The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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SEPTEMBER & THE NE¥ YORK CLIPPER. 701 njo rld cf Players, S, d v o\ America since Aug. 1: Leatcr Loner- 25? Toaeph O'Mearo, Mary Anderson Hough, S ii FerrlsT Arthur Roberts. Geo. D. Uolt, Shftmns F. Mulligan, with Jackson & Reed, to 252X N^nce O'Neill. For Andrew Mack, "'ft the management of J. H. Decker: J. J. ,m 'Rhodes for Spencer 4 Aborn. Fred- i'-lck Forrester, with Edwardi E. Brnden. JK Edward IN Cordova for '"The Shadow Kind the Throne" Co.; Mark Harrison and u i Florence. For Mzon & Zimmerman: niiwr J- White and George H. Wender. vmma Campbell, with Valerie Bergere, In viudevllle Hobo Marston, J. S. Cornell and iMHle Le Hoy to support Oscar Dane. For S l Glaaer Stock Co.; Louis Chevalier. life mrd Lyle and D. Allen. For "Mjipah.; 1 nnder the management of Mr. Kennedy: At. Kl* Lang, Lew Woods and Edltn Bel- inws Benjamin Bradbury for '•Carolina," under the management of Louis Miller. Kthel CUfton for Proctor's Stock. Howard v'nlicr and Joseph 1 T firmer, for Llebler & Co la "Mrs. Wiggs, of the Cabbage Patch." For Shubert Bros.: Fanny Maranoff and El- mer Booth. Miss Dudley, with Mr. Meaghan. Margaret Lee and Louise Renney, for the A. w Dingwall Co. Maude DIckcraon, with ■*Our New Minister," under the management of Joseph Conyer. Hallctt Thompson and i' F Rutledge, for Weatfall & Kenny. Wm. Townsend. for "The Mummy and the Hum- m'ng Bird" Co., under the management of Jules Murry. Wm. Gerald and Wm. J. But- ler wilh Maude Turner Gordon, In vaude- ville. For the 8aa Francisco Stock Co., uuder the management of Frank Bacon: Izetta Jewell,' A. Burt Wcsner, Eloulna Old- castle ond Milton Nobles Jr. Wii. W. Lapoint hns resigned as business Kauagcr of the Claire Tut tie Co., to devote bis vnt're time to the Hrayham & Lapoint ptmictlons and houses. He h3s just placed bis new CWI1 War play, "A Union Lass," with several Western repertory compoules. Katbryn Brayham, owing to tbe serious Ill- ness of tier fftther, in California, has for six months been playing vaudeville dates on the Const circuits. She will shortly be seen In her husband's (Wm. W. Lapoint) new play, "A Green Mountain Gal." Miss Brajham una been playing her vaudeville engagements as hate Hope King. The tlrm of Brayham S. Lapoint will also have on tour this sea- Don the Van Huron Stock Co., the New Eng- land Players, and "A Lamb from Wall Street." Ni<rrs Cohan &>'s "King of Tramps" Co., Western, Leoa Allen, manager.—This company opened In Otter- Leln, Ind., Aug. 11, to good business. We played Fowler to S. R, O., and have been playing to packed houses since opening. Koster: Leon Allen, manager; Richard Boss, business manager; Elmer McClure, treasurer 1 ; 0. L. Patton, band master; A. J. Domlnlck, musical director: M. K. Turner, stage mana- ger; Forest McGHIlard, Victor Foust, t.lln- toa SteelBralth, Mrs. Dot Steelsmlth, Mrs. Bertie Allen, Louis J. Rossevelt and L. A. Sterzenbad. II. Wilmot Yocxo, manager of tbe'BlJou. Comedy Co., writes: "We commenced re- hearsals Aug. 20, will take to the road Sept. li, and are booked solid to May 30. I hare engaged, through my 'ad.' In Tub Clip- ped, tbe following people to support my talented star: Malzlc Adums, Mue Wlllard, Alice I'uvett, Llllle Arniitage, Frank Waldo, T. Chan. I'uvett, Ralph Merchant, William Conklln (fifth year), W. B. Mersereau, H. F. Green, A. J. Mackey (fourth year). Wallace Store and Chas. Shepard. Baby Marguerite with her specialties, will be a feature. On July 25 there arrived a new manager In tbe person of H. W. Young Jr. Although he lias only had two weeks professional experi- ence, he seems quite contented." T. H. Delevan writes that he has just closed a four years and three months' engage- ment with the Kennedy Players, la Hannl bnl, Mo., and has joined the Nellie Kennedy Stock Co.. in Wllkes-Barre, Pa., which Is booked solid up to May, 1907. Allen Coitus and his company, In the musical comedy, "The $10,000 Beauty," have been playing all season, aud are booked solid fur next season. Roster of the company : Allen Curtis, Harry Lewis, Al. Bruce, Harry nright, Fred Cutter, Marjorle Lake, Gladys JHddleton, Ed. O'Malley, Mayrae Prager, Glndra Eagcn, Ethel Smith, Mabel Culvert. Lisle Hurler, Dorothy Blaine, May Robinson and Claire Crawford. They opened a three weeks' engagement at the Lyric Theatre, St Joseph, Mo., Sept. 2. \ot£s from the "A Life's Mistake" Co., Sauford & Von Cllne, owners, W. H. Vol Cllne, manager.