The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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rlson wllfaplirhr Iq conjunction with Joseph The Jnnoi'cnt Ma K. Howard. ^Ttlfllr.aDuut will be made In In- illirihnofis,,"Rep'h 10......Mn.v lluryea and \v A. Mortimer. *ho loire been playing l-ld- ,„iim1 DaV'n s«etcl!,,"Tlle lmnoBter," have dls- sn'Vett partnership, nnd Mr. Morllnier's place Si Blled trt Chai-lea Delnnd. They opened In It. l<oui". and arc; now dirthe Kold'A I'notln circuit. -,, : . .. Vnpllltu strained a tendon while <lar)rlrtg In Detroit last week. ..;. ..i.TUoi Avon' -Comedy Four have rearranged tll'elc ad.' ..Ward Johh- lB .nd. -A good olio Includes: Kmma O'NeH, the Seyoni. Mr. and MrB. Urry Shaw, and lliiulic-a nnd liazelton. TOs homo opened Its Reason lost week with the Miss New York Jr. to. as,the attraction, to capaolty busi- ness. ' . /"• j 1'ai.aci: It.'. II. Wnldron, manager).—Tlie 1 ranH-Allnnllc Hiirlosquers provide Hie ett- (ertalnnjent here .this week, 'there are two cents for tbe of the.patrons, snappy burlesques nnd a strong hill or vaudd- XoTkh. —there have been a few chaoses In the staff Bt the Nelson Theatre: Fred lltic- llngntno Is atnae manager: A. (I. Honney, treasurer.- and .David MorBe. electrician Kthei t'uinmlnahont. who has beeh visit Ititt frlenda in t'hloopeo Kails, lias returned to Huston .John l-\ Webber, of Northamp- ton, has signed for the role of Jack Ilnrrcll. In "Alnrollnl." Commencing Sept.,:!. ft certain number of seats for the matinees at Toll's will ho reserved, arid sold at Iwonly slon. forrn'rlv musical director at the villa promised. Hood crowds sow a llrsl claw Ibtymarkrt^nnd } njestlo Theatres, will. ns- show,alvell by Hob Mancliestar'a Cracke™ silliic a' like; lloaltloh^wlth Proctor ■ Fifth jacks during the past week. I.j-nn.—At Ilia I.ynu Then Ire It'. (■. Har- rison, manager! "New Hlght Bella' wns «lt ; ncsscd by a good house Aug i!H. I'sp Ward osrne an. prcmnllng his now musical eomMv, "Not Vol, lint, Soon." to fair bust- liens. Andrew -Mlu'k .aiipcnred Sent. ,1. 10 big business, live Slock Co. :ig, Kennedy » l'ln.vcr».H>.-l-V ,... ,-J. AliplTohli'M llllirry KaUes. manager).— Tbo wit week, which opened 117. showed l Ml Ibf house bus mil lost any ot Its lu.pillnilt.v Avehlle Theatre, New, York... i. .(leorge Fox, wlio-nnssbsen praying-the. man In the moon at--the Chicago O|iora-. House,' will enter llntcheller, ituinaacr). The Hcltman Show and Frank I), fli Congress of American (llrls :l-M, „ .„ ... . „. for all performances were wllncsoed bylargo Lowell—All of the pnrk theatres closed KMii-C T j,| a week: Thomas ami Vnyno, Labor Day, Sept. :i, after excellent scnaons. Jitaoni Dnv and oompnnv. Morcnen Maun- Nearly all of the ouldoor amusements will , f u cn rlo mid v'lnlel Allen nnd company, runtlhue as long aa woollierncrinlu, and K ,'• M H kannrd Kane. Sidney Hum Sunday conccrls will lie offered. production was the heal staged, ..lately costumed and moot genuinely meri- torious that Mr. Field has ever given here. Press Mdrldgr. Hoc t)\ilglcy nnd llnrry Vnn t'ouscn scored heavily. William Invcrslouo sept, 4ii, "The Whim of in" week of lo. i'Aug •i'liKATnK llilckson & 1'nlbol.l, ninn- Bgeni),—"Young Itllffojo, Wnn of the Wild Yvesl." fnred well Aug. •S.I-: 1 !.. " luc-n of the Arena." 