The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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September 8. Clipper Post j<mice. Ir» ordf r to «Told nltfakei and to Insure the .prompt delivery of. (he letter*. advertised la thi* Hit, an eaTClOB* alalaly ftddretfed mast be ■eat (or each letter, and a written order (ar the letter, alffned with, the : ffwll aaaae aad address aad the line of basin"*followed by the wader, 1 moat also be enclosed. FleaMe mention the date (or Ham- per) of the- CLIPPER la which tka letters sent for were atlver'l.rd, f y - . LADIES'LIST. AHwortb.. Ardls Otirer. Msrlon Allen. Ids AiUsne. Kdlhle Allen, Violet Ratbonr Jetwks tfrooks, Jeanne, UttaJt, . ! r ; Franrei E. ' Beislcy, Bessie UKral, Era Urattle, Anbrey. Bell, - Augusta - Boovler, Adlne Blanc, Ellta- .*' belli L Butler, Ida Uurortte KdnnC Bryan, Blanche Ucaumonl Alma ' Maker, Eunlcv ; ntawn Wrt ff T Beat tie, „'-Mrs. Aubrey Bradford haw Blackford Lottie ■ brixiol, Jessie' Itarker Beatrice Claire Oertrode, Ciln, Mlra s' llalnler ; Callahan Bertha Carlton, Lillian Cimpl-ell I'aulin . OSxhtnau Mr*, f Cuts sen Uargret 1 (JpSflC, LottS THE NEW YOREOIIPPEB; 763 ■ Hiana. J. Hjrrtr. Cole H ck«l. Grow lllck.y Geo. A. llellcr * !8R.- , §BV*-> m° Oay. Kva Ooodklb k'lorenc Gaines, Aphle Hienfell, Kitty Gardner Mm. E GasamaD, JoKeiJilti.. Oarnella Ma* K Green, Bonnie Gordon, Ruby Germain, Qeorglana Giant, Marc Gordon MnileeM Glllwerettl Mil.i Grelner, Sirs. 'Atfatt lluttcu, Ethel Hall, Florence Holmes Dorotbr Hill, Leila Hussey Mrn.Gt'0 H aril and. Angel ioc listen, Alice Hayward Mm.T Houston Beat tic Hunt, Alice T. Hall. Marry I r Tins, 1'earl Jaque*, Addle Jordan Mrslluth Kow, Mrs. J, " Klbbey Chariots Kftha, Lottie Kellogg, Bertha Kenton. Hattie Knlftbt, Grace Kanfmao Fanny Lutona, Kva LeUInne Louise he Mar. Ada La Porte, Urn. S. M. LewK Madge I.i?" Is, Rachel l^?cnr. Ilnxel 1«ckhart Mabel 0w[>, Millie Bisjiai Knai Ordler, Mile. G'Brlen, Kitty Princeton, Marvel Pearl Emma W. i'att ridge. Frank le 'ellctler, Dora I "a nl. Madjre Phlunipy Evelyn QulRley, ■Mrs. George Quay)? Faimtljn Rial, Inline Richmond. Virginia Roberts, Mm. Will II. Ranwlell, Ktim Revenna, Adeline Rohan, Adrletta Ryan. Carolyn Raymond, ■Silas L. B. Rio, Violet Rlalto. Mis* Rosenthal. Bae Scott, Ada Sandetrom. Bessie Stevenson, Blanche SotisH, Mile. Olive Kellogg, Bertha Sheppsrd. Ritth "issle Kenton, Hattie Sully Mr*. J no. J. Swan, OUye Sherman, Mr*. Jim. Scott, Bc**e Sell nil tz. Louisa Stern, Cecil Starr Francis D. Hchflpfrr Guaalc Sullivan. .Verna Sol. Donna Sanforrt. Llnnle Tow lea, A. La fJsiilas Travis, Sadie Tyson, Lena Turner. Dorothy Taylor. Cafherlue Tarr, Dell K. Tboniaa, Norma Valyare. Oris, Veola, Mme. Vernon. Till 11 Viol*. Fmlly Vendles, .Tousle ViiUghn. Rae Vlda. Mile. Wellington, Carrie Waldorf, Evelyn Warns r, Affle Wlndwv Era Dorothy Moss, Lola E. William* Maillri MaMoo, Paula Wyndham. Mae Morton Dorothy White. Molly Martinez Olorlu Williams Mr*. J Mlaci. Mrs. Ida WHIard. Amy Mac-Lord . Wood, Junle Sisters Wsaenfnhrt-r. Marks, Mattlo I Bertha (10c.) Murtln. Tere^i Washburn. Ren* Meliwtte HlotorarWllHon, Josle Monte, Ray . Young. Morlii, Pilar Mrs. Harrv Neville, Zenlta ■ Voting. Edna Memeycr Emma, Voting, Dslay U. Nlcolal. loin Zaha, Mlnle Newman, Katie Zenh, Emma Nape, Viola [Zolta. Mile. Norrla, Mlrlum .Zampa, Miss Owen. Mrs, a.m. ' GENTLEMEN'S LIST. AbramorT, 8lg. Coolman, Edwarda Eildle JUssce A De Witt C. El|>». Martin lAtralne Clazton, Elvtowl School ■ Altera, Great . Beaumont of Mavlc fhdre, Victor Conkllu, C. Ellwood. Mr. *. AlircoQ, Ignaclo Curran, — Euhlln, ProLJT Atkerman.. Paul Clarke Chai&D. ElMCiiharth k Arnold, Billy Carey, W. A. Henderxon . AlTln, ,Pe(er Clifton, H. U. EokliofTat Gordon .Andrews, Jack Catterly, Mr. Rlwood, I'rinve Akhtontt, Two Chanlln, Erwootl Slock AjPlni, H. ■ Sidney (10c.) Co., R. J. . niat Joe ' Chexter. Chsa. Klrhsrdt. JohnD Alhertswi E. C. Connolly. J. C. Early. \V. B. A^ramofT. 