—We opened our reg- ular season at Oakland, Neb., Aug. 28, xfl, and arc booked solid until July 4, 1007 in the best one night time. We believe we have one of the very best plays and the strongest company on the road. We carry sixteen fieople and uniformed band and orchestra. Inn being a nautical play, our band Is cos- tumed In the regulation navy uniform, neat and attractive. The theatrical conditions in this part of the country are most promising, t rops were never better, farmers have plenty or money, and we look for a long, pleasant ond prosperous season. BETTS & FOWLEB ANNOUNCE THE FOLLOW- ING exoagbments : Albert Dttsblngtou, with Trto to Egypt:" Taos. Curtlss, Madeline Garcia, Maude Edwurds, with Rose Stock Co.: Walter Dale, with "Shadow Behind the Throne;*' Kate Collier, with "The Gypsy win; Josle Bowen and Baby Blancbard, wti "Human Heorts;" William S. Davis, with "Deserted ut the Altar;" Jack Klen- ;ton and James Goodrich, with "Girl from terns:" Gertie Lvnch, Reglna Lynch, Ro- salie Lynch, Phyllis Lorraine and Edna Du- ra«t with 'Tainting the Town;" Edward Connelly nnd Katharine Von Glatz, with Those Primrose Girls." Mauiq Kklleu, formerly with Sam Ber- nards company, and Edward B. Martlndell, mst senson with "Mexlcana," hare been en- gaged by Henry W, Savage for "The Man 1-rom Now" Co. Notes prom "The Girl From Happylnnd" < o., under- the direction of Jos. Hurtle; & w. n. Irons, with A. Jack Faust os business manager.—We opened the season Sept. 1. ■HP n *e booked for a tour of forty weeks In ail the principal cities of the United States y?' 1 Canada, The roBter of the company Is: •uiidrod Stoller, a prima donna and come- dienne ; Chns. Blake; Victor Vobb, Mile. Rer- "nn, a French danBeuse, and her first Ameri- can appearance; Mnrle Gillette, Arrhur juries, the Kenyon Quartette, Elsie Elvla, tutorial Trcvelle. and twenty show girls. Clark Rosb Is creating the character of i*opey Jones in "Ruled Off the Turf* Co., under the management of A. II. Woods, „ Dt:x Hown Informs us that he closed with A Runaway Match" Co. at Rlciimond, Vs., lV'/r 1 9* t0 resume his part in the Gaynon- ollock Co., with which he was associated "it season. IIenbietta Cboswan's company this sea- son. In the comedy, "All-of-a-Sudden Peggy. 1 composed of Edward Mackey, Ernest Stal- WgL J. R. Crauford, Addison Pitt. John Marble, C. A. Chandos, Kate Meek. Ida Wa- lkman. Jane Marburv and Ann Warrington, -iijls year, as last. Miss Crosman wilt enter- fain the members of her company at the Highlands on the Hudson, for a few days immediately preceding the opening of her senson. Selma Herman and her company has be- gun rehearsals of the "Queen of the Con- victs." The pi a y u by that prolific author. Theodore Kremer, and the text, tbe life and adventures of the late king and queen of Servla. »««» T £ a *5H , 8wwu . Shipman & Co.— Anna Day, who Is starring In "When Knlgnt- nheaJliYA ^m' 1 '" «W» «•««. comment renonrsals of this pay on Auir. 27 at the Murray Hill Lyceum. Miss Day will be ffTOil l" thl9 ' ^ cr flr8t stellar ^as^n by b ■ e Ji#!i!. n L <:ompfln I r » tbe Penonnel of whlcb t-Ii Al ™ Swenson. Ogden Stevens, Thomas ESMSro 8eIbk t 3ohn Alexa'oder, Kd- Jo«?nh w« n, i "r anf t y X mn e> James Warren, Joseph Wood, Lewis Duncan. E. D. Wilson iSffi r^Sffi Ijl J! ,an H °y n c Frances Fay Staran Hcalev. Maude Stllson and Fannie Hayes. Ben 1), Vernon will act as company mniinger, while Edwin C. Barry will exploit the fortunes of the star and company as id- \nnce manager. The opening performance \L? e pe ?"l n W , UI le K lveu at Fltchburg, Mass. on Labor Dny. Madame Lydta M. Von MnkelBtcln Monntford the famoua lecturer on the Holy Land, Is concluding her tour through the Et'glish provinces. Her series or recitals in London proved so successful \ul 'n&ftS l. b f lef i our through Canada and the United States she will return to the Eug- Hsh metropolis. Mine. Mountford will return to New lork. about Sept. 10, nnd open her season In Canada In early October. The tri- umph of Marie Naretle, tbe famous Irish prima donna, in tbe opeulDg weeks of her tour of Australin, has been a source of great delight to her many friends la both EDgland and America, and the entire Australian press hns been unanimous In Its pralBes of the great Irish singer. The demand for scat a at the opening concert In Sydney was so great that It was necessary to extend the engage- ment for seven consecutive nlgbtB. Imme- diately following the announcements that contracts had been Mgned between Sweely. Shlpman and Co. and the Klrke La Shelle estote, for the rights to "The Bonnie Briar Btisb. A. J. Small offered to book the com- pany over his entire circuit, including a week ut the Grand Opera House, in Toronto, Can. Jessie Maclacman. tbe Scottish prima donna, will return to the United States in early September, with a specially Belected company of Scottisn players. Miss Maclach- lan hns spent a delightful Summer In the Highlands of Scotland, and writes that she