The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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702 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. September s TO THE PROFESSION. flitting Rudy for your Fill Campaign, Remember wi are Headquarters tor PROFESSIONAL UNDERWEAR, DANCE SKIRTS. BLOOMERS, PROFESSIONAL HOSIERY AND TIGHTS, PROFESSIONAL SHOES. SHORT VAMPS. M for Calliope. PROFESSIONAL MAKE UPS, GREASE, PAINTS, POWDERS, ETC, MAHLER BROS., 617-519 fffk AVE. ' MAHLER BROS., 517-519 6th AVE. ' MAHLER BROS., 617-519 8th AVE. MAHLER BROS., 611419 6th AVE. Hill OFFERING. 01 MIKE-DP BOX. Made from the Terr best tin, we black enameled. espe- cially made for professional use, baring a tzar with oom- £ ailments for Grease Paints, Powders, /-a kw omb and Brash, wigs, Etc., Etc. Has *Jt7sf*t doable action lock, with two ken, at *• V/e OUR COTB> CRJEAM ExpresslT prepared for tbe Theatrical Profession, wiaran- teed to be absolutely pare and never become rancid In any climate. Pot np In pound Screw Top Tin cans at 40c.t balf poond at See. SAIttES OF OBBAI BEIT FBEE. ALL MAIL ORDERS MUST BE AOCOMPAINED BT MONET ORDER. NONE SENT 0. 0. D. 0»r Hew T.eiHlt.1 Catalogue s»it free pi must, uaudepiiie and minstrel Tin: Musical An.vts were tendered a re- ception at the Itljon Theatre, IMqua, 0 . Aug. 14. by tbe Knight* ot tbe Golden Eaglen. Mr. Atlnms was nurprlaed when be saw one hundred of his brother members seated In the reserved Reals awaiting; blm. Mr. and Mra. Adams, known as the Musical Adams, open for the Western Vaudeville Managers Association week of Bept. 3, for nine weeks' work. Mr. Ormsbay, -who owns the Bijou Theatre, at l'lnua, and Is a member of tbe Knights of the Golden Eagles, was present at ».»e reception. Mis. and Mrh. Nick HuaiiEs, and Mas. Mattjk O'Brmk Kuoiit have just returned from Kurope, where they spent a six weeks' vncntlon. Mr. and Mrs. Hughes are booked solid until December. Arthur Ahhton, female Impersonator, la filling an Indefinite engagement at tbe Gran Varledndea, Havana, Cuba. With him are the following dancers: Senorlta Mona-Trapa Srta, Millie ItoBura Martlne and La Petite Marie. They wul remain there until De- cember, and will then play tbe Cuba Casino until April, then go to Mexico. Wilmamr and Mki.diirn were engaged for a second wek at Idora Park. Youngstown, O. KoiiLin and Mabion write: "We opened week of Aug. 13. at the Crest Theatre. Wild- wood, N. J., with our new comedy musical act, and went big." Ai.riKiLT has Joined hands with Nora Herr, doing a.comedy sketch act, and re- ports meeting with success. Mll.LKKR, UOSFILLK AND Mll.I.NEfl write: "While playing the Electric Theatre, Farm- ersvllle. Tex., flaby Ora Mlllner was present- ed with a hoavy signet gold ring, by tbe residents of the town. She la the hit of our act, and haa made many friends." Char, Dowlino and Char. Dn Vnn, form- erly of the liud Farnum Musical Trio, hate severed their connection with that organisa- tion, and are preparing to Join an act which, they write, promisee to be one of tbe strong- est comedy aud refined musical acts In vaude- ville. NoniiAN Is with me Donnelly 4 Hot field Minstrels, doing the Interlocutor, and singing baritone In tile quartette. b Xa Hrllr Trio, composed of Kauf- Thb man, Fuller and Kaufman, have Joined Hyde's lllue Itlbbon Olrls. They play prin- cipal pnrta In the first part, and close the olio with their specialty. Introducing thelc original novelty. ; The Slng-n-prone.' r <• Gnuiini, fencing master, writes from Rer- llh, fjRmany, Informing ua that be Is filling fciiBHBciiientfl In Europe with Peto Arnnka, tbe iemale fencer. Wbknku and Gould, German comedians. have Joined lunula with Kdlth Knowlnn, and 'will do a refined, up-to-date fifteen minute 