The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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•-*jnBW"t YORK CITV. Ktl(b <fc l*rl»c t or'* ft I ill on Square ■'.<Br-K;- Itoftflre.' resident manager). ^Srt*W' 1 iw 1 *t-i*.^if*o ,u »-* i eH botn r pe*- mrmBDCfaitfllMH- Day.'stiil Houdlnl, th* tioild- HA fclflttl-WHs-tnei principal; attraction; Mr. lToudlt>! Vwork-tiewJ"' no 'cotnment.-for It la Mo well and favorably JcnowH Ad -Act new tJj' this elty-rWae "The Gems,'* n clever,mu- ateal'««,■*■ Whlcb.'has.'lotB.. of life And'plenaing features laMtv '•■ Gertfliblvlt succeeded with the holiday audiences. i;iie Empire Comedy Four.'Oust returned from a long- European WOf)*<r*M T V*1 received; and .kept everyone Inirood-hOmori May Kdouln and Fred Ed* wArdi'pleased la tbefr net-; Geo. W. Day had fi'"bndgt-'t-ef : hurrtor to present and met with hliV(«B l toina."ry<'success; Lily •yevllle made a most ■'excellent InipresBlou,- and won several encores.- Others were; Pongo arid' Leo. Bet- ttpR Hnice and,'company, the Baileys, Cherry and Bates, J Mc. and >.rs. O'Brien, and the GRgitottt^ ThQ.klhetogrnph offered a Bum- her 0* Yotf pleasing picture*. BfSi?^fc«- P *°. ct<l * , » Fifty-»!■ • ■llmne jfiggg Jggjgg : jfijto?PEB.. 769 «. K *l n S.^* W WHI Twenty-tifird, Themtre.— William Itoi-k au.l com- punj- of Eight Lotus lllrl«, appeared ber» Sept. .,1,- nad .promoted ••Thebn." a bit reflr.tba reMna, a delirnto blue-tini ..A nlS •»»«■>«»»■ orrerina. ,wltb its own.. apecJel carpet^ of a brleo" S. a f d ThlSlS"."SI SS" .equipment «nd lla .overal orljlrul boxes have,befc removed SLSB1 B „!*S hi Ben M. Jrrorae. Kdwnrda Duvla nod lila :S^ n ", f '' ly ." w "• "' »«">ej »°<l lit tin." ?.h,„"""? r ; lw '' , 1"'" lf ' 1 i>»^k ottbj riot '™?n» a ? ,l "",, bl11 .Introduced Chfl, rinltli and llio 'faro JoIuikoiih, clover colored •ntntatenj; ritzec-rald and oildiv.pS, fiWXLKH eonverantlonailsts: Mite.Saffit VnJffif .if""" '",'" of . equilibrium; Dnvo .\qwlln, who caused continuous laughter wllb his.many voice.; Jobn C. Illce inefsali, i"o ben„Jn their familiar thnnal, iSLSKl"™ and. repented tbo aucctasi of several weeks ago matlw at a down town bouse. Others were: Shenn nnd Warren, n big ItUtbJH number; Orth nnd Korn, one of the be m net a of its kind on the itllfl; the. Kenr itlnnns, joflepnme Cnfisraan ami,her pickaninnies, the Uooaey Mb, Mullen and- Coma, nnd bnce.Lhlldera. The motion plctarcs con- tinue. ., iJOSE fWKJ**^taa!*B*li«8 Ti«»tre (Shubert * Plel^j toanflger^.—The reopon- UpJn'ihelr^fu'nririar tho'ugh "nuBhtar'Dro- l £? of lhls ' l Deatre on Tfinrsdoy night. Aug. Loyec;": 'The -Cflcket*," pkekett^ftetttrt. (Jft)nes K. Hftckett, HSW \^^rfr i Sortna . ^mour, sopinno, innger).V'.T he "»lc. Stmtiger," d th«e nSnlh .lP&a£'&!2h l ? advantnge.; Chan, ttrarcV by-Michael- Morton, wblcb. wfia SS" riin rk il ^ 1Uc f» pIeised ln a rauslcnl lit, Aug..S7. wan originally "u at the, Grand Theatre, and, later at the The- mBBHj attU-.- given Us^ilrat .American -pfoductlon ,at this Eofln. Monday, of■'-"- fitted Oct." ;0,,;1C m;M«?« 1rP*i. , atre' 'Hpytfl. CaoterVury, where |t enjoyed ftich' , t.hat Meanrfl. Cnrzon & Hocjt- ett wcro'fbtliKed-to bring tt to this country. Of the'Siipj)6ftlng;compnny, which la : made 'tip of ErigifBhployerB.rtwo were In the orlg- infll' production,■'offd mmt of them are new- (omerci to-the United States, The story tello of the efforts ot Cap't. i Dlok Allenby- to In- duce b Iff wife to abandon her affiliation with ef seer (ailed the "Soul I lantern," the leader of which Is a scallywag named I'aul Vronnky. Mrs. Dick's tlint! [s ko taken up with the nect'-thpt sho' hns neglerled her borne, her ruialinod npd her baby. The action of the play I* supposed to traritiplre la term than three noitrs oii'tbe. afterhooil of a December 24, the ■jtceb'eV oceorrlng at 3, 4 and II o'clock. 4|ec. Howard, a' friend of Dick, who ban nijidp confdnerjable rabney tbrougli exposing the tricks hidolged fn by aplritnollstn, cornea to the rescue and bring* Tom Peunyman, bin Dsalatnnt, who" ImnewonatcsDick's baby nbd sneceedj In 'upsetting rbe entire hduttebold, breaking up the r'ftou!, hnatere:' meeting, which T«. In •prOKre.'js In the parlor. "Mrs. Dirk. Ik mode'to believe that her husband, In a fit of potrow at her neglect, haR committed tjirlclde, and" his RoullinM entered the bnny. The return of her husband 1 , bilnglhg the-real baby, ber decision to'dhnniton soul hunting for the less ■ephemeral occupation of making her ..home -happy.- urni the dlscqmflturb of Vronaky at Wb* trickery-, being exposed, bring the^play to h happy climax. Master Kdwanl (.arrntt, around whom the .