The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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'*$$& tm '4 % 766 arans wirw toirk HEW AHoTERDAB Wnl „ r u roU iiw»y. Kl.AW* BRLArlUBH Managers Even. It 8.19. Hallneel SATURDAY ONLY. Henry w. Savage oiTera for a limited engagement, IIAJlll* miLUIH, In tjhe Mnnlcal Fanta.y, •The* Man fi-om Now flrenl Caal of Favorite. HEW YOBK iKSS? 1 H'wjtv. 44111, 4f,t]l . Hat*. Wed. and Bat. Kl.AW .1 ERLANOER Manager. Price. 8f>r.,ooc, 7Go.and 11.00. No Hlglicr. SPKCIAL MATINEE, S.1IS. s ROGERS BROS. IN IRELAND. Bill OOMPANV Of 100. > BELA8G0 fHEATHE. ^KSC." ntcosn YEAR IN M-.VV YORK. Beau live weeks In advance. DAVID UK1.A8U0 present* BLANCHE BATES, In "TUB 0IRL OF T1IK OOI.HBN WEST," a play In 4 acta or the period of '40—Scene California—liy 1MVII) BELABCO. ... ., ■• PASTOR'S O'Brien & Buckley, Maddox & Molvln, Chns. B, Lawlor & Daughters, ■■ ■ Chadwlok Trio, Maxwoll & Dudley, Gavin & Piatt, I'ost & Russell, Alaroona Trio, Evnns Trio, Tbe Harringtons, The Belfords, PtYrrlBb, Ventriloquist; Amorloan Vltagraph, and Other". the Eaat mi li St. latiHoa' Hat. To-day. DEWFY NEW 1 CENTURY GIRLS If ml If |J1 .BjirloHiiiie nn«l Vaudeville. tiik - K. 'lull. Hi. Ladles' Mat. To-day. VMM WATSON'S BUHLESQUEHS M» 1 Ilial U IV . It, W ATB0K-TIIO Mornioln. Of IIIkIi < In.- v I,', 111.. Theatre*. M. MHYKltl'HI.l) J1C. I'UKH.: MARTIN HI.'t.'K, QRHUIUli MANAGER. All AppllclllloUH for Time Musi He Allill'eHHCll to 6 K. mt ay. Dnokiug Manager. Maj e>tle 'I'liealre Biilldlhg. rlilcttgo, III. Huber's «.'. Museum WANT I,: II, STI0IB CliaiO HALL ATTBA0TI0I8. Addtoaa J. II. ANDERSON, Mm,. aa above. BERTRAM MILLAR IT W. Mm ST.. NEW YORK. AlvlCIO AI/VA NOVELTY MUSICAL ARTISTE, "TDK I.A11Y WITH THE CLARIONET." IW OKHKAHO Kl'., I.UN 1)1 IN, W. TAFF V0LTA k ROBERT 0'MEERS ArtlHU wanting European time write, Btutlng open lime and term*. Oalilo, "A OON1C, " LONDON' BROBUT TRIO PRESENT "THE YELLOW STREAK. THE WONDERFUL SIX VAUDEVILLE FEATURE GUY STOCK CO. ALWAYS* woniiINU. Davo-HANZETTA and LTEAN-araoe KOUKNTHH' ACROBATIC DUO. On Muxarr circuit, .Hiiumokin, i'a„ Tula week THE ' Shrewsbury BIMTERB WIESMAN'8 DOCS, "OreHtos, or nil Doff Acts,» ki tlio Family Theatre, Matianny City, Pa., tliln week. Have some open dates after Hcpt. IT. p.ieTHOMPSON and SERIDA u Hinging. Talking ami Dancing Comedy Act. •Sept. a; (.rami Opera Ilotipo. Pittsburg. Kept. 10. Keith's Theatre. I'liiiadoiphia. OBVILLE and FRANK Are YforklngtlllH week at WKNONA PARK, SAY city, Mien., and Pius. mivii.LK tsontlic faun in N. II. Willi CHESTER. VENTRI m^mmm arm Learned liy any mau ur boy; Hinall cunt, send to-day 'iv. stamp for particulars and proof, o. A, Smith, iiuoni to, .wo Knoxvllle Ave.. Peoria, 111. VIOLIN AND PIANO. Will