The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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SEPTEMBER 8. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 779 ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY ANNOUNCEMENT To my Personal Friends and those who have used my Former Successes, "Can't Ton See Pm Lonely" and "Sweet Adeline." , V^,? 1 ^™ «ii nto y n !5 g ? ou that 1 have opened Professional Omoes at A3 W. asth 3*., Mow York, where I shall be pleased to have you oall. I offer for your approval my two New Songs: A GREAT GOON SONG. A GREAT S0UBRET1E SONG. A GREAT KIDDING SONG. A Banner Song for any act. When you sing it the audience all hum the chorus. That's the kind of song you want No matter how good your act, it strengthens it. We predict that this song will sweep the country. Be one of the first to sing it A.2«X» THE GREAT MARCH BALLAD MARYLAND, MY MARYLAND. A SONG OF THE NORTH and SOOTH. A BEAUTIFUL STORY AND ONE THAT WILL PLEASE AN AUDIENCE IN MAINE OR TENNESSEE. If you want an Encore "Briuger" this is the song. The song is illustrated. Slides by SCOTT and VAN ALTENA. (And they know how to make them). We went to the expense of having costumes made of the Civil War period so that the pictures are true to life. Cost us to make, $8.00 per set Our price to you, $5.00 per set ORCHESTRA LEADERS, ATTENTION Two-step Orchestra.Ions of'Whal'i the Use of Loving" and "Mary- land'* lent you, post paid, lor 10 cU. each, or 30 CIS. for both. Don't miss this opportunity. PROFESSIONAL COPIES FREE. Send Into programmes. No cards. Orchestrations (tarnished In any key desired. Enclose stamp Air mailing. eosrmiT runm always m aiteidaiue, CEO. ED WAR D8, „ Br . mMainui o«pt. FRIENDS < OKDIAI.l.V INVITED. MANAGERS, ATTENTION.—If you are disappointed in any of the songs you are now using, be sure to write for these numbers. They will help you out and brighten the dark spots. ELY ARMSTRONG MUSIC PUB. O jfc3 W. 38tli St., IPeiv Yorh. •» THE MURRAY CO., CIRCUS CANVASES, Polaa and Staiea, SKATS. Hats. Etc. BUCK TESTS. SIDESHOW PilKTlNOS, FRONTS AND BANNERS FOR STREET PAIRS. AJKM for KIDD'S PATENT CIRCDS LIGHTS. m ei w. Washington St.. ohioaoo, ill. SHOW TENTS For Circuses, Wild West Shows, Black Tents, Candy Tops, Flags, Kldd & Baker Lights, etc Seed for 10 page price list of second band Tenta. BAKER & LOCKWOOD MFG. CO., 7th and Wyandotte. Kansas City. Mo, United States Teut and Awnlnu Co., Randolph and Union Streets, CHICAGO, III. CIRCUS CANVASES. BLACK TENTS Our Speclaltr. SIDE SHOW PAIM'IVIS. M.R.KUHKELY MANUFACTURER OF SHOW CANVASSES N I Large stock sort, and Cnder Hew and Second Hand, write VBB CHAJILKB P. SIBDBK »HaTT A!tl> awmho CO.. Boooetsun to theT.w. Noble oo~ Tenl Depu, Detroit Bus; and Mfe. On ftf>tm\t. Mich- MANUSCRIPT PLAYS 144 LA SALLE ST JUST OUT, 124 PAGE ILLUSTRATED MA6IC CATAL0O0B. 25c.; SCP. CATAL-, 0c Ml Iw. Oulj N. B. Agent for Mnlrntmt. 10c I W. D. LBEOr. 