The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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September 15j e ft . nnr Ii,e sketrli; Wilson Ilalett. Clara Tbropp J! rfrtnpany, Kdna J.nby, 'clever mimic; ifinniiii-B hntortnlners, in ■« Hotel l»or- s-^tnc Four Uregoryg, Liad, Impersonator; K'nlre City 4juar.tet.ui,, with new liCVuri'it. Wumnewi la*t wee* was excellent. *■ HTl* & IlEIIMAN'B <Nlffc' NwfOO, 1 limna- Ifrt—A strong bill week oMO. The fetuflie ffjunli -MoCiue and company. In "The Man Ln UenWf ;" Klein, oti Uros. and Nlckul- 5 HrjwoaT cud Hill. Eltntr TVnney, Flea- m J-nik, lOugctie B%cL Willie Howard, the Mien Lewis McCortf and eompnny, in -iiec iXit itL'hcoisuI." Good business lam week. hKBKNWtt (Thco. Wensllk, manager).—An tfccJlont bill la presented here in, The Lead- liner being a Imooiib Kngllsh comedienne, Sllle Cnloinnn. OUiew are: Mrs. Stuart nbfon nnd company, In a new sketch. ''The Vwing Mr. Wlldonta ;*' Maxwell aud Uudlny, idrtlriij »lnk. I*° ,,L '" t - MfWl Blheoy'Bdog •ml cut pantomime, Arlington nnd lielstun, Jinci Alleu nnd her eight i,ackawunnn Ulrls, In a mimical comedy. "FlKKbe Snow," and tf, eI ,cyH:npe. tiaod business last week. , SUlt (ArcIllH '^HlW, 1 liiiniiifir.!.—Sum -A. lirlliwr presented., tfci Gay Morning Ulorlea St-e iv, and was well received. Two bur- HHltM "'i'he Three Admlrula" and "A-Night iu jntjftn,"*re good; the olio la-very, strong. Tin' i.ld I<tfterti Co: did well last week. r ijii'Kbmi. (W. C. Taylor, mohager).—-Mian Sew York Jr. Co. In seen here lOiO; Churles j Hurkburdt, "the man with the- funny dlde" is good, httd- he la aurrounded by u write ('Horns of pretty girls. The olio In- clniies: Klennor Kevere, Mac Yulr, Dave Fer- Juson the Majestic Musical Four, and the yedmnra. Sam Devcre's Own Co. did well "l'KrxKB'a Broadwat (Leo C. Teller, lessee and manager).-rRouert Edeson, In tho numo iMrt ot "stroiighenrt, who packed the bouse at every performance here last'season; ■a lie re for a return engagement 10-15. The advance sale for the week-Indicates a stand- \ug room only business. Andrew Mack, la ■ Arrnhna-Fogue," drew large houses week radliig t>. Next, ''llahes lu Toyland." ■ « Km lit {Ilennctt Wilson, manager).—"The Krrund Boy," With Billy D. Van as the Btar, | s die offering this week. rilt ' show has un'ii brought up-to-date, nod there 1h now ■■■(. ni'fv and, sumo new 1 Aongs. ! Ci'owded liuiiseH lout week, with "Bertha; the Hewing Machine Ulrl.'" Next, ''Secrets of tin- l'o- lli-e." ' ",v AMrtiinK (M. S. Behllsslngcr. manager),— QurhM K. Iliancy's lour act military drama, •Wild Nell, n. child of the Uegiment," In produced this week, with Vivian 1'rescott in the stellar role. "The Millionaire Detective" did n good week's business" ending x. Next, •A Km* for Ufe.' f Novbi.ti* (Percy G.-Wlllinms, manager).— Milton and Dolly' Nobles head this week's bill. 'Hie others on tho list ore: The Kllte Muslral Four, the Fan titer Trio, Holmun Itrothcrs, Sears, the maglclnni; .Mitchell and ruin. MalveAc miii Thomas, and Turn lilllen. (iood bmdttVM last week: " .*'-.: QiXBTX (.Tame*; Clark manager). — The Lifters'arc here Nils week. A special feature Is Lit Belle Dzlrla, who has the lirfiitllilpn dance, "'The : Mntelilche," and mi- gihcr, called "The fiaplliijf nnd the Wind." The burlesques are "Oh, What a .Night," and "School DiiyV The olio: Jack Marshall, Madden and Jess, Kelly and Barttetl, and Jioyce and Illack. Business last week, when the New York Stars closed a week'B stay, was big. Next, the .Morning Glories. (iiuxn Family (Frank B. L'nrr, manager). —"Montana" this week. "1/wt In New iork" bad a succrssful week ending 8. Next, "The Corner Grocery." ■ ■ •■ ■ 1'aytox'm (Bf S. ■AMiTi, manager).—The stock company is;seen this week, In "The Fatal Card." Big houses attended the per- foruianeea of "The Soudau" Inst week. Next, "The (Mil 1 Left Belilud 'Me." ' (IutiiAm " (Fefcy (1. Williams, manager). —Auuther strong MU this week includes: (nrlelou Mncy add Maude Edna Hall, Frank II. White and Lew Hlmmons, Kennedy and ltooney, Frank Fognrty, thelianks-Brezeelle Duo, Anna Chandler, Morris and Morris, Charles and Jaak Ahcrn. Big houses wero the rule lust week, ' LVCNUM (uou Fhllllps, manager).