The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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79a T^m , 2X&W YQBK GklPffEB, jS$PT$M;BER 15. HernM Sonare Quartette. Arrade, Toledo, 10-15; Alvnrvltc, Boy Oily, 17-22. *■ IlelMTt A Ttogcrn, Klectrlc l'nrk. Kansas City, Mo., 1040] Mannloir* Park. St. Lonls, 17-22. Hewlettcs, The, Alcanir, Denver. Col., 10-23. lllllnuin, C.eo., BIJou,Dululb. Minn., lO-KL inr*diborns The, Lyric Park, Ardmore, 1. T., 10- ISj Kmplre. Oklahoma, OWn.. 17-2*2. UUiiebrrtnit, Mux, Cbute*<. Kan Fran., Cal., 10-1G; orpbeum. htm Angeles. 17-2H. Hickman llros., Qrpueum. Denver, Col., 10-15. llllllanl, Hobt., A Co., VIctoHa, N. T. C, 10-1G. Him* & Itcmlnmon. Columbia, St. Louw, 10-10; Olympic." Chicago, 17-22. • lloimnn nitw.. Novelty, Bkln., 10-10; Keeney't, Dkl0.i 17-22. ' ' „,__,„ Holiiiim, Al. E. & Mamie, Balaamler, KlberfeM, Her.. H)-ir>; lU-lclifliallfti, Coin., 10.10; Apollo, Mannheim, Oct. 1-5; Union, rLrhBhoure, 10-31. Hoffman*. The, Orplieiim. Ht. Paul. 10-15. Holt. Alf.. Mom Tour, Kng.. 10-30. Howard, r.ront, Hans, Frankfort, 111.. 10-IB. IJ.mnid, 0«>. V., Conner's, Coney lftland, N. ¥., 10-22. lliniilliil, K. & r. Union. Square. N. Y. C., 10-US. lipwurrl Kuarfu) A Wlllfe, H. & 11., Bkln.. 10-10. llovvnttl & North, Uriilioiiio. Bkln., 10-1S, Itooil, Sum, Orutnl, Portlund, Ore., 10-15. Uorton * Ln rrlrtkn, Brookaule Park, Athol, Holmes & Wali'lon, Bijou, Pinna, O., 10-15; Clo- clnnntt. 17-22. " . .. .. Howe A Scott, Temple, Detroit. Mich., 10-15; Cook's, Boehesier, N. Y., 17-22. Holmes. Tuylor, Temple, Detroit, 10-10. Huom-m & Lewla, Olympic. Chicago, 10-15. Huston & Dallas, Henderson's, Coney Island, N. Y., 17-22. Iliiebn, Mnslcal. Lawrence, Maw., 10-18. Hurleys. The, (1. O. II., Pittsburg, 10-15. 1 lytic, Hentli ■& Walsh, r.yilc, Muskogee; I, T., ImiiienBaiihone, The, Colonial, N. Y. C, 10-15. liwram * Cronln, Hippodrome, Ocean City, N. J., 10-US! Inland I'nrt, Rnstoii, Pa.. 17-22. limes* & Uyan, Main 8t. r Peoria, 111., 10-lf.j BIJou, Qulney. 17-22. ' -.;-*',- It/ilhm Trio. Chutes, Snn Pran., Cat-, 10-15. JnmcH A Davis, BlJon. Jackson. Mick./ 10-15. Jumlis" Dotffl, Pmetnr'a, Albany, N. Y., 10-15, •Famines, Albert, A Hro., Festival,' Cincinnati, 10- Irwwl, Smile, Keith's, riilln., lO-lfi. Jnckxbn Family, Cirrus Crirre, Amsterdam, Hoi,. 10-15; Ateitnl. Hanover, Qer„ IT-Sfi Jerome & Whiteside, Orpheiiai, St, Paul, 10-18. Jennings & Renfrew, Boulevard, Metlford, mbhb.. ,1 pnnre ft RUsworth, ttrailcabursU'a. l'hlla., 10-10. .lohnnon, lion, A. & 8., llontiin, 10-10, Joiien & Uiiyiimriil, BIJoti, La CrOnae, Wis., 10-15, JuliriRlpnn, MiinIciiI, Kmi>lra Tom-, Riig., 10-Oct. 21. Jones ft Kayinond, Hljim, La Crow, Wli., Hf-Ki. Jonea & Illte, Chnse'e, WnHlilngton, D. (',. 10-15. Jorii'H ft Sutton. Atliintlc (InnlHi; N. Y. C 10-15. Joluititone, Jtolph, Olymplr. Cltiolniintl, 10-15. Juniper 8 'ROM, N<iniuiU'jra Park, AubUrndule, Mils-., HI-IS. . Jiipltpr Bron.-, Armory, Itlnglmtnton, N. Y., 10-18; ftiirlc, Youkf'TK, 17-22, KnteH Broil., Mnjeptt**, Ch|ca((o, 10-15. Kniifman, Minnie, niuitrs, San Fran.. Cul., 10-15. Knnfmim HHters, Hnlhuwny'a, Ixiwell, Mass., 10- Kaufman Troupe, Majestic, Chicago, 10-15; Co- himliiM, Ht, l,onh,' 17-22. Kamo'a Pnnloinlmo Co., U[|ilirmn, Hoflton, 10-16; Alhnnilini, N. Y. C, 17-22. ' KnrnnlJ!, J. l\, Copey Iclnnd. N. Y.. 10-18. Knhnn, Chin. & Ada, (Iran Circa Bcnl, Mexico, Mex., l(f-22. Keene, nrpiulwny, MlddlMown, 0.. 10-15. Kelfc, Zpiiii, Kmplre, Hotnkrn, N. J., 10-15; I'rpetnr'H. Newark, 17-22. Keiio, Wahh ft Mdrone. Poll's, Sprlngfletd, Mmj*., 10-15. Kelly ft Kent, QrnUenm, St. Paul, 10-15; Or- lihruDi. MliincatwUn, 17-32. Kelly, Sum ft Ida, Cqntle, 111*) ml nylon, 111., 10- 15; Grand/Milwaukee, 17-22. Kelly ft Kelny, (llptm Falls, N. Y., 10-18. Kelly. John T M ft Co., Ornbeupi. Bkln.. 10-16, Ki'iiyon ft Do Onrmo, Palii'fl, Manhattan Beuch, N. Y„ lo-fn. Kcnupflv ft Wllkena, Terrace Park, Ottawa, Can,, 10-15. Kenny ft IIollls, K. ft P. 23d Street, N. Y. C, 10-16. . KermiHiy ft Rooney. (lothom. Bkln.. 10-15. Keouli, Thou. J., ft Co., Keltli'n, ProTldetice, 10- Ueouh, Kimball ft Lr-wln. Trenton, N. J., 10-16; Waah< hRW, D. C. 17-22. KlnK. Mr. ft Mra. Sum., 0. H., HoeklanO, Me., lu-lft. - ■ i ' KliiiKley ft l>irto, K. ft P. Union Sq., N. Y. 0., 10-18; K. ft P. WA St;, N, Y. C, 17-22. Klpiiy ft Kljipy. Cry Ht ill, Detroit, 10-15. Ktmlmll ft Irfwa, Trent, Trenton. N, J., 10-18. Klein ft Clifton, Oridieiim; Miuneupolli, 10-15; <)r|ibeinn, New Orlnaiix, La., 17-22. Klein, ott BroH. ft Nlcholnon, U. ft D., Bkln., 10-15. Klein Family. O. 0. U, t Indianapolis, 10-16. ' KlelHt, Mimical, , Moore'fi, Portland, Me., 10-15; Kdth'R, Minichefder; N, II., 17-22. Kiiiuht Hrai. ft Sawtdle, 0. O. II., Grand Rap- ids, Mich.. 10-15. KnetXRcr, Lew. runtimes. Portland, Me., 