108 Court BL, Boston, Ml» Rubber Balloons, Rubber Ball* Robber Gooda, For Carnival Salt*. Cane Rack Cane*, Knife Rack Knivas. ¥ No. 2717—0tJDHtock—70c. per dozen. We have the largest assortment of Knife Board Knives west ur the Mississippi river, oar prices are absolute rock bottom, we also carry a foil line of Streetmen's Goods, carnival Novelties and goods for Fairs. We are one of the oldest Streetmeo'a supply booses In the United States. We have thousands of satisfied customers. We can satisfy yon and want your business. NO SVBSTITT'ting unless you say so. Orders shipped the same day as received. Large Cata- logue Free. COE. YONGE <5c CO., Tth and St. Charle. St.. ST. LOUIS, glO. UNITED STATES and foreign .copyright; ffiSSSHRATES. And make yon a fortune. Ifyoiiharca PLAY, SKETCH, PHOTO, ACT, SONU or HOOK that is worth anything, you Bhould copyritrht It. Don't lake chances when you can wrure otir serv- ices nt small covt. Scitdfor our SPECIAL OfFER TO INVESTORS before applying- for a patent, it will pay you. HANDBOOK on patents if ntfVtll. We advise If paten ta* blc or not. FREE. We Incorporate STOCK COMPANIES. Small fees. Consult ns. WORMELLE & VAN MATER, Managers, Columbia Copyright & Patent Co. Inc., WASHINGTON, D.C Wl HAVE FOR SALE AND LKA8K Ad vane*. Privilege, Bausure, Stork, An- toxnoblla and Mprry-flo-llonnd Can. 60ft. long. Desirable for Show and Carnival Com- panies. Reasonable terms. Write for particulars. THE ARMS PALACE HORSE CAR COMPANY. No. 1220 Honadnook Building. Chicago, ill. ■ P»«Mi{iIi).« •THE CHASl K-HARRIS'-SONCSTERi I,'- AB50LUTELY THE 5E5T -ij i ALWAYS CONTAlHSJHELATESTHITS ! CHAS.K HARRIS 51 Vol 31" Si New York . %■ total Mint uniut m the imtU > SSIOHAL HALF ■■■- BESifttPW WeWcrkloiIhtCl^PER.WHY.NorToRYbu? ■WHlfEFOflPniCrS- Chemical Engraving Co. ^pn Spangles, J 1.00 Per Pound. aSJ cotton Tights, pair, $1.00 SB Wonted Tight*, pair. loo 'AZ '-.;-' Plaited Silk TUnta, pair. uo 89 g§ Best silt TiSit.,1 , m 31 £B » Inoh cotton tops,! •*■ ■ ■ 0«x Thigh andHIp Paddings. SJBJ Gold and surer Trimming.. II Sena Deposit with order. B ■ THE BOSTON IIKOALIA CO., ~ ^ 887 Wa shington St., Boston. Hsu. WFORMS BAUD, HIIITARY. IIIBTtEL OUTFIT! CIRMV.U COS., USHERS And All other. Sell In CATUK. lullii (III »ultt Special ttlutlM Gives toe Prelculu Western Uniform Co. SI* S. etAKK ST. BHICAOC ''&M I W. MSMLD, yl&rw&j Manufacturer of jjfB r THEATRICAL TIGHTS §3 t*| In Silk, Wonted and Mercerized, fig M anil all kinds J \ 8P0BTIIB 8DIT8. P ^ 1431 Ridge Ave., Phlla., Pa. Fine Magical Apparatus, ILLUSIONS. TRICKS, Etc. Oram! End of Century, fully Illustrated. UOOK CATA- LOGUE, 39c, free by mall' QMatome of Parlor tricks free MAllTJNKA ft CO., Mfrn., i'j.i Hlltl. Ave., ft Y. Atlantic City . HOURS from NEW YORK via , New Jersey Central Pawing Throoih Lakewead. i.Iluifel PtilorC»r« WIGS Q. SHINDHELM, 118 W. 20th St., N. i. Tbe up-to- date THEATRICAL WIQ >tAKKK s *r"I * lor nei. Prlc L!rt Jttit cmL PVAN FLEET, RINTE 4T KBIT 181k ITHMT, BOW TORK. MATERIAL.AND SUPPLIES PROM THE 860,000,000 8T. LOUIS WORLD'S FAIR NEW STRIP TICKETS 1'rtntod fur mo n\ tho Eipo- ■ ttlont havs nevur been tiinili 2,000 to a mill ronirc- utlvrty numbered. Denoni. Inntlnnii to. Uo, Bo, Mo. Dlffomril Oolori. Priropiir thoniami lflo In loti of 60,000 1S0 INCANDESCENT LAMPS EWftffiNSSftmi *ro tcaied and itrvioosblo, 100to 111) voltngo. 