—"On the Urldn at Midnight" Is produced by tho House company tills week. "The Llghtuouse by tlin ::<■;/■ had n good week ending 8. Luna 1'aiik. —The continued warm weather Is briogiug good business here. Dreamland.— As the nni of tile senson draws neur, there Is no diminution In at- tcndnnee, all the concessions keeping well up hi that respect. :■ ■» ■'' ■ " • Bomtock's Animai, Akbna. —The various acts here aro high In favor, and the audi- ences continue t6 he Inrge. ' BitiriiiTUN Bkach.— The Tike, Fornrl's anl- muiH. and fireworks are among the attrac- tions. Hkmdkrhon's; Conkv! Island.— BUI week of id: Doherty's noodles, Noble Sisters, Three Nudos, the Bofdenn, Arthur Iledlnlnnd coinuuny. Marvelous Merrill, Lillian Wnl- tone, "A Night In Mncllsh Vaudeville," Hnlley and Fletcher, Culdera, Emerson and Scharf, and Wood Bros. :. St[;bplkcha8» Paiik, Conbt Island.- 1 — The Imhy show and decorated baby carriage ps> rude, at Btfieplecliape, on' Thursday of last week, was such a success that George (?. Tll- ymi decided to hnvn a gala event for tlin Hdnr children. Therefore on Saturday, Sept. n, he held n school children's curnlvul. and JouiiR sli'ls' white dress parade. The. pawn »!■ the L-tttest baby, the smallest buby, the cleverest bnby, the cutest coon baby and the boat twins nnd triplets were not awarded oh the day or the'bnby show, nor were premiums for the decorated bnby cnnluge parade u3 the Judges asked for more time before reach- ing their decisions. ' The awards were made on Saturday. Notks. —I'orcy Williams has, made con- tracts with a number of-the lcaulrtg vaude- ville performers of Kurope to appear at his Mima during the coming season. Chris Rlnunji and the Zlngurl Troupe, both from London, were the first of the foreigners to Vermnn nt the Orphcum A. II. Bchon- is'rj:, who for the past twelve seasons has well mannger of Pain's Fireworks, Manlmt- tiui Bench, bus been appointed tiehsflfer of 'He imperial Theatre. Frank Snllten Is the cRKiHtniit trenaurcr,' The ■'eleetrleal an- iiuuiiL'enieiit hl^'iis nt lCeenoy's hu've provi>n n nuivoHB.- ...The fipooncr Stock qo. will present "Mr*. Dane's Defense" In several ^eeks UuslncBs Manuger Frank Kllholz stales that business for the first week at the J'fhlii'inn mi fnr hevoud cxpeclntlons lie Columbia Theatre-'opens Sent. 17 lilniiphn Itates, In "The tJli-l or the (lolden .V'l'-i," win he seen at.the Bhnbert shortly. — i ■ -* - ..— -. NBW YORK OITV JOTTINGS. THE 3STrJTv7 YORK OI,IPl»3Bil. 801 c KavvAhu KocKHLLKit, for many years the nnHbtnnt treasurer of the old Lyceum The- atre, In this city, hhs resigned from Daniel M-olimnn's stnfl ti) accept a similar position at llncltett's Tlieutre. I'fiKituiiicii ScmuBiipn has resigned as dra- Bolfc editor of The WmhinyUtn Pout to oc- MtW a member of David Belnaco'H business stnn. !. ■ •. :* XtihUsu K. Sfmi*lb lins wiceeeded WU- inni Itnymond Sill as press representative for l-ew Fields, • ' ■ ' = t ■. CRANNIKa : Pollock has resigned his posi- tion as press agent for ttie Shubei.ts. lie will teyote his time to turning'-out plays and •whig magazine work.. , .i ■ .' ,1 ytVINO A\D DOrtOTHRA IlAIItD, with tUt'lr London company, will Brill for New York •n Sept, l». Thev Will first appear here at 'lie ,v w Amsterdam Theatre, on Monday tvn.lng, Oct.'l, In-Stephen Phltllpps' "Paolo "ml I'taneesea." ....*-. Xatc. (iiinnwiN -win open his season at Jite uijoii Oct 1,. and beiruu rehearsals on the play, "The GenluB," Sept. 10. iiiiuu iiiii uif ixjuiiKrHpii. itiMJu nouses nnrii. Bba'cii' Casino ffi, W. Itlchnrds, innasei-).—Wc(?h of J, Jhc offerlugs Included ; nvW* ".nil I-'rank. Kleltt, and Klein, Walt t ilffi. 2fa ill" °? Tn * Soclal Whirl." at the *?n i'- Wl V/'rjn'My* ■« Saturday 'evening. SSi 2r*/V? hadyS Maid." n new mnslcu ieeu euKaged by Houry W. Snvage to Sn Se the (Jorden Theatre this »-m»n "■"""Be «/ ,IK m TB P SMW > AKK: Broatlway, Prln- irvlug Plat°' ° r ''' VlUh Wpfc SB '• *t* MICHIGAN . l rP^ tr x < !,\ t t \~ M ,llp strait Opera House (».c. Whitney, mnnnger) John R. Hcnshnw aim a very capable company presented "Ckd- Inlii Careless.- to large and appreciative nu- dlMres week of Sept. !L l'he new piece scored a distinct suceess. "Little Jobnuy ■tones , 10. , * Lvcruk (K. D. Stair, manager).