10-22. Kohj, r.ufl & Murlou, llljou, Wlunlpoff, Can., 10- Kootiiy ntM.,-Cnlontal, N. Y. C, 10-15. (Copra DMdnUMi'Ki PIiIIh., lO-lB. Kiirtls ft Ruhr?. Oryslal. Detroit, Mich., 10-15; South Jlnifl. lnd„ 17-22. T.n Renos (21, Kuiplrw, Dcs Molnea, la., 10-15. I.n OUR & West, Ocean 1'ler. Sea laic City, N. IS 'folic iilstcra, Sheedy's, Newport, H. I., 10-18. La Jew, Thci». ft Camflle, Illjon. Buy City, Mich., 10-15; Bijou, Port Ilnroii, 17-22. Tji Note Brw,, Fair, Cutttqu, N. Y„ 10-15; Fair, NoiriMirl, la., 17-22. Ln Mont, Ollle, Arcade, Wnllace, Ida., 10-13. Lmiriwte-r, Tom, Gurrlck, Wlltulnelon, Del., 10- 15. Mnai-lte. Mine., Illjon. Didutb, Minn., 10-15, Laid). K*V. Molnnvk, SelmiRctmly, N. Y., 10-15; Ornlienm. VAh-a, 17-22. Lavulls, The, Alk'it Hull, Soutlirmrl, Kits., 10-15, l.iivrenee ft Iliirrliiston, PoU'a, aprtnaueld, Mna«,, ID-15. Liwlw, F. Frank. Plnttsbnrg, N. Y.. 10-15. LniiKthniK, Tlit>, Gaiety, Spritigltolil, III., 10-15; QuSey' 17-S2. /•'•' Ln Siellf, Kthvnhl, Bijou, Mnrlnotle, Win., 13-15; llltnil. CaluiiMt, Midi., 17-22. Ln Vine, Kil„ Blriiiliiuliniu, Alu.. 17-22, LuftivAftC'La Monto Tronpc, Keith's, Cleveland, 10-10. i- Ln iletie. Will, Howard, Rostoti, 10-15. Ln Gette, Fair, Morw, 111., ll-llt. Lnrayi-Hc Lyrw Four, UlllU, Kansas City, Mo., 10-15; St. Jownh. 17-22. Lnimdon, nanlte, Folrvlew Park, Dayton, 0., 10- 18., Lnvi'llws, Tossing (0). Men, Oshkosh, Win., 10- 15; Bljpu, Appleloii, 17-22. Ln Croix. Pnnl, Mohawk Keliencctndy, N. Y., 10- 15; Orphcnin, Ullcn, 17-22. Ln Uvx, Woiulerful, Boulevard, McOford, Mass,, lu-in. La Tell Bros., Family, Davenport, la., 10-15; Cord Unlaw, MHrhdl. 3. !>.. 17-22. Lnurnllt. Ranioiiii, Grmid ltiiphla, 10-15. Li-Hlcr & Acker, Yihiub'h, Pier, Atlantic City, N, Le Clair, Hnrry, Poll's. Ilrldgeport, Conn., 10*13; I'nll'n, New Haven. 17-22. I.e Gray, Dollle, Audllorluni, Racine, Wis., 10-15. Leonnrd ft imnUilu, Howard, UuhLoii, 10-15. l^Mtor. Harry 11., dinne's. WsshhiRtoii, D. C, 10-15, Leonnrd, Otis. BIJon, Superior, TVIn., 17-22; llljou, Wttiiitpex. Mull., 17-22. Le IlrtHtii l)|iera Co.. Teni|do. Detroit, 10-15. U'O, Fltshngh ft Resale, llljou. Lu Croase, Wis., Lee, Irene. Orphcum. Ullca. N. Y., 10-18, Leslie ft Williams, Novelty, Omaha, Neb., 10-15; Crystal, St. Joseph. Mo., I7-22. 1j* Dent. Great, Kwiiey's, Bkln., 10-15; Majestic, Kile. Pa.. 17-22. Le Clulr. John', Alvnmdo, Bay City, Mich., 10-15; Amide. TnlnK 17-22. I^onlumlt. Al,, Maleslle. Dallns, Tex., 17-22. Le Roy * Woodford. Otnbeuni. Karnms Olty, Mo., '10-13-; Orpheum. Kntt Fran.. CnL, 17-22. Leslie ft Co.. Columbia, Clneliiitntl. 10-15. l.Hffel Trio. Soiiinii-r Park, Utlcn. N, Y., 10-15. l.esllu'fl Porcine Circus, Fair, Syracuse, N. Y„ 10* in; Fair, lliitiirhi. 10-22. Levy. Mr*. .Tiilei. ft Co.. Omk*i l'nrk. F.vnn»vllle, 1ml.. lO-l.-i; (,'heHler pnrk, nineliinntl. 17-22. Lemnird ft Louie, Crystal. Rock iKlnnd, III., lo- ir,; l'ro[i|,.-,,. (Ntlnr ItmildH. la., 17-22. lliid ijrphentu. Itkln.. 1(1-15. l.l|ii>lnei)lls. The. Chester Pnrk. Cincinnati, 10- 15; Ce-lnr !'(„ Sandusky, 17-22. Link. limy,'Lyric. Cleveland, 10-16. I^ndons (4), Kellh's, Clevdnnd, 10-16. l.omliiinl. Preston, Fair, Nazareth, Pa., 10-15; Fair, Allcutnwn, 17-22. Lukeas it), Vietorla, N. Y. C„ 10-15; Fnlr, Hall* fit; Can., 17-22. ivy ft Lucler, L. I'linm-'N. WaslihiKdai, D. C, 17-22. i.uco ft Luce, Chase's, WnAhlngtou, D. u., iu-io. LiiL.v. Kdiin. Orphetinj, Bklu,, lp-15, Lucmlos, Tlie, K. ft P. Union Sunare, N. Y. C, Lyric Trio, Bljoti, Norfolk. Va., 10-15, Lyla & Kane. Orpheum, St. Paul, 10-18. ' Lynotfc Slstars, Monnraental, Balto., 10-15; Troc- odero. Phllo.. 17-22, Lynn, Fny & Yoitnjt. G. 0- H,. Iadlnnnpolli, 10- Lyster ft Cooke, Fnmlly. Sbnrookln, Pa., 10*15; Family, Mabonoy City, 17-22. Maceo ft Foic. KeUti's, Providence, 10-15; Keltb'a, Pd\ytncket. 17-22. Mnriliin, Xylnidione. VnneooTer, Can., 10-16; 8e- ' aftle, Wssh., 17-22. Marlln. Dave ft Percte, Grand, Tacoaia, Wash., 10-15. Mnrtello ft Mtllay, Kelth>, Phll«„ 10.13, Mnnsflell ft HMh, q. IL. Bedford, Ind„ 10*15; Grand, Jpllet, I||„ 17-22. MoKMltl. Ilrailenbiirxh'a, Phlla., 10-18. MiMjjw <2), GnTernator'i, Atlantic City, N. J., Mack, Kddle, PqU'il flprlnfrfleM, Hats., 10-16. , Mnlono ft Thomas, Novelty, Bkln., 10-15, Mntliewn ft Ashley, Moore's, .Portland,-Me., 10-18. Ms run not tie ft Sylvester, Fair, Slonx City, la., .10-15; Fair. Watcrtown, Win., 17*22. Massoney ft Wilson. Idle Hour Park, Pittsburg, Knn.. 10-15; Atchison, 17-22. Mnrshall, Bert, Folrvlew Pork, Dayton, 0., 10-15. Mnntelln Mnrloneltcn, Spokane, Wash., 10-15; Seattle, 17-22. Mnddocks, Kntherlne. Gslely. Plttabora, 10-16. Mohoney ft I,nke, Bradenlmrgh's, Phlla., 10-15; Family, Xanruslor, Pa., 17-22. Majmtlc Trbi Orpheum. Omaha, Neb., 10-18; St, Paul, 1T»22. Maniiila, Mile.. Colonial, N. Y. C, 10-15. Mnrrellne, Hippodrome, N. Y. 0., 1Q-1B. MacLeod Slatcw, Kelaan, Sprlnitiield, Maaa., 10- Marco Twins, Ilaymarkct, Chicago, 10-15, Mnreeim. Sevan* ft Mnfeena, Shoa'a, BinTalo, 10- 15; riliea'H, Toronto, Can.'