The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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Septembeb 8i LUMP***—',* ThB Dr M°" ■ Gorge," "The asset Train Robbery," Mundy a trained anl ; 2 show and Hale's Tours are being well ^DmImland.— "Creitlon." "The End of the . world" "Soa Francisco," "The Canal* of Vpnice'.' and the various scenic railways have btm the Mecca for many visitors. BosfocB'a Animal Abena. —Slgnor Mar- ^^rftlla *nd his wild hyenas are the feature. Ihe Mil also includes Galllard's Hods and many other animal acta. Manhattan Beach. — Bice's "The Girl from Paris" continues another week. This will be the final week of the season, at Pain's fireworks pavilion. • Brighton Beach Pabk. — Dally exhibi- tions of high diving are given by Speedy. The programme also Includes a display of Brighton Bhach Music Halt, (W. T, tirover.-minager).—This week's bill includes: Ireoe Bentley. Collins. and Hart, Johnny Johns, Hallen and Fuller, Burton and Barnes the Great Altma, the Kratons, Gould and Sur- ratt, and the klnetograph. Hesdebson'8, Coney Island. —Bill week of 3: Demonlo and Belle, Baker Troupe, De Faye Sisters, the Demuths. Fitzgerald and Traynor, Olive Troupe, Howard Slaters, A Night In English Vaudeville. Ollle Mont- ford. Ed. Estus, and Richards Bros. Steeplechase Park, Coney Island.—Geo. C. Tllyou has established two regular weekly events here—the prize waltz, on Wednesday evenings, and the Cakewalk, on Friday even- ings. The great baby show and parade are to be-held in this park on Sept. 6, if the weather la clear. In the event of rain the baby parade wilt be held on the next dear aiy. There will be prizes for the most beau- tiful babies, iloest babies, fattest babies, smallest babies, most strenuous babies, cutest colored babies, best colored twin babies, most beautiful, decorated carriages, most original t oveltlea on floats, and special premiums for Japanese babies, international babies, and - -'triplets or better." Notes.— W. J. McElenney, who held the position of assistant treasurer of the Orpbeum Theatre for the past two seasons, baa been tppolnted treasurer of this house Hilly n. Van Informs us that bis business at the Maipstlc, last week, was larger than any one week in the past two seasons Keeney's Fulton St. Theatre has been redecorated ar- tistically, and with several other improve- ments' It is now one of the prettiest bouses In this borough David Warfleld, In "The Music Master," will be seen at the Shubert this season. It will be the first appearance of.this powerful drama in Brooklyn Treasurer Edward A. Behman started his sixth season in-the box office of Hyde & Beh- man's, on Labor Day Manager VYenzIik announces the engagement of Herrmann, the Great, and Mabel McKinley for the week of Sept. 17 ■Mr. Hyde is busy with a new play to lake the place of "Buster Brown and Dog Tige at the Dog Show." This piece was r.ot up to expectations. Manager Middle- ton, of the Grand Opera House, has a novel Men In giving away souvenirs. Each Mon- day. wilt give every lady attending the perrovvnaace a piece of china, the complete set of 40 pieces, it seemed to work weft, as a large attendance was on hand the fln>t Monday night .Announcement Is made by Manager Frldley that a number of attrac- tions at his house this season will run two weeks.. i The Alcazar will resume Us orlginnl name, the Columbia, tbls year...... i'p,~il Spooner, who Is now under the manage- ment of Charles E. Blaney, will play a two weeks* engagement Oct 7, at the Majestic. She Is starring In "The Girl Baffles."' THE T&EW YORK GIJPPEE: 771 t? It wl" ta i the tV, " ,nd - wb ° , '» ve '««* SSttt,. ^fig«SHg* jg*.««* t'rlpple C«A" Aug. 10, followed by "Jnit mental gg£'"Sitb' %£ W^J %TS trance. Tnere will lie a balcoof tier with " Covc^o Sl^'" SV 5 *'*•««> .i'S"* ™« White Rais— on and will l» SiiAiH "?"*!» " the aocltly TUB npOtLAR StTXDAY CONCKnn WCI* lll- iuam U(c«ior.