-work baa evi- dently-been, written, la a diminutive piece of iiUai[inliy,i niK] his work as Tom ivnnvmiin stamps'blm (in a comedian of more than aver* ukoi nhlttiy. It-: ls.ntated.that he h only thirty-AAVeti Inches • In belihti and' he cer- tainly looks-no i nil i*i-. When he Is, masnua'r- a^lng as the one year' old bnby he doeH.tbe mo« ublooked'for^ things, .Ritcu as drinking whlskey> atfd; smoking cigarettes, but In nplt« of.', these dlfliltiislontng actions. he, imperson- aiei o liiibv in a remarkably clever'mariner, bis yoiltuEuPfacc and. actions aiding In the iiliisUiu. In 1 , ii. certainly one of the.iriost talent- ed-o/ithe blidcct-^dmedlaim-thBt have nmic m tiVatf shows {tfim abroad. OeotRC.E. -Betlamy KWe:a ratheri'uheven^por^urmabi'e of 'Paul Vrouf3ky.--btit' ttir-jftiiilt pn>ti;il>lv lien wlth.tlm nart.ntfd.ndt;wltli^.he".nctbr,'s(or at.-tlmes^Hc whs Strong : ii ml wmi w n^n!i imi for ItK'work. May Biajiiev.-vvbo.has-becnBceii i!i itiiH coun- trv before.vdid'wait v In^iiie;exogKerflted' role of-the Nurse,-'The ollier» did well. The 'cut iDifDUtvOflaeral: Allenby, Orlando Daly; 1 Cap- tatn Pick AllenUy. Athol Stewart; Sir George I'escock, A. 0: Poultuu ; Alec Howard. Eric Blind ; Tojju I*enoyn*an, Master Edward Gar- rnt t; Punl Vronaky, George R Beihiuiy | Kames.'.CbarlaB Goold: Mrs. Allenby, Kate ujihorne; Mrs. Dick Allenby, Hilda Dick; Lady Peacock, Helen- Robertson-; Kfllc Pea- co>k. May Blayney: Nurse, Dora Hole; ■'. Tbo buHlneaa Btaff o( the theatre la: Hi:B. w t .i- net.'general managsr;' Jos. li. Dillon, press reprewntBttve; Edward V. Uorinley, treas- urer ; iEdward- Kochkellar,. nssldtarit treas- uter; .ll^nrv Burokf rauslcul dlteetor !• Julln9 (ielher, , F ,Bisgo .'-rarpenter.; Thomas Browne, chief elccttfcian ; L. M. Martcil, properties. The aecottd-week of "The little Stranger" begad. Sept.-it. , ... ■ i: m a musical Dan Sherman. Mabel De Forest and SnCKlA thP ! r 'InughlnR bit. "ShliWrcrkeJ *Pr!!!Lgg < ^f^^* d . ffiffr fwmnijy bit' a ha et of Geisha" R& , .i££ b £ In *'t hnt lc "arke<! the return to S'J^Wv."?.*' m V a ^ T nnd P'ojeij »f popu- lar Lew Melds. Mr. Fields' new tome will now rqhk naone of Broadway's prettiest the Mtes, in Its new drew arid npjwlntmcnts. Tnier;sombre color scheme of the celling bouse wn.8 fllU„ that thoroughly the hill. -Im ' at. this bonse, The/oi..., , , noil walls Is no,w benutltled In rich red and gold, which, colors blend harmoniously, arid tne general tenUrncy lo garlshness In our city theatres Is not obaervnble. The rehnlnlltt- rougniy enjoyed every number "an i,, 0Q ° r H2 ,liea , tr ?' ln tn? wa * of upbolHter- ■Two shows a day wllfbe the policy Sfi SSBff SRlS - ^! u f!! bc *' n B° ne,nl - Wise. „ j«Miyr The vehicle'selected for Mr. Fields' renpiK'nr- he .motion pictures closed""the"s*boiv." The l % en.ln every part by. an audience anre bad been prepared by people, well und favorably known In the miislcnl comedy tieid. The tltl« Is. -About Town." It Is in two nets, nnrt was first produced nt the Opera House, Provtdeoce, R. h, night of Aug. M. The book and lyrics are by Joseph Herbert: music by Melville Ellis nod Raymond Hnbbell, nnd vandevliirsta^lTasleen^TnVrftlert hv m7 *« produced-under the direction of JnMan ^"f ' n,tt L? nfl -H 1 ,* c J?"v ? oUn i F°l5\ " WE2B2&&&B&M ^^5a&»s. , Kssrsa,s. Wtem&MtiflGti Savor i rheaire (Frank McKee, mnna- "v ' m ~?W* ''orlies has made his, bow as a playwright, In "The Chorus Lady." and al- though he wears bis honors modestly, be has every reason to feel proud, for be has given J p ■ i ^ ul P |a J eu '«r, some time on , Girirr.c'k TtseafrA "(CnaTi\Tro^inaW,'mair anr>.—Tb« season was ushered in at this theatre (once uwr« under Mr.. Krobttaan's xaaugeiaetit) Wedneeday evening.'Auif. 30, wb«m AVitiirin. II. Crane appearc4^in tbo first American performance ,<of "The -. Price of Money,- a four-act piny;, by-Alfred Sutro. It was originally produced under! tho title of "The Perfect Lover," at. the Im- notint Theatre. London, Ens.,.Oct. 14, iJiOS. the rout uf riches, poorly luindlod and ap- preciated, in told. In a.pathetic story.-Joseph and Mark. Tremhlott, bmthprs, bare been married some years, hut rarely cee one an- other. Mark la rich. nnd. a speculator hi shady trnua&ctlans. while "Joe. Is, n.poor scribe. Lord Walter Cnrdew had loved Lil- ian, Murk's wife. Man' the latter met> her, but ber father virtually sold bcr to. Mark, who has treated her brutally. Walter has been forbidden Mark's house, but when Car- dew aunuunccs his Intention* uf moving to Canada .with his sunt. Mlns Lesson (LllVnn'H godmother}, .Mark kIkiiIAcr his desire to buy the Cardew property, but Walter will not sell. Then Murk, knuwlug that the love of Lilian and Walter hns never died,, demands that she request Walter to sell, hut hii" re- fuses to demean herself, Mark, kaows-thoro. Is a fortune In conl on the property, but nc- one else docs. He