. 17-22. ?I nrr i* &&&* Kxposltlon. Plttahnrft. Pa., 10-18. MarHball. ft Lorraine, Moore's, Port land, Me., 10* Morion ft Penrl, O. O. H„ Grand Baplda, 10-16. Miinnlmf'H Knterlnliiera, Orpbemn, Bkln., 10-16. Maxwell. Jns. ft Jpe, A. ft 8.. Boston, 10-15. Marriott Twins, Grnu Circus Bell. Mexico, 10-22. Maildi'rns, 'J'lie, Mfliihat|nn. Norfolk, Vu., 10-16. Maxwell ft Dudley, Keeney's. Itkln., 10-16. Mnreklpy, Frank. Grand, Milwaukee, 10-15; Bi- jou, La CrowKo, 17-22. Malcolms, The. Orpheum, St. Pnul, 10-15. Mary ft IlaR, G«tliap>, Bkln., 10-15. Mneart's Dop* ft Monkeya, Ortihemh. Minneapolis. _ 10-1.6; OrplHHim. Omaha, Neb., 17-22. MathleuB, Illjon. Appltton. WJa., 10:15. McAvoy. Dirk ft Al ce, Medford, Mass., 10-10. MeCrn-. Junle, IL ft B., Bkln., 10*15. MflKlMlck ft ShHdiiey. Gaiety. Plttsburff, 10-16. McDonald Bisterw, Auditorium, Lyun, Mass., 10- McNiirnef. Medford, Mrsr., 10-15. MeOni, I/'wla ft Co., H. ft B., Bkln., 10-15. McKee ft Van, Lyric, Cleveland, 10-15. MeKlnnon 4 Reed, llljou, Flint, Mich., 10-16; Bllon, nay city. 17-22. Meoioln ft HinltJi, Westminster, Providence, B. I., 10-16; Lyceum, Boston. 17-22. McCntvhy. Myles, ft Co., Family, Davenport, la., MeClellnn. Jns.. BlJon, Dulnth. Minn., 10-15. MeCqne ft Grant, Fnlr. Snndwlch, HI., 10*16; HI.<cm, Ln Ci-osse, Win., 17-22. Molvltin (4), Kmpire, Paterson. N. J„ 10-15. Merrill, Marvelous, Itenderson's, Coney lalsnd, Merkel Slitew,' nippodrome, N. Y. 0., 10-15. XleJrose ft Kliner, Trnymore, Baltimore, 10-16. Meredith SIsietH, Keith's, Clevdanrl, 10-16. Melrpy Trio, Fniest Park, Kansas City, Mo., 10- Meeaan, Thoa.. ft Co., Keith's, Boston, 17-22. Meyer,.Ben, O. H., Bomlout, N. Y., 10-15. Mlllinon Trio. Olymnln, Paris, Fr., 10.10; Clr- en Carre.. Amstcnlam. IloL, Oct. 1-18; Apollo, DiiHschUu-f. Ger., I7-S1. . . • >~ > Mllchell ft Cnln. Novelty, Bkln., 10-16. Miller ft tMwfflM, BlJon, Oshkosh, Wla., 10-15; BIJou. Aiiplclpti, 17-22,. Mlihllelon, Gladys, Yale'a, Kanaaa Olty, Mo., 10- ,22. Mitchell ft Browning, llljou, Whelelne, W. Vo., .Mitchell COK Miihnwk. Schenectady, N. Y„ 10- 15; Victoria, N. Y. C. 17-22. Millard Bros.' (Bill ft Bob). Touring So. Amer- ica. MlUors, Musical, Sedalla, Mo., 10-16; Kxeelslor Htfpk, 17*22. ■ . Milleri-hlp Mlslera. BlJon, Paterson, N. J„ 10-15. Miller ft Hnnter, Pnrk. N. Y. 0.. 10-15. MDrris. Howard. Crystal; Bock-Island, III., 10-15. Moouey ft Hoibeln. Stoll Tour, Bit, 10-Oct. 31. MoinrtB. Tlie. Polj'a, Worcester, Mass., 10-15. Morrln ft Morris, Gotham.'Bkln.; 10-18. Motoulrl, I^.-Rlckflrds' Tour, Anstrnlla. Montrone, F,tbel, Gaiety. Plttaburv, 10*15, HHria ft Mortis, Arcaile. Wallace. Ida., 10-22. Monte Myro Troupe, Fnlr, Fair Haven. Vt„ 10-16. Mozarlo, Auditorium, Lynn. Mokr., 10-18. Moon. Kd.; Gaiety, aaleaburir, III.. 10*18; Star, Peoria, 17-22. Morse, Bon. Fnlr. Norwich. Conn., 10*15. "Motorlnn.'* Hopkins', Louisville, Ky.. 10-15. Monroe, Mack ft Lawrence, Proctor'n, Newark, N. J.. 10-16. Monroe ft Wesley, G. O. H„ Plttsmirc, 10-16. Murphy ft Majree, Rninlre, IndliittnpoliB, 10-15; BucklnKbnili. Lnulnvllle. Ky., 17*22. Mnrjihy ft Andrews. Proctor's, Newark, N. J., 10- .15: Proctor's, troy, N. Y.. 17-22. Murray, Olnytnn ft Drew. No. Beach, N. Y.. 10-15. Mnlliall. l.nclHo, .llopklua*. I-oulaVllte, Ky., 10-13. Musketeera {;(), <ln?ety. St. T,ouls, 10-10. Mnrrity ft Lane. Shea'a Buffalo, 10*16. Muilue, Kvn. (J. O. II.. PUtobnr«, 10-15. Mullen ft Corellt; Proctor's, Albany. N. Y., 10-15; : K. ft P. 5Sth St.. N. Y; 0.. 17-22. ' Myers. Henry A. ft S., Rostou, 10-16. NihIII MHo.. Mnrylnnd, Vnltlmon>, 10-15; Cbase'i, Wnshlmtton. 17-22. NesKon, Hunter ft Nessen, Poll's, BrldBcnort, Conn.. 10-15. Ne|T ft Miller, Cnlumet; So. Chicago, 10-15; Tem- ple. Ft. Wayne, Inl., 17-22. Ne.woll ft Nlhlo, Kiunlro, JohnntieBburB, 8. A,, lO^lct. fi; Tlvoll. Capo Town. ONov. 10. Neoln, Rlinn. La OroHB.e. Wis.. 10-15. Newlioff, IrvliiB, G. 0. n., Cnrlwhdale, Pa., 10. 16. NIckelHonH M, Ornldnm. Rockfonl. III., 10-16, Night In Kiijriltdi Vaudeville, Hendernon'R, Coney Island, N. X-» IQrlG. . Nluer ft Mner, Paalor's, N. Y. C, 10-16; At- lantic Gnnlen, N. Y. C„ 17-22. Norton ft Nicholson, Colonial, Lawrence, Mnas., 10-15; Moore's, Portland, Me.. 17-22. Norton, Ned. Lawrence, Knn., 10-15; Crawford. Topekn. 17-22. Nowlln, Dave. Praetor's. Albany, N. Y„ 10-15; K. ft l\ 126th St, N. Y. 0.7 17-22. North. Bobby, Mnxon, I^-t AnKeles. Oal., 10-22. Norman, Mnry, Orplicum, Los Angeles, Col., 10- 15, Normnti ft Bryce, Kmplre, Oklahoma City, Okln., 10-15. NoMert. Milton ft Dolly, Novelty. Bk)a„ 10-16; Colonlnl. Lnwrenee, M»ss„ 17-32. Noble Sl^tcra, Heiiikrsoirs, Coney Island, N. Y„ 10-15. Nitwit, lvithcrlne. 