The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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gEPTEMBERlji. MAiSACHVSKTTS. gHE JSTByr, -gpi^g 703 Sivor (W, H. Bhlne.-tMonger)-—Movrag pictures and vaudeville, week of 3, to excel- lent but I new. Week o( 10, picture* and Baby hveiyn. titiit^^-iJUt week marked the opening of tbi retnlar jeaion here, and every theatre i a - loe curio nail lo-ir>: Cant 'j7rk"A'V/.V- S toSfn^Ttt >nexcellent buslneu. The new fe "* «<!«: MiSo. bSoom kC*9 bill* for; t^cqri-endays pre; Arnold Daly, g"»*£ and Brevot. jail tJfeaktraSUuS m -AraiB abd.tie Man," at the Trenotft; ."A flftS Bojton Burlcsquera. Olio • Vdith Sffi .. one Horse Town." .at the.Globe; the Rqasefi V 0 **. 0 "- 1{, anche Savoy, MaV I'o'ftim. m5Ki Ii 0 * 1 * 6 **£■ K *£ 0CI \ t M * Jt * q * h| I ««P' BroV. in" •***« Great Jewel Mystery/' at 1 the &Mln. toss and &n*HUaF&2Bt tlon ' week of 8 * b ' B3!nF : Grand Op* 1-1 *- ""H6 and iue . customary Km Florence Blackand i htA - - - ' cUnges at the. stock, vaudeville nod hjir- *{"£ ftlrterH. "" iaa Ine "*"- i.o»velI_At the i«wetl Opera House lesque houses. (< Attractions to contjauejire: hh c ,V*IWL' E _.J w -., Allen, manager).—This (•7. nn , n * Q » ran . t ,' MD*te»).—La« t w«ek "The Ntwt—Chai McOrtth, Maying leads with Bennett A Moulton Co., and formerly a fa- •■juile Bonbon," at the Majestic; "Tlie Bbe> nandsomc new addition to SS3E*i*3Z K5& herd King," at the Colonial; -"Cape ' Cod MP »wrts was crowded tfuVlug &•& P ielB ^ Folks.'! at the Boston; "The Lion and the week. The soloists for this weekTHIuVtrJted "t™ Kause.-'-H tBePart/a-nrf^The VlrglniaWat fpQ«a »^e: ,Tjioma B Bullock, Ki lutchfe __. :.r;.i Nine" opened to 3. U. a. and eased rood business Sept. 3-3. "Why Girls cave Home," U-8,.hnd big business, and wa» well presented. "As Ye How" 10-12. "The Old Homestead" 1.% "The College Widow" H, 1ft. Acat&my uv Mrsio (Richard P. Murphy. manager).—Thai house opened Labor Day for tlio stock aeasoo, by Sevcrin He Deyn arid company, to an overflowing bouse. If there ever was any doubt In the mind of Mr. De Jre: T*onja B Bulloet'Bei" wTchl? „ Hollls Street. The outdoor resorts are u .^« MordauDt, Genevieve Florence Lillian baling their laat innings, ofter a fairly pros- 5K2& KaUierloe, Hawkins and Helen Oualey wrous season. .Moving pictures "■ also featured. " *TnEMuxr (John B. Schoeffel, manager).— wcwdsjhlajid (F. C. Thompson, manager). Arnold Daly opens a lone weeks' engagement ~i' ,f9 I s «ff nnal week of Uie season at this oa Monday ev«lng. 10, commencing with K 1 ™-- In , tne " ce onft n air ctreus are- The «-- ■Vrins and ibe Man." The second.week will four Londona, Fred Uliven, in bis "alide for HOT ,H ,i° ,Ue Dl * w ue hold8 ltt the b** r l* he devoted fo"*Yoo' NW» Can Tfell," and the *J«j »««l and Bernler, Bessie Itosa and 5^*15 theft"*«dera. It was at once dls- tinnl week to a repertory of several ptaya. >red A. Beooelt. The aeaaon has been a P* lt(Vf! during'Hie week, for never wa* any -rue Frlace of Plleen" departed Ust Satdr- Prosperous one here. actyr accoyded a better reception here as was dav Dtatit, after two weeks of fine business. ..MtDhohp Bollp.vard Tubatrb (J. W Oor- tD " younj; man. llnddreds were turuett MiJK8Tic,(A. L. Wlllmr, manager).—Loala m n a P'ti ma ? 1 ager *V,T B J". f " r 5*3 of 10: Amann *%?*: ff* J . Ir ; l *M2 W " B obliged to W- jjstin and rCiara Upman start upon the last an 4 U? rt t le ?v-% k $ n,x A 'I" MtAvoy. Wtiaten &*** ta.fnrtiito call after curtain call. He Palf o£ their fortnight. 10, Laving opened thy ?, nd Ww "- M^>amee, Jennings ilnd Renfrew 1 i ,, • , a well ha'ancvd company iu support, and regular .season here, with "lulle Bonbon," bn J* 8 * 0 , 5 a " d M1 »«r. and " Poti^ (J. C. Crtddle. resident maritger). —Week of 10: Wlilsrd Slmms and company. In "Fllndera* FnrnUhed Flat;" Blx nopbo- morn and .a Freshman; Barnotd'a dogs and monkeys, tonni and ilL-ooks, the MuiartN, Lev U'jrand Trio. Johnny Johns, and the dec- troaripb. Ills ittendance, 4 W«itB Cm If. II. nigelow. manager).— MBBaactmiiett* Const Artillery Band, of Bos- ton, led by A. II. Meri'Itt, waa the principal attraction 10. Flower's triple paracbate leap proved a, drawing card 0. HI. No»B.—George B. Mathews, a Worcester Boy, formerly witlT'Teggy from Farls," waa married In S|irlngfHd. Mn~i9., nfternon of 9, to Dorothy L; Bates, of New York City. ' --■ ■ ■ ■ Tnnnton.—At the Taunton Theatre (Calm A Cross, managers) the Ailnm Hood Co. pre- sented a strong-list of plays week of Sept. H. Business waa very good, and the productlous '~ ~ their own ffew and Matt Kennedy "Tnt* Curse N Drluk" lti-i:'. "Buster Brown" ia-16. (\xiK Opera Holse (J, If. Moore, mini* gert.