then goes, to Joe to get him to pcrsnnde. Lilian, sud Jchi .allows hlrn the door, but learns that Martha, bin own .wife, wishes him to coerce Lilian. Mnrk Ins offered Joe *:,'>.o<)<>, and tbls will ease them, and enable,them to send,their daugh- ter. May, tn college. Much .agalnsl his win, .joe coasautn, .Lilian, trusting In Joe, as ha hits always been her friend, Is shocked when she, (hu)s be requests ber to. go, though nlie seen be has no benrt In the affair. Mark has Just submitted her lo grent ludtrfnliles, nnd she reaoKca to go, arid writes Walter, she .w.ll cull. John Coins, h WSslSSGNi ViieaVfrc (Cfiarleg tlurubara, ootins manngpr);--The regular te'Asou of iooti-07 openediaufplclousiy for this popular theatre on Saturday night. Bept. l, when Cbas. Ftohnmn presented, for the tirst t'me in - this cltv, a melodromo, by Ilenrv 1>. Cottrelt and Oliver Morouro, entitled "The .lodge and the.' Jury." Tha.ptere. Is In four ncLn, nud all of its Interest'centres about the Pfe nnd condition* oC people in New Mexico, about IHWb, and was first produced at Moroacu'a Theatre, Los Augeles, Cal., Nov. 1-. ivi p.". Mr. Krohmun has produced it baud- "ouinly und realistically, and the staging of It by Oliver Morusco left nutblug to-he de- sln-d, Hceulcally It wah vnry Iteauilful, several: scenic gems by Ernent. tiros being c<msplcuouH. Drnmutlc situations abound throughout its presentation, and . tho big mob scene, at Its conclusion, with over quo luiudreii i people, was . finely .handled, and urtuiHcd great enthusiasm. There are Washes of passion In the work which , concern tho hive ot a ruugh Westerner fur u girl who hns been raised In a burder settlement, nnd who has drawn IM Inspiration of personal freedom and plctnrewuc nelf-govcrnuient from the simple, seml'saviige surtoundtnKs in whlcu hhe hns been renrcil. This, girl, Muqulta. wM plnyed i.v Ida Conquest, who hns woo Metric I'Liilhm rsivr.r In ninny Biles ,iuilro|y nt vnrl- nnre with her present tWv. who did capitally well, heratrmigvst sceuont tho end ot act litres valuing prolonged nmilnuiji, uud npproelntlo'i. The part,of Miles t'Ullcoie. the young. Winer, who Ih in love wllb Mnqultu, was admirably !*m "Chow, C._ Malber, Kjyfnfor. the llrat time In New Yor|< woa most capable oroODltatlon. Sucli talented plaj- V.. ""■•"'"'''••Willnm H.,pper, Kllta I'rmtor 'neat ? ' ^" r « nt e-<i">»smlth, Louise- Allen Col- -Vllss SijUiJ iIipu making .ber local debut ... Kail Ev«t,'M«,i, on Au» ■■"" ft l« down: i!* 1 ™"' at "' '? i h "?"' '» J"»U™ m»« >« added right human ill the way It treat, nf ih» c™ S»JJPMfttiB Drawer nnd Jack Nor- dltlon, Sr lift. wblch It SS ouE to «E S?,'." 1 ' tv l° «''■">■>»"' Sf" 1 ' tr » m "• «"<'«- centnil enanfur, JStim rSlctoii °aS hi. l"?l KUn '„ Km 5.?* " nd tJ ° l, < " l1 "' <"»■" "»"r DaSleclibParlf,". tbe latter belDa a nem of - aeenlcnrr. 01 Mr. 1'lelde'. new Yebfele, 5 About from the pltralls that nlwflva vnwn for tbe unwary and the Innocent. I'atflcln ' blgJi nilnded ^nd wlfacriflclng,' wltb a nover- „ ,-.,,.,. furierlng determination lo bent temptation ar'nlc ir" Of Mr ftaidVnw V.bfi.i; nwav from her.and ,. M ve her loved one, K^'t'bSiT innuT&S&rfjBL but^there , Is (he^framc_.or groundwork of lowel "of the'first ^water, - " ,,.-. „ — „.„. ,„■,„, .and the audience barely meets her before It has folded.tbe ilt- tle-lndyito Its heart... In the drawing of this diameter., und in the .■sketching of Hfvenl other. •, types,'. .Mr. , Forbes., displays - great cleverness,-; and his comedy. Is Invariably good., The; - first „ two japtf are ,bright nrffl ., en»erta1nlTig, , the :tbinl Is. Berlous nnd quit* powerful, ...with Its big scepe cf ratttdas self-sacrifice, and the. Innt la: short' and. terse,, wlrh Its, explanations wisely - held-dowu to. very few speeches. -It nppcnrs, that "the, elioi;gs lady" -fs^pairlcia (I'Hrien, rftio returns home.ofter, a brief nad thrilling tope w.lth the>burlesque orgnnlzQ- poHsihlliiy which..will surely be whipped Into a success, whon. the au>thorn avail tbedi- eelves of the onjwrtunities wblch arc evident. Mr.--Fields', .role: of Bhron-<lllitx; Is possible of unlimited-fun, wHIeh, as now enacted, fails to glvn^hlsidellirhtful comedian the fit'll Roopo.of bis ability, Thla. Id a great measure, also MNM -Of, Mr. Klelds. splendid, coafpany, the members of whicii.wo.may generall/e ln.,«ayjrtK.that all made the,most of the author's liner*; aud vo- cally, w«re.,alli.that.could Iw remilred,, Kdria Wallace .Hopper iMI* vivaciously charming "Kannle Frivol. 