'Dutch comedy singing aud talking act. They tare "booked solid, working clubs for tbe cotn- -Ing season, under the team name of Werner, Knowlan and Gould. Lbon*. awn Buna Wayne opened Aug. 18, .at Providence, It. I., with the Cracker Jack Ce., this being their second Beason. Bbn W. Dawhon, manager of tbe Brandy- wine Park Theatre, Wilmington, Del., In- forms ua that business there this season haa been better than haa ever been known at that mouse. MAitriNXHTTt asd Syi.vrbter, who recent- ly closed thirty-five weeks for tbe Western Vaudeville Managers, are now playing tbe AVeefern fairs for Barnes' Western Exposi- tion for eight weeks, when they return Enat for ten wet»kB, and then return West for-the Orphean time, with Kobl & Caatle circuit to follow. Their act, they say. Is a big suc- . cess everywhere. .,-_-. .. ^ Gko. W. Moui.ton, the "Real .tube, has tbe Kimtern fairs booked to Oct. 3. He opened ait UnmN Kails, Me.. Aug, 'J8, bU fifth tfonsecuilve vcar nt that fair. Tub bostku for the Music Hall. I.lvermorc Fall*, Me., this season, Is ns follows: I. Guy Nhnraf, manager and proprietor; Fred G. tlnebel, treasurer: Geo. W. Moult on. nsalst- nnt treasurer: Alfred Morrison, chief usher; Alec. Vomerlcan. stage malinger: Joe Donen, nntpa. Tbe house l» booked solid with tbe best nttrncttons. riiAB. unMU. In his comedy bounding rope net. la meeting with big success. Ho opened on the Orpheum circuit Aug. 20. at Salt l.nkn Cltv. and has the Inter-Stnte, Hop- kins, Kohl & Castle circuit* to follow. HvnxKH and I.bvina, "The Tramp and the Conjurer," write that they have met wlih mi'veaa on the Sullivan & Conaldlne circuit. They hnve played twenty-three weeks. In- cluding return dated, mnldng tbe best Benson of thrFr Uvea. They open on the Crystal cir- cuit In October, then go Bant, to open on J. E. Jncknon'a circuit, nnd nlso on the Sulll- vnn & Cmialdlnc Eastern circuit. RrmtsTK Mavkk, of the team of Wllllnms and Maver. while playing the Majestic Tho- nlre. Chicago, week of Aug. tt, was taken ma- denlv 111 with nervous prostration, nntl lind to lie token from the stage In the middle of her song. This occurred at the Friday mati- nee. Thev were i*onij(cllcd to close, nnd nl*o cancel three weeks' lime In order that she might recover rompfctcly before opening a lour of fortv weeks for the Western Vaude- ville AfH.wlnlleii. They ore resting nt Ke- wnnee. lit, and Mlsu Mayer la under tbe doc- lur's cnr- 1 . l.t:i»N Fhikdman la doing the press work for Melville B. Wnymoiid'a ihc Gorman's Mln- atrelE. L. C. McLaughlin, singing and mono'ngue net. Is meeting with big success, and be has been offered return dates wherever be ap- peared. Arthur Lakh, who has been spending tbe bummer at Houston, Tex., begins bis *r>a- son 8ept. 3, under the direction of tbe West- ern Association Managers. He Is booked solid for forty weeks. Eahl Flynn is with Al. O. Field's Greater Minstrels, having closed at Electric Park, Kansas i.lty, Mo., some time ago. Sanfobd and Darlington, after eight auc- cesaful weeks on tbe Jackson circuit, will open Sept. 10. at La Crosse, Wis., with the Nflsh circuit to follow. Commodore Footk and his sister. Queenle, nre plniing an indefinite engagement at White CitV, Chicago, III. Ackbb and Collins report success In their sharp shooting net. having added several new f<*ats of shooting from the highest part of the theatres. Jesbib Trot, of Hunt and Troy, informs us that she wbb presented with a beautiful diamond ring by Jack Hunt, white playing with the Tayton SlBtera Co., at Little Bock, Ark., week of Aug. 6. The team Is In Its third month with this company, and Is meet- ing-with success. T)e Hub Bros.' Idbal Minstrels Notes. —We have been out five weeks, playing to the largest bouses the show has ever