The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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SEPTEMBER 8,' THE NEW "STOBK- OlilPPEIK 767 TAHLK OF CONTENTS. ' • Page. Mix Clipper's Anecdotes. Ktc 708 llUlicbe Ste»o—8*etcli 738 Little WdhJ Murphy—Sketch 158 Kestiires of the Weekly Show 759 world of Player,i. ....•; ._.,._. 2?! 5125ft; " 4 W 8 - B ' O. at night, and Hi tt, S"■'•:*' the C«<">7 Miner's Amer- w a SSTa&S BP*** "O"" 9 To« Uiierles Answered. Our London Letter... Our Chicago Tetter... On tbe Road/ ■-. UMt b» Telegraph.. Voud«THfr Route List New York City...... A -Novel Picture Under tbe T«to i Miscellaneous..... .....' .• Deaths •<» ,ilp Profession ' THEATRICAL CORRKHPONDENCK Washington., , • '...'...., Missouri,..-... ....7 PfJIllVlTHIllB Canada New Jersey 784 704 704 708. 770, 777 This Hit l« mad* np ■■ ue-arlr ac- euttt •■ It la poealble to stake a fiat of vaatoTftlle bookingi, To laaaro le- ■ertloa In this department the ofc»* of thp theatre or park, •■ welt ■• tk« •My or lowa, MVf T aeeompaar eaofta bookInar eent a*. Brobst Trio, Boulevard, Medford, Mail., 3-B. Dllka,'BttfJ * Dllks, Pork, Wind Gar. Pa„ 8-S. Brooks, Jeanne, Marwln, Findlay, 0., 8-S; Lyric, Dixon, Bowers * Dixon, Spring Grove Park. Terra Haute, 1ml.. 10-15. . torlniMti, 0.,_8 ° OltUOOIHl Cl n^&mSS%S^^'^^ i - **B * Colli... Altoons. P.., .1-8. )_ra HtOT.. were favorltea.j.... Ad „ r k „„,,„ Klwrtoo Part. Portland, Mo.. a-eV 707, 768 At PalrmoilDt Park IlilnVt.'. Mill,... n^j Ad « lr * """'■ K'verton Part. Portland, Mo., 770 771 and a ballooon nacrn, on .itJnrtU : ' B " nl1 **""■ U ' ™""'« *•*■ BMW «•■ H* •7«o _ u uuuuuon nkCennion attracted. A, bum a Mnek. Rr..l.iitii,r,ri.'.. I'h n.. IM*. . voa . 771 . m . 77a . 758 , 772 . 773 District of Columbia.. Colorado i Maine........ Now H.Bipshlre Oklahoma... Vermont.- . Wort Virginia..'..-. . UnlRlflna ' (leorfla itjalj....-, MaoatrbnMU Wisconsin Indiana.;... Sortti Carolina Michigan .... Rhode Island Iowa * Virginia Kentacky...... Maryland , OreMn..-,... Ijllnoln rtehraeka'.'.'.'.'.'.',.... Tel(s... Dtfcw-; ..... Connecticut Montana Tennepee........... . P».I. . 788, 773 . 700, 771 TOO 700 700 .....700 .... V T00 .... >toh 708 703 704 70.1 ..... 70S 70.1 ..'. .-.- 7011 . 771, 777 .....777 777 .....777 771 771 . 771 . 771 l attracted, i.—Al. G. Fl B • P«o«Bl houae, at Macanley'a. .""The Hall Room Bojb," at the .Masonic, dlew n (TOwdcd house The Avenue was packed Sunday, to see "Queen of the White a'avea." • capacity houaea witnessed the. Fay Jionter Co.. Sunday, at the Rucklnirham.. . I-ontalae Ferry Park Poylllon was crowded rmnoay, to see a fine vaudeyllla hill. MINNESOTA. Netf 1 CflllOI LATE ST BY TELEft RAPS. OOLDBN GATB OLBANING9. •Whlrl-I-Ois*" opened 'J'raTftnty Stara. I CBMTRil-—TblH b0UH la clone*! on ao- ooiidt of tbe ktreet car strike. Kolu and Hill's, opening ia postponed Indefinitely. OHPHROM.— (At tbe olmtt'H). Bill onenltiK Htpt. 2: Tbereae Renz and norsea, Mayme Heulqgton and ber Buster Brownies, Ben Wfllrb, tbe Three Alvieias, Max Hlldebrondt, Margoret Wycherly and company, Dixon Bros.; the 8R.vaBI> s . and the Orpbeum motion pictures. 'Notch. —The Forepaugh-Sells Circus will extilblt !n this city for tliree days, comiucno- log- Rulurdiiy, Rept. 8 .Charles L. Acker- man. the well-known lawyer and theatre owner, anffered from a slight stroke of paral- ^rIii recently, at Son Mateo, and Is now, un- der tpe care of physician*. His condition Is not considered critical, and It Is believed he \y|lI recover aooii It was announced here on >ug- -2, on nbsolute authority, tbat with- in less than eight months Oakland will have sii Ofphoum. The site selected Is oo Twelfth Street, near Ctny, on a lot 80x200 feet in Hlie, and a building already designed by Archi- tect Walter J. Mathews will be erected, at a cost of about $100,000. — I FROM OTHER POINTS. Minneapolis—At tbe Metropolitan Opera Houae (L. N. Scott, manager), week of Sept, 2, "Checkers. 1 ' Opening week, Aug. 20-Sept. I. Chnuncey Olcott, In Ms new play. "Rileen Aatnore," carae to large houses. "The Sign of the Cross" 0-12, '■Ram Houston" 1S-15. BuotJ Omra Houhr (Ttaeo. I.. Hays, man- ager).—Kor week of 2, "In Old Kentucky." Last week, and the closing week of the George Fawcette Co., "Woman Against Wo- man" wan given, to fair houses. Week or B. "Across the Pacific." Orfhhitm (Martin Beck, general mana- Ser).