81g. . Clark II. Carnon Eraim, 'feil Andcrwi, T. C- Crane, John E. Edward*, Al. AtJierniaii. ' Curtl*. Walter Fox, Al. II. ' ■ 7? •■.'.Kdtlle C. Clarke, Cliaa. G. Francis, : Atnliriioii, Four CaiH*r & Cupiwr ■ Geo. C. (tel.l AlTln, Pete Caltler CliacLee Farrcll *1* Roy A«ey, Pierre Crane. C. H. Finn, T. L. . Allan L'ly**M S t'unliigliam W.C. Frlnk. F. I. Arnold, .Max A.'Clyde, Jilo. Fox, Al. II. First, Barney Faure, Julea FllzHlraniodJ*. Geo. II. Fergutftju, Slurray Ferry, Mr. Farm* worth. Cook, Mux Walter Connor, Geo. ILrFfckett. Gt*o. Cooper & iPlorello. Billy _ I • ■ Roblii"Oii Fltigeruld A 'wu J.Galfny Condlt, Sllan I (iildey Her. Geo. A."Chl|>mun, E. W-Freeman, John Burton It Daley, Fred jFiwlnl, " FoKter. Uorrle, Lionel R. c, . Maitliewa, s. a. Bins* inSI h, iHSH! ™* H™ '-hlc UcCartby. Ulekett, Geo. I wTiiili j l " nt, A ,. k* KU * * >*«« Gtarhling Moate-Mrro Harrey PereyJr. Troww Miller Edgar M. McVicar*, Julias Mill*. Jerrle M :[.;.,■:■ I i-!. ., . L. Clare Morrl*. Mike i M.vll »ro*. Uiilllmi, J. ». Major. II. Aurtlier Myers, ]|. tt, Herman, Brown iMoran, Harry A Jonea McNuIty, W Hunt, Harry Howard A Cameron Ha*well, Oau, Huntley, G. A. Hsrbach. L. E. Hel'.on, Chaa. p Ilnswy, Geo. 11 Hnme»ton. Hlckmau. Fred Hlll*. Harry Hlnnun. Capt. Sidney Hemesuln. Alt. Holdxworth' McGarry, L Wra. . Manning. E.Wm McNnlty. Will y Uurpby, J, J. Mc.Nainee'n. The Morrh, Mike galremont Lulu ittl*. Alice F. i Citlf. Mayne Crawford, Winuh: D. Nelln in. Uua ■ CbiVls Mrs. flf ■ OorHn Lillians. Drew, Rose Donaldson. Reba Doooran MrsJasiI^wla, Dorothy , Drew, Elaine M.Latona, K»,i . Da'1», Mr*.- Lane, Laura B. . 2 Chos. E. Le Blanc, ■ JJjlmore | Mr*.. Louis 7 . Mrs. John, La tour. Roae Fsnnle Llttleneld, Kiln e'Mond, Btdab Langdon, Mile. . Katherlnc Helen I^Page, Collh ... Leigli Lander MraWm. teL Irene loo. Mamie __£ Myrtle - Mlakel. Corn . DiWa. Jr.lletle Montague Amber T)a*en|iort Edna Moxley, Kath- . Dc-Vere. | or 1 ne E. I 'Mrs. ft Mht* Murray, ' Deloiar, Kathle<<n , » sirs. ■ Jules Murray. Mae - Dalroy Mw.Jack Miller, Kitty " Dp Porta*, Mae Mason Mrs.H.M ' Dosil^. Rnia JUstn. Nellie Dow. Margie . De' Loon. Flora Dakin, Era ' Merson Ilorenc Mlnco. ' RarL- Edna . Khrle. Julia .» Mrs/ _. , Ejaps Mrs.E.C. FTwood, Fruncid Eerie. Julia EVaim Mrs.M.F hike. -Klhrnor Fox. Marie Fa mum. Hud Kartnna. Cecelia Klorello, Alene . Forrest, Edith ThcMcFay k arrlngton K.P.I Fmlrick Hanson John T,'r* ■-' Hoey, Jolm Hoppe. Cuy Herbert, Louis Harris, A. L. Hubbell, T. C Herbert, Mwh. Hooper. H. Bn*>ks Heath, J. We* Howard. H. B, Healy, Edgar Hanley. Lt« W Homewood, Harry Harris, (leo. E. Hooper. Harry Hayes, Brent Holmes, F. M, Harrey, Bnrt Harrlgan, J. Haye*. Leo Howard, Montroiv lngoldaby Clias. Imbof, Roger luiiuenw- phone, Tbe Jobusoo, Carroll J Indian, Wm. A. Judge, Joe Jen kin* JamesC. Jennings. Harry B. John*ton r,r.; j! JohuMton, J. W. Jennlng* A Renfrew Jones, urvlll- 1 John*on Carroll Jsme*on. Bo!i June*, Henry (Planliitj Jordan, F. M. Kelly, Chas. J. Keuney, KlhertC Kochly. Alliert Knlll. 11. J. Kimball, Julius Kendal, Ctia*. Kubeler, ciu-,, Kllmeitt, K. Konpe A Kopite Kehu, John It. ■KeHtcTeu ADcun Klein, II. R. Kay. Harry B. KrniiM?. O. 11, Koehly. Albert Krltdifield 1A Kelly,' Clmn. J. Keen. Julian Kane, P Allan Ulyasea S Cuninghnni W.C. . Arnold, Max A.'Olyile, Jiw. .Alfin, Pelc. , (Crockett. Wok* Bvicktey, Jerome,Coidter, Fred . Burelt, August OoaM, Mgr. ' Barrett. Joe CI Ms. Geo. A. ; Best, D. C. ICrawford Bpm. •Brockwny. F. L*Uullaiiin Jo*i ■ BuiHrdt, VjTt.HCdrmoily Jaa.F. Bruiiln, Mom. Crockeit Will F, .BdkH, Billy.' Banks, J. k **»*,■ Frank 'jer Claude C, Ly.lU !.'■!■: i ".'■ Dao Llemenaun, Oscar Lynch. J. W. Lewis, Edgar l.-i.ii:. Morey La Vardo. Stursat f,orella, Odle l^e*lk>, Frsnk LoiteZ & l/)]■€! LaVcre Dr. Jas. LoTe.A Rollnt Leslie, Frsnk Lamp, John Leritt A!< Lee. Robt. H. I.c Barr, FranK Loralne, H. Lalor, Fred 8. Lew, The l-ennon. Lestor Lyon*. Sam !.