The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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September 8. THE 3SQTW YORK CLIPPER. L - M^^^Jto^^S^ONAL TRUNK WORKS (Estab. MAIN •WW^^OTHm^OOR. 25TH ST., N. Y. CITY. ( « at 50 per cent, reduction while they tait 761 1869). FACTORIES ■, wu.i BrMhljra, N. T. 30 Inch in. « , ...... AiS!. t£... s ^ " ch ' »"- M ' M l,ch ' » 12 »' S '" ch - W MIJ M he*, $14.25; 40 Inch, 115.25. _ JifJ'S 8 ' 3 i lnch ' * BB ": 34 Inch, $9- HU tSm*. «T."w , . < i5*^". t •' H, i* ,, ,0 *«*bs, including looks. rtSKaSRSt ■Sft?23B ■Sggg!tf!B »*i»-tW i<>.lM t> {HU* STEEL CLAD, 28 Inch. $5; 30 Inc., SS.50; 32lnch. SB; 34lnch.t6,50;3Slnch, 57; 3ShcM7.50t 40lnch,U. ' * y '*"• Au »■ «»»« condition. " *"*• »»- 8 «P«- *< Am acctuawlatloss of odd. a.d ..d. I. l«..d Hand a ad Shop Soil.* Taylors, Ball, lu., and ottt.r «ood ukm 20 th CENTURY OPTISCOPE CO BRANCH, 2 W. I4U Street, NEW YORK. HEADQUARTERS, SI DEARBORN STREET, OHIOA.O. FILMS FOR RENT. IflTCQT ,BPR0VE0 HI8H - GRAI1E mm PICTURE MACHINES OUR Lfl I CO I SPECIALTY. It Will Pay You to Send for Particulars Before Ordering Elsewhere. AT LIBERTY. Wm.R.PATTIE (TENOR 8OLOI8T.) "BARRELS" OF MONEY IN EDISON COIN-SLOT MACHINES Amusement parlors and penny arcades are the greatest money makers Start one now and reap a fortune. Edison Coin-Slot Machines draw tht crowd and the pennies. Run automatically by electricity, and require prac- tically no attention. Write for full particulars to NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH CO, 64 Lakeside Avenue, Orange, N. J. FILMS FOR RENT THE INTER-OCEAN Fill EXCHANGE, OLD UlTiJUOOEAW BLDQ., Dearborn and Madison St., Chicago. ACETYLENE BURNER. The CRESCENT BURNERS. INDISPENSABLE FOB USERS OF ACETYLENE. Every Earner Guaranteed. Each Bonier Good for Over 1,000 Hours. BEWARE OF IJTFRIN GING HOTATIONS. I. KIRCHBERQER 1 CO., Gin.n! md felt Agaate, 44 Park PIaco, N.w York. "THE PROOF Or THJB PUDDING II IN TBS EATING." at uiu, T Open to Join Minstrel, Dramatic or any kind of tirut-claas Combination, Quartette or a reputable Comedian for Vaudeville. Fifteen yeara 1 experi- ence, play paits. Address all to mr home Mo. au4 Murray St Frankfort, Ky. Beat wishes to my friends. Why don't YoC writer Happy night. Casey's Theatrical Trunks. YTY 1S.00 W.00 14.00 13.00 10.00 1T.00 n.oo AAA 18 » 83 94 M ti 40 H7.00 S.0.5 0.00 U.7S 10.50 11.19 11.00 M 80 83 84 8S 88 40 Kraal rii/l 3 - 1u *.<X> ••00 ' 00 7 - 50 9 - ou »■"» OllCl llcHJ a 30 88 84 88 38 40 ■ 1 Snipped c. o. l). on receiptor ia. Write (or Catalogue. 16W Broadway, cor. 44th St., Opposite Hotel Astor, the moat convenient Theatrical Trunk Corner In America. Alio 441 sixth Avenue, near ntn St., N. T. clip. W. 8. OABEY, E8TABUBHXD 40 TEAM. Leatheroid Trunks. LIGHTER THAN 8TEEL. BO TIMES STRONGER THAN WOOD. LEATHEROID MFC. CO.. Ml B* WAT, n, T., aw Iprtm*- M. Send for New Theatrical Catalogue. TRUNKS "PATTERSON" TUB WORLDS tjSMBSSl "ATLAS" NEW CATALOGUE JUST OUT. THE BELBER TRl'JK AMD BAG CO., 1>S Columbia At.., Philadelphia. THEATRICAL IMKSANDBAQS EDISON KINETQSCOPES, $75 ANO ALL THE LATEST AND HOST IM- PROVED MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. 