The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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W* 774 THE stTEW YOEK CLIPPEB: .September 8. the Fatal The Forbidden IHarriage COMPLETE SCENIC PBODDCTIOHS. 25 PEOPLE 25 _*& inn STOCK CO., Direction of Harris Lumber?, ..WANTED.. PROPERTY MM One that li capable uf pitying ifpfl A Race for Life Fori?" ■*/" Children's Sake 'Nobody's Darling A Boy From small parts. ALSO Must know hit* business, Olafl to Heur from ft-tind Bopfirlotre People at nil times, ADDRF8S HABRIft LUMBBlOp HOT, International Theatre, Niagara Palls, N. Y. Or Carbandale, I'm., this week; wiikeH-Barre, Pa., acit week. Sptclil Future Xcti. WOODFORD BDOGATiD mm, Ponies, DoKsand MsainjB. TWO carload! Of khhi AT LI8«RTY ««p*. a p.. Sober, Reliable, and Competent. Route, tmok or wild cat. Give me thepav*raod I'll aet the business. Oue Lighter preferred. Write or win- ROBKnT HAK, »IG noidsmlth Ave., Onlcngo, III. SKETCHES WRITTEN Td ORDER. PIRHT OLASB WORK AT A REASON- ABLE PRICK. (SEVERAL UOM3DV AlUB ON HAND. ' , UIUH. E, HART, HI 33 Nonll i:it!i St., Philadelphia, Pa. FOR ft tLK~Strcng Dramatic Sketch for Lending Juvenile Man. Pint of Intense power, eoiuilntia) range, modern. No apodal tnoncry required. Ju>t the goods for I star vaudeville act. ALSO Uiever Faroe Uoinedj Sketch for Hiirlesuuo Character Woman. Oilginallr written Tor Ada l>-ave*. Requires jnvenllw aod old man for suiiport or man to double* rt«ni uU)t, f mi of rtcreniulng situations. Those acts are '-FINDS" to the right people. Amw HAL R. SCOTT. care of Western ilurcou CLIPPER, W* Ashland Block, QMgJl K AT lilBBRTV-Affor Sent. 1C. Al. C. Wilson, Heavloa and Oi*n. Bin,, competent 8iuge Director. •M weeks stage.director and-gun. bus. Irene Jea- von s DigSlock Co. Rep. ur one tllBh's. Hcsponst. hie panlea q plj.^_ 101 K . I ^uthe r fit., Carlisle, Pa. KKKTlllWH, TRAVESTIES, BURLEBoUES, etc. written to order. Only host original work fur- ulahod. JOB.KERhHAW.dWIlultdliwoodHt.PMla. WANTED QUICK, For quartern.-. Do Black Faoo' Part. "Home- aeeaera" Oo. Write or St. Joncpli, Ho. M. W. MoOEE. Mannccr. WANTED QUICK, : First Class Piano Player Nun read nnd fsjtot'alsn Ulack '.Face comedian who lias* load voice and can Play uanjo. flood r-MiHi t to (he tight people. Mum Mn on wire. A. HAILKV. Vaudeville Show.'fllklnH, W. Va. 50 Cents for a Book Of lo Sketches,; f> Act* for t Male. 1 Femnle; ft Aria for 'i Maiew. Muiiev order or u cent Main pa. Address'UERNAHP'KMNH.. Flay, 3M Jay hi, Hrooklyil, N..V. -tikniu-Hns and Flays, written o order.' FOR SAI.K, LABGEBABBOON And Unquota for Platform btiow. Also two Large camels. Big iitinu'iiuii-. Add row .1. 11. NASll, :ib:i Westminster Bt, providence, R. I. "WANTEDr Tall Juvenile Man. Tell all find letter.' Co.. never olonec. . . WM. KUALQE.WlniorN comedians, CORA LAWTON MITCHELL WANTS QUICK, Heavy Man, Character Wofiian, Hecoud Business Woman, tieneral Rum. Meu.t'nandlaii and 8ou- litetie. AIho feketoh Team thai nlny responsible 1'Hitn and Man with Picture Machine Outfit. .Mtdross J. WALLAOE CLINTON. Vnndeirrlfi.l'a, WANTBD, TUBA. Doubling nrclioiira or singe. Week stand* v. Join on wlrl». "THE AMERICANS," Marlon, if., ft s: Ooidwater. Mich., m-ift, Kalnimixon 17-tt. ' I'OPU I.AR AMUSEMENTS CO. (Inc.) C'nnion, Ohio. ZiADT