The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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September 15V 1 - TABLE OF CONTENTS. Mia* Cllpp'-'r's Anecdotes, Etc. ".,., Otir Australian Letter Margaret Dale Own itollna. t!ot!icrn-M«Wowe Plans..'.-......-,,,- Features of tbe Weekly Show ■, World of Players ;-, Vali'levlUe and Minstrel ,., MiiMi-'unil Hone .,,, Queries Answered...... ....... ...,.,,, our Chicago Letter......... ,..,, Our London Letter On the Road brim by Telegraph ». Vaudeville Route List New' Xorfatiltf Under mr'4*eatf« ,..., Deaths tn tbe Profession Clipper Font Office. ,, THE NEW YORK CLIPPER: " 795 M: ™"*'_«»'?». wrg....,.At l-alrmoiin . Heiner'n \iin»„. s Jly —. 787 Sunday outponrln, .--«i In. the German Byrona were the • 789 700 702 702 .. T02 ..790, S04 705 .. 70.1, mo .708 _ hpagftUM, Sent 11 _«>Th. Vi-" I0*WW«...... TOO. Ml te,"lL» eT "?««l> CcXy MaWat 5? V8H °P™«1 Sunilaj, to crowfed aouacs ""■"""'' 780 . .» ."780'JS?. I0W V *••••» ,ijfcft' SffiPtr At Gn * De ' 8 Opera House V« lm ffl 2 n i° pX' »««*«> Wood aid Ward, 788,707 EtTA**- rwo . Merry Tramps," New Hampshire Colorado. Maine ArkaOsss. .. New Jersey . Vlrjiula ' Oklahoma i....... Indiana Missouri-...*; Pennsylvania.'. Montana...,. District of Columbia. OMb ., MnMflrbtin-'tt» New York State..... Vemotvt...;.' Went Virginia Alabama Ohio Minnesota.... Caonda - Kentucky Nfbrar.ka....... Lbnfahina.-.. .. North Carolina. Maryland. California lUJDDia;. Coonectlctit UlMlailppI, .Michigan Delaware Tennessee 8oi]tn Carolina., .701 702 702 702 702 7t)2 702 792 . 702, 790 700 7.>7 ..... 707 707 .~.-.7flT. Robbery" 10j ' amused a . had a a Towd," Oreat Lighthouse ."fy, Ht .\? New'York"' 12,. Myr j]e Vinton do. 15. West's" Mfn7trW"ifl , "'A Fjntertalnmen People's ( MO opcned_3, to capacitybusliVess with t£u jjgjgjje Route Cist, Thla list if -rade tkm as nrarlr ae. •?■»«•« H In POiiilile to make « fiat of vaudeville booklnsa. To ln«ar« is*. ■ertlon In <hli department th* name of the theatre or park. *> well ■■ the cut or town, MltflT aooanpaay ««o« boo kin* lent na. Acker A Colllna. O. a., Harrlnbtirg. Pa., 10-15, ■ Adter, Kin. tl. U. H.. Omni Rapid*, 10-18. Adair ft Dahn. Nornmltega Part, Boston, 10-10; Oanlen. Bnffnlo, 17-22. Adams. Mayoelle, Kcitti'a, Boston. 10-15. **M»ift While, Hippodrome. Ocean City, N. J., Adonis A Mick. Old Orrhard Beach. Mi-.. 10-1,1. Adaina. Mimical. Industrial, Mollnc, III., 10 IT.; Wenst'a, Peoria, 17-23. Adamlni ft Taylor, Orpheum, Kansas City, Uo„ 10-1.1; Orpheum. New Orleans. La.. 17-22. Abeam, Ww. J., ft Co., Olympic, Cincinnati, 10- Auearn. Jacqnelyn, OotUam, Dklo., 101.1. Ahcnrn. Chna. ft Jac, Hoajr Lake, Wmnaocket, R. 1., 10-1.1; (lotliam, Rkln., 17-22, - Ahem & Daxler. ntjnii, Llocoln, Neb., 10-13; Bijou. Omaha, 17-22. AIHuon Troiipo. Fair, hidlannpolla, 10-15. Alllaon, Mr. ft Mm., Proctor**. Troy. N. Y., 10-10; Proctor**, Newark. N. J., 17-22. Alxiice ft Lorraine. Lyric. Cleveland, 10-15. ■>. - Entertainment Co 22, 23 Peopijj'8 (Vic ilufro. tnannger)._The*ea Lance" Brlnton Allen. Janet, Keeney'a. Ilkln.. 10-U. AltliofTH. The. Hippodrome, N. Y. C. 10-15. Aliiha Trio, Kmplre. Hobokeni N. J., 10-13; Co- lonial, Lnwreitre. Mans., 17-22. Allarty'a Camel. Hlppodrmn*. N. Y. O., 10-15. Aline. Mile.. l.akrslde Park. Akroa, O., 10-1S; Indlnnola Pork. Columbus, 17-22. Allen. Jmlp, Puwtiicket. R. I.. 10-15. Alblnl, i.l»-iit. Rljou. Dtilutli. Minn.. 1010. Alhurtiia A Miliar. Umpire Toiir, Knjr.. 10-Oct. 31. Alblona, The, Star. Muncle, Intl., 10-10. A Mo ft Armour. Pair. iMiidon. Can., 10-15, manager).— Albaa. n,- t ni. Hlnr. B!iln.. 10 : 15. ite* b,l, J _<f«nceaciTTleSdlnV and company .7flT. tredandMae Waddell, McKlnnonT abcI Reed . 707 SSP™* 1 *' ** y W - "» tWSflS ' ?2q nin LAM0 . rA . R ^. '°- K - narton, mAnairer). * '-rnn !! week of Sept. 2: Mnzuz and Mniette. Mbene * " Draot - BI *» U « *■"«*. « lch - iQK > LATEST BY TELEGBAPE. OOLDF..V OATH GLEANINGS, 7B» u ' na P" 8 four flu e concert, iere 0, 7. ., vn !; . Ll « Bradley, manager) "Mt WITp'h W.ft W; S " A P«lr o« Couotr. K ",'" Woman •>( Mysterj" in, "The Umpire" 18 •Bijou (Jake Iloienthal, manager) la Mt. "15 a SS 1 " ot Dulnt preparatory to opcnlni . soi . sot . Ml un Tiu-Statb Faih, held here lant wpeir was largely attended. Ijtor ttir Rlnriln. ]015; K - * p - XM 8I - "■ *■ Bros.' Circus Blind to rmrt. ^nnr?'™!! Arlliwlon Comedy Konr, K. A p. I! ■Mm Di^ffpofcftca <o Thh Niw Yobk Clipper. , Han ■Tiuncisco, Sept. 11.