— At tbe Power. Grand (J. I>. von. manager) I" ■Ipple Creek" A Struck Town" 15. "Two Merry Trnmpa' „ "The Two Orphans" 20. Imperial Btirlcaoucra 23, "The Cowboy Girl" 25. Bualocaa waa uniformly fair. "King of Trampa" Sept. 1, "Last Lynns" .1, "Thorna and Orange nioa- eoma" 6. "A Thoroughbred Tramp" 6, "No- body'a Claim" 8. . OHEAUI.ANO I'ABK TIICATBB (J. F. OlTtn. mnnsger).—Bill for Aug. 28 and week: Kthol Gllkey, Morrli and Alllaon, Francla Lewi?, Hu-laon Slaters, Lonla Cooper, and ^&%£*j r&ZSL* !S*3>S& , Bt'So'V'silfrtSl. m.n«er) ooen. Sept. .1 A. IfJIfoll's Iber'tv moVln. nT3£L b,!, iS ^ «nd week, with the Langdona, r*our Otura special feature the B^mieL P M.r.f'v^ #?,"• ■l" ,rl ? D J d T ™'- K » nn >' Krainkel. and the ZlobVr MR iovcralof SFSSJ'2!L*2£ P*" *Sf Trl °- ™" P"T*« 'hotre has of the m£ "f old Ireland SSSTaSSSZ SP" " f "Bgl " « re " <*><">«? *<"">* 'he Norn.—George Bash, manager of the Free- port (III.) Amusement Park, and Cecil i"C fl , rIe ?: a vaudeville sloger, were married In this city Aug. 20. „,.., .«„.« won an ova- I™ * The baroness has been engaged as ■ tCSfi featute for oeit Sunday at the same tncntre. Theatres closed are: Broadway, Prln- Sfli, ?« rden ' EMS. Col0DlaI - fi«tofs Fifth Avenue, and Irving Place. KENTUCKY. Ltml>viiie—At Macauleys Theatre (John 3; Mft 1 manHger) At. G. Field's Min- strels will be the opening attraction Sept. 3. Avenue (Charles A. Shaw, manager).— loung Buffalo" was sufficiently thrilling to attract packed houses last week. For week of 2. "Queen of the White Slaves." .Masonic (Charles A. Shaw, manager).— The Ball Boom Boys" Is tbe attraction se- lected to open the house, Bept 3: Bcckinoham (Whallen Bros.', manager*). —Tbe Bohemian Burlesquers was the Initio] attraction at the opening of this house for the season. It enjoyed popular approval In crowded houses InBt week. Roger Imboff, in a sketch, entitled "The Doings of Dr. Louder," made a decided hit. Fay Foster Burlesque Co. 2-8. Fostainb Ferht Park (Wm. Rclcnman, raannKer).—Blmm, Bomm. B-r-r-r were the lieadllners last week, and created deen In- terest. Cameron and Flanagan. In Dutch comedy, entertained acceptably; Robert De- mont Trio, acrobatic comlcB, were well re- ceived ; Delight Iiarch, in songs and dances, was very pleasing, and the Great Barrlnglon, ventriloquist, amused the audience greatly. For week of Sept. 2: Gus Austin, Demosa and Gracetta, John A. West. Gus Edwards' School Boys and Girls, Maud Rockwell, and tbe klnodrome. • Note.— Horace B. Wild, with his olrBblp, "Eagle." made n number of flights from Fon- taine Ferry Park last week, where.he was a special attraction. Bis ship weighs 250 pounds, and he claims it has a carrying cu- ?acity of 400 pounds. The balloon bag :s 0 feet long and made of oiled kI Ik, fllted wltli hydrogen gas. The lattice work upon which he stands Is 40 feet long, and tbe six horse power gasoline ongine with which he propeM the vehicle weighs 30 pounds. He traveled a distance of about 15 miles on each trip, and at nil times bad complete control of tbe airship, having no trouble to land or ascend at will. His daily ascents from the park were witnessed by large crowds. NEW YORK CITY JOTTINGS. A NATIONAL Hl.'BIC snow will be held In Madison Square Garden Sept. 1'J to 27, In- clusive. Everything pertaining to music will be on. exhibition, from pianos to Jews-burps, from tbe latest comic song to the diapason pipes of the newest and largest organ in tbe country. One enterprising piano builder promises to show the entire inner mechanism uf' one of tbe instruments. Collections of old spinets and virginals will also be on ex- hibition. There will be band concerts In the afternoon, orchestral concerts In the evening, and recitals In the concert bail In the morning. *- ' EtunEDGU Mbakin & Co., owing to their In- creased business, have taken a large suite of toonu on the second door of the Knicker- bocker Theatre Building, In addition to the office b they are now occupying on tbe seventh floor. They now control the bookings of forty theatres In New