—Ernest iocan, in IKHftu IlostnV-oirerea a good en- lei'ialnment. atiU^ drew well 2-8.*' Flske 0 Ilnra, la "Mr; Blarney from Ireland," 1) Lafayette (Dr. Campbell, mannger).— The Itrandon Kvans ■ Stqck Co.. In "Quo Sift entertained .good sized houses last week. Tlic same company, In "Tenneasee's l'ardner, 1 ' 0, ■, .. ; -. Wiijtsky (Ti. D. Stnlr, monager).*-"The House of Mystery" drew the usual packed houses 2-8. Bob FlUalmmona. in «a FlSt for T.ove, * ft. " ' •"; Tkaii-lb (J. H. Moore, manager).—Last week's bill was of a high order, and ft tt. (>. ruled. Attractions for week of 10 In- clude;. Julius fcteger and company, Sisters JJ Meers, Le Brim Opera Company, 'Teh- BMpktp Lambert and Tehbrooke. Taylor nolmw, aimrp Drothera, the Holzera, and the klnetograph.'■ ':• :-•■•;. ;-v" • ;'f-. " •' Avkniih (Drew & Campbell, managers).— lie Merry Maidens presented a good enter- tnlniuentj and the company was well patron- ized week of '2. Kentucky Helles 11. CrAVRTMIL II. Ilcdgesi• manager>.*—Harry Brynnt s Lxtravnjian7B Co. offered tho pu- irons a show Hint plenFied good houses ''-8, Al. Keeves''Hhow IK - '■■ •" ■* CiiYHTAr. U,|. ,L Nash, nuioager).—Last weeks oirorlnK wns geod, and the attendant* up to stindard. Attractlous fo r week of 10 Include : Kurt!* and Ilusse, Klnpy and Klppy, ("oihurn nnd Krands, Contlno and Lawn-nce, Harry Boyd, Anson' Schlrhart and the kluo- drome. ■■'. ■* ' • * ' :• ^ " KI.KCTRIC -Pahx (iMbr Myll, manager).— Don Philippine* Hand drew large audiences last week, and Is continued Hi. Bay City.—At tlio Whshlngton (W. J. Daunt, manager) "The Mummy nnd the Hura- mlnii Bird" Hept. I, "As Tord Id the Hills" 2. "The Marriage of Kitty" tt, and "The Hlgn of the Cross," B, all did fair business. "The House of Mystery" VL V*, Lena Itlvers IB, Rrne.Mt Hogan, In "Uiifus Itastus" 10: "The Mayor ot Toklo'^ Vk ■■ ■ ' ••>■ ' ! AlVakaIjo (Sam Marks, manager).'—Bright and attractive from tlic toncji of tjie pointer ami dororator, this new thentre eptercd the local amusement Held Sept. !J, ; uuder moAt woarnjfaw nuspli-es. Its tlrst'bill, an excel- lent one.'Included the following: Krosinl. H. F..IInwley nnd company, (icurglnn Clarke. Lew Iliiwittiw, Sndl Alfnrodl, llutliuwnr nml Slegel, It;i[jjH> Jilstej-s nnd the vltnunipb. It drew crowded houses. ' Tills new temple of high class vaudeville Is neat, comfort able and well appointed, and gives promise of a pros- perous ninire. ' ; Bijou (J.D.Pllmoro, mnnngerl.—nil] week of y; Hoberls nnd dogs, Shannon nnd Straw, Morgan nnd Kline, Muslral Odldinuii*, Hobert Tioub and the Bljougraph. fiood houses ruled. TVfiNO.NA Bra'cii t.V" mnna; Orvlll Terry and Nellie Klmer, ('has. Roche.'J. Itog^v West'and Ida Van Slelen, Iri" "The'College Oymrmxliim," and the klnetosco|ie. Cuol wenther marred the attendance somewhat. ■ ■»■. . — ' -.:'■ * Kiiiiimnxoii. At. the Bijou (II .W. Crull, manager) uniformly goodj tnmsas huve pre- Viilli'd, the vaudeville priigrmffini being tftdr- onglily satisfactory. Bffl wxeif of Bent. 10: Cluudhis and Hcnrlet. Denton und Dtuiton, Alfred Amiei-Kon, Fannie Hatfield aud com- pany, Henry Hodgmun, Hhistrated'JlonKs dud cllnetoscope. ■' Wdnhkulaxd ( V. D. McCorralck. mann- ri'i'i. ■ cjnod nixed crowds, both hi the nrc'ade and auditorium. Ac/AmofY oi' Mi'mi: (B. A. Bush, mana- ger) -opened'to-a fair house It, "i|y Wlfe'a Family" helnR tlic attraction: "Under South- ern Skies" hud a good house .*. Hose Mel- ville, In "Sis Hopkins," comes 8, "Tho (irent- er Ijove" D, Casi.vo Paiik (Banks Balrd, mnnagcr) 1* approaching the close of the season, with business only fair. t<# , '* . ' . ' * ...:" '' siiniiiiiw. \i the Academy (C: J. Por- tcr,'manager) "The Marriage of Kitty" drew kuihI hiislnoHH Sept, 2. "The Sign of the tfross" pleased two fair houses 8, 4. "Plff,! Pair! 1 Pouf II I", had good audience h\ '"Jlta House of Myslery" (J, "Hooltgnrj In New York" 15, I^ha lllvcrs 10, "The Mayor, of Tokio" 18, "UalUes" 20, "Everi'borty Works But Father" 21. ■ ! ."' ' •;:"'.:., ' j-' .Tiii'KiiHK {C. a. Sargent, manoger).—Bill week of Ol Chns. Ijuycr at)d Millie'O'Nell, ITuthnwhy and Slegel," Lew llrtwxlmi, Mr. nnd Mrs. Dan Illalt. SadI Alfuruhl, and Itappo SIstcTR, C: H. Hnrgcrit, the new man- ager -of tliis lipuw, has secured some of the best New York attnicUuDS'.for the seoson. ItivmiNiiiK Paiik Casino (L. W. Richards, manager). —Drake's performing bears; '"Ah Lawrence, "Ed. Foster, the Old Homestead Quartette, nnd Harry Ooselia, 2-8, mnde ui) I very good hill.