CORWETTIST Experienced PlanlaL at liliefly for New York en- K»t;cintJ!iin.. HototM ur Orchcaira; haa ted baud; alao Al flliilo Trombone (Onmlitmani Sight Header. Address ■DUNOANf." WWW of ULll'PER. jf OR 8AXE. rilfi 0EA00H STEEL HAB1BBAPH0RS For 2 or more people with Taylor Tnink, Alto and •tenor Saxanhoiie with Cato-, 'J Bible Cm-nets and Hhi of in Mnalcat RattlfH in Taylor Trunk. Al condition and cheap. Addre a , THKOTOMANEK,. TftM7UiBt,MH\vankeo, Wi n. WANTED, LADY PIANIST; LEADER:'J(LS0<LEADIN6 IAN Who can ael. Ilooxera, tucnnipnteiup. ioihj bodied, pave biiunpH. Wire Manager A HUMAN SLAVE CD., wtiiimir, Mluu.. Sept. H; Wntvrtowii, S. n., Hiipi. w. or Hggmrtt} Minn. _ _____ wanted; pianist, ('mi. ii Mau; who icari Ming' llluRtrated aoDge. Addre^a . '-PKRMANKNT EMIAOKMENT," P. 0. Boa i\i-', Worcester, Masa. WANTED, REP. PEOPLE QUICK. Leading Man, Juvenile Man, Heavy Man and Other Useful People. Tickets Also Props. ED. A. BB4H, Vandergrilt. Pa. .HURRAH. (or the beat book of BLago comedy ever of- fered to iho proration. MADISON'S HimuuT fto. 10 oontfllna km pagea or tne brlghteat and fnnuleat monoioguep, parodle*. aketchea, borleaituox, xtdewalk patttr, etc. The heurtllnor'H aundard guide and new beglnncra 1 euterlng wedgo to suc- i-chh. fl per copy - worth iioo. It_ck tHtuioa out of print-except Uudgen ft, 1, and 8; imv 2, #i ..'.ii, a tor 12; or iiudgctrt :i, i, H, aud 10 for $_.M. JAMEN MA1HHON, 1404 Third Avenue, Now York. m _.•! CKTV, m M1TLIAM0I TRIO Novelty Comic Acrobats and Equl IbrliU, IntroduelDg the only dwarf etiulllbrlRtMn the world, win sign Invandevllioor wlihreripoiiHlhio coiupitny. _? ,l^f ■ g ' , i:ur< ' otapPKR. WANTED AT ONCE, JOIN ON WIRE, PEOPLE ILL LINES. state age, height, weight nnd what experience. MotidpllotOH. UNITKU PKODUOINtt CO., P. B.—Richard weimtcr let ua hear from you at oiice^ • "Meet Us at Jamestown, Jamestown On the Strand." Thi* laloat ard most nopu'nr aong, whloti tclln Its own sweet atorv in muala-vurae. »ud dedicated to iho Jamestown Exposition, 2A oin. copju Mailed free. Speotul raten io cIuIih of to or more. F.A. MURPHY, Publisher. H2 K- Main St., Norfolk, yirglnla. AT lylJBWR'T'V* On« |iloc<> or rep. Kxperleuouri, ca|>,hlo aod lo l><! rolled u|K)li. (Strlcllv HoOer.) AOilrons MAN" All Kit, I'. 0. Ik>» No. a, WjjWtjj, N. J. WANTED QUICK. FOR *<■ mirritrm ll»n>' Tuba and Tronbona, Double Stage; Agent. AililrCHH MANAUKH, •■ ' lm Mar" Co., Rlli.wortl.. KanROH. >manti:d, PIANO PLAYEB, DOUBLE BAND; COBHET, B. and 0. Other mittilclADa, write. Qua COHAN, King of Trmii-H, Eartlngtou, Ky., Sept. k; lloiikliiHvlbe io, llnaaellvillH It. wmm outfit, a lla-t electric attachments, rhenatat. Harlot lenaen; coat ft'fl. Three weekx. flood aa now. Wlllihlp C. 0. i>., prlvilogo of examination. 0. TATI.0B, ta But jig St, Htw Tort. LDTZ AND GROSS, AT LIBEBTY. The Two comic Acrobate, and Their Trick lluuae. Time of Ari m mlnutea. AcldreHa IIKIDOhTON HOTEL. Urtdgcton. N. J. AT LIBERTY. CORNET, B. 0, FRED D«VALL, Initu Ocvan Hotel, Chlca\go. FOR RENT PRICES THE LOWEST HARSH & CO., 138 East 14th Street, NEW YORK, N. Y. TBI.. 3HIX I1HAMKIK V. NEVER CLOSED. Writ*, Wire, Telephone. WANTED, i Strong Slide Trombone, doubling Leon F. Rice, write or wire. Specially people th.t doolile, write, s.lnrv .tire. Bank reference; New