England. Kudolph Abonson has signed with Messrs. Wagenhals 4 Kemper, for a scries of Inter- ratlcnai popular concerts on the tines of the l/>adon ballad and promenade concerts, at the Aator Theatre, beginning Nov. 11 next, when four of Mr. Aronson's artists will make their initial appearances In New York. Wauinhalm & Kbmper announce that the opening of their Astor Theatre will he post- pone*! until Wednesday evening, Sept. 12, on which date It will be inaugurated by Annie Russell, In "A Midsummer. Night's Dream." Lion- Palack, One Hundred and Tenth Street and Broadway, will be reconstructed it a cost approximating $10,000, and with J. K. Doublet and C. A. Holland, lessees, will be run as a theatre. llEiNtticit Knotb will not appear at tbe Metropolitan Opera House this Winter, owing lo the Mlness of bis wife, who will have to icmaln in Germany. . . Oy-ALL thm varied shows which Beck the bbelter of Madison Square Garden, perhaps none is so broad in Its bcop» as Frank Mel- ville's-great Countv Fair. The first one was a great success, and tbe second, Oct. 1-20, promises to Include twice as many features. This will be the real thing, and the Garden will be trannformed into a fair ground, with all Its panoply of varicolored bunting, flow- ers, etc, and the side show fakirs, country constables, rustic lads and lassies, brought In from the farmland. One hundred milk- maids and as many voting fanners will act hh guides. A country paper, edited i;y a leal country journalist, will retnll news, and ihore will always be music. There will be n dog bIiow, with whippet races and exhi- bitions of sheep herding, driving, penning, and a rescue drill by St. Bernards. There will be races of every sort, and even the i-barlot races will be genuine contest* for valuable awards. In the circus proper inere ere tone many sensational acts. Tbe fol- lowing have already been signed: Castellane and Volo, In their double loop-tbe-gnp art; the Dip of Death, the St. Belmos, In their ^ennatlonal performance of leaping through a circle of Iknlves, and Holdln and Wood, who will plunge from tbe rafters to a tank In the arena. One of the blggeBt trained wild nnlmal acts lit the world will be present. 'J here will be a fly Ashing contest, marks- manship competitions, a mountain cllmblug i.ontest, athletic games, and the aquatic sports will include water polo, tub races and fancy swimming. Mr. Melville haB conceived u unique contest, and five hundred mani- curists will work, two simultaneously, on the hinds of the same subject. The finished work and the time occupied will be taken Into consideration in awarding the decisions. Thousand* of dollars are being expended for prices and premiums. An Irish Night will be given, when the entire aspect of the am- phitheatre will be changed. Irish boy* and girls wbo sing and dance bnve been specially <--ncaged:for that evening, and nn attempt win be made to duplicate In New York, as far ns possible, the Action of the famous ttonny hrook fair. Some of the real "ould boo ib to be brought over, together with a large quantity of genuine shamrock. Tbe souvenirs will be black thorn Bblllalehs. and visitors will. be permitted to kiss the "Blarney Ml*. Mis. Jomphinb Schmid wUl rebuild the Queenaboro. -~ At the Grand Theatre (Pedley & Burch managers.—"His Ulgbness, the Bey," opened the house season Aug. 21, to fnlr nndtence. "By Right of Sword" fWnyne Stock Co.) 25. Dora Woodruff Co. Sept 10-1T), Whalen Opera Co., in "The Mi- kado," 17; "Happy Hooligan" 24. CnAUTAuquA Pabk. —The English Black Dyke Band, Aug. 22-25,' drew big crowds. * «» MARYLAND. Uulnry.—At the Empire (W. t* BuBby. manager) tbe season opens with "The Home heeVers." Sept. 2: "Nobody's Claim" 3. Cole HH -J 0111130 * *• "My Wife's Family" 6, 'The Midnight Flyer" 8, "Uncle Josh Spruccby" 0, "On the Bridge at Midnight" 18. • Buou (Patrick & McConnell,, managers).— The season opened Aug. 27, with big busl- '-t 8 ?