230 In » lisrrcl. Prlo«e»S«' Bv . In small qusntlUoa.anch .,.0o 100,000 mdio as above, branil new, In full cnao luta,oiuh l()o SO(0OO now, 16 candIs power lamps, eo"h ., llo 80,000 Lamps, used, natural colors, ruby, green, amber ana opal, Touted and aorvlcoahld, I'rlco each .,„. ,. „ tOo 00,000 samo as above, brand new, prluo oaoh ffOo 5,000 HARDWOOD FOLDING CHAIRS S;'V„'.V'J: wiTodt host malloablo Iron flttlngsi aTinplo In cnnstnictloiu fold imrfoctiy flat: strong, durablr and cninfortabloi will but warpt am Registering Turnstiles Lllcnrat $38.00 SO sorotid hand ticket chop- per bi.ii .. eticli $ I8.1MJ OPERA CHAIRS 1,000 good as new MUM tar iu po'r1t>r ti> any othor rnakQi brand pe... ■0.00 Special Price on Largnr Qoontloa Price, In doien lots... talna a complete 11*1 of all kinds nf Klectrlca. constantly purcha«lnir. Wo have for sale Flro Suppllaa, Plagi, Hunting, Furniture, flousol everything "under tho eau." Address 1,000 UNIFORMS WLSag^BS^SSUOt '-' "OO-page OaUloguo No. H. A. 07B. It ooi cat Hupp Dei. general qui me merit mate re lloae, all kinds nf F1 ro-ngntlng Anpi lohold Qoode, Plumbing Material, Mn CHICAGO HOU8E WREOKINQ CO.,' 30th and Iron 8U., CHICAGO It oon itttertiit such you Bio —PSnt&s, Kloctrlcal aolilnery — IP fact DO YOU USE ACETYLENE? IV SO ¥( WART TO IE.1 V YOU A BAMPUlt eURNBR. We know we nare trie best burner erer made for me Id a Stereopuoon or Morlni Plotnre Machine; alao tor Llgbtlng Tbeatree, Medicine and Olrcoioa, Addreu Itoom 18, Enclosing lOe. ftir lampl.. WK M. OBAWE COMPAinr, 1131-33 Brodwaf, ISamr Tor*. DOCTORS, MEDICINE PEOPLE AND SHOWMEN Why handle rocky goods when you can handle gooda that will lell themsetTea, Rlectrlc L'elts from II perdoi. up. Large variety to select from. Klectrk Jar 75c. duz.; Klectrlc Insoles. 87 4c. dor. pairs. Soap, $'2.10 stubs; Fine Medi- cal Batterlei. Send 70c. for Sample No. \4 H. B„ exp. prepaid. Latest out Lai ■mjET m* One third cash required. Trial order will convince. .. ..argust Manufacturer! of Klectrlcal Uciti and Appliances In V. B. A. BaUbUiheo 1S78. Lecture sod prloa Hat fret. THE BLBOTMOAIi APPUAUOB 00., BuliDDtoa, lu WIGS WILLIAM HBPNEB WIG CO., LKADINO Wio MAKBRI. Lsrgefi atook in America, wigs made to order. Poll line of palm*, powden and cold cream. Send for catalogue "O." to either place. 194 WK8T Mlth St.. N. T.; Chlnaro Opera Ilnaao Blonk. Chiruw> FITNItwCnn Wig&Tonpoe Makers, * Vil afiffl. W V*a#a PAINT and POWDER lli-nriiKll'M THISATHP., ClilcaKo, III. PAINT and POWDER Tclobhone—Ccntrnl. S04. Bend for Cnlfllof ne Thoatrloal PRODUCTIONS A SPECIALTY. Oostumer. 34 EAST 20th STREET, NEW YORK. Illfafll CDC CIIDDI ICC °"" ,I < H»ons. Oons. Itolllng aiobes, Uoop., dllnbLEnd AUrrllCjJj-.BWIrew.lleni'AppsrstDi.Korn.n Ares. Sump lot vvuub.liu Wl ■ a.lI»V OaUloi and list Edw.*anWro».oltiolnnaH,o.