 Alamerta As*., Alameda, Cat, European Office: FkUiubenl Hamburg, Gcrmanv. Maatsri ef Irar Jobbjob BtoralsiMl SlaalsBsxral Bnoteww. Co., James L. Kernan, tbe former proprietor, having sold his Interest. Chase's Theatre (Miss II. Winifred De Witt, manager).—This week; Tbe Fays, tbe Ellnore Sisters, Johnnie Stanley and Grace Leonard, Marzello and Millay, tbe Columbia Four, and the vltagrapb. Last week Morrow and Sbelluerg, Ferreras, Katie Rooney, Wil- ls rd Slm-ms and company, A. O. Duncan, Nora Bayes, Twelve Toozoonln Arabs, and tbe vltagrapb filled the house at every per- formance. Luna Park (Geo. E. GUI, manager),—This week, rhilllplno Band, In the Shell, and the La Noles Brothers on tbe Hippodrome btflge •-•-•> COLORADO. Denver.—At the Orpbeum (Martin Beck, general manager) an excellent bill drew large nouses last week. The bill: Paul Spadonl, McWatterB, Tyson and company, Flsfce ana McDonald, Argyra Kastron, the Musical For- rests, tbe Rosalies, Median's dogs, and pic- tures. Elitch's Gabdeks (Mary Elitch-Long, pro- prietor).—"The Pride of Jennlco" was the attraction of tbe Bellows Stock Co., In tbe theatre, last week, and big business resulted. Jane Oaker was Princess (Jttllle, and William J. Kelly, Jeonico. Cubtis (A. 1L Pelton, manager).— 'Tbe Holy City," last week, was well staged, and proved a good business bringer; "Tbe it oval slave" Sept. 2-8. Cft xstal (G. I. Adams, manager). — A varied bill pleased good houses last week. Tbe bill: Marquis and Linn, tbe Zennaralles, Lillian Mason and company, Bessie Tanabill, uscar Lewis, and pictures. \oyu.i-* (Henry Lubelskl, manager).—The bill last week drew large houses, and In- cluded Gilbert's animals, McCloud and Mel- ville, Richard Walsh, Bessie Crawford, Joe t. Buckley, and pictures. Notes. —The Bellows Stock Co., with Jane Oaker, will open the Tabor Grand Sept. 4, with "Zaza." Tbe house Is newly decorated. ......Thomas W. Walsh, Waterbury, Conn., correspondent of The Clipfbb, Is here, at- tending tbe convention of the International League of Press Clubs. Dan L. Hart and Bister, of Wllkes-Barre, Pa., are also In the tarty The Dayton Sisters and Devoy, Helen May Butler and band, tbe Weratzes, the Zola Sisters, and Wayne Abbott are at tbe Tuilerles Gardens. » ■ » ■ maim;, v . Portland—At the Jefferson (Cahu & Grant, managers) "The College WlOow" came Aug. 24, 2D, "As Ye Sow,' r 27-Sept 1, uud both were well patronized. " 'Way Down East" 3, 4, "The Old Homestead" 7, "The Volunteer OrganlBt" 8. Pour land (J. ]-:, Moore, manager).—Tola bouse opens Its regular Beason 3, presenting, 3-8: Toby Claude, Four Everetts, Written and Gladdisb, Willie Weston, Carter, Waters and company, Thos. J. Keogh and company, and klnetograph. Gem Theathe, Peak's Island (C VP. T. Godlng, manager).—For the closing week of the Summer season the stock presented, 27- Sept. 1, "Nancy Hanks," attracting very large patronage. The company holds over for Labor Day, 3, for the closing perform- ances. Camd Cottage Theatre (B. V. Phe'-an, manager).—"For Love and Honor" wiis the offering by the stock 27-Sept. 1, to fine DubI- l-.ess. The closing of the seasou occurs Labor Day, 3. Hivbbton Park (D. B. Smith, resident manager).—Gorman's New York Vaudeville istara attracted capacity business 27-Sept. 1. •*-•-♦ NEW HAMPSHIRE.. Manchester.