The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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76^ THM NISTW YORK OLJPPER^ '/September 8. a THE MOST PHENOMEMLLY "BIG" LITTLE LITTLE BALLAD EVER PUBLISHED! YOU'LL WISH ME BACK SOME DAY )) . A PUHELT SIS riDEHTAL UlU D. A SOIB TH4T HASIW8K OUT 01HEM r ALOIS. A "IATBBAI" 10VJ MI8 SBCH AS TBE POtlU ALWAYS HAS, AID ALWAYS WILL LIKE. FWIIPMSSIAIV A ¥,H w * «"•"» »">" «° , "" , « ">'" •"■>«. "SM*" *«•" »">» will mak. good will. It. Copl.. or same wl«hoi««lloMii In a.y k.y «r. PHBB. Send direct to a., or, if rou .„ . ^■*WK JllOBM ViH AMJO Now York, cull at tho Pabll.hrr,' Eacliange, 43 WmI ifii Stre.t, trlnn ■■* room, and planlau .re HI joar entlro 'a >ATJXm LESIjIE ggq CO., Omaha, KTeb. WANTED, F-OR H.C.JACOBS - - J. G.JERMDN GREATER NEW YORK STARS MISS MARYLAND TYSQlVS 8 PARISIAN SHETLANDS 8 "nrl..en.,. (dm,linn, ami Specialty Artists. Apply at (1 10 TIlwATHK 1)1 HUM;, N. Y.. liAIKlY THE AT ilk, It.i.oklj ti, Sept. 3: II Mil.KM a/UBIC 111 1,1,, Sept. 11). OVt/IIMQ TO IWIISRI •RKSKNTATIQN Myrtle Vinton Company WANTS QUICK, Ai PIANIRT cRpHlde of jilHjInir gnat] "snappj" overtures, specialties, and cue mn«lc. Also TWO 1 t HKKIII, QENEMALUlrilM^HH HRI'KulOIItK ACTOHB. lWcr those dotDg specialties, company pays erpeiiaVrj." Suite nil lti first letter. Soorlnty, wardrobe, and ability Indlspensltile. , Address H. P. DILMEH, Grundy Comer, town, Sept. 11,12,13. - | WANTED IMMEDIATELY USEFUL REPERTOIRE PEOPLE people doing Specialties, also Plonlat io Lend. Company never closes. Pleasant, engage- ui' win- it i m.I, Kb he tiUtu-y rcartulialiieaB It Is Hire. Photos'and provranu Urst letter. State MUi-jMllVpHWlre. F. LEWIS BROWNE, Caml.rldgc, N. Y. I CAN* SELL YOUR Rtl ESTATE OR BUSINESS, NO MATTER WHERE LOCATED. Properties and Business of all kinds sold rjuiukiy for cash In all paru of the United States. Don't wait. Write to-day, describing what you nave to sell, and give on same. ' r IF YOU WANT TO BUY any kind or BusIdpsr or Real Estate anywhere, at any price, write tnc your requirements. I- can save yon time and money. DAVID P. TAFF, THE LAND MAN, m KMIIil AVE., TOPEKA, KAN. FUTURES. Pntnre Uaab.or Wife Photos for Palmists, Fairs, Parks, etc., $2.00 per 1,000; $1,86 per 600, postpaid, ftarnnies, 10c. cabinet PHOTOS, for selling or adv. par- poses, $20.00 per; $2.50 per loo, copied from your photo. Samples, 10c, CARBON A STUDIO. 331.. N. Broad St- PMUu Pa. Prefer.. metitiiiu jem lumiii ,fyou can jom on wire. ARTHUR MEREDITH At Liberty. CHARACTERS AND SOME COMEDY. Strictly fln»t dan r>p. or on* piece only. 8t>a«on 191) l-vr>, ..rare flay ward Co>t ■•■son l«iir.-'<)i,, ic»tin«. BOX 773, ST. CATHARINES, Ontario, Canada. WANTED QUICK, » • MEDICINE PERFORMERS. Salary euro. .State rwo aniTinrec week Good Versatile Medicine PerformcrR of all kind*. Must be Holier and reliable. nalarv and all you cau.dolD lirst letter and whether you can Join on telegram. Two u hiaods. Pay your own board and amp-wherc you ptei.