The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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764 !EmB mzsyr- *stoni£ I15SE 8. THE OT TORE CLIftfEB . «i» THE FRANK QUEEN PUBLISHING Cfi.(Llmltia.) PROl'METOIlft. -. i ALBERT 3. BOIUE, EDITORIAL AND BdMNFIHS M AifAOEll. I 8AT0KD AY, SEPTEMBER B, 1000, RATES! Advertisements— ( 2.80 per inclt, single col- umn. Advertisements «ct Willi border, 10 pet cent, extra. SUBSCRIPTION. One year, In advance, $4; nix months, 921 three months, SI. Foreign pottage extra; Single copies will bo «cnt, postpaid, on re- ceipt of 10 cents'. Onr Term* sin Cn»l>. T11E CLIPPER l« Issued every Wednesday morning. The lost four (ndvcrtlslng) pages UO TO rUESS on Saturday at 11 a. it., and the other panes on MONDAX and TUESDAY. Tito -Forum Cloalnaj Promptly, Twe.- dnj, At 10 o'clock A, M, Please remit by express, money order, check, P. O. order or registered letter. All cash en- closed with letter Is nt the risk of sender. Address All ComiiiinilcntliMis to TUB NHV7 YOB-It ('l.liTKIl. .47 West 28th Street, New York. Jtco-isfrrcd Callij Adilrcis, "AwnoniTT." THE WESTERN BUREAU of Tiir CurPKB Is located ot Iloom 504, Ashland Ulock, Chicago, William F. Bryan, manager nod correspondent, where advertise- ments sad subscriptions : oro,,,rc,co|yed at our regular rates. THE LONDON BUREAU Located at 48 Cranbourne St., London, W. C, John II. Carney, manager nml correspondent, where advertisements and subscriptions nre received at our regular rates. TUH CLiri'RB cas nx obtainbd, wnoLE- n.u.K axd uktah,, at our agents, Brentano's news depot, 07 Avenuo do l'Opera, Paris, Krance: M. Llllenthnl, Frederic* Btrosss 101 (Tetmlmis Hotol), Ilcrlln, N. W„ Uer- ninny: lllomond News Co., 07 Prndo, Ha- vana ; Manila nook and Stationery Co., 128 Hseolto, Manila, P. I.l Albert & Bon, 187- 130 King St., Sydney, Australia. • ,]. , : the vt. \v wiin, i i.i PPI:it prilill.iies ....1> "«•■ viIIiIihi, ana Is dated fro m Tivtr York. ... : ' -.; t ..., l,:,. QUERI ES AUSW EBEP" No Ho ..lie. ii> Mull or Telegraph. Annn«8HKH on wiikiihauouts sot alvBN. AM* 1M (Jl'RHT OP MICH HIIOIIIJ) WB1TB TO THOBB WHOM TIIHV HKHK, IN CARE OF TUH CUri'MU l'UM'I OmCB. ALL I.HTTBUS WILL UK ADVKIlTlflKD ONH WMKK ONLY. If TUB HOIITB W ANY TIIHATHICAI. COMPANY IH BOl'OHT, liRFKIl TO Olltl 1.1 HT OF BOOTH ON A.Minn.U l'AOB.. WlO CANNOT BUND ROUTES 11V MAIL Oil TKt.EOHAI'II. 1MAMATIC. H..8. II., NVwnrk.—We hove no knowledge of the whoreabouln of ihe pnriy. Ammhi a letter In HN of tliln "ilia', nnd we will Duyvrdne It In our letter lint. it. w. h . niituiiciphiii, R. C, Ut. I'nul, it. (1. New York, J. 11. a, Wilmington, A. ft, I'.He. in"] ., „ „ , Annuity.—Mm niinwer to H..H. IT., nbova. Nm Vohkku.— 1, It wim nitimted nt the nwlnmxl caraox of Konrieonth Stmt ud i-'inii Avoune. II, Hit hlttlinlnce Ix k(v«h ii" Ui'HiroliitnJ, It. Tile old lion riteanmoutri l.e«nn nuinlnu to Coney JkIhiicI-Ii. 1881, 11. W. II.. Akron.—lliiliei'n Mimenm, Four- teenth 81 rent, nenr Fourth Aveniio. W. M.. Nt HlerllnR.—The show wna never In KiU'ope. , ..... - W, J. P.. New York.—The Manhnttiin Conii!i.,v Four mi orDluiM In IWH, nnd bo- rn iiie- one of the lendhiB eomed.v »iunrtelten In the nrofi'HHlon. The qtmrtetle not been nlirond iin* live or Mix year*, hut rehirnft to this country to |itny .•nKnarmi'iiti- In thin country duruu the i-omlnjr Fntl and Winter. <i. ».. Hprlnirlleld.—Wo do not know. V. II. K„ IjwIlM'rlaiHl.—Auilrwit T. II. Wlnnett. 11H2 Ilrondwiip. Stiw York City. A. It. (!.i Troy.—The Kellli liooklnR nticncy, St. .InineH lliilldlnir. New York. W, t*. M„ Ni'w York.—HPfon yon iHHtn o|M', yon hnd hetter ninke niiplh-ntlon to no niiiyor mid Ihe tiro de|Mirlment. Hevernl iiiillleti dnlnn HluiMnr-IHIMUMI linvc. licen Htomied. It. th, .New York.—Ailtlrcm Junto Mi'Cree. li. C 8.. IliiIiAd.—AddroHH Miii'ilnkii & Co., ■Ih.'t Rlxth Avenue. New York City. I.. M.. Wenllu-rrord.— AddroHH K, Vnn Wyi'k, Clnclimnll, Miih.1.., Man trail.—Will rh our route lint eneli week. J. If. I*., (!reen liny.—AttuMM Pnrey & Wolfnrd, Knickerbocker Annex, New \nrk ' City. It. W. »., liulmqne.—AddreM Oenrw Htnrr, In rare of the Ilnrmim ft Hnlley Clri-uw, itu tier roiile In rhlH iHrtue. t:M>t:itWonu t Full It Ivor,—Tho mule hoa not been imuonuced. Wnteh our ronle lint eneli week. It. .1. II.. Mil ford.—John Itoblnt.on. who foinuleil IliihluHon'H I'lrcus In 1821. died In 1SHM. CAIll.H. \V. 8., C'leveliwnl.