'JT-Ull. packed Hie home M evorv Itarftirmtm*. "At ll>» Worlds Mercy no-Sept. 1. "The Four Corners of Hie Lurlh ' «i».\sti Oitnu IIoimk fShofer Zlcglor. man- ager) .—I'lio uprnlng of Inn high class vaude- ville acnaon week., of Aug. UT wan III III;' lis- t»rj' of a joolety iivant, the house belug linckod at ev-TV performance. The house Ml Irctl refreshed during the Bummer. 'I W •" m-'-^yiM^ja Cnn*nie , r'wli, | 'i,c-,'ee;i jji"vaiulevlilo <M* • ^Vflrr^^wrf.Vfiii.nS, well dro«.o.l - ".—on., nnd w|ll nupenr In the Autlllotliiill n » (1 Hll „ 1 ™ 1 ,|,| y ,(ii b ,.,I. to very hlg lnisllless. The Twenllelli Cenlury Mnlds week of :l. tlAVKTV llhlw. Sluiyiie. iimililgai'l.r Work nciiulred nn Intcietl In rhc.Bttlurttaii .Hrca- Frank c.'onk. Henry Myers. Tom Kit/ward*,' (no UtrtM, recently mntrnlletl by Kdwnrd and exlfa vnoilevlllc by the Musical Secley, Frlebcrger. ntltl thru Herbert C Duce, maila- «elr)» Iljisst'll. tbe Marlins. Shldons Itros., g«r of'the Grlrrlck' Tbcntra, has been np- Jnmcs aMSWHI. ntul Ihe Whllcscope. polnlcd dranthtii; editor of Thv MliWh'-UVsf Wai.kkii'h HUMIIU IL. II. Walker, mana- VawlMM..' Chnnnlng: l'ol nek. getiernl pteaa ger).—lit mrlo hall ,1-g: Mnlxonl's «lll.lll)0 IH-rseiltntlve for' the Blinbert enterprises, mystery, Iho Ureal I'ellonl, Illusionist; Is dramatic editor of Kmlt/i's nnd AlnnUr' inngsalttw...-.,,-.There Will be n special \A\m-j lisv fhe'Oarrlck Tbeutro aextj^tonday. / ♦»♦ '— Bll««Ai:lll Mh'l is. t lloston.Willi the opening of live more homea, on Labor. IHjr, our, list l» now eom- Iiletr.'and tin:season of ilHtt|'U7 Is In fhll swing.' The new offerings Include: "The Virginian.", ot nv. HolilsJWrert: "The Lion and iho Mouse,'' at the 1'srk; Wright Lorl- merv In' "The Shepherd King." at tie Co- lodlali "Julio llonboh." nt tin Mnjeallc; Hap. Witrd,.in "ffot.Yef, Hut Hoon.",at the Young Illllcco, Juvenile bng piincbor; iho ■lilggllntr Thorns, nnd liny I-'.lmore, long hnlred liuly. Stiiao show: Nellie Hartford's tli-lclit Light llnrlcsi|iiors. llllo: Milrlln and Doyle. MsJ. l-'ngllsli. Illunclie Isirlng. Ilooc- Campbell, Kdua Kern, Mattle Campbell, lllnnclir ,Crlpps, nnd living, pictures. Nll'KBhnOKON' l\V. II. Wolffe, Illullsger).— In null, hall 8-81.l'mfs. Donovan and llos- vert, Hindoo box mystery: I 1 '. ,1. Dngan, cloy modeler, and Walter Wentwnrtli. nged con- lortlonlsl. Stiigo sliow : lloston lliirlesipicrs, Dllot May I'olllDs, llertlia Carey. Annie Hobs, Maud cramlntl, Jnmes Walsh, t'lius. Allen, and ttosh Sisters. WosbKHMM* I'aiik (F. c. Thompson, man- agon.—A two. week's carnival.ojiens nt He. Iiiyisc (John I. TMs.coay vaudeville house, opctis fSSSmm 'l,a'«'buiir«newbox" oili.'eon Iho around riisir, iiisklng a very nllraellvc cn- linnec, being llioronglily np-lodnlo In every ""c'Iii.osiai. IAI. llnyncH, mnnngeri.—This llieslrc will open :i. wllh vnudovllle. Iliu house baa .been renovated and redecorsloil. and n lintulsonie miinpie has la-en .erected For the ntrance. The bill lllls week lli- , lllXOI Hie Opera House ((.rant )t lmar na<log ilny and night on Improve- For Her Soke" played In ,,.ei ta. The liinisc will be reuilv foe I lie npeu- llll. "Bight Hells" Had | n „ „„,) v ||| prescnl a beautiful npisniuioo i .i . 