—The street car ,n t°e erenliiK, rltlnp; a great show. Their atrlko has played havoc with everything in strc *t parade was the finest ever awn here *Mii ■ *<1*w atnpA Itn lunation u.._.!._ 7 itfn-rB- Mia « nn . j- i '_ * ■ . ~1*' thi*.clty since its loceptlon, Sunday, Xujr. 2«. The Orphnim* at the Chutes, has sn?- farad the most, as it la a very Ion? distance trap town. There are only two Independent •trfCt car lines running, and they amount to nothing, for they begin nowhere and ond uolroere. Monday, Sept. 10 rguoday, Sept. 6).U.m Ames ft Feathers. Star. Peoria, HI., 10-15; m- . Jon.. Decatur, 17-22. AmcflciiK Comedy Four, Akron, O,. 10-15. American Newnboy*' Quartette, O, II., Terra Haute, IimI,, 10-15; BIJou, Meinphla, 'IVnn., 17- Allium) 4 fltirtloy, Medfnrd. Maas., 10-15, Antlprnoh' ft aolnea, Taunton, Mkm„ 10-15; Mil- fonl, lf'lt2. Apol'o Quirtct. Rnmona, Orund llaplda, 10-in. Appl : A Sumner, Hoiiklna', Loulavllle. Ky., 10-15. Archer ft Crocker, K. ft P. Cnlon 8n., N. Y. 0„ "ft p. 23d St., N. Y. C. 17-22. " 58lh St.. N. Y. J., 17-22. _ Ilkln.. 10-15. Arnold ft Qardnrr, Vaudeville, Mlildle^own, O., 10-1" «ote.— The new drcssloff rooms at the Armond, Oroce. Oarrlck. Durllngton, la., 10-15; Grand ore now ready- They are In a build- Star. Matins. III., 17-22. Jng adjoining the theatre, six In number and Amsberir ft Morette, Traymore. Bnlto.. 10-15. have all conveniences. uifi nrox., Proctor'a. Newark, N. J.. io-ic. Ashton ft Barlr. Kldnra Park. Cbutlcrol, Pa., 10- ; Uem, Monongaliela. 17-22. Aahton ft Martlne; Urau Virledadeii, Ilarana, I Culm, 10-22. , Atiallna, Orent, Danville, 111.. 10-I5. 1 Au-tlii. Claitilo. UIJou. Hheboygau,- Wis., 10-15; IlUoti. Oahkoab, 17-22. liavennort^-At the Durtla Opera House the acason opened Sept. 1, with 'The Mlnls- ter i s«n.' "She Looks Good to Father" came ISflK 00 i llda ,y- Admission Day (oJmlsslon o( J° B°™ h , ( ' , ■i ,Je ' , ft "Porslfal" 4, "A Stranger (Sllfornla Into the Union, Sept. 0, 1850). J n i? wn ' 6 , ' lhe Flaming Arrow" 0, "Lost Holiday matinees at the theatres that ar- n . ■*-«' Jwk, J«, ."The Cowboy Olri" 1*J, AtMtTiw. faSfiZ k. & p. 58th St.. N. Y. C, 10- th eo open. Johnny Wise"13, "As Told In the Hills" 14, 13; KpHIi'h. Phlla.. 17-2K. ""Cbntiul Thkatius. —This place Is closed "P™ Tuornc" 1H, "Uncle Josh Spruceby" Avoliw, Musical (4), Trent, Trenton, N. J.. 10-15. In .consequence of Ibe street car strike and *'• " T ^ 0 Gambler's Daitghtcr" lit. Haker ft Warden, Onlety, rittabart:, 10-15; cin- —nlng of Kolb and Dill and comoanr. Hchuwiikn Park.— Kilties' Band, of To- "«!""""■"■*?*• « . * .. >. concluded a week'i onoa^miy^ n nlley ft I'lckPtt, Boston. Lowell, Monk., 10-15. Wemcnt fiSffi fc pi etC hcr. Hemleoon-a, Coney Island. N. Y., 10-15. Harrison ft Howard, in, consequence or the street car strike, and ft, 1D0 " the opening of Kolb and Dill and company. Hchukw in-"A-Lonesome Town," postponed Inden- J, 00 ' 0 - caa. nlteJy. , Tuesday (4) and Friday (7), after- WEfi 6 - nooni special matinees of Constnnca Crawley, Ip "Everyman." ™ _; Davis THkATltB.—Monday (matinee), Sept 10, Henry James' Travesty Stars, In "Uolty Toltj." ■ ■ Qbpkeum.— At the Chutes, Sunday, 0. tqatlnee I FJako and McDonough, Cblnko and company, Mlnnlo Kaufman, the lUllan Trio. Hfi Welch, the Salvnggls. Dlion Brm. Max tflldtrbrandt, and tho Ornbcum motion nlc- turea. ' * <' At ' AJ £ 1 J'i onKI ' AIJa,I * Sbllb Bboh.' Cikcus WMI exhibit here for three days and nights, rrimuienclnsr Saturday, Sept. 8. at the Mis- sion Park. 18-20 Dolores and Church Streets. y JfvProWcniatlcal what kind of business is done Ir the car atrlke continues, as no cara of any kind go within four miles of tbe place. Turner Grand.— 1'ranz Italner's Tyrolean r-lngers concluded a week's performances at Suburban Island Park 8. Family Theatre will open the vaudeville Bcaaon 10. Bun Theatre will open 15. ■ ■ > — Boone.—At Aries Opera House (Wiley ft Klrhy, mflnagers) "The Midnight Flyer" Sept. 14. Lyman Twin Brothers 21. Thb Nbw Parkbr Amuhkuhnt Co. (car- nival), under the direction of Wiley ft Klrby, managers of tbe Opera House, was In this city ;i-x. with many attractions, drawing Immense crowds dally. ■*>♦» WASHINGTON. Seattle.—At the Grand Opera House (John Cort, manager) capacity houses ruled Aug. 20 and week, with "Two noses,' by tho Stew- art Opcrn Co. "Dorothy" Sept. 2 and week, William Collier, In -tin tho Quiet," 0-12. SfSATTLn (Russell ft Drew, managers).— Philadelphia, Sept. 11.