—Bill for 3 and week: Ethel Robinson, lacapt's dogs and moakevs. Carlln and Otto, Bryan nnd Nadlne, Sheck Brothers. Mc- .. 771 Mabon and Chappelte. il\ .Lvcbuji (I. C. Speera, manager).—Week f* pf 2, Daniel Frawley Stock Co., In "Sher- lock Holmes." This house was dark laat week. , Uniqt'b (John Elliott, manager).—Bill for 3 and. week: Alulnl and company, Kmlly Walt, George Hlllmen, i,>Kette poodles and cockatoos and Irene Little. Dewey (W. A. Singer, manager). — The Brigadiers 2 and week. The Merry Makers played to fine houses laat week. Miner's Bo- LemlanB 9 and week. Noma.—State fair, held midway between Minneapolis and St. Paul, week of Sept. 3, wilt attract large crowds to tbe cities from the country districts. The opening day Dan ' scheduled to go against bla own A good racing programme for each the week Minneapolis playgoers ve an opportunity tbe coming Winter of seeing Georgene Hays, a Minneapolis girl, who Is playing this year with a company, in "On the Bridge at Midnight." which will be . 771 . 771 . 771 .771 . 771 . 772 , 77.1 . 773 eeen In Minneapolis some time during the Winter. MIbb Hays made her debut la Min- neapolis about three years ago. with tbe Ferris Stock Co. She has devetoped more than ordinary talent, nnd Inst season waa with "The Little Outcast" Co. The Theatrical Seaaou Marled la Fall ItrlaK With Labor Day Oueolnai, 'ami Hummer Reaorta Are Rapidly -Tbe Fall aeasou St, Paul.—At the Metropolitan Opera House n„ N. Scott, manager) "Checkers" opened the regular season of tbe house Aug. 20, and buslneHH was good all the week. For week of Sept. 2 (State fair week), Chauncey Olcott, In "Eileen Anthore." The advance aalc Ih very heavy. "Told In tbe Hilla" (M2, "The Sign of tbe Cross" 13-15. t»suNi> (Theo. L. Hays, manager).—'Jin Old Kentucky" duplicated lta previous successes here last week, and Immense business was tho rule. "AcroBs the Pacific" State fair week, 2-8 ; "At the World's Mercy" week of 9. STAn (J. C. Van Boo, manager).—fhe .lolly Otrts Co., with Kdmond. Hays, ilo "A Wise Guy," camo la for popular approval and big business last week. For week of 2, tbe Bohemians. OnriiKUM (James Robertson, manager)-— Business continued good laat week. No change of hill Is announced for week of 3. i Rhfirb (Sam Fink, manager).—Business waa excellent last week. New people for week of 3: Marcclla, Helen Mlgnon, Debbie Vedder and Blanche La Mont. Those bold. lne over: Flossie Noah. Thelma Wayne. Car- I'Hii.aihxi'hia, Sept. 4, WM'formally opened with Labor Day mat- ro f| nn d Gardner, Gertrude Leslie, Brady and Infes at all theatres "Charleys Aunt Hamilton. Gibson and Nash, the Daleya, and had.capacity at the Chestnut Street opera n )r di e Van Hawk. Mrntion. —The Minnesota State Fair opens 3, for tho week, and from all Indication*, will eclipse nil previous oneH. James J. Hill, tbe treat railroad magnet, will dedicate the new j.lve Stock Amphitheatre. Dnn Patch will try for a new pacing record. This will be Labor Day, ami the nrganliatlons of both St. Paul aDd Minneapolis will make the Fair Grounds their headquarters, Innurlng a big opening. Strangers MM been arriving for the fair for two weeks pnst. With good wenthcr, tho attendance will be a record breaker Julia Dean, who married Orme Caldara, well known lending man, In thl- rago, 28, la nn actress well known In St. IIouM Blanche Ring was warmly wel ltd In "MIsb Dolly Dollars," at the Gar- l. "Veronlque" had a big crowd at Lyric Keith's hnd capacity ntter- nooa and night Helen Byron, In "Ser- jeapt Kitty/' attracted a big bouse at the Grand Opera House Tbe stock produc- t|oua of "A Social Highwayman," at Fore- na,i,ih'«, and "The World's Verdict," nt the Standard, merited favor Burlesque shows warf well patronised at the Bijou, Lyceum and- Caaluo, and tbe uptown combination Imjiies ha* capacity. Chicago. Sept. 4.