—Week of 3, vaudeville had a moat auspicious opening, crowded houses rullnn :hroughout the week, Julius Stcger and com- pany nnd Lew Sully were great drawing cards. Bill 10 nnd week : Hlues and Hetnlng- tpn. Folk, Kolllna and Cannon sisters, tho finely atagod, the coinnitny brluglog tli scenery. ^Thejnylor Stock CO. 10-12, "Buster 1 awr Day. ExceUent crowds were id attetfd- nnce. Poter'F. Dalley, In "The Press Agent," will be the next' attraction. L'olosiaC (Chss. Krohman, Rich A Harris, managerB).^—Ill's is the second jveek of Wright Lorliner's atny at thla house. "The —1 the homograph. Busi- ness holds up well; - Nuauineax Fabk (Cfcrle Alberte. mann- tiEhES22£ °L lti: Adalr **& l>»hn, Melds nnd Unnion, Buntb and Rodd, Whittle Brown and Wright, and the komograpfi .Notes.— Sunday concert Mils.9: fioicrfoin ybfpherd King" lias proven ds popular as Square— Fred \\ataon and Morrlssey Hlaters, ever, nnd will remain until 22. (Jn Thors- s day nfteraoons, 13 and 20. Mr. Lorlmer will be B ?en for the Qrsttlme here In Ibsen's "The U'lld Uuck." "Daughters of Men" will be the attraction commencing 24. Boston (Lawrence UcCarty. manager).— •Cape Coil Folks" will close a highly success- Seymour nnd II111, A. J. Fisher, Wesson Walters and Wesson, Murray. Clnyton find Drew. Charlie Harris, MustfVnl Simpson, lf° wIe JL: and Kelleon. Carey-Cotter Trio, Alice mormon, the Valadons. Carroll and Doyle, Le Rex, Foster and Hughes, and Fred- Orpftraw — Arthdr prince, thaplre erlek. ta\ 'three week's, engagement on Saturday ^".X t t unrte "f' Karnb'a I^ndon Co., I^aaky evening. 13.^ tbojnas Jefferson, in "Rip Van P*l g.W l LWW Ll J^ y '., Ra y 810 J! ,1 _ and „ c . 1 .T er ' ly. Mnw. Kmmy, and the Dankmaa-Scblller Troupe This Is the second and final week of the free carnival at Revere Beach. Among the fen lures are; "Eruption of Vesd- vlua ' and the diving horses, Klna and Queen. l'rof. John Topp, of Topp s Orchestra, waa recently presented with a gold K. of 1*. wntch charm, .by the members.of "Darkles of the South" Company Charles Mil- ler, formerly leadlug man at the Bowdoln Square, will appear shortly In vaudeville. ,- James Maxwell, In illustrated songs. Is being successfully featured at Austin A Stone's. Winkle," will follow. Pars (Cutis. Frohman, Rich A. Harris, managers).—''The Llob and ibe Mouse", la ndw in the 'second week of on engagement which gives promise of being a record breaker la point of attendance.. Gertrude Coglilan and Arthur Byron nead the excellent case. No announcement la made bb to the length of the engagement. HoLlin STREET (Isaac B. Rich, manager). —"The Virginian," with.. Diistln Famum, opened the regular season at this house on Labor Day, and holds over for the current week. -Tne attendance, has been .excellent, and toe audiences enthusiastic. The ensu- ing attraction will be Frank Daniels, .In "Sergeant Brue." Globe (Stair & WlHmr, managers).—"A One Horae To'wh,'' 9WB Weyb'urn's musical fun show. Is the current attraction, hooked to remain a week. Among the features are: The Times; .Square Octette; Weyburn's Squabs" and.ills "Paradise Chorus." "Han"* Ward opened the regular season here, 3, 'Not: Yet, But, Soon.'' Business - And the piece well received. Ni In VA- Lucky Dog.'.Vwlll. come 17. GalKD Opebi Hol'sr (Geo. W.. Magee. ,/J.'."^ W' tauehtera or^u™" it manager).—The Russell Brothers will un- \ a &% ^mluctloL) "£ieht Bella" "o ' week. "The Gambler of the West." Cahtle Squaue (Boston Stsge Society, tnap- gprlnsfleld.—Labor Day was the banner day of the Week, some dt the theatres turn- ing them away. Cui;ut 8qi;ahe (D. O. Gllmore, manager). —"Holty Tolty," Sept. 3-5, eujoyed good busi- ness. The Ttinlla Theatre Comoanv 8 Dre- Kated •■Olttlc.' in ibe HeUre7 tongai, P bt Si| n 7'.b"™o?H.' fote « *e I Sllpd bouso, and created a rao«t ?J °f, "? ^Sn* tarorabfe Impresslim, It la reported tbat tbe SSSfSi^SSEK ,. h»> q Tin rarorfltile Impression, It Is reported tbat tbe iZZTSiZm ™mnVr.r iilvSSlc « n S b w".' LS »»P;»y ™*' (.•Vell'V^ller'r/ '°7 "a* SUt^.CTffi. Wn«. I Sat M. Willi, !^oT\V lot sin" 10- vfi^M ^'ll£ in fe - p '"*- P'"? " !e " t ; Rom(! * opening bill, to (jxcellent patronage. For tveek of 17, '*- agers).— r TbeaecoDd attraction of the regular season Is "The Girl with tbe Oreen Byes," with Howard Uausel anil Tunis Lawtdn head- ing the stock fbrcos. "Mistress Nell" was the — '~g blll.-to excellent pA1 "By Bight of Sword.' Bijou (John cralg, manager).—John Craig and his capable stock company opened this cosy house last week, presenting "The Rail- road of Love."