—"Popularity," the Hcason opened under management of ftunneU lutest Cohan play, had Its local premier at the * Drew, with "On the Bridge at Midnight." Client mil, to a crowded house, and acorccl a 2 «nd week. The Taylor Co.. In "Stolon by W- bit Attractions holding over are: Gipsies," 0 and week. tyeronlque." at too.Lyric; "Miss Dolly Dol- Third Avbnub (Russell ft Drew, mnDa- FROM OTHER P OINTS. The Season la Now In Fall Swing;mid 1 Parka Are Cloalna; Rapidly. m m i O. O. II., Indianapolis. 10-10. Raiser*. The. Cook'a. RoctieHter, N. Y.. 17-22. Barrett Slaters, Ori'bcum, Boston, 10-10; Oulto., 17-22. BsrrettH (3), Trent, Trenton. N. J,, 10-15. Hmtholrll'H Ulrilf, KelUj-a, Providence, 10-15. Bannera (:t), Howard, Boston, 10-15. BarnfH ft Lerlna. Novelty, Ktocklon, Cat, (015; Lyric, San Fran., 17-22. Hnrtli Hiyin. ft Lawton, Howanl. Boston, 10-1.1. Butes, i-'init- \v.. Crystal, Victor, Col., 10-10; Cryatal, Pueblo, 17-22. Ilimder I.n Villi- Trto, Fair, Wllllanuburg, In.. 10-15; Fair. VlnMpiu, Wis., 17-22. Hi.iI.iw ft Nicholson, Family, Kliauiokla, Pa., 10- 15. IinrtiioliU'ri CtKkntooR, Keith's, Providence, 10-15; Keith's, BiMtun. 17-22. Biirrnird, <leo. ft Uuscl, Fair, Ncwburyi»rt, Muss.. 10-15. Hayes, Nj.-ii, Hhea's, Toronto, 10-15. Burnes ft Kdwlns. Orplifiim, Clillllcothe, 0., Ki- ll; Ori>heum, PortHmouih, 17-22. ItaMkN-Ut-frtelle Duo, (k>lliun., Bkln., 10-15. Barnes. Ktuart, Colonial, N. Y. C. 10-1.1. Bell iiniV Trio, Teople's, Cttliir Itiipldn, Midi., 10-15; Bijou, Dubuque. In., 17-22. Ilenay, Cl.iire. K. ft I'. 1,'nlon Hn., N. Y. U., 10- 1.1; Keith's, Phlla.. 17-22. Bedlnl, Uumtt, Or|ilieiim. Itcadluv, Pa., 10-15; SrtM'iii'c.mtv. N. Y., 17-22. Bellord, Al. (i. ft Maxle, Howard, Boston, 10-15. Bellman ft Moore, Orpheunt, run., N. Y.. 10-10. Berry ft Berry, Lyric Tcrre Haute, Ind.. 17-22. Hi'dimlii Antba (H). Kulr, Indlnnnpolla, 10-15. Bcllclalre Broo., Main Ht.. I'eurla, III., "' i Family. Duvcnixirt, la., 17-22. Berat, Lu , K. ft P. 2:id Hticct, N. Y. C. Beyer. Ben, Wwdworth'a. Limcaster, " Urplieum. Heading. 17-22. IffH Beaiiiili | Miller, Tmit, Trenton, N. J- 10-15; Of b KiiiDlri:. I'lilemnn. N. J.. 17-22. _ I" at the Oarrlck; "Home Folks," at tbe gers).—Dark until 10, when Chas. A. Tay- and "Charley's Aunt," at tbe Chestnut lor's Co. will return as a permanent feature, Strett Opera House, which are drawing well, presenting "Escaped from the Harem." j \\-l-,\ Jameo J. Corbett, In "The Burglar and Star (K. J. Doncllnn, manager).—New **"t Lady,", was well received at the Orand people 2 and week: Mllo and voggc, Pete tra House Keith's, hud the usual big Dunswortli, Eddie Lnmont, Cnmlllo Tcrsnnl, ,>wds, afternoon awl night..... .-Minstrels, Morrison nod Uoma, Casey and Lo Clair, and dt'tbe Eleventh Street Opera House; tbe Bon moving pictures. TvWi at tho Lyceum: the Thoroughbreds, at OfPllBUH (T. ,T. Consldlne, manager),— "jPiPlJou: Cracker Jacks, at flie Casino,-and New people I and week: Tom and Frank B l 5l, r i.f;i,i^ ,»! 10 in tile Champagne Olrls, In the newly remodeled Auston, Geo. F. Keane, Bomalnc and Lutch. Ilft^-W 1 ^?' SSSSkCfS^ 'Jftlf Troeadero, had plenty of patronage TITO Eddie Grey and company. Courtrlght and **%*„£" h„k '»., ArJiia a o B I o her combination and stock houilea were well Lee. and moving pictures. !o-tn ' ' <j(t«qded. PANrAOEB (Alex. Pantagcs, manager).— Rt.iH.rt, May, K. ft P. 23.1 Street, K. Y, ,f,u "*"'- ■—» ■■ "—- -- --—.. New people 3 and week; Derenda and Green, FertML-'s Clrcna, KeilliV. Boston, 10-16. Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Chick, the Hiissels, Harry Blimey ft Cliuimian, Cr.vHlsl, Toledo, O. Chsmbcrlln, Sadie Mcrrlman. Arthur Elwell, -- and moving pictures. Notb. —Work Is progressing on Pantanes' new Block company theatre. Openlog date lias not yet been announced. Buckley*, Mimical, Fall Festival. Cincinnati, 10- 22. Byn>n ft Blanch, BIJou. Mtddletcwn. O., 10-15; Orphi-um, Newark. 17-22. Byron ft Lanadnti. roll's. Stirlngtletd. Mass., 10- M; Poll's. Worcester. 17-22. Carlln ft Otto, Orphcum. Kaunas City, Mo., 10-15; Orpbenm. Omalia. Neb., 17-22, Parrlno'a Heara, Bradenburnh's. Pblla,, 10-15. t'arey-Cotter Trio, A. ft 8., Boston. 10-15. Caaatl ft Be Verne, Olympic, So. Bend, Ind., 10* 15; Crystal. Detroit, 17-22. Cnldera. Heiidrrsou'a. Coney Inland. N. Y., 10-15. Ca»p*r ft Clark, Bradenhiirgh'a, Phils., 10-10; Hnber's. N. Y. C. 17-22. Cate Family Four, Paotigea', Portland. Ore., 10- 15. Carlton, Tlina. J.. MnnltaMan. Nolfolk. Va., 10-15. Carroll ft Clarke. Mnjestlc, Chicago. 