—It, Mnken n run of live when ho nlnyH Hie live. J. 1. II. . Mu.HimvlUn. if n plnyer Ir nut (Oflra he In only comiiellwl to bIww the oiion- ei-M. I. II. !>.. rMrolt.—In aevcti-tip, If the diMlur ii'fiiMCH to jitve. lie uiUfl run the innR No one IniH the iirlvlllKe nr mnkltti: the trunii). nisi i:i,i,\\i!oi s. I>. M. K.. Houlli IMvinoiHh.—No on" ever went over Nhiem-n Falln nnd llvwl to tell It. Olitt MICTION I.KTTKR. FBOOI OUR OWN cobukbponkbst. Clipiicr liiircan, 4H Cruuboarnfr. street. Lcleeater. Sqtjiire, . - London, W. C. AL'O. U~>. Iji'^plte i) very hot and disagreeable wijek thofie i»|:in'ri' of amuMonient, offering Kalenhlt* «liawfl line had ready nurchafiei'M. and lit. goodly unmberti, too. Tne, bolls have bad, perhnpn. the better. patronage. Next wboI( two oew nloya will be olTered for the np- protal of iiondoD thefltregoern. On \Vednen- dfl>\nt the Lyric, n iinunu. *'iititi.*d "The HIn of U'lllhim JnckNoii," will have }U prewtet'.v,. The following night, "The Morals of Marctift" will be done for the llrst time at the (Jarrh-k. James Welch, the well known KngllttU' nrtor, lum married Audrey Foro\ -who -waa. In ordinary life, Amy Flutter, the daughter of * liOttle Venne. Mr. Welch- war tonnerif 1 the tinHimrxi of a ulster of Itlchard he ilal* Hemic, the i»oct. They were divorced about Hi nut ago., ■ Tliere wuh a time the Comedy used to tie regnrded ftfl a unlucky lioiiHe, but "Itnftii'H," itu current attraction, neemB to 1 have broken that npell. On-Monday night the.piny reached lis one hundredth perform- ance, and,' even dni'lug the Inn wave, good bualneiifi prevails. A month ngo the an* nouhcementM were to the effect that "seats were lt'iniy for July and August." Now I hoy rend "ready for Heptember and Octo-' uer." A hostile demonstration, wna made agnlnst Mi'H. Lniigtry nt Folkestone Inst Wednexduy night. At the Victoria Tier 1'ovlllon A large crowd, which had assembled to witness,n ircrformnnru by Mrs. Lnngtry, were Incensed liv the nclreas only perfonning n rtouth Af- rleun eiilsode of 111 lie dramatic power, and only lni;tlng twenty minuses. As she left the Pavilion she whh followed by a hostile, hlHs- Ing crowd, urn) underwent the unusual ex- perlilncc of being escorted bv two iHillcemen. When "l'Dter Ifnn" Is revived pt the. Duke of York's Mr. Frohmati will provide a. hew home for Cyrtl Maude, who will be the oc- cupant of. tho. ML Mnrtln's Ijtne Theatre when ihc revival Ih done. Dion Itoucl^utt, who Is now In New York, has renewed his cniitrnet with. Mr. Frohmnn to tnke charge of all the plays to he presented nt the Duke of York's, If ':The Hlu ot William Jucksun," which bus Its llrst twrfcrnmnce at the Lyric on Wednesday next. Is a success, another the- aire will. ho. found for It. In October, when I.ewlp Wnller returns from Imh pt-ovhiclnl i"in- to do "Itohln Hood" at that house. Nlnti Iloiiclfnutl will piny the lending role In "The HIn of Wllllnm Jackson," which Is by the authors of "The Hcullct rimpcrnc.11." On Hi'tit.: 10 there will be a very Intercut- Irg cricket match played nt I-ord'a Court iil''ki'i ::r.Hiinis, betw'teiractors nnd loiikcys, the. proceeds' of the.gate. to. he glvcni to the Steeplechase Jockeys' Fund. The nctonr team will he scleeied from the following: t.eorge hJdwardes, Itobcrt Kvert, Huntley Wilght, Fn-il Wright ft., tlcorge tinives, Kohert Nulnliy. Louis Ilrndllcld, Fred>Unys, V. O'Connoc. Wi Ui I'earee, J. A. K. Siiiloiie, and W. Dnwv's., Among the Jockeys: M. can- ..iin. 1'. I'nunan, K. Ciiniuiu, Jlnooy Muher, Ji II. Martin, iX Wllllnmson. n Wooilinml, ii I'lmiuiuT, J. Wontlmnn, It. Cnrnlnke. W. .Mnilicws nnd \V. Hollery, , , It'was recently stilted that It was.wrong be In.tat,revival of "Alice In Wonderland,' Ht Christmas. y Marie Tempest 1ms accepted uu engugti- meiit from the management of the Palucu, for- a JlwlLul iierlod, prior to her appenr- ame In the play written for her by Mr. Hutro, and to be produced.-by Mr. mlunu This is the llrst time that MIkh Tempeflff name has figured In the regular progriimmf of a variety house, and the Palace has added another to Its successes It scored secured such stats as Mrs, Tree and Lewis Wnller, Miss Tempest Is now In Pranrtt The date contemplated Is about the middle of September, and Miss Tempest will slug tour songs, two accompanied by the orchestr* and two by-the plttno. ■ : ,'- ; ... I The Moulin Konge. In Paris, will In Octo ■her bo tinder new management, with Hem) Hoy as managing director. The opening piny bos been written bv three million*. Leaving Mont ha nip ton to-tlay to fulfill cn> ftammti In Month Africa nre: Kitty Loft us, ed ]•:. llox, A. I>, Itcibblns. Miniature Muryi nnd 'iiniiinv. Arriving from douth Africa to-day or«: Moyd and (Jlifain. Colilnl aud llawley. Yolande Noble, John K. Coyle and Mile. Alexia. Kit Inge has licen meeting with exception- ally, brilliant success at the-Folk's Mavlgny; t'ot-Is, where he Is still a contributor to Die ■.hi lf„ 1... , ,...t.: ■' . .