*e. Address : , €11 AS. E., Marlon, Ohio, care of Quaker Doctors. ■■—»■■— || I ; ■— USE A "CROSS" LETTERHEAD AND WORK EVERY WEEK. Preo'Samples, Uontracta, Tickets, Envelopes, eto. CROSS ag DEARBORN ST.. CHICAGO rkR. STaGK MONEY. ISO. BOOK HP COTS, 20c. FOB SALE. To close an. estate, parlies oiler at a bargain a Seventy-Foot Photograph Car, As good a? new Can Ik; altered to tuilt purchaser, for baggage, etc. Apply Io MT. VKKHON CAR MKG. CO., for photograph and particulars, Bit. Vernon, m. . WT T El REFINED Man and wife. Must tic oxtra line Hlugois ami liancors- Best of Wardrobe. Twelve Woo Its' Work Write all firm■ lotlnr. . , - JAN. W. BAKER Hang Hotel, Pc»rla, III. WANTED. LEADING MAN Fur one night stands, uppiilaif Oct. Is OAR snow; oiiaractkr man. iu>ii>ilnii Band; »isg W. XJ « I O I'A K S, •^'■' £ Aa follows: tiHOHKSTIU I.KAhKlt, doubllog Baml; I'lcco'o and Flu to .or Alio and Klnto;: CIiHioncl, Ji- mill 0,;-Ularlunet to doul'ilo Viola, 'Oolln or Slage; TromlKiiie to double Viola,,'Celli^or S'agn; Comet, B,-nmHt^HJotrtetHmt-Sttrgc: aiioh, doutillng buige. vviioo er, wire or write quickJ^Adilress, giving plenty of ngMStnttfl lias io be forwarded. Pnrm atldreHR. 95 ■ ..-.. . — J. 8. KHITt llFlKLD. MarsellltMb ">■ *o ESt" on royalty. ynr Hnt4itTi.ur, Slook TlienlrcH, iiml Bepcrlolrc Oomtiiintfl.. A fink 1.IKK ok afKclAi, I'llI.MTlMJ. ' .PorflirlllCr |tnrl!rulltrn IlllllrrSH C S. NVL1,1VA\, Mar. |U,lli>, Mich. WANTED, FOR GORTON'S MINSTRSS, MU SI CIA W »■' TO PLAY IIHASSO>i,V. ,ff rile H» nrr ruulo In CMPriill. Aililrw C. C. PKARL, Mmmecr, Comedian, Soubrdtc, General Business .Han, Childfoi"Parts M11M imve hi vine. Hotel RAT ;:. / and Violin Doubling Alto; loPRfpe/la/ty.. I'rcferlhorio Doulillrg Bra-8. When writing give per atfdtfWt/^Joliitta j*liuv/.. Loaa'Sun-dn, Ana. . • '■pPVV' " IVMi;NI rff. UltAVVf JR1>, Mgr. On.wford'a Coino lima, Oaa^o Oily, Kans., Sept. a to ». ta^il^ ^k^i^ ^i» ^ilK. ^■HHI*fl 1 ^1^ LV^BaB a^^piHIIH a^ur^^i^ * - ' " NTED, C, W. Park Southern Dramatic Company, Good Man for flcovvjoa, KJrst CIiimi Vaudeville l>nnt, small pari* and pot on aria. One blzv,agc>nnd ami salary cApcrted. show never closes, winter and Siiiiimortoogagctncnt. > Address 0. w. park. Mgr., Live Oak. Pla. «H«j( "i WSH? *Hi0it1rwl»jdaced weekly. PrnntaWe engagements. HP, OSF, OF T1IRM. lira- iiKtlo, 8fov.ft, lippert'iiiT iiml Vamlevllle IVoplo. nun Musicians, write and OET 'OS ttult HOOKS. Artists vicinity Boston, i'a!l. Hoadipiarteis Tor local and lra,vel* log managers Commissions promptly esvulitcd. Nothing too.large or small, WE HANDLE EVERYTHING PERTAINING TO THEATRICAL AMUSEMENTS. . NEW YORK DRAMATIC AND VAUDEVILLE EXCHANGE, I Trriniiiil Ht»w, HiiHit.h, Mmn., Himm-i t'4, 1.1. Tel*pnon* 1UOO*1 Haynmrkrl. Mac <fc Mac n lufrtiiliiclnc Oruteniiue L'uine<ly, Trick, and Orininil TninMlliB.'B'tiil Stmitn. »ooil llmups. Ibis of IhiikIih. Ha|it. 17. Inter upen. Fc.tiire I'org.i.iii, K. I. F«lr, a-«. Write ur'witt'MAC <k MAC, Pctsdnm, N, Y., w. MS/ A M T E D , • '<—AT— '. MILIEU'S BURLESQUE THEATflE, LIMM, SISTER TKAM8. Single Spcelu'tlci and ChornB Ladles. Can have long engagement. • JOE MILLER, Prop, and jdgr. P. S.