Is In better voice than ever before, and eager for the coming farewell tour of Canada and the United States. Miss Maclachlan will be supported by Douglas Young, Scotch lyric tenor; Murray Grubam, piano soloist; John McLlnden, 'cellist, and Robert Buchanan, ac- companist. Notes from the Rowland & Cliffobd Attractions. —"Thorns and Orange ■Blos- soms," William Mong. in "The Clay Baker;" "Dora Thorne" and James Kyrle MaeCurdy, In "The Old Clothes Man," opened Sunday, Aug. 12, and the artistic and financial re- sults -were gratifying in the extreme. Fred Walton has been secured to pilot the des- tinies of the first named attraction, with Edna Earlle Liudon in the title role. George Denton is busily engaged rehearsing the Eastern "Dora Thorne ' show, which opened Aug. 10. Sadie Marlon has been re-engdged to appear In the name part Thomas J. Smith, for years favorably known as tbe star of The Game Keeper," has been secured for the comedy role In "The Phantom Detective," Arnold Baldwin appearing as the detective. Fred Clarence Rh'ers is putting on the mu- sical numbers, and In conjunction with the Hall Sisters, will Introduce bis specialty. The American Newsboys' Quartette will also be with tbe production, Interpolating their well liked act. This attraction opened at tbe Alhambra Theatre, Chicago, Aug. 10. Danny Dougherty and Kid Sharkey will re- appear In the arena scene with v 'Tbe Old Clothes Man." Lem B. Parker has been called away, owing to tbe serious illness of his mother, and Frank Heal, general stage director of the People'B Theatre Stock, will superintend the rehearsals until his return. Joe Santry has been 're-engaged as advance representative. The People's Theatre Stock reopened Aug. 16, with "Men and Women." The stock, with the exception of James Dev- lin, who will play the characters, remains practically intact. Notes from tub Brothers Rotek "Next Dooh" Co.—We opened Labor Day, Sept. 3, and have thirty weeks booked solid. Our company numbers sixteen people, with a new line of paper, using three big doors for picture frames la front of the reserve sale. Our route runs South and West, playlDg back East in the Spring, In time to open our big "Uncle Tom" show, under canvas. Our scenery for "Next Door" Is new, many new trick effects being Introduced for the drat time. Billy E. Moiirissey, who Is doing Juve- nile leads with T. J. Gould's "Lights of Gotham" Co., whlcb will tour the South and Southwest, Is also doing his singing and danc ing specialty. . Notes from the Southern Stock Co., Alden & Williams, managers.—After camping for about two wecbB we expect to open our road tour. Our roster Is as folows: Arthur H. Alden, press agent; Harry A, Alden & Chas. Bymin Williams, managers; William B. Alklns, stage director: C. B. Williams, stage carpenter: Royce Cyril Clarke, juvenile leads; John Robinson, master of props; Jonn E. Slptou, comedian; Verna May Ham- ton, lends: Marie Williams, general business. Our repertory of plays Includes: "A Prisoner of Mora," "A Drunkard's Warning," "When the Heart was Tender" and William B. Alklns" big production of "Ten Nights in Ar- kansas." Walter J. York has also signed with us for the coming road tour. We are all enjoying good health. Jack Co.vnous and Frank M. Wilcox have Joined the "Sonp Bubble" Co.. under the mnnagement of Harry Graham, and the company opened at Vlncennes, Ind.. Aug. 18. Noths from Lintox, Ind. —Work has commenced on the erection of a new opera houne in this city. Tbe thentre Is to oc- cupy the ilrst floor, and the Elks will have quarters on the second and third doors. 'Ihe opening attraction will be given about Thanks- giving Day. The house sold for first night at live dollars a seat. The attraction has not as yet been selected. Notes fkom "My Wife's Family" Co., Western. W. McGowan, manager.—After a season of flfty-two weeks, we opened tbo regu- lar season of 1900-OT at Wausau, Wis., Sun- der. Aug. 10, and will cover the same terri- tory as Inst season. Lorraine Kcene, the talented actress, will play the lead this sea- son, and Dorothy Vnughun has been engaged to piny the actress, the part so successfully played bv Miss Keene last season. The com- edy parts will again be la the hands of those funny fellowB, Appleton and Perry. Other members of Qua successful organization ore: Mario Del Veccblo, Edna Ward, Helyn Gal- vlna. Ethel Hopper, Evelyne Vail, Chns. Del Veochlo, Lawrence Murray, J. J. Couriers, Leo Dumont, John Adams and II. L. Luw- Jah. A. Nebmtt writes: "I am with the Depew Burdette Co.. engaged for comedy and character comedy parts and my original spe- cialty, in Texas wc get The Clipi;eb a week late, but it Is never too late to he in- teresting. I got the only one In Ft. Smith last week, and bad to