1 Shnnnon. resltlent wio'd''Ws'ine"sB iirs'ep't.' 1, fiflSOInl mntlnee. _&.' "jhc" rarinlu'goV's'VliV.' •S»)£'VjMgl llAIll.lWAVSI.lolm l. h ,^7 l 1 ; ,, 1 , ;J 1 ' lls ' i r i ,,|i.i,B nankHl. iSS. Ilurgcss Co. week ni II. Ilm fioHe's Knlckerlss'kers liolillnif Hie hoards. manngcr.) wllb Mr. .and Airs. Sidney llrew.. Ilcurjio Tbalrher anil (linrles Krnest, 1,0 Ttlnr His- lera, I'ntll Ln Crrll*. Hnlnien Hnilbers. Its zarto, and Ihe vllngraph. Matllife dally. Mr. Shannon luls been In town illcrctlng Iho brightening noil 'refiirnlshlng of the bouse. ftiMTos (J. II. Tcbbctts. manager).—Kvery- ililug has boon put In readlnew for the open- ing, l.nbor Day. The house has Inrn palnjotl lolic, and "Fight llolls," at Iho (Hand Opera- vcrc Hedch on Labor 'Day, and tbls^resort IIoiibo. The "slbck curds arc*: "Mistress Nell,"-at tho Castle H.plnro: "The Itilllroad of Love," nt the IHJbu,- and "The White Csp*,'' ut the lJowdoln Sntutre. "t!ope,Cod Folks," at the lnniloii, (llll "TbeT'rlnce of I'llsen," ul.tho Tremoht. are eoullnued at- Tlic. tiri.iinnn begins business will have as special feiltures llennetl's "llaltle oi Flowers." llcssle Hosa. song se- lections.: Darling's trained ponies, I'ror. La lloin, bolloon nscensluus, nnd the Snlem Ca- det Hand. I'aIiauiin I'auk (Geo. A. Dodge manager). The second season of this resort will como ihriingboul. mid «Mf! sets of scenery odileil The cntcriiilners for the weok will be:.llol and I! Ylddeli, n,, Ilolierls. and the lloslotl bioscope, thai will again. Is' n standard feature oaeb wei'k. Amateur nlglil, 'ninrsdays, nnd dally niiitl- ""mkmtios. 1 — W. l\ Ilerry Is In lowo, In nil vnlH-e or "As Y.e Sow," which opous an cn- gaitMnent at Ilie.Olioin House soon....... riddle ll'irtt' lo nanln slniio manager at lo; lllitbnwny lain Mol'nbe.goes wllh Al cripple.Creek" Co. Ibis senson, nnd bus no Important port. Ills brother, James, Is Irons. ill'l'r al fin Ilalbuwny John Iliinuoii. rdllucHy or tho. Ita hawiiv stnae force, will be slmllarlv occupied .i|l tin Illinois Iboalro, cluilen: Lewis .McConl and isimiisny, lllxoii ndCroger. Solbliil onil tlmvlnl. Marrow i|ud tractions. -The.l Ornlicuth begins business —The second season of this resorl will como i ftn illtoli I'tiilllno Haxou, John Is' Clnlro. Ah Willi -a strong validbville bill, and Koltb's loan end on Ijilior Day. Hiislpess bos been ullla Voo itnil Mr. nud Mrs. Was. O'llrlon and' tho oihdf 'houses'nave a.irnctlve cards, fair dlirlng ihe season, nolwlllistnndlng a wor 7. ||„, rioainu bill at Iho llainplun llem-h Sr^Ku/^'en'riy-Z fiJRvX mPf ™ '^ ' 1X ' ri ' , » '""" F Irs Wlilt' iiev^riv. Jeainule'and Fstello Wordclle anil company, ami motion '■ . ..... ..-..»— .'.>.. u ......_ o-.i win pictures. i llulyokc- At Iho tlpera House (Jaioea II. H'l'oliin'll, manager) Hie lairne lilwyo Co. did aood bnsloess week of Aug. *J7. " I Im Ninety and Nine" Ml "Wlicn the llarmt Hays Are Over".Sepl. II. Kellnr -. "Winn Knljtlithooil Wns In Flower" n. leiirlo.l'i Crosnian K. "II lliippened III Norillnml M, "Tin llolllcklng tllrr 18. , Flh'lltM IT. F. Murray, innnngorl.-- "Holly Tolly" plnyisl lo itood bunlnms Aug. ST-SII. House won dnrk IHISeiil. I. "Adrift . In Now York" Ml. Clark's lluuaway tllrla Chlcaao.. . TO Uveal W'nlluu Is doing « u«. "The Mayor or Lnogliliiud lota, llenli- ffinao-j,v,i:J,i_. ffi_ M,.iuv».. a Huntley Co. HI-I-- pbenonieiiol blishless hen Sullivan & olin Is" Clnlro. Ah- Hoi.i.ia-sW'ttHKi.',,|lsasc II. Hlcb. maaaeeri —Tin rpgiiitli' 86tlsi>n optllis here on Mop- ■ilny nfternoorl.