Car- nal* lUnlt. I1ISSIVAN -MILLS. Care df fllnnlvan-MIII. Co., Three Itlvern. Vied. At Liberty After Sept. 8. CHAS. I». PRICE, CIIARAOTKHS AND OLD MBS: .1 < inoi ,1x1 t-it> Price, OHARAOT8R8. First ria.s repertoire or one piece. Experienced uud wardrobe. KeHponMblo managem only, ad- drcs. CHAN. I' I RICK. Highland Park Stock Co., York, Pa., until Sept. r; after that, 2070 Lexlng. ton Ay.. New York City. WANTED AT ONCE SOUBRETTE, To do specialties and toko part In aota; week aland, t'ofer one that help on Piano; Sketch Team write, odo to plar Piano. Slate what joj do aud lowest salarr. Addn as WM. FRANKLYN. flrand Island, Neb. Week Sep.;., Qrand laland, Neli.; week Sep. 10, Ktmniev. Neb. At Liberty, GEO. A. BUTLER, LKA1IINO MAN. WWIC. PRICE, COMEDIAN WITH SPECIALTY, Addrew »n W. 4H1.I ST., New York City. WANTED QUICK, FOR " OUT IN IDAHO." Han for Mexican Heavy, flood Comedian with Specloltlen. Ala i want Heavy Woman and Char- acter Man. Wlrequluk. Must Join at once. Must urn. be over 6-10 In height. II. WERH OIIAMIIKRI.A1N. Perth. Otit. WANTED, PIANO PLAYER Must read, fako. tran.noae: man proferred. Join at once. FRANKLYN .V HLON]llNCO.,Courlland l Kioi. WANTED, BARITONE SOLOIST FOR HANI), nraliam nnd soulb, write. Alan tlood Kopurtolre Pooplo. Ilr. a. 1). RCUKBR, Ft. Worth, Tcxe». Lad, Partner for Singing and Dancing Act immediately, state uge, weight, helghr, experi- ence; wardrobe. Time twoked. E. TANNEN, Hmaham IIouhq, PblladeUihla, Pa. AMATKUKS 01 nil klndR, Including Hlngertt, ooaolied, Intro- dnoed. Trial turn., city upnearaucert arranged. Forrf.ktlu. jaw Uroadway, suite soa, n. Y. Vtlktf 1 t I .IHTri •''or opora. Musical W WW&lilBM Companies, Vaude- ville coaohed. Introduced. Trial turn., clty apnearnucea arranged. FOKRK9TKH. Midto W. lax Broadway, N. Y. WANTED, ALL ROUND MSDIOIDE PEOPLE. Addrceu ED. HENDERSON, , 8Utr ford, Monroe Co unty, Ohio. WANTED AT ONCE. VAUDEVILLE PIANIST; Sober, reliable, alght reader, flood wages. Apply or write. PALACE MUS1U HARDEN, • Schoneotady, N.Y. .- t T-NT FOR RENT. . m Tot rest of Siinmier suit, x -*o, waterproof; Seats, Electrlo Fixtures. Troupe of Dogs with Trainer, Can be aecn at Hilliddo Park. Newark, N. J. Addreaa PROF. NKHO MU9, 806 W. WU aU. N. Y. WANTED, MAN WHO HAS MDVIN6 PICTURE OUTFIT, andean operate wtma. Rest reference required, o. A. EPSTEIN. 41fi WtHtiuluster St. Provltlenre, R, 1. L. SCHWARTZ (TRUNK WORKS. EST, 1869 {412 6th Ave., Cor. 25th St., I. T. City. J No. i io.ts» i.i.j.i u. r , .. L I Prof. 2> SO 32 31 .16 as « I Above Trnnt gnnranteed (or io je»», incindint I lock., B I Prof. T.50 8.00 8.S0 0.00 0,90 10,00 10 in I No. a 29 » 32 34 3« :« "„ u - Steel 0.00 O.tVO 6.00 O.lfO f ,00 7.r,0 N no I lad 28 30 . 92 34 9. ... .» j. Write for catalog B. We make over loo different atyle. o( tninka. m TAYLOR THII.VKH. 0. A. T1YLOU TIIIHK WORK), 90 E. Randolpb bt., 0BI0AOO; 191 WTSOth St., NEW IC1U, ~ . Write for Hew Catalogno. NKORES C O Ci HAIR O O., I0» STATE ST., CHICAGO, nil, Fl.tlOIl. THEATBICAL WIGS. Our ■pin: laity U value for your mon«y at one naif the prlea othera aak for the name goods. Perffcct ■atlir«< t ton sraarantaed or your money- book. On reolpt of tl.00 dajMMlt wo will ■emt good* C. O. v., sabjoot to ex ami nation. Remember the Name and the Plaoe. CATALOG KIIKK. NECRB8COU