—The three Sunday open- lOfa .were "Mlzpab," at McVlckcr's: "The Free Lance," at the Illinois, and "The Un- rorssen," at the Bush Temple Attractions row running are: "The Vnnderbllt Cup," at ifin .Colonial; "Twiddle-Twaddle,' 'at the Grand opera House; "The Land of Nod," at ill* Chicago Opera House; "Told In the unit,," in Its last week at Powers'; '.'The Time, the Place and tbe Qlrl," at the La Paul" where she wan born and lived for many Mgg yenra. Mlas Dean Is the leading sdy, with HWJJ Edwin Arden. !n 'Told In lne Bit a." Sua KJgT Blurred lAdy." last season lu "The Little Gray Adsnui a Mack. Bradrnbunrii's. Phlla.. n-t*. n k White. Spring Late Park. Trenton, __ :i-S: tllpnodroiur. Or*>an Oily, N. J.. 10-13 Ailamn, Mimical, BIJou, Rockfor-I. 111., 3-8; In- dustrial, Moltne, 10-in. Ailauiliil ft Taylor, OrpheuiD, Omaha. Neb., 3-B; Orplieiitu. Kansas Cttj, Mo., 10-1B. Aliearn. Jacquelyn, Ootbam, Bkls., 10-1S. Aitern ft Baxter, Peoplp'*, Ricelslor Spgi., Mo., 3-8; BIJou. Duliitb, Minn., 10-15. Aliearn, Chns. ft inc., Hoag Lake, Woooaorket. R. I., 3-8; Gotbam, Bkln., 10-16. Aherna, The, Fair. St. John, Can., 3-8. Alpha Trio, Empire, Patersoo, N. J., 3-8; Em- pire, Hoboken, 10-H>. Allison, Mr. ft Mrs., II. ft B., Bkln., 3-8; Proe* tor's, N. y,, mi;,. Albions, The, Ornlieiim, Cnlumbui, InJ., 3-8; Star, Monde, lO-lfi. Alarcons .Mrxleon Trio, Pastor's, N. Y. C, 3-8. Alvin ft Ketiney, Onkronl Park, Jeannette, Pa., 3-8. Alrleras (3), Cliutes. Snn Fran., Cal.. 3-8. Atlne, MIIv., Piirk. Wheeling. W. Vu.. 3-8. Alvin Bra*,, Uasrncle Park. Newcastle, Pa.. 3-8. Almond, Tarn ft Kdlth. Oolham, Bkln., 3-8. Alberto, Fair, Taunton. Maaa,, 3<s. Alburtui ft Millar, Kmplrv Tonr, Kng., 3-8. Allen, Heart ft Violet, Auditorium, Linn, Maaa., 3-S. Allen ft Tfeclr, Amalenlom, N. T. 0., 3-8. Afltnet's Monkey*-. Temple, Detroit, 3-8. Aide ft Armour, Fotr, Kingaton, N. Y.. 8-S. Albns, Orent, Music Hnll. Brlglitou Beach, X. Y., 38. A Many. Mile,, Hippodrome, N. Y. C, 3-15. Allen ft UVuly. Aoislerdam, N. Y. C, 3-8. Allen, Josle, Keith's, Providence, B. 1., 8-8; Pnwtncket, 10-18. Allaire ft i.fmi, Iiijuu. Wlonlpeg. Can.. 3-8. AlMflrc ft Lorraine, Lakealde Caaloo. Akron, O., :t-s. Aibene ft Ln Brant. BIJou, Jackson, Mien., 3-B; "iron. Flint. HMB. AlthotTa. The, Hippodrome, N. Y. C, 3-18. Altlien Twins, Poll'n, Bridgeport. Conn.. 3-8.. Ainerlcna Comely Four. Fairvlew Park, Dayton, 0., 3-8; Akron. 10-10. American Trumpeters (4), Or|ih*um, Omaha, Neb., 3-8, American Newsboys' Quartette. Imperial, 3t. Louts, 3-6; Bijou, Memphis. Tenn.. 10-16. American Qlrla, Atlantic Qarden, S. Y. C. 3-8. Amoun ft Hartley, Nommbeaa Park, Boaton. 3-8. Andemon ft Goluet, Union Hit!, Gloucester, Mass., 3-8; Trmiton, 10-10. . . Ape), Lillian, ft Co., Oolnonbti. Clrtclnnatl. 3-8. Ardello ft Leslie, Majestic, Clnctnnatl, 8-8. Arlington Comedy Four.'Proctor's, Troy. N. Y., 3- 8; K. k P.'a S8tb St., N. Y. C„ 10-15. Archer ft Crocker. KelthV Plilia., 8-8; K. ft P.'s Union 8q., N. Y. O., 10-15. Amnberg ft Morette, Traymore, Bklto., Md., 3-8. Arnold ft Gardner, Grand, Dayton, O., 8-8; Mid- dletovn, 10-ltl. Arlington * Helston, Happylnnd, So. Beach, N. Y.. 3-8. Awliton ft Knrle. Idora Park. Youngstowo, 0„ 3-8. AHliei- ft Psteraoi), Itye liacli. N. Y., 3-8. Anil ton ft Marline, Gran Varledndea, Havana, Cuba, s-ift. Aii-tln. Claude, BIJou. Kenosha, Win., 3-8; BIJou, Klivtwyinin, 10-15. Atiatlo, Geo.. Fontaine Ferry Park, Uulivllle, Ky., 3-8. ' Austins, Tosalng. o. O. II., Syracuse, N. Y-, 3 8; K. ft P. B8tb St., N. Y. 0„ 1016... ; . AuathiB, Great, Kevanee, 111., 8-8; Danville. 10- 17. HmIU-v ft Austin, Kel'tr*. Boalon, S-8. Rarnea ft Stevena, DIJou, Plqiu. 0,, 3-8. Uiilley ft May, Fnlr. Humilu, Minn.. 8-S; White City, Dulutb, 10-15, Bally ft 1'lckett, Hlabland Lake, Wlnsted, Conn., 3-8. Barry. Mr. ft Mrs. Billy, Keeney'a Bkln.. 3-8. Hurnea ft Uvlnu. Novelty, 8tockton, Cal., 3-8; Lyric. Son Fran., 10-15. Bnlley ft Fletcher, Poll's, Hprlnsfleld, Slaaa,. 3-8. iiii.i»-vri. The, K. ft P. Union Hu.. N. Y. 0„ 3-8. Baruold'a Doga ft Monkeys Poll's, Hprlnrtleld, Maaa., 3-8. Baxter, did, Caalno Park. Blughsmton, N, Y„ 3-8. Bairy ft Jolmauu, Lakcilde Casino, Akron, 0., 3-8. Barnard, Ceo. ft Hasel, Willows, Salem, Mass., 3-8. Baker Troupe, Henderson*.,, Coney Island, N. Y., Barrett Slaters, Alhambra, S. Y. C. 3-8; Or- pbeum, Boston, )o l.v Bates, Louie W„ Orystat, Deuver, Col.. 8-8. Barry ft Dairy, ltoniouu, Grand Baplda. Mich., Balsers. The, Keith's, Cleveland, 3-8. Barry ft Hslvera, Umpire. Pa tenon, N. J., 3-8. Bayes, Nora. Sbea'a, Durtalo, 3-8. Uaroes, Htnart. Victoria, N. Y. 0., 8-8. Barnes ft Kdwlns, BIJou, Piqua, 0., 3-8; Or- pbeum, Chllllcotne, 10-15, larger Xros.. Curlsbad, Mineral Wells, T«x„ S-S. Beau ft Hamilton, Lakeside Onsluo, Akron. 