0. 0. IL. Iudlnnanollsn 10-15. Nudos. Fiimons (,1), Hendersou's, Coney Islnnd, N. Y., 10-16, Nye. Nwl. B, & P. 68th St., N. Y. 0., 10-15. O'Dny, Ida. Orpheum. DrnTer. Col., 10-15. Oilt-11 ft Klnley, Lyric, Cleveland. 10-15. Olhdrn Troupe,- Orpl|e«m, Los Anselw, Cal., 17- O'Ln'nahllu. Maler, Gaiety. Oalesbunr, III., 10*15. O'NVIII'b MnJeMtlc Minstrels. Gnnlen. Buffalo, 10- 15. 0'M.cer Staters. Temple. Detroit, 10-15. Orlb ft Kern, K. ft P. 5Slh St.. N. Y. C. 1016; Proctor's. Albany. N. Y., 17-82. O'Toolo, Jnek, BIJou. Dulnth. Minn., 10-15. OverliiK 1!rbi. Paris, Tex.. 10*16. Owen A De Vernon, Pastor's, N. Y.C, 10-lfi. Osava. The. Fnlr. Cuba, N. Y., 10-15. Oiinres, Tlie. Gnnlen, Buffalo, 10-15, Pnutser Trio. Novelty. Dkln., 10-16, Patty-Frank'Troupe. niiUKHlrome.N. Y. 0.. 10-15. Pntrrey ft Hoetler. Cnlnruhla. Clndnnntl. 10-16, Patty Bn»., Columbln, St haSSL 10-22. Pnyne, Thos. A., llaltiawiiy's. T^iwell,. Mnas,, 10* 15: Hathnwny'p. New Redtonl, 17-22. Persnnl. Camllto. Grand. Vancouver, Cnn., 10*15: Grand. ^'Ictnrln, 17-22, Pent ft Wll«nn. tlljou. neeatur. 111., 10-15; 8tnr, Peorln. 17-22. Perry, Charlotte, « Co., Empire. Paterson, N. J„ 10-15, Pheys, The, Keith's, Providence, 10-15. Plcculo Mldgetv, Mohawk, »cbeneclady, N. Y., 17*22. ■ ■ ' .' ■ : Pleree ft Mnlwe, Empire Tow, Eag„ 10-Oct, 22. Pierce A I/v, BHou, Norfolk. Va., 10-15. Plcnrds. The, Fnfr, Indlnnaiiolls, 1Q-15. Plere, AL, Dewey, Htlca.'N. Y.,- 10-15. Pouko ft l.eo, KcMh's." Boston, 10-16. Powers ft Freed, Main HxiM, Peoria, 111., 10* 15; G.-y, II., Grand Baplds. Mich., 17-22. Prliice, Arlhnr, Orphenm, Boston. 10-15. Pryors, Tlie. Pastor's 1 ; N. Y. C, "10-15; Proctor'a fiStb St.. S. Y. C. 17-22. ' Prestos, The, A. ft 8.. Boston. 10-16, Primroses. ElKbt English, K. ft P. 2M Street, N. V, C, 10*16. Pullen, Baby Luella, Easton, Pn„ 10-15; Brlds- ton, N. J., 17-22. Pucka (2)i Conk's; Roclienter, N- Y:, 10*16. Pulley's Black Americans, Pittsburg. 10-15. Qulgley, Mackey ft Nickersop, Keith's, Cleveland, lu-15; G. o. IL. Syracnwe, 17-22. Raymond • ft Onverly, Auditorium, Lynn, Mass., W-15; Shewly's, Fnll Bl»er, 17-22. Ramsey Sislrrs, Pa lure, Boston, 10-16; Murray Hill, N. Y. 0., 10-15. Hnfif. Claude, Wonderland, Milwaukee. 10-16. Ray ft Berry, Toledo, O., 10-15; St. Augustine, Fin., 17-22, Ransoue. John W., Olympic, Cincinnati, 10-15. Kasttis ft Hanks, Hip., Norwich, Ens., 24-20; Hlp„ Ipswich, Oct. l*(l. RaiTayette's Dogs, Columbia. Cincinnati, 10-15; Hopkins'. Louisville. Ky., 17-22. Randolph .t Magee, Hljou. Norfolk, Va., 10-15. Ravenscroft. Charlotte, K. ft P. 12Sth St.. N. Y. O.. 10-15 j : Proctor'a, Albany, N. Y., 17-22. Bny, Fred, ft Co., Temple, Detroit, 10-15; Cook's, Rochester, N. Y., 17-22, Bado ft Itertman, Keith's, Boston, 10-15; Colonial, Lawrence, 17-22. Itapoll, Hopkins', Louisville, Ky., 10-16, Rndford ft Vnleittlnc, Cape Town, S. A., 10-Oct. S; Tirol!, London. En*-.. 22-11. Ransoms, Tlie, Crystal, Klwood, Ind., 10-16, Rae. ft Brosrhc, Oolumhta, Cincinnati, 10*16, Kay ft Taylor. 'Boston, 17-22, Reded ft Hadley,' Pastor's, N. Y. C, 10-15. Reno. Ceo. H., ft Co.; Pastor's. N. Y. 0., 10-15. Reno, Will ft May, Boston, Lowell. Mass., 10-15. Reno ft Axorn. Marlon, Findlny, 0., 10-15; Mn- Honle, Ft. Wayne, Ind., 17-22. Reld Sisters. Acndemy, Bnffnlo. 10-16. Kekluw, Reckless, Park, Chnttntiooga, Tenn., 10* 22, Reynolds, Oenle, and Twlrly Wblrly Girls, Col- onial. N. Y. C., 10-15. ' m Rwlford ft Winchester, Keith's. Jersey City. N. J„ 1015; K. A P. Union Hq.. N. Y. C, 17-22. Rene, Ida, Onilieum, Rostou, 10-15, Kea, Hnllte, Trayniore'e, Balto.. 10-1 Reynnrd, Ed. P., Keith's, Boston, 10-15; Co- - ioulnl, N. Y. C, 17-22, Rettlck, Chns. F., Kennywood Park, Pittsburg, Reuards (3), Poll's Hartford, Conn., 10-16, Bice ft Elmer, K. ft P. 23d St., N. Y. C, 10-16; . K. ft P. Union Sq., N. Y. C, 17-22. Rice ft Co.ien, K. ft P. 23d Street, N. X, C, JO- IB. Rldirirds, Great, Family, Sh&raokln, Pa„ 10*18; . Family. Unhbuey City, 17-22. Rio Urns., Luna Pnrk, Scraiiton. Pa., 10-15. UIbhosi.14). Frecport, N. Y., 10-16; Keith's, Boa- 'ton. 17-22. Rice Family, Park, Easton. Pa„ 10-15, lllqanl Ilrty., Keith's, Boston, 10-15. Ill (initios' (4). Chicago, 10-15. King, Julie, ft Co., Moore's, Portland, Me.. 10-15. Richards, Illjon, Lincoln, Neb., 10-15. Rplfsou, Mnrie, Columbia, Clnelpuatf, 10-15. Robinson ftOdelle, 0.0. II., Grand Rapids, 10-10. RnbertMOU. Alton, G. 0. IL, Grand Kapiila, 10-15. Roltalre. Kellh's. Providence, 10-15. Roberts. Hnyeu ft Roberts, Einp.. Swansea, Hog., 17-22; Ills Majesty's, Walsall, 24-20; Emu., Nnttlnabnm. Oct. 1-0. Roynl MimIchI Five, Proctor's, Newark, N. J., 111-15. - Rosalren, The, Ornlieum, Salt Lake, U., 10-15. Roinuuos (5), Balto, 10-15. Rogers ft Luviue, Oxtord Lake Park, Annlston, Ala.. 10-22. Robinson, I'Jtiid, Dominion Winnipeg, Can., 10-16. Rogers, Will H.. Keith's, Cleveland, 10-15. Rowc, May C. O. IL. Kenovo, Can., 10-10, Rooney Staters, Proctor's. Albany. N, Y., 10-15, Robinson, .Mrs, Stuart, ft Co., Keeney's, Bkln., 10- 15. ..