10-15; Hay market, Chicago. 17-22. Csrdownte Slstera, Valveretta, Bay City, MlcU., 1015. Cartnvells. The, Kellh'a. rrovldence, 10-15. Cauldy. Mabel, Bamona. Orand Baplds, 10-15. Camble, II. B., Scbaerer'n Coluinltiia, O., 10-15. Calvin, Jan., Globe, Billings, Hon., 10-10. Cnraon Bros., BIJou. Blrmlngbam, Ala., 10 1,1; Naabvlllo. Tenn., 17-32. OnipKclla. The. Family Park, Redalla. Mo., 10-15. Carter ft Water* Co., Trciit, Trenton, N. J., 17- 22. Call. Catherine. G. 0. II.. Pittsburg, 10-15. Carlisle's Doga. O. O. II., Indianapolis, 10-10; tblnmbli. Cincinnati. 17-22. Carou ft Herbert, Ilnvmarliel, Chicago, 10-15; Colnmbln. S;. liouf*. 17-22. Caraon ft Wlllanl. Honklna', IauUtIHo, Ky.. 10- 15; Hopkhifl', Meniphls, Teiin.. 17-22. Carlton ft Torre. MsJcmiIc, Kansas City. Mo., 10* 15; Gayely, St. U..K 17-*i2. Carlisle ft Marlowe. HIJm, I.a Croaae, Wis.. 10-16. Carleton, At, Trent, Trenton, N. J., 10-10. Cblnko ft Co.. Chntea. Han Fran.. Cnl., 10-10. (Thrhtcpho;-. nrtdilnm, Lima, O,, 10-15. Cherry ft Bates. Kellb'a. Pblla., 10-15; Keith's, PmvMence. 17-22. Chandler. Anna. Colham Rklu., 10-15. Cbameroya, The, County Fair. West Cheater, Pa., 10-lfl. rhuthnn. .oiatera, BIJou, Rorkford, 111.. 10-15. (Hilldera, Unite. Empire, Paterson, N. J., 17-22. ■ CmUera Dnn, Kinplre, Pateraotl, N. J., 10-in. Clifford A Orth. Unique. Hanta Crua. Cat, 10-15. Clarke. Harry Cnrwn, Brldgt>|K>rt, Conn.. 10-15; Springfield. Mass.. 17-22. Clayton, Jenkins ft Jasper, Fair, Indianapolis, • 10-16. ClllTortr ft Burke, Chase's, Washington, D. 0., 10.15. Clennonta. The, Park, Plensure Bay, N. J., 10- 16. chiike. Geoi-Klana. Hay City, Mich., 10-15. rot km, I.oln. Crystal. Toledo. 10-10. i ■finm-iiy. Hugh. o. II., Paterson, N. J., 10-15. ContliK) ft Lawrence, Crystal. Detroit, 10-1S; -Olympic, Ho. Bend., Ind., 17-22. Colhurn ft Franela. Crystal, Detroit, 10-16. Celburn A Grenacbo. Fair. Yt. Plain, N. Y., 10-15. CuliinililnConieily Fnnr, Empire, Palersoo, N. J,, 10-16; Empire. Hnbokeil, 17-22. CugaweliM. "Cycllna, Touring Mexico. f'.^k, Frank, A. ft K., Ronton, 10-1S. Colby Family, Majeittle, Erie, Ph., 10-10; Or lilieiini. Boston,' IT-ZU. ' * c.nviKir A Hears, lnjun, Norfolk, Va., 10-10. (Vilentan, .Nellie. Keeuey'a, Ilkln.. 10 16. Cox Family Uuarlelte, UIJou, Oklahoma, Okla., 1016. Cook ft Mi-vein, Cnlonlsl. N. Y. 0., 10-16. Oilu'a 1>'uk, Olyinplr, Cincinnati, 10-16. Cook ft Clinton, Orplieum, I'll'*. N. Y., 10-16. Colonial Septette. Itt, Orpheum, Uticn, N. Y., 10- Cowiier, Jlmmle. Fltclilmrg. Mass., 10-15; New- port. R. I.. 17-22. Coleman. Ad., Onilicum, lltlca. N. Y.. 1016. Courtho|>c, June, ft Co., 0. O. II.. Indlanapolla, 10-15. Crctisv ft Dayoe. Keith's, Uoatou, 10-22. Creluhton's Boosters, lirsdeiiburgti's, Phlla., 10- 15, Crony Tr!>. r.. O. If., Plttablirg, 10-15; K. ft P. 126lh rtt., N. Y. C. 17-22. Cross. Harry, Ot'|iliciini, St. 1'aul. 10-16. - Crnlne, Unta ft (Value, GrnmL MUOcle, Ind., 10- ir,; Cr.Mi|iH. tViluniliua. 17-22. t*iirrnii ft Itlee, Dewey. I.'lleii. N. Y., 10-15. CiittjK, Miwleul (0), Hliea'i*. Tomntu, 10-15. CiiiinhiBhsni ft Rhhm, Talk. N. Y. C, ltt-16; Fnrn- H.v, PoiirflisccpMle, N. Y.,' 17-22. Ctillen, Jus. II., Kiupln-, I'riteraon. N. J., 10-16, CiihIhiiiiii, I'liink, IttiiiHina. Orand Raplda. 10-16. Djly ft O'Brien. Columbia, Boston, 10-16; Park, WWHtfff, 17-22. Bavin, Ueo. C, Hheeilr's, Nvw|>ort, It. L, 10-16. Davis ft Wllimii, Itoaamurc Uarden, Far Ilockiiway, N. Y.. 10-10. Dny. Ue». W.. 1'mctvr's. Newurk, N. J., 10-15. KnvlK, Tom. Trio/HI|iprKlniiue, N. Y. C, 10-16. Dacre. Louise. BIJou, Ijultiinue, Is., 10-16; Do- minion, WlnnliH-g, din., 17-1I2. Uarrlnutuii, Alice, ft Co., Chase's, Wnatilofton. D. C, 10-15.. _ Dale A HiikhI. K. ft P. Union Bquarr, N. Y. 0., 1015. Daly, Vlnle. Odonlnl. N. Y. C. 10-15. Daiinvna, Lea, (Irautl, Jollet, III., 10-16. Daulcrs (4). Hbeedy'*. Ncwnori, II. I., 10-13, Davis, Joe, Manhattan. Nurrolk, Va., 10-16, DnKwelt, Auric, lloitklna', I^riUvllle, Ky., 10-15; £HopklnV, MemphlH, Tenn., 17-22. D8vls, T. ltlclmrda. FluttMbura, N.-Y.. 10-15, IWI .<Iuh.Ii... < tti.l.K. <!■ —I plenty of patronage other combination and stock houses were well - teqped. Chicago, Sept. 11.—"The Squaw Man," st/Powers*; tbe stock eompony, at the Chl- WgP Opera House, In "Mt-a. Dane's De- fflWJ '" , ' hc Liars," nt tbe Bush Temple; ,HlB m Hopklns," at the Great Northern, were tic Monday Monday openings is dollar woll the Colonial: Holdover sttrac- Tbe Vanderbllt Cup," Tho Free Lance," at the tjoruj. doing woll are at.the Colonial; "T.._ Vj tH>Mi "The Time, the Place ond the 01 Tneonia.