-to capacitv,business. Tbe cur- rent bill is "The Last Word," and for next week, "Lost, 24 Hours." Bownois Souahe (G. R. Lothrop, mana- ger).—Tbe Lpthron .Stock Co., headed by Charlotte Hunt and Ralph Brown, will pre- sent "Tpe Kfng of Detectives" this week, as a successor to "Thfe JVfllte Caps," which en- thused tbe patrons last Week. For 17 acd week. "The Fatal Wedding." . : . KEtTifc'B .(B. F. Keith, manager).—Hain- dln'a electrical ballet,. "Starlight." and Gd. F. Reynard are heavy type features on an excellent bill this week. Other newcomers aM: Avefy and Hdrt, Mar Witt's Four Sing- ing Colleens, Mabelle Adnms. Willie Weston, William Morrow and -Miss Scbeilbe'rg, .Tex* arsana and Wnlbv. Pongo end Leo, Zara and Stetson, Bado Jind Bertman, B If hard Bros. and the, klnetograph,. Creasy and Dayne.and Cltffe BerzBc's Circus hold over for o second and final week. Bualness Is at tbe capacity mark;' 1 OBrrrROM (Percy Williams; manage'r).— After a most auspicious opening on Labor Day. this hpusf was, crowded twice dally last week, and o successful season seems assured. Bill tor week of 10: Ida Bene. Hope Booth and company. Rose De Haven Septet, Mile. Dc Seratnn's nnlruals, Howard nnd North, Ger- rnlDai; I>jtne, Arthur Prince (second week), Karno'a Comedy Co., (second week) and tbe vltagrnph, . . _ .. How.vao (Jay Hunt, bualness manager).— Opening Monday afternoon, 10: Besslo Val- dnre Troupe, Bijrke and pempsey, Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Thome and company, Jusgllng Bannona (3). Milt Wood,' Fltxgerhtd end Tralnor. £tne]le:nml Bwntclle:, the KdRartops, Lillian Taylor. Barth Bros, nnd Walton, Jlut ler Havlland, Freemtvn and Watson; l^cotiard nnd nastodo. Will U Belle, A1. G. nnd Mnale Helford,. Carrie M. fjcott and new motion plC: tures. THe Howard Burlcsquera will begin their Reason here next woek. Business was great during tbe oast week. . ; _ . . F/iuvqE (C. II. W'aldron, mdnagerj.— Clark'a Ruhnwnv Glrla are here this week. "The Sultan's rillemma'* will Berve to Intro- duce the company. In the olio are: Bert Wljfgln. Vllters and Lee, Bowery BoyB' Quar- tette, Paul) and Weils, and tbe Ramsey Sis- ters. During (h'e past week the Trans-At- -antic Bjirlesqiierfl.held profitable, possession. Columbia illnrry N. Farreti, manager),— The ParlBlan.Belles are tenants of tlils hand- some hotise. thjsi week. "A Talr of .reaches Is the fun vehicle, and the n!!d presents Chan. Daly and Klttv O'Brien. Sfltners and Law. La retlte Emtlle, Sheppard Cnmp, Relia Don- aldson. Al. Rice, and La Belle Carmen de Vlllers. The Innocent Maids attracted big crowds last week. ;_.;. . .... Lyceum (0. n. hatcneller, manager).— Hyde's Blue Ribbon Girls toke up the enter- tainment. 10-ir». preseiitlng two snappy bur- lcRQiies arid'the, following olio features: liflulse arid Maude' Gillette. fCaufman Broa., Pauline Newton. Orplieris Comedy Fhtir,.,Vio- let Holmes. Klaht IJimlish . Bells, la Jielle Trio, and the Moslcal Iteunette, .The Beumnn Show and Fnitik D. Rrynn's "t'onpress of Ameriran Glrla" played to capacity business last week, t Al'STIV ft StOSE'8 SfPHEtTH (A. B, White, munager).—Curio hall features, second and niiai week: The Glrano Troupe, Cnpt Cor- dont's RusBlnh doticlng bear. John Tills markmettea, Trixle. snake queen, ami others. In the theatre: Minstrel Maids. Introducing Mildred-. Rim. Rrla Musette, Orace Toledo, r ?r« Evelvh, Capsle French. Grace Howard, Molet Dale. Viola Crawford, May ForBfllfh. Hnrh Steele, Alnia Arnold. Ida Campbell. Frank Chok. Jrimes Maxwell, .loe Maxwell. H?nry Myers, George Foster, and ertrd vaude- ville hr Bon Johnson, the Prentoa, Carey-Cot- ter Trio, and new motion pictures. Business is Immense. - . „ vYALKEn'fl Btimni (L. B. Walker, mana- R^r).—in tntlo hall week of 10: MatxopI' -- IPC Jekyll and.Mr. Ilyde." which was (o have appeared 0-9, canceled:. Lafayette and his vaudeville company week of 10, Clara Llp- mau.and Louis Mann, in "Julia Bon Bon," t Poll's (Gordon WrlgUter, resident fflana- ger).—Vaudeville's return was hailed by big business every day the past week. Patrice. Six Sophomores and a Freshman, and Bailey and Fletcher were prime favorites. Card for wee* of 10: Exhibition Fbnr, Byron nnd- Langdon, Leona Thurber and ber Blackbirds, Keno, Welch and Melrose,. Brown and De LSrls,_RddIe. Mack,' Lawrence and Barring- Ion, arid electrograph'. Giluobb i. P. F. Shea, manager).