- Current bill: The Three Gardners, fl ells Bros., Nellie Havelle. Jaa. Cowley, and Orvllle Reese. Haoendeck ClRCps did big business 27. ■ It " — Canton.—At the Grand the season opens Sept. 4, with "The Midnight Flyer." Notes.— Hagenbeck's Bliowed here Aug. 38, to fair crowds Blngllng Bros.* Sept. 17. KANSAS. ALFRED J. CAMMEYER, 6th Ave. and 20th St., New York. THEATRICAL SHOES COLORED SATIN and LEATHER STAGE SANDALS IN ALL BIZES CARRIED IN BTOOK. CAN FIT OUT COMPANIES WITHOUT ANY DELAY. ESTIMATES FURNISHED. tUiUerflcld's circuit of Itljou Theatres cow Includes Battle Creek, Kalamazoo, Jackson, Port Huron nnd Flint, all In Michigan. Topeksu—At the Crawford this season will be devoted to stock at popular prices. The MacDonald Stock Co.'opened Aug. 20, to a full house. tii'.AND OrenA HousR.—The house has been rebuilt nnd enlarged, and now has a seating capacity of about 1,800. I* M. Crawford, .who planned and superintended the Improve- ments, nenrly doubled the first floor space by extending the front of the bouse twenty feet. A mezzanine Uoor noB been added, and tbe boxes and parnuet rebuilt, hew chairs In- stalled and the bouse redecorated,' "At Crip- ple Cree*" was the first attraction, Aug. 20. to a large audience. The formal opening of thp house will be later. Billy KersanU's Min- strels ao, Jane Corcoran Bept 3, ~ . Novbltv (A, II. Hagen, manager).—The season opened Aug, 2ii, with Warren and Hibbard; Billy Hloea and'Wetrel Spencer on the bill. r ■ ViNtfwooD Park'IF.Y. Kelly, manager). —Clrlclllo's boys' band ended Its week's en- gagement and closed the season here with concerts 20. Notes.— State Exposition Co. races, at To- peka fair grounds, 10-15 (R. T. Kreipe, sec- retary) Rlnglln'gs' Circus Sept. 20, s WiWiitn—At the Wonderland Park The- atre (J. T. Nuttle, manager) the Wolfe Stock. Co. Is here for. tbe Summer season, doing big business. Note.— An addition Is being built to tbe Crawford Theatre, in which will be instated tbe house's own electric llgUL plant and some new dressing rooms. Tbe house Jp hclng thoroughly renovated from top to bottom, and wilt he opened Sept, it by "At Crlpplv Creek." Under tbe Cents. ♦ ■» NEBRASKA. Heiir Hoi.Tust Is the principal attraction with the Norrii & Howe Concert, In 1Mb can- non ball art. catching n fifteen pound hull Urea from a real cannon, at London, Kng. J as. A, Morrow, formerly manager of priv- ileges and side show with the Slg. Hautrllo's Big Shows, Joined the Selle-1-loto Shows Aug. 7. Thb Dorian Diiuh and Fife ConPH Is situ en route with the Cummins' and Main Wild West. Doc Waddbll wires the following: "The John lloblnsou Circus, yeuterdny, broke Sul- livan, 111., record of lost year. Cave three performances here, itttendunce tweuty-sevan tbourand, four hundred nnd itfry." - * I.arrivkh ami Lku Ji&vo tn'inrd Iltngllng Bras.' Circus for of the seasou to do their act in the concert. They report big suc- cess. RnM rttoM Buff4U> Bill's Wili> Wm —From Vienna wo made n run of ouu hun- dred and Hcventy-flve miles South, to Buda- pest, whero we did elgu* days' good hitslnesH, loljowcd by tliU'ty-tbrco tlayn in tlie gouliish country. We re-entered Austria at Romberg, I'olond. They refused to "Biiraechcn Dnrseh' here, and Browsky, our Vmmk Interpreter, had his troubles with the students. Still tin- students here, |n a semi-civilized country, mo not as bad as at several American col- lege towns 1 might mentlou when It comes to "Hoollgauism." Here the llrst bsHehall gome of the season was Indulged In h<>twi<i>u the fnmouH Devlin Zouaves and a picked nlno from the front, door. Score, 5 lo 4, In favor of the Zouaves. A'second game wns played .July 31, In which the Zouaves were .demited. Aug. 4, ">. wo were nt Krnllan, on the Rus- sian frontier, which wnn mir last Htund In Gsllcla (l'oland). We re-entered Austria at lilala, 0, and met with u cordial reception, WAN USD UL'IOK, A gentucl II. P. S. and P. Comedian. 