- and drew good houses. This resort closed 8, - ■ ■'._■' Grmul ituplds. —At the New. Powers (Iliirry (J. Rommers & Co., iriiningera) "Plffl PnfT!! Pouf!!!" Is due Sept. 0. Louis James 12/LilIInn Uuasell, In "Hurbnrn'H Millions," ' MAJHSTic fOrln Stair, manager').—"Tlid Mummy and the 'Humming Bird." ?-5, played to large business, as did "Mr. JtlnrnAy, from Ireland,'-' 1* Coming: "The Marriage of Kitty" fl'lft, Brtieat Ilogan, In "Kiifua Kna- GnANp OTKhA HotiRB (ChurcliHT * Dav|(j;' managers).—Vaudeville attractions for. week of 9 Include: Flo Adler, Knight Bros., and Sawfelle. Marlon nnd'Pcarl, Altni Robertson, Itoblosoo nnd Odelle, and Tony llyder's motiUCys. . ■IhvsiONA (LoU Delemater, manager).—At- tractlons for closing week, Ml" nre: Die Apollo Quartette, -Mabel CoHsldy, Frank Cushninn, Deacon and Deacon, the Olobe of Death, nnd'Lo urant, magician. Hrittle Creek.—At' the Post Theatre (R. H. Smith, rannnger) '*Thorns and Quart BloBsoms" come Sept. I, MarMn'a "Uncle Tom's Cabin" -1, "The Sign of the Cross" 0. Cnihlnc '"Hie Miuninv and the Humming lirrl" 8 "lloojlanu In New York" 11. "Ah ToM in .he Illlls" 1a. "TheJloiiaa of Mys- terVlil, ''Under Hoiithem- SkleB" 14, "The Marriage of Kitty" 1.1. , . ,__ Buou (W. H. Bnttcr/lold, man agar l.—Tha following bill for week of 3 pleased: Pone nnd his dog, La Jesses, contortionists; jl. L Barrett. Hlustmted songs; Queen and Ross, acrobatic dancers; Ernie and Honneger, monopedes, nnd clli ietoscope pictu re^.. CnAntEs OaaiN Cowlrk and Dosotrt Aldes are piaylnc their original comedy ■sketch, A One Horse Town," with great TOCCM*. on lie Western circuits. Mr. Cowles Innot only the owner of tills sketch, but Is also co-niithor with Miss Aldan,, and the result of their first attempt Is very gratifying. DEATHS IS THE PROFESSION. Wiuuu JeKjBK an old. time e'reas .per- former, died from heart failure. In Svdqe-y; Australia, on'luly-t,'at the age of alxty-fuor jeats. -He had been associated with almost every Australian clrco» of any note for ove* iifty years, and In 18T;t was engaged by the late »L Chlarlnl. for the Sydney season of bUXaiuoua circus. Mr. Jones, who was called "The Ndgwt," in hi* yonngiT days, nick- named sncli on aevohnt of lil« corpuleucyt was nn expert tumbler and a rider of eaeeu- tlotuii merit, hut of lata; years he went 'n for t.Orae training, belog' assistant to the lata UM Fitzgerald, of Fitzgerald Bros.' Circus. R fhow he had been Identltled with for the last sixteen years.- interment was-In Roekwood Cemetery. Sydney. 1 ■' ~ W V. Kvaxr, a member of Slater's Come- n'nns, died from heart failure on Aug. 30, .it London, O. Kuwaro HowAnnfMrsciiAxir), Into of tha vaudeville team of Howard and Alton, died lu at. -Louis. Mp., Aug. 23; surviving his part- ner, Alton i LoV-rey.-nrdy sl)t months. Kd. Howard was bdrn In t'nmden, N. J., and t-.V tend the profession In is"s, at Cincinnati, later played with Ilia Btar] Drayton 1 Coml] Opera Co; In; "Pinafore," Mr. llowarfl plsv- tttff the boatswain. He possessed.u high taii'l- tone volte, was verBfltlle In his nctlngJ and with his partner; Alton; who was a female •mperKonntor, and fancy dahcer; made up oni of: the most popular tanma In the -vaudeville hllHinesN. Mr. Howard's genlnl and pleasant manner made lilm a 1 host of friends. Inter' ment was In'St. Louts. ' >' Mas. Auki.b M.msti.nktti, the mother ot tho Mnrtinetu fmuity of pantomlmlsts, died from old ngo at her resilience,"'JOft North IllgU Street, Baltimore, ltd*, on Sept. 4, aged eightv- two years. Mrs, Mnrtlaett! WM born 'h We'r-' sler, France, nnd was the widow of Jirtlih Martfncttl; founder of the troupe bentlhg that name. Dcfydte her age, Airs. Mnrtlnettl spent most nf her time traveling, nnci when eighty yciu-B old toured Kurope. She Is sur- vived oy'fonrchltflietl—COrloV'of Columbus, Ky.; Pmil, Alfred and George, who nre ntiw playing In Loudon. She was the grent mmt of Ignncb Mnrtlnettl, ihe actor,- Interment wan on Seph «V Gi:oU'jkP. Hm.Tiijf, on old time aclor, died at his home In Cherry Street, Fltchlmrg. .Mass., on Sept. rv. from paralysis,' aged seventy-six years. He played at the old Na- tional Thenire, in Boston,;and fata long time was a member of the Boston Museum com- pany, playing' with William Warren. Mrs. Vincent and : Annle Clark. ■ ne was horn IU Boston) unu hnd held severnl. public-ofllctia Til ?