hand It 'round. Wm. E. Neff writes: "I Just closed » tlx- teen wecki' engagement, doing leading busi- ness with the Iteiger Stock, at Albuquerque, N. It, to Join one of the Morey stock com- panies, and I expect a long and plMMnt en- aagement. The Old Rbliahle reached me each and every week during the Summer, and I hope that I will heve the pleasure of lead- Inir it this Winter season.' X3K0. F. Howard, character Impersonator, has Joined the Actors' Fund of America, after nelng In the business over twenty-fire years. Electa Page's Stock Co. will not bo out until next season. This season Missi Paw will be featured as the aoubrette with tfie No 1 Roe Stock Co. She Joined Poll's Stock Co., in Hartford, Conn., Aug. 22. Notes from "At tub Old Cross Roads" Co. —This attraction opened Its sixth annual tour, with Arthur C. Alston, proprietor, at Plalndeld, on Aug. 15, and Is now making a short New England trip. The tour this sea- son will extend as far West as Kansas City only, and will be devoted to the larger cities. The company this season has been selected with great care, and compares very favor- ably with any Manager Alston has ever sent out with it. In fact, that Is one great feat- ure of this manager's companies—they arc rover allowed to deteriorate. Prominent among Its members arc: Ulta Harlan, -tosle Slsson, Flora Byam, Inez Bayard, Margaret Miller, Wm. Brummell, Oscar Grey Brlegs, Harry Dunklnson, Philip Conner, Jos. Mar- tin, Frank Cochran, F. S. Roberts and W. 11. Grubb. Manager Alston has engaged the Hippodrome Quartette, ond they arc a special feature with the company. Rod Waggoner, nho has been Manager Alston's right band man for several seasons. Is handling the com- pany in advance, and Forrest E. Crosman Is vltb the company. "At the Old Cross Roads" is one of the standard road successes, and a tour of grent prosperity cau be looked for. B. L. Paul writes: "My 'Dora Thorne* Co. opened the season on Aug. 7, nt Water- villi 1 , Kan., and from all Indications the company Is going to prove the best that we bave ever had In this territory. We carry the finest production In the way of scenery that the Kansas City Scenic Studio ever turned out, six beautiful drops and a wagon load of handsome set pieces. The laBt act showing the Illuminated gardens of Earls- court 1$ said by everyone to be the equal of any set ever produced In V. S. I have sur- rounded my wife, Mamie Sheridan Wolford, with a first class company, and thus far this season we have broken two house records, In spite of the heat and earllness of tbo sea- Bon." Billy B. Van, 'n bis latest production of "The New Errand Boy," began his season on Aug. 20, at tbe Colonial Theatre, Peeks- kill, N. Y. The play Is In two acts, and was written oy Geo - "" by Carl Hand. written oy George Tottcn Smith, the lyrics by Carl Hand. It Is an entirely new com- edy, and gives Mr. Van ample opportunities towards displaying his quaint humor. It Is suld that the prettiest hunch of chorus girls ever banded together In one production will be seen In tills play. E. S. A.nuehso.n, Mamie Lincoln Plxlcy nnd Geo. W. p.nrlow have signed with P. H. Sullivan, tor his forthcoming Droductlon of Theodora Krcmcr's latest thriller, "A Woman of Fire." Leon Victor, formerly with P. II. Sulli- van Amusement Co.'s "A Race for Life," hns been cugaged n? business manager of "The Queen of the Convicts." Kamiierokii's Theatre, Brunswick, Md„ hns been thoroughly overhauled, and new Bcenery, ekctrlc lights and opera chairs have been instulled for this season, which opened the week of Aug. 27, with the Osman Stock Co. "The Denver Express," "Lights of Gothnm" and "'Iho Girl from Texas" will fol- low In September. Enoaoements for W. E. Nankeville's "Human Hearts" Co.: Lincoln J. Pluuncr and wife, Rose Emerson (fifth season), for parts of Tom Logun and Ruth Joskin, In tbe Western company; Mary Thompson to play the blind mother (second season) ; John 1>. Vomit (second season), for Moses Jones; John Halght (second season), for Jimmy Logan. ..Messrs. Cohan & Harris have Blgned a contract with Eugene Walter for a period of live years. By tbe terms of the agree- ment Cohan & Harris will have first call on all plays that Mr. Walter may write during the life of the contract. At present Mr. Walter Is engaged In giving as much pub- licity as possible to the announcements of tbe tli-st production on any stage of George M, Cohan s new American play, "Popularity." Lillian Aluektson has been engaged to create the part of Ruth, In "The Measure of a Man," In which Robert Drouet Is to star this season. <Mlss Albertson closed her engagement with William Norrla, In "The Streuuous Life," Aug. 18, In Chicago. Davy & Leslie, former managers of the Casino Theatre, Worcester, Mass., have opened a dramatic and vaudeville agency, ami school of acting in Boston, Mass. Atlanta, Ga., Notes. —The beautiful new theatre that has just been erected In At- lanta by J. B. 