-. I I. Jl„. ,,ffuri TtlllV"'ifa has 'refifsed'severhi tempting offers day, In order^thnt Mr. to remain on the continent for the Winter. reprtlrs until-,Kept..3. A am told that this b-the first' time the >une basbeen.dark in three years. J«9W Bpirrow and Harry ijawa have jolned.bands la an agency entetprlse, and .same will .be. known'a» the Uiilverss iiv"motk-aiid Variety Agency. -Mr. .Sparrow will-also.'look after tlte management of .the New Kmplre, ■ Citmberwell, to lie opened a week tKM Monday- I-elpBlg,,tbe enrd and cola man, who, returned from a successful Mir : at the Kolles Marlgny, Porls r last week Ha- been seennrd by tue Hymans ?or their South African halls. He sails, from South- ampton .on Bcpt. 15. Seelcy, and Vest nre also passengers on the sume boat, ■ .. The Harmony Kuitr close to-night their en- enufnicnt ot the Hippodrome. On Monday ihev commence the Moss & Stoll tour, open- ing at the Kmplre, Leicester. They will play In pantomime this season, having been bfwked by Fred-Karno. ' Fred Nlblo, whose success at the Palace has been something out of the ordinary auc- ccms one achieves ut that house.-wns to have closed his lung e,tay last Saturday night, but. the miiiiagement Induced lilm to gl«.up a cnnlfnenlal pleasure trip he had pranned be- fore returning to take up his work n the mates. As a-result Mr. N'lblo remains at the Palace next week, and ttvo days of the night being Frl- ) may snil on the of any critic to give his views of a new play on Its opening night.., A Nihil or fourth night was .HnfL'csted.mi thai more suitable time to Judgeof the merits of u ptny. A, writer on UTAH. suit 1*uko CIO-—At the Orphcum (W. L. Jennings, resilient miuingerL week of Aug. 'J7: IlcrnU'o nnd Mo.v, Ueo. Yeoman, Kelly nnd Kent, Mr. and Mrs. Kdward II. Kc,m|>H, Wilfred Clarke, assisted hy Then. Uktsrw nnd company. In "What Will llnpnen Nextr « iiiiIi. roniPdy Trln. Illll week of Sept, :t: Wlirred (Nnrke, Hickman Itros., Yermm. Ma O'linv. Musical I'urrests, nud llussell iitlil Held. QBAVIi (A, M. t'ox. innhngcrl.—(leorgln llamer. Aug. Stl-I'IL In "The White Blnve," did good business. "Cnmllle" .'10-Hept. 1. cviimi I'auk (Win. tlulhey, mnnngen.— Week of Aug. lit!, 7.1ttri*n TMvesty Co., In -lrlavolo," did an Iminehse himlness. was .Hngn'ested.nn the.more suitable.time to Judge-nf the merits of a plnv. A.wrltcr on Tlw. Wctktfi in*i>titrh hiis the following to the mnnnfler of the He Is undecided m to the exact dote of hit return to the States. , . ■ ■ -i Hurt Karle, the clever banjolst, who IntelJ concluded a six months' engagement at tnt? Kmplre, is one of the best numbers on, the bill nt tbe Alhnmbrn, Brighton, current week! There Is to be a big International fair and carnival held at Olympla, In this city, next Christmas. I am Informed by the manage, ment that Amcrlcnn showmen ure pnrtlcm Inily desired, nnd <thnt they enn be assured of- n iH'iu-iv welcome from their KngllHh cousins. . Olympla U. probably the biggest covered amusement place In IH world, covert Ing, ns It does, some nineteen acres, and hag. been Ihe London home ot .the .Jamum & Mullev. nnd Itnffalo Illll Hhows. In uddltlon to the main bull there are a donen or more smaller halls, all ot which will be turner. over lo side shows. The price of admisUoni will he hix pence ■ ( twelve' cents), and tha that:'price, the visitor can h'h* a circus, a vnndev!lle show. Various aerial and sensn^ llonnl acts without extra charge. Military bands will- piny nil day long, there will be n free dunclng room and a skating rink, nndj nliiiehcd .to the premises nre lager beer rooms, tea rooms, restaurants,.etc. A strong and Inlluentlnr. indicate is running tin] show, which will be an annual affair, .