-'ll; when Duslln Ksrnum be glns'a-forllllgllt's ehgngeinent, In "Tin Vlr glnlnn." ggoM:company are: Frank Canl IMjIu, neiihelt . Mliason nud l''r;nik Nelson. succCsslolt of stormy Saturdays and Sundays. Mtitnomi llot'U'.v.utu tiikai'iu: (.1. W'.. tlor- mon. nrihsger).—Hill for week of It, In. Ihe cusllc lilcillre: Itellmmi and Mool-c, Itrobst TrIO.- Chcstol' lllodgclt .loliostone. TsliilOr and tlllborl. Ihe Two lliickells. nod lleofgo 1 A lino hill of variety allrncled big were Mil' cjosing I Casino last week. whoso former good work Is well remembered Davis. here. „ . , .' crowds ins! week. I'AUK- (tlhos, 'Frolialan! Itleli * Harris. Noni'SlokoA' Vahk ICiirlc Allierle. ninna- liintingeis).—The tlfth season of this liouso gcrl.—Dill for U nod week: hie u. Oil llros. ahdBi*. the. present mansgemeht opeus on and NIcbolKon. W'linlen and West, Aniiinn Iiabor-Day, 'wl It; "The lilon and the Mouse': ami llnrlley. the Nudos. and Chick. \nul|c- as line ulli-acllon. ' Arlhili- llyron and tier- vllle drew well Inst week. initio Ciighlah will head the. cost. H'omwial (Clois. 1'iohmaii, Hlcb A Hnrrls, iniinagel)<l.'—'W'rlglii l-brlhler Inglns bis foorlh Hoslon, engagement. In "Tin Shop- ... her* King:" and opens Hie regular- season anil Hanson, Jennings nod llenrrew. Jl lie nl Ibis house on Molldoy afternoon: 11. The Psycho! lied Ihe komogrnpli. .Business Ml iiipllotltog company.-Ihls year Includes: t!ol'l been al ton ajrtcn al season. ,»,'»„,.« irkBtrom, • KthelUert Hales. Mark Price, • Nofan. -2- A new reottrt. tho Theatre LKxiNinoN I'aiik U.T. Ilenson, mnnngor). —This Is the ■ Until week of tlie season ut; this resorl. Vaudeville will be oB/crrd by " ill! nnd May Burke, (loargo, llusey, Fields 08 S navin Olireatner, Hniilucl I'orrcst. Aiaric comioue. locmeu m nvui.Bj m-i.-b... »-• ShotwclLlOTehb Atwpod, Murgnrel Haywood oimoed, lo Ihe public Aug. .1'. Moving hlc- nod Jlnriei, W'ard., The■ o.ngetscineht Is'fOr Hires slid llluatrnted songs will he Ihe offer llncc weeks. Ing. nl an admliaon of len cents. H. B. Ma.ibhtic (A. L. Wilbur.'.manager),—The Murk Is tin pronrle or. anil »-_''■„ ™SS2_Jr aensqii here hegW Shtutdny evening, the manager of the. lioiise...... Sully "rjen I. Willi the first locul Tiearliig or ".lullc lion burg .has Icen reappointed super ntendent of Ism." 1h frlili-h Liiitls Mann add Clara Lip- Ihe llnward..... .I'rank psnlels. In «r- ann .opened, a fortnight's. ongiiBcnicllt. geaiit Drue ' Is booked for the Ho ll« Mt- Hon'rON (Uwrehce Mi'l'nrty, manager).— J7,. ,...■:.),. Kennedy, former at Keltlis •I'llls Is. the second Week of Iho engagement has Joined. Ihe .business, slufrof-thc uipnenm of "(Mne Cod I-'olks." a rlirnl drama, which bad Ha l.rst presentation here Aug. 27. ..'Ilio plav was' well li-n'lVi-il. dud hillck praise Woreeslee.—Al the Worcester (Alf. I. W'lllnii, cesflleul mniiiiBeri Anna h*n ray slarlH, ll .SI'COlid week Sspl. 9. Last week Iirovcil lo Is: such .a sllccessrol one Ibal her ifiniingcrs sgi'i'ed to hold over. In I be colu- mn" ore: Timeline .Homier. Will Slalls.nnd Jilclmm and. llixin, who furnish Iho Inler- toi'illntc vnlitlevlllo,. ■, l, FaA.VKI.lN SullAIlK (.1. F. Burke, resident malinger).— "Dnvld lliiruin .lo, Holly Tolly 11 it. The Fenls'rg Sin* Co. drew ootidhoiiKcs Inst work. Ntmee ONell KI-IJ. I'.lllk- (AH. T. Wilton, reslib'itl msasgerl. .