'Thompson, has been leased by James L. Glass and Guy S. Lemman, who In- stall their stock company for tbe Winter. The house Is one of the handsomest thea- tres, with prices of admission at 10, 20 and 30 cents. The company Js now being or- ganized, and the plays for the Beason se- lected by Arnold Wolford, New York repre- sentative. Mr. Glass Is the manager of Won- derland Park, that Is belug built in Atlanta for next season, and this house will be run In connection with tbo park. Edwin Fos- berg and Helen Courtney, leading people, and Donnn Troy, leading soubrette, have been engaged so far. The house will open Sept. IV, with "Along the Rio Grande" as the attraction. Mal'rece A, Francillon, advance agent of the Arllngtons, writes: "Wc have been play- ing In Colorado Springs and vicinity nil Sum- mer, doing line business, and have received the endorsement of the press and public. We open our regular season for tbe G. A. It. reunlou, at Cambridge, Neb., Aug. 27, and after our fair dates, go East, presenting a new line of first class royalty plays, with special paper for each. Our compnny con- sists of: Walter Arlngton, manager; Maurice A. Francillon, advance agent; C. D. HatMeld, Thos. Pawley, Mayme Arlngton, Ogarlta Hat- field, Leo Mode, Genevieve Cunning, Helen Conemas, A. J. Cole, Jack Frasler, It. J. Blctben, C. W. Cunning, John Hamilton, and Inez and Ody, child specialty act. Your valuable paper Is always welcome." Roster 01 tub Western "Quincy Arasis Sawyeu" Co., under the management of W. O'Nell, en route to the coast: 11- N. Dudgeon, Dale Devcreaux, La vera Titus, Frank Vlalch, Hob Tuttic, Paul Machetle, Chas. B. Hamlin, Walter B. Smith, F. C. Heasev. W. II. FIgg, Jane Tyrrlli, Alberta Keen, Clara Coleman, Nellie Itankln, Abbio Woodman, Margaret Gallagher and Elizabeth Wilson. Notes from Uuuuitr Suerman's Attrac- tion's. —"My Friend from Arknusaw," tour- ing the Pacific coaBt: Oeorge Murdock, man- ager; E. M. Cregmlle, advance representa- tive; Fred Hubbard, George Olml, Ralph Stuart, Boy Watson, Prof. Harry Rodeu- baugh, Beatrice Gordon, Geruldlnc Davis, Fenny Iloulton. Season opened at Itel'evlllc, III., Aug. 20. Roster of Mr. Sliermnu'* "The Village Vagabond," Northern tour: Ed. B, Rogers, manager; Charles Leon, advance rcp- leBcntative; Cecil Lionel, Fred Collins. Ar- thur Olml, Chns. L. Douglos, Anna Marvin, Lillian Winston and Jcancttc Douglas. Sea- son opened at Springfield, III., Aug. 28. Tub "For Her Uonou" Co. opens its sea- son Sept. 1C, at Stamford, Conn., under direction of Bobme & Smith, who are en- deavoring to make their attraction one of the best melodramatic offerings for this sea- son. A complete scenic equipment Ib carried, and a One line of pictorial work. The com- pany numbers twelve people, as follows: Bohme & Smith, proprietors and managers; Harry Richards, business representative; Karl Filing, musical director; B. Ralph Browne, Anna Marlon, Annetta Falardunx, Anna Smith. Grace M. Irving. James II. Mc- Laughlin. Albert Smith and Theo. Monahan. J. B. Swafford, for the last three seasons manager of tbe Gardner Theatre, Gardner, Mass., has been appointed manager of the Cummins' Theatre, at Fltchburg. Mass., In conjunction with tbe Gardner Theatre, by the lessees, Messrs. Wallace and Henocks- burg. cLaudb Boasdhan It with Mecauley it Patten's "The Minister's Bon" Co., playing the heavy. Do ret u Morris (Mrs. Boardntan) Is playing characters with tbe Stone Hill Garden Theatre Stock, PeorU, III. Notes and Roster or J. D. Chunk's Gbxatm "Uncld Tom's Cabin" Co.—We ore In onr seventeenth week, and' business has been good all season. We have lost two nights so far this senDoa, on account of rain. Wc have not turned people away, but the show has a nice balance on tbo right side of the ledger. Our cast la about the same as when we opened. We expect to stay out until tbo latter part of October. Mr. Chunn was called to his home at Carrollton, Mo., on account of his father being 111. but on his return to the company be reported blm Im- proving. The old gentlcmnn celebrated his eighty-second birthday Aug. 13. Next senson Mr. Chunn is going to put out the biggest "Tom" show ever seen In this Western coun- try. He fa hfivfng a new seventy-six foot car built, and It will be a two car snow, with a big street parade of Shetland ponies, dogs, hurrowH, banners, a female drum corps, nnd n steam calliope. We will carry an eighty foot round top. with two forty foot middle pieces. Everything will he gilt edged from stake to halo ring. The following people arc with the company: J. D. Chunn, sole owner nnd proprietor; V. C. Wcstlnnd, business mannger; Lou Brooke, stage manager; Robt, Norlierg, leader of band, with twelve Mlo- lata; Gus K-jllmer, orchestra lender, with eight men; Buck Mclnilrc, boss canvas man; II. D. McCorkle, boss props; F. S. Putmnn, Dove Jakes, It. G. Booth, W. J. Stone, It. Herron, II. 1). Hart, Geo, E. Robinson, Joe Carter. Lyoll Albtets. Mrs. Marie Brooks. Mrs. V. 0. Westland, Emmu Russell. Joe Gnllowny, Cully South. Ralph Love and Little Gerald. The "Man in White" Is on hand every Sun- day morning. Joe Stiocnfolt and Clyde Sale are doing good work ahead. Jessie Ernest has 1 signed with Mclvlllo H. llaymond's "Semlnury Girls" Co. Frank L. Madi>ocks has closed with the C. W. Park Stock Co., and signed with the I'eruchl-Gynzeno Co., No. 2, for characters and general business. Geo. W. Scott, late of the Adam Good Co., Informs us that this Beason be will direct the plays and manage the stage for the Avery Strong Co. Dorotiiv B. Vauoiian Is with the "My Wife's Family" Co. < Western). Notes kiwm Howauu Thurston's Co. —■ Howard Thurston and a compauy of sixteen people. Including Wlulleld BInkc and Maude Amber, Beatrice Foster ami twelve stage as- sistants, left New York Cllv for a tour of Ihe world in April, 1005. We have vlstled Honolulu, the Fiji Islands. New Zealand, AiiHtralln, Tnsrannia, the Phlllfplne Islands. China and Japan, and are now returning to Llay a Bpeclitl engagement at the Tniplng Theatre, Hong Kong, China. Tim Till plug Is managed nnd patronized by Chinese ex- clusively. We have met with continued suc- cess nt every Btaud, playing nine months In Australia, four weeks lit Manila, four weeks in Hong Kong and six weeks In Shanghai, to tremendous business. Of the countries visited so fox, Australia has proved ihe most profitable. There are great possibilities In Australia nnd New Zealand for good com- panies. The people are especially fond of Americans, and never fall to give a foreign company a "bumper" house the opening night, but they demnnd merit. One never feels n stranger In the land of the Hitmheru Crass. Our tour has been very successful, and at Manila, Hong Kong and Sliaugha, wo played two extra weekB. Japan was u great dlsappolutinent to iib. Since the war the duties have reached a prohibitive point on everything used by a foreigner. Yokohama nml Kobe ore Ihe only two cities containing . a foreign theatre or hall, nnd there are not more than fifteen hundred Huropenns In cither place. The JtipnnoHe will not attend - the forelgu theatre except to collect ten per cent of the receipts for taxes. A circus, or any performnm-e not depending on language, will do well In China, as the Chinese are fond of amusement, and will pny a high price for admission. Broken now, Neil, Note. —A new Masonic Temple Is being erected here, with •. finely equipped opera house on the ground floor. The new theatre building will In: managed by L. II. Purcell. The building Is expcclcd to bo open to the public on Sent. 24. Recent engagements for Harry Bcrenford, In "'ihe Woman Hater." are II. 11. Sleight and C. Y. O. Pugh. Hcbcnranls have com- ■enctd. and the Reason opens Sent. 8. Peter Rice will be acting; manager with the com- pany, and Tom I'hllllpH will lie In advance. Mas. Helen Gm>nh died Aug. 1U, at Lnkn Geneva, Wis., aged seventy-scven years. She was the mother of the Gloss Brothers, also Chas. Gloss, of Gloss unci Son. Kthel Roiukhon reports great success ns a promoter for State und county fairs, thin Slimmer, In the Interests of Felix Reii-h, con- tracting for several thousand dollars' worth or business. She will resume her vaudeville engagements Sept. '-', opening at the Or- pheum Theatre. Minneapolis, Minn. Roster ok Klmer Waltekb' "A Million- aire Thamj\" Kastern.—P. J. Donohue, man- ager ; Kid Koster, general agent; Harry Co- hen, second advance; Geo. Elmore, Bingo manager, Gavin Dorotiiv Is again with the T«l- son Stock Co., nt Doling Park. Springfield. Mo., where he made a favorable Impression last Summer, with the snnm company, bended by Lorena Tolson, Mrs. Dorothy (Virginia Harvey 1 and dnughtcr, Virginia Dm, are spending tbe Summer at the former's home, In Marshall, Mo., whore they will remnln until the middle of September, when they will Join Mr. Dorothy. Chandos Bbenon, who has Just closed a pucressfiil senson as mannger of the Brenon Stock Co.. nt Pujcngoula, MIhb., hns signed as leading man with the Hogan-Snlroy Stock IlERnKRT BREVON AND MlHK DOWNING luivp been engngeil by Robert Wayne for the People*! Theatre Stock Co., at Evonsville. Ind. Swain and Powers have finished nine me- cesHful weeks on the JoneK & O'Brien and I ho Bijou circuits. In "Julius Helm's VIhJL" Mr. Swnln writcH: "While in Marrpiclte I landed a