locate or Iravol. A. K, 1I011NSTIKK, Car<- of Utivcinator'a Theatre, Atlantic CUT, M. J. l'lTinanoni address 458 N. Ainurloau M., PI)Ila.,l'a. STETSON'S UNCLE TOM GO. Woman for Ophelia, Child for Kva, riaim Player, doublo brass; Orchontra I.eadiT, doiihio In band: Trombone and Drnm», it. and O. 8Uto loweit aalary. Adilreaa (ISO. »*KCK, '214 W. 4Jd SIi, N. V., 0OUHIKH (Mice. ALICE LUNDY AT HBEBTY AFTEB SETT. 10, MUVURKTTB Oil imik.i'k. AildreaH IW S. SANilAMoN ST., Clilengi), 111, For Sail, a Complete Uncle Tom's Cabin Outm, iit'iiilv nmv. Tent, son. Hound Ton, will) ■ion Middle, llniirt. Donkey. l'«oiy. AIho aTralned lion. Ha» iieeu imed ror luiraile. Iml In itood fur a ilri'iiK. II. N. SUIlUI.'IV.. Aikliy, Iowa. SI'L MeCIITn'S W1VPPT. Opella, Eva, Topiy, Hark* and TFaillliil. Deacon, HarrlB an»l St.Clitr.Tom. orcheatra leader, piano player, both to double la band; clarionet, B. A- O.; alto and cornet to double Bfage. Winter tteaaon opens Oct. 16. Htop at hotels. No parades. Can place AT OKOETVarlta and Deacon and alto who dotibieflitafre. KAM'L McCUTCIIBON, .. CardliiKlon, O., Sopt. 7; Mount, 01 lead, O., Bttfi 8; Caledonia, O..Mept. 10. 2__ LYCEUM COMEDY CD. Wants Quick.;, Flratclnae ji'Vkkii.k human', r. and itreiov- BREri'E, good CUAHAt.TER WOMAN, HEAVY HAN, LEADING HAN, and 0EN. IIIJS. A0TOH (MDOclHlty preferred), good ADVANCE Atll-lNi, PROPERTY MAN, wltli Hpcclalty, lo do lilta. Al„ S EVANS, Mirr.. Ilnrhln, Ky. Two weeka. ' WANTBD, MUSICIANS Who doublo li. and u. or Staao, lo join oh wire. No drlnkera tolemtod. Ludy with a Child for M.'lilt. and Mary. CotitluuoiiH s^awou. Oooil ac- coiimiodiilloiiH. Adrlro-s, i,^ per roulo In :.lii j - papiT.HKOWN A KOIIKKTd, "Ten Nlfilita" Co. AT UBE&TYmi For stock or repertoire. Adilreaa nou i-:. RICH st., cohmiimp, 0. WANTED, MAN WITH v MOVING PICTURE OUTFIT. MUSI lIHVe lots'or iiodil FilniH, Also sisirr Team hiuI riuno I'luVir. _ llUKAli ALV1N, (Vi Jay St.. Alliany, N. Y. LUELLA BECK WANTS 6ENTLEMAN FOR II'VEMI.I'S and n I.A1IY SPECIALIST. Hoiloy mill 1 . Hooked Intraonlnrlo iiud Soutli lofleorgla. Addro*aNEWIJSKEAHIi,oiiturhi. Faresadvaucd. • Do You Wish to Get Fat? TAKE (Cap- sules) tireatest discovery of the age,' Increases your weight from t> lo lo ponmlH u month. Wonderful brain and nerve ionic. I'rieo fz oo, Uend for ixiok- Ict. AHI'A COMPANY, £!7-tl3U Fallon Street, New York. Aitorioy, Druir Shire. 40f« otti Ave. WANTED, iron UNCLE SI HASKINS, TWO GOOD CORNETS That double stago. others write. All letters iwisworcd. Can place sood people uf all 'times. ivrmHiicri! lultlicKH, 0. M. 1'KIUHOUI-:, Proprietor Uncle HI HnHklnsCo.. LaCrosHe, Wis. ^ SEPT. 17 AID SEASON, Versatile .Sketch Team, Mim to do Hood Straights' In Acts, Wack Face Comedian capable of ntnuliiK the, staff.;; dancer preferred; Silent rert^riiier, Traps, .miffs, Wire, etc. Must be able to work in ».