—Vanity Fair Burlesquers, 3-5, entertained, with two burlesques. The. company was attractively costumed. "A Crown of Thorns" 0-8, Beh- man's Show 10-12, "A Southern Vendetta" 13-15. . ■ . ; STaoe Doings. —The closing performance of tbe. Poll .Stiu'k Co, .waa. one long re- membered, every member of-the company cumlng In for a royal round of approbation. Miss Stock well left at once for New York, and Inter goes, to Chicago, where .she is to Join '*Ttie,Squa,w Mun," for the. season,. The plan of reserving a certain section of the Beats at the hintlnee performances has proved n great Buccesst..., AtalQ Valllere, of, Is to be a member of H&mmersteln's grand opera chorus..... .Mnrjorle Clifford left for New York mat week,' tO'commence rehearsing with "The StudeoI.KIng."... ...Qscnr N..Field has rr-turned from a Summer engagement, at SnofTord Lake. N. H., and will direct the Academy of Music orchestra, Northampton. Lynn—At tne tynn Theatre (F, G. Har- rison, manager.) the Boe , Stock Co. played to fair business week of Sept. 9. Frank Daniels 10, and the remainder of the Week the Kennedy Players, In repertory. "The College Widow" 17. "The Old Homestead" 18, --The Volunteer Organist" 10, "When Knighthood Was in Flower" I'O, "The Ninety and Nine" 21, 22. . - . . „ Acbitomuu (Harry Katzea, manager).— The opening week and Inst week, good busi- ness was done. Thla week: The Faust Fam- ily, Mozart, the McDonald Slaters, Raymond nnd Caverly, Sclilffner and Trimmer, Al. Weston and company, Kstelle Wordette and company, and the vltagrnph pictures. Tiikatkr. Salem (Geo. II. Chcet- ham, manager).—The Boo Stock Co. thla week, "The College Widow" 13. Noteb.— James Grady, of. this city, brother of Jere Grady, Will tbfa season be seen with Al. U. Wood's "Bertha, the Sewing Machine Girl.". .... .Tom Dunu. who several schhoos ago was Been wllh the Frankle Carpenter Co., but who has been enjoylng.prlvate life In hja home here for a yenr or more. Is. now with the Jere McAu'llffe Co., and will be Been In Mr. Dunn la ooe of deserves the great success be .baa met witb. -In the Palace of the King" proved a titling vehicle to show tbe full Btrength of the com- pany. Mr. De Dcjn. as Don John; was ex- cellent : Kugeule llnyden, the hew Mm lady, won Immediate favor, aud Slnbelle Kstelle added another triumph to her lonjr. list. Frederic Burt met a warm reception, as did Jack Chagnon nnd Marie Curtis, mem- bers of last yi>ar'a company. Joseph S. Gil- low, as the Cardinal, deserved special men- tion. Mr. Glllow has returned home, after playing lends far several seasons In road compiinies, nnd received a royal welcome. "The Itelte or Rlrhraoad" 10-in. Hatiuway's (John I. Shannon, resident manager).—Business oneiled big here, and an excellent list of people entertained. Mr, nnd Mrs. Sidney Drew, In "When Two Hearts Arc Won." met with much favor, and George Thatcher nnd Cl>aa. Knula, minstrel act, was filled with Inucbs. Current: Sidney Dean nnd company. Ferguson nnd Mack. Thomas nnd Payne, Kaufman Sisters, Arthur and Mildred, BoylBud, Mate. Kniuiy's pctB, Flor- ence Sannder* and Hie vltagranh. BosToM.(J. H- Tebbetts, manager).—This popular bouse had a successful bor Day, to 8. R. O. Bob and Bertha Hyde headed n well balanced bill, and w*>re obliged to respond to numerous encores. Tbe Boston Blnsiope was again a wlnuer, a.nd Thursday night drew the unubI large programme of amatenrs. Current: Bailey and Ftckctt, Al. Stevens, Will and May Redo, Boss Slaters nnd others. The Boston bioscope will feat- ure "The ProapMtoTs." The Great Medicine Co. (Fred " Walton, owner) Is now In Us fourth week, business and offering an e entertainment. The ros- Walton, piu- uiannKer; Clias. Delluar, stage __ electrician; staff of pIiyslclan's-^Dr. C. H. Conner, Dr. Wm. M. Lawhon: roster of band—Haney Fancher, leader; Fred Comptols. Cbas.,Perry. William Smith, .las- Walker, Wm. Uiisbu, Geo. Hal- stead. Frank Balcoin, Louis Mlchaelsoo : en- tertainers—John Morrison. Delmar, Dexter nnd Delmar, James Walker. Frank Balcom and William Morrison. With tbe company, besides Mrs. Walton, dre Mrs. J. H. Blake, Mrs. John Morrison, Mrs. Louis MIchaelion and Mrs. Homey Delmar.. i i ■ ■ ' ■■ Fall River.—At the Academy of Music (W. F. Mason, resident manager) "Hap" Ward and a capable comnnnv presented his new musical comedy, "Not Yet; But Boon." Stpt 1, and scored a decided success. Mr. Ward, as Bill Nerve, has a role that suits lilm better than anything be has heretofore been seen In. Chas, Chnpmqn scored a big hit, as did Lucy Daly, .loan C. Hart ami Jennie .P/nlmer. The. production was well staged, and the costnnaes were rich and band- some. Attendance was fair. James Kennedy Stock Co.. 3-8. presented "Larry from Ire- loud." 3. Mr. Kennedy, who is a great fnvorlto here, met with a warm welcome. Of the com- pany, David Walters and Riith Maccauley de- serve praise. The productions were well staged, and attendance on the opening was large, and fair during the rest of the week. Elwlri Stock Co.. 10-IS, Kurl Burgess Bfock Co. 17-22. . ■ _ * Savoy (N. F. Mason, resident manager).