nineteen pound lake trout, nnd In Hault Ste. Mnrle, la nn hour's fishing, wc landed sixty- three of the tinny tribe. We are hale and henrty, and feeling Immense," William W, Lapoint Is at work on a new comedy drama of modem American life, to be produced by Frank W. Mason, with flu. F. Hall, next season. Palmer & Thomas, a new producing firm, have leased "Wall Street Robbers," "Amid Flnmos of 'Frisco" and "Kentucky Justice," from Mr. Lnpolnt, and will send them all on tour this season. "A Romancb or Coon Hollow" opened Its thirteenth season at Greennort, L. I., Aug. 4. Ten nlghiH on Long Island were very suc- ceflsful, we are Informed. Roue, Mayo and Juliet, burlesque min- strel comedians, open their second season Sept. 10. They are featuring harmony •ring- ing, with three robust mole voices, and the trio will Introduce eleven different styles of eccentrle dancing, T. Jay Rome replaces Fred Rome, and they carry special scenerv and HthogrnpliH this season. They are due InChlcngoHept. 24. Gerald Lawrence^ for four years leading man with sir Henry Irving, has been en- gsged by George C. Tyler to take the nlftCH of Conway Teorle. who was to hove played the part of Jim Melville. In "The Dear Un- fair Sex," with Rills Jeffreys, and who has been Incapacitated by a severe Illness. This will be Mr. Lawrence's first appearance In New York. Jorei'H Allknton, who for the past years hns been connected with tbe Jeffersons and other well known productions, has been en- gaged by James II, Wollack to play the bash- ful boy. In his revival production of "The Dairy Farm," Felix Hanet will open bis tour In "When tbe Harvest Days Are Over." at Peeksklll. N, Y., Aug. 20, for a tour of the Eastern States. Hohtkr and Notes thou Al, W. Martin'r "Uncle Ton's Cabin" Co.—Our season opened \ug. H, at Pant, Hut., to tbo biggest business In the history of the local theatre. Indianapolis, Dayton and Columbus all proved (ns usunl) big winners, and our business on the Dlccson * Talbot circuit was at least twenty-five per cent. In excess of that done In previous years. Our opening at the Cleve- land. (.)., Theatre was n "lurn-away" at both per form aaccs. That Manager Martin has a first clnAB company and gives n fine perform- ance, Ib evidenced by the enormous nualneas he Is now enjoying and alio by tba liberal and most favorable newspaper notices ever flven by an "Uncle Tom's Cabin"' Co. C. W. ..nnpstaff Is mnklng n big hit ns Logree: Babe Mnck keeps them In roar* as Topsy, and Davo Buyer Is funny as Lawyer Murks. The mili- tary baud of twenty pieces Is a distinct and Buceessnti future, nnd so the "only ouc" goes on breaking records. Rosier: Woody Van, ChOH. Wesley, John K. Kane, David II. Boyer, F. K. Do Brnue. Joe Winters, C W. Lnng- Htnff, Fred HeDble, K. H. John, Geo. Pierce, Geo. Edwards, F. Long, Geo. Fulton, Roy Wakefield. Mack and Mclroy, It. Robertson, O, K. Kccnan, M. A. Miles, V. Hockstuhl. T. K. Mnloy, A. Urcrhl, H. T. Hadcr, W. A. Mc- Cartney, T. A. McAllister, Aug- Nuwnmti, Harry Miller, John Crowley, Emma Behind, Baby 'Bcland, Freddie Bookman, Ida Lang- staff. Maud Harrington, Minnie Johnson, Ratio Mack, Grace Mack, Grace Le May. Grace Mc- Vey, May Warrington, Artie Leslie and tho Three Graces, Mack Slaters; Al. W. Martin proprietor: Kd. S. Martin, malinger; II. U. Whlttlcr, business manager; J. )■;. Scnnlan, agent; W. A. McCartney, musical director j W. Van Andii, baud muster; J. Crowley. Hinge carpenter; D. Ruder, electrician; K. Smith, properties; II. Miller, master of transporta- tion. Buenos Ayren is to have a theatre built on tbo most luxurious lines. A capital of ninety thousand tmunds has been subscribed by n group of rich men Interested in theatrl- four prlvntu boxes, four huudred aud eighty stalls, three hundred balcony stalls, and four hundred other Bents. Nutkh niU.M THE nttENON Stock Co., St Futigngoula-nn-tlie-HiMieh, Miss.': "We closed fourteen weeks ut Andersim Park Casino, Sat- urday night, Aug. IS, to n packed house. A reception, was held an the slngu after the per- formance, nnd refreshments were serveiL HomjiielH aud presents were showered upon Hie members of the company, i'sih-HuNy MUh) Kane, Miss Downing and Herbert Itrenon. The latter was presented with a gold watch fob by the Woodmen of the World, Mcranton Camp, No. li:i, In recognition of his services at their plenle, !». on which dnte there were two tliuUKiinil one hundred puld admissions to the theatre. So great hnH Hie success of the company been that S. H. Itush, general manager of the Pasengonla Street Railway Co., has Increased the amount of the guaran- tee, nnd given Mr. Bretion a contract from May t to Sept. 1. HH)7. Franklo Mue Kane anil Helen Downing have been re-engaged for next Hummer. Herbert Brenon has