bad. All the Northern New York time wbb big for its, especially Malone and Gouvernenr. Can- ton was our banner town, as we played to capacity, tbe entire house being sold out at four o'clock. Tbe weather was very hot, but the business proved we have established a life-long reputation there. Our beautlfhl first part Bet nnd new waidrobe produces a scenic picture that never falls to draw a liberal round of applause. Our feature parade and solo band are tbe strongest we have rver carried, and is. without doubt, the finest bbu- slcal orginlzatlon ever connected with a min- strel company. Our rotter remains unchanged, ns no one has any complaint, and all are well pleased with the success of this com- pany. LiLLiH Mat Hall Is now convalescing from pneumonia, and expects to resume work In a few weeks, wben her friends throughout the country can again welcome her among them In the profession. Wtoand and Del Mont write that they are still gaining laughs and applause with their saxophones. , Gracr Frances, "Tbe Diamond Glrl/'statea that she Is feeling much better after resting two wecko. which she was compelled to do on account of being ill. She will rest two more weeks before returning to fill her en* gagenients. fin eat Dm Viliiib writes: "I closed mv three weeks' engagement at Coney Island. Cincinnati. O., Aug. 11. It was my moBt pleasant engagement of the season end very successful. Owing to delay of trains, I was compelled to cancel Avon Park, Youngstown, 0.. Aug. 12. IIarrv Stone, formerly of Wood and Stone, and Dot Windsor, cooa abouter, report big success with their new act, entitled "How Long Will It Last?" at Steeplechase Park, Bridgeport, Conn., week of Aug. 13. Williams and Melburn produced their new act at Idora Park, Youngstown, O., re- cently, for the ilrBt time, and the act made aucb a success that they were engaged for a second week by Manpger Stanley. Colk and CisBMBNS, after a four weeks' vacation on their farm at Benson, Neb., •opened on the Kohl & Castle circuit Aug. 13, nt the Olympic Theatre, Chicago, fol- lowing at the Majestic Theatre. Chicago. They are doing a new act, written by Joseph Mitchell, and they claim It Is making more thnn good everywhere they have played. Harbt Dunbar and his troupe of perform- ing goats are playing the New York fairs as n free attraction. After Oct 15 they start on a tour of twenty-five weeks, play- Inc vaudeville theatres. Mr. Dunbar In- forms ns he Is booked solid for parks and fatra for 1007. Acker and Oildat have separated. Cbas. II. Acker has Joined hands with Wm. Lester, late the German School Teacher of the Avon Comedy Four. The team will be known as Lester nnd Acker. In "The Little Emigrant," written by Mr. Lester. Mr. Gtldnv joins bis wife (Nellie Nice), of the Twin Nlces. Mai'dr Carwkll writes from Paris, France: "I open nt the Prlntanla, In Paris, Aug. 10, and remain there until the close of the sea- son. This makes mv twenty-fifth engage- ment In Paris within tour nnd one-half years. In October 1 leave for Denmark, nnd later on go to Holland and Gcrmnny, and return to New York next Spring. I hnve been very successful over here, and like the continent very much, but will be very glad to get back to America again." Ukkn.uid K i.ino writes thnt he haa written n mouolouuc for Will S. KolllnB. of Merlden, Conn., who will produce same In vaudeville ooon. He Is also staging a new act, entitled "Keep Off the Ice," for the Petmont Sisters (Anna nnd Helen-, nnd a monologue and some nnriHlles for J. J. Keeler. IIaMH and IIaktt. "The Merry Pair.