(mo of Ihc Amerlcnn shows already booked til Hale's Touih of the World; An ostrich farm of California Is another importation) from the Ktntes. > For the Ilnle show Messrs. Wnrrlngs, of London, will put up two big Pullman cars for this exhibition, The company's managing .director will probnhlx leave London for New York about the (Irsc of Beptcmber In search of further American novelties, A large number of Frcuch nni| tlernmn shnwmen have obtained coiicchuIoiih, ■to the fair will be thoroughly cosmopolitan In elmrneter. Hransby Williams, who ranks very high as a character actor In this country, leaves .to- day, for New York. His IMpkens characters nnd other studies have scored lu all the prln* ■'jmi halls of. London and the provinces. Mr, Williams, will' play the Keith-Proctor houses: •In New York. -, '. .Johnson and Wells send me word from Leipzig ihni they scored a Mg hit on thelt! opening at the. Crystal Palace, on Aug, in. At, the,finish of their act four curtains tyns week to follow, the closing night be ng Ffl day, In order that Mr. Nlblo Saturday boni. say regarding same: "tlie suggestion mndo that the third or fourth nlglii, and not the. flrid.nighl of u play, ought to be selected.for criticism Is, I should have thought, hnrdly worth cntertnJhlng for a moment. Notices of ii iH'iv piny nre puhllrihcd us news, and the uiniorlty of Ihc people who rend them do so In order to get mi Idea of the dnsa of enter- tainment put on. The public Interest lies In ihe |ii;iv. not In the criticism, nnd the l>pst noUi'c Ih .the one which tells the plnygoer rii'iivlv what he luny expect to see. For all nractlcnl tiiirposcs this can be done' ns well iitiih'eillnrely nftor the llrst perfdrmiitice ns It cilli after ihc fourth. With musical comedy' three or tbiir weeks may muke o change, but In nil.other cases, If the nlny li jrood nnd tht* .east is nil right: the llrst uight shnultf be as good as nny oilier for the jiitrpose of it ciltlelniii or n notice. Whether thut notice siiopld or nhoiild not be Blgned Is tlie concel'it of no one hut the editor of the Journal or' the man who linn to put his signature to hla opinion.',' .: i , '•'( The into J. L Toole mndc his will so long ago that at least one of ttin henucnts will revert to Ihe estate, owing to the death of the lienetlclury before the death of the testa- tor. I'm JfohchisNr Umi'thnn states tiuit In beouenlheil £4,iMK) to Henry Irving, and, this hmount will to go the resldiiurv tegnfec. The entire viilue ot the estntc will" nut be,known until after Ihe sale of the ef- fects hi Ihe Slnldn Yale residence. Several clubs and lnstttutlnns with which Mr. Toole wns ciuincclcd will receive mementos. Among the money bcmiests are: v.tun to ibe sous of Henry Irving. i"-M>m> to K. J. Low tie, (tie same amount to hls,s|ster and .his wife's Klster and sihnller amounts to a large riuui- ls'i> of frlendH mill stnge atlendanls. C. M. B. McLennan Is very busily engaged' nni the next production, entitled '"Nelly Neal:" to follow "The Hello of Mnytnlr." at Hie YnudcvlUe In October. The music will be composed by Ivan Caiyll. and Ihe name part will be plnyed by Kdnfl Mav. Tim passing of the Weekly Unv of Rest Act for-workmen In Paris has brought up ihe rptestlnn rif a weekly day off for nclors, who now have to work seVeft days In the week, The oucRllon Ib .nnuiMng nmoii c.v dted discussion,, tor tbe eipcli th'ttTtre ou Bnii- dnv and week days hue become, or ticeinqd to. hcenmc, necessnry. for the happiness of Pnrlslnns. Ilul the feeling that .itetcifs have ns much right to a dny'n rest ait grocers' nsslsituits Mowl alronger eretv ilny, and It l*i likely llml Iwfoi'o long nil the the- atres will he closed on one day eneh.week In 1-nrls ns lu Loudon. It Is cermlii, however, thatrthti closing day will not ho Sunday, for nenilv nil the Piirtstnn houses glvu two per- toriiminoH ou Hint any. The da.v choseli will hrnhahly he Mondny. for Hint Is a had day lor the Paris box ufllcvs. .It Is wild that one thfntre on Mondny Inst took In exactly llilrty shl Hugs. . Last Btfndiiy Biiultc Ilnneroft. A. W, Pi- licro a lid Clnivles Hnwlrey, who nre stajlitg nlMiirleiihan, were Hie gnosis of Kills K<1- wonl at luncheoii. The following night the king ntioiided u p<!rforiiinnce of "Die Lur-tlgo their, reward, so they wr'te. Fred TriiHscll, the mnnngcr of the Hippodrome, nnd one o( the heHt liked maungers In London, left n day or two ago on his holiday. He has taken a trip to Madeira. Carl Hertz, tbe Illusionist; mnde his llrst appearance In this countrv since his recent trip to America, at the Hol< born P.inplre, where he Is bending Hie pro. Urn mine, nh Monday Inst. Ills many lllu.' mIoiis thoroughly mystified the audience on the opening uight. hut Ihc star trick wns hN latest iiiuMiui, which he calls "The Itrldnf Cham tier." A. !