■■''.:■..■::. theater Lorenx, John Lewi*, Frank I. ; uti'-i i o. Pete Iai Tell Bros. Ixmdon*. F<iur LafttycltP. L. I^VIne A Alma Marlmr, Jame* Mclntyre ArthF Miller A May Melville, Harry Mantell, I«n u Moore, Cha*. Miller. Henry Maleey, Ben L. Mack, I^mI* Moore, tleo. A, Moore. (3eo. R. Morrl* A Morrl* Myers, Hoy 1L McBrtde. E. J, MorrlK, Mike Slllo, Vic Myers, Sam J. Morrl*. Hoa-ard Mitchell Ben).*' McCulloitgh. Carl I). Mayfleld. M. Meany A Aitderxon Millar ClydvC.C Muller, W. Kog. Mots. Adani McCullougb, Carl Ii. McLean HarryE Mentscr. tiro.K Matthew*, c. C Mackln. Billy .Mountain, Dr. Moore, Charley McCllntork. Biiiii* :■:, Newman Howard New York News- boys' Qitart Nichols, C. W. Nelson Harold! 1 Nngent, John Nnhm. Slmou Newman. Al C. Owen*. A. L. Oabom. F. U. Opel, Henry O'Brien, Nell Nelson's Coat In. Orvlllo k Erring Orth A Fern Tlieliw Euk»«iiA Pickett, Willi* Plnarri, Al. Potter A Harris >ck, Percy C. 'len-e. Geo. L, Peal*on Glll-eit Polaro Bros. Peter*. Matte I'lndar, Al. Palmer. F. S. Calmer, F. J. Parks, Jame* A Paul, E. L. Phy*Ioc. I^wIm Prke. C. L. Plleher. Fre.1 Pearl, James . Frank Syl Tester, Senaui Smith. Fred A. Stewart A Raymond Smells, 0. E. Sahdrrson, ' „ ■ Cari W. Sully Family Soul?. II. T. stilli. Ix-on ' Sctiultr. Wm. J. Stirckhanl, Ccd. W. J. Salntonde, J. II. Sharrock Hsrry Spann, Nyrou Speed, Billy Silencer. Frank She*, Will E. Sprugue, Tom Sterne MorrlsE. Stowe." John F. Sonter*. Bi:rt Symouilt. Jack Smith. Wm. SutlliTe. Elmer Seymore. Dare Sulllvitii, James Sullivan A •: Co., J. L. Stanton tlerbtlt. Suark*, Chan. Miunk HanyC. Sneath.'Chas. Sulllvau Jas. R. Simons, Murray .Simon. A. A. Starkweather. ■ Harry shook. Ed. Smner*, Carl Xftnsou. J. B. Sylvan AO'Neal Symoud*. Jack Sutton, Bob Stefner. Al. G. Sweat man W.P Smith. Walter C Stanley, Mr. Smith, F. O. SallsnurK, I^nn SteldilUK. SI , St. Julian. — Tlppel &K I Intent Tenney, E. Tays. Dick Tbomafon, Capt. Hiuh Tlioma* Fre<l 0. Trayi-or, Frank ThompMUi, Epfar Tliompnon, Jimmy Tenny. Ernest Tminha Fred. Toy*. Musical Thonnse*. Tbe Terrlll Frank E." Tenny, Cha*. E. Tlioina* August. Thor. — Thnrljer. Pliilll. Tatem, Fred Thell, I*mls Tucker. Frank Turtiey. Kd. Trattpert Harrv Cewrwavd, C. & IIell- Van C A Fanny Vail, f>lwln W. Van. Harry Vice A Viola Veolette & Old Vardells, The VanAudeu GeoE VlcJtery HarryF Venutu ltatTnelc Vail. Dr. Edwin W. Vernelo, E. M. Vernon, Curl Vilonl. Alfread Sickle E.L. Well*. I, cm While. Freil Wheeler Will O. Wllllnm*. C. W. Weinman Jesnl' Wate'rhury K.M. M Japanese ball game, .toura of the:world, rerrla wheel, etc.. es Hfde'%tirictroni The vauaevlllc bill for week of Sent. T Include*: Tbe HoQulM Bros., Ben Tiiridii, and Lnvlns Dc Will. Notes. --The many filmuls of Morrl* •Murks, treasurer of tbe.Greenwald and Urtld- ,iyln Theatre*, wrll be,grieved tu learn of the death of hi* *wlfi>7 Aug., 34. Telegram* of condolence and mnuy./ IwautIfnl' flnral offcrlnj:* were received-'fruui the araletBdoa all over the country .Tnptnln W. H ;Mrown, assistant mnnngvr of the Tulane And t rescent Theatres, has arranged for himself n lwBUtlful little office In the Tulane. where he will gladly welcome Ills legion of profes* hlonal friends t'hnries K. (IVtrstint Havles. was n Crescent <?ltv orrlval last *«li I'nder the personul direction of Manager Tom Winston, the Oruheum Is being handsomely rctutirhcd for the opening 17. < i | GEORGIA. Powers, Walter* Watcrlmry, A Crooker Rice, Leon F. Roses, Three Raymond, Lew Rand, J. F. Ritchie. Arthur 1 s ---■ i -1--. Gus Rowe, Chas. Robinson, Mr, (Old Man). Rlckrode, _ N. Jr. Waftjer. S. Woodsloe, Wm. Whltmy, II. S. Wnnlhe. Mat Whiteside. Jack Waller'A M izlll Webb, Walter M'iIh mi, Geo. II. aWhsJaW. Geo. ]Wh|tcomb, Don Itnrry E. Welch, Rube Rlggs. Chaa. tWgilenitnde J.A Riiualdo. Eil. -Welch. Ben Rider. E. D. (Witek. Eugene Bitter A Wilson, Clint Fanshaw Welch. Rube Reno. Denny Winter* Shi. R. Roberts. Carl Rose Original Jame* Rollins, Ralph Ruasell. K. II. Roth. C. llediiHiud. Eil. league, James Raymond. Lahakati, Max Mnurlcu F. Wellborn Hell.T I>o. Frank Rio. Otto Walter*, (hjo. I.iivlne, Arthur Itussell, Joliti Walton. Duleh Lesler. Chas. T. Roach. Daniel William* & Is? Barr, Mr. Ilnlm-lsoii J. L. ■■ Pullman .Merrick. Thus. Ilolierts, IL Voung l^stnto A Marrlon A Slmm*. Alruli Young, James Thompson Stewart. P. Vuutig. Billy SEE NOTICE AT HEAD OF LIST, *-•-» WEST VIRGINIA, Washer Bi Wood A Stone Walter. Geo. W West A Benton Winters. 