— "Girls Will Be Girls," 3-0, with Al. Leach and the Three Rosebuds, opened the com- pany's season, and nlso the Drat season of this theatre - under the new management. The company gave a good performance 3, and pleased. Al. Leach, Bdwdrd T. Mora, and the Three Roesbuda scored hits Attend- ance was good. "Not Like Other Girls," 0-8. with Gertrude Dion Maglll and M. K. Byan In lending roles. MIrh Maglll, who Is a great favorite, here, received. a warm welcome, and did good work. The others of the company were fair,.and attendance.was good. Felix Haney IU, "Buster Brown" 11. 12, •'Are .You a Mason?" 13, "David Hanim" 14. "It Happened In Kordlnnd'' 17. Nance O'Nell 18, >. As Ye Sow" 20-22; "The Col- lege Widow" 24, '.The Old Homestead" 20. Shebot's (C, B. Cook, resident manager). —J. Frank Darke Stock Co. presented. -The Cotton King" 3-8, and pleased. Harry S. lladtield. flB Jhmes Shlfllugldw, scored a big; hit In one of tho best character parls of the Kenson. John A. Dnley was excellent In a welt acted role, J. Frank Burke aud lvtfaei Klder added another to their long Hat of RucceSaeB. The production wns. given on elaborate stage selling, under tbe direction of Lawrence Barbour. 1'velyn McVeigh re- joined tho company 3. Attendance was very Urge. "Michael fitrogoff" 10-15. Huston (Ch&H- Schleslnger, resident mana- ger).—The regular Benson opened 3. with the following Mil: Prof. Wlllard, Morcnn and Crone. Freeman und Watson, the Ma- glnleys, Hnrry Ward. Alice Berwick, Smith and I.e. Bosc, and Kdlth'Roberts. NickKt.oDKON (M. It. Rhecdy, manager).— Rill week of 3: Comedy Company, Kdltb ._- comnrtny '. Taylor Stock i__ UroWn 13, Frank Danlela in. Notb.— The Bristol County fnlr, 9ept 3-fl, wis largely attended, and a strong Hat of vaudeville attractions was presented^ Beachy'a olrshlp proved a strong drawlug card. ■ ■■■ ■ a Lawrenee,—At the Opera Houso (Grant A Cahd, managers) (lib Karl Burgess Stock Co. held tbe boards, to good buttlueus, week of Sept. 3. Booked; "The Ninety and Nine" 10, 11, "Tlio College Widow" 12. . r-u.'.jMAi. (Al. HnyneB. manager).—Last week opened with very big houses, and tho bill being exceptionally good, every number whs appimided. I-ewl* McCord and compnny was the drawing card. 'i Cabto (Uoostl A Co., managera).—The Asian Beauties Co. played to good business week of 3. ^ « • »» ' i NEW YORK 8TATB. Four Fords, Tenbrookc, Lumliert and Ten- bruoke. Count lh> Butx ami Bru., Bonnlo Oaj- lord, nnd kluclogrniib. ilAKEit (J. II. Moure, manager).—Tlie re* orgnniJifil atuck coiiipiiiiy beann I1h accooil scinoii ;i, opening to nn S. It. O. house. Iu "The Crisis." Excellent lotWnetW Was given, (he new members of tin.- cuMpuiry, WIU situ Melroutt and Lucille Snlnuey, leading limn nnd wumnn, respecllvely. Inunedlntely iiruiplug Into favor. Everything U. ibelag epl uu to Hie >u)nr. 1 standard, which la hlgU cluss. "A Midnight Bell" 10-ir.. CuktNTiiiAK (Henry V. Jiumi-h. mnnngor). —Tin* Uentx-Sniitley Co. hud flhe pairunngo week of ,'t. CliiiN. I>. Weber, Marshall nail King, nud the 'Cycling Zunoraa scored In an crcellent olio. The Bowery BurlcHtiuera IV* Hnffalo— At the Star Theatre (r. C. Cor- nell, manager) " 'Way liown East" appear* Sept. 1U-10. David Montgomery and Fred A. Stone. In Henry Blussoni und Victor lleii«'rtn brllttant new musical play, "The Hod Mill," delighted S. It. 0., at Its Initial production* Inst week. Tbe scene of the opera Is laid In Holland, aha a cuinpany of unusual excel- lence has been secured by Mr. DllllnKbam to support tbe atara, who twinkle even morn brilliantly than In their old gold mine, "Tbe Wizard of O*." "Popularity" appeared tlio last half of tbe week, to good results. "Cap- tain.Cureless" week of 17, ., LYiic (J. LauKblln. manager).—"Bt'foro and After; or, Ur. Page." 13-15. Aubrey Bouclcault, In "The Greater Love," received a warm grceilug. aud was ably supported, Siika'h. —Appenrnuces week of \0 lucluilo: Charles Rra&a and coaipany, Mnreeua, Nc- vnsro and Mareenn, Sam M'atson's Farmyard, J. K. Murray and Clara Lane. u Acapkmv (P. C. Cornell, manager).— "Ruled Of the Turf" 10-15. "Her False Step 17-22. "$l0.oiK» Reward" did very well. Lai-avktth (Clias. It, lligg, mauat(cr).