■:. i'lckcrlng. who a,few. vonrs wus qm slstant manager of the Allmmnrn, hut who reslKiied Mint position to take up u moan* uei'lal engngement with the Hymnns, At .in- hniinesbnrg, is on bU wny .hack to London/ to take up the duties of acting manager of the Palnce. , 1 have been Informed Hint Belfast ,1s to have.A new variety house, or, as thev'<sny! ovec here,, hall, -It will tie known ns the lllppodroiue, nud Is being erected on a site, i adjoining the Paluee. if will he opened In about a yenr, under tho mnnngemont of some I-'ngllsh nnd Irish theatrical people. ■ Hi'eently Interviewed. Harry Uleknrds, the Australian mannger, said: "we nre generally ncccedlted with being behind nnd below you (Knglnud) In Austrnlla, but I assure von we .in' not. Our music hall Is how what tho Ktigllsh iniiiingorn ure trying to muko Ijl., The beat people In Sydney, Ade- laide, Melbourne nnd Perth attend tho halls, hut not In.exactly the snme wny as here. The ihentrcs. of course, nre yet In a higher position, but there is not Ihe gult botween the, two that still exists In HngTund.'! . Sybil Ariindnle., .who has won many suc- cesses nt Ihiiy'si nnd tho Umpire, especially at the.latter mm durlnu the pnst season, bus liecn engnged by J. Mncrendy Chute as Le Dfmilnb Kouge" bnd a banner open- ing nt the Palace on Mondny, being pnrkt-d to the doors.. A description of the act nnd of tbe young lady's .work Is un- necessary. The I'nlaee (Jlrls render valuable assistance to the red masked one. Fred Wright Jr.. a great local favorite In mu- sical comedy, also began on engagement on Monday, lie wns favorably received. Colby and May, whose net needs no In- troduction either here or In America, hove been In town for the past .four weeks,, play- lug iin* Mow & stoii houses, at Btralford, Ilncknev, HoIIowny and Shepherd'a Hush. Thev go to the Kmplre, Cardiff, on .Mondny next *', ,iu(l M. nlwnys occupy either the top,to bottom of every bill on whjch their nunion npiienr Anno Kenwlck Is at the Hippodrome, Asbton-uhder-Lyne, this week. She hns met with big success on the Hroncl- hvnd tout', and Is bntiked up for some months lo come, ... Kelly and. Ashhy nre taking a : short rest owing to the Coliseum being closed. The.llrst of the coming month they open on tho con- tinent, where they will remain until Decem- ber, when they return to Knglnnd to Journey over the Mostt & Stoll tour. Frank (Jernrd, secretary of the Variety Artlsls' Fedorntlon, informs me thut ilelegntcs from Hie T. A. K. nnd LA. L. (International Artists' ',oiIkci will. meet the president (Mr. Mudge) mid representatives of the White lints. In New York In about n fortnight. An allium hm of the White Hats, the V. A. F. and I. A. i. Ik ileslred. Wllllnm Francis nnd David Dny, of the well known Knglish music publishing: ljrm of 1'i-nhels, Day ■ Hunter, left yesterday, per S. % "Celtic," for New York, lloth gen- tlemen were accompanied by their wives, ntnl the visit, which will lie of n month's dura- tion, is'largely of the onture of a fumlly re- union, nml will give them no opportunity ! >t iniiKriiiuliitlng tlielr sons, Fred Dny and Wll- llnm l-'iniii'ls Jr., on the rapid strides made by the iinu in the Stales. Sydney Ilyninn .sails from ^outbnmiHon Hfipt. 8. for New York. Mr. Hyitmn will Hirnhlnp business with ptensure, aud secure some American nets for the South African hoiiseo. ' At tli? Snrrv next week Mele^'ahd Mora •Will nresent. for the llrst time In this conn- iry, tlielr latest scenic production, Intro- ducing n novel pot-pourri entertainment on bntird ship. When the net was first done In South Africa ti short time ago It met villi Instmitonpoiiri success. Cecil Movton Yerke, Windham dulse, Hn* Forde nnd Sltnetn Mnisden will be In the cast of "The Knrth- (pinke." the new Hippodrome aensnllonnl apectncle-'- .' t. . - . ♦ ■» OCR CHICAGO I.IVITICH. principal boy fur his iinniomlme, "Hiunptv Dumpty," nt the prince's, Christ mas, Itrlstnl, wlfwe. . There Is n prospect of thi> Lyecum revert- ing to pmvlv driitunllr purponcs. Xcgntln- llottn are lu progi-cnn for securing a lease of ihe theatre from the Court or HfliikrUptcy, v.