>'ltelihorg. ' Ills wife aiirvlvea lilpii ' ' ■ '' At.nKnt: KofUN, clK*us and vaudeville wr- fortniT, died last week at hla homo In Ilood Itlvcr. Ore., after a brief Illness, from dnlck eonsttnmtion. Mr. Kopllu was born In York. 1'n.. July :i7, 1883. For five years he was as- sociated, with .Campbell Brothers'Circus, and one season with tlic Floto Shows. During the past four venrs he hnd been In vnude- viiif, working In one of the leading Chicago houses nt the tlirm'heiwas stricken-with ills fatal Illness. "Air.' Koplln was a mini of ek* emplary habits nnd uudnble dlsisisjtlon. Bkmnktt ranvRi director of the orchestra at the Siimdard thentre. Ht. Ix>i/ls, Mo., for the imst twenty years, dlud In that city on .Sept. 3. from Injuries received In n light at Ihe Asi'heuhrnpdcl Chili. The coroner was un- able to pstohllsh proof ns to who Inlllcted the injuries. lie was about forty years of age. , Mus. Maiiy Mi'(tisi.i:v, mi old time theatri- cal dressmnkcr'und ticket tnker, died at tlic home of tor daughter, .Mrs. May Kglcston, In Berkeley, Cnl.'. iw Hept. *J, from heart full- iiro. aged sev'.'»ify-slx yej)rs. Khe was a na- tive. h< (freenvllie, tia., and crossed tile plalos In 18.10 with her father. In the fninbua (icw; llenry tenia train, which escaped the Moun- tain Men:lo\v Massacre In Utah. Mm. Mr (tlnley was n fnrorltc dress maker In the olden days In Cnllfornln fo Mrs. .lullo Dean Hnytie, Fannie Morgan Phelps. Bell Douglass, Lottn. Mrs, l.i'l^iiinii nnd Jennie Llnd, At oiii- thno slio took tickets on th> door for John Mefiinlcy. Iier husband, who built tweti- fv-two thentl-es lit California, Nevada, Utah. Oregon, Jduho, Montana and British Colum- bia, In the (Iiivk when they used to weigh out the 'jr-id dust and nuggets. ' .Mrs; MciHrt- ii;v wiik often given a big lump of gold for n present from the liberal Jieurtcd miners. She loiivw one son and one ttunw Bob Mtfilnlay. of Ihe Dob-and lUfa'-MrGlnley C7>medy Co. nnd Mrs, JSglcston, of Berkeley, Cni. Interment wns under the auspices of tho Order of KriNtern Btars of Mission Chnp- tei','San Francisco; I . " OIi'kkitr' (Iiacoha', poet and playwrlglit, died on Sept. u/ in home, Italy, from heart disease, lie was snjd to have been the first Kiii-n)n'!in drnmatlKt to come to the United Htates for a preniler. performance of his work. Tills was when he visited New York In 181)1. lu witrii'SM tin- iii-Ht performuoCe, HV Sarah ' Bernhardt, of his drama. ''t>ame de Chalnnt," which wrts produt'ed ut the Ktond- aid Theatre. '■ • > Miih. H. A. WiKmiMANN, mother of Thos. V. Wtedemunu, tho theatrical manager, died at St. Louis. Mo., on Aug. 21, from heart disease. For.pevcral years she traveled with Titos.' F. Wiedemann's Company. Interment was licsidf her luishaiid. I'. C. Wledcmnnn, nt Hnrrlsbuig; III,. Aug-. 30,• Cn*jon7N:dhiits,' of- the Norrlses, died on Mondffv. Sent; !l. front porltohltlH." * w ' Warhkn It. Day, theatrical manager, died In Utlca;'N. Y., on Kent. 1), after n year's ni- nes, -aged flilrty-sevn yenm. lie was for- merly manager of Hie Majestic Theatre, In tUlra, N*. T., hitrtr mannger of tl)e Princess Theatre, Now York, and. since Identltled with oilii-r theatrieal projifcts - under tlic dlrectlim of the ShnlHTtK Clipper Post Office. In order tit uvoltl miainkri and <u lusurr tlie iirouint delivery of the inter* ndvrftlnVU U, ttlh IWtJ a,n envctupe plnlniy »ddreh«ed must be imt fur fnvh l«-tt«-r, uutl n vrrlttCM order for the. lettei', aluftted \rlth'the fall DAnie ana addreas and the line of liimlini" followed' lij tlte •rndcr, most also lie encloaed. , J Fleaae mention the. date (or num- ber) of she i-l.ii'i'FK la whlph the letter* aent for were advertlaed. I.ADIRS« MAT. Allloan, Lilly (hwlrlrli Muiaie O'Xell. Rmmn Atn.'tii. Mis* illlllx-rl. Drs^te Albert Sl-ici'« (lurtlim, Mnrlim Alipni, Mrs. Via llorilmi Slxtcm Anilely Norms (U-U-xl Ocrirmlc Unlley, Cecil 'll.4lliDi.lo.; .Mr-. itmiU Mlw»K.M. lloltllc. ATiiih llnlta Mn*. l-'i-.-.M;ii-:.