— Yankee Doodle Glrln, presenting "Tim SulH- van's Chowder" nnd "Sulllvau on Guard at the Phlllpplnps." tills week. Kentucky Belles did well. Held and Gilbert, Mile. Marietta. Century Comedy Four, and Andy McLeod en- tertained In their usual good form, ■ '. Tkck (P. C. Cornell, mnnager).—George Sldnev. In "Busv batjf> Vacotlou." week of 10. "Texas" week of 17. H. Miller Kent met with enfonragement In "Batltcs." . Garden (L. N. Wooleot, manager).—-Roj- ter for 10-itt Includes: Bertie Fowler, Ldsnll and Forbes, Bean and Ilnmllt-m and tbo Ozarea. Opening week revealed the theatre brightened and well patronised. Athletic Vabk (ft. 11. Mncbroom. mnna- Business rabtlnuea gdod with the concessions, notwithstanding tbe character comedy port,. the oldest comedians In the business, having RoDertai ajgtf feiHters. Kelly und Kelsey, made his first nppearance on the boards 0 Ln HP |i ei „nd moving plcturee. Attend nearly flftv years ago Manager and Mrs. Clmrfes \V. Sheofc. of the Gem Theatre, are now enjoying a vacation, visiting Coney Is- land nnd other placea In New York The Gem Theatre season will open 17. Holyoke,—At the Opera House (James B 1 . O'Conoell, manager) "When the Harvest DUI Are Over," Sept. 3. nlsved to sarlsiar- tory bnBlness. Kellnr 4, "When Knlghtnooa Was in Flower" 5; Henrietta Crotaiuan. in ■•AH-of-a-Rudden-PcKgy" S: "It Happened In \ordlnnd" 14, "The Rollicking Girl" lfi, Iiyrne Bros. IT, "ltie Vamlerbllt Cup" 20. •'Beauty and the Beast" 21, 'The Virginian 2*» "Empire (T. F. Murray, manager).—"Adrift In .New York," 3-5.. and Clark's Runaway Girls, 0-8, ulayed to good business, "The Moyor of Laughland" 10-12, Rentz-Bontley Uurlesquere 13-15. "Montana" 17-10, tbe Bow- ery Burlesquct-a 20-22.. ,..-.„, Mountain Pahk Casino (Louis Pelllasler, manager).—The neasbn at the Casino closed 3 Tne attendance here this Summer broke all pnBt records, averaging a boot 2,000 per- sons at each perfor mance. . . New Bedford,—At the New Bedford The- atre (Wm. B. Cross, manager) the Bennett A Moultoo CO. came Week of Sept. 3, to good business. Dot Korroll Co. 10-15, . Hathawat's IT. B. Baylies, manage.*).— Bill for week of 10: lieonard Ktfbe, Gardner ~ qt«*-t*td. Pk*», H^rH-w. B», and Mrs. anre Is gooil. Insir, — Manager Mason was presented with, -several Iloral tokens at the ojwnlng of the Savoy, 3..,. ..Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry K. Hndfleld, of the Burke Co., entertained several of their friends at dinner & Geo. Hill has Joined Manager Mason's staff an treasurer of the Savoy William Dil- lon has been transferred from the Academy to tbe Savuv. as stage manager The en- gagement of the Burke Co. will MM Sept. 22, Miiriaper Barry presented Phil Dillon with a slEiii't ring 1. Mr. Dillon lias bdneil Mnnnser Mason's Htnff.,.... Wllllnm Dillon will lie stage manager at tbe Savoy, having been transferred from, the Academy. Worcester.—At the Worcester (Alf. T. Wilton, resident manager) Henry R. DIxey. In "The Man on tlie Box." 13-14. I**t week Anna Eva Fay drew largo audiences. This was Miss Favs second week, and was even more successful than the first. "Tbe Squaw Man" 28. Fbankmn (J. F. Burke, resident mnnncer). —Week of 10. Nance O'Nell. In "Macbeth" and "Elizabeth." first three days, playm* the Orst homed evenings of 10. 12, and. the last named on 11 nnd matinee 12. The last .three days, Dahlcl Bully. In "The MatchUaker." Last week "David Harum" bad good returns, 8-5: "Uoltv ToRy': fl>8. I'abk (Alf. T. Wilton, manager).—Wck of in. Innocent Maids, Including Kmma O'Nell. Mr. and Mrs; Larrv Shaw, the Seyons. Hughes Ppncher; eHe Great Peliatd; Hluiloo K dnd! Drew, Miles ind-Blcard, Qw. Tnafchar and and Hnzelton. "4 M andNat Field* .X**t ofbert. Stage show, Martin * Lfoyie'a • Big t „~J i-ii^s., Keiler and Ueno, and TlU- week Miss NwJo«£.^J»« *•» «*w n Burlesque Co.. Olio : Blanche Lorlng, Bene grapb. with continual large attendance. ger) various cool evenlugs. Linn'-i Thhatbr.— Appearing loot week were: Sato nhd Rnwson, Zarrelll. Lester Howard, aud Harry Hoed. Business Is well maintained. -■._..-«. CoNVKNTibrt HiLt. (BT. L. Meoch, cus- todian).—Roller skating Is now In vogue, to good results. ■ ■ » Hoeiiestir.