'The houwwris crowded to - doors,--though the. olsbt vwau very ap- * friends tb pflrtnet -in ,bls • rVli/g.lmSlhess, and this SSSS« war atSnlS ■ liiiSt , ? HndS?B2: partner Dick CraWd,; gets in tl,e kihhI fiSp 5 ; Bertie Har?y fi«i ?r jrraces of Nora, and causes the. girl to give Jnck Doivi^.TAck Norworth • MnrnutJ ne nVn' film a note torjaoo nnd fnrgftbe slgoa- SCStSKBtTB tire. of P. O'Brien, the fathers Dfl ,ae. herti Jr.; \iicomte Martina, Vernon "-astir•; N fi! , f , 'r^ w ?" fl Pi W0 !. rjed *KH£**ff V 0 , 1 !* -Tulius, .Little Majpr; Uckey, Walter, Mr ylsltB Crawford in bis apartment, at night, u Hummers; Wntebiann, Mr nil); policeman, Mr. Dolllver; Mr.< B, OGrnf ( Mr. Iteinhnrd: Jennie, a horse, Joseph Scb,-nde nud Mr. Dill; Gertrude Gibson, ^Louise - Dresser: Millie Bounder. :CoraU». Blytbe;' J.ottlo-lilniflj"ice, Louise Allen Collin': Mrs. Frivol, EMta I'roc* but.. lo . followed by "fjit,".,, who,; fl|Bcovers btr ln : the room where Crawfon tu,H hurriedly placed her. Then Dan' nrid Mrs. O'Brien call upon Crawford;, Don de- m.'imltl hi know who Cr'Awfdid.bns bla(l4li In ihe.other room, aud "1W L n -ffi*K &. I WS5 l « 5^-K|S JTrif^^p^aTSS iiop- Nora.Htehs Into view. Dan nnd Mrs. P'prtan pen, Carrie,-, Topsy Hlcjrrisi: Sndle. QwtraK immcdlatsly: Jump to (he conclusion .hat iloyer; Marianne, Kdlth Ktbel-MnclVrlde "Cat'!, Is, acultry. .Jjiit Inter on Dan leuna tbe Maude Marion Whitney ; Roso, Ray fflfaort ai£*i™ "W\ S. stored to his arms. MsdoBne, Jaiit> Murray: Tes Maid, Lillian MiHs.Slnhl phyet. the role of the worldly- Raymond; Kate'Dumsdlca, May Laatta Josle i.i an lull ti-.iiiii.i'.)<ml rfin '-I'llt" tn rllrt Ufa ■■-!..a. _ I I. it i_ r. ■ .1. ' ■'. iT" •"-•■"»■■■" Wise, but teflJl/rhcarted "Vat" to tUo ; l|fe. ileaubnimils,7Jessie VfiSm&vfM&tiS&M Olloa Theatre-. (H. R. Pre. manafc^).-- sjHt nothing, funnel- ■ could Jiave been Im- Marion Whilhey.; Mrimle Tudor.. Ray DuV ie-Mason was inaugurated hei'e.Baturday —i—i'.- *i.-* i*3« a —i, ,i...„ i,„. ,r,.n,.,,-.- _.r^_. ,_._ bks Thft' ^Vl'MH ... mpihg Sept. 1, when David Wnrtlt'ld opened his; third'season'In, Ne*v York, In "'Hie 8ft- ■fk- Master,",, to 'a capacity 1 house. Ail the beautiful iiuiuor nnd pathos wan enjoyed to Its 1 utmost,' hud Mr, Warfleld's perTolraani'e was na <Hrtndo|aj- ever/ Frances Starr, who succeeded * to*'the role of Helen Staurtton at the vlose ipf'Inst senpob, gave a (post con- sistent rind i Intelligent perfortnrince, and aided the HtnrmnteWnlty In their several scenes. The others -gave delightful perform- ances also. TJic.cnst: Herr Anton Von Bnr- wlg. David >VrinieId;'BlgnorTngllnflco, W. G: Rlcclardl; Mens, Ixmls Plnnr, Louis P. Vernnde; . Herr August Poojis, Leon Kohl- mai': Hedry A.'.Stauton,- Olinrlcs Abbott; An- drew Cruger, William Boag; Beverly Cruger, Ralph Keilerd; Mri Schwarz, Edward Ixjcke: Mr, Ryan, -Tony -Bevitn ; 'Al. Costelto; Louis Hendricks: Joles, ' liorold Mend: Wtapn. Harold Howard: Dannv, Master Richard KeflSleri A. .'Collector. T f homflH I'ettel; Mrs. Andrew, Cruger, lsabelle Woldrnn; nelen ^tnn,ton, lrrauces Starr: Mips Houston, Marje Bntes': Jenny, Antoinette Walker; Charlotte, Jatie.Macklem;OctCVle, Blanche Nnincu. The riiRafei'mpbt Is for four weeks only. .JVfvr Yurk 'I'hvnire (Klaw & Erlnnger, maxiflgflrs)!- : ""The' IWgers• Brothers \ Iq 1»- lahu'v returned td town, opening .with ajmatl- nttb La.bor.Day, abd both-porformnuces drew crowdeaVbouSes; 'l|ue a'tars'.weroMnlilno fettle, nnd* everyone In. good f humor, ..and Marion Stanley.' ob Alice,, rande a decldod hit wlth'the audience. Josle Intropidl, Chfls. Fa, McCarthy and '.tho, others, wire alt-:up: to the\tnfltk.'. The erigagement-ls for'two weeks oniy.*iThe"cajit:llelErlc1. Punk.'.'Gus llogeis; -Mtboltta KiJox,-'Mhx.'RoserS; Alice O'grddy, MM'lon ■ Stithlov ; 1 Oernfil FltJgotnld, win-. fttd Wumip: 'AiifisttiHlit O'Hoollhftp. Josle liitroplfll; .Mary. Carey, Bessie De iVole; Dan O'H90lfifcCh>s. E. M.rCartpy.i'Dat Lyueb. *a»ard',0'torthfbf i.Dr. I'lillpot^uvun rrflfflf; fohy.-filirry-Cti'wftn;'Molly O'Giifleoy.. Ethel intionldl ::.Sheilti ^Ithuc, Smile;Green ; ; Pat «me,aV■-■JKtnes'"C&HaiihDI; Norn, Lillian Col- ivBs> Maggie, .Mdrle Earrell, tlaale, - Grace •uWndcll;'-uurty, • Henry' Lenuiaim; The i-feGeolie\ili:flr.l« ;i i : :^ -.r ,. , Geosm^Opcrft nanse (JoUn.II. Springer, gWh'l).-"LlHle Johtiuy , 3«M'JH«ftb 'Why 'HbrryUn-tbe title tole,:opened ;bere , W* r i W/ii-WBJHnfce. to- : a capacity iiotiae, xtiA-.tQ lowed'tillsi .'up with « turh-hwaybouse SP&W-j •Toin-J^wls again, nindo.everyone Mi.ttn"*kb ,111b, dellclously humorous por.rUy- ulpf The-Utiknowni and samJ.ttyan held'.up th forma,fl;TItndthy;J, Mcflte, ' -Bobby- Dun inMflin gtesthlt.