8M WJIUani* Fmlll Weston, Willie Bronslon Efflm , Bracket!, R. A Belmoiit, Harry Blondell Edwnnl Brown Artlnirll. Black. J. A. ■Bfowu. Ctlffbrd ■near, w. 8. Hrowu, Dick Purge. Albert ' BticklMirn W.H Bnbam, Harry B.rookS, Ham- §- llton i. rltta, Bill ntkweii, elms Bahcock. Theo. rluirose'Dupie, Geo. Drane, Sai Dell A Fonda Dutton, Wm. Drlscoll. H. Dc Stefanle, Joo OulKin, H. De Vere, I^slle Del more. Geo. E Delmore & Darrell Dnrlelgh. Dan Dennis, John W Davlk, Joseph Douglas. Elmer Dee, Roy Dnnlap, Bob Delaney, ■Bqbtne A Hurtth iDonal, Alfred Huniirli, George Day, Geo. rt*. Bunilianlt. t Demon t, Roht. -^." " ' Tubhs Delmar, Harry Bloom. Jack iDcnlutm, W. I). Jsrtlett. Owe:i Sqrr^tt, Jos. •Bw. Dick Buriis, Jesso Bptler, oeo. BUue, Joe •Renseno, Frank 38 Dotson, Howanl Dk-kerson. F. t Dealing, Arthm Denton, G. Frauds Don-Ian. Wm. Dnimntou, F. C. Herbert'Delmer, Jack Paul O. 'Dekar, Morris Bradford. Hurry Dewey. Wm. SggtM. Wm, IDelnwre. John (Bellcliilr, Beuy Dugau. &pl| I W. Tlffaiiy " * - Harry Daniel*. Harry Bnrna. Vlnil H. Darrell. Mgar gBond. Harry Donals. Charlie rsilimry- Harrv Daly & O'Brh Barrett. Mr. Mrs. jos, Cardiff, jio. Carpenter. L.D. Clikr-pelle. Pat liplllu*. E. N. Wlsly WayueN vsrminlr. »a*.F. ''ro.s**lt Whiley 'V»»>J. Kelcer **iinulrl2ham J 11 Poeier A -V Robinson - 'oitiior. Ram. M L'lHo.. John Clifton,-H. H. ... Leon FJtsgtrald. Dick Fagau, James Flake, Freil Freeinan, Jno. Flood, F. A. Fanlser. P. K. Felke, Chas. II. Frye. Geo. 0. Forbes, A. Ferguson. Mr. Freeze Bro*. Greenwny Harry Glllmore, Tho*. Golden, Geo. F. Gandy, Cha*. K Gleason John V. Galvlii JtdHiuyB Golden, hue Gllnseretly Tony Grlffli). Harrj' C. Green. Chas. U. Green, Ssni Gardner Child- ren. Famous GUlls. B. J. Gideon, T. E. Gardener. Jack Green, Al. Ooins, Gn* Garsa. Jo*e Oarslde. Ja*. S. Galllmore. A. (Jolden, (leo, F. Jtfant, Elber 'Green. Horace Gniet A GriKt Oyver. Roy Orlflln. Gerald Gruhain Clw*.E Devenjwrt. Carl Greene, Oetf.IL Dutton. Win. Gllnserette. Mr. Douglass * l-'or<1 Hall. A W. Dsvl*. Mich. Hilton. Wro. Dunlsir Harrv J Huhhard, Fsmernlils Hsiry II. Dellhrtn Dr.W. .Ilnrtn. Link Dsviilwin; Handy, A. tt . De Moe. Billy Hsiulln. Ricbnnl Dawson Ball Delsvoy. W. Dcvcmwrt C. M Ktlery. V. Kvaus. Clsre Erlm Melville Edwards Ralph I Ii nlc. Jame* HiHlgJns, Woml Jloskvn, Geo. II Dodge* A Launch mere Hertel. J«rry Uainmonil, J. II. Wheeling.—At the Court Theatre (K. B. Franzhelm, manager) VoferaiMlnBircls. Aug. 1!8, hod foir returns. "The Wizard of (Is. IL had irood business. "Bankers and Hrok ers." Sept. 1. did well. Coming: Lam James «, "The -Mayor of Toslo". 7, Al. wll- (Jnixn OHpA IIuiMK U'haa. A. Felnlcr. ninnagcr).—Tlila popular plavhoiiBe will ojien for the senson, with Itlmmelelb's Ideals. 10. Buou (ri. W. Rogers,. raanager).-^rhlH popular vaudeville house will open with the Two Lawrences, Kdwards and Vaughn, Jessie Hereiord. and moving plclum. . WHKKLI.NU 1'aiik M«co. A. Mcl.fltiglilln. manager).—Attendance und attractions were good last -week. People for week of a : CAM. K Canlo nnd educated dog. Bwneralda, WR> l!am« and Mclhurn, Caprice Lewis, und Or- rllle and Frank. '„'..,, j XnTKH.—The Wont Virginia State Fair and Exposition Association. 10-14. have thing* moving Into good shape: already the people ure bringing horses to he iniartercd, and ex- pectations arc that this -will, be the largest fair ever held here. C. It. Traty. for- merly manager of the Western Lglon ■ Tele- graph Co.. who was well known^ln the the- atrical profession, died Aug." 3&;hM-«N burled by Wheeling Ledge, No. ^8, B. P. O. Klks, on .10. #-•-#. LOUISIANA. : . New Orleona.