** Just closed three weeks at Bnrtholomay Pa- vilion, Ontario Beach. N. Y., following at Myers Lnke, Canton, 0. They go to Indlan- npolls for two weeks, nnd open their recti* Inr season on the Ammons circuit nt Marlon, Inrt.. Sept. 17. for nine weeks. Their act "Willie and Tlllle." thoy Inform us, has been n big hit this Summer, with returns offered everywhere they have appeared. Yacklkt and Bunnbll, musical comedians, are tbe vaudeville feature with the Maude IHUman Co. Sanderson and Bowuan, who received forty weeks of bookings from the Western Vaudeville Association, opened, Aug. 20, at tbe Grand Opera House. Grand Rapids, Mrcb., and are billed as an added attraction. Frank Lewis), slack, wire performer, re- ports meeting with success with the Wlllards' Show. He has Joined hands with Thomas Nicbolls. The team will be known as Lewis and Nicbolls, and are booked solid until May, 1007, In their double slack wire act Werner and Gould, German comedians, have Joined hands with Edith Knowlan, late of the team La Vole and Knowlan, to do a refined new fifteen minute Dutch comedy singing and talking act They are booked solid, working clubs for season of 1006-07. They will be known under tbe team name of Werner, Knowlan and Gould. Diamond Comedy Foub NOTES.—We are booked solid for thirty-eight weeks on the Sullivan & Cousldlne circuit Tbe act has been much Improved by tbe addition of Wm. Han now, a former member of tbe Orpheus Comedy Four, and Wm. Peterson, the tenor. The act la considered by press and public one of the best singing and comedy quartettes seen on the Pacific coast Winters and Wilio.v report meeting with success over the. Jske Wells circuit Tub Prtchino Brothers sailed Aug. 25 to open nt the Alhambra, London, Sept 10. Casper and Clark write: "Our new sing- ing nnd talking act has been a success at each and every place we have played. We are closing a very succesful week at Chestnut Hill, with Gloucester, N. J., to follow Sept 3. We play a return date at Guvernator's. Atlantic City, N. J„ within two weeks, and open our regular season at tbe Howard, Boston." Williams and Melburn for the first time produced their new act at Idora Park, Youngs- town, 0. The act, they write, was a decided bit, and they were engaged for a second week. The team Is booked solid until Oct. 16. Ed. O'Connell, manager of the Parlor The- atre, Port Angeles. Wash,, and also mancger of the Topsy Turvy Trio, was Initiated In Aerie No. 512, Order of Eagles, at Centralis, Wash., recently. Hi Tom Wabd. "the Merry Minstrel," has signed for tbe season with the Great Santell's Vaudeville Stars, and reports meeting with great success through the South with his comedy acrobatic table act. John F. Burke and Chas. Burke have again Joined bands, and report fine success with the High School Girls Co. Trilbt Van Balled for England Ang. 22, where she expects to remain several months. Gkkat Howard Is doing his character change and male soubrette act with the Zu- lelia Musical Comedy Co* and not with tbe Jubilee Comedy Co., as was stated. Cook and hadlbt's Ladies' Minstrels are still a feature with the concert of Cum- mins' Wild West The roster Is: Spot Hadley, Hob Fay, Master Hyde, Bob Cook, May Cook, Hell Donald, La Pearl Sisters, and the La- va rdes. Rawls and Von Kai:fman, and Luct and Lvcibr are spending two weeks at Cedar I'olat, Sandusky, O., before beginning their Tegular Beason. Lucy and Lucler open In Cleveland, on tbe Keith circuit Sept. 3. Kawls and Von Kaufman AH in some Western time, then open on the Poll circuit Dec. 10. Tub 1*byors are playing parks through Indiana and Ohio. They plav Pastor's Sept. 10, and then atart en tbe Keith A ProciQr circuit for sixteen weeks. Mubhat. Clayton and Drew write: "We have canceled burlesque for this season to play vaudeville time, and are booked solid until JtKM. We open Sept. 3, at tbe Howard, Boston. The aet is meeting with big success wherever we play." Mabios Blaku- will play the