'Mast ho NEAT, with NEW BTOTF !'iiu goes. Ohnngo at leant a nlglttii to tady «ndi- ence*. Hon/.ern and the llko not allowed to land. (■iiftrnntc^Htiady work untllHiirlng to good tiisn. Wou'd consider refined novelty act. loll all Urn. letter. Pay yoar wires. Mako salary Tlgnt, i'a absolutely sure. Hen lluntluy Koterulncrs, 6 li year. Hunter, Nurili DakotA, uojii Hopt. a, ihtn i'ui-tliiiul, N'Tih HaknU. llntiAia if 1 ihiaw tou, WA.VTEO.—Hluuk Kaoo tttid Irlili OotiiudtnliHl Uanccrd pruferrbd. Piano Player. Limit fio nid exponacs . • Mgr. Med, ^how, III ok man, Ncli. Ht'XT'H SIIjVMU PLATE HIIUW W»!11H for a long bchiioii South [Contortionist wirt other Ground AoU or any Aut that can lis do'-o In tho sir, on tne ground rr stage; Curoet, OUrlonot Uv Sand. Perrorinrm must do 2 Acts. Salary.suru and good traitinontto Holier Ptople. Addreiit Soulhwkk.Maas,, 7; ilrnubr, Coun,, s; New Uuri- ford, lo; Norfolk, il. Prof, I'orruio and J. W. H » wire lowo-t. FOll t*Al>E—New Wttiic Ifolrs Sllkolsliu Her- peiitlue l)\ ecu. $»; Pnso OutUt—Silk lirtiiu, VMvt. L'mik, 'i,'i dlldoii— *l'if buKk Art umnt, $18; .» 0 ilorod UanuoS-ldi-s, $4; lot of Tricks nhcup; piirof Uetni.tJide.Tsiiioa, t«. Knoloso stamp r,.n- Itnr. Mm. Win. Carl. 2*1 Court M , ltochenter, N.Y. • WANTRli, MiiMi:lan AttctidMUlK. Mupf l« nohor ami reliable. String. Ushn, Cornut.U.urloi cc ana Viouu uruferred. ifiliurs. write Hhii.iv ti» conimomio jjfi.a month and Mil round. Hutu nr» and helgid. Write or wire. «KO l\ fiitAU.KV, Ikl j^.-lllrci-. B' l|n»|i"»', M^rrh PI»lnR, N. .1. WANTED, for Ou Alva's College Olrls, a tew mjre Udy MipIcIhihi tor Kami and Orvltoktru. J Olirl iliL't«,'Mel*plione, Hlhin Troiiiinuiu, naili»i c. Trap hrqmtncr, Violin 1'inyur lo Double Hit Drtm In Udnd,-l'lAiioPiiiyor. can always plauu Udy Mu-dcinu. liuvo room Tor 2 good mi 'ivund (:• mu« distH that cuir bing nnd Datico. Uchcaninhi i oiu- lU'ju-'f Mcpt. m. at Mimfonl, unt. Aodrtts Ur. K, Ji. ilo A ' ' l Al.VA . I htX 4IU, McufoHl, Out.. I oil . vi'iboli liundHOiuo Hf i (Kit and Kvomuf LADYv ItrwsL'h. .*:. to fit; Ung Uost, Tu« Uown, Aliklo Ut-chH, ittding ilKUt.^ Dckbii, -m W. HUH Hi., It). Bultiniorc.—The regular season at Ford's (Charles V. Ford, manager) begnn Sept. :t. with a special mstlnce of ''Babeg In Toyland." Lyman II. Howe's pictures drew full houses all week, ending 1. "Little Jack Horner" 10. Maryland (J. L. Kernan, manager).—A first class bill, 3, opening the season, In- cluded : Junie McCree. Treloar and Temoest. Dudley, Chcslyn and Burns, Itossow aildgets, Clifford nod Burke, Elsie Boebm, and Charlie Bossow. AuDiTOBittu (J. L. Kernan, manager).— Florence Bindley will be seen, 3 and week, In "The Girl and the Gambler." "Panhandle Fete" drew well last week. "Painting tbe Town" comes 10. Holliiuy Street (Geo. W. Rife, mana- ger).—"The Way of the ■Transgressor", begins a week's stay 3, following "$10,000 Reward," which did well, closing 1. Next week, "Queen of the Highbinders." _ Blaney's (Charles K. Blaney, manager).— "A Child of the Heglment" Is current, open- ing 3. "On Dangerous Ground" bad good buHincss week ending 1. "The Millionaire De- tective" 10. " ■ Nhw Monumental (Sam M. Dawson, manager).—Frank B. Carr's Colonial Belles filled the house nightly, closing 1.. Washing- ton Society Girls 10. The improvements here are very much admired, a new and Impos- ing front, wltu a bright and roomy lobby opens Into nn enlarged auditorium decorated In light blue, with spacious proscenium boxes, giving an unobstructed view df the 8 "gaiety (W. L. Ballauf. manager).—The Bachelor's Club opens 8. The London Belle* closed a prosperous week 1. Next, the World Beaters. Electric .Park (Scbanburger & Irvln, mflnagers).—A new vaudeville bill will he offered 3 In the German Village. Beginning 8, the Baltimore Home Product Exposition will occupy the park with a long list of at- tractions. . ' ALBAton's (Bobert E. Irwin, manager).— This ho'jso will ooen ns r vaudeville resort lato In this month. Mark A. Lumber being iinsoclutcd with Mr. Irwin In Its direction, and attractions will be booked through the otDce of William Morris. A stock company will be maintained for tbe production of one act plays. OREGON. Portland.