0., 3-8. Benton. Khrood ft Munle, Oastle, Wheeling. W. Va., 8-8. Ben All, Hassan, Troupe, K. ft P. 68th Street, N. Y. C. 3-8. .. Bennett ft Stirling. Bradenburgh'a, Pblla., 3-8. »ut, May, Gaiety, Albany, N. Y., 8-8. Boys' Trio, BIJou, Decitur, 111., il-B; Peo- 'h, Oelar Banlds, Ia„ lfl-15, Beyer. Den, Novelty, Bklti.,.3-8, Dedlnl, Donat, Orplieuru, Allentown, Ps„ 8-8; Orpbeum, Beading, 10-15. Belford, May, KelUi's, Phlln., 3-8. Belford, Mr. ft Mra. Al. U., Pastor's, N. Y. O.. Bronne. Tom, Garden, Baffalo. N. T-, 8-8. Bradley. Sally, Scliarfer's Garden, Columbus, 0., ;i-8. Bruce. Betllna ft Co., K. ft P. Union Sq., N. Y. C. 3-8. Brown ft Jenkins, Scbaefer'a Garden, Oolumbu», - 3-8. , Jack, ft Lillian Wright, Lincoln Park, . Beiirord. Manx.. 3-8. Burke ft Urllne. Grand, Bflllngham, Wash., 0-8. i Daniels A Burgess, Lyric. Cleveland. 3-8. John ft May, Lexington Park, Boston. 3-8. b-W: Bnriva, Harry, Park, N Bargeis, I l"tr». Jo Burfon A is, Daniels ft Burgess. Lyric. Cleveland, 3-8. Donala WL&Wm, Detroit, 3-8. "tan ft May, Uxlngtnn Park, Boston. 3-P "*** " ■■ Wl " ™*-" r Brooks, u. 0. 11., Grand Rapid*. Mich Y. C, 3-8; Dreamland, Coney lslnnil, N. Y. C, 10-13, Btirffci ft Barnes, Music Hall, Brigbtoa Beach, Hu"tn*,"Ai.. Keith's, Pblla., 3-8. Baecrry, Laura, Lakealde Casino, Akron, 0.. 3-fl. Bush, Frank. Majesllc. Chicago, 3-8. Boawye State Quartette, Poll's, Bridgeport, Ccao., Buckley, Musleal. Family, Paterson, N. J., 3-8. Byrott ft Blancb, Orpbeum, Lima, O., ;i-H; BIJoo, Mlddletown, 10<1A. r.vrbo ft Laugdon, Poll'a. New Haven, Coon., 3-8; «oTI'i, Sprlngtleld, Maaa., 10-16. Cattery; A Grant, Schaefer'a Garden, Columbus, CaSlo 3 ft"Otto. Ornbenm, Minneapolis, 8-8; Or- ^TLf^S^X^SStJ^SSk&L liUim. Kaaase City, lo-in. ( L$ W- ,b.,l£ v k v l , mc ?A 1 l * M " ,,lll «'«"' 1 Carlton & Terre, Majeallc. Kansas City. Mo.. .1-8. ,JS3, fttffaSlM: ri.lcVJ -ia Sgai ft De Verne. Lyric, ClevelaBd, 0„ 3-8. Egfi"i \ ,JSSU M "ifl?iStTTaSRl^sLa. n rt Campbells. Ttte, PmIFi Park. l*n»enwortb. Kan., ^iV"".-?,"^fc ' ?W ,lc ' «>l«g<>. »■»! «■ *>■ 3-M Family Park. Hnlalla, Mo.. 1015. *-- l -' M inHSPHft. '"L 1 *- Diamond Comedy Four, Grand, Tacoms, Waata., 3< 8; Belllnghim, 10-15. Diamond ft Smith, Proctor's. Troy, N Y„ 3-S. Dillon Bros.. Ramona, Grand Baplda, Ulch., 3-8, Dome. Orpbeum, Bkln., (1-8. Don, Kmuia, Grand. Bolton, Kng.. .1-8; Kmp., Portsmouth, 10-16; South Royal, 17-22j Ralbaui. London, !24'2U. Downey A Wlllurd. Bljon, Alpena, Mlcb.. 8-81 BIJou, I't. Huron, 10-16. inala (.11. Temple, Detrol Dockrny. Will, Colonial, Lawrence, Mass., 3-8) K. ft P. 135th St., N. Y. 0., 10-16. Dorrel, Kleanor, G. u, 1L, Itidlanapnlls, lis. I>uylt> ft flranrer. Lyric, Joplln, Mo.. 10-15. Honertr's Poodles, Colonial. Lairrenre, Mass., 3-9. Doherly Slaters, Pmetor's, Troy, N. Y., 3-8; K« ft P, Bain St., N. Y. C, 10-16. Drew. Dorothy, Tower, Blackpool, Kng.. b-8; Kmp,, Liverpool. 10-15; Kmp., Manchester, 17- 2i; Hip., Hull, 34-30. Drew. Mr. A Mrs. Sidney, Hithaway'a, Ixrwell, Maaa., 3-8. Dunham, Caatlng, Rfvervlew Park, Chicago. '3-15, Dunbars, Tbe. Kmtdre. Dca Moines, Ia„ 3-8. Duryea ft Deiand, Majestic. Chicago, 3-8. Dtmree, Minnie, A Co., Majestic, Chicago, .18. Dubois. Prof., Keith'-, Phllo., 3-8. Dtiffln Itedcay Tmuiie, Olympic, Clnplnaatl, .18. Durnnda, l.e u , Kelih'n. lloslon, 3-8. Carroll ft Doyle, Howard. BnMtun, 3-8. '^.rey-Cotler Trio, llowsrd, Boaton, 8-8. Cnrtmeils (,1>, Kellh'a, Pblla., 3-8. Cnrroll ft Clarke, Olympic, Chicago, 3-8; Majestic, Chtoago, 10-16. Caraowule Hlslers, Jelters, Soglnaw, Mich., 3-8; Valvaretta, Bay City, 10-16. CarteV ft Clark, BradenhurRli'a, Phlla.. 8-8. Cata Family (4), Pautagea, Taeoaa, Wash., 3-8; Pantagts, Portland. Ore., 10-15. Cameroti ft Klanagnu. Kast Knd Park, Memphis. Tent).. 3-8. Carlton, Thos. J., Manhattan. Norfolk, Va.. .18. Casper ft Olark. Uuverualor'a, Atlantic City, N. J.. .«-«; Hulwr's, N. Y. C, 10-16. Caelhle'H Dogs ft Ponies, Grand, Indlanapolla, 10-16. Caroo ft Herbert, Majestic, Chicago, 8-8; Hay- market, Chicago, 10-16. Cauda (ill/,). Vale, Kansas City, Mo., 8-8. Carson ft Wlllard, Hopkins', Louisville, Ky-. 10- 18. Carter k Waters Co.. Moore'a, Portland, Me.. 3-8; Trent, 'treaton, N. J., 17-22. Carherry ft Stanton, Cryalal Park, 8t. Joseph, Mo., 3-8. Ontoo ft Verner, Lyric. Cleveland, 3-8. Clilhlem, Orace, K. ft P. 23d St., N, Y, 0„ 8-8. t'bnmerorH, The, Atlantic Garden, N. Y. 0.. 