-nml wis warmly applauded, n p i>ta clever comedlnnfl^d a good finger. SWIaVrrflciV made many friends In-the well. i.pbwn fcThttiTole. Adejc Itnfter proved andlu % • capIblHtles i as ; Kiorabolle. The cast: Arfthdnyi AiiHtcy, ■ Jack Roftael.;. fling Hohg, ^KHt'W^aW^nern; Timothy D.McGecy San i?wkgvEBRt& : -«apgood Slid USp*. \Vn t E, M*^nN,.tne,tJhkiiown, TomLetvlft: ' "jqy.;; '■WtnT.,. flMitfour; Inspector Perk Us, ^P^aa>PenfoJil: fitevens., KdtvAM Sheehnn : ftulncd In tfiut |f,ne of work than- of the slang.spetlebes. Hhe gave the role a truly' sympathetic rcnd«rlng,. and rosj to emotional /heights. In her .strong spooch de- nouncing .Crawford, at tbe end of the third Morion Whitney; Mamie Tudor, Ray more; Lola MOntez, litlllaii Harris; Annie Bnleyn, Jarte.sMurra'y; t'amille (Jautler, Vloln Hopkins; Mamie Antimlette; Bessie Skeer. Tho seeond mtfi began »ept. a., Academy uf Muale (Glimore ft Tomp> act. ,"Wltred-Lucas, In looks- and. bearing ktos, managers).—"The Half to the Hoornh the mWly 'sort of, a .fellow, was capital na with Guy Bates as Joe Lacy, cam o to iJRP.Mallory, and «.Ice Leigh gave .some de- a rousing raceptlon at the Labor Day mnti- lightful actlftg as Mrs. O'Brien,.a rolo which neo, and lears and laughter mingled freely she made stand-out with grant prominence, us tho pretty.story wan told. Mr. Post was Maude Kndwlton wns excellent aft .^ylvlu Mlmiiflou, a slmw ulil who has a "pull," and Eva DcunUon did crcdlwble work as Nora. Francis,. Bylner-plnyed'Cinwfor.d.ln^a quiet, effective miiunor, nnd GlleH.B)iine did well us Patrick. O'Brien. ... Tt.e-.icnst: Mrs. O'Brien, Alice 'Lclgli: Nora O'Brien, Eva Donnlson ; Shrimp, Francis ; Fny ; - Jukcy,' -Bcrt.LColton ; The Duke, Thrnnas MaguTre; Patrick O'Brien, Giles Shine; Dick Crawford. Francis Byrne Helen Hilton; Rita Nichols, Annie Jves; Lou, Archer,, Margaret Wheeler; Mai De- laney, Carolyn Green; ficorgie Adams Coote, Amv Lee; Sylvia.Simpson; Slaude Khowlton ; Call Boy, Friitiels -fay.; A Laurtdryuian, John Adams; itogern. Thomas I>nwtence. - Fourteenth H***et Tlieslrc J, Wesley Rosettr . «Hb| Sept. h e omrto'l)ul.Vld? v / was weji:received Mf.-Glln.ofe-made Iilk, usual sitcceas, aldglng fBverrtl.sOhgs. : Tho fullcost: ItobeKUAley, Harney I Glftnore: IL.-Morfou Keeley, v|lle- Jfinws:' William- Masterson, nt bis beat, .which is excellent. lErnest Lang- son .was second only ns Dave, and offered n charnclerlsutlon . which stood out In bold relief. All the little comedy touches of a man with the Innate sensu of humor wcru there, llelene Lockayo was refreshing as Kuti'. Ralph Denn, us Iltld; Frank Monro*, hb Kelly, .and Louis MorrcIL, as Wlnthrop, nil pleased. Gertrude Daiton was strikingly pleasing .«» Madge, and In ber humorous Pntrlcja G'Brlen. Rose Stabli-Dau Mallory, Mtaea,.idaterlafly helped In.tho Nuccess of Wilfred Lucas: Milly Hultzer, Amy Lesser; the performance. .Tho others were capable. Inez Blair. Claire, Lane; Evelyn La Rue. The cast;,Morris. Harry Rich: Jnnet, Flor- '-nle Ives; enec Coveutry; Husli.IL H. Ilashldo; Mrs. H. J. IC. Kent. Ada Nevll; Mrs. i Joe Lacy, Janet Beecher; Mrs, Kate Urahdon, Hcleuo Lnckaye; Jpnve Lncy,, Ernest Lamson;.-Uud Young, . Ralph .Dean ; II. .Van Hensssla<:r Kelly,, Fratik'Morttoe i Livingston Wlnthrop, Lotus Morrell; .Rill-Ferguson. C. C. gulnby; Spragne ;-. 'Phillip Ferguson, "Thy OlDonuglf, .Jolib. il).- WJll Orir flren- Artnur Lbng: I'atsy Ihirby ■ \r.wniu '■'■■ llhrk. Patrick-joubw-;. Bcnindlile.l'e.nnlsun, Eva Myrl .Lewis-: Nttl Carey.. Majdr- Lri M; Mrs, .llonry. t.'llrford.\ Isls atayaffd : Hts. ItUi dr l' Daley,: nni^lia.Wsiiop; Mdl.l e.'Mo- Jan. Amelia sflltqn : - Nblilf ■■ Garry, Atinle Gtl ; loghor., Ne X t.vyepk,.:'f|.lVen of tUe Convicts/' ■Vnlrd- Avanue Tht-aiire {Martin J. Dixon, manager).—"Montnno."..a fo.m*, act SB I. by -1ifdtr.y m - Cnrey, was pre- serttcd bete for: the .1 rat-time. In New Vork SSnSfcS n-goodislbd audience. .The au ; Hifir.VwKo. l Is-aFso : pUtislor and manager of IIS fi'oJuetiou. appeared,la the leadt&irinle, is llm Grounm . fofcraatt of Buckhorn n jSl , U8 ..„A -j-"-.v onest Westeriier. Wr players-and icltar- fe 1 "^^"^ ffiffiR were : 3aW.9m. W"Bft J|°# • Melinda IClttft; X-nln Jiappy ; jflortpfetr HAtper, _ for three weeks; viotoriu Theatre (Oscar,Hammerstcln, ui;ttiit«ei-).- 'l'lie last performance for this sqiison on Paradise Roof occurreil Hunday night, Strht; a,.niid an. entire change of bill begnul u'lthfthe tnatluw of. Monday, 3, In the V(ctorla .Xlieatfe. The management. Htrtte tUnt-the*tnedtni,,and also -the- roof .perform- [im:cvfnr,t.Hr:'tfiii[it)i.'r just past.bnvc dhtwn htrwriauqlenc««V.titan any .summer-invibo h Mory-of tho/thestl-e. The Hew.