—Tbe Tulane (T. O. Camp- bell, manager), opens lis season Sept. Z. huv ng a* Its initial attraction. "A Message from Mars." The preliminary season will lust three week*, when the regular season will begin, and Manager Campbell promises a string of the very finest attnictlona. Crbhckvt IT. C. Campbell, msnager).-- -■■his house opened it* doors Aug. 'M, to S. WO "Br Illght of Sword." hv the Baldwin- Melville S.ockVo.. was the>blll. "d^rough- out the week wa« murh appreciated. "Con- ^AtSSmuiffi&mtm mnnaner).- colored orgnnlzntlon. enjoin Rood week * hnslness. openlDR Aug, li«. The Jersey Lily Itarte*q»eS will open the regular season Ailaaia—At the GrnnJ (II. L. & J. L. l>e tilre. managers) the season oiienH Aug. .10. with Itavld 1'rwier. In "A Mtmmjm foui Mars." Nell liurgexs. In "The Couiily Fair," Sept. 1. Burnt (Jake Wells, inaunger).--IInverly'H Mostodon Minstrels open the season Seirt. .'I and week. Cakinu (Jake Wells, mnnnger).—(Juyer and O.Vell. St. (Inge Bros., lleded and Hid- ley, Chas. Fulton, Stunrt linrnen and the earaernatnph made up tbe bill week, to big; business. Stak (J. 11, Thompson, manager).—Busi- ness continues satisfactory. The Mil last week Included: Carl Copeland. * ny Xnrrln, Morris nnd Parker. Mny Ilnyre, Shvvtlon Mind Wilson. Hire and Bice, Geo. Milton, Ludlow Allen, Llllle Mny und moving pictures. - --■—♦*♦ Chase A Lihtkr have engaged Melha Liv- ingston. Olive Iturleson nnd Muttle Webb fur Iheli- Xorlhcm comp any. THEATRICAL HOTELS u* B OARDING DOUSES. TRAFALGAR us-111 E.U. N.T., at. Keitll'l, 10M. ot Dew... Rooau Mo., Tic^ II, I1J, <ly; tlMto M weci. W.D.HANSIQAS.Prop. SOITIHITIL Wabuh A Madlsoo, CHICAGO, 0. 0. Vang,hart, Prop. Strictly . American Plan. $S-I5 alofle; Taadevtlle patronaga invited. PALACE HOTEL, 101 N. Clark St., Chicago. European, tut pcf week: with nrivsto hath, $7. Torkish Balh, loo. H. B. HUMPHREV, Prop. FOR SALK.-r>O0 Costume*, ?5 Wigs. Must leave city; will *cll at a aacrlnee. OARER"COS- TBMB CO.. 329 Nicollet Ave.. Minneapolis, Mian mueii tonrosED ASO AHBAJIOBD or any lnstrnmont or number of lustra menu, wnrs, words and mono, aketchea, etc.Send sump. lHJH,L.Ltwia,aag Richmond St., Cincinnati, 0. HOW TO START lit SHOW BU8INKIW, Cop7rhThtcd) L 8 different hooks, 10c. All kinds act. MORPHET'8 BCHOOL, S37 N. I2th BL, Phlla.. Pa. HOW TO BKCOAIE ACONTOKTlOniBT. Front and Back Bending, each trick Illustrated We.' Morphet'a School, 837 N. 12lh St., Phlla., Pa MUSICIANS Wanted, Pianist, VlolinlM. Clario- net (High and Low Pitch Insls), Cornet, Trom- bone and Trap Drummer wlfh Tympanl; first class and reliable, for high grade 'yceiim con- cert work, t ave Ing. Address THE SALIHKURY ORCHESTRA, HO Monroe Street. Chicago, III. HARRY MARLTN, Heavies, Leadsi CLARA GEORGE, General Bus., AT LIBERTY on accountuf closing with Davis-Goodwill Co. ;li weeks. ■.*-;«Ta»iots, lilted. Wire IIRIHTOL, TKNK., week Hcpt. 3. WANTED, Vm WANTBD, and wanted at all times, good Tersalllc Sketch Tcania, Musical Teams that ran slug (and have vi Ires). No tncom- p jtents In an; way need apply. I Incut of accom- modations in our own overland train, south Texas nnd the coast, away from Winter's Man, and 40 weeks in every performer making good ltutyon muKt make Rood. No xalary too high If Jou nrc IT. Burton and lie Alum, wilto. Prllicecs eta and all ladles and gentlemen of aidilty, ad- dress Blackmore's Pantograph Co., No. 10, Huh- hard, Texas. BKF.TCI1KS, ETC., to order. Prices and Al references for stamp. Samples (No, i). Parody aud-Hiafc-B, 10c; 3 Parodies, 15 tings, «r, MARY E. P. THAVKIl, 2100 ltruAtl HI., Prnv., U. I. CLAniO«KTTIST, doiibles U Violin, would llko-to bear from leaders who want itntidtlmis musicians. Ohjcctadviutccincnt. Amyonngman, ■Inglo, don't line tobacco or linuzc. Wish lo locale In good town or cltv. Experienced. A. I', of M. Ref.given, i.