3-8, Christopher. Lakeside Park, Dayton, o., 8-8. Cherry ft Balea, K. ft P. Union Sq., N. Y. C. 3-8, Chealey, Herbert B., Orpbeum, Sprlngfleld, 0., Chadwlck Trio, Pastor's, N. Y. 0., 3-8. OleinewKM, 0. O. II., Grand Kaptds, Mk-b.. 8-8. Cleritioiitos, Tbe, Academy ot Music, Lehanun, Pa., 8-8. Clifford ft Ortb. Bell, Oakland, Cal., 3 8; Unique, Santa Crua, 10-15. Clark, Harry Contoii, Brldgeiwrt, Conn., 10-16. Clayton. Frank, Orpbeum. Hprlugfleld, 0., 8-8. Clark's Dogs ft Poiilra, Lyric, Clevelsud, 3-8 Clsmle. Toby, Moore's. Portland, Me., 11-8. Clark. Georgian, Jeffera, Haglnaw, Mich., S-8; Bay City, 10-13. Corblay ft Burke. Gaiety, Albany, N. Y., 8-8. Cotton, l.uin, Klwoud, hid., 3-8. Coutlno A Lawrence, ltamoua. Grand Bsplds, Mlcb., 3-8. Conroy, Jobu ft Mamie, Casino Park, Blnghamtoo, N. V., 3-8, Columbia Comedy Four, Chase's, Wnshlngton, D. " ,8-8; Km/dre, Pateraon, N. J„ 10-15. Mdy, Arllinr. Klytdnn drove, Tncaon, Aria., 3 16. rMwaHM, Torn. A. ft S„ Ikiston, 3-8. Kdward's MOM Buys ft (llrls, Fontaine Ferry Park, Unl«vllle, Ky„ 3 8. ' Kiinnin A lldwnnis, K. A P. Union 8i|„ N. Y. c, IMiiiiiinls Sisters, Anderson, ImL, 3-8. Klltiore Hiaters, Chase's, Wnsblngton, D. 0„ Ml Vtclorla, N. Y. 0,. .10-16, ' Kllnn, Ham, Cook's, Rochester, N, Y., 3-B; 0. 0« 1L, Plttabarg. 14-15. ' ^ Kmmy, .Mine., A Mil Ornbenm, Boston, 1-8. ltinplm Four, ShCMlj's, Newiwrt, It. L, 3-8. hmroett, Kugcne, HolTiiinn's. Halto., Md., 3-8, RaWIIUII of Music (4). Temple, Ft. Wnyti*, Ind„ F.mnlw City Ouartelle, Orpbeum. Riwlnn. 3-8: ortrticum, Bkln., 10-13, ' ■"J*l !? on ir ,,y Y°*lt K - * P> ""In" Sq- N. Y. (*, 3-8: Keilh'B. Boston, 1IM6. E* , f l " , . , lri.V llll 7"' , n' °- "■■ PIHsharg, 3-8, Kake. Will, Alamada. Cat., m-lft. Ksmeralda, Pnrk,'Wlirelhig. W. Va., 3-8; Lai side Caslnn, Akron,' 0., 10-1.1. Ijsles, Kil. Henderson's. Coney Island, N. Y.. 3-8. Ktlianto, Nautili, llltipodrome, N. Y. 0., 3-16. Kvaiis Slaiera (3), Jnuctlon Park, New Brlghlon, Rvaas, ciibh. K ft Co., Keith's. Olevelaad. 3-B. Kvers Geo. W„ lVmjile, Ft. Wsyite, Ltd., S-S; Lake- 8-8; Anmtprdstn, Evans Trio, Pnslors, N. V. N. Y.. IO-IB, Evans, Ooorge. Keith's, Phlla,, 3-8. Kveretta (4j, Moore'a, Port laud, Me.. 3-8. Faiilaa (2), Empire. Plttsfleld, Mass., 3-M; How- iirii. Boaton, 10-10, Fayblo, Adonis GrBiiO. Col. Spim., Col., n-8; Boa Ton, Salt Lake, U., 10-15. Fattst Family, Fsiiujiii, H. ft B., Bkln.. 3-8. Fnrrell ft I* Itoy. psrk, Merldan. Cuim.. 11-8. lays, The. Chsao's, Waahtiiglnti, U. 0., 8-8, Frrnimlr-Msy Duo, Forest Park, Ht. Lonls, 3-8. I-erry. Wni. J., Odeoti, Indepeiideuee, Kan., tl-Nt l-jrlc, Ft. Smith, Ark., 1016. ' terguaon ft Uupw. Cascade Park, New CaBtle. IVrsusoti ft Mack. Ilalhawny's. New Beiirord. Milan., ;i «: Hulbauay'a, Lowell, to i.i • ' Iifircroa, Tltat, Trenioq, N. J., 3-8, Fields A Hanson, Howard, Boaton, R-16, Fisher, Mr. ft Mra. Perkins, Hhea'a, Toronto, Flake ft McDanou|b, Clinics, Han Fran., 10-16. CbL, ConatUy; Hugh, o. ,JL t Poughkeepala. N.'y., 8-8. Fltsgeraldft Ollday, K. A P. n.sti, Rt„ N. Y. C. Cogblaii, Row, A Co., Columbia. Cincinnati, 6-8. »-H; Coh.nlai, Liwmice, Mass l I-1D ' Hrie P.I It ™T VlC ' C,udnD,U * 3 ' Hi "■i"*"". "J-M*}"*. *«P«w. * Co., Ki'plre, t»S Moines, ^ctMsW*^ n ■ p!& ] '^ u CogBn, Octaviua, Dominion Park, Montreal, Can., Fllliduo Band, Luna Park. Wnablngtaii b 0 8-8 H.^.n^..-, u.„ ., a l ' 1 ?' , "' 1 W"',' 1 - Asadainy. Chicago, h-*'- AU Sprlngfleld, Mass., 3-B. huuihrs, (ihlcnao. 10-16, ' Brockton, Masa., 3-8; Flelda A Wooley, Alllsmlirn. N. Y. 0.. 3-8. saw OSS *. J ^" , t!"■ () 'n'lP"n'. Lima, O., ».« s Mass., F tigers!.}. II. V., Nhaedy's, Newport, R, 1.^8-8, u: Cook ft Mndlaon, Poll's, Cowper, Jlmwle, City, Fltchburg, 10-16, Cole ft Clemens, Habbatla Park, Taunton, ,3-fl; Hsyinarket, Chicago, 10-16. Cordon A HastlngH, Monroe Pork, Toronto, Can,, ■ 3-B. Collins ft Hart, Mwlu Hull, Brighton Beach, N. CouMhoj-e', Jnne, ft Co., Haymarket, Chicago, 8-8 Cooiwr ft liobtnMou, Kiuplre, Pnieraou, N. J., U-8. Creaif ft Dayne. Keith's, Boaton, 3-80, Crawford ft Delancey, Orpheuoi, Portsmouth, 0„ Crickets. The. K. ft P. 58th St., N. Y, 0„ 3-8. Clotty -Trio, Keith's, Cleveland, 3-B. Cromwclts, The, Oni-den, Buffalo, 3-8. CralMf. Long ft Cralue, 0. 