—At tbe Tncoma Theatre (Cbaa, II. Herald, manager) William Collier, In "On the Qtilct" 8ept, 8. Giiani) Tiil'atiiu (Dean B. Worley. mana- ger).—Week of Si Jimmy Wall, Herbert Brooks, assisted by Carrie Hill, I^eonard and Drake, Kolllns and Kllfton, Master Harold ginning 1 Kvf" at. the La Salle: "The Love Home." Ht the SUTlck; "The Stolon Story," at the Stnde- Wi and,"Twiddle-Twaddle," at the Orand peta House. -Bohton, Sept. 11.—Atl local amusement ArnoldfflVT™ tiaP A b l w i, nc 1?. J't-'sterday...... ^3^1 motion "plctiirea nnSX D x a . 1 /^P encda< ,, tb<! 1 Trem ? I1 ii lQ A r T S'J : *R '"- M. Owens, manager) «ofl the Man.' 1 Popular priced openings .-.--- ...-- sssx»-c »«-.' were i "A One Home Town/'at the Olobe, and: the Itussell BroB., In "The Great Jewel Mystery," at the Grand Opera House MOpJIoued attractions were: "Capo Cod kolks, at tbe Boatou ; "Julie Bon-Bcn," at the MgJeatlc: "The Lion and tbe Mouse," at tbe WtJ« Virginian," at the Hollla, and A '««.Shepherd King," ut the Colonial (Maurice C. Mlchcals, manager).—"Ikey and Ins-other bouses offered attractive bills. Abe ^ , l.?l? eD ? d „ t i De , ; Wakhikuton, Sept. 11.—"Babea In Toy- and had a good sized audience ut Its open- ng last nlgbf "Mrs. Wlggs of the Cali- ban Paten" drew well at tho Columbia Dolly Kemper, In "The Gypsy Girl,'" packed On- Academy Florence Bludley, lu "The Mrl and the Gambler," played to capacity at lie Majestic The Avenue Girls Hllcd the J.yienm Walter Jonetf and Mabel Hire jMrtwl n great bill at Chase's, tilling the Man twice Zlngaieltl was tbe prime ut- U'lioMou at tbe Luna tPark, where Imuicnsc crowds assembled. '.Cincinnati. Kept. 11.—Lew Doukstader "pened at the Orand last night, tu a good MMd house, nnd was warmly received.... '^The Yankee Coneul," at the Wnlnut. played toralr business.. .... .Good vaudeville bills were offered at the Columbia and tho Olympic.:... .At Heuck's. "A Man's Broken iff 0 ** 8 */' «nd at the Lyceum, "Queen of the White .Slave*" drew fair slsed houses The usual Sunday crowda greeted Robie's Knickerbockers at the Standard, and the Fay boater Co., it People's The stock com- pany at Robinsons gavo a creditable presen- tation of "Lady Windermere's Fan." -/Kansas City, Sept. 11.—Dlgby Bell opened a/ three nights* engagement, Inaugurated the reason at the Willis Wood last night, and more than pleased a well filled house At._ the Grand, a good Sunday matinee and Week bo- Allen Stock Co. No. 2, In "Queen's . Jvldence. May Roberts, leading woumu, Is to take a vacation. • i a . . TEXAS. Houston. — At tbe Houston Theatre season Sept. 6. "The Jer- sey Lily" 11, "A Message from Mars" 1*.'. Tkxah Avknuh Thkatiiv: was opened Aug. 31, for the purpose of exhibiting moving pic- tures, which made a decided success, Judging from the large patronage nightly, with tho price of admission at Ave cents. Tin; Majkstic Theatre mnnRgement has not decided definitely as yet on the reopening date. ITioiir-AMi Park Thkatbk (James T. Kcc- nan. manager).—Russell Grose, "Handcuff King," la billed for 10. * i > KANSAS. Topeka. — At tbe Grand Opera House- (Crawford St Kane, managers) Jane Corcoran. In "The Freedom of Suzunoe," Sept. 11. had two good houseu. Beach and Bowers 10, 11, the Brigadiers 12-14, "The Old Clothes Man" 111. CnAWFono (Crawford ft Kane, managers). —More? Stock week of D, Armln Stock, two weeks, beginning 10. ■ Novelty (A. H. Hogen, manager).—First week ot season closed 1, with record of large hQUttCfl, 4 ■» ' ' Mrs. Susan E. WaoCnuals, mother of. Lincoln A. Wqgenhnla.'o^JfVageohala * Kero-' per, died at her bomd to East Orange, N. J. C, 1015, , 10-16. Bill. Bicycle. Wonderland, Indianapolis, 10-10) Wonderland. Milwaukee, 17-22. BInihi Ul|y Trio, I'lilllt|m', ltldimond, Ind., 10-16; Cystnl, Marlun, 17-22. HI Ion edmedy Trio, Folly, Olilrugo. 10-16; Star, Milwaukee, 17-22. Blmm, Ilomni, B-r-r-r, Malcattc, Chicago, 10-16; Ifnymnrket, Cblcnao, IT-22. Blair ft McNolty, Topic, Hillings, Mont., 10-22. Blanipliiu ft litUr. Slur, Atlanta. Ou.. 10-22. "Black Hiiasara." Victoria, N. Y. C, 10-15; Bead- ln», Pa., 17-22. Black ft Jonea, Dixie, Scranton, Pa., 10-10. Black ft l.etdle. Lyric, Oaleun, Kmi., 10-16; Lyric Park, l'iiriuim. 17-22. Booth, Lttale. Itcwey, Otlca. N, Y., 10-16. ItutKcra, 'I'be. 'Ji'iiiple. Detroit. 