—Keith's (Frank G. Mick, resident manager), completely renovated, will open nbout Sept. 17. A large force of painters, decoratoi-B and scenic artists are working night and day to have things com- pleted in time. Park Theatre (John StlleB. manager). •iloity Toity" opened to S. K. O. Aug. 30, and gave satisfaction to continued crowded houses,81, Sept. l. "Weary Willie Walker" 3-0, "Adrift In New York" 0-8. Notes.— The Adam Good Co. played Nashua, N H., last week, to crowded houses. I<rank Twltchell, who for the past twenty- two Bensons has been connected wltn the company, Is still the "man in front." Harry How Is the representative ten days ahead. ...... h rank Hartford, representing a .syndi- cate, was here Aug. 30, with a vfew to se- curing land on which to build a new theatre n YE*f"h to lir be run , ln connection witli his Concord, N. 1L, and Portsmouth. N B louses, and others on the circuit ' *-*♦ OKLAHOMA. p.,?«. , 'r!^ n, M c "y-—AtDelmar Garden tbe Curtis Operatic Comedy Co. finished a week n tJ&SP'L Po " B8 « Cafe," and hnd B. R. hi ..iv , the garden returned to vnude- vUle, with: Joe Garxa, the Man-llles, the De- oys the Klngsberrys, Glaydys MIddleton and the Busch Family. Opening business was very good, ■ v-H« 0D n£ ,B ^T"^! 11 ,or 20 « n< J week: Vetter Bros., Eunice Powell Jack Iipnunn Russell and Devlrlne, and bijougtaph ' Notes.— Rlngllng Bros.* Circus advance car was here and put up banners for Oct. 3. u:«Va5 B S?S b ??!l P^P'o followed In, and have the rest of tbe town well covered .... £he Empire Theatre is undergoing extensive repairs and decorating, and will have a bet- ter house than before. a. .. _ VERMONT. nurliusrtoa_At the Strong Theatre (Calm A Grant, managers) Earl Bur/eSs Co ..J;?* 1 Feather, 20, pleased a good house smr" 1 G,ri «<*■ a - s-ass The "Best" Tonic When you are nervous, sleepless or fagged out, try a small glass of Pabst Exlrad, morning, noon and night. It will aid your digestion, steady your nerves, bring you refreshing sleep and build you up physically. 25 Cents at afl drugguti. Iniut Upon the original. Pabu Extract Department, Ivtiwaulxe, Wk J- sifl Ciub.GocKtAl( The Perfect Drink for Summer Outings A cool, refreshing and stimulating delight for the picnic in the woods—the automo- bile party—all outdoor sports. CLUB COCKTAILS are exquisitely blended from choicest liquors, aged and mellowed to delicious taste, flavor and aroma. A CLUB COCKTAIL is a scientifically equal and uniform cocktail—not a slap-dash mix- ture of doubtful liquors. Strain through cracked ice and serve. Seven varieties—each one delicious. Order CLUB from your Dealer O. F. HBUBI.EIN & BRO., Sole Props. Hartford New York loiiilon 6H0KS FITTRn WITH O'SULMVAN'S HEELS OFNEVf RUBBF.B. HAKE UFK OFMEN o. ,A N0 WOMEN WORTH LIVING. . parti leather neels and nails are no longer O'Sulllvao Heels are madeof brand newriib- oer. give tne elaatlc. bonnduig, comforlftUe. HKW S!*" ot ? on,n . outwear learner tool! and all.oilier robber heels. *£1 better to say "O'Snlllvan'a" wben ord'-'; In. robber heels, to be rare of getting wliat KS «r nt . Mo - atlaobed. Kyonr dealer baMi'i p'Snlllvan's, send S6o. and diagram of jour heel to tbe makera. O'Hulll..,, Ilubber <o. L.w.11. M»i iL