-hleh Is now ucllug ns Its IrUBleea, with a view lo tho house being npeued At pelmlar |>rlces for lite preseiitntlon of melodrama. The new venture Is started bv a llnnticial Mimpnuy enllwl the Twentlelh Century Tlic- nll-e Hyndlcnle. At ihe Porte HI. Martin Tlicnlrc, Purls. prepf fit Huns iire now active for the produc- iInn of the Prury Lane itniiiomlme. "Cin- derella," to he hhiuuht out about Hie second week In Bepleihber. The llftleih nerfonn- n) |.e of "Prince- Chap," at the Crlleiiun, will be celebrated on Tueiidny neit. The Muni |ierforinnnn> of "The Old Ilelilnd. the counter," nt Wyndhatn's. will he ntven on i, After which, as announce' weeks ago. Ihe mlislcnl plnv will |ie sent on MaE. I. After which, as nnripuflced Aottie weeks Ago. Ihe mlislcnl plnv will he sent on 'n provluelrtl tour. It Ii|1b met Mth fnYor.nt Jm ItAiihMAy Is In his fourth sennon on Ibe Melville circuit. WyniMinrn'B. Mnrle aiiidholme .hfls lieeh eh- rhged la nn|»ear niWr Hie innnsgoinrnt or rirytnoilr Hicks, Her flrst nppcarntiee will May Helfort. who wns nt the Pnlnco a few weks aoo, Is off for the Stnlon to-day to ful- llll coiitrnctB. on, the Keith-Proctor elreiill, for n pnrlod of thirty-six weeks, . . . tine limb! It extremely dlilleult to nnd even stnttdtug room nt tho Tlvoll nt present. I Attended the i-errormnnce at that hall on Tuesday last..and, while It wns suffocatingly llht inside the hull, I found standee* live deep. Thnt la a record for n hot Summer's nlklit. Hut the MrwH for this reniniki.ble MlrdliAWl Is .oiinlly explained. The ottrrctit vilbw Is uroliably the striingest one,tho.Tlvoll mnimgv-uioitf lull ever olTored, and niidtntht- edly one of the strongest progrntnnie.4 nny Lohdiin hull hns ever given. Nellie Wnl- Ittt'o, mi eccentric, com rata line, was num- ber one on the bill. Rho is clever In her eccentric way. .mil made mind with the ntidl- eluce. 'lorn Uottwell. comedlnn, was picas- Ink- .Alexiltidrn DnghiAr proved to he v»*ry vUraoUlO, ,Tdul Cosh-llo Is so well luidwii Hint I need say Utile nboitt his worb. Ills brt'scut songs even better Hum his toe- iter eforln. Lehn Vefdl, inhiiic. m-oretl he;iv- lly. I'nm, KdW|irdes, venlrllmpilnl act, was »,. In ugh frphi (Inlsll. UiiBsell Wnl- Icil, ^Tltc Lutlv In hluek." Is n thiin dresied ttk a feliin'e. hul the act Is different frnln dlhers, liinsm'ich ns Mr. Wallace dun* nut Ify todlsgiiluc hts voice. HIn coitiedc la vy/'y good. And he has the nudlctlce Uuiiihlng tU the time. Ailnlc Put-cell wns hilled t.. Mljow. Mr. Hntlett. but llhiCFB.pievonted her iiplieniiiilre. Kduit Alexmuler (Mrs. Hilly Farrolh deputised for Miss Pnrccll. Tlirnt«*. \*w uppented nt n few hnhra* notIc», nrid wltlinuf art ynreheslrn rehenrsnl at the Tlv- oll. Miss Alexdlutel* ihnde u renlly big hit for, tier..nlnglllfr. Alice. Hollander, tho n- iti.tikilMi Austl'nllnn cnntrnllo, Is naiith nt ille Tlvoll. Hlie is the same favorite as heretofore, The snme trti.y bh snfd of lltiri-v Flagson. who is. to bo nt this house imMl bis pantomime season nt Dntrr Lnhe openn Aflrt Heeve, Who Iin*» n person All tv (lint WAuld tnnltV'ller"a favorite with nny nmll- ein'o, miule one of tho big hits of the slinw. j-'lie bus i il-'llgbtfnl wnv of slngbu lier ciitrliv dlttlcR. Harrv Ltiiuler WAr to have followed Miss Ueeye, but sjie did not iiflhWr. Phil Hay. Hie patter comedlnn, deputled for Mr. I.ntulor, The I.ntitclsi closed the nhnw. Thev did some good comedv ot-itibatle work. The Tlvoll, south Shields, Is closed for (VBOM OUIt OWN COUBBSFONDKNT). WcHtcrii llurc-itu of the New York Clipper., Room Mil, A.iiiiuut, Chlcaso. "MUnnh;" Tllln Wheeler Wilcox's nlny of Bib- lical lire, comes this week to McYicker'n The- atre. Tlie flush Temple Theatre opena its doors Sunday afternoon, tot. L\ with Hobert Mar- sbntl's ' Ooforsecn." KUIe .Jnnls, In "The Viimlerbllt Cup," nt the Colonial; "The Land of N'oil," nt the Chicago- Opera House, and "The Stolen Story," ut the Studebnker, plnyed in crowded houses Inst week. "The Love Koutc," nt the (larrlck. did well. "The Lion nnd tho Mouse," nt the Illinois^ nnd "Told In the Hills," nt Powers', prospered, . Illinois Thkatiik (Will J. Iinvls, muna- ger),—"The Lion and the Mouse" hns one more we?k to piny nt thin house, nnd will then mnke wny for Philip SnuBa's (irnnd Opera Co., In "The Free Lnnce," for a short engHKi'incnt. . PitWKiis'.TttK.VTnR (Horry J. Powers; man- ager).—"Told In the Hills" will close Its prosperous engagement ut this house Hept. 8. "Ihe Sfj.inw Man" follows. Colonial Thkatiik (Oeorge w. Lederer, manaiter).—Klsle .Intils, the clever little enmmltenno, In "The Vnnderbllt Cup," Is tinning people nwny at every performance, and the star and her company nre beeomliig greater fnvorltes ench week. H.imiw*K Tukathi: (Herbert C. Puce, rohn- nner).