0. H . Newark, O., 8-8; 0. II.. Miiucle, ImL. 1016. Cuttya, Six Musical. Shea's, Buffalo, H-B. cumniXiigs. Master. Lyric, Cleveland, 3-B. Cullao, Jps, H„ H. ft B.. Bkln., 3-8. Cunningham ft Boas, Lake Comnounce, Koullilng- tOtt, Conn., 8-S. Dnvls. Edwnrds, ft Co., K. ft P. 2»d St., N. Y. C.. D.C Humrlor, Wl*„ OM: ids 1'k'iih'ij k nllll.r, llljon, Hunar llljou, IVIiiiiliwif, (Jan., IU1& l-'l.vnii, Jne, Oofiinilila, ( :i m, Sim''' na" 1 "' " all "" m ''""• "rami MaulO,, KIock ., Tlie. Mr, ■'am. Yon, N. V„ M *«l'l l"Wl '"<"■■ Ilniwlfk Park. 111. - N. y., U»: Allanllc (l.nlrn, N. Y. 0, 10H. Ite. Will II.. ASK .'t. Warn,., Ind., Ml Main Htrwl, 1'wwlm, 111., 1U1». ' H! * D« Ban. o. 0. II., l'ltt.min, ».». m, D.H., Olympk', Olil.u,.,, ]|.H. I 1 orlwa ft 1/orbea, l'lyn»i|th, Fo., »■«. Ii&.ii. * Di,, '"»""l* I'ara, B.»lo... Ko«« ft'Aliw'r, Illjonl WIfIiIIh. Kan., M, inrroil,, MtMlCHl, <>r(.l n. Hull l.ulir Ollr, V„ m v.. IllJi, N. V., ip-iO, DDloth At the Lyceum (C. A. Marshall, Hilia'l 'fTUrjsibla^siorj.^'a't the'Stude- RSJJEJ oi'ott"grcaSnt«l hi"/'new, play. fSS * Price, Crr.lal, Deti . Inker: "The Ix>ve noutc." at the aarrick, and MBHS ..thoie" The acenei are laid In and n.iimaii ft Waoie, lioulcyum, Mnlfonl, Mn„.. 8-6, the last week ol "Bedford's Hope." at the .„',„« Dublin Ireland, and the play la ln ifiverly, Willie, Union, t»«m. tlou., »■*. trull lit/eat. Northern. .The usual cnangea In The time, of the 180M. Be Ant* The. Athletic Par. BolT.l. ».«. frtiie absea The time Or tlie Ditty IS lovsv*. ue Anns, mi-, nmmit. »"■■■. *""'■""« "i""*.. . concert! and specialties at the parka and «J" r *Vn e ry and costumes are all new and Beltelalre Bros.. Mrirvlp, Flndlay, 0.. 3-8; Malu waAlilv r.h anM . .,f Kin a a. rh a MraioaHo Hsu- ' J " \9**I&-ETZjSK? .k A .„ i a itiLlmr nnrt HI reel, PeorlS, 111., 10-16. weekly changes of hills at the Majestic, Bay market and Olympic occurred. 'Bp&TON, Sept, 4.—Big holiday crowds were lb evldeoce at all amusement places yester- day... . f . .Houses opening for the season, onfl the attractions, were: Colonial, "The Hhepberd Kink;" Park, "The Lion and the Mouse r , HoIhi, "The Virginian;" Olobe, "Not .Yet, But Soon;" BIJou, John Craig's Htofk Co., in, "The Ilallroad of Love;" Or- iihfuiu. vaudeville... ."Julie Bonbou" opened the Maleatlc last Saturday night Other 68th Street, N. Y. C„ J., 10-16. Brighton Beach, N. Berenice ft Mascot., Denver, Cot., 3-8. Berne's Circus, lu-iiiri, Pblla., 3-8. Bison City Quartette, Star. Muncle, ImL. 3-B; Phillip*, Richmond, 10-13. BID. Bk-ycle. Manuton's Pork, St. Louis, 3-S; Wonderland, Indianapolis, 10-15. Blmoi, Bomm, llr-r-r, East Knd Park, Memphis, Tenn.. 8-8. "Big Show, The," Kccney'e, Bkln:, 3-8. Blessings, The, Moiitmoreuce Park, Quebec, Can,, 8-8. ! ■' ! '.,' '■" v I"' ,'n i!!Spbln M a?IIet l.'olkf," at the Boston, and "The Prltice of done since the house flist opened. uv«aau g , « ' Pllsen," at the Trcmont The vaudeville 8old out ,he first day. and "i""'"'^™™ ™ Bumcnard, Eleanor. Poll's, apringfleld, Ma«., 5-8. end burlesque houses bad strong offerings. i, Mrd t0 get nt any of the pertormances. BIlincll k j JtMCi on-heum, Webb City, Mo., 3-B; WisnmiTiiv SftfiJ- 4 The Washington "The Mad and the Mummy rjept. o. j. Lyric, Gslena, Knn„ 10-13. . SBSSi ^BfSff£ffSS»A KSSM:KK«,;, ihe National twice "Little Jack Horner" had two big houaea nt tho Columbia.. ''When the World Sleeps" rilled tho Academy. "The Girl from Broadway" was well Dillon; liodney ODoonoll. Arthur "frettl Corney Delaney, Daniel Jarretf, McDrlde, Chaa oil. L Wneon. John Dunne I Captain McGuIre 8 William Walter. ;OToole. Oeorm llrennan: Laugherty, Ned neardon: nelly, QuincyC- B»»" "■■ Klleen O'Donnell. Hor- ence Lester: Kate I'ltzgerald, Mildred Bef- •• eHr: Kitty Dunne Wllln Keys: Mrs. O^.lai,- neifbiirB: "Eight Bells," at the Grand Opera n i M o, Gertrude D. Btanley; Nora O Toole, House: "Mistress Nell,'' at the Castle Square, , *,, 'j|,.vlne : musical director, Qua BDlwr. and "The White Cape," at the Bowdoln Mr oicott nas written four new songs, which Square. : Continued billet: "Cape Cod ™ '.Yig" Tncre never was such, business ::!?a*TI,orn7 , "•■"■■< ' " : ■■The Convict's Daughter" 8.,'Checkera' 10, 11 ''Oulncv Adnms Sawyer" 14. lb. our New Mb"ater" 17 SbepaA's pictures 2, and wlU .taw o" every .Sunday for. the aesjon. flic.lved nt the Majestic. ., . Wanliinutou S™™'(WriT. f,on r .ree, S __rlil« houae opened lta doora Ai mnna- ng. 2H. ton gert.—This house ?l»-™" ■'","."" ,, 1 „ , (orn , for.1. Ma.»