been eu- fnged for the leading Juveniles, und lleleu >own'tig for Ihe Ingenues nnd suubretles, nt the People's Theatre, Kvuimvlllo, lnd„ for the Winter. I.uwrouce Itarbour and Claudia Luens go with the Burke Stock t'o„ Fall River; J. II. Huntley, with Allen Doone; Wnitlfinuu Burkharilt and Percy linrbnt, wilh New Orleans sleek (-otmiiiiilc*; Kugeno MacGIIInn retnrim to the Itusli Temple Stuck Co., Chicago, niiil B. J. (Pink) Murphy also goes to a New OrleiniM slock company. Frnuktu Mac Kane, lending woman, nnd Chandos Brenon, malinger, have under con- sideration many excellent offcra, but will rest a I'ouplo or wuekK. KiiWAiin II. Ward n'piirta meeting with success in the Hebrew part. iiIho in Ills spe- cbity, with Viuieo ft Siilllvnu'M "The Bur- glar's Daughter' 1 Co, I.illik May Witim Is proving hor vorsn- tlllly this seupon In playing tho heavy. In Charles T, Aldrleh's ''Secret Service Sam" Co, HlaTHU CfiHBIUANH NdTKH.—Wo hOVC Just returned from the sunny South, having ployed twelve weeks on the K- & K. circuit of North Carolina, uuder a guarantee, and are taking a much needed rest of two weeks. Wo opened Aug. 20, In our old territory In Ohio, Bowler reiualns the kiiidc us lnat seuson, with two exceptions, Hdwurd C. Slewurl und llel- olne Hurt a went replaced by K. V. Kvnns and Kthel Ks'.her. Kntlre roster: Wm. Krutea, £<>lc owner and proprietor; Jos. II. Slnler ((mirth season), Win. P. Hlielden (foarth season), W. T. Wilson (ncrond WM* son). Robt. Percy (third svimon), 1-;. Clark, !■:. V. Kvnns, Stella May (fourth seiiHon), UypHy Day (s<!cond reason), Kthel Kallier, I'Mmi Percy (second hciihou), Klhel Msther business representative; Robt. Percy, musical director. Wis bave all new plays, with eight fair dates for a starter, and look forward to a very proippwus season. The "iiiun In white,' like TitH Ol,u Him.iaiii.i:, uppcurs every week. ItiLi.r O'Day Is engngud with "Tito Man On the Box" Co., thin season. Tho coMipuuy goes to San Frunclso ami back this seiiNon. S. K. Arn-omi wrlu-s: "The ■Win-o' Tho Wisp' Co. will open Oct. ID, at Lockport, N. V., und will play but few one night standH during the season. KchearMulH begin Sept. 10. Mile. Jenno La Pelb-tier bus spent most of tho Summer In llordeau, France, with relatives, but Is ready for her season's en- f:ii|fcmeut. P'roin present IndteulloiiH h)iu wUl m sceu on Broadwuy before the end of this HCIIHOII." PjiI.miiuke StHTHKH, I torn thy and Anita, have been playing vaudeville dales In und iiroitiid Chlengo, and have licet! mnklng onim a hit, they report, In their high cIukb Kinging act. They have slgnud for this season with Stephens Hi Linton's iiiiislrul comedy. "My Wife's Family" (Western). Dorothy will piny the Ingenue, Sally Nngg, and AiiKu Ihe Juve- nile, Dolly White. They will lalroducu their double singing net In Hie bill. NaozHi ami Ahamn write; "We have signed with *A Wise Member' Co., for flic si-iihiiii, to play responsible parts and do our novelty net. We were compelled to eaneel our vauifcvlllo ImokliigK, including a return dais nt Pastor's Tliinilre. and several other leading vuudevllk' ltOUKCH. TUN coMl'ANr KNiiAtjr.D to support Florence flftfe, la "Love's Victory," Includes: Hallcit Thomiman, Warren Conliin. Wllllutn Kelley, Harry BleklHiiu, PHri) F. UiMIciIko, John !■:. Ilynes, Frank Millwood, Luc-ret la Shaw, Helen Leidle, Carolyn He Forrest, JoMCphlnw Claimant nnd Jane 1'awney. RehenrsnlH be- gin In Ibis city Sept. II, and the tour opens ut St. Catherines, Can.. Sept. '-'4. Tub yciuNO Irihii comkihan, Allen Boone, opened at Sidney, V. II., Aug. "n, nnd will piny U.n principal cities of the maritime pro- vlru'i-H and New Fni'lnnil, prior to a tour of the West, after the holiday*. Ii.iH'iK.c of the musical comedy, "Uuclo Sam's Daughters," which opens Sent. ;i, at the Providence, It. 1. Imperial Theatre: Kx«- ciillvo staff—Manager Charles R Tnylor ; advance agent, Hurry Newman; stage manii- yer, Leon Krol; wardrobe mlHtress, I.oru Ocighton: carpenter, Chan, f'arey: electri- cian, Jake Johnson; musical director, Kd. I. Ferine. Member* of compnny: Hawtrll and Hears, Kennedy and Kvnns, Sndln Hueited, Boyle and Howard, HIitKolt and Winters, Lex I.n Rohch, Dutch Krrol and Stella Chatelaine, Carrie Monroe. Mllllo Sherwood, IMna Mor- ris, Helen liOgan. Vina Carr, Kmlly Cjueena, Mildred Davenport, Lr Vera Finmerett, The- resa Kerwln, Llllle Kmmerett, Marie Landls, Lorn C'rcrnlns nnd Orace Raymond. (I. Gordon Hamilton anu A, T. Storcii, of the Carroll Comedy Co., are patients In the Onnley Summit Sanitarium, at Cowen, W, Vo.. wltb typhoid fever. RFriB Naiipin, late of tbe J. H. Garsldir Big Stock Co.. on Sept. .1 opened her neasoti at the BIJou. Wheeling,;W. va,, as n perma- nent singer of Illustrated songs,