--Week of :i: Miss Now York Jr., Including Iho MnJesllc Milslcol Four,. Die Vodimirs. Iiane iJJigiiscin. llloimor llovere.. Mae Yulr. 'I'hl» programme opens tin Wlnier season. I'ol.l'H l-l.iC. l-'rldtlle. resident manager _. —The vaudi'vllle senson opens ,1, wllh Nellie McCoy and Ini; illorloos lH]ison (.Iris, ( raw- riio uiailligeinolil am Iicea Hint ufler Ilio ..prnlug week Iwo sliuwa a week will Is' louik.Hl for Ihe sciisoii. (lay .Masipicni s lll-la. Bnae Sydoll's Isuulon llellco lll-lfi. Kaiiiiiavk.— Well's llanrl llnlslied lis s mil week 1. 'Hie engageinenl was n hlg success. "Ilessis. o'Ihe Burn" week oi :l. WlMllaWUim— Lnsl aw* Connl I '• }}"* ami Ilio... Hrolhers Do Von. and Claude Itinr irnde gissl. Business was the best or tbo ' IVlll'l'K Citv. -Several persons were se- verely Injured by a cor Jumping Hie Irin-k M ihe eViik- railway, W. Tlie oiher park nl- Irncllons ncc doing well. Notb. -Weber's Iliniil will ploy nt IbcSlnlo Hill- week of HI. The Iteiloolo Aralis nasi several other vnndevllli Is will also appear. I Lulnjclle.- -The (Iriind ogered "Arlroliil'' Aug. 'J4. Norlh Bros.' Co.. In reperlory. '.'7 : Sciil. I: "Johnny Wise" b. "Coning Tbn;, I He II) e" ll, "Thiirns anil Ornuge Blossoms 7. "A Mild i.010" H, "Under Soiillieru Skies" i'AMli.v.-'I'lie bill opening week "f, Aug. 27: Kd. and KIIMr Deiigon. Oeorge hvuns. Sarnsal. I. Duval, Curtis \inice, ami III" '''"Niiim~Tbc l'.inilly Theuliv bos ohuiigod Im.ii mil llil losliriigb Is no loiiKcr con- nected w II I" now controlled by.Ill liicoi'poi'iilpil coinpany wllh o. rapllal ami ," 1 iliMsBH. comprising Joho Wngiier niu Luke Itlllf.'. or Iho Tl ■•„* Hlllger Brow K Co.. anil H. w. Maurice. The lal er will i- liiic g" use nod will n con - l" .'s.tlie re, lellng ot I lie 1 Ilea I re, wll i >> Z'i KfflSS."n Xr'ch!,!!^,,!^^ muter th" new mniiilgciui'llt . illscontloucd I'lie Coliseum mill lillii I'urii, rillUny and Fox. Keno, Melfnsc. Uminel Dcvoy inul co Welch i'lveu for Hie excellence of ihe cast and the scenery: The engagement ends..Ne'lit.Jo^ahd end Melfnsc. Kmincf Dcvoy inui swpsny, ilrowSTatlJ He Lores, Jolin and Berlliu Blcln end llle rlccl roiruiili. 'Hi" Sniuiner Slock l o., loll hr DnnW Ityan. closed a successful " l '""mi IakV '|Woi'..(.'onsol. SI. Ily. Co.. niou- ue,' is oooacu w mt iwig n.p ituci'sl —rW'eck o' ll., J. W. (loruiaiis Alu- E L. Kennedy, forinerlv at Keith's. S , u , tT, ihatlo rs. '"""""""""" '"'w u ,rtV('m IF ll..lllgel..iv. ninnugerl.- Week or :i,.lullidii Itossa and the iismil per- iiiiincnl allrnclIons. Beeves' American Band proved a drawing,card 1. 11 1'iM: iHf JaiIk.— Wcel .MinixTAiN I'AgK Cakiao I Louis l'elllss'cr, mnndgerl.—"Miles Aiwm." Inst week, drew record breaking houses, ',1'lle Casino sillson .closes Lubol* llllv lllglll. ■ New lleilfnril Al Ihe Now Bedford The- aire iW'm. B. Cross ilianeri Andrew Muck came Aug. llll. lo S. II. o.. In spile or worm wenllier. "Hup" W'ard, HI. ciiine lo good bnsliicss. Week of Kepi. II, Beimel t & Moill- Hatiiawai'k IT. B. Haylb ilingcr).— Fall vaudeville season opened Aug. 17. ro n big week's business. Hill for .week or •(: „ Sitook MlnstrelH, Kiiufiniiu Slslors. Haul will probably linve polo again Ihls senson srepbens. Arthur and .Mildred Dryland, Win. Ln Hello. Waller Imnlcls, Ferguson anil Mock, and Hie vllngl'fipli. , „ , Savov (Wm. II. Shine, manager).—Moving Idclnres nnd spccbillbs drew well Issl wiyk. I'lelnrea nnd Madeline Buckley fur week MS. ■ ' Tn.ilillnn.