<:.-«. And an At Mule Plauo Player. If you hoo/e, don't waHte your tlmo. Only, me**, people' who know when they aro setting the best, write all Unit letter. 1'KOF. JA()K TKOY, 1QQ7 Lynn Ht, l'arkersbtirg, W/VaJ' DIXIE THEATRE, MEMPHIS, TENNi 1411 HUMNANDU ST. ft OPBNH MONDAY, SKI>T. ■*. IVIM'BI, at all Union, guod Sketcli (Tcaliui, Single UdleHHiid Slater Aota. '*■:■■ .Ml lliil.K t LEVY, Plnlirli'torV WM. N. HAYTER, Ho-. Miinnger. "CAR WANTED. BUY OB LEASE. 4JIIOI1 COHBINATION UININO, SbBBP- l«li AND BAOOAQB •Alt.'' .' Send doaurlniion, photo, and lH»t lorroa, tlrat lot- tor. Aditi'i" h EiiANcis o. Mccarty, Mur. of Attraeilona, Hream City Park, station D, l'ltotlnlril.'Pa. WANTKII AT ONCE, 1 Oil JOSHUA SIMPKINS CO., Comedy old man for Josh with good Specially, good uluglng Soubretle, Heavy Man to doubio snare drum or brass, strong Cornel Ptay«r and Orchostra Loader to double brass or roed.^i*ng scasutt and sure money. Address N. K. TUCKKH, Manager. Hepi. o, Chambcrsbitrg, Pa.; 7, Charies- luii, Vu.; lo, Muyortnlalo, I'a.; 11. Uarret, I'a. AT LLIBeCRTY,' JVI^rr KANKIN, jnvF.SH.i: LKADS or CHAIL COMKOY? LOU jT^A.'VVjRj^JV^j© souuitKrrK. Now being featured with Koystono Dramailp.Cp. KKYSTONG DKAMATIC CO., Mherlirooki>7 t'Mf., until Sept. a: after that, N. Y. CLM'FKU. REPERTOIRE MANAGERS. Wjly ute'plays that don't draw whou you tun-get the'wlnner, "H*art« Adrift" First time outside of the large cities. Great line of printing. Write for terras and oXclpslv* lerrllory wowiier.OAKUNlKiAUKN.H.'il ICway.Ncw York. STOCK HtANA5*BB8. Manager Harry or Burke's Fall River.Stock says, '"Hcftru Adrift' drew the biggest week of tils Spring and Summer season; capacity etfery perfor- mance." Same thing happened in Philadelphia. Brooklyn, and San Francisco. Uohal— Put It on and have one capacity week. The other winners: "Wife In Namr> Only." "Tbe Oood Nsmarltnn," and *'Tlie 8en- »i«r'- Wife" con now be secured. WANTED, That cun direct. Other Repertoire People write. Address C. K. ANNKNDALti, (leneral Delivery, Pittsburg, Pa. WANTED, TALENTED AND VERSATILE LADY, Change specialties ror week. Work with woll- kuown comedian. Prefer ouo who playH piano some. Age, helgiit.wolght,experience, salary,and what yon do Drat letter, bend photos, will return. COMKDIAN, earu Perry .V Freely Co., ltj-ucB,.,Vns. >VANTED ] MED. PfiRFO^MEas ! Ttiat fiikf organ. Sliiglus lo and all, Tenuis l»nm! all, after Joining. Muhl .loin h«ro ou wire. Am on route and copping It every day. Tell all. Mere till 16th ttupt. DK. TUM KLL1SON. Propliettaiown. ill. At Liberty, BXPBHIBNCBD ONE NltiHT UR REPERTOIRE. HARRY UEI.TZ, Tavloravlllo, III, At Iitbcrty, Soubrette Willi SPECIALTIES; good In acta; Ural claaa null, uerforioer. Tleaul. . CORINN'E PI.AISS. Munndvlllo, Mo. WANTED, Al SILENT MAN; YOU MUST BE A Ueuticman and a performer, unaugo Tor ouo week. Halary la sure. Aim. (|iiluk and stale all In Ilrst. WAl.TKHS A KIILHV, f.JI StmlanlS(.,St. Iritis, Mo Arranged, romiKiaed. I^)W terms. A. KUKTSMAIt. 