-bill, beflhi- nlug :t,, cbdiilliuM the following high elbis acts: ,l\llfl Great ■ Lafayette.'who jire- Kontt'd ytwo^iiHmhers, "The Medicine: Man" add- 'fTbfl ( v8ntIt;;ahd ttfi ,Uahd,".. both ■ of which:scored'HtroHfcly. The first numhsr're- quired lutitor-t't, pci-iilcnnfl ti den of liohs. In !ts:preSrtltfttIOn,rQltd although dono entirely lu Miilhldlilliiic, was .very effective, in . the epcuilUtniidilicr,:n .spectacular'illusion, eon- s!jtling<of ai.hnlW and stahinry lOtirpsenta- oml, but gels: no price, aud loses bla In- formation. Milan calls, Walter, having pre- viously told his mini that ns Mark has driven her to him, and shamed ber, she sbsll go to Canada wltp.litem, nsa compaplou. Ills sunt rebels at first, hut Is persuaded, even- tunlly; and Llllnn Is lnforsied of the prepo- ratloua. She <n turn retwla, and 'consents, only to meet Joe, who haa had misgivings, and hss come after her. They tell nlm ot tbe new move, and he fallows, their lead, only making n stronger fight before giving ln. Walter 1ms signed tbe hill of sale, but has substituted Joe's name for Mark's, so when Mnrk corner* for the doenmeut, be Is confronted by the fact that Jno will only sell for l^D.oi'io. and. the bar- Jain Is made. Mark exults la.his triumph, or ho will make millions, ftad then learns thsi..I,lllan has gone- nwny. At first be Is enrnged; theu nonchalantly says he will get a divorce nod by bis bard-hoarted, mercenary iiiunner ho. .disgusts Joseph thai tbe Int. Br, not yet baring.signed the transfer, deatroys ll. ami With It, 'l|ls chances of the- fortune almusi tn his grasp. The drauiatlnt has trsntcd n vital,subject, In an unfortunate manner, lb,so. mpch that •respect and.sym- pathy Is .Inst .for nil the characters, ihc opi» pprson.beh'hvlDg consisti'ii tly, .being u drunkeu relative who bofrbws or Attempts to blnck' mull upon the' ft lgbtt>Bt pN>text. He has pveacbed .the doctrine that It: Is'easier, to do wroiig .:han J rlchl, : ( whlch Is autagoplHOe to .'ill- drrtinfilic Ideas. While- Josculi refuses tbe .money, still., be.,ha's sent Ills sister- in-law awAy from . ber vhiiHhnjid to a Inyo ibA'the wilds 'Qf>Cauda, .rflillng; nud-.nbeti- lug-dlVorce-iprncevd^lKSf wbIc.n. B hut ■ for his fflaaU^.might>«eviirbavehccurteM, HisDffi ftie- tirovim .■ ,,r. utiy'oio', other?than 1 the tfl!o parties.concerned,'lo.say whether, or,notthoy Rlinirscpn'rntM' or, live. togethei*.'surely* take tbe Initiative, even though tlie offender he as repellent und brutal an Mark- Mr. Crnne was hnndlonppcd In that the character could not bold the sympathy be had si^uri-d for it lu tbe first net. The pain, sorrow, dcspnlr, worry and anxiety to do rlghtwero strikingly twrtrnyed iq IiIh features, nnd tile sArcnstlc lines with Mark were handled MU delfihtrtdl Bhlll. Many of the witty lines fell to Mr. Crane, whose knowledge of tpe proper bandljug of them luiide thorn shine ,ike gems In n mediocre netting. W. h. Ah- Inj-iinn gave a remarkable jierformnnco of tin' fitjitv, inoucy-grrtHplng Mnrk llbtll (hit fourth act. when be lost control of hlmnolf, nnd failed to convey the proper feelltl((.' 'Wrjl- ter Hitchcock g&vo a manly )mtiorsoi)Ailtj-i of Lord Cardew, and p. Owen Baxter, was dryly amusing ns Collla. Mnrgflrct pafo, looked "stunning |n vtt first guvti, nnd. created ' rt mdsl (atornnte Iniprcs- mon. Sim lind little opportunity to •in miv emotional work. Her grim apprecia- tion of the "Joke" life badMlluycd on ber lu bcr marriage, was thoroughly well'"one. Rbo named the part.cdrnestlv and with dignity, Mabel Bert was thoroughly competent oh Mart|ia. Olive Oliver, as the breezy, good hearted, cant-hating ,Miss lesson, tvas de- Hghtful, nud her conception of the character left nothing to he desired. It was-the on]*/ really bright'character'' In' the play. ' Inex Plumraer was pleasing as nay. Mrs. •'• P» Wast, Florence l*,ilnc.y aud Madelaluc Hives were competeiit hi minor pnrts. The second act WAS yer.v hnmlsouuv Tim past; Jo«e,,h Treraplett,' Wis. If. Crnne: Murk Tremble it, Wr L. Abingdon : Lonl Cnrdow. WnJter HJtch- rock: Jbhir Collls, F. f>wcn Raxtcr; Hnrrls, J II-ntH't- Hunt: Morgnn, Harry Lll!f»rd: Porler, Gabriel Itnvcncllc ; Mllnu Tremble tt, Margorat VnW; Martha Trewblett, Mnbel Bert, Hon, Susan TiCshoii, Olive Oliver ; Mnv, Inex pluftimer; Mrs. Bonham, Mrs. ,T, P. West;'Mrs. Mnrphllf. Florence Kdney: Mm ntlrtcr. Madelnlne Rives, The second week begH-aHent.a; , American Theittrr (I. M. Werd.mnna- for).—'.'The Ninety and Nine" opqQed :o tvo capacity hotises Kcfit, :t Lnhor Day, nnd the■ wits UUboilpllcd. Orerlf cnie. nthlcb iui\ri(')d the oiiginni pertorniuiu'e, wan vefy ubUt'cabic, ,nnd to Jimcph King, the gen- eral, atngs dlteclqr, la'dpe a lot-of 'credit. The big scene lu act III was .applauded to the echo. True H., James, was a model Tom portrayed by William Dexmond, who was .the original of. (he rule. IT. J. Glnn, as Nnvejah, an , Apncbe Indian; Harry Lewellyn, m a Chllmmnu, uud ISldnev .. as Mitnui'l. also played these rules in the uriglimi ' prcsiiutflllon ot tho, p)ay. Walter llale. In the (hankies* character of Lfster. OrffPnway ; Sam l-'dwardu, as Steve Olds ;Julii|i Tantivi>> ns JIlii llagge ; May