-oii mIhh V. I'ulmi'r. iv.m Unt«-« Mm.W.K. Unrrlty SJ*M I***** m« HiTirmn, Dolly King, Alu-e 1IHI, Dollle Mliirtriird .Nctllo Uurim. May B. Ilnwkhiti, Plo llreimiT, llltunlllini t'uiilb Dorothy hWunu. llvrtlc Rreeicii<>, ^Jugliex, Mm; Bfreiileo ■faaMaav' 1 .Mr-*. Belhnnnt Mllau .HhiiiIHoii Alio 11 Ujmii Jean lleclcw. .Marli- 15,-u, Mmhre 11. iMarrlH. MiMd;v Itrnlhiiry, Lyttla Tlei>n. Kittle , I^lilliit, Klhi iMutTuiiiii, Mnk-. IttTilim A |lrvlng. AMir Rrackwsy.Irrloiii l-conn lliirke, Lottie, Jfiintiign, Ji>uul'< Sib* Cricket HuWl; .' Clnrlw Helen T, BnC Walter Cooper Mm.l-\C Kcmtnll. Itiili.vM Mill Sro*. iMnnmng, Kruiik flown, J.m .Kof. i Art hurl Moore, John I'. Ityltnnl. L'ha*. lluyen Harvey I) Mclutlrp AitliK Ntieelian, J. C. Hamilton Herlit Msrthi. Mr. Mule. (Ice. M Harney. Ben iMuu.Vwt u, Mill. Harry llsydca, J. II. HnrtlciHi. P. |ajww, «. v. Holiui'u Hni, Hijjt. vr. n. Herbert, Arthur llnrrlujrifii 1'rnt liar H..H Porter AttM lluiuot, Mrx. rla w i f B I'.isn- r.ltrtn K. I'rlnin>v. Prlnwoae, Palmer, I I'liluaey, tlvrlyu I'lircelle. Tlftjf Pnrkn, Kiitiu'i'hi j/hlllii« llertb.T rtitiiii)'- Mini* . .tea.- Mlai Uolmi't .\lf-J;l-'K Ht.ii, Mhlnlt' lloehe, MImxII.M llqwhy Mr*. IM Ituwluiol, ..Mi*-* II'HIH', UhlnC ItiKUn'-i. Aimk* iir.^i-iin. May Koxerit. Marie Ukt|i|H>inl. ; VlrgliiU TbiMniou Uoit<v Jti'no. I.ltllinilt. Itltcblo Mertruri All.-.. Rrlinn, Adrlella . Mill- iard. .. Mrs. J. If, Rjrgcaui, ■ ; Allwtlne (i«-l»*tl)le»i NellW Sulfl, .Ilil... Snvtli-r. Itoma Hi. Clair" r Auilrev <toV<.) ClaiisHen, •r.rturitneF, A<1u iBelduchler Itelly -Mnriauvt l.iiwreiti'f. Mut '.Kllvt'r, Kvclvii '•nil. Kiitlifi-inr i-iii-n-. Mrs.K.l'. Hievrn*. Kltlla Coiie.llO|ie, June lJUIgiloii, Sullivan. V. ni (Virni.xly, . I ' KathiTlne Hliully llarrle " \ir« r I— •" '■ -• Cluri', Helen CaiopU'H. Pauline Cooper Kllabeth Crawford. " Winnie l» Colmtie, UaiuiM' Cpiiaar; mf. J, qBH. OPMH (.'Otili-11. Klui'i <'mii'.'iivj' Ptllllii CdnnoilT, .Mrn. Jn«. T. Klp|>. Ktltel Kliiiuire, Agiiei Kidm. Aelntilf l.'-uijiii.-, Loinra Umliuiy, H»irr|..t 1.. ludley. l.nrlii nnffiUm, MalN'l i.nncelld. MIhh In Ulaiiche, Miirle r.ltcbtleld, llentrlev I.IHIKI 'iMTt St Koa* HairliM. Nick Ihovrtl, Kd. ilvini, John iJulToinii A i Talkertoii HIIIh, Mr. Hnrl.iml A . , Hull It'll! llontlagn A WINiMi Itnveloclt, Knod ntorur* Apfwitw I linen, Wi" d Men, Ja». T, t^wla, Klin isnuin Claudlhit, . ! , juiw: l<aUa« Hfyni . Xm Dnnlt Li'dle. >>>-. I^toii' t'lrr. T.hviint.'i lAwell, tllnuclie "' Dchori?:. Lillian l.iiiie. Cl-ini llarri'l Kmtl.V iMelruar ltilltll l>n*«le, Mitr<|ini .Moutt«»tner», , )>.• li.'.i. Kittle I Mamie Illxle, M»y Midn'HC, Kiuivr iniirj-. Ltmle Mdrrareatr Mr.. IV MoiiTllie, hllllani; Mnllle Cnintlle Murniy, Slell.t IV Vpniw, In'iie Harlyiie, ,'Mrfl. lii'iin, I,mini J. Milton. Klirllih, I Mill,. i simii-i-n -Mdrgarette MhTriiy Slfiew Kateriirn'tk, iMlui-ll. OHIc , I.UI!.. .Mil-.,,;,. 1.1 Hi. hi Kmelrr. Julie iMeKwin Mnrgret Klortne. Mile. tMnywOml. IV'in'v. Marie I A.lnlui 1'lilnT. Mine. I Norman l.iielli? '" iiIii k, .Minnie Neltnan Krplyu I'Aium I'mvli'i", Parn>lt, Mlf, Qeo- 0. Pnrlnrdean. P Dull I. F*rrei,, Anna KorreM. Fwa, ceo. n, /Cllllll Wanl, Mm I Wnlih. Mar Wilton, fh'lle win id in*.. Mm. 0. F, uv-.i I.IIHl. Wllaun Kloreueo VoHaiiaiuu, Mm, H, Young, Murle NVvllle, * XITen. An.. .. Ni'iyhiill. Mm, T, intra s. MclKiiwm draw Norti.ti. Mi-* Xeliaiin. Kvelyn Nnt.-i. Iteralii' Kyerelt. HlniKtiiNliludl »Mvr* (tide, Nellie iXuti|>. Vlolu (liinliier IreneM.IDwen Mr«.AM;iy Oalae, mu* k. (».i.-ii. it .y •■• • llHnlncr, I.Ida I OBKTLBMElN'll LIST. Clev v lnud Claud Fable, Alljert i:.irl«r, 0. II. . ka£ «■ CMawB J Q Harry Frye, (\vo, 0, Carroll. Jop FrnhrtN, 0«hi. L'hnrltwi, FImhI IlroN, Franela F. HK " t^ohln-u. Dnvl'l " '■lllllll-. -I.. J. Corker, :-: -1 •II liar, tl Arto, ffm. , Ari-liainwnult S3 AlHlallali, Hum Arftliin*. Two AiiniiiiN Taaabk] Ai'Ker. Mr. Allen, t>. A, .!»,[, Fmtik AnltilrcM, The Allow, Un-at Allen, Frnl M AMi-ll, II- H. Allen A llalloil Abbott, J.-iV. Aiieji, ni m. All,- Awbkuk . Aniline, \t. ft AramtriHiK Wult Ad mm* & WllllC llurki-. Joint nukiT, Wni. Hlii-iih J-in«e Hciiiiolt I lorry A Itnrtlett. Jauie-t Jln.uu ItcilJ. II Uni-ttl, Ho|diy "Wh Iloironf. 