—The Baker Theatre (Geo. L. Baker, manager) will open Its Fall season Sunday, Sept. 2, with a season of Btock pro- ductions, bv the Baker Theatre Co. The open- ing attrition will be "Tbe Criili." lti surm (Milton W. Seaman, mansgert will open Its doors for tbe season with "Lights o' 'Frisco," a melodrama, based on the destruc- tion of tho Golden Gate City. Lvric (Keating A Flood, managers).—The Lyric"Sock Co., week of Aug. 27, presenting vtbe Irish Widow" ,_. _ . Gkanp (J. II. Errlckaon. mgmfrZX Hnvder. Lowe. Dave nnd Perrle MarUn, Court- right and Lee tbe Two Pecka, James Burke, iind Grandlscope. _. Star (J- "■ Errlckson. manager).—The Allen Stock Co.. week of Aug. 27, presenting ■•A Great Temptation." . „_. FntTJi's (Thomas Booney. m? n «* er te M *. e N Vernon, Barney Mulally. Marie Dlllsrd, Babv Ituth. La Bolsette. Booney aod For- "ester, Francos Elmer, Jones and Bavelle, Virginia Vernon, Dan Hart. Clara Wagner, Rente Ford, Midget Weblier. the Great IM lluUan Bl™k, Claude Sctley. and Bonnie Bon- "'pANTAGKS (John A. Johnson, manager).— Sadie Hits. Dave Williams and company, liose City Quartette. Willie DsvIs Dereoda ind Green. Jean Wilson, and the Iilograph. "oak" Summer Park <JJ£jg™*H munager) conUnues to be exceedlDgly well patronised. Omaha.— The Burwood (W. J. Burgeaa, despite the drlxsllng rain and u £»&»«% manager) opened its regular season Augf 20 ataoti « the cloth workurs. At.Tosel.en. 7, „, iL °.i.i HtrTS j a...,. «_ .- °.. m wi our cnondoller wagon took uf CONNECTICUT. with tho Woodward Stock Co., In "The Charity Ball." Crowds attended through the week, and at each performance all tbe mem- Iters of last year's company received ova- tions. . The leading - lady. Lor nn Elliott, caught the popular Taney at once, and prom- ises to be very popular. A fine and finished performance waa given, and a very prosper- ous season Is assured, "The Cowboy and the Lady" Sept. 2. ' 'Bijou (H. Walter Van Dyke, manager).— Business is ahead o£ expectations. Tbe stouk will present "The Old Coon Hunter" 2-8: Paul, the mystifier; Grace Braghm, Band and -Byson; lilchard, Grace Courtney, in li- luatrated songs,.nod moving; pictures com- plete the bill. Orphhpm (Martin Beck, general mana- ger).—Tills bouse will open Its rcjrular sea- son -2. Tlio house has been put In llrst class condition during the Summer, and has a bright appearance. The bill Includes: The Kaufman Troupe, Nlta Allen and company, Leroy and Woodford, Three Hoses, Adomlnl and Taylor, Damm Broa., Four American Trumpeters, and the-klnodrome* Kfttio (0. S. Breed,''manager). — David Higglus, In "His Last Dollar, will open a four night engagement 2. "Tbe Cow Punch- er'* 0-8. "The Eye Witness" drew large houses Aug. 2(1-20. "Confessions of a wife" had good audiences 30-Sept 1. - «»» TEXAS. en route in the train, and wns'liadly damnged. We nmdn our last stand In Austria at Iglau, 13, stopped to eat at jielchenbera;, 14, und entered Ger- many nt yjttiui, Saxony, IS. It seemed good to (is to be In a countrv where our lannuago Is. spoken, aftec wrestling with: so many tongues, mostly Slavonic, tor the past turec mbiitha. We began a four days' engugoment at Dresden, 17. and turned uway thoiiHHtidH Et avcry performance. 'Die bIiow has "caught "" big here, and our "' Ft. Worth—At White City (Juke Swarlz, njanagen the Ho I lings worth Twins were tbo featuro In the theatre week of Aug. 27. Tho ontslde attractions rcmnlu the same, and the,patronage continues satisfactory. Standaiip (Frank De Benuo, manager).;— "Ills Highness, the Mayor, was presented under the direction of W, B. Frledlander, week of 27. The big olio Included: May and Miles. Cope-land and Copeland, Minnie War- dell. John E. Green, Klngsley and Klngsley, Alice Hamilton, Cooper Sisters, Texas Ed., W f J. Kelly, LulU Lnwton, Pearl Gllmore, Fay Delmar, Lcttle Cotton, Harry B. Hall, Arthur O. Mav and Lulu Do Mar. Business continued big. Chown I Eugene M. Purklss, manager),— "New York After Dark" was the stock of- fering last week. In the olio: Tho Great Uunkerr. W. E. Stewart, Bessie La Monde, itinii Gale, Edgar Fornn, Tbeima Holmes, May Chester, Hose Elliott, Willis Fessenden, Townsend Irwin and Arthur McAdams. Busi- ness continues satisfactory. Note. —Grecnwoll's Opera House will open tbe regular season Sept. 3, with "The Bnjah of Bong." Dandy Dixie Minstrels fol- low 0, <«» ■ . MICHIGAN. to cqnul that of Italy, earlier In the season. \ qcLi.H-Fi.OTo SuoW Bomrs.