41-2 K. lf.lh St., N. Y. K,DE - Tho greatent Toiil- or SHOW MEN. r Pii.tmrin aitraciloaon en t-i tin- :i-K>'rd OatPipoDka. with 8\io Paiuiing List free. WM. NRI.SON, s Van Nordeu St., No. Cambridge, Mass. ¥0 (INDKPENIIKNT HUU8E), RT WAYNE, INDIANA. Tho undersigned Is now booking for season '06- ■07. Beating capacity, 2,000. For time, write or wire. JOJrJlV A. SCOTT. WAITED WAHTED ATTBACTIOKS ATTRACTIONS \ At J»K\.l,l,K or STOCK COMFANIBS wltligood band,on per cent, under canvas. Good co'a can get the coin here If you have (ho goods, aa-CasIno Is closed.nnd I have the best locution in the .i:iiy. Can seal i.uuo peop.e. Minstrel and vaudeville Go's let me hear from you. wtt. stage and scencrr* Address i IIAKRY BOLUS, 106 Walnut St.. Manalleld. O. SECONDHAND FILMS I'op Sale Cheap. MAfHINE, POSE, SERPENTINE, LECTURE and SOliO SLIDES. Send for largo llata. Wo buy llllna lo any quantity. 0. L. HULL A CO., lion E. &Vtll St., Cllleago, 111. UTTED, GOOD VAUDEVILLE PIANO PLAYER... SEASON'S WORK. .. WM. NcSHAFrREY, War Family TJioatre. Monenacn. Pa. ^A/AN-^l GrBAlTOI STOCK CO., A FEW. .HeiUK GOOD PEOPLE WITH SPECIALTIES AridrcM HOI1EHT I1J1ANDI, Sprlnglleld, Mo. WANTED. Al PIANIST Un in vaudeville. DOUBLE UN bass ou TIIIIMHONB. Nolloozera. Addreaa MUSICAL HlllEOTOR. Hartford Opera Home, IIAHTFORH, CONN. WANTED, SISTER TEAM, CHARACTER WOMAN AND MUSICIANS. THAT DOOULR OKUHHSTItA and STAflK. Address BILLY A. WAiiD, Mgr. Hooligan's Tioulilcs, <:algory. AMioria, Can. of an lutereBtlog uaturo, not to interfere wiih other dutlcH, to a reliable and iutelllgeut profes- sional man who Is traveling, not less Hum thrco daya In a town; not to soil- goods. AddreBB, wlih partlcuiarH. T. E. r.. Park Row liullulng, Now YoiK. Warren Wonder Show Wants Doctor registered in Mo.; also sober Med. Perfor- mers that can change for one week, good fi, P. Hong and Dance Mao, and a Novelty Perform, r. i-rank Vitro, write. Tiokein- ve*. Write or wlie STYNKRand LA VKTTE, Oslioru, Mo., wuok Sept. 8; pittombarg. Mo., wock of Sept. 10. Complete Moving Ploluro Outtll. j;w60; Edlsuu Machine, Films, Hong Ulldes, Trunk, Sheet, etc.) solne Papers. Address b. N. 11UC1IANAN, , otuN. Avon St.. Hockford. ill. mm mm, mum, mmm. Sliow Printing for »how People. Write for prices on anything you need. AMERICAN 1'lllM IMl CO.. Manistee. Mich. TEN YEARS WIIH FRANK DAVIDSON, TWO Summer seasons with Quy StocK Co. AT 1.1 it - KRTY, KniMKTT liiT I'l.KTON Agent, Man- ager or Treasurer. ArtdreRjj LINTON, Ind. 1IEN LOIJUIST PIOURES FOR SALE; LIEKSI/.E, working, electrical client, novel feature-!. 