., a-8: Il.tli.w.y.. Lowell, the Hnd. turned hundreds away at hot l'e"o'm nm ^ J|[rry ft ,, IMWil an a niurk A Jones, Victoria. Black Iluisun. II. ft It., V, C, 10-1S. Dlotulell.. Kd., ft On., Orplienra. Bkln., 1-8. UorileTerry. Col. Uii.n.ii. Keith'.. Iloalon, U.S. BorNtil ft Nevarr.. proctor',, Troy. N. Y;, IO-IB. lliirliiii, ArllMir ft Mllilre.1, Itatbnway'a. New Bed- fonl. Main., UN; Iliitlmvi'.y'H. Lowell, 111 15. Lyceum. The I.'aya headed a great hill aneos. 'lne ""«""'"" "" "„Z, ,|, ow ■■rb, go™ at Oto-.e,. crowding tie house aflernocn and ^^J^^^^ffVTSm^ »"« "l|h,t;. Uimcinxati, Sept. 4.—Four more theatres opened Sunday, and the dedication of the new Olympic called out a crukh..... At tlie orand.Dlgliy Bell Onened In "The Kduiatlon of Mr. Plpp." llie Korcpaugh Stock Co. nnd Herachel Mayall received on cntttutliisllc welcome ln "ITie Heart of Maryland, at Boblnson'a Crowds greeted "I'eggy from Paris" at the Walnut Street The Co- lumjjla had good slzeil crowds. TheJoly (llrl» Iturle«(|tters week of Sept 3. nrjo (Joe Mnltland, moaager) -All seats are taken'.herc. .The companyJwt_weck N nod If 4'II 'II, I lie i j.....j . 15l.lnn Ch,ck_gave a hassrdou, a t -.._, 8-8, WultL-rs ft Crocker, Hoag Lake Park, Woonsocket, It. I., 3-8. Bottomley Troujic. Kipoalllon. Pittsburg. 1 15. Bolicmln.ii Trio. Illjtiu, Jfickson, Mich., 3-8; BIJoo, Kalamss.-», 10-16, •■ Bouili, Ihpe ft Co.. Alhambra, N. Y. C, 3-B. Bradley ft Us vis, Inlet, Gloucester, N. J., 3-81 llubcr's. N. Y. C, 10-15. Leonard. [M ureaauaM n. ■-.--- iyy' M(1 ,, nose and company. Jack 0 fooie, Jan. sic SfU' crowded the Lyceum. .... .Tho Empire »»«««■ writes that JB»«sa.«!SPL«a. Si5i*i.Y.'i^l ife -JE5SPI. tSSSl %&, engaged as leader of or- • , . . i. „- a.-An aant tSpGTi " ¥L rWert^vv^ru. t^M 2%®&SVB l & *•*' mandoualr... .German day fcatlvltles simply became "» c v l .™,?,, l ' B „"'„,"va., ha, been sent Jamtned Chester rark. cbestra at virginia JHS}?' 1 ' blJ ^ | . V a„ under K.Naaa CUT, Sent. 4.-The Orpbeum gWgaS, 'A gffMgltia WtML* opened Ha season Sunday with a packed the^ h ^S of which order, be was a member. „,., ,„,. ..„.. m.tlnee, and wa, sold oul at night, with, a rylilM. "' *» k CD ol mll , r |,| fever wta the n £ K * nnsrtl, 0. o. H„ Plll.borg. line v.i Seville bill... .The Majesllc opened A " Ter V r Begone ani wife were with'. Ponies, Celeron P.rk, Jsmeatoi h:i ^S^r&M"^w b ^ zsuftjsp***—- Brunlns, Leu. Ornheum, Boston, 8-8. Bright Broe., Illp., Hamilton, Kng., lf-23; Gaiety. Birmingham, 24-39, Brooks ft Vedder, Washington Park, Bayonne, N. J„ 8-8; Kcltb'a, Providence, 10-16. Brsati, Selms. Poll'a, Bridgeport. Coop., 3-8; Boll's. Waterbary, 10-15. Broad, Billy, Island Park. Easton, Pa., 3 8; Hip- iKxtrome. Ocean city. N. J.. 10-15. Brown ft Wllniut, O. II., Grand Forks, N. D., 3-8. Brltt4>ns, The. Relelialleo, Coin., Oer., 1-16; Haalbto. Mannheim, 16-80; Empire, Ixnidon, ' Eug., Oct. 1-A1. Jiuwstuwu, N. J., 3-8. p. Richard. Newport. B. L, 8-8; Platta- „., N. V.. 10*6. Hulls, Geo., Bordevard, Medford. Mast., 8-8. navis.ft IVIIaon, Boasmore Garden, Far Itock- " y„ «-i8. id, ft Co., nu'vi'tW W.. K. ft P. Union 8i|., N. Y. C. 8-B. Dnvla, Laura. Athletic Park,-Buffalo, 8-8. Duveoport, Kilns, Umpire, Des Moines. In,, 8-S. n.-icre Louie, Cryatal, Milwaukee, il-N; BIJou, Dubuau«, la., 10-15. Dnlloo' ft Itobeson, Huymarkct, Chicago. 6-8. Du.rtOh Sisters ft Dc Voy, Lvadrllle, Col., 8.8. Dnhornr,, Lea, Family, Ht. I/mis, Q-S; Grand, Jollet. 10-15. Davis, Tom, Trio, Hippodrome, N. Y. C U-16. Darllok's Dogs ft ponies, Sbeedy's, Newport, n. Dsgwell.Aurle, Columbia. Cincinnati, 3■«; Hop- kins', /xiulsvllle. Ky., 10-16. r Daly's Minstrels, ItlverahU.- Park, Montreal, Can.. Daly, Vlnle,. Victoria, N. Y. a. D-8. De acoio ft La Due, Fnlr, Trucininisliiirg, N. Y., :i'8: Fair, Ureene, 10-15. Do Witt, Bums ft Torrance, Wlutergarten, Berlin, G«f„ 3-30. • De Cor. Hurry, Hire's, Kokomo, Ind., S-8; Grand, JnlWl, 111., iO-16. Dtmnmt'H Wild West. Fair, Taunton, Masa., 8-0. Ds Hois, Count ft Bro., Temple, Detroit, 8-8; Cook's, Rochester, N, Y„ 10-15. De Lnris, Chevalier, ft Co., Olympic, Cincinnati, Deane, Sydney, A Co., Auditorium, Lynn, Maaa., De Camo, Ouas., ft dog, Park, Wheeling. W, Va., 3-B. Lattealdo Casino. Akron, 0,, 10-13. Deltons (11), Keith's, Providence, 8-8. De vtrne, Thelma, Lyric, Muskogee, I. T„ 8-6. Detaoas ft Gracetta, Fontaine Ferry Park, Louis- ville, Ky,, 8-8. IV Faye Hlsters, Henderson's, Coney Island, N, i>elluore A Dnrrcll, Klectrlc Park, Newark, N. J„ De Berema, Mile,, Orplieuni, Bkln., S-S. Delaiore. Blstera. Shecd*'", Newiwrt, It. I., S-8. Deltrni, Mile., Illpnodnniie, N. Y. C„ :t-15. De Verne, Thehiiu, Lyric, Muskogee, I- T>, 3-8: , Lyric, Ft. Hmltli, Ark.. 1016, Del-a-phone, MuuiiIou'h Park, St, IaiiI*. 