-.u-k llox •iU.Ciniiu-li nimr-, Iowa. AT LIBERTY, Lecturer ami Ufllce Worker, tts per wcok, expenses; or 3ft per cent or medicine sales, lo per cent uf groxa receipts. Sober and re- liable. Hennlru ticket, For Sale, K.*ler Organ, flO. Prof. Mmirutus, llli W. nth St.. Cincinnati, Ohio. WANTED, PIAWO iPLAYER^Tivantgood sight reader and transposer. Uing season, Kood ireatmontand sood salary to good man. Tickets, if you need them. Homo of you Eastern Piano Players had hotter come West, where yon get your salary every week nnd something good to eat. We arc piaylnir opera (muses anil Mopping athest hotels. Address ipilck, Dr.A. K, llerren, care of Modern Itemed; Co., Thornton, Cerro (hirdo Uonntr, lowa« ■ ||FOR SALE—HandcuirAct, Maglclnn's Oulllt, Eiro King Act, Trunk Mystery, Aga. Scuond sight Act, Spirit Cabinet. Trick llamUuiK Animated Hrawlnir Illusion, (*lrculurs fofSTAMI'. OEO. A. RICE. 4 Underwood St.. Annum, N. V. "UnONDERU giereoptlcolis" for Song. Illus- traiore, lecturers, iu«; rtitl ai/.c. Send for cut. Urouherff Htero. Qi.'lUI E.lloward Av.,HIIo.xI.MI»h "WANTED, ENGAGEMENT, hy a |\«d clover young I,ad; Amatour. Sings and dances. Flno coBtumcs; very neat In dross and appearances, (lood, reliable dramatic managers, adanw MISS RURTON. care Prof. Rayno, 214 W. tHilu St., India- napolis, HuL ONLY THEATRE in Town nf 1,000. Scniimc capacity. BOO. For open lime, address A. W. HOWELL. Box If., Teilco, N. M. WANTED.-uievar Lad; Partner in Ringing and Dancing Skoich; one with c.vperlchco pre- ferred. 1 am a yonns man of fund habits. Address C. RASE, care of Prof. Rayno, 214 West Ohio St, Ipdlanapoiis. Ind, TRICKS ALL THE NEW ONES. TOST A COMPANY, Ml Filbert St.. (EBUbifibed 1870), Philadelphia. t^ Large catalogue for siatnp; FILMS WANTED.—Wanted, »,00r.fl. of fltat cia*fl Moving Picture Films. Slate length, coudt ttnn, makei, and price of each Film. - Operator Wealed for foreign country, must be well recommended, experienced in both gas and electricity, and sign two year contract. Slate ■alary, experience, reference* and full particulars. For Salvor Ezchaags.—lO.ouoort.. of Films, Edison Exhibition Model Kiaclilne, Machine Trunk (Taylor make). Slides, Oas Outfit, Undo Turn and other llthos. Send for Hats. - Address 0. ILL, care of CLIPFKK. WANTED, FOR REI'gRTOlRE, Leading Man, leading woman, heavy man, Juvenile, general tins., comedian, loubrcuc, character man and woman man for props who can act, man with. picture machine (play bits); those doing special-^ ties preferred. Stale all lo first; make It low, it's sure, bpen Hcpt. 27, near boston. No fares ud-, vanced unless known. Loos engagement to iho, rlgnt people. Morrill-Wilson, 75 Central Ave., Chelsea, Masa. WANTED, to strengthen show.Tcrfnrmcni all lines of the med. business. Al Sketch Team pre- ferred. Mast fake overture. Salary best, no limit, altyouarewo'tli. Showncverciose*. Tlckeiryos. Boo/ersrno. HaRRY F. MII,LKK,eluglcvlllc,fe«, WANTED-Good Sketch Team who can do singles. Also good Pinulet. Must be ablu to read and transpose and willing to do stralghis In acta, If needed. Salary no object to therlghtpcoplc. Tickets IM know you. Address Doctor, itox 220, Roy s 11 on..Minnesota. ■ ■ 100 Letterheads or Km,, HOc; postage, He; half-tone, Toe.: 32ds, uu., etc. Samples, Ic. ' COURIER CO., Morrlce, Mich. HEAL, Live Medicine Lecturer; sober, good reputation. Must have Iho clip to get the money and do your part. No fake business; everything on the level. We have the goods, flood salary for right man. Write, call. Dr. Livingston Med. Co., 3S South Street, New York Oily. , < • WANTED.