—At IheTaiuiloiiThenlre (Caliii & Cross, miiiwgei'si-lhe Kennedy Co.. iveck or Aug 27. gave exoellenl sstlsractlon., to largo houses. Tbe Adam Uinhi Co conies work of Sept. -I. .Tim llrlslolCounty 1'iilr opens .Luhor Day. for four day*. Notkm. —Cbeslor llolilier loins I'urcell. Iho hypnollst. Sept. 4 ft'. C. Iilekoriunii openn with Tom Shea 24,.... .Fal. F. Hol- "lllp' Van Winkle, 'I'bomiiM"Jelterso'n," ln *lll follow. ,.''■• ,_Tlll:j|ftgi' (Jbo. II. Bohooltel. manager) 'Tbb I'rlm-c of I'l inn," with Jess Dandy and Hie olher favorites, had a splendid re- ception here lost week, mid remnliia for nn- other-wcak. This'In the urrli visit of'tho gprliilineltl—At ll|e. (,'olirl Sipuirc Ihe. aire ID. I). IHlmorc. muuiliierl "Carolina, a Sollthcro melodrama, In lour aclB, by II. (Irulloii Donnelly, nud singed by Kdwiuil I'.. Kosc. wns, given lis llrsl nmliirllon. on any rft h« alory concerjis "ujmVg'oea'liraiivunci'or Fred Wrlghl' w show.,. ax » iviiriiYSiv. i.r :i. stage bei'e ort Aug. 27,. , ;— ciirollnil iTollwer. nn Innocont nialdon "J Iho Clirolluo lllnes. anil her lover. Jock Dnrrell, •...son of Ihe, Soulliecu soil....Mucli as ( :""- linn regrets It. she ciinuol relorn -lacks love, Ita-alio hns secrcllj uiorrlcd Itlebnrd *lla» pi«'e'-to'tiiV''Me'mon't.'''lt ! 'wiri 1» rollowed. who. IIHng of her, now gbe. a alpnllions *m%$ ,nr,^„,^, M r^n. ^^M^« frne state of ulfalrs, socks revenge, bid Is '.. .iiJ a. i_ll I I. [.. is* .in it k: I II I'nl Itlll Mllirnukrr,— Ktlwlh ThaBlltlllser opened , his seasou .11 Iho Hhulierl Suiidiiy. Aug. 2(1. he boy balloonist, wW bo Iho principal at- nnaHHlnj lioory W'oodrnir. Ill "Brown of Irni'llilu. ... .„ Harvard." It Is l ploiisure to rupiill Iho Nutk!— At Hie N. H.'Fiilr (Wor. Agrl. Hoc., B ii,,essrill week of Ihls worlhy allrnellon. inniiagersl al the Agricultural •Irniiiins, .I-- KxcoUonl ollendniice ruled at every pllr- bc vulKlcvllb. nlt-iactlolis will Include: f,,,.,,,!,,,,.,.. .Mr. Woodruff snireil a pronouticcd . '. l..r-^-\" .:,• . i 1 .i... I....... ll,,. ... . tt t ... ■ 1,'ilillii li'iiiy. In '•Tint I-I,«sibvIII«.-TIio llrnlld was IMlcked to s It O the openltm lllglll of Ilio ivnyno Mf..,*U t'.t I "By lllghl ot Sword" was well S v oi. i'le Wayne Co. will ploy fl jtk Rim."Mr: iwo wicks. an.l wll men■ s'gln a ciio of Iwcnly-llve weeks al Hie 1 copies. iVJil'l "»-(looil bouses n lb ts'iforui. traces ,.r"lkey nnd Abey." The piny gnvo Mnl .iiK"s'l"»ijllT I'AIIK closes urier week ..r Aug 2d Vi,T hill Ho Hi, Herbert I"" 1 w "ling MtW Wollor. llnrry .lolson. Ilrten II,,!'pes Ilio Mnrdo Trio and Ihe klnodioioo. r.siic'a I'aiik. -I niisnn crowds tor coo wen tier and good nllro.lloils holll In and o,," or llm Iheali". Jftj l »Jg* .**.'flg Hand Is giving lw„ ' "He- «mc,rt Is. ami l twice dolly vaudeville nelllilM I nnd Lewis, Ln Adelhl. Iho l.u Mollie ll.'KtlruB innl Hi,', klnclo Ntrri'.s.--Th" Tl" p'roiK-clll Is growing In lidded Iwlco noniiliirlly. hn.l new pictures lire added l»l',i wok Iv Milling,'- llnllnhaii. <d »n8 Sinn- mii ft rk .lives lo |oln "Tbs Nlnoly, mid S in- '".'. lil was g von a farewell dinner Mil.. mid n lieiiulirul sciirr pin lle'cvi's'TiiindV'Dliivoiorrooiiliig ll"' l««|i . Four IsiroloDs. In |in aerial nel: Iho wall, Mvro Troupe, llnllnn Ti-oiibadonrs. Hi nollvo ii.kii line:.the t.lylngslon Tronno, n loan} "t trained linffoloes. iho huiniin lioinb, bpllouii act, and Liindlh nnd Miller, wresllers. (W. ,, ,1,0 lllle role. I'lddl.. F„y. I Ml. w *tfjK,*|^.V^."wnS^^«#W, Karl anil Hie Hlrl." Kepi. IMS, Ll tfc 3S il I" "» m '>' >h " Davii,s,.n (Hher ■• llis.wn innniiiiei'l.