—No Matinees, no Sunday whow. IIIPGIFIS1M Wo carry a flwcll line of SI LVF.RWARE, JEWELRY, VATCIIKS, and NOVELTIES at prices that are right. Headquarters forTheairlcaUewclry. Write for linistrat cd catalogue, sent froo. The old reliable H. 0. UHEft A CO.. 84 Wahaali Ave.. Chicago. lit. AT LIBERTY, SCOTCH AND 101811 DAHEIla. CAN PLAY SUALL PARTS, AdUrcss MAC DIIC SISTEJtS. - ■ ■ ■ eos-38111 ai.. linen Isinnd. in. EILKR'S KlnG OF TI1R CATTLE KING 301'cnplo. II. * o. ■HCars. Winter and summer Under Tent- Want quick, good Mack Faec and Irish OomcdlBD, man for second Heavy, Juvenile Leading Han. Preference thoi-e who Doable Baud, oiar.. If. and O., and oilier Mnalclaus. No boozers, best of treatment. A home for right pco- Ele. Salaries every .Sunday since ltffis. Wanted at oulBVllle, Neb;, Sept. 10. Address W. A. EI1.RR. liOnlRvlllo, N'Ch. ML. ClIARAl'TKR UANnnd WOMAN Willi npcclalllo> s. and i). suiiiRiriTii, malk piano player, do some Llts. Tell nil. Open Sept. IT. Wrllo or Wire quick. 1IUMKSTON A UUKNNAN. Arlluir, llllnotK. 101! TO rHSINil PEOPLE. Seymore Hotel, 48-54 South An., Bortestcr, S. T. JIIIIN A. DIiKg, I'HUP. Rcccnlly cnursed. Ham II up. Remodelled Theatre. Has facilities to play any one night stands. Seat- ing capacity, 760; auditorium height,2s feel: stage height, 24 feet; opfcolng of stage,-^) feet wide. M feelhlgh, by iwfoct deep: widtltof stage, -W feet; dressing room*, a feet high, on stage. .Beit lo- cated und cnulpoed theatre in Upper Peninsular. MA NAQElt BhN'B THEATRE , Esciina tu, Mich PUMPKIN SHOWS': Have r. Baby Grand Pianos, with Shipping Case, only »tb.oo each. Crank l'lauos, to jios.oo. Ono Sew Spring .Mottr Piano,faooo. one good aviictt"Tom>plK>iv>, jaao.w. Mueaphoncs.Mrents* np. Fine 2jxfif) loft, wall, BlacK Tent, tits.uo. Uend for bargxln hitnklet. "I R.H. Al.MltUrSTEH.Sp ingflcld. llllnolB, QRAND VIEW OPERA HOUSE. ItopUftUon-LOOO. ft.OOOtodrawfrom. CaMclly.SOO. Large Stage, Five yets of t»cenerv. Thoroughiv ei|iilppcd. Lighted by gas t Hcatedpvsteam. Hotel coimei'ti'd with Imnso. Alsn gfauilds for Tent Shew*. I.lvery ailarhed. On Wnlklll IMvlninn of tv, S Ui.'llv For open time and terms, write J. \V. SToLL. Owner and Mgr., Uinin-watpr.N. V. SITOW printing, i *-'**^- r W - tr»< Alt rnri lv« kind. Mwnl PfUea. S«nd fnr List. Xaitdvr printing Co., Lock Haven, Pa, WANTED, FOI SAVILLE'S PANTQMIME«HoyftUD£VILLE CO., Rood Versatile and Pantomime People (Specialty People preferred) to support OEO. ft ADAMs n. Clown: also a good Piano Player who can arrange; also a good Advance Man. itoozers not mSS No money advanced unless known to ns. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Young, please write. Managers «' Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan, send in open time. Address, this week, A. L. SAVILLK, Manager, Gca. Del., Kent, O.; after Sept. 7, Afcron.o. HARRY P. DEWEY UKADS and HEAVIKS. i.n>an, nr> w.flw, Charact.r Lead, "(inlncy Adams Sawyer" Ho, 1 Co, Thl. >«a.on la Mock. Age, HO, Height, On. AVrlnlH, IQj. P.r. add,, fKVTUW, M|CB, ANSWER THIS QUICK. Immediate opening, Man for genteel heavies and characters, Sketch Team that can' double sttge sod band, Man to double fli>t or second viodn and baritone, Musicians for B. A 0» Man'for drum major bats drum, props and baggage. No time to dicker; state age, height and weight, with' very lows, salary. Address , J. N. RENTFROW, RENTFROW'S BI6 STOCK COMPANY, Shclbyvlile, ind., week Sept, 3; Marysvlllo, 