*».• Rossow Mliljeb>, Proctor's, Newnrk, N. J., 10-15. RpiiNell, Mnrvcloui. BIJou, Kenosha, Wis., 10*15, Rochefort ft .May, Dewey, Utlca, N. Y„ 10-16. Rockw.oy ft Conway, Majestic, Chlcugo, 10-15. rootle, MnrvelouH, Auditorium, Lima, O., 10*15. RnsNcll, Kuthryu, Brndeubiirgh's. Phlla., 10-18. Riuuells, Musical, Liiwton, Okln., 10-22. Ruf ft Cuslck, Marvin, F;ndlny, 0„ 10-15; Lyric, j'l'erre Houte; Ind., 17-22.." Rynii. Tom. Dewey. Utlcn, N. Y., 10-15. Uyder's Monkeys, G. O. II., Grand Baplda,. 10-15. Siiiiiui, Herr, Poll's, Watcrbury, Comi,', 10-16. Sitto. 0, K., Moss Tour, T.u^.; 10-Oct. 30. WhinlcTH, Deiin ft Sunders, Cryntnl, Ernukfort, , Ind., 10-lfi; Crystal, Klwood. 17-22. Salmon ft Chester, Victoria, Can., 10-15; Ta* coino. Wash.. 17--22." Sainneld, M., Vaudeville, Columbus, Ind., 10-10; Grqnd, Toledo, 17-22. Sanford ft Dnrlhujum, BIJou, Ln Crosse, Wis., ' 10-15'; Ujijipic. Kan Claire, 17-22. Solvnggls 18), Chates, Sun Fran., Cal., 10-16. Scott. Carrie M., Howanl, Boston, 10*15. Scliarrncr, Trimmer, Auditorium, Lynn, Mass., 10-15. - Scott ft Wilson, K. St P.. Uulon So., N. Y. C„ 10- " 15; Proctor's, Troy. N. Y.. 17*22. Rehlrhprt, Alison, Crystnl, Detroit, 10-15. . Slultpe, Blanche, K. & P. Union Square, N.-T. C, 10-15. , ,;■ Sereiun'H \nlmals, Orpheum, Boston, 10-16. Seville. Lily, Keith's. Providence, 1Q-15; Moore's, ' Pordnud, Me., 17-22. Seymour ft Hill, IL ft IL, Bkln,, 10-15. Sclbinl ft Grovlnl, Moore's, Portland, Me., 10-15; Moure's, Muuchester. N. IL, 17-22, SeJlon ft Uenglc, Comlfiiie, Spokane, Wash., 10-22. Sears, Novelty. Bkln.. 10-15. Semoii. Cb.iH. F., (?. O, IL, Plttaburg, Pn„ 10-15; Kellh'-", Cleveland, 17-22, Sharp, Blanche, Poll's, New, Haven, Conn,, 10-15. Shcck Rru-i., Ornlieum, Oniiilm, Neb., 1Q-15; Or- pheum, New OrlcnuK, Ln., 17-22. Sheau ft Warren, Keith's, Phlla., 10-15. Sherman ft De Forest, Rlnghnmton, N. Y„ 10-15; Hchi'iieclidy, 17-22. Shields, 1'Uti, Holltorn, London, Eng., 10-15; Pal., Croydon, 17-22; Stur, I>ondon, 2-1-20. Short ft Shorty, Electric Park. Albany, N. Y., 10- 15; Slpe's, Kokomo, Ind.. 17-22. Shurp Bros., Temple. Detroit, 10-15. Slimmed, Lnvlniu, Colnnihlit. Cincinnati, 10,15. Hlneny'a Dogs ft Cuts, Kceney's, Bkln.. 10*15; Sltnondfl ft Gardner, Trent, Trenton, N. J., 10-15. Slllfor Tour. Hrooksldc Park. Athol. Unss., 10-15. Slnclali-c, Mabel. K. ft P. Union Sqnnw*, N. Y, C. 10-15. Sinter ft Finch. Virginia Bench, Peoria, 111., 10- 15, Smith ft CnmptK-lI. G. O. IL. Indianapolis, 10- 16; Colunibhi, Clnelnnntl, 17-22, Smith ft Ailnms, Orphentu. St. Paul. 10-16. Snyder ft Buckley, Poll's. Hartford. Conn., 10- 15;'Poll's. Springfield, Masc, 17-22. Speasardy's Bears. Hippodrome, N. Y. C., 10-15, Spool; Mlimtrels, Fall Hlv'er,' Mass.. 10-16. Splnsdl Bros, ft Mack, Folles Ilergere, Paris, Fr., 10-30; W*intergurten, Berlin, Qer., Oct. i-5i; Rtdiiert & Thomaa, Family, Sernuton, Pa.. 10-15. Stnplctoo ft Chniiey, Crystal, Toledo, 0., 10-15. HfelBcr, Julius, ft Co.. Temple, Detroit, 10-15. Nlebhiiii. His. BIJou, Ln Crosse. Wis,. 10-15. Slurk, Bnby Table, Alrdomc, Plttaburg, Knn., 10. Stanley ft Leonard, Proctor'a Newark, N. J.. 10* 15, Stutsiunn & Crawford, Southern Park, Pittsburg, 10-15. Ktlne ft Evans. Trent. Trenton, N, J., 10*16. Stoddard ft Wilson, Family, Mnlmnoy Oily, Pa., Slevemi, Lea, Fair, Indlauaiwlls, 10-16. StlneKretto Family. Colnmliln, Cincinnati, 10* 15;. Hopkins', I>mlsvllle. Ky., 17-22. Stanley ft Alleen, yrnlii>iim, Lima, 0„ 10*16; Star. Slnncle. lud., 17-22. ' Slunrt ft Keeley Sisters. BIJou, Eransrille. Ind., 10-16; Mnjesllc, Blrmlngtiam, Aln.. 17-22. Steven* ft. Kecley. Pastor's, N. Y. 0., 10*15, St. t-eon ft McCuslcc, Alcasur, Denver, Col.. 10-22, St. John ft Le Fevre. Telnple. Detroit. 10-16. "Sunny South." Rl eedy's, Newiiort, U. I., 10-15. Sully ft I'holps, O. II.. Hudson. Ni Y., 10-15. Surntcl ft Raialt. Lyric, Terre Haute, ind., 10-15. Sultlvnn, Jan., ft Glrln, G. O. IL, Pittsburg, 10- Sutton. Larry E., Topic. Billings, Mon., 17-23. Swor ft Westbwok, l|)Jon, Knlumsioo, Mleli., 10- 15. Sylvester, Jones. Prlnule ft Morrell, Keith's, Phlla.. 10-15! 0. O. IL. Syraeune. N. Y., 17-22! Tnuni, lilaud Park, Easton, Pa., 10-15. Tanean, Fellr ft Clayton, Woodslde Park, Athol, Atnenln, N. Y., 17, Mlllbrobk IS, Dover Plains Tonn, Willy, Orpheum, Portsmouth, 0., 10-lSi Mlddletowil. 17-22. . „ , , ;-,-, Tenl,'RaT;noiid. Bijou, EvousTllle, lnd„ 10-1 jJ Main Hi., I'corln,. 111.. 17-2S. ~Z M ,. Terter. Orpheum. Us Angeles, Cal., 10-15. Tenley. Eluil-r, IL K B., B>lii.. 10-15. Texarkaim 4 Walby. Keith's, Boston, 10-15; Keith's, provlileiice. 