—"The Lovo Itoute." Fdwnrd Peple's new iiluy, mnde a decided hit nt this house the pjiRt week. Tlie cast Is n verv at rone one, or which Wllllnm Courtnev It* the lend- ing mnn, and"Odette Tyler Hie lending wo- mini Tlie enftt nlso Inchidcn: J. r Mnr- lowe. Olive May, Frank HohertB, Lilly enr- thrpw, Wllllnm Xorthrop, Herbert Avllhg Mhner. Booth, Walter Thomas, F. (J. 1 Henin. Artliur .1. Cnalliter, 0. O. Nlcholls nnd Charles Cnrte. ..Judaic Foy, In "Tim Karl'and the fllrl," follows. . »Tit|»KiiAK»lij TiiUAtnii (It. R. Unrmeyer. mnuirt-r .—"The Stolen Story," Jesse Lynch uillutniB' .plnv of American newspaper life, Iiiik srored n lilt at this house. CiiicAu-o orKtiA Hoi'sK (I), h. mint, mnn- n B er).-~"The Uhd of" Nod" will tnke to the rond Rmt lOfjffl which date n stock com- pan:- will tie nstnlled. Netaitlatlotis nre how pemtlng which .nitty resuU In the engfitto- ineiit of Kiitherlhe Orey ns lend ug woiniln ".Mrs. Dane's Itefjiiice" will I* the itZ "lnv HitANii t I'MtA tnt'Ht: (Harry Aakln, raitnn- ngefl.—.loe WebVs All Htnr Co. is nfiSBfl ^itt 1 "^** m 1 *** nt every .norforniAw. ■^ s 1 ^' 1 ,.l rcflB ! rr '"" , wJ"tned tils ,-ompnnv "The Wlxiird Of 0»t" will follow. '"'"'"J- McVtcKHA'A TllKATiiti (flnii-fle C Warren ninhngerl.-KlIn AVheeler' WuZ'r "Ml?pnh" bns been 'riveted As the Attraction opening afternoon Hebt, 2, fur a run. B U Hallk TilhA-riiK (Mort. il Singer, mnn- nger .--'Tie rinte. the PlAce ahd flic <]}"" nuitliiues to. he a Mtrong mngnrt. l-'loreilce IMIhmolt ntll Cecil Leah. Pn the tad li g imrtR, Are prime fnvtirlles. niunug tlUUT NnlitIIKIIN. T Hkatuk (Fred C, Fb- crla, mnnngen.—"I edfohl's llupe" goes on nsJIvely ns ever, with capacity bnslnes*Tthe nt'KII Tklll'LE Tllt-UTWltRilllAKcth Scho- ■BABY COVEHEDWITH SORES, j Would HormN'h «JUl 'l.-nr tli.- FI.^U I'iiIomh IIhiiUm Wen TUil— -'WimiIiI ;. IIuv.- I»1«-it lUit tor <uiif urn." ' "My little Son, when'about, a year, and a half old, began to have sores conic out on:his face. I had a physician treat him, Mit the sores grew worse. Then they be- gan to conic,on his arms, then on other parts of his body, and then one canic on his chest, worse than the others. Then I called another physician. --Still.he grew worse. At the end of about a year and a half of suffering he grew so bad I had to tie his hands in cloths at night to keep him from scratching the sores and tearing the flesh. He got to be a mere skeleton, and was hardly able to walk. My aunt advised me to try Cuticura Soap and Oint- ment. I sent to the drug store and got a cake of the Soap and a box of the Oint- ment, and at,the end of about two months tile sores were alt well. He has never had any sores of any kind since.- He is now strong arid healthy, and I can sincerely say that only for your most wonderful remedies my precious child would have died from those terrible sores. Mrs. Eg- bert .Sheldon, R. F. D. No. I, Woodville, Conn.,-April 33,1965." . nt this house week of .1. Leonard and Lnule, (1 • 31. Mitchell, Huryen, Delnhd, Jlmmle Lucas,; Willy I'lehstcin. Murray K. HID, llcn- nlrigB, Lewia nud Hennlngs, Henrv I,ee, IIIiips and Itemlngton, Minnie Dupr'cc and eompnuy, and (,'aron and Herbert nre alRo on the bill. Oi.YJinc. TmiATUB (Abe .Incohs, mnnngori. —i:ni-roll and Hnrke, and Mills and Morris nre. the starti of the bill for week of S.M Others arc: Lucille Itnndnll, Mylex McCnrty, Powers nnd Freed, Nettle Fields, Ituse nnd Mills, Williams nnd Thomas. Snvnn and Mcltrlde. Austin Walsh, Eckhoff and (iordon. Pnplntn.. and Smith nnd (,'mnpboll. lUvsiAnKK'r TiiKATni:. (William Newkick. man;iKcr).-T-I>allon and ltohsOn. I.n .Vere and Mndxen. and-Frank.Hulliare the headllners of the bill for the week of X The bill nl»v> includes: Kates Ilrotliers. Kni..ryn lVnrl, Lynn. Fay nnd Voting, Marvelous Howurdn, Augusta (Hose. Forrester and Courthupp. IlniiHou nnd Nelnon, Adelaide Herrmann, nnd the klnodrumc. - Pkoi-lk's TntiATitR (Joseph Pilgrim, msn- ncoi').—Roland fc X'tlford's "The Mnn front Texas'' is inidei-lined, as tho. attraction for week of .1,, This playhouse nns been entire- ly decorated and made now during the four weeks that It has .remained closed. Last wees, ■•itiiiiistnrk 1 ' played to pucr.^. honscn. For week of 10, "Mine Jeans." i.'HiTFitiox Tiikatiii: (John H. Hognn, mnn* ngeri.— "Old Isnaes of the Bowery." which scored a hit at the west side plnvltnuses, i< the attraction hilled for week of Hent. 2. The nlny has mnny thrilling scenes and elec trlcnl effects. Last week, "While 'Frlseo Hums" played to good business. For week of 10,. "Yon Yonson.'' , lh.TOti TiuiATJiK (Wllllnm Roche, maunger). -r-"JI«r First Fnlfte Step" Is the ntlrnctlot for,week of ti. 