'American Projectograph." 1 SBND U8YOUK MANUSCRIPT OF SONG POEMS, ORIGINAL MELODIES, Or COMPLETE WORKS, Now I. the (In. to have them pnbllahed. All letten answered promptly. PIONEER MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., ^ Boom TO», Manhattan Bldg., CHICAGO, ILL. A BIO LINK OF MOTION PICTURE MAI HIVES (VARIOUS MAKES) FILMS. SONG AND LECTURE STE HEOPT ICONS, SONG ANO SERPENTINE SLIDES. LEC- TURE SETS. ETC., AT SPECIAL RE- DUCED FIGURES. FILMS SEND FOR 12 PAGE LIST OF FILMS FROM 4c. to 8c. PER FOOT. SECOND HAND AND NEW. ALL STYLES of ell the LEADING HAKES In Firm CUM Condition. LOWEST PRICES 100 We.t 10th St. 1 p.. Ctrl lua 100 Wait 14th St. I llPf. OUI AlB. 300 W..t 41.t St., Oar. »th Are. b CO. BASEMENT STORES ichwar: CENTRAL TRUNKS. 26ln., 17.50: 28ln., 88.80: SOIn., J9.50 ; 88ln., 810.10; 40ln.. 112.50. Circus Trunks, 24x18x18, 17.60. mil Trunks, 80x23x15, Inside, 812.00. Lltho. Trunks, 42&x28Hiil2, Inside, I15.0O. Shipped on receipt of 83.00, but., C. 0. D-. except over 300 miles, then remit whole amount. SIMONS A CO., CENTRAL TIIU.MC FACTORY. Kit. 1804, 8. W.cor. 7th and Arch Sis., Itlln. MANAGERS, Attention! If yon owned a railroad, perhaps yooare sstlBflsdto carry heavy excess breeding trunks. Bat If you want to save excels baggage, get a B al trnnk. Send for Catalogue "0." wiLLLIAM BAL fine).. 110 W. 40th St., N. Y. city. THE THE QILfcAT ENGLISH VAUDEVILLE PAPER, AND THCATNC MKVIEW, 14 Leicester 8t., Leicester Square, London, W. C. FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTIONS. • - - - • So. ft*. FEB TBAB PROFESSIONAL ADVERTISEMENTS. - Be. M.. Blnjrl. Col ansa lack NEW YORK CORRESPONDENT AMD REP., IDA CARLE, OFFICE, TM ST. JAMES BLDO,, where advertisement, will be received. Copies on die. Dazian' FEATURE FILMS AT LOW PRICES. m-* ?**>=r^ ■ 'l»^»ggW»BB^»JmwBM5»|geffsfc .Rft<3.£Ji ,E»rp3;;prs^: "**TpScftiS ^tS-i^iiuKumint^ iTAGE LKHIIN Apparatus.' r roxmoKt m» sta . *KLcwuciHT*KXW raor. .. mECTRKSKNS ** AND 1LU)M1Na710«S 1389 US3 BeOAOWnrjUtt) I2eW.8tVK. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS AND EVEBYTHISG TO BEAUTH'T THE STAGE AND LOBBY. DECORATIVE PUNT GO. 716 B'WAY, N. Y. Model B Oxy-LJthe Outfit $29.50 OXY-LITHE and OXONE. CARBONS, LIMES, CALCIUM JETS, ELECTRIC LAMPS, RHEOSTATS, ETC., ETC. ^^_^_ BEST CONDENSERS, iSMS-a NEW SONG SETS, SS. S. H., (3.90 UP. "10 TBODBIE TO A88WEB QDE8T1018." CATALOGUE ON APPLICATION. MOTION PICTURE MACHINES AND FILMS WANTED. HARBACH & CO., 80S PILBBET IT., PHI1A., PA. • onum NOW AT 142-144 W. 44th ST. (Near Broadway), HEW YORK. THEATRICAL COSTUMES AND SUPPLIES, EVERY REQUISITE FOR THE STAGE. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. MONOGRAM RED ROSE ROUGE la made especially ror the Profession. It Is In the form of a roue with five potali. Kach petal can be used REPEATEDLY until color In rtmoved. Uiett properly, each rose will lent over two montbi. It can be carried in your puno or liandkercbluf without ntslnlnff cither. It la not affected by perspi- ration or salt water. 