rube charac- ter In the first part, ana a comedy Irish part In tbe burlesque, singing one song In the first part with tbe Uentz-Santley Co. Brn S. Trabk and Abe Lavignb, formerly of Fugarty and Lavigue, have formed a_part- nereblp, und tbe team will be known asTrask and Lavlgne. They report meeting with suc- cess over tbe Jones & O'Brfcn circuit through Wisconsin. Gur Johnson, Miss Pierce, Irene Sulli- van Inez Lee and Harry MeCalley, of tbe Auditorium, Norfolk, Va., have Invested In property near Ocean View, Va. Jambs II. O'Neill wrltes>: "Grace M. Rus- sell, Flo Russell and myself art enjoying a vacation of three weekB In Colorado Springs and Manltou seeing the sLgnrta. We were through the Garden of the Gods, op on Pike's Peak. We open Sept. it, at the open- ing of the Earl Theatre, la Pueblo, Cot, with Lincoln, Neb., and a retain date at the .Crystal Theatre, St. Joseph, Mo., to follow, and our Eastern dates follow that We have been doing very well with our act with plenty of good work offered mts." Tub Qcakbr City Quaj»bttb, Harry Ernest, John Healj, B. B. Bathwlck and J. W. Scanlan, are booked boILoX and are now finishing the Keith, circuit They open their Western tour Sept 17, at the Majestic Tbea- tce, Chicago. Elliott, Be Lair, and Elliott write : "We are doing finely with our new comedy acro- batic act, entitled 'An Act of Action,' and have just signed contracts for thirty weeks for the Western Vaudeville Association, to open Sept. 3 or 10." Lb Clair and West, who are resting at their Summer home,. Sea Isle City, N. J„ will open their regular season Sept. 17, and are booked solid until, the first of the year. They will present their comedy playlet "A Drop Into Society." Shields and Gaol, ring gymnasts and perch equilibrists,, are la their fifth week and second season as vaudeville feature of Rosa- bete Leslie Stock. C<x They are also ploying Important parts, and are booked solid until May 1 next. josepiiinb Coles, who played the open- ing week at the Entplre Theatre, Des Mtolneg, In.. 1b booking in conjunction with Summers and Winters. Wallib C. Kblly, "The Niagara Judge," joins tbe Orpbeum Road Show at tbe Co- lonial Theatre, New York, for a season of thirty-six weeks. He opens at the Palace, London, July 1, next for six weeks. 1KB Or,ivKit. comedy comedian, haa Joined hands with Billy Scully, and wilt soon be Been In vaudeville with a new skit Jknning» and Jewell, who opened at Baltimore, week of Aug, 20, with Roble*s Knickerbockers, report that their act waa a big success- Howard and Scott, who played Toronto week of Ang. 27, have Cleveland, Detroit Rochester, Syracuse and Pittsburg to follow In the order named. They report meeting with BUtcesa everywhere they appear. The following vaudeville acts are with the Jack Hocfller Shows: Millar, handcuffs; tVistle; and Collins, Louise Hess, Clever Conkey, Nina, electric dsneer; Spedden and Paige, the Newels, Fred Langly, Zutfca, and the Sharrocks. Tub Columbia Amusement Co. Includes tho following attractions: Bice and Barton's ltlg Gnyeiy. Dainty Duchess. Bon Tons, Van- ity Fair, Bohemian Show, Hyde's Blue Rib- bons. Panslsn Widow*, New York Stare. High Rollers, Morning Glories, Trocnderos, Boston Holies, Cracker Jacks. Trans-Atlantlcs, Run- away Girls, Rcntl-Santley, Bowery Bur- lesquers. Majesties, Fred Irwin's Bir Show, MnsQueradera, H. C. Bryant's, Al. Reeres', City Snorts, Golden Crook, Jersey Lillies, Rose Ilill. Night Owia, Knickerbockers, Roes Sydell'B, Bnchelor Girls and World Beaters. Bessie Rosa, "little girl with the big voice." who haa been Binglng at Wonderland; Boston, for the last four weeks, has been engaged for the Salem Cadet Band, as solo- ist, for two weeks, at Wonderland Park, Re- vere, Maw, Copeland and Copeland