Stockton, as LIt OIiIh, und Sndlo Htiinu- ham, as Marthn Olds, nil dUI excjeJleni work. What success ."The Judge and the Jury" nay attain mi Broadway Is, of course, problem- atical, hut It eepnlnly pimped the very litres audience of Sept. i. Cifrialu calls fo;- tne prtuclpftlA were numerous, nnd m tlm, end of act three Mr. Moruaco was called bffora the curtain, when he made, n rmtt speeCh of thanks. Tbe Hory uf "The* Judge ami tho Jury" Is art follows: Mdqultti, about t^hom the alary centres, has been left nti orpnau Uirough the raAssucre of,her parents, while on tbclr way to LSsa Francisco. She qlouu, out of tho, whs saved from death at the huhdl of the Iiiillinis, wb» were al. that tlinc bitter against the wbUes, Iler father, fearing an attack, burled a fabulous turn In gold, ouggels, and Just before bis death KQvvhito the bauds of a friendly chief, who. rcM'iled tbo little ■our, a innp, showing where ihe trenHuro was hidden, When the ^Ulel" passed lo.lbe "happy huntli.g,grounds," his ion, N'avclnh, was left the parchment, add he and. Mnqhlta. gre\v np (ugelhei', iilino*,: ii!* btotiier and- sdntrr. au afreetl'iu | shared only by;one other,,Ml ps.clillc«tu. , The Im- tcr.^n rough, .honest minor. Is steadily wlh- n|ng , the heart., of - MAqnlth. when Lester Grecnwiiy,,natives,.on the scene. Moqultu slid , tlreeuway , nivet,. and he falls In, love witb'tJier.- Hi* does'.not, know of t*hlI«jote's Infutuntlqu for MrtqdUa, sud the roujtli miner'feels bis beart sink wltliliijhba. fle turps, lo(Navejab for^yUipathi'.vaud the in- iliiiii plends Hi'*, white mvff% cause' yi'lt' girl. h,\t,lu;vqln. ^.Tbc Hectitid-net^show celohtfLUbU.of Mnqu)iti,'n. '-' nf , ecb\ttiy„cnin.'N. to 1 - pco'ss .... uihnl.v.bimrlllg'Atidstorlci, ofttln? great■ wblto eitics.lfnseltinic »r..'HcbiigM go, with blm ivway.fioh^tho sliisiinuF vitlnge, nnd-Mfi- •;ullA' telis -him -that ,if .he- rlmlM a pin. Unit he'liiis given her, sU'ltlng tn tbe door of Cbll- eoto's old dcHciicd cabin, he 1 must gu from Dos Bravo* and never hkc her again ; but if the pin Is not there, then he hns wna her, sim goes lo the cabin wheu the merry mak- ■ inpailiy,. uuil Hie In- iihn'si cause with Ihu s'.'l 'lll'l lo't lllOWH tlpl i.clghtodbtb.blrtlidfll. ^sR.lilti'isiiit^nnd^h.n lug Is at Its height, and prcssos the uln In tbo '- but < iJ r . , 1 ' <, uw«y follows to pfegil with dour. Mtinultn Is accused entire town, of Dos Or. HMHU'l te- ■ii b)' Mamiuh ll idlitn who foiigd It Hllvoi'ton, and won applause nil tile way tiimuHli, . imvoiie Whipple, ah Ruth Blake, was; extremely pIcaAlrig, qua metUed.thn ills- tlnrtlon or. being fcauired, \Mi Goldsmith played Hud Bryflon, ..the. half wlticitbdy.'Wltli skill, nnd,proved one of,the best nip.qber» her again. While lliev are alone lii tl^J cfthln, Manuel, a Miexlcan, w|iosn annilty ijruunwuy hns, Incurred, rnMI n.hugivjoi, Against the doi^f, Imprisoning them, MAqultA Is coin- liomhi^l. though they me Hlone but n nto- tue'ht until Nuvnjah removes the uarrlciidc, Muqulta runs limit to the bouse i|rid Orcan- iv ii) Is shot by Manuel. MtiqultA Is uccusud of the sbtHi Ipg, nnd the enure town, of Dos HruvoH tiirbs Agaipst hoc. * volVer (which was stolen sborVn to Miles by the ludlai. .. after the shoollug. Mlleit liumsqUtely/siiH- ui'cts that Maiiiiltn did tbe sbonTlnir. nnd Ilv learn*, that Grcenwny nnd Muiiiitln wem In the cabin together that night, Just prior to the sbdotlug. In his Jealous way he Im- mediately suspects the moral character of Mtp.nltu, and It Is then Hint Maqultt, fear- ing that sliO baa lost the lave of Miles. realises for the first time that It waa htir rnsclnutloq for lite, In the Great White city (hat made bur listen to Grccuway, and aim further rcollxes how much she had always loved Mlbs, now when she feels It Is al- most, too )nle. MaqnRa pleads with Miles,' trying to show bun that she li unjustly suspectod, also Unit' she did not sbuot OfeenwAy. Manuel In the meantime In- cites, the town of T)os Oravos agalnsc GrtM'iiwhy. The women of Ufa town, .ruining of tbe cabin episode, decide lu run both iireeiiwny nnd Mumllln out ot Dos Bravos. In, the fourth act, Greenway, recovnred front his .wound, comes to the front, and convince* them of Maqulta's Innocence and purity. Then "Fawn Eye," an Indian nan, pnrsh- euted by Manuel, points otil the "Greaser" an the would-lrc niiilderer, and MuipiKa la Mcnrcd of blame. The cast hi full: Mlluu Cbllt'ote, Wllilnrn Doamonil; Lester Groen- w«y, Walter Ihile ; Hteve lAai. Bam Kdward** Jim Rfigrfer. .tiitim. Tnnnen: Abe Hlodura, (Jiiv NIcliolK : Nnvenh. II, J. Glnn ; Tuniinlo Tlionip- soti. Louts Hnliu's: "Cotv-Eyed i'nison,',''Del DeLouls: "Hlff Hlgglns/' JuIiih Ferrari "HI Morgan,'* George Horcqurt; Horatio Tweed, Hcbtieti.SniiHianl; MOUton, Gen. Archlbnbl: Lem Cbow, Hurry Lcweltyn; Manuel, Hldtiev <". Mnth'jr. Muinilla.loa t.'onuuest; Liz 01d:i, May Htrtrkton: Mrtttlm Olds, HhOie Ktrlhti- ham; MflHou WItcH«H.v Dcnnlson,-Matgnret Fuller: Ftiwa-Kye, Hftntletln Goodinnn; Cen- tlpednRnl, Hose King. Tlic peeond week el the play begun Sept. ;i, Ills trntestj-'onii lehderiji.'Mlie.; ■ncij.