-; '"'',J 11 '. , ,'„,,, Hluslt'iill'il songs: IW Season opens Willi •Coming 'lliro' Iho llyo i' '"',., |||' IUM | ll,„ kllil'llromo nlll'oclcl a-5. "The College Widow'; 11-15. . "t" .."' ' AitfAMiuiA (.Limes A. Hlgler. inoniigerl. —"The Hall doom Hoys" pnl In Inst week ». with the Ural local ... let, Hut Hoon." "Hop" Word's new comedy. Lucy Daly heads the aupportlng company, ihe engagement la-for one week.' <lau.M1l Dl'HitA ItiU'HK (lioo. W. Magee. nuggar).—The current, atlrnctlon. opening Unhid lo kill (lis man. as Cnrollni refuses t, llscloschls mi gulgg lllllkes Ihe is „r this ,r«ct. polsmis Jack's mind again mil Illver.—At Ilio Acndstuy of Music (W Frc.1...Ybison. resident nmuagcr) Henry I 'Harris I aeulrd Hose Slobl, In u new comedy. In four .In. Forbes, cii- IItlod "The.Chorus lanly. for the Hist tlno and stage, Aug. 27. Andrew Muck, lo BiillsfiK-loi'v niicinliiiiee. rToKncn lA'sler, 111 n whistling siB'cblllv. won lil'lui'lpiil honors. "Till, Tenderfoot" .sunes 2-H. Ituoi;.- .Muilligei' John 11. I'ler.s- oimlieil the season'of lids lions.' Aug. '20, Willi Hlnncv's "Across.. Hie 1'aollle." As usual ""llS'TllKlTm: (Michael .I. Dillon, inni.' ugerl.-.Tlie season opens Kepi. II. wBh J Poor ileilll ." Tills house Is booked llirollgl. Hlnfr A llovlhl clrcull Ihls scaso . I'aiik IV" , '- ,lu'H.-Wcck ami. IbbAiiu. HI. Mii.IIsoii Couiily Fair, which In- cluded Will C. Heck Shows, till g,sal ollo,- llonn. and Ihe Is'st of liuslness rcsullo.1 .lor- lunnier season of stock, ending Inat Salur- ny night a} the (Hobo. JolinCrnlg awl bis '•nnipnhj' open at' Ihe Hllou Tor a Fall and Winter season., The -oinnlng hill Mondnv ntlernooil, :i. will be "The llnllioad of Iaivo. Mr. (Jralg and',.Mary Young will head IM HinvnniN tJoiiAitu IG. K, Isithrop. mnnn- m).-— "Tt|e Willie l.'ops",. Is. the. Lothrop Stock Co.'n bill for tho current week, nil "accessor to-'INtiDodv's Darling." which was inpi'bly presenlod to Ihe usual crowded houses last week. . „ -j , Kbitii'h IB. I'.' Keith, manager).—iJibor J'sv marks the opening ot the tall nnd «Inter, senaoa here, .and a strong array ot cords are: Col., (Jaston Ilorrieveriy. Crcssy »n.I Hayae. ('Hire Bersac'n Circus. Ned Wsy- bnrn'a llaln Uesra. nallry and Anslln. Mal- Hiews and Aside v. Paul Klelsl. Jack. Hard Alice" .Washburn : 3M'V^!X« oinoev Mxe, 0 vc sliiu : Louis .111111 c. , „ " i,ini„>. I"",,,.. manngor: John ;ls!!;."T,T'^o^^kmo."?h^^ iomu. ,«n<- Hup-.w litu< Jo llll V'fliUer wns MiSftli^ ": was 'pleasing ns Carolina, charming as Stcda .tordnn. I'blln May waa "When the :lar- 1. "Holly To'ty" Frank llurk. - slon. and F.lhel Filler wns ns .■linrliilijg as ever. Week ot Hepl, 11. "The Cotton King. HoKT.iv Tiikatiik (Clms. Hclileslnger. uiau- nger).— Vaudeville week of Hepl. H.. NlVKKUiunis ID. II. Iluftlnloii. minugrrl. —Week of 11: Kelly and Kelsoy, am. I.nselb-. Alice Slslors. Kdltli Itoberls, nnd Mckolscopc. "n(Iti"--W K. Monslield. Wllllum Harris, Henry JB. Harris nnd wile. Holwrt Edison, nnd James,Forbes nnd wire, woro presetii st the -opening performance of "Ibo Chorus l^uly, at Ihe Academy of Music. Aug. 27. ■ North Ailains.