38; Lake Vine Park, Terre llsule, ImL, 10-15. Da Voy ft Miller. Hosart's, Uucasler; Pa., 8-8. De I .aery a. Dancing, Lyric, Ft. Smith, Ark., »-8> Lyric, Ardmoie. I. '.',, 10-16. "-i, W. Va., 3-8. . jonty Island, N. i., it'll roils. Waterlmry, Conn.. 10-13, De Hnd, Orace, Kcbscfor's Oankn, Columbus, (>., 8-8. De Haven, Hose, Beptette, Alhambra. N. Y. C De' Mont Trio, Rnbi-rt, Raat Knd Park. Memphis, Taut., 8-8, Dciir/h, Btta Fyvle, 0. 0, H, Grand naplds, Mlcb., B-S. De, Mils., Fair, Nashua. N, II., S-8. De Mutt.*, The, lleuderaon'a, Coney Island, N. Y-. 3-B. Delmaa, Geo., Crystal Park, St. Joseph* Mo., 3-8. Dierlok*. Bros., Jrffera, Haglnaw, Mlcb., H-B; Larakin, Bay City, 10-15. Dlion Bros., Chutes, Sao Fran., Cal., 8-10. , 14. Prcdo ft Dan, MmjMjkjtL Pnrk, Chicago. 8-8. franksi ft Franks.^ frunria and, Mass., li-8. Fries sisirrs, Lyric? Clavelaml, 8* I-rederleka. Howard, 1 Imslnii, -tl-8. Franket, Fannie. BIJou, Decatur. III., 3 8. Freetiimi ft Walsou, Huston, Foil Hirer, Mass., 3-8; Howard, Bosloo. 10-15. I rencfi, Henri Oolumhln. Clurlnnatl, 8-8. tiler ;. Itow, ft ffiy BIJou,, Minn., J Ftilurlly Winner. (Jrplienni. Bkln.. 3-N, llimlner ft .Mnddi-rn Orplifiiin, Allentown, .Pa., Gardner ft Htoddard. Majestic. Krle, Po., 3-8; Ilatbaway'N, Now Bedford, Mass.. MJ-lfi. Gsrd.ifr. Happy Jack, Keith's, (, 8-S; Moore's. I'nrtlnnil, Me., 10-16, Gsrdner ft Vlnrenf. Orplieuni, Denver, Col., 3-8. Gnssnian, Joae|dilne, K, ft P. 2.1d St., N, Y, C„ Garleila Bros.. Orptieum, Kansas City, Mo., 3-B; "■•"'in, Nah., 10-16. .TenTple, Detroit, 11-8; Cook's. Orpheuqi, Omitbn, Nah., 10-16. naylord, Bonnie, Tenipli-. " ItiK-liester. N, Y„ Ilf.16. Gsgitpiuf, The, K. ft P. Union Ho.. N, Y. 0.. Ml Pmelor's. Albany, N. Y„ .Bin. (lorlnr ft Graff, Berwick Park, Ithsi-u, N. Y., B-B. Gavin ft Piatt. Pastor'a, N. Y. 1% ,.-B. George ft IlarrJltgtiui, Fall. Hberhnsike, Con.. 3-B: Fair, Nnaaaii, N, Y„ 10-15. * Gerald, Musleul, BIJou, Muniuntle, Mleli., .1-H: Ben's, ItKcanaba, 10-16, (lennro ft Bailey, Orpbeum,' Bkhi., 3-H. "Gems, The," K. ft P. Hiilun fh]., N. Y. f]„ 3-8. Onlger ft Walters, Lyonum, Bostoii, 3-ft; West< nilnsler, Provldenea, l(i-ir,, Oehest, Gertrude. Proctor's, Albany, N. Y„ ,'1-B. Germinal, Hlg.. Allininhrs. S. Y. 0., 8-8, Glllen, 'lorn, Knne, Mahuney City, Pa„ 6-8. Gllliniirn ft Carroll, Lyric, Terre Haul*, Ind., 6-8, Olltiseretlh, The, Proctor's, Albany, N. v., 8-S. (Host', Aniruala, Hnyifiarkol, Chlcsgn, 3-B. Gobi. Anna If., Collins', Colunthns, (>., fi-8, Gottloh. Mr. A Mrs., Lrrln Park, Ft. Smith, Ark., fl-8; Lyric Park, Anbnore, I, T„ 10-15. Guide. Anna II., Collins' Garden, Columbus, »., 3-B, (infiirih A Doyle, Palace, Boston, il-8; Murray Hill. N. Y. C„ 10-15. ' Gould A Hurntt, Music Hall, llrlglittm tteaeli, N, Gordon, Cliff, Proctor's. Alhatiy. N. Y„ 3-8. Giinloii. Dim A Mae, Meyers Luke, Cantou. 0>. 3' 8: park. Wheeling, W.Va., lo-DV Golden A lltigltea, Cflutrnl Park, Allentown. Pa., 3-8; Hprllig Lake Park, Trenton. N. J„ 10-15. Gnlillii IIiihsIiiii Troiipe. t,'lik*ago, -*j-8. Gourley, Keensn ft Gourley, Rtiudra, Plttsflvld, Mass,, 3 8. Greene ft Werner, Olympic. Cincinnati. 3-8. Green llro'i,, Mnutilon's Mrk, Ht. fxiuts, 3-81 Cook's Park, Mvantvllle, ImL, 10-18. Gregory I'antnnilmc I'ti,. DmilisK's, No. Beach, N. Y, C„ 8-B; lumari/s, Coney Is land. 10-16. Gregsons, The. IIIJiiu.Duluth, Minn., 8-8. Grant, Sidney, Celeron Psrk, Jamestown, N. Y., 8-8. JIarrls. _ Hayes A Johnson, Keith's, Cleveland, 3-8, Harrises (4), JUyrlc, Cleveland. :,-c Hart, Bessie, /Crystal, Detroit, 3-8. Harris, Beauregattl, A'Co,; Temple. Buffalo, 3-8. Hayes ft Johnson, Keith's, Cleveland " Harrises (4), JUyrlc, Cleveland, 3-8. Hart, Bessie, -Crystal, Detroit, 8-8. Hart ft Deuetle, Chestnut Hill, Phlla., 3-8; I* land Park, Knatoo, Pa.. 10-16, Hawthorne A Burt. Shea's, Buffalo, 8-8. Haydn. Fred, Crystal. Toledo, 3-8; Crystal, Klk< Imrr. ImL, 10-13. Haloes, Lula, Wonderland, llevere Ilencb, N- Y.. 3-15. Hsrreys (4), Keith's, Phlla., 8-8.