-ln a Very.pretty, stage , -Mr. Lnfnycttc also gnvo chrjiied eoinp'oserfiaiid hand arqiilB aud her ytroups - of , Jenkins on;,-Reil- SffitfeaHii CltUhg, ..'iJntrv . Klttr«d8e:..-T' Bofib>, Bal-ry: Mis. Andrew, KeW Johnny 'woHlii mm* mitDfli tiif m MMIaiMejUCS: .Woraliello-Kljt. Adfle.I)«tMI M«u.-..j|riS 'lljan ; Karl of -.iltlMifatf. luiSlto -4-filieWae. . OoWIe Osiee, ; r|ielj« W' ICT"! week, Andrew Mock, In "Arf«h- -rleiirY )■:. ■ Utut. I" iSIfelfiiS Box,". »tnrt f u lil» "eronil «i"J' «« «eek »f-Belli. .3- Nett week, MBe. Kalicb, in "TlnMKl-elltxr-r,Ronnfrt." ■•■-'-. •_*•*: ■ '^►kTlU)|%*i»»;ite .(/"ak.'.^'i!' m miftiBrl.—JtUijr fe -fjfe. g5Jt.'3.' ! N»«rTee.,"P»i"l'i ...HUM'riD^-Tlit'follopjnif nre, anndaneed-to thtB enty'theatre iufc>*Mw: Mr. nnil ;MM.; Nick -llu-fle. • tile!rjlnuley,.. ToIiy Mick, i Allenxntnlv lleely, l.jdla If all. and W»M an* Kleltls.- -Ilclkavo ,Tli*nlrr.(David Uelllaro, Tinn- ' Ben. " nf rjir. (Mniiiiirtv Tlic mat: Trim. HIIverton, Trile S. Jnqen; Aimer lllnko. II. De K6fre«l; Mnrk llPVel-lllRe, J. I'. UiVbtloy : Illld.llrMon, I,Po (lold«mltll;jllUr1iiu*« lied, MMWiSnEl Milt iKci-ii. Kilrnuliu llul«; [.Ike McLnli", W.i?».• Onike; 'r'rnnk.tlalllle, Eilngno Wood ; Sofn' Qhim. Tiloa HeclftrVIck | Riltli lllrlke, Iieronc Wniplile- iinrtiH iiinka Ilfilorj llfir- coiltt; Kille;„Vin ViW; 1'niillne • KMtrlicr; IWiimia liijiiKlti'fiy, ijjttherthe nmn; Arn- mmitllii .>larklilim, i.lllinii urnk.-i netliotiia Oaa't' Elorinre:'la Croix: Sally r.'hrter, Vloln WIlKonl'Clddy'Tllilin,'Mlllli- Jiimca. Next Matt, -^rurolliia." .Tl.nlln . Thr-ntr.. ( i Wrinda, nianiilfer.,. — "Itlllnl Orf. tlie Turf," 'Willi orot-ftle Mini; In tlie lenillna ntrr,,'drew kood limiK.'K Moudny.,Fiept. :t. Thn play retieati'd IH» allrceNit nehleved rerentlynt nn uptown flip/lire.. ' llnrry llolrnnli contributed clever cllarncter work n« a 'darkey. '1'he rvMMllf aluo Inolllden: Wnller llorton. John Mlll.urn. I'lnrli Doha, . Clink. P. rllfUimtin.. ChnA.j be Forcat,,-.Harry lllnde, Rfflina Heyrinalr,; Hone .Hlieldoi,, .Jiflrv^ Cfcninej-,, C. -,41- .Vlsty Illllcti .--„, . Alllinliriih llttlni. Next week "Tlie Onmhler ofi tho W«T.K, ........ (,'alicrlan Til.mre; (Cnarlea rrohmnn, mnnn^eri— llnttie Williams oiiutieil-her-ilfih week Sejir. 3/ in 'Tlie Little fjinflibr wli ,:,nrK iiohs, liihr. ii. , impmnn.. i;nn»., ui> Fotcat, HnrryiManiell,- Harry lllnde, Slllina Heviliinir,-ltone Hlieldon. Mflrv Cfeniflehi C. Dliincho Illce, Linda, Enrle, Jierllin wAlhv, K.teilo : 8t.. Clair,' Ctrl! Held. Aoden ■ Iteid, Nrtn Held., Aitlea Ht.iOeorac, ■'—- ■ / " 1 Jedile Moniilli, Laura - Hindi in the -NeiY Er- nitt).»"Bintiehe BnU-ri rofnlneneed^ her dftn paalno (Sahii H. k ,I« abubart, mana-, eaaaiitnieothere, »«X «*pt.-3, ln'"Tb« Ulrl-nf'tba-Oolden «r«),—'The Huflaiwllfl" entered id tweu- aSne r F4t«,"' WW."' _ {i'-a*wad'ir«ak<8apt,'a. Mlm-r'a Hlubtb .venae .Thcatra, (Ed. Ih. D. Miner, mnip|{er).--t>p.'riliiy with a .nhiir Dl(> tontliien, tbo liroiidwnv. <Jaiel» Ulrl.v had ' lwi> ciuwded and eiiihii.lnnic bqliata .Hopt..-:i, to, wltnea« "Tb«. tnnd/of rromlne.'. u.lwn Ml. iklt.' ■ Thin wn« tba/nrnt nppejitailea of tlm uriiKillanlliin. thin, teanoii in Manlmttati. nnd the-outlook K >u.j for it, future aueceen, Kvel-Jf .|elal|/baa. been enredfor, and Ihern l.'tniloti lo' pluaan ho '.'I!'., "'i'. 1 •"' f ' . '''I 1 ?. SfflaHi John W.her. I.lillo ..liayininid nud I'red Ilulln madai lilill- vir)iiril,Jilt«,innd,tbo ptlierM. lofatbar witL.tiio cbiltilH, worked .luilefni »«ble. Ulbera In-ibn ;j4t .wore;. Mind .WHartii, i.iille Hter'eni,. D ek Ilriiwn, . Murray Minima. John llfaket ii lid .iiirattlco liillnei.. the olio pr.ia.nlwl: Wllaon anil llaliifs, the ilimbliiE notibrettu: Hlnlon and liruii". In n bnnrh of nnnhabre; Ilrown.nnd llnrlnlelll, In a - ei.meily i tnlilsK .ndialnflpkiard. and.lbe llltr and IJllli, Coraelly four-(.lolm. W.her. Kred Ilulln, Lhbi lllKkor and■ 1.1111k Hfcvena,. Next w»k. Bam IJeverfl'a t,wn .l,'o. • r Atlnnlloniiriln,i(W. Kriitiu-r 5 Bonn, man- ntrta).—Mtirlln and niilkwoy. coinedy.aorb- iintif^iim'liiiiy; the Mgw .Anjerlcan olliii Hiirdj, cdlnedy »Iok nit net: the CB«ttloro>,. comedy eercbitla: ih. Ldckltu, .Inkera/and dnneern. and -new muYinit plctntea nr. tbe at- trnetlona for thla week. ... MnnlirHlnn lliclltrr I Win. A. Ilrndr. rd«iw»,r).—manchf W.ilali, in "The Kreiltier KonatQ," entctinl Iht fourth and lait week HenJ, ». «Nett week, (Jrac. Oeorgc, lat