'The Phnntmn Detective" crowded .tills house Inst week. For week of 10. "'Jj'he Confessions of p Wife."-. -AcinKiiv TiiRATiiR oviiiinin Roche, maua- Rprl.—"While 'Frisco Hums" opens for one week nt this bouse U. Last week "Old Iiiancn of the Bowery" closed to good business. For week of 10, "The Four Corners.of the Hnrth," COLl'Miii-H- TmiATiiR (Weber Brothers.—"The l^oiint nnd the Convict" In bllh-J to appear nt this house for week of .1. Lust week "The Cow Puncher" plnyed to good business. For week of 10, "Old luanrs of tho Bowery." A1.11.1 Mitn.i .Tiikatui! (.injucH - II. Brown. mna:i«!erj.—"Big Hearted Jim" Is underlined to nppenr nt this theatre week of II. Last week "As Told In the Illlla" drew big crowds to this house. For week of 10, "While 'JmMO Bunis.'.',, mm TiiRATiiR (It. T. Motts, mamgeri. —•Ihe.ehnoge of hill worked wonders nt this Slate Street house. "The Mayor of Dixie" .parked ilils house to the doors. It will re- main one more week, when It will make way for "Tho Queen of the Jungle," TitncAiiKim Thkatiik (I. M. Welngarten. mannger).—Al. Reeves' Benuty Rhow, one of the best companies Ip burlesque,, will bo here for week of «, Lost wcok Hnrry Bryant's to. clnHed to good hunlnCHB. Folly Thratiii: (John A. FenncRsy. maun- ger).—Foe week L of II the Cherry fiiosisoms Co. will l« the bill. Last week Miner's Uo- heinlans hnil good hiiRlnesN. Wiiitr Citv (Paul D. Howse, mnnnperi.— An entirely new list of features will he of- fered for week of 2. with the exception of Morlti and his Band, who will remain one more week. Jewel's. Mnnlklns, Big Otto's wild animal show, the thrillers, tho "Laun- dry. "The Chlcngn Fire" nnd the chutes nro nil well patronized. A new bill will lie given In the vaudeville theatre. RivKiiviKW Paiik (William M. Jolmsoa. mnnngori —Patrick Conwny nnd uIh .Ithaca Itfliid will remnln nnolher week. l'nln'H fire- works show. "The Last Davs of Pompeii." will nisn remnln nnolher week. "The Jungle," •W 10 ?;. Hf)l-0< '" lfl "Deep Sea Divers," 'The llirlllei's," "The Laughing .Gallery." nnd the o her forty shows tire nil doing well. Rlver- ylew hns drew more people to this park since It hns been open, this season, than It did all Inst wcuHoh. Hank Boner Paok (Leorinrd Wollf. mnnn- gfi;).—A hew bill will be offered In the vaude- ville "- mnnager of ttlh house. ,"The Lllrl" to). lows. kJI&t& w LS^W* ..(William Newklrfc. pnm, iwho .will ahpenr h Ohnrles tTlt-l^tt*^ "Th« bnerlO." arT b«l«f .k the IciSA lie thoatl'e. Vessfll's Hand'ornd n .rent lilt nt tit*- - nlmther week. jill(.v. .The thr ore nil ivell mtronlseil. Rlent lilt nt thlR hnrk; nrtil they w ||| remnln -giwi rt'#S»K-CnptiiTn iimvclson,' t.lio ski Jiimp- ...Idltet land will have » non- J1W.V. .The thrillers nnd nil the,other shows I. .;. .•— ii|"iiui unwuiKon, ine ski jiim|,. St'jJ ,| "i!;'" 1 "? l . , 8'' "I' eoraei's next week, nnd HM will amiln he offered tn' the. one snlv- HlKtlio inystnlv of'Kllor. This resort wns wt'll iKirronlsr-A Inst wcok, nnd tlie senson lijiR been ollfof the most prosperous In the history of this resort. , HimSl.v I'AllK (ji. J. MilMock,..aUI»lRrr>. ■—™ lliomns Oreltoafrn, with Alfred Quen- 5I, flhntlst, nnd llrnnn Htelndel, 'oelllst. will rflilnln one inort week. Then this popular North Hide resort nUd eoneert pnvllloh Will eloee for Ihe seitsnn. . . CI.A1IK StIiHct Miirepsi (IaiiiIs. M.i llednes. rannntror).—The citrlo ( hull nttrnetlonn will COMIn of tiwenty-two olrls, sinners nlld danr- crs. Ihe.GeorBC sisters, nnd llnndalls. In the thcittic there will nlso lie a vnlldeylllo I/iNiiox Dimb Mr«HB>t,(William J.,sme. nev. mnuiljicr)._Thc nirlo hull nitrUetlnns L?;'i,,"L <, '' k ..f, f *. VS.' 'T»»y ncrtlHo. sword w; Uer: Mile. I,a Verne, inntoetlullist.. ilnd 11 ??."•,'!'" f , nl .''"J- n the Iheiltre will lie: Mil Alt llunluulon. Ahe Vnillne, Mndse ff<- SM* (.corse Sherman, nhd the Mldivny darieers. . ArtEnjrjTtt.—reier J. Hmltli. Imritorlo 2 !lS2i,r*"&. ''!' «™ weeks plnyed At t,hv tji doyllle thratre 111 ,WllHo Alt'. Hum hren hooked l.y nnyls J< rMiwehfll for' ten nleets. n«Ii."i- £ f W J , "Ti" m the nans J Churchill elfcnlt.. .Totin Col- SS/h »"<>•/»' "!«,ny yeAis.Jias iLmE .In the employ Of the Western Vniulfyllle Jlsnasers' K**? c A. I" 1, '" "o"' on his rat-ntloh nt rMiin- tock, MlHi... ...I.-redh nnd t)nre were CLtf- sheil. n thnnMirli elrenlt of fits i.bHib booked hy the Western Vaudeville Mnnngers' Also-