043 K. O.nlrul I-nrk Ave., Kil flat, CHICAGO, 11.1.. MUSICIANS SLIDE THOUIIONE, KING, NEW. In fine open In ii' or cane: t ':■■:• 1.1. Sulilert lo exaoil out loo. h'RIU) I). (,'A1.1I« KI.L, li, Iowa. MM 51WJ0 INVEST IN A SMALL REP. sliow that in on the roml. I am a aliowman, no angel. Till all III llrnt leller. A. II. SI.OCUM, lien. Del., Cleveland, 0. AT LIBERTY, FOR U. T. C., EDNA CLARE, Topsy or other parts; K. L. SUTLlFF,Tuba and DoiiiileUass.SinallPatts. Address K. L. Ht'TUFF, lwd Brown Ht, Philadelphia, Pi. 3, . 'September s. OLABS A HtM, 15 8BIT8 Ml R. * BIAB8 BPIUli, W ; eHM WR ft, EDISON Films and Projecting Kinetoscopes Exhibition Model Kloetoscope, J115.00. Universal Model Klnefoscope, $75,00. > ' AIIK i'HK REOOSNIZED ITASHA RUN TIHtOt<;IUlt'>r THK WOHI.I). ';' i. - ■ ' ' . ' . ■ "! OUR IATEST DRAMATIC SUCCESS, THE FIRST AJtP Oyi^Y IRISH PICTURE . KATHLEEN MAYOURNEEN. A Thrilling Irish Melodrama, in Seventeen Scenes. CAST OF'TKKSi KATHLEES .„.,....:.......:... .r.......KITTT O'NEIL TKIIKM'E OMIOH.K, Kllt/llmi'S toUT.......' • •• WALTBIl 41 It IS n'lll.l, CAPTAIN il,K«ltt'lkl,ll. An JrOA Atnuifonl. ........; II, t. UASCOM DIIIJAN. CTrai-JIeW'a ll'lllfnc/ Tool • ij ••• S.....W. 11. Ullll) DAVID O'COMVOIl, AalWeei.'ll MUuT.'..V;...k..;...•"•.•..,..••••.»•« B*U*! MlWa? FATIIBH O'CASSIDV, TIlS PilriSh J'r(Mt;.....|.i... ■> II. 4 I.All KK DANNY KELLY, *VI>!uI Qf Tireim :.... . > ... t ;..j i «P. MeDOVALL KITTY O'LAVBllY, An Odd frU/i character.,^<...: : iJIWIII CLIFFORD BLACK KODY, Tim Robber Chief • ........0. F. SBABRKT RED UABNKY I )• ■_ J>. R. AlLki, DARBY DOYLB ! 0/(fie Robber Band |.„ ■».. J i.*'«'»l»'<lS DENNIS O'OAFF ( __ • .IW.JrVBORROtOllS SOLDIERS, CONSTABLES, BOBBERS, PEASANTS, BTC. The Iniult, 'I'he Hold Tip, The Robbara 1 Cav«. Serving the Paper*. The Chaie, Kathleen'. Home, The Five (Beautifully Hand Palnleili, Tli,- Alolnrtlo,,, Kath- leen In the Robbera' Cave, The Dragged Wbl.key, The Unite., The Angelu. The Village Dance, The Wedding. . ■ Henri fur lllu.lrai, d Deicrlpllve Circular No. 30SI. ' Ho. amn. Ccale VKCI1TV AAN. Length, 1,000ft. UU.a A. .100.00. AIM INSTANTANEOUS SUCCESS. TELLS ITS OWN STORY-PLAINER THAN WORDS. TO OBR FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC:' ' ' ' ** ••' • We lake this opportunity to heartily thank you for your generous appreciation and many compli- mentary notices ami klad expressions of our humble efforts. v ' • • KDISOKfMAN'F'G'CO. . THE LAUGH OF ALL THE LAUGHS, HOW THE OFFICE BOY SAW THE BALL GAME Send To* Iltn.trated Dr.crlptlve Clrenlnr No. .08. No.naoa, fed. VKAIIOIIIA. Length, TSBft., Claa. A, .111.711. PI ANOTHER UP-TO-DATE < IIJII.IJV HIT. " A LAUOHABLK PARODY IN MOTION PICTURES. "WAITING AT THE CHURCH. VESTA VICTORIA'S LATEST AUERICAN AND l.M.l.lsn S4INO SUCCESS. '. Thetfeettng-ITpe Proposnl—Vision of toe lloiurvuieuo oi.,„iii,ii'n luhno I'uinliy oli]ec.tlon»- "Waiting attheOburoti"—"Oan'tUet Away to Marry YonTo-Day." ' ...; ; t.'