10-15. Bovd. Harry, Crystal, Detroit, 10-10. Boliciuliiu Trio, Orpheum. Rockford, III., 10-15; Majestic. Chicago. 17-22. Bowera,. Wullcra ft Crookcr, Brookslds Park, Athfll, Haas., 10-16; llownnl, Boaton. 17-22., Arthur ft Mildred, Hulbaway'a, Lowell, Maas., 10-15. Bonk-very. Co). Canton. K. ft P. 2Ud Street, N. Y. C. 10-18. Boranl ft Neviiro, Proctor's. Troy. K Y., 10-15; K. ft P., 126th Ht.. N. Y. c. 17-22. Boyd, Turkey. Crystal, Detroit, 10-15; Olympic, Ho, Bend. 17-22. Bottuinley Troupe. Kxpo*ltlon, Pittsburg. 10-22. Booth, Hope, ft Co.. Oiptiriini, BOaton, 10-16. BoldeiiM, The, Hendtraou's, Coney laland, N, Y„ ■ 10-15. Brudfonlrf. The. 0. 0. II.. Wheeling, W. Va„ 10- 15; Wilier. Zaneavllle, O.. 17-22. Bruno ft Unwell. Victoria, N. Y. C. 10-15. Bryant ft Savtlle. Novelty, Bkln., 17-22. Broml, Billy, lilpiiodrouie, Ocean City, N. J., 10- bn 'Sept. 2, from old age. Mrs. Wageohals ^^f^^SfmflRJ^SiM&Si^ was the widow VjTJfWlL SWttaanV*! "His Last Dollar.".*.... At the Orpheum, a noted physician ondT surgeon of Columbiis, ^M\l4mmiim*tii£tuS3&t.;.:.. Ohio. She was 77^e_ara old^ and was (be 15. Brown, Edna. Troyinore, Baltn., 10-16. BrlRbt Broa.. Hip.. Ilsmlltoit. Ens-., 17-22; Gaiety, BlrraliiKham. 21-20: Ursnd. Ktocktou, Oct. 10. Brooka ft Vetlder, Keltli'a, Providence. 10-15. Broadway Quartette. Folly, Skill., 10-15; 141b HI., N. V. C.,,17-22. Bncvn ft Wright, Norurouega Park. Boston, 10-15. Brtidtey ft Davis, Ruber's, N. Y. U . 10-lfi. BrlKoni. Tbe, iu>lcb*lnillan. Colo., Ger., 10-15; - Hsalbnu, Mannheim, 10-20; Empire, London, Kng„ Oct. 1-111. Brown ft De Lorta,'Poll's, Springfield, Mass.. 10- 15. Brooka. Jeanne.'Lyric. Tcrre Haute, lod., 10-16; Main Ht.. Peoria. 111., 17-22. Brasts, Helmn. PoII'n. Wuterhiiry, Conn., 10-16; Poll'*, Walorbury, Conn., 17-22. Bradley, Sallle. Hcliaefcr'a, Cohimtras, O., 10-15. Brown, Jack, ft Lillian Wright, Nortimbega Park, Boston, 10-10. • • Buah ft Elliott. Family, Glovenvllle. N. Y., 10-15. Burke ft Co., Howard. Boston. 10-10. BnrgorMu llsrry. Keltli'a, Phlla., 10-10, Buriiw." Harry, Dreamland, Coney Islam!, N. Y., 10-15. .» f Bndd'Bros...FHlr. IndlauapoUs, 10-15, 10-161 Dcliuo.; tlanlen.'Buffalo, 1015; Orpliluni, Hprlng. v * "fleld. O.. 1722. Do Wilt. Burns ft Torraiite, Wlutcrgarlen, Berlin, •Ger.. 10-30. Deltnns CD. Keith's, I'av/lucket, R. L. 10-15. " Kuta, Marveloua, Schapfer'a, Colmubtia, 0„ 10- 5. Deluro. Mile.. Hlp|MHlroair, N. Y. C. 1016. Dp Ulnkcr's Dogn, Cheater, Pa., 10-16; Reading, '17:22. ; Do Monde ft IHiiummc, Idle Hour Park, Plttnlmrtf, Kau., io l.i. Dil,<:oc,JIarry, Craiiil. Jnltol. III.,.10-15. De l(en»> ft I.u Hue, Fair, Orceiie, N. Y.. 10-10, Da Fay ft Mllior. Huppvlanil, H. L, 10-16; Para* dine Park. N. Y. a, 17-22. Denitin ftrDeiicon, Hniiioim, (Irnnd Rstilds, 10-10, Dolluvcn, Rose, Hextette. Orpbeuiu, Boaton, 10- 3WJ Mirylnnd, B.illo., 17-21 I>« Van. ft Curtis, Orand, Victoria, B, C. 10-10; . Grand, Vancouver, 17-22. Di; Cumo, Chas., Lakeside CaaliHi, Akron, O., 10- 15. De >Vcrne, Ttielma, Lyric Park, Ft, rlraltb, Ark,, 10-15. Del-A-I'bo-ic. Lake View Park, Terra Haute,. Ind., lOlOf Do Duts, QstwL 1 Cook'a. Uochetfter, N. V., 10-10; Shea's, Buffalo, 17-22. lAMimnlo ft Hi-tit-, PuII'h Wutprbury, Conn., 10-15,. Dervin. Jiim. '!'.. Peuplo'M, Kxcclalor'HprliigH, jiu,, .•.10-15; tfWii KaiiauN City, 17-22. Dt Lui-eya, Dancing, Lyric. Ardmure, I. T., 10-15; Emjlrc, Ok in I ion in, Okla., 17-22. De Bro, Oraire, Hchacter's. t^lumbus, O., 10-15, Diamond,■ l*w F., Blktu, Lousing, Mlcli., 10-16; BIJou. .lacbson. 17-22. Dixon Bros:, Clnites, Hsu Frau., Cnl.. 10-10; (Irjilieiiin, Los AukcIch, 17-22. DlerlcKx Bro*., Luuiklu, Bay City, Mich., 10-10; Arcade, Toledo. O.. 17-22,< Diana, Cluae's, Washington, D. C, 10-16. Olxoii, Bowers ft lilvini, Mt. Clemens, Mlcli., 10- 10. . . Diamond ft Sinllh, Pastor's, ( N. Y. 0., 10-10; Howard, Boatou, 17-22. Diamond Oouiedy I'.nir. llellliiuham, Wash., 10-15. Don, Cumin, Knip., Partsniouili, Kng., 10-15; ..Hoiilli ft Royal. 17-22; Balhim, I/Jiidon, 24-20; Biop.. fr.llngtou. Oct. t-tl. Downey ft Wlllanl, BIJou. I'l. Huiou, Mkh., 10- 15; UIJou, Jbckaou, 17-22. Uia-kisy. Will. K. ft P. I2&th Ht., N. Y. C. 10- 15; K. ft P., Jeraey City, 17 22. Doncli ft Russell, K, ft P., 5tnli Ht„ N. Y. 0., .10-15. ■' ^ Do}le ft Granger. Lyric, -.tufilln, Mo., 10-16; Or- .hlienni, Webb City. 17-22. Donerly's 1 Poudles, Ilenderaon's, Coney lalaod, N. Y..HMO. Dousls (3), Hhen's, Toronto, 11-10. DotiiTly Hlnters. K. ft P. EiHth Ht.. N. Y. 0., 10- 16; K. ft P. «:id St.. N. Y. c., 17-22. Drew, liorothy, Empire Tour, Ixuidon, Kng., 10- Oct. 21. Dupout, Mary, ft Co., Keith's, Cleveland, 10-16. Dubois' Ape, Keith's. Prnvhlrure, lo-ir.. Earle ft BarllKt, Pnator'a, N. Y. C 10-15; Doric, Yoakers. N. V.. 1*7-22. Eckhoff ft Gordon, tl. 0. II., Iin1lririflrn-.I1*, r (*olumb1n, Cincinnati. 