0. W. Brown fturianM HliiKliitm, J. W\ l!ouKlit»u, Will Jturiit-ys Orlifinl Uedhil, 3. lli'lluniy, i". H. Uurint, Alf. Iteeclier lioweri Clink, l/llto, Jol Cliiyron, - kin- « JnA|K>r Carr/dl, I'mil A ' Chan, 1 A Uearlet Curler a '. ■ ' Thornlitll Cnvliic. Hear: l'll»ll>|H'll>>l« CnnviJior Jrrrv Cnit-iml,,. WlltF <;iiK|Jiiiini Chaul) ctmt..|i liuijiey l-*»ot .lolui He Wilt, W. K IVInuir, Itomey Donogliue;, J.\l Di'iion, lUrry Hi iii. i . linn-..- PhtIh A Willi;.-. FlttivCM, Wi lb I'm-, Oca. W. If t'hliliiK I'mM-'M llurtyl'' Day, iiuiii.-r It *»i» ; Knosvlll<f. — At. Hlauh'H TtaMtittli (FrlU St null, niariagor) tho flopdwln-L'ftylti Co. opened Sej)t. '1, for a -week J tn dxiellentbiwl ne»R. Tlic iiluj-H for Ihe week were | '-The UN ' anil the Lnmti," "IAW for Idfe." "Ilrother'a Lovo" "BonoTi .Heward" "The SfVl.iWmn/' "Collegb Hoy" arid "The Senator." Under- lined: •'MeFnddcn.I'latB" 1 V J, "Vloletto" 13, Murray and Mack M. Fluronev liuvla in. "Foxy flmhdna" 17. "Flnuegun'H Hall" 10. "The. Little BJXhium 2". "Me, Htm oild l ,f 21. Hhepnrd'H nk-tureii '2*2. j; rini.iiitwi:!! I'aiik TiiKAiui: (C. D, Pc- ruehl. nmnaaer).—"Tito Itunnwav Clrl." 3- 8, pleaned. Th<* Uoutheru Mlnatrela 1U-1G. i aafc -a ■■ 1 (.Juitttiiittoifia, —At Hie New Opera Hoitae (Paul It. Alht-rt. mamifji'r) tha JflTVcll Kelly ("o. opened the himmkii, In re|M>|-turr, weeh of Aiir. -J7. Al. n. Field came to K. ft. O. Hept. it. ' "Mi-Fadditn'H Fluid" HI. "Cotntnif Thro' the Hye" 14, Murray and Mack 1.1. a i a—i ' itnoui: isi.anip. \iMii.iiri. —At the Newport Opcrallouae (Culiii A CroHH Co., ummiKcrrt) tho I,uriie Klwyv Co. did well Sfpl. 8% KIIIh .leirreya wax well rcpi'lvert 7. IluoklnKH: "Hunter Krown" 10; "When the Ilnrveat Datfl Aro Over" II, "Adrift In New York" it Havhl Ilafiim" til "Are You n Mnaun?" 14, Nance> O'Neli ir.; ■ ■ '■' HiiKKitv'ft ritBKBonv Paiik.— Week of-.10: "The Hannv Honili," f.eo. C. I>av!«, thr* La Tour Sldtern, Ktlwlti Heorge, the Fdlir f)ii«- zlera. HIo nrothera, Pell nail Trrrwlirldife, KauuoUBi, FoierBun and'Rmmona, and Moving pictures. ■•'. :V"-4--. . * • - a >» , , ■OUTIl'CAltOUNA. Charlraton*—At ilia Academy of Mualc (Chna; H; Mntthewa, mana«er) "Fdky tiraudpa" did fair hualneaa Hept. tt. Tim Murphy woh here C. 'iheToBntof Ihe Town" 12,13. luiwii-, FfedV. nnrii. ii llroa. HnMikK, [■'[■iinkMii A. Jiiniiiun. llnrry Ilfoiiillette. till li«u, rani M. 1I.H...II-I. I'.' I Itunnell, (leo. llrown, It. X Hurry, .Inincn Itrulalinif) ... Julen ]■:. I»«ry, a*L IlhrrfK, PM*r lllHrll. -Iiillil i.. Ilaninnl tKOOtHe H.iv.1., C. Jin i ji .-i Kldiirla J liiirron, Mr. ltwttiir.1 Kuw.C Hell, Frank invunaiiM. Mm". Hnrruh, Vu| lllsler Tl««. M Itliiudlli k I,....n Hen-Hannidl, A In lull. ill Harry, Hick Ilflrry, J-Mwln llotto. Wult D. HI. irk, Kllun Harrett. DMf Mu.'k (.'. iu. '..'.'1'. Hiilli-y. Itntptl lteniiiril. Nat llackley,' Mr. A Vm. HnrmtK, Tiirw HdrlHink, Jaii: mi Com. Trh Rrvwfl, W. m. Ctirtet, II. Cluimiilln. C. IS, (';i«tli\ Jnnivjt V CawflUiH* Hert n ^ i Itrady Chirk, Murr/ f'nxiiil, I.'rnnk Cwfliy, IL fit Carlf. Illchird f1ijif«rd(ai Art!',' Tom Carter Chan. H., FrmiK Caiwla. Jack Cut win k wnlawi Contnre. Hath* Collhu. Dru )i.■■■..-iiii;-.-. Mr. Si:-. JO| Ui'Mnii, ' Ifi-liry I vim,. .T.i in,... A IhHiniiiie, .!.,.'<■ Daly. J.. Dellon, Allien pUoii, Will It. Hlmin ll.lill P. lv. iiiiiii Co., hiiiiM. III*oii, Hilly Dally, K, , Ih'liuorc A. I . , Jhirrel !tuwH,m naiicyJ lidthaiii., Ueu, mSS UAH lule. A lln-i-L Miiiiiul lliiftx, Jiiy V Dudley, .S.. II. PcKtnln, I^o lliniriiiil. J,U. llrnk... J.'iliu T. Ito Volule. uMwtai H'.riM. llt-nry Mm, Hjito IMA, j. t. hmlijir, W. J ft F Full.iii, Arlh. II I I'ltr. -Inliji KaUd, AllH>rt FmiicIk OhMliff I'urralcr, Hid J^tatferiiid n..\. Frlli. i;iMh. l-:«»tcr ft I. .. j . WIlfMiin Pfc Ihiifr 1-erinia.m, flnrny Flliitlcr« (l.Kt.-or ftoW. Ilafarrl J. Fa well, 1 Clin* Flak", H, J), Klaotl, F. a, Knalnl, V. u. I'ranclN, flew. 0. FilHniit, 'IViiii nk U Flwl, Fr.ii Kuiin-, Jul, Forntd, It. I'VrwuriiHi ft '■''"til. IMIillH I- l(v.-;i..n. ,l,:,,r[ Flnher, Um, j;. Kleuiuihii/, ' , .Jwlin F. Ford, Hon ftotm hkm, FiWrik f&ti ■nuck, i:,nii s\, laviNiiut. n... Illlll, '■■.■-:. Jmk Ctnreiic.-» M, .Uhlturti, 'J'Ihm. .f • leihoar. H. .lulhiitiicr li. F. Ir\y», Win. ■iill. Jini (IhH'ker, " HnuMiii ilnrareu llaUUrk ' * \iX: Hj.H.iv. 8aiii iJ. Irvlnuil KBslrlck Iiiuuiti. 