write; "After spending fourteen weeks In Ft Worth, Tex., at tbe Standard, as stage directors and stock comedians, we, with Minnie Warden, will once more play dates commencing Sept. 16, at the Lyric, Joplln, Mo., for C E. Hodklos. with his entire circuit to follow, and will continue to play dates during tbe Winter. We leave here with a complete wardrobe, and from the looks of the three 'fat' trunks, one would hardly guess that we came 'clean' from San Francisco after the earthquake." Wm. Josh Daly's Minstrels were at Sa- condaga Park week of Aug. 27, with River- side Parks, at Montreal and Ottawa, to fol- low. The company consists of; The Elite Musical Four, Instrumentalists and vocalists; the Hijou Comedy Four, comedians and vo- calists ; Kennedy and Wilkens, and John Foreman nnd Harrv Breen, comedians. Lily Seville returned to America after having worked six weeks during her visit In England. She Is booked up until January, when she will go back to England. Harvey Brooks, monologlst and Jos. Hamilton {late of Hamilton and Simon), have Joined hands, und are presenting a strong black and white singing, talking and dancing act In vaudeville. Harbt F. ■¥■■■■ ■■_ "Antique Belle," has canceled his vaudeville engagements to ac- cept a position in the ofifce of tbe Great Northern R. B. Co., at St. PauL Summers and Winters, who played the opening week of tbe Empire Theatre, Des Moines, la., report they were a decided suc- cess. Bert Wkigin and tbe Ramsey Sisters are with Clark's Runaway Girls for tbe season. ] he show opened s; Corinthian Theatre, Rochester, N. Y, Aug 25. Bert .Marshall, blackface monologlat and parody ainger, was re-engaged for a second week at Point Gratiot Park, Dunkirk, N Y, closing show both weeks. The Tossing Austins have received con- tracts for nineteen weeks on tbe Keith cir- cuit, which will take them up to January, 1007, with seven weeks straight In New York Max Witt writes: "Both of my vaudeville acts are meeting wlta Immense success, and are solidly booked In the Keith-Proctor cir- cuit. The 'Six Sophomores and a Freshman" (with Hurry Pllcer), opening at Poll's, Haxt- ford, Conn., Aug. 27, while 'The Four Sing- ing Colleens open their regular season on Sept. 3, at Keith's, Providence." ■MM Henry has been engaged for this ceason by the Interstate Booking Agenoy, as traveling representative. The L. J Gobman's Amusement Co. write that tbey have booked a great many fairs this season, and thut their park season has- been a very successful one. Habbach and Harris, who recently closed, ten weeks on the Flynn circuit of parks, are this week at Tony Pastor's, with the Gus Sun circBlt to follow. The Vebdieb Sisters are visiting their Bother, Mrs. M. Vincent, In New York Pity. Harry Rich's Georgia Colored Minstrels, ^r?".,, 11110 ?? 1 ** 1 ' P'*y«l to standing room at Povilloo Beach. Keyport, N. J., week of Aug. 26. The company includes; The C.em- catos lonr-ln-Hand Quartette, Payne Trio, Richard and Richard, Fallon Bros., Ada Bote White end Brooks, and others. The Renos. Dotty and Denny, write that they closed a pleasant engagement of eight weeks with toe Wlid & Rich Players at Oneida N. Y ? Aug, 23, and open with North Ban Cemedlana at Kewanee, HI., as a spe- clsj Taud eTiUc feature act. <Mia AISTRALIAS, LETTER. * — U'UUl OOa OWN COBUESPO.SDE.HT). ... , k „, „ Stdkbi, July 23.. All tiaatits are well patronized, wulle tbe music balls ace crowded, and o'len refuse admission. Ine Tlvoll, under the able min- osemenl of Uarry liickacds' own eon-ln-law, tdwiini Jlana lauoominK. Business was never, better wUb. tbl, house than It Is now. Varco, the mad ouisklaji, continues to be amomc 'he principal favorite* at tbe Tlvoll Theatre On S252"*.. oJ * M ta hai1 "" "«> oette • re- SK^SI " ^.i>P«blhS. and plaved capl- l .;l' , , ?