HAIR CO., 182 STATE ST, CHICAGO, 5th FLOOR, '5 i Repertoire People all lines, Musicians, Band and Orchestra, experience, etc., sending programmes and photos. JACK BOSELEIQH, Manager, Nevada, Mo. WESTERN AMUSEMENT CO., KANSAS CITY'S THEATRICAL EXCHANQE. JACK BURNETT, Pr»l. Suit* 327 Schutte Bldg., 1209 Grand Avi. AL. MAKIN80N, Triit, wcHtcru Head(|uartorrt for Dramatic People, visit our oilk-c when In Kannaii city. Have yonr mall adiiressod In our care. Desk room for Hie iraiiHactlm. of tnialnenn. maNaoers, write or wire whan you want people, we Want JUVENILE. LEaDINO MaN, two Ohar, Men, with speclaltum; Ohsr. tJqmedlan, with nprniaI ties j Vernatlle Leading Woman. 2il Hitrilnesn Woman, 0. 6. Woman KIR ■.'Kim uii.ii, ™ini nyivi PKKMANfiNT 8TO0K don't mlerepreaont. o people In all lines for POOR ONE I'IKCK Companle.. Write qnlokl IfII .III A I.. MAKINHOS, raan»«.r. MANAGERS OF ATTRACTIONS, DON'T F0R6ET THAT KAMBERGERS THEATRE, »"«s*,«,«., la Hie only theatre In town, and Isplayliiftto capacity mialneas. Newly renovated. Opera chairs, eleiarlr. lights and new scenery. Population, 4,ooo. with 0,000 to draw from. ICouinly pay roll, $10,000.. On main lino B. and 0. E.K. For time and torms adilrosH • . ' " ' '■ ■ OTTO Q. KAMBBRflERJr., Hgr., Hrnnswlck, Md. OLD FARMER HOPKINS CO. Singing and Dttelng: Boabrette; must he xniall. Cliarattor Woman, with Bpeolalty: Man forWgW CharaeHir comedy; mu.i i.o ahle to do Irish and Jew. All klndsof MusliilmisTor (,'oncert Hand, other People up In Rnhe Show, write. Travel In our special car. Long season Houth, trader canvas. State lowest salary In first letter. No time to dicker. Win advance tlcs-eH to tint- one T know. ■ «%___._.'. , J • D * CHfJlWf, Box 394. Cnrrolltou, Mo. P. 8.—Dorothy Hobs Eournoand Sawyer, write. Repertoire People Wanted. titli 100J E!??," 0 ."?, 1 HfSM L S <,, ,or c™ 11 ^, Tnclma, olo.j experienced Han, Ociiteel lleivle. ' Refctol'r'e BW.WlS«__iS SK- "'*"*'■ *"* «. "™ El>. W. COOK, Cohoea, IV. Y., Sept. 3-8. the MARJORIE SOUTHWELl7CO. WANTS RIPtRTOIRE PEOPLE IN ALL LINES rSmJ.iun 8 VS&JffH&JSS&l md eiUMMLr Uau; Juvenile Has and Woman, nura forWI. ™„?«iil; _ rh ." f d0 'V B W'OlitlUa. prerorred. Heliearanla Sept. 17; onim Sunt. a., Only latllei aed KK^SI™, Y^? dt "1" *'" ""i """"' »I'lnltar. Btatc ,our very lowe.1, pay jour own. Vou mint nave the Uotr or mo i urn wjinrnin ami ,in.L U «..i. ,.„.,.*» n' ...■ nlrJr. ■'. — .-. ...i j*. ,. tll ..lvu n»umu, uiiii nni inn (umritie a nnnser, state your .mail iarti"".!.„ Mninf, SSfiJS* ?V d *flB *»'<» caat'for. 'wamedrscenYo'Aft'l.t'^lio can plw m ...rS^;„,^ M .",* [i U "I'aclor, olther lady or gent. Alao man with raovlnK plotute maolline llln.tralc.1 8ouk» Addr™. with all particular., programme, nud plwlo., wlilcli will lie ictitruecl, iaw J. IWllltBH, cure of Cuiliane, Chuce i. Wmton, lnea-1310 Broadway, N. T. Oltf. WANTED, FOR CHAS. K. CHAMPUN CO., GOOD, STROJVG ACTOR FOB Jl!VE\Il,K» AMD gOMB IIKAVIKH VOUNQ JUVBiVirvB WOBHAN. Hunt sond ptioto and state all lu Int letter. nilAB K OBAUPI.IX, Jonnnovrn, N. r„ weet ot aept. 3; mngn.mton, K. Y„ weelt aept 10. Owing to slotncM wanted a good nut Ground TomMer. Call at once HAT ELLIB. Ac ademy Hotel, 119 K. 14th St., New 1TM* ' i_. l ■ MILFOBP, S^ffi^»WSSi __K K83S^«S&^S s.n.imfTttK.ii.iinf'-