—Tbo show Is touring Oklnhomn and India i Territory, nnd. bem the llrst show of the senson In ifome pld,ceH, huslncss la good. Every town mm beett a winner ho fnr, nnd the prugrnnuuo re- ceives more pral«e tbun over, for .sine; .VII- Hum Sells Iiiik taken the directorship of this show other shows have commenced to sit up nod take notice. Thu miiKlcnl progni' us arranged hy Fred Jewell, tho Imnd innsicr, t'ccelves pralso from the newspapcrx Vha I'corleHH Porters, tho Krtdy Fnmlly, thu Mnr- tctl|i, the Dlo Troupe, thu Ty-Bells, mid all the big nets nre ctijoyliig the new country, and all my that this show's Pullman cur wrvlcc nnu equipment surpasses everything they, ever before experienced In clicus mi vol. Col,'Chan. W. H-vlcy, the veteran maiiCKcr, has lli'- hIiow ou nnd off the lot dally with- out, a hitch In the prnc-acdlncH. ana gives credit to tho expert work of Jack Blinwiitc, the. /'Oss hoMtlcr, who bin been ltlenllllnil v,'lth theJMhj mtinngemeiit for over twenty years. NOTBH FIIOM TIII1 T. L. FINM New BID SiidW.—We are in our nlnteentb week, nnd dullness still remains nt the ton notch. Our roster remains the. snuie, and everyone Is wel\ and happy. Tbe "ghost" walks every Tuesday. Kdwln F, Wontworth nil on the sick lint, nod Kpent a week's rest at home, but rejoined the show again at Montlcello, N. V. Mr. Orcatt has had the best of luck In movlne the show, and tin- stock la In n tine, condition. Mr. Finn will enlarge the show next seuson. lloHTBK or Advuhtisin'i Car, No 1. of the Great St'IlK-Ktoto Shows, ConHolidatud: Italph Boot, manager:. II. M Masop, boss bill Foster: Geo. Bioddox. lithographer; W. S. ■hilllpf. banners; Vf. S. Hoover, prn- grnmiucr: A. C Tiirre}!, J. J. McConnelt, li. Hrltes. W. Ford. IL-L. Thomas, C. Tenaby. Dusty Bhodcs, Wm. Marehead and C. ('. ThoiDosou. bill postern: K. Joiie*, porter. Wo have been out over live months this Hen- son,, and have been In eighteen States. We were recently visited at Wichita. Kan. by ('. H. Fredericks, C. It. Coleman and Chas. Webster. *** . IIHilKenori,--At Smith's .(KUwofil f. Smith, nmnng'-r) "A Crown of Thorns," Aug, 27-.U), pMWq to good biiHliicHs, as did "'liie tjuwjii'of Iho'Cffnis," yo, and "Ciirol|tm," :il, Henl, 1. ■ Ilouknd: "Lovcru and l.timi- tliH" Sept. :i, f, Hllly, tlm Kid," 4, .", "In New York Town"-0, "IMtsler's Luat rUt N 7, K. Puli'k (10. B. Mltchrll, manager).—''.'he . Poll Stock Co, closed, on Sept. I, n succchh- rhe mow has cnugnt flll engagement. Jnstlng nil Summer nt-'hlu German tour promises house., ■Vnudevlfm X. until next rtmninor. Tho hill,for week'of .'1 Is: Genu Ungues nnd company. Stein and Kvnns, the Three Whit- man Slaters nnd'Willi.' Uublnson, thu iiiu-ic- Stdte Qunrtoite, Selma Ilrnutx, Lllllau the Air-- Shaw, fht uartolte. than Tw.ltiH ttud thu elect ro»jcupe. MONTANA. Butte. -At the Iloadwuy Theatre U K. HoNlot, manager) "Uncle Josh Perkins" hurl good Inislncss Aug. 2.1. "On ths Bridge nt Midnight" bad n rulr '- Lo MIdiilghi" had n fair house 20. Coining! "A Mud Lovp," "The- Hoyal Chef." GiiANft 41PKUA HutiHK (DlckP. Sutton, itm II- I'gcr).—-Lulu Sutlou und <!o,, In "Fallen by the Wnyxliii'," had rapacity buslueas lust week. Lfttlo Joo Mulcnhy, Male lluwe audi Fred I in rrn n wra loudly applauded. Family (F. Nclsonhi, manager).—Tho Tld- la>Hiix Ten Girl 'Aqwivqh, Margaret Newton and company, tho Threu Tuskonos, tho Tosh- Ing AiiH'tlriH, Margaret Hnrrlugtou, In IIIiih- trnted songs,, and the motion pictures mado a bill haii] to bent, an the box offllce rucelpt* rlmwud, a x » TBjNlVlCHSKIal. 