17-22. Edasll ft Forroes, flanlcti, Buffalo,' 10-16. F^lgerloob, The, Uoward, Boelon, 10-16, EfimiimiH Hlitrri, Kokoiuo, Ind., 17-22. Bdrauuda ft. Baby Florence. Airdome, El .Paso, -Tex., 10-22, VaUU, Arthur. Elyslan Orand, Tucson, Arlt,, lo- in 15; souquiu drew well matinee and niznt...... unio. one «t.o i, .,-*.=■« "■«■ -"« ,***™ ,»«v, i*naa'uroa...rsir. muiauapoui, jy-io. --■ !%0>Motbei 'to Toulde Her' "nlessed at the mother of twolve chftdren, six of. whom are; Burton ft Brook*. OrpheomV'Minneapolis, 1022. fc Wtoora Sisters. Victoria, K. Y, 0. ^Ill», and thei Woodward Stock Sl, l» "Sow- W5 % Boutb ft Bodd, Notmubcga Park, Boston, 10-16. - Prorldence, 17-22. lfi. Elliott, Belair ft Klllult, BIJou. Dubwiuv, la., 17- 10-15; Keith's, Edoulu ft Kdwanis, Keith's, Phlla., 10-16. Elt<ai. Ham. tl. 0. II.. Pltlslmrg, 10-10; Keith's, Cleveland, 17-22. Klmwootl A Oo., Pastor's. N. Y. C. 10-15. Elite Musical Four. Novelty, Bkln., 10-13. Emerson A Baldwin, K. ft P. Union Ho.., N. Y. C. 10-15; Proctor'*. Troy. N, Y., 17-22. Emerson ft Scharf, llendemon's, Conrj Island, N. •Cm 1015. Emtraoii A Bollen, K. ft P. Union Suusre, N. Y. U, 10-15. Eninicna. Kraerson ft Kmmotit, Sheedy's, Newjiort. II. 1.. 10-16. Emrnett. Enaene. Klein's, Unite.. Md., 10-15. Emperors of Music (4). Majestic, Dallas, Tex., " 17-22. Empire City Qnnrlelte, Orpheum, Ilklru 1013; coliiinlil-i. Cincinnati, 17-22. Empire Comeily Four, Keith's. Boston, lu 15; Moore's, Portland, Me.. 17-22. Fnjiletou. Nan. ft Va>„ Pastor's. N. Y. C„ 10-16. EHkC, Wm„ Alamedu, Cnl.. 10-1.1. r.ameraldn, Caaiiio, Akron, 0., 10-15. EthimK Naomi, lllpimtroine, N. Y. C. 10-16. Kvnns Trio, InmanV, Coney laland, N. Y., 10-15. Cver*. Geo. W., Main St., Peoria. 111., 10 13; Oalety, Oalcsburg. 17-22. Evans, ciin",, A Co., Rhea's, Buffalo, 10-15. F.ran*. (leorge, Keliti'*, Phils., 10-16. Expoallton 1-Vnir. Poll's, Springfield, .Mass., 10.16, Exeela. Mile.. Weaat's, Peurln, HI., 10-13; Star, Peorln. 17-22. Falk. Eleanor, H. ft B., Bkln.. 10-15. Fnyblo, Adonis. Bon l*ou. Salt Lake, U., 10-15; Hon Ton, Ogden, 17-22. Fauat Family, Auditorium. Lynn, Maaa., IO-13. I'crineon ft Dnprev, Exitoilttoil. PltlslMirg, 10-1.1. Fermiaon ft Mack. Halhaway'x. Lowell, Mass., ■10-15; Auditorium, Lynn., 17-22. Ferry. Win. J.. Lyric Park. Ft. Smith, Ark., 10- Flelita ft Hanson, Howard, Boston. 10-15. Flake^ft McDonough, Orptieum, Han Fran., Cal., PlUvcruld ft Ollday. Colonial, Lawrence, Maas.. 1013; Proctor's. Troy, N. Y.. 17-22. First, Barney. M internal, Balto., 10-15; Tro- CNdeni. Pblla.. 17-22. FUmcruld ft . Trnlnor, Howanl, Boston, 10-16 J lleiiderw.n'a. Ctney Island, N. Y..n-2'J. Fields, Will II.. Alliambra. Chicago, ,10-10. Flalivr ft Hsrtovr, orplieiiin.'Ht. Paul, 10-lfl. Fllsoii ft Krrol, Olympic, Cliielnnatl, 1015. Flood HlNtcra, Fair, Fslr Haven, Vt:« 12 H: Fair, WiiodsbK-'k, 17-20. « Flemcn ft Miller, til Jon, Winnipeg, (Jan., 10-13. Flyiui. Jib?,, Hopkins', Ifltjlsvflle,. Ky„ 10-10. Floral Broa., Keith's, Providence. UI-16. Foster, Geo.. A. ft H.. Ikiatim, 10-15. Ford ft, f* (Inmae, Wis., 10-15. Fox. Will 1L, Main HI.. Peoria, III., 10-15; Galely, nnlealmrg. III., 17-22. Fox ft Du Hall, MtJoHUe, Ltltle itoch, Ark.. 17-22, Fogarly. Frank, tjnihsm, Ilkln,. 10-15. I'orreMa, Musical, Ornliriiui, Kalisas City, Mo., Foaler, Ed„ ft Dog. Orpheum, Ullea, N. Y., 10* 16, .... Fowler. Bertie,-Harden, Buffalo. 10-13. I'orteaene, Oeo. K.. Oridieunt, Bkln., Il-S. lontl llonl Bros., Atlauth* (lunleu, N.^.O., 10- Fax ft Ward, tliii St. O. II., Phlla., 10-13, Freeman ft Watson. Iluuanl. IliMtou, 1015; Boa- Hm. Lowell, 17-22. Fremont A Wat nun, llownnl, Boatou, 1013. Frank* ft Franka, Nickelodeon, Fall Rlvor, Mass., 10-10. "Fulurllr Winner.*' Oikmlal, N. Y. C, Hi 15. Fulleiia. Tit*, HeluierVr'a, Oidmnlma, O., 10-16. Fuller. Iiln, WlnlcrgHrtcu, Berlin, Oor., 10-30; Frankfort, Oct.* 1-01, (Isrdner A Msdtlern, Msjeatlc, Chicago, 10-ld; Haynintket. t*|ilCan<), 17-22. Osnlner ft H|i*bl>rd, llathaway'a, Now Bedford, Mnaa., 10-16; Uafbawfly'a, Lowell, 17-22. (Inrdner. iliipny Jack, Mistre's. Pertlsnd, Me., 10. 