17-22. , _ Tenbrooke, Lambert ft Tenbrooke, Temple, De- troit, 10-15. ... . . -■ i Tborbo, Mr. ft Mrs. Hnrry, Howard, Boston, 10- 15. Thorne ft Uoldswortb, Novelty, Sim Fran., CaL, Thompson ft Serbia. Keith's, PBlla,, 10-15'. Thropp. Clara, ft Co., Orpheum, Bkln.. 10-18. Thursion ft Dorothy. On'hctim. St. Pnnl, 10-16 Thilrber, Lhqil Poll's. Hprlngttehl, Mnss., 10-15. Til Pa Marionettes, Colonial, Balto., 10-16, ; Till, John Jr., A. ft ft., Boston, 10-22, '■'nr*. >iiii|cal. Slpe's. Kokomo, Ind., 10-15. Tapsy Tarry. Trio, Parlor, Pt. Angeles, .Wash., • 10-22. '" Toleilo A Price, Wlutergnrten, Berlin, Ger., 10- yo; Ro-iochtt's, Viehno, Ana., Oct. 1-31. Tressor ft FronBeld, Chase's, Washington, D. 0„ 10-15. Trouboilouw (3), Unique, Sheboygan, Wla., 10* 15; Idea, Fond du Lad, 17-22. Trans-Atlantic Four, Orpheum, Dtfst, N. Y„ 10- ■• 15. Tuscano Bros., Star,'Seattle. Wash., 10-13. Tulsa;'BIJou, La Crosse. Wis.. 17-22. ' Tyce A Jermoo. Majestic, ClilcagO, 10-15. i-H-em-. The. Hlppo.ltome. N. Y.C, 10-16. Unnsuols, The, Pastor's. N. Y. C, 10-16. Vunce, Clonce, Vlctoriu, N. Y. 0., 10-15; Era- Dire, Pateraon, N. I„ 17-22. Vnnliiuffi. The. Fnlr, Nvwlmr,vj>ort. Mass., 10-16. Vnn Alstyue ft Henry, Keith's, Cleveland. 10-15. Van Got re ft Cotrcly, Exposition, Ambrldge, Pa., Va.L,ui\-" Troape, Howard, Boston, 10-15. Van, Billy, Orpheum, Denver, Ci>l., 10-22. Valool. Great, Victoria. N. Y. 0., 10-16. Valota, Harry E., Novelty, Denver, Col.',' 17-22. Vanlnmon, Electric Park, Ft. Smith. Ark., 10-15. Vaden, Marvelous, Jacksonville, Fla., 10*15; Pen- sacoln. 17-22. Vnrdon, Perry A Wllber, G. O. IL, Tyler, Tex., 10:15. Valtios, The, Mountain Park, Hamilton, Can., 10- Varlety Quartet, ■ People's! Chicago, 10-15; 0. ' 0, IL, Grand RnpldS, 17-22. Veola, Bella. Empire. Pnteraori; N. J., 10-18. Verilon. Orphelim, Denver. ■ Col.. 10-l.V Veolette ft Old. Dominion. Winnipeg; Can., 10*18. Vedder, Debbie, Empre, St. Pan), 10-18. Vjol;i ft Eugel, Fauilly, Ponsvllle, Pa., 10*15; Fhmlly., Jlahanoy City, 17-22. Vllluge Choir, Shea's, Toronto, ,10-15.. Ward ft Nutdl, Orpheum, St. Paul, 10-15. WuLner, lln'y, Trnymure's, Balto., 10:15. Ward ft Knnpp, Empire, Sl Paul, 10-16. Wnierbury 1 Bros. & Tenaeyi Orpheum, Minneapolis, 10-15; Orpheum, Omaha, Neb., 17-22. Ward Bros., K. ft P. Unlou Square, N. Y. 0., 10-. Wall, Lawrence, BIJou, La CfrosRC, Wis., 10-10. Wat-voii's Farmyard, Shea's, Buffalo, 10-15; Siien's, Toronto, Can., 17-22. Warburton, Alice, Dewey, Utlca, N. Y., 10-15, Wuvtniru'j!, Ned, Ralii Dears, Keith's, Ptovhleuce, 10-15. Wnlrc. Cinclie. BlJon, DuluUi, Minn., 10-15. Walboarn & Whitney, Canton, N. Y., 10-16; Ma- iplle, 17-22. : ' Ward. Mity. Ojpmplc, Cincinnati. 10-BJ. . Waltone, Lillian, Henderson's. Coney Island, N. »'.. 10*13. •' ' ' • Wulsh, Frank. Castle, Bloomlngton, 111., 10-15. Wuddell, Fred ft Mde, Gurrlck, Bnrllugton, lo„ 10-15; BIJou, Dnhhque, 17-22. Wanher Bros., Crescent, 10-22. Wurupr, Geo., Grand, Cripple Creek, Col., 10-15; Victor. 17-22. Welch, Joe, Colonial, N. Y. C, 10-15. Welch, James ft Cells, G. O. H„ Wheeling, W. Va., 10-15. Welch, Mealy ft Montrose. Empire, Pateraon, N. J., 10-15; ... . Weston, Willie, Keith's, Boston, 10-15. W«»t*p. Al. II.; ft Co., Auditorium, Lyan, Mass., Webb &'Connelly, Moyer'n Lake, Canton. 0., 10-15. Welch, Ben, Chutes, Hnn Fran., Cul., 10-15. Weutworlb, VeHla ft Teddy, Fair, Newburyport, Mass.. • 10-15. Weedon> Lions. Fair. Syrdcnae. N. Y„ 10-15. Werdeii ft Glndlsh. Keith's, Providence, 10-15. Welch. Lem, Rlcard's Tour, France. Wbalen ft West, Boulevard, Medford, Mass., 10- 15. While. La Mart, West Chester, Pa., 10-15; Allen* town. 17-22. ■ - White ft Stuart, Proctor's, Albany, N. Y., 10-15. Wheeler Sisters ft null, Lyric Park, Ft. Smith, «r, A i rk 'A 0 ' ir, » Wi* Pnrk. Ardmorc. I. T., 17-22. Wilte. Simmons, .Gotham, Bklii., 10-16. Whlteley ft bell. Colonnade, Balto., 10-15. Whittle, Norunibegu l'nrk, Boston, 10-16. Whipple, Btjssle, Exhibition, St. Johns, N. B., 10- WilllH'Famii^, Keith's, Phlla., 10-15; Keith's, N. Wlckorr',' Bnby'lrma. BIJou, Kenobha, Wis., 12; BIJou, Racine, 1.M5. WilHoii Bros,,. Olympic. Chicago, 10-15;" May wood, Wiesiitnn's Dogs, Fnmlly, Pattarllle. Pa., 10-15. Witt's Colleens, Keith's, Boston, 10*10. Wlxoii ft Eutoji, Empire, Holyoke, Mbbs., 10-15; Piilnce, .Boston, 17-22. Wllilapis ft Pullman, Dewey, Utlca, N. Y., 10-15. Vvilllums, firunaby. .K. ft P. 58th St.. N. Y. C. 10-15. ' Wllllmns ft Meltmro, Lakeside Park, Akron, O.. ■ 10-15. Wllllucis ft Mnyer, Gaiety, Springfield, HI., 10-15: BIJou. Decatur, 17-22. ■ Williams.Duo, G; O. IL. Hnrrlsbnrir, Pa., 10-15. Wltjghi, Bert, Palace, Boston, 10-15: Murray Hill. N. Y. C 17*22. , Wllvon, Jack ft Co.. K. ft p. Union Sqnare, N. Y. WlTinrd, Chas., Empire, St. Paul, 10-15. Wilhird, Chns., Empire, St. rani, 10-16. Wordetre. Estelle, ft Co., Auiiltorlum, Lyun, Mass.. 10-15. ^!t%*BS9& & s " N> Y< a> 101Gi n * Wood, 'Mlit, ilownnl', Boston, 10-15. Wood, Frnncle.' Fair, Pair Haren, Vt,, 10-15. woojl Bros.,-Henderson's, Coney/Island, N. Y., VoadwitrtPa Seals, Victoria, N. Y. 0., 10-15. Young. Tot, Frankfort, Ind., 10-15; Bllwood, 17- Yoipig ft DeVolCi, Shea's, Toronto, 10-15. Youngs & lirooks, Poll's Worcester, Muss., 10-15: Poll's, Hurt ford. Conn., 17-22. ZunelKs, The, (ioihnm, Bkln., 10-15; Garrlck. Cincinnati. 