'i KuowilU-—Ai Stuuli's Thpalre (Frll-4 Stauli, .inanagui') tin< [joiIm Goodwiu Stock Co, opened 27, for a week. BuhIiicms wbh goud. Ni-ll MurgcsH HO. MutiHllold Stock C<>. Sept. ,'(..B. AI. G, 'Field 7, "McFliddoii'ii Fluts" 12, ^Violetta" 1^, "Th-i Mummy and (he Maid"M, Floroncn Davis IB, CltlLffoWRK PAIIK TllKATIIH (C. U. Peri|Clll, manager^.—The Ti-ruchf-GypKonc Co. closed Sepi. 1 at this lioura 1 , propitrdtor*' to taking the mad During tlu-ir scvcntcontli ami 'Innl week buslneKs w.ts excellent. "Tim Bun- nwny Girl" Sept. U-8.Georgia MIiihIicIh 1u 10. *■ » UHLAWAItB. NEW JISUSEY. Buttle ( r.cL.—At the Post Theatre i !■:. It. Smith, managcf) "The Cluy Baker," Aug. 23, and "Just Struck Town." 28, were fair- ly attended. 'Thorns and Orange Blos- soms" Sept. 3, Martin's "Uncle Tom s Cabin" 4, "The Sign of the Cross" fl. "Sis Hopkins" 7. "Hooligan In .<ew York" 11, "As Told In tbe Hltio'* 12, "Under Southern Skies" 14. Buou (W. 8, Butterueld, manager).— BuslnesR was excellent. Bill for, week of Aug. 27: Auer and Dconxo, the Musical Beede M. L. lhtrret, Ilustrated songs; Lu- cille Harper, Sanderson and Kowrann, and clinetoscope pictures. Nones.—M. L. Barrett Is local manager of the BIJou tbls season, Millard Hitchcock has licen secured as stage maoager (Mr. Hitch- cock was formerly.stage manager at the Post Theatre), Florence Nelson Is treasurer, and Chas. Darling will be on the door Nellie Ritchie, assistant to W. 8. Butterueld, has Just returned from n tbrre months' pleasure trip abroad, having visited the principal cities of England, Scotland and Ireland Mr. KHsnlirth— At the Lyceum (Klroy * Drake, managers) "Montana" came Aug. 27- 20, 'to fair returns, nnd gave sattsfncllun. 8elma Horman, In "Tho Que^u of Convicts." RO-Mepl. 1. "A Houtbern Vendetta" 3-5, Black Crook Jr. d-H, "A Millionaire's llevongo" 10- 12, "The Power of Money" lil-10, "Bcrdiii, tbe Sewing Machine filrl/ 17-10. Jacooh'. —"Charley's Aunt" Aug. 81. "Ut- ile Johnny Jones" Sept. !, "Human HcartH" H, "The- Lion and the Mouse" 0, Tip. —Manager Wlllfnm Drake, of tlie Ly- ceum Tbcatro, has'iinilotgone a severe Hiirgl- ral operation, and htu been seriously III for two weeks. He Is now convalescent 1 . «■» . AhTinm W. Wii,t,h writes that he Joined tbe Perry & Presaly -Co.. July 30. Ilo Is making i success with his trick piano play- ing nnd cornet solo". Tbey have several vfliidfviil' 1 froturcs with the show—Mr.' Pressiy. In voriiilsm* ; Mr. Perry's dancing and violin spei'tatfy, nod Dewey Ciunphell's singing. Everybody Is well and happy, and business Is good. Wllnilntrtoii. — At the Grand Opera House IJosoph I, Galnor, manager) Gor- inun'H Mlnstrnls bnd small houses Am;, 27, on uecount of tho rain. Corn Karma played a return erigngemont 2S-!)l, to small houses. "A Busy Boy enmc Sept. 1. Booked ■ Por* tor J. .Wlille, In "The Proud Prince," iM»j Howe's moving pltturcH 7, S. I*pr , * rt TA.'mn l H G,tiiiin.'K (W. L. Dockstsifor, manngcfi.—This very popular high clans vaudeville, house opens Sept 3, Labor Day, for tho season. Manager Dnckntadcr baa brightened tbe front and Interior. The open- ing bill iTH-lMderi : Tlie /unclgs, the Maglo Itoat, Frank Milton and Do Long Sister*, lu "The Constable;" Lester mid Acker, In 'Thu Immigrant;" TkfOH,Ardnllahs, Caok aud Miss Hothert, und the Kipetogntpli. Week of Sept, 10: "Tne Sexton's Dream, 1 Barrows-Lancas* ter company. Frank Mayne and company, la "The TIpwtex," unci others. Lvi'nii.H (l>unk-Ulliimphrles, manager).—^ "A Child of the Itcglmnnt" did big business Aug. 27-20. "Queen of tbo Highbinders" drew largo -Iiouhph 30-Sept, 1, Booked , "A Kir* for Life" iJ-lS, "Tbo Gypsy: Girl" 0-8* "eward" 1( 13-15, 'Ton Thousand Ddliarw Reward"" 10-12, *Tho Way of tlie Transgressor" "" »»» Will J. .fTJOQtBM has been engaged by Chun, H. Illnncy to piny the Gorman comedy role In Lottie Williams 1 "My Tom-Boy Glrl r ' C'i>. „^(