—At tlie Umpire Thcnlri . 'liiriir.i'M Ipertv Williams, manager;. 2bl» new vaudeville bou«.' Itotmatljr, ."•* J". Yldillsh coinpnn,,' 11 »a» f/fflJ',? "Not Yet. But Boon.' in: .A l»t is, "ll lUppcned In •"ii"'" 1 , 1 ,"!' 'f.-dinf mana- 9*8 < 0 " 0 - '';.,,g"men'l. Sam S A 1» North A.l«m«.-At the Empire Tbisilre »,,)—Me now ma igeniea j jj Sullivan, managerl. "At Crli.p'e Shllberi to,. Inc. 'I'lnoi '.''..• . ,. n , neck,' 1 . Aug. 211. o eased a good alsed.'o.ldl- holise Aug. 25 wlh U» II bl» ' ompi y^ W, ff. „,;,„„,, ,„ ...,.,,, , JH „ „„,, In "Aliout Town, slamlliig mem ' 'I* » « prln.-e." HI. had line business. sn.K gnvo » Z*M tSlUnarad 'Heart and ..'client MllsCacllnn. "A sl.ler's Kscrlllcs.■ Sent 1. llrew two fine hoilsen, end -pn'oseil. Mamie lllllinnii lis. exrepllr.g .",. when '.>!- Inr will be iho -allrai'lboi. ,, IIoosac Vaii.iv I'aiik— -A strong vl.ole- vllle 1,111 nllrnctod during 11,,' closing week. ., . iir oo.l lii.-lodcd : Asher and I'lllterson. Ilerl ^i*"S''<MW wiek'a b">K Was ftfll, AJIc B and PetadlM. Ultn. Curtis, nnd nruiHl liv aildlnic IlfKi'ii f--''i lu Hh livlulil, Willi H H'vv mIii-I 1'IwuIiik •'>■>• Tl|<- ll|lll<lli'll|> uiiJur wlili'h Miiiiiiiti'i- Wlnlrr worknl Innt Ni-iiHBiii in iHHiklitK. linx lb**rt*fan* imh>h .Ioii*' nwny wllb, innl a nuiiilii'i' of liltf ih'Ih nr« lirtiinlHPtl. XiiTBti.—I'niil llcrijninlii l«fl Innl wifk ror New (irli'diiM, where h(> will do Hie |ircllinlti- nry nrMR worlc f»r Hip liniwii-Hiik'T Tip., N«- f.irf Jolnlnic Annlo Idtwicll In tli<> i-H]*»rliy 'if i.imirii-ri. tmii'iiKiT. ... . .M.'n Kmlt. formerly Willi tin- 'I'liiuiIitiiDsi'i- mil. Mi.iwii link*, i-uiii' tttnitt*. hnri hIkiic.i will; \Vnic<tfilMilM nnil Kpm- imr, Id k<j hIiphiI i>f "Till! Woinilll 111 (In-1 'huc Ah!ill- Miller, net'licw »f Hit* lute (tuirur p*. .Mllli'r, Ih ii'Hklim k<mmI iik Irenfitiri'r nf the. .Mtinmlii'i. nrld kWck in-umhui of tiiiiklnit' '..-. murk In Die iin.fcsniun Kolmrt Mifrr- tiili. «f "llmwn »»f llnrvnrtl" Co., w«« wvt-rrly Injure!* 1,y n Mlmrt elrenlt of win* In tlie ele<- trlc-al m'IMhk In the thlnl art, TliitrMlny iilkjlil. Ue ivji.w limllv liiiinci, fllHMlt • In- furl' innl ImriilM, innl miritnhieil .-nix mi IiIh lefi illin. He h, lion-.'vi-r, ex|H't-leil ti» In- uhle l» ii'. i line hhi ''l-i''<' In <hii sixiipniiy tiv Huiidfi.v. 4'orrti. s.'ltiiH. innl .letuile Wnleh, nml llw klu*i- dt'ittiie. ' '< +,-•. 1— NOIITII < \ IIOIj in a. lUrlnHc.—At tin' Aouleiiiy III MUMrtl Mnrrny.nml .Murk mine Ural. 1- , IjATTA. Takk Aijijit*iiii»s«. —The \\. A. IVlHiH Hhifk I'n. tiiliMliliefi IK |ili'-iiiiiili'iinl run. ond bM weiither Jin«t Hfl ileh-rreiiL Hnrt on Ihe ihimIuchn. Nutkh.-O. V. Keiler, Inle nf Chlivii,'". Mnrlnii. Intl. nml llnrler'H Theittrr. hi Wn- Itnnh. Iml.. will nmninre the Acinlemy hrw HiIn Hi'iiH'-ii Mnrx H. Niillmn, Inle. iiiiiuu- uvr of llw Aiiiilemy, will he intruiiliKeil with n *J'h« Coitnly fliHlrmnii" nn iH'lliirr nmniiKer. W. J. Hf.NKIlH'T wflten more. In tin* new emiHily. " u,':lH(ili lit 1 ll|i:n-llr nodi- I'liiiK. 'Hti.r"nnii* in'iieily mo iiiiiiieiiH.* lili". Mark I -him-. Mill ■Inhnwui, IliUin (-'ell*. Ir< .lit Wi'mI, ynve exii'lleilt ytiniiuit, nnd tho "Kvelenn Ihin .,. 'The Arrlvnl of Kitty.' «ji I ilif ki'jihoii ni the CfiHlno. To- Icilu, O, Ami; Jlf, t«'fore two — i-:hu Cl*tlrv.—At ibv CltuuU lC *>« -Myyn, uiuy j a n u nittfurcU mwm."