—At the Rochester (M. 10. Wolff, manager) Cohan k Harris presented, fur tne 0»t time on any stage, Sept. 3-ri, Geo. M. Cohan's latent American piny, m three nets and four aeenea, flutltlcd,"Fopu- iBrltt," with Thoa. vY.'Komb featured. -CihtC ai follows: Robert Rand, Tho*. W. Boas; Jamea Fuller. Frederick De Belleville: David Miirnslde. John Jack: Donald BurnHlde, Li- gar Sclwya; Daly, Marcus Morlarty; Slugu Maunger, ; Burke and Regan, Tint ('renin ;■ Franklin Fledllug, William Koutigh ; Juseph Wilson, Howard Stevens; Joneuy, Lorr» Grimm ; A Stage Hand. Sam Flnnlgnu ; A Property Man, Frank Kelly; Marlon Van- derveer, Flur-uncs Rockwell; Mrs. Fuller, Harriet Ros*; Adrlenne, Edith Muyar; "ler- tmde Fuller, Adelaide Manotn \ Tunnku. Sachoro Oida. "Popularity" deal* with the fortune of Robert ltnnd. matinee Idol, and Gertrdde Fuller, n matinee girl, and daughter of n millionaire, who is really In love wlIU Rand. Gertrude'* father has Dp tired upon securing us a son-in- law Donald DurnBlde, tlio son of an old friend, a decision width he hastens to com- mknlcatfl both, to the girl, nnd Hand, sum- moning tbe latter to lib* house to acquaint him with the fact. He also offers Rand pe- cuniary Induceuivuts to gel blip to deny tho eiifMRt-ment that linn been announced In flar- ing newspaper headlines. Ruud declines to give Up the girl. Donald Burnslde then apreads a story that a Houtberu woman (Marlon Vanderveer, a friend of Gertrude's). with whom he bud eloped, und whom he bad Ititrodii'-ed Into the Fill ler Family, la Rands niltdress, A. plot Is framed tip whereby Gils woma-t, Mrs, vtiridetvcer. Is to be discovered In Bund's dreatdiur rooin at the theatre. Ue'r- rude BuspectH aumctblug, and makes ber way !o tlie dressing roont.ln ndvauce, and slides n an alcove and limn* the whole story, un- known either to Rand. Mrs. Vpaderveer, Fuller, Biirnslde, Fielding. Rand's man- ager, who has been made a party to tlie idol. Gertrude later hastens to Mrs. Vandervuer'n aiinrtnicnts; arcbiniianli'd by Donald Burn- side's father. Mrs. Vandervecr Is tMHng tho trile story of her misfortune, as well as tho name of rbe mun respdnslble—Doltald Bum- side—when the latter Is announced. Ills fnther bns left the woman's apartuichiH In tbe meantime, lint Mr; Fuller ttteps Into an adjoining room, from which place of vantage he Hears the mutual accusations of Burnslde, the yuuugcr, and MM. Vander- vecr, and stcpB out and confronts Burn- slde at tho critical moment, at which ha (Hurnnlde) breaks down mid ronfcwic* all, Mr. Fuller then receives Rand and his son- in-law with open arms; and the young couple ore happily united. At the opening per- formance, which went like n whirlwind, them waa a very big audience. Including, besides tbe author mul producer*; Meura, Klaw, Krlanger and Huyntan. Everybody agreed that another hiiccchk would have to bo credit- ed to the young author. The piny wan ex- cellently cast, tlie star, Thou. w. Rosa, mak- lrig a great lilt. Tbe support of Frederick lie BeltcvMIe. Edgar Helwyn. William Keogji, Florence Rockwell and Adelaide Manoli was faultlefts. Tbe attendance throughout tbe engagement win large. " 'Way Down East," i;-s, proved as gond as ever. Pliu-be I>ovlei still cleverly Impersonate tbe lending rote. Big biifliifSB rdled. Henrietta Crnsmah, In "All-of-aSitdden Peggy." 12; the flrnt Amer- ican prodiictlob of tbe English success, "The Si'Hng nliirVpfi." with Blcljnrd Cnrfe l.rir.. NATioNAMMaxfturtlg. manager),?—"Texas," with, tbe same excellent cam Been here last Bcanon, bad a succession of large houses .'t-S. George Sldnev ami bis Hue Hiippurt did K. It. O. business 0-g, with "Busy Izay'a Vacation." Prominent In (he star's siippurt were: Carrie Webber, Maud Campbell, Cbas. Lorlmer, Joi, AHinii)-.—At Hariunniis Bleecker llnll (II, R. Jncoba, manager) "Buster Brown." SepU 't-B, provfil n partli'ulnrly atrong ntlrnctlott; und cbiwdetT houses ruled. "Tlie Curse oE .Drink. 0, ,7, pleased good sUiul nudteucea, nnd ,r It Iiapiiencd In Nordland" 'rram tha week 3. with two packed houses, ut ad* vnr.ced prices. Henry Miller and Margaret Aiiglln, In "The Great Divide." 10; De Wo'C llopiier, in "Ifappyland," 11, mid "Wang'* IS: "l^ivera and LnuntlcB" lll-lO. PiutcToit'H (Howard .tlrulintii, reMidont man* iiger).—A strong vnudevltlc ufferliiK Induced) llg crowds to. <nmc to this popular liotian last week. Particularly noticed on the bill wore: Van Alutyne mill Henry, Royal Musical Five and Cliff Gordon. Bill for iu ami week: While and Htimrf , .litcoba' 1)ok Cir- cus. JoHCphlnp Gnaaman and her picks, Dava Xowlln, lttHihey Hlatent, the Gngtioux, apil Mullen nml Cbrelll. . r K'Mi'iitN (lliuS. R. Henry, resident raana- Ster).—This theatre opened as n burlesqun louse Sept. n-ri, with Clark's Rutiawily Girl-* as the nlirncttou, There was alt Immedlnta reHpuiiHo on tbe part of tuc public, us thu llientre was crowded at cndi performuncc. Vanity Fair followed U-8, w|tlt equally largn returns. The burleauues, "tm tne i'cbplen Line" und "Our Georgia Rom*." were wall put on nnd very laughnblc. Noticeable lu the ulla were Reed nnd yiiaw, Hlu<|ipard aud Wind, and Harry Dvltihcy and compnuy. Ronts- Siiiulcv Co. Ill-1'J. gaiuty (II. B. Nichols; manager).