9ESD FOUR CESTO IN STAMPS FOR BAHPL.H AND CiUCCLAll OP ALL OUR TOILET PREPARATIONS. MONOGRAM CREME COMPANY, 01 BBEKHAN STREET, NEW YORK. GOWNS FOR THE STAGE AND STREET. We have on hand .large assortment of .llftliUv need KVENINO GOWNS, DINNER, RECEPTION .n't TEA GuWNS. These Gowns gre perfect Id ever, respect, of the latest styles, and .re especially snltablefor wear In Hldh CIshs Dramatic Productions. We also Iisvch. full line of SEAL, SQUIRREL, 14J.NK, PERSIAN LAUD COATS and PURS of HI kinds, which we begvon to klndlj cell and Inspect. IWIIVII Telephone, M6I Uadfton Sqaare. DOKTOR, 481 6th AVE, CUT. "COLT" CRITERION STEREOPTICONS, "COLT" SELF-FOCUSING AOTOIATIC ABC LAMPS p f u°rVos l es. P. Keller a 00., mi West B'waj, New Tort, Snoceeeore to Blereopllcon Departmept ofj^B^OoltOo Soubrette ^^l«ra ORIOTNAl; DESIGNS, t*».0O »»tl »»» o». Send for hand colored pl.te. «nd measurement csrd, •"""« "'"{.f2'« WOLFF, HARDING * CO., «» Eliot St.. Boston, Haas. ARE PLEASANT TO BEAD. Yon can't HAVE YOUR MUSIC PUBLISHED BY US. !» ■»■■. poem,, mod melod, or a complete wort, we have no fATorlte wrlttte. AU tel 1 Ui r ii lm "" end conslderaUoi:. AU letters anawered ProSPy-.a-Ma. sus. CHICAGO. PIONEBB HI SIC PlBLlSIll.TU OOHFAHT, TOO S t . 8 i h.H 0 8 l BBBBa •""»"■ McMAHOH'3 FsmousTneatiicar RESTAURANT *7» SIXTH AVE., itct.2Sth and 30th 8ta., NEW YOHK CITY. Bent of Food, Perfect. S" ' Cooked,Ucllclouslr erved. Prices rea> aonablc. Hpecial Din- ing Boom for Ladiea- I SUkollne Tlphti, ga.OO( Worsted Tights, $9,001 Cottom Tights, •1.00, Silk t Ighta,from |a.05 -pi Shirts to match, all »a\m* prtti ao tlphtst Pampi S5 rents; Oait* ora, Ol.OOi Elastic Sapportera, $1.00; Cloth Sappsrtera, Vo ceaUi Send for catalogue and samples of tight* free. Foaltlwaly • dls- poalt rrxiulrtMl. Sattsfsotton gnaran- teed or money refaoded. 6PICBB BROS., tw Woodbine Street,Brooklyn, N.T.;Hew Tors; Omen. TJfitvilTi Rids 1 .. 1 ITnloo Ho, CONTRACTS LETTKB BEADb. ENVKIXPEB, TICKETS PASSES, CARDS. Etc Write for Samples g.hh PH. Co.. 85S Deertorn «L. Chlcseo. Ill WIGS TOUPEES, GREASE PAIKTS, ETC. And the Leleil asd Boil Popular 8I«I,» In Laalu Hair Drtulng. A. M. Bt; CH & CO., . - - - P.ll»4le1otj|. MS W. Wlasth It M o i . SHOES FOR STAGE, STREET AND ETENPNO. EXCLUSIVE BTTLII AND WORKHANSaiP OUARAHTgED. Short Vamp and Stag. ■-T*T aiwajs 01 band. Mall order, flued. Fltrnarauteed. WILLIAM BERNSTEIN, Tel. M Kadlton Square. i« Sixth Ave., new Slat St, I, T. ALL COLORED SUPPERS HAD! TO OBDEB DT H UOURS. Katz, Theatrical Costumer. BURLESQUE WORK A SPECIALTY. Also EMBROIDERED DRESSES for Specialty Acts. Tit LEXINGTON AVE., near nth Street, New Tort. Tel. sou Plaia. MANAGERS. Let ns furnish 1 BAND, ORCHESTRA or PIANIST for too r company. Good poalUons for food musicians, ORAMFTON'S MUSICIANS BTTREAC, A Dearborn St., Chicago, HC . K oons TO EUBOPE To apply for lovves rate" at PAUL TAUSIQ'S EIOHAHOE 0PFIO1, 104 Estit 14th St, New York.OermsD Bavlngit Bank BnlldlDK. Telephone, sow Oramercy. Cable ad- dress, Slaneslg. All printed matter and Inf. free. M. 8TRA88MAN, ATTOBNET, SSI Broeuwsj, Naw Tort CltT. SKETOB for two males or MONOLOOUE for one. Suitable for Vaudeville, Minstrel or Concert. Either one for a Dollar, stamp, or silver. M. H. LINDIMAN, Box M4, BrooaV* ». T.