The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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780 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. September s. RfflGLI BROTHERS' WORLDS GREATEST SHOWS PERFORMERS of Commanding and Convincing Circus Value and Distinction. No Individual, family, group, troupe, or company too great. The all-important point is—Exceptional and Exclusive Ex- cellence. Masterful Acts of Novelty and Sensation, or Extraordinary Beauty and Interest, will find a Harmonious and Appreciative Setting in the Unapproachable and Incomparable Program of RINGLING BROTHERS' WORLD'S GREATEST SHOWS for the SEASON OF 1907. THE WORLD'S GREATEST SHOWS Now the Inspiration, Guide, and Dominant Influence of the Circus World is prepared to give even greater reason for Hs Towering Position of Leadership and Unparalleled Success. CHARACTER COUNTS in the Amusement Field as well as the Individual. To be always welcome tells a story none is so dull as not to read and appreciate. Every performer who has ever been with Ringling Brothers, knows what this means, and how it adds to personal respect and comfort. HOME ACCOMMODATIONS Could scarcely be better than Ringling Brothers provide. Modern sleeping cars in sufficient number, of the latest Pullman design, provide ample room for individual comfort. Whether in Dining Cars or Dining Tents, the food is the best and abundant, carefully prepared, and served in an atmosphere of cleanliness and order. These things of "living comforts" make association with Ringling Brothers' World's Greatest Shows of supreme preference with High Class and Discriminating Performers. Aerial Artists, Sashing Equestrians, Sensational Gymnasts, Accomplished Acrobats, UNCTIOTJS AND IN- VENTIVE CLOWNS, Startling Equilibrists, Novelty and Strenuous Balancers, CREATORS OP FUNNY INCIDENTS, LAUGHING, GROTESQUEEIES AND EXHILARATING DROLLERIES. Unique and Fascinat- ing Specialists, Trick and Fancy Riders, Graceful Contortionists, Whirlwind and Picturesque Dancers, Original Jugglers, Smart and Attractive Equestriennes, Bicycle Stars, Invincible Leapers, Quaint Comiques, Vaudeville Headliners, Humorous Fantomimists, High Wire Artists, Minstrel and Musical Celebrities, Performing Animal Acts, Hipppodrome, High School and Menage Riders—in fact, every per- son who has achieved definite success as a High Class Performer, or has warrantable ambition for such honor; and every person who has ideas and acts that are NEW, MAGNETIC and SENSATIONAL, suited to a Circus Arena, is invited to communicate with RINGLING BROTHERS, Baraboo, Wis.