17-22. - Zanoras, 'Cycling. Kmplre. Albany, N. Y„ 10-18. Kara A Stetson, Keltli'a, Boston, 10-15. Znr.djR, The, Pastor's. N, Y. C, 10-16 Zimmennpn. Willy, G. O. U., Pittsburg, 10-16; Temple, Detroit, 17-22. -,-»»"«k. '»•». SHnellnft Hontelle, Howard, Botfloh, 10-15. SCInk, Ai'nlph. Kceney's, Bkln., 10-15. zll »Horelln, Mile., Luna Park, Washington, D, 0., ZotilKinldkui; The.' Cliaries City, la., 10-16; La* potto'City, 17-22., ...... ,-.,■ :- , Major Shrers Vnndcvillc (K. Harwood, mgr.) — WtjstflcM, Pa...12, VA, Gnleton 1-1, Oouderspoi; "Mayor . el. 'SaaAUuW (Nixon ft Zlmnjertnan, mgrs.l—Holyoktf, Mass., 10-12, Manchester, N. H*. 13*16. , .. . ■•.;.-. Boyn) VapdevJlle (Eugeue Henry, mgr.)—Fort AtkliLiion, Win., 13. Jnneavllle 14. Stoughton 15. Waterfowl.ID. Waterloo 17..Columbus 1ft. Rin IS, .Portage 2Q, Poynctte 21, Pardeevllle 22. "Sultan «. SuluV (Madison Corey, mgr.J—-New Bern, N. .0... U. ! Tolvob Stock (WU1F. Conlon, mgr,)—SprlngfldJ, Mo-. 1Q-15. Little nock.. Ark., 17-22, Tempest, ,LL„. Slock—Forest City, Pa., 17-22. "Volnuteer Organist'! (W..W. Newcomer, mgr.)—• Ltveruwc, Sic, 12, Blddeford 13, Dover, N. H., 14, Con:ord 15, Nnnhna. 18, Walker, Whiteside (A. .W. Cross, Iras, mgr.)—Fort Wayne. Ind., 17, lltmlJncioi) 18, Mnrlou 10, Lo* gnnsnort 20, Indlnuai>D)ls 21, 22. OHIO. . C(nc!nna«l.-—WiUt the excetttlon o( the new Lyric, all the.theatres are open, the new Olympic and Grand getting In line last week ta time to .benefit bv the remarkably'cool weather wulcli prevailed. All houses report nn excellent business, with the outlook highly favorable. The Mummer resorts have prac- tically concluded their season, which was prosperous' with all. GiUND OranA IIousr (Harry Halhforth & John. H, Havllp, mnuaRrers).—J^ew Dock- stnder.and his minstrels will open 0. Dlgby Bell, In "The Educntlon of Mr. Plpp," opened the' bouse last week. He made a trreat'hlt. Mel n tyre and Heath, In "The Ham Tree," 17. •-WAMfWT Si'bkkt TiiKAntu (M. C. Atnlcrfion, manager).—"Tim Ynnkce Consul," headed by Harry Short 0-10. "Peggy from Paris," last week, drew fair houses. "~ ■ Robinson's Opbba Housb (Geo. P. & F.uellft Forepaugh Fish, manhgera). — Fore- pauffh's Stpck Co, began .a. weeks engage- ment; 0; .in "Lady .Windermere's. Knn." hln Adair, .new leading woman,, scored In "The Heart of. Maryland." opening week. Coi,c«bu -(M.- CY Andersen, manager):—. Bill -fori) -and week la headed by Lavlnla Shannon.-In- -t- sketch, "A Lesson In Ecoh- dhiy." .'The bill Includes: ltert ; Iveslle and ed'ninaiiy,- Lee HnMlfion, JhUt-IULfl Brosche, Rnffayette's trained dogs. Ilaywnrd,-Conroy nnd Uayward, Steln-Kretto ffamlljf, and FBI* frey nnd.iHoel(er. : .' " '.;■■.' - ■ ■ 'Ovmvift ija\tn J- Ryan, manager).—For Rb HeqontLwcek, comtncnclpg U, the Olympic offers: John w. Bansonc, ltnlph Johnstone, Orond Qpera r i;rlo, Coln'B pantomime dogs, May Ward. Tfgnyler Sisters, Halley nnd Mee- Mtj, W J. O'Henrn and company, and Hire and' Prevpst. •■-;., HurjcK'a Or-Biu notiSR (Ilenck, Stair & FcrinpHpey,'- manngers).—"A Man'B Broken Promise' comes It. "Vonhg'Btiffnlo, Ring of the WW Westi" drew' filnudlts from packed hoiiHes last week. "Secret Service Snui" 10, LvrHifji (Hettck, Fehnessey & Stair, man- noersJ.T-AI. IL. Woods presents "Queen of the While Slaves" MS, "Nettle, the News* gfi'L" (a stlil a favorite, judging from last week's fiudlcnces. "Thorns and Orange Blos- soms" 1(1. • •■ Standard (Chas, J. Arnold, manager).-— Ilnblp's Kntckerbiitfkeis begin week of 0, feat- uring Five PPsclikoffs, Ilitflslan dancers. Man- Chester's Night Owls had n good week. Hose Sydell 10.' ! PROPtK's tirnpert Heuck, manager).-—Fay Foster Co. opens 0. Olio Includes: Four Nelson Comlques, Bnlsy Heiger, Stnnley and Scaulon, the flcCall Trio, and Curroll, Ellcr and company. Empire Burlesque?*, did well but week. , Twentieth Century Maids 1(J. Gossrp op TiiK-'LouuY.—ttose Uoghlaa pre- sented for the fli'st time at a matinee, at the Columbia. last week, "The Mother," a'sketch by Frank Fmntoon...:. .Henry M. Zlegler hna gooe to New York for several weeks' stay...... W..S. Cleveland, resigned-as mana- ger of the Olympic two days after the house opened, because of disagreements, He will go to New York and hook attractions for John J. Hyan's syndicate. Daniel McCoy, of Chi- cago, Is temporally In charge at the Olympic .;-.