*-*" H twenty-seven various mil. sisal Instruments. The graceful serial act M Aleiander and Bertie quite met the Laste. of the audience, who generously applauded. turn. Bclnn, tbe strong man, posed tor sev- eral mlnules toward the close of the seosa- tlonal welgM lifting exhibition, and showed, a phenomenal chest expansion, which was cnpa.ently oat at all proportion to even hi, Mgnlarent physKiue. olive Lenton, tb» dainty senov who was formerly an eetaU- llsbed favorite at the Castlereagh Street house, renewed her acquaintance with Tlvnll audiences, and was accorded a royal recep- tion.. Among the other new comera were the Lewis Sisters, an artistic song and dance ccunle. who dance well but Sing, lndiftar- entfy. Howard Hall a baritone* of gSd range, also had a hearty reception, ^od should grow In favor during tbe week. Little LllI entered npon another week, with every sign of undiminished popularity. His quaint dancing continues to bring him special honors, others who assist % aloii?Tro- Mta Leech (whose picture song, "In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree," tu caught rM^„ ta t II , e -„ il " 8 i er , Ierc ?, C1 «*«, Arthur i. ?. n nK t . lle ™' 1 ? l J ,1, ..° f t Her Majesty's, Theatre edy »< t\ tlllam Colliers repertory. Ills Hrat piece was "On the Quiet." At the Theatre Royal, the stralghl-out melo- K U *S! ,, » Wl i h ,. l '> ln * Colors," Ti7 provided 01 i£ HP" Holt Co - Houses, are good The Atheneum, a now music lull onened "•St* s , l , x .„' I10 , l " h8 . aso ; ls Joln <: «i«"ently. The Criterion, tbe Lyceum Ball and the Centenary Halls do all their share »-* OOK SOUTH AFRICAN LETTER. niOM ODB OWN COSREaPOC-DBNT. a. .,. n .. CirEjowK, July 24. At the Open House, Waa. Hsvlland. sun- ported by Edyto Latimer and company 5s playing to fair houses. ■ *■ " ,4 d « L Keeve lus c °me and gone, and the Tt Toll Theatre ot Varieties knows her no morT She proved a very powerful magnet, and drew pacted houses every night. The nresent SEC? 3 : c ^. mprl J T 9 s "«al good turn,, and attract B ood audlencea. A crest favorite Is 2K5 , CoTle ' ?*1 nc '»"' oesefve, the suc- 2S L'f L i 8 Ba , lnei Ue '» » One roiedlin and his twn lo eagerly looked forwaVdta He las a style which Is unique, "nil his facial expressions keep the audience la roars of Isughter. The Bounding ra«S>Ta.n I S r , b * r 1 'i error , m « s carrying throSgn each S'A*' tnW " nd •"'«'« style. Boyd ™ d ..?," taln ., are <? nt favorites, snd thel° E ItarW entertainment Is a good Sift. Ml " , GI "« I » I' a neat little rerformer and her work on the bagpipe was mS ™ to win over many enemies of that much abused Instrument. Mile. Alexia Is a clever dwer :° d ^ tn i d !', c ".. ncr own creation "The ,S v^.lTW!?' -" ■ '" ' ■ by Mona. arte* lolsnde Noble offers a fascinating turn and deserves the repented encores for her clever performance, titty Tims possesses a falTw good voice Kathleen Orny'ha'ulyfmprV.sea Mi .a U .J » ,un \ Co,lhl " "t" 1 ink? were Tl. Ti.„ifi°l" lc * n ^medians and dancers 1'rodllil 4",™°°*' e ro ), MI °S the picture. '^A l rodlgal Son. completes the programme. riTil r ^ eeep t ion. n,C,, '"* ""' ^^Shf% THtr DAIKIY SIX! COVfMD (AKDr -s (OAtlt) jp* CHtWING i CUM. ':'-'■ : , Fivitorrs ■ 'X ist o««ct giiclets REALLY DELIGHTFUL JUST RIGHT AFTER DINNER TrrTneaI?.^^ar b ne,{n , i't: hood send us ten cents for a iubbIs packet Any Jobber will snpplj stora- SeepeTS with Cnlel.t.. " "* FRANK H. FLEER . COMPANY, lit, ptitladelDbiA. 1T.S. A.. and Tnronto. 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Also a full Una of lower priced SATINS In » shades. [flDTlllUv IIU Send us tour manuscript. *• rUKIUnCO MUt arrange and publish. SONG P0EI8, 701 Manhattan Bldg., Chic'sJS'l 1