—Pianist, Lady, fake and road; also lad; good feature act; salary *i' per week, transportation. Must he good lookers and neat dressers. Send photo, will return. Also Man, Moving Picture Machine, Al, carrying at least 3.000ft. good, assorted films, 6 sets snog slides. Those having bum outfits steer clear of inland. Tlckoiarno. Booze lighters, cigarette fiends not wanted. Stale salary, lowest expect'd. biead; engagement for Winter, all parties,possibly Sum- mer season as well. Frunkllu Brooks, please write Address E. L. HH0OK EB, Mgr. Hon Ton Opera Co." 120 Kit ward St., Toronto. Can* •20 AUTOSCOPES, llcturc Machines. Penny or Nickel Slot Machines, (i Mreath Perfume Ma- chines. Good payers, very attractive, throws knives for prizes, 1 Sampson Punching Machine, 1 Rag Puncher. Will sell at a eaeririce if taken In a Iol H. ( iaher ,a-j g Nicolle t Ave., Mlnneapolla, Minn. LECTVRKR AT LIBERTY?-Strong nrlicc. Straight in ac'a. Extract teeth. Salary or jiei cent. Don't need ticket. ' Wbnld go Into partner- ■hip wtih good sketch team. Address PR. J. W. LEE, Larm-d. Kausns. Pawnee Co. KKV REST our big city and xMcr K, THE VEK I lines Tor our h, sKeich am WANTRU AT ONCE, Medicine Performers In-att ' show, Irish, black, Hutch, teams, piano piajer*. Must Join on wire, no turn to correspond. VYe work In Richmond, Va., for s I" weeks uuder our large canvas. Would like to hear from good long haired Indians, OREUON iVfii KM, I Tom Wln.lon. iinwl.- WARNING! ( All ju rdocH tiro cmutionod itu;ainHt iu- clostng inotiey with letterri to uh, UNLESS THE LETTERS ARE REGISTERED. Wo in o in receipt of cninptuiutH l'ruui mntty who !invo lost ui'iney l.y setnliti|.; il tliroL'K'li tbe muil, which tlcm^nntrrttes that that method of mnlting rcmiltaucea is not safe: If PorIiiI Mouoy Onlcri Cb.ok or Dr'lt jh sent anil is Btol< n from Hie mail, a duplicate cm bo ob'ainocl and lliero will be no ktia of money, but tbero will bo a Ichn of time, which may bo of tho utln'Kt importance. Wo will guirantoo nil n?rfi0tiH ngainHt Iiihm in Bcudiiicusrwoiitauccs IF THE l.ETTKItS IN WHICH TIIKT AUK SKM' Allli I'ROl'KKLV KKiaSTKIIIOII. I NEW YORK CLIPPER, ALBERT J. BORIE, Hannger Wanted Quick, BRASS BAND, Seven pieces, at my new rluk nnd Miualrc, Hot Springs, Ark., Kejd. 16. Ycar'H uugstretiient to right men. wire UA1T. W. 1>. AMENT, Kankakee, 111. Wanted, Medicme Performers of. AH Kinds, fiord Comedians, Musical Acts. People plavluir nitrumeiiis preferred, iiarilctilitrl; piano fakirs, fltuic all am) lowest lit llrst idler I pay railroad only. Week opera huusus. I never closu. No 'tickets advanced. I've hcon lliere. address J KUVPTIAN RKMK11V tO. ( Kt. Tliomari, Ontario, Cuiiada WANTED, VAUDKVILLiK ACTS {or lent show. Comedian capahlo <»r putting on cts right and changing for otio wcok, Man u> do Uaftin, Punch etc., Fred Peak, wrlle. Rest. " treatment and steady work. COL. HAKKY IIOWMAN, CllftOH, KiX WANTED QUICK, REPERTOIRE PEOPLE. ALL LINES, i'omedlun, rtoubrcttc, 'I ticn. Bus, Men, Leading ■mi, Heavy Matt, Character Man and Woman. Mind Join on wire. MAX A. ARNOI.H, Manager KKVBTONK UKAUATIU VA)., Mhcrtirooke, IJiiubec, Sept. :t-h. THE PLAY FACTORY. MANUSt'IlIPT l"I..\ VH AMI, KKBT(!IIK<t wrlura to (inlcr, butiKlit and mild. Ail'lrc, AI.ICK IIUWI.ANII, MO W. tint I'lacn,CUOM> AT LIBERTY, MISS VERA POWERS. .Kxperlenced Piuni-i or Juvenile I'jirts. Rep. or Permanent Rtock. lis IRVINU HT., Sowark, N. i. Wanted Quick, Lady Clarionettist, Pur lung cngagemuut In liest cafe In clly,. Ad dress LKAPKIt. l.adlc»'Orclieslra, Tho Auditorium. 1W Main Hi,, Norfolk, Va, AT LIBERTY, CHAS. "DORADO" PERRY Wire Walker, Junulcr, Hlnger, Eccentric Ringing and Talking Tunis, forono week. H.C.nrH. In all i. Boo/,e.' NO! ONROKTA. N. Y, Wanted, Piano Player Who Can Play Piano and Organ, Head and Pako. Prefer one who can Double Htage. I'-eMii Medicine I'eopli:, write. IHL O. W. LEHT KH. Ilmn dl. fvrle i.e.. S. V. PROF. RAYNO'S OLD RELIABLE SCHOOL Jiuii Agcnrv; esiaidhhr-d, itwn. Iimlaide ingrs. 