.'.,'..'. , '. No. 0.bS, Code VECIITPBKK. Length 170ft., t In.. A. OUR I.ATBST iIGADLINBR, LIFE OF A COWBOY DCAI COWBOYS AND INDIANS nr/ll llCHL BRONCHOS - 8TACE COACH ITLHL A STIRRING WESTERN DRAMA IN MOTION PICTURES. Istft- The SYNOPSIS OF SCENES: nig Horn" Saloon—Meeting between Hero ana Villain—Entrance of English Tour- InltiaUngthsJl'eudcrreej—r^nectloo lor Salvation Army Lasaie—Arrival at the Bancs —Cowboy Sports, Trick Riding, Throwing Lariat, Wrestling—Departure of Siege Coacb from Ranch—Attack by IndlooM—Running ITlght (8 ecenea)—Capture Blago Coach and Ab- duction of Girl—Indiana Espar'-- Ranch—Cowboys In F— dorse—Reunion Hero Qfl b-1 . Cov lana 1 Escaping and Covering Trail—Arrival Wounded Stage Driver at Pursuit—The Klght— Thrilling Rescue of Olrl from Madly (jalloplug > and Heroine—Death of Villain. Wo. 0)150. Cod* VAVASOUR, j Length, 1,000ft. Class A. 1150.00 '* A * SCENES IN HAWAII NO. 0»T». CiHle VKIIANTINAH. Length 77l>rt. Claa.'A. .11.1.00. HAWAIIANS ARRIVING TO ATTEND A "LOAC" OR NATIVE FEAST, TUFT. H *. W .Mi A ,'!?,.P. I1P . A A?l ,,, ^:. T *!_ A ' I " , ' K » ID * "LUAU" OR NATIVE FEAST.'lIMIFT. ?l.. KINAl ' "LANDINO I'AWKVItEHS. KOIIALA. MAW AII. SOFT. AHltlVAk VAHVKONA "EXPRESS," KOIIALA, HAWAII. BUST. 8|1bAHINO SHEEP. KV^^t^Jlitf^lJSfi*!!' mFT - WASIIINO SHEEPT IIl'MCULA BAWCH HAWAII. 10.1FT. SHKKP COAIINO THROVOII "CHUTE," III'MI 1 LA HAM II. M*WAH, OOFT. HAULING 8UOAR CANE, KOIIALA PLANTATION,' HAWAII, BOLD COMPLETE Oil IN HE PA HATE SCENES. ANOTHER COMEDY HIT THE TERRIBLE KIDS BEND FOB ILLOSTBATED DESCRIPTIVE! CIRCTJLAB No, 281. . -> No. Oliln, Coil. VAULTAUE. I.rnglh. DUOrt. <.!.., A, .UDSOU. OUR LATEST NOVELTY THREE AMERICAN BEAUTIES AMBRlSA»°ni N m BB A. ,,T J, R »» K *'"»lve. Into ■ l.u.t pleture of • ■»«««> —fcElr , A™ u,lu i. w, '?riliaolve. Intnnn AtlBHIOAN KLAii waving tothebreele, which In turn tiluolve. Into a .Inr-llt haekgrnuml, th" atirf nftlr SS5 ■nnnaeuvering, .pelllng the Mrard. "OOOD NIOHT." ■»»*■, »■«. HAND COLORED. HAND COLOHED. M<h OHIO, Code VAUDEVILLE. Length 0011. II... A .17.0(1. loan far Latest Cntaleaa and a circular.. '■■ EDISON MANUFACTURING CO., """ehHa 10 " arnSa FA0TOnY ' ORAHOB, II.' t. ~ V' iVm * ABEW8 :, ^^^^^ 'n^JtS: 8$ teJS&.'tft AT LIBBBTT, «IIAH. .1. Y©U1\«, iUTWa. >^°™^l*j^™mH^m-vai. one Piece Preferred. „, auoreaa MANSF1RU), OHIO, OKN. DKL., until Sept. 9; tneu IllcUvllle, Ohio.