0., week Sent, io. RIALTO THEATRE ELMUtA V V. WANTED, at all times, Novelty Act., Team*, Sl*ter Art* and Single Women. This House Never Ctosri*. Address F. W. UcCOMSKLL, Prop, and Mgr. GOOD MUSICAL ACT, Single or Double, Or MAGICIi) FOR MOVING PICTURE SHOW. To join at WHEELING, W.TA, SEPT. 10. Tell all. Long eca«on to right parlies. No tickets. Tele. graph. No time to write. FRED A. DANNER, Wheeling, w, Vs. MUSIC PUBLISHERS ll-Popnlarlzc yoar catalog through the mulium of rhe MUSIC PUBLISHCHS* EXCHANGE. 40of the prominent publishers of New York and the country at large, with the co-operation of the entire talking machine fraternity ani the leading singer-* of the minstrel, vaudeville and theatrical profession', are obtaining popularizing results of the kind that bring quicK financial returns. Are you Interested? Call at once, or *rlte. LEN. SPENCER, Mawngsr, NN--OALL1 SltlGISG ARTISTS 1J ■ Avail yourselves at once of the advantages o'ati you by tho " ■ ■ MI'SIC PUBLISHERS' EXCHANGE. -loo or the feature hits from the leading pohM. era from which to select just what .will suit yoor needs. Uniform courtesy extended to all cillm. Out-of-town performers write us Jw>t whit yatt want, enduing stamps and program. 43 West ttSth St., New York. M41GERS OF ROAD COMPANIES, AGENT 1 or AUK LOOKING FOH ME. IP VOU WANT AN r^ ^M ■■ II ■ .To repreaent yon on IidhIdcss principal., and crabodvlnp thfac ePaonUal acqulromontf, v'j:: Thoroi^ll rractlcal Kxpcrlcnce, Htrlct Solirlely. Control over l'eople, Stralcht-rorwaril Business Kjccciillvf, Able rrcsi Worker, Heavy Billcr, Close Contractor, Conscientious All-clay Worker, irltri liraln" and orlllD.l Ideas of my oirn, to copo with any and all emergencies. Now II vonr Attraction la up-to-lhe-tloe, wuy not nave lis PUBMU1TV loollcd after la tho same way Ipy KNUAGING ' Him FOLSOM, 193 Wabash Are.. Glilcago, II'. LIBERTY AFTER SKPT. IS. Bl-Hl.ESO.UK, FARCE COUEDV OR ONE PIECE, DRAJIATIf. THE LOCKHARTS. IAVDE HAZEL LOCKHAHT, I.tll KlIAltT, BOOIIRKTrK, MDSIOAI. DIRECTOR (PIASOI, , T0K AND ACROBATIC! DANCKR. I SIGHT HBADK11 AND ARRANHKR. Care of BEKMCTT A MOULTON CO., Norwich, N. Y , Sept.S 8; Hudson, (<■ V., bcpUlll. VIOLET BARNEY LEADING WOMAN. Adilr.ia Care MORriMER SNOW STOCK CO., Memphis. T,at. Harry Bewley. Address COMED IA NT.- : Care MORTIMER SNOW STUCK CO., Mcnlf.hH, Tens- MABEL, F»AI€arE> <DO., HEAVY MAN WANTED. idVHIncd In rellahtn nmnin. ' «..^,h. i..., nn. ltnm<"J Can place for stock .„ HRSRY Y. WIl.LARU.JaeHonvllle, Ha., till Sept. 18: after. Tarnpa, B*- AT LIBERTY AFTER W!PT. 8. i_ OEORGIANA EDDlNpS) L.adlDg lln.lnr,., Voong. A 1,1111 v. Accurate Staij' a«d • Feature Wardrobe; ; FRANK E . MOORE, "_ p'RANi: p Mtifinp rion iml.. Aircns' ll '" , '_ A' -il.D nr IVCTU li?: IlL/T. \/<irj > ai.»- FRANK E. MOORB, Oen. Del., Aiffii; __ p eo f»e: IMIIM o BIJOU TH Oond.Arf,«HHHnwf.t. Also Piano Players. An.Iress BHRja OHIO. POTTS A THOMAS. "«'»• - CASINO MUSIC HALl. OPBX ALL YEAR AnoUSD. Good «n.l...H rv,,...,. « , , , .-u ■..„ InaH ••* Uanolng Sister Act. aiw.^in £'„"?, m f M Do,,,ll<! »»™i" »»1 M""" 1 *«''♦•' *»° KW and. Address A. DIBKEb, Prop., woioj River it, HorjokeHi 1 '-' "(T ' .H' l l' N ri H.vw»<.-l,'t.-*n»,'-.'