'vstilliiit clevrr latent, address PUOE. RAVNO'ri HCHOOL. •iM West Ohio Ht„ lndlaua|Mills lud. * Wanted, Tuba, B, and 0., AIM tUHVKT. l/ilia Hi'iiHOD Kfllltlt. MY. WHKBLKII, WslllngforU, Cuou. U.VDKIl TIIK TK1IMS OK A CHATTEL MORTGAGE, Olvcn liv HAH IMCKKIT In 1110 in, Aug. 3, IU00,1 will on trti' l>th IHY UF flKlTKMBKH, tllOII. AtNos.2iii« s. -il ST.. st, .KisKi'ii. Mlssni'i:r, BICI.l, tin fiilliilvliiK I1KSI UlllKI) I'llllP- KHTV »l I'l 111.11.' AUCTION III lllo lll|Illc»t bidder tor canli In liaml: Tlio ENTIRE WARDROBE OF BLUEBEARD, .1 It., AM) KING KOKO, Consisting of Rnhos.Tlgllts, Wigs, Rulli'l hllillH and comploto CuHtumcs, all practlraily new. 00? L, CHAFFOHD, Hortgagee. .VAUDEVILLE flCTSJ , Hki'tclit'i, Mi'iiolojiiio,, rarnilli'... lie., 5 I IioiirIii. unlit, oxrhHUKcil, wrllloii. ro- 0 | written mill rovlHoil, Wo Diinrnnfvo uvrrji. ^ * thing iveriirulHli. IMittouliir, riirvi-.siniii|i, W ' Intirnatlonal Vaudeville Supply Co., ' I Viilloilo Place, HlllMIn, N. V. • OTHERS WHITE. T0L8OI STOCK CO.. SPBINOriELD, BO. WANTED QUIOK, REPERTOIRE PEOPLE, Owing te dlsappulniuicui, .shifrltm and Dancing Coinuillan, two useful acinM and riiwlsi. I'ayjuur own. Mlata all In first ti-ticr Join oh wire. Eh- \VAit|>HHTiV'K 00., Ccn'l llol'y, l^ulsvlllu. Ky. STODDART STOCK CO. WANTS Al PIANIST. Musi lie siftht Reader, Arrange and Transimso. Mnkc sidiu-y iciiKouaiilc. Hi'ason'H on gage men I. UntiikiirdsV-don't. .Inst cut rid of one. II. I.. HTKWART.Hcpt. :i and week, (iuolph, Olilalhij Hept. 10, .Sprhiglilll, Nn va.Sfofln. MEDICINE PERFORMERS. l''ace,lrli>handOut(di Comedians. Jugglcra and cotiiorMoJilsts. Must hu aide to cliange fur week *ir lutigiii 1 .- HKKSON A DALY Co., llcrnian, MlnuL-^iitn. At liberty After Sept. 12. Fl i mill Hi; WANTED, PIANO PLAYER, I.AIIY Oil OKNTIiKHAN, iilin llial ran mail ami arranito tor Vanili'Vllto Do. KI1ANK ItANKi:, RUM l.iiki'. tt'ls. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. FOR THE Jnol'H. Parks Shows, Trombone, Clarionet and Alto To D.mUutW Tiullu. Adilri'sa C. il. CUOI'EK, lllcliliiinl-i.A'a.. 8npt.»; i'■• wliiiru Hi, Norton 11. WANTED, FOR Stotson's Dncle Tom's Cabin Go. Heavy Man, Cymedlnii, Man ror liuiiurnl HiihIiium. AIn> ijjninurici' l.udy ami *.h llif who can HIiik mid I'lay Paris. Planu I'layiT, Clnrlom-l, Leader orchestra who Duti'dea trim, Andrew as per Kastom Hiiule. LKON W. WAHHIIUUN. WANTED QUICK, HEAVY MAN, Clover, young,' good voire, appearand) and muilcrn wardrnhp.. Htali:nt;i:,-h(.'(glii. wnlnlit, ex* porlenco, Miiliiry. Address FRANK M. DAVIDSON, « k, Aridovnr. ; tfjjJo;l'H , j. KhvondCliy. I 'a. Stetson's Tom Co. Wants Cornet and Piano Flayers Mlato salary. Wrilo or win-. Upper HandiMky, oiiin, Hcpt. T; iiuuyrilKS, (Jalluu lo. WILLIAM KIlllM't-. AMATEURS Wi: liisiritct and prepurn you for the Hinge l>y until, and kcctirc eiigairciiu-iiiH. Niuul siuiup for imrtkuilara. in: hHam:m CORUI'lHroNDrlNCU HUI10OLS, llox W, Htiiirli Rend, 1ml. Wanted Immediately, linly I'crriirmorB. L'lhit cngageiiiiMit to rlghl ones. Oponnh Wlft-or Nl-dl lo. Addrcas JACK RwSKOiiNO K tlf HAL L , HrracKO, M. T« Il Liberty, iiie'Smallesl Man on Earth; Opea for hurlnsrpiij or one night at Week atnnds. Ilidfthf, art. (In.; .wulgjit. sup,. Ago 10■ AddrcsH BVKIHTRUI' PKTKKSON. Luck. Wis. For Sale Si50 Takes Half Interest in a in',in, v Ruttor. Popular mm uli/lil ulanil. Hiii-olat lianiir. actniiry. ciu. Bnakod in wimliB w far. AitilroKn .HjO_H\ WllilalWrlT., Hyraeim;. w in NHKi> of m wmHUMtiiiy BABBY 8BAY, 723 I. 16 St., Phlla,. Pa. 'CUHI'UHKK - HI' . 8KCT0IIHH. MONOI.1HIIJKS, _^'AKOIJJK», IITU .- W lilTH toll MAMI , I.KH.__ SWA KES. |10 bins 'i I'lno iir Turtle Head Smikcs broke tu handle, i nutfooi lung. HOl%:!f-N. Ninth HI., P'lllHdflplila, l'a« ^ WORKINA WORLD, r MfJ iii«*ehftniriii show tor Mill- efienp, Jtisf Miry llilng fur llifr Fairs, .Teul or platform. Lint fri'c, c:iian. niKui. s Van Nordfii Hi., Nu. t:«mi-rnlire, Massif Wanted, Pjjno Player, Novelty Act, and Other People, wrlf?. Hioho who wiulo htfare wrlto again. Two week stand*. Hlaftf salary ami all lu :irm loiur. "J1H" LONU, aituiuiitu. ind.