—Tha Tiger Lilies, an, were great fuvorllcN, wltli May Belmont. Curbly und Unrke, and La Valle aud tlrant. Wine, Woman nnd Hong Co.. 0-8, followed, and drew exceptloually. large audiences. Bonltu won the speclul feat- ure in fnvor. The NlghtlbgaU's HMR. a iTii a 1'abk (Max Ruscn, mahaser).— Warm weather , cuotlnurB to draw great crowds to this resort. Prof. Williams, bal- loonist; ttlse Kirk. McLougblln and Bliss, Valvena Bros, aro the' special fcaturi'n. —. - . u .-»—i ^—« irtica.—At tbe Mdjeatlc (i:. R. Koueke, resident lunnnger) Prlmrdsu'S Minstrels tilled the house Sept 3, MildnHlHolbnul drew big II. "Buster Brown" packed the bouse 7, H. Henrietta Crosman 1(1, John GrllUth 12. •Texas'' 13, "The Blnck Crook" 14, "Th« Smart Bet" 15. ouruntilt (E. T*. Koueke, resident mana- ger).—"Pbo opening last week proved a suc- cess. TKia week: Ye Colonial aVotette, TrauH-Atlautlc Fuur, Bellman and Moure, Irene We and ber Knndy Kids, Pauline Cook, Maf Clinton, Al. Colcmuu, Foster nnd bit* dog, ".Mike," and tlio'klnctogrnpli. |ii;w).y Mrt-ii- Ham, lOuvld Hnrry, mfloa- ger).—This week: Williams and Pullman, Kitty Furthers, Alice Wnrburton, Llula Booth. Tom Ryan, Al. Plena, Curon and Rice. and Rockfort nnd ^loy.. NoTBd.—Itotli the (iiphoum nnd Mo Jostle phow tht: decided Improvement of fresh paint- lug Tlio HhobrrtB* New Oarrlck Theatre la progressing rapidly. They aru nuw work- ing «ui the second htory Humialt Parle ptid Utlcn Park aro both closed for the sea-* son, and report n good Reason. Troy.—At Proctor's (William II. Cruhain, resident mnuagcr) the bill week of Kept. 10 Iiicludes: Mr. and Mra Gardner Crane, Ho- rani' nnd Nevdrro, Radford and WliHticslcr, Daisy Diihiond; Mr. and Mrs. Allison, Al, Burton, Morton, Tctnptu and Morton, nnd] Dlxua and Anger, Rami's Ot'KHA HuiiBU (It. T Tliompion, resident malinger).—Mildred llulluud, III "The Lily and tho Prince," drew well fl, '"Way Down East" bad n fnlr housH 4. "A sister's Hncrlilco" did well fi. "It llnppentd in Nordlaud" Ullcd the lioilso (I. "Thu Gin- gerbread Man" drew a big uousu fi. "When Knighthood Wfts lu Flower" 10, "The Black Crouk" 31, "Ilia Choir Hluger" IU, "TUo Bleeping Beamy mid the Beuat" 14. VxtimiH (It. II. Knllflr. mnnager).—Wine. Woman and Hong puaked t|n? Iiouhu II-R, Thu Tiger Llllrs drow tilg Iioiisch (18. New Cen- turfr^ Girls UhVt, Campbell's Nightingale* ii " a ' ■' ■ " ■ " ■ ■ JameHiutvn^-At HanmolH 1 Gpera Iloiiaa (M. Hels, mnilHger) llciinett-Moulton Co., Biipt. U-8, except Thursday, drew guod biiwl- neMs. "Tbe Lion and the Mouse," d, drew a largo audience, at advanced prlcen. "Oln Olcson" 10. "Till* isle of flitlcc" 11, "AI Bunch of Keys" l'J, Alburln Gultntln 17. Cisi^iuoN (J. J. Waters. maiiuKcri.—Bill week of 3: Metropolitan Opera Trio, Kidney] Grant, Brlatol's ponies, the Klnsons, and Zuy, Ilolliind. itAitMiH ANn Bailsv'h Cikcuh gnve two perfornmiK't'M, to capacity, U, and played Warren 7, to good business, giving tho betC of satisfaction. ■ s>riioum-.—At the Welting Opera Iloimo (J. L. Kerr, malinger) Monlgoinery nnd Ktdbe, In '"The Red Mill," opened to good business Sept. U-11. Mclntyro and Heath, la "Tlie Ham Tree," week commencing Hi. IUHiAurr (11. A. lliirtlR, manager).—• "Blzxy l7.iy'a Vacation" 3-fj, "TetOH" 0-8. "'Hiwter Hrowtt" HMl!. OuAsn OfKKA Hot'HR (Clinil. I'lumirier, mnnager).—Keith's vaudavllle, with the fol- lowing bill, week of Hi: MntiHfleld nnd Wil- bur, lew Huily, Realttt, Wolilug's trained) horses, and Met.'ren ami Poole. iilnu lintnt —At i lie HloneOpera Houm I J. I*. (■:. Clark, innnngiir) Mamie Ftamlue Co., In repertory, drew big IiuhIiiphh Kent, li- ft. Chapman Ktoek Co., in repertory, 10-10. AAsinnr (Ilimh A w--Iht. tnniingers),—Hill week of It: Three Mitchells, Cook nnd Clin- ton, Hurtle Furihan, Ed. Lntetl. Hnrry Cor- son Clarke and compnny, Trnn»Ailantla Four, Six H.imnis. and the klnetograph. ' . VBRMOnTT. -jr Xlurllnffton.—At the Strong Thcutra (t.'nhn A Grant, binnngeral "The Harvard) Girl," Be'pt. :t, drew fnlr bitalii^HS. Henri- etta. CroMmau, In "AH-of-n-Mudden Peary," /•M «»sl| R t* H/>rre- Minstrels «. "Wheni Knlgbtbood Waa In Flower" 7, Kellar 8, Nat M. Willi, in "A Lucky Dog," 10. <«• A. I, Goodwin, mnnager of tbe Opera Honia nt Gulfport, Miss., was a Cmitik cnllerSept. 7. He in In tho city, orranglag tbo booking* and other business connected with his bouse, fir Hi'irt.w, AnhANURHKNT with Chnrlei Frohman. Mnbellc Montgomery will «mr thlfl season In '"/Am," under the direct Ion at George II. Hunt, who has ensnged a atronaj company to support bis star.