-...John A.-Rogers was Tier* last week. In advance of'Meintyre and Heath..... ."The Blue Moon,' 1 at the Fall festival, headed bv James T. Powers, ployed to more than .'1,000 people at each nightly performance last week. ' . . ■ Coni'minia.—At'tlie Great" Southern The- atre (Win." Sanders, manager) "45 Minutes from Broadway, with Fay Tcmpletoa In the leading role, pleased large houses week of Sept. U. "Coming Thro' tho Bye'" 11, 12. WiiUBnnT (F., O; Miller, manager).—Eddie Foy, in "The Earl and the Glrl,' T opened :ho home to .urge business, week of 8. Anna Eva Hj> will be the attraction for* two weeks, becinDing 10. ■ H|dii Stuhet Thcatrb (Clias. W. Harper, manager).—"Chinatown Charlie" and "Se- cret Service Sam" divided week of 2, to ca- pacity oualncss; "The Cowboy Girl'? lO-lS, the Bays, In "Down the Pike,'' 13-15. OLE.vfA.vor Park (W. \V. Pi-oaser, mana- ser),---A- good randeville hill was presented during the closing week of the house, 2-8, and drew well. The free outdoor attractions for the week wore: Bare Devil Dougherty, In "Leuplng the Gup;" the Ostrich Farm, Rosn- tls Naval Reserve Band and fireworks. W. ». Prossev, who has so successfully managed the house for the past several seasons, as- sumes the management of the new Keith house, formerly : fhe Empire!. '.Collins' Gaiidk.v (II. Collins, manager).—- An excelelnt hill, consisting of Anna Golde and Bert -Marshall, Jones nnd Walton, Sulli- van and Best, entertained large crowds nt this popular resort, during Its closing week, ScnABFRR'a Garden (Frank Schnefcr, man- nm')-— Ulg crowds filled this- resort during the past week. Bill for week of 0: Sallln Bradley, H. B, Carable, Grace Do Bro, the i'tillens, nad tho Marvelous De Kota. Notks.— The Ohio State fnlr enjoyed the largest attendance In Its hlslnry here, 3-8. Roy Knahepfthuo and his airship, nnd Frank y, Spellmnn nnd his attractions, were special fcntnrefi.'.. ..-EArgc crowds flocked to Indian- ola Park dmlng the past -week, where l'aln's Lnst Days of L'ompell" drew cflpnclty crowds at every performance. Neddennycr nnd his military hand gave dally concerts.'.... .Dusq and his hand appeared nt the Memorial Hall during week of 3, and entertained fnlr sized ■ OM THE KO AD. Supple mental LUt—neoelvcd Too Lntt> for ClasiilBeiitlOii. • " Barlow & Wilson's Minstrels (Lawrence Barlow. Vl7 r ;J-rrW-ishinuton N, J., la: Snmervllle 14 HIrIi Bridge 16, Clinton 17. Bongur. l»n.. 1h HMt StronUsbiirg 10, Belvlilpre. N. J., 20. 1 IhjrglnjH Dnitgliter'' (Vance k Sulllvnn, mgrs.) Cummins Wtlrt West---Conte8vllle. Pa.. 12. Dover (i Uri.. 1.1, Mllfonl U, Centervlile. MO.. 'lB. Onllece Wnow" (Henry W. Kiivnge mgr )—Hav- erhill. Mass.. 11, Lawrence 12. Knlein 18. Low* S! .V',, 15, JW n - 0'««ce«ter 18, Maiden IP, South Frauiliiirhiini 20. Marlboro 21, Taunton "2 Ti^'KK *;•»/•"-KHroy & Brttlwi's, Western (Kil. I. Wheiaii. mgr.)—Moieatlne. la.. Ill, Oska- lpopa 14, Ottumwa 13, Fort Madison 10, Bur-, Unston 17, Carthage 18. Qiitney, 111., is, Ma- con. Mo., 20 Moberty 21. Hannibal 22. •Country .tny" LT. H. Beauruont, mgr.)— Monon- cnhela. Pa., :li, MoneMen 18, Wyette City 10, Brownsv.llo 20, Morgttntotrn, W. Vn„ 21. Man' Evwt, Uwrenw (A. >V. flrow.;- mgr.l—Lebanon. I'd., IT., ilaierslown . \h ., 18, Camberland lf> S^ttMale, Pa 21..' Lrifrobe E UnliKow! 22?' Oenrirln TrouboOrHtr* t\'m. McCone. nigr,)—liar wry. Wis '■12. tuiraniPW, Meridian u. Fail artlevn 21. Kfl,wlilh{,, }?/ 18 « *"» ,fl * StrS Hunt's Show—Oobhen, Conn., 14, S. Cornwall 10, Clcvelnn*.—At the Opera House '{Harry D. Kline, malinger) "Captain CarolesR" week pf Sept. 10. Lew Dockstnder's Minstrels had good houses week of 3. '"Way Down Kast ,T ' week of 17, . Kvi' AvRNtia GAiinnNa (Max Faetken- hener, manager).—The Vaughan Glascr Co. has signed with Mr. Fnetkenheuer for an- other week, nnd for two if the weather con- down as, favorable. He. will give "Why Rmllh Left Home" week of 10. Colonial. (Dnw & Campbell, managers), —ihc Laura Nelson Hal) Ooi will close tho season by giving: VThc Masqueraders" week of -10. Miss Ball goes, to New York to ne- gotiate for a suitable nhtcc, nnd tho remain- der, of the cotnimny will he sent hy Drew & Campbell to Winnipeg. "Before and After" week of 17. . LVckvm (Geo..M. Todd, manager).—"Bun* day" week of 10. "Oay New York" had good houses week of -B. "Buster Brown" week of IT. ■ ClevbijANp (Oeo.. M. Todd, manoger).— pn_ Dangerous Ground" week of 10. "A Man s Ufokeh rrbmise" ■ week of 3. "The Bny Behind the Gun" week of 17. JJSFIP\ H n il\ & Unniola, manager).—Bill week of 10 ijcludPH-: Mary Dnpont and rnln* nany \nn AlNiyne nnd Uenry, Will, Bogern. MerMlth Sisters, Mnckey. and. Nlckeison, and l no Four UMDia . Lvitic (J, J, Kyan., manager).—Bill week-