16; MiKuVa. ManchcHler. N. II., 17-22. (lanluer ft Vincent, nrpliemii. St. Paul. 17-22. Onriutser, Muurlce. Lima Park, CIisso'h, WsNhlni- ion, D. V..,. OaMammi, Josephine, Proctor's, Albany, N. Y„ tlnrlellcBroK.', Ondirnin, Omiilia, Neb.. 10-15. Oaytord, Bonnie, C«s>k'a..Rochester, N. Y., 10-15: Hlira's, Buffalo, 17-22.* iMMmt, The, I'rfs^or'n, Albany, N. Y.. 1015: tl. O. II., Hyruuuae. 17-22. Oarlnrft Uniff, Monlmnreiicl Park, Oisdiec, Can,, OaltiiKei- ft Ilarrsiit. K. ft P. 2;id Htnvl, N. Y. C. 10-13. HftMa, IMwItt,; Hlieedy's, Newport.' R*. 1„ 10-IB. Oerald. Minimi, Oulcty, HprliiKtlold. HI.,. 101.1. Oelger ft Waller. Westnilnaler, Providence, 10-15. OenrKT, Itdwlu, Hlli-etly's. Fall River, Mass,, 10. Oconee ft HiinliigUm, Fslr, Nassau, N. Y„ 10-16; Fair. llouHtisvTllei Ps., 17-22.- Oermlniil. Uroheiini. Boston, Hi 1.1. t.eii.H, 'I'be. K. ft P. Union Hijiiari', N. Y. C, 10. 10.. , ... , Olllen, -Nnvelly. Ilkln., 1016. Olllmorc ft Carroll,- (lalely, Kurlnglluld, III., M- 15; (Juliiry. 17-22. tlllmr, Huyneft ft ■ Monlgoniery, Einnh-e, Dra Moines, la., 10-15. . OIliiNPrctlls, The, K. A P. r.sih St., N. Y. 0., 10- "(Jloiie of Dciilh,'! Ilitinoiiii, Orand Rapids, 10-16. (■oiiiub. Mr. ft UN. ItfrM Park. Antniore, 1, T.. 10-16; Kiaplre, Okdalioma, 17-22, OouldftHurstl.-Victoria, N. Y. 0., 10-10. IMnrtfe ft Oiiylt.. Murray Hill, N. Y. C 10-l.f. OohlHuiltl, ft it h-im , Auditorium, Lynn, Mass., 17- tlordon. Cliff, K. ftp., .1HIH Ht., N. Y.O., 10-15. Cordon, Belle, tl. 0. II., Indianapolis. 10-10. Portion, lion ft Mae, Psrk, Wheeling,,W, Vs., 10. (ioidfii ft llnnlica.- Island Park. Ksslon, Pa., 10* 15; Deer lu-.k Park. Mllford, -Msaa., 17-22. Oregorya (4), Orphcuiii, Ilkln., OM3. nreifonr's Psiitotiilmo Co., Iubish's, Coney laland. Unto Bros.. llHrlt'tii Park, Hoekfonl,'111., 10-10. ui-i'iitei- Wiialilngtou BniiiI, Luna Psrk, Washing- ton, D. C, 10-10. Oratit ft Hong, K. ft P, 23d Htnvt.'N. Y. C, 10- 16. ... ■ Orlu ft Burrclt. Uarletla, O., 10 10. Ouyerft O'Neill, Oltmiili-. CluebiiiNtl, 10-15. Ilanlla's Ballot, Keith's. Boston. 10-15. Ilarlaich ft Harris, orand, Hamilton, O., 10-15 j Slur, Klihino'.'u, U<1., 17-22. IlnrrlHon, Harry. Mniilniltiio. Norfolk, Va.. 10-10, Hal lie*, Lola, wonderland, Ituvere Bench, Mass., 10-22. Ilaiaeill Alabiltiili Hen, Trie, Exhibition. Toronto, Can., IO-IC; I'uk, Orand Ruiilila, Midi., 17-22. Itnlliea, Nsl. ICollh's. Prnvldi-iire. 10-16. Hoi ley ft Mceliuu. Olympic. Clnclnnutl, 10-15. Mathaway ft Slrgel, Jeffers, Kaglnnw, Mich,, 10* llsyd'u, i-'ivii. Crystal, Elkhart, Ind., 10-15; Oys< IiiL Oeaheu, 17-22. Hauey. KiJiiii ft Lee Jr.. (!rystnl. r^igiin*|iort, Ind., ■10-15; Crystal. Friinkfort. 17-22. Hallelt. Wilson, .Orjibeum. Bkln., 10-10. Hugnn ft Wi-Hti-otr, (iuvcrnutor'a, Atlantic City, rv. j,, lorn. Hnywsrd, Courny ft llsyward, Colnmhla, Clnoln- uatl. 10-15; iiijitn. KvhiihvIIIc, Iiid.,:17-22. Iluwley ft Olcott. Empire, Paleraoti. N. J„ 10-15. HurrUun, Lee,' Columbia, Clliclnnntl, 10-13; Ma- Jesllc. ChlcDao. 17-22. Harden, Vlrgliila. BIJou, Uslesbiirg, 111., 12; BlJ'ftl. Canton, EI-KI. Hiivllmid, Ilutler, Howard. Bostnn. 10-15. Hnrveys ID, KolUVs, Phils., 10-16. Harney A Hnyiies. LyMe. Fl. Hmltli, Ark., 10-15; Lyric, Onlens. Ill,, 17-22. Hart ft Dcmieite, Island Park, Pa., 10-10; Bra- 'lenbnrgli's. I'liOu.. 17-22. Haya, ii.|. fl.. Orphlum, Mnnatlcld. ()., 10-16; Or- pliluni, Pious. 17-22. Haynmn ft Franklin. Pal., Belfast. Ire., |0-I6t Tiv., Diihlln, 17-22: PuL, Wolverhampton, M- 20; CKUlerbury, Lumlou, Oct, Ml, IIsllcii ft llayca, 0. 0. 11., Hyrscusc, N. Y.. 10- 15. Uawlliorn ft Burt, Hbca'a, Toroalo, 10-lfl. Hanson ft Nelson, Columbia, Ht. laula, 10-10; Olympic. Chicago. 17-22. Hamilton ft Wiley, Empire, RprlngOoId. III., 10-22, Haley ft Harty, Lyric. Cleveland, 10-15; Crys< tal, Marlon, IikU' '17-23; Httii. LlllleMnr, Bon Ton. Hyracaae, N. Y . 10-lfl. Harvey ft DeVora. Wigwam, Hon Fran., Cal., 10- 15; Acme.' Kafcramaiiio, 17-22. Hnreoiiii, Frnlik. Mlmelnnl. DlnuljieliRiii. Ala., 10-10:.(ireenwaM's, New Orleans, La.. 17-22. Harrington, Daniel J., Lyric, Cleveland, 10-15; Woofworth's, LaneuSler. Pa., 17-22. Hamilton A Brooks, Chestnut Hill Park, Phlla.. 10-10. llenttfngs, Lewis ft IJeiuilngs, Hsymsrket, Obi* ■:*ifj, 1010: t^dumbls. St. Louis, 17-22. Hennay A Orabsm, Atlsnta. On., 10-15. l|eywood, Oreatj Lskralds Park, Dayton, 0., 10* Hearn, Tom. Fotles, llcrgere. Paris, Fr„ 10-301 Central. Dresden. Oer.. Oct. 1-81. Usrusoi A Hvyt, Btxdeaburgb'i, PbiU.. 10-18, j