'Hiiny . ilMn. Happy Makey. Solli C. kwOMln. '. SaUni Mariili. ( ii 5 MM VaiiRtin .Meliuyrp. Jain.'- > eti, .C4inH. y ii-.-.n. Hilly > itrny, J. ncklv A Muek MOff, WnltiT Mortmt. Wnll^r Maddt ft r„i».i-lv SleTcra, lt«v Slnri.tiJ- W. J**ff Alerrltt. Hall Mnttlllll l'.innlv Moanrto. itr.'.u Ulltcr,. K. M. MeK'dKlit Mi-.W Umii. Alfnd ileCaiui. Hert Mimhniuiery ft I' Mnrlnifttr, J. Miu-ln-y. (lea. H AKta. i:-.l. ' ilurlt*. F. ,\V MurhHf wA. .Lu i I-. MlkY UrKllllll'v. J. II AlorrlH. .1. A AlinliU'li. Win, Marijnce. 'heat Huker, Lew NORicra I'errliid Slcirer, .Juliua Hlnjiaad/F. W. Scblller. K. A. VmIiim. Rlctaanl fiwtity Il.nititu Maudaiky, J. M, siniiii. tauw. ii. Mitlnmade, J. lit Soenin. Klll.>;t.f. Slniehninan A i: Hnillh. ivtorJ. Sylvan A O'Nial Stnn.tnnl Am.Co Slyl#n, llurryW. Slmuw. llnrry M. Slntinn (loo. SmifiinU Mr. ft .Mrx. Jm» rtnow, flfO, W. Si-nnnilp, J. M, SHlimin ftMlTlull Stniiton. lli-flii. Katldvta. CIiiimII. UlllllvrlH, J, J, Smith. U, T. Starek, H. Hlcliilairtt. J. Snlllvnn Aritdn MalaW, WiiU.t M-arK. Hurry KhutiT. i... i. .litcolw. Jon'. St, SIari|iiniMl vletr «st iimiii .vsiri-ton 1 n ..M' U>.,ll.„ AI.J',.ll,„l.,h ' d.L_.lJll ., . ,.1 . Hurry I KiT. til Vletr M|n-u|i \ .trnitx; Walter Mi-Cullouah; ■ ,Mfan<NlUl FriHl JcwkliiH Juk. u. , I'arl. !». awalTanL. 4, U. Jnckfti.i, MorrU, JW iKtewnrt, Bi lUrry U. in. A. Hheri.imt Frank Jahnitou. MouiNrllu. Al. IsimriV Harrv tJeo. II. Mayn. Airre.1 Kehinldf. Ctias. Jnmiph. tieo. A. Mltl.-r. F. F. I'lViiliinke Jnyw, I'utMy XoraiLiii Harryll LmiiiIhtIA (M. •laimfii, Harry ' NflWe, K*lwat'd " JnrvU ft Tudor NpU'iu'm Com. -i Jvuai. Joe .1. X.irlitl. tb-n, KnxV'.i \VHI F. NikIktIm 1'lbiMld Nel»on, T<aii (A.tiiIiiiNi KMnlaun, I'md MklaiiH. John .\VI«<m ('.„,). 4 .\mii-e, Pute N.n'h, S]Hirl ItOHci* C. i:iiflu. Kilwiird ram a3Ser, Vi. Kawaja, F. Kelly, I). It. Kcctry, JanieH ly HnrrletH. fun, VtMin: MiTP KIleuF. _jf, (lerlruile inrtm.1. VIriliiln Hlinw. Lllltnu Tlmrk. I'MUli Tn>fTurt Mull, Titrner, Pearl I'll hi ii i'"Wi. . Ma 1*1 !<< It. Toy, Mr*. Vlfif/i Alleo ' ' ImmiM.iii. MuU'll.- II. Tlieo, Mile; Wlllliiiiin (lln.lyn Willi ii him. Mm, V. l-\ Wllmil,' Arkilie, <l ii in (IU,;.) wV'ir.-iii. Kraniii Walt, Kntlly Wibjno IJaaleM, Kin*, I'lirln.i Mhiif, Hilly MlMffi Cr Ki-iitrnv. I'n. U'urnvy,. |l'(tt t iKS wKw Kenitr*. Jnmea KtitR & HaliVy Kail. uuv. . . Itflmwit, " K. KnliHT, O. Kulidii HvWit'riWr. MR— /V^ 4aK=E= m 1 l.v Owen ftdi.llaliy Oil', rim*. J 1 QllftVi duy Unli. Krank OM.iiiiKlilIn, ■Harry A. Oiiel. Henry OlulM'. r. Y. Udell. 1'n,nk 1 1 ■•'■■. ii .i. Hurry Kviiilfird Hi;...-*. iPlntte. lieu. Knraiort. Harrr -1 Peter*, Mout. Ki'iun^y. Fran It Plielii*. FiiuViiA Kle|i|H\ Mii'imei run-. Jnck , Tuia .Patlon ft Perry !...:,:i.l.., Mtove |rtillll|iH Ham I*. 1.1-,.i ft Aii.'iin.. I'fnrr. Hairy U. lo.uiili.-n Uihi.W Powell, Al, ' "Jia l.rtOtntr'a, UhlIiVi*.. - i : Hcriuilll l.pfl Tri'iik '■ I.e.- '1'uiik Ym Ui»Tll', JllllHM La ftof, Horry Leo, Frank',, Lllltii'V, llnrry l^iuKof, Jituie.0 Lllill ft Adeline 1.11 vim. J«. Pearl. Hilly Prnvcaelier, l'liriieii I'lintln. Widter Pearl. Hilly J'eilliell, Win. t'owell. Krinlk I ..(Nlaklelun l*l|i|UU, IfUlteiHi nowiai riMl Plain. Harry 1,11'- ItMM. i.emii, llnrry VM llnrry W. i-. w.ti. Chaa. LfirfHlo, (llrd LAJfr, H. K. I. vie. Kl.linnl i -i hi i..11. Otaco l-n»e, Joe Lvf. Aluri J. |.«'nlc, l^iliH-lle. It. :,i. ; .'ii mi, CluiH. Lnhnla, Harry U- Feverly J no. Lniiplau Arlli.H. l.yl.-l, Tlieuihire 1 ■',.-! ■■ 1--11 -/■'-■ I-■.!.■'. >, — i.H-T.itl. Hlitao Mi-m.i,i. Ala. MarrlHey. T. P. Mnrty. Julea Mr)iwa..Mr, A, MnrV Win/ A: Mnek, Hurry K MHiiirt.v, J. H W, {ihlliliM, Parker'a nviva Hitter llHialnr lt."li:i-i--, Will Hllllej . T-illl . Ull.-y. Dun F. It'-. I. HQH. KliHHfll. Jiiinea ui-li, Prof. I,oil Ml,-.', 1'1'1.,'e HI.v. Hilly 111 •«•, J nek lti>HM, (!arl ii.i vmni ii, Cyril itr.r.i.-!. Jack HiiKHrll LaWreaet' IloHH ft .V'nek Hl.ii, cIinh, j:. tlU.-.]l,. ~ftip hlHtfo,' .Ifihniiv t Hh'.j. Tii(Nil|OtV> ljei.iiii.l. K It. nilHHftl Tiiln; jp J. Alt.flli.. . Itrvae, llarrrv lUMrj 0. ArtlMT,Itlveiiltall,, t'ritl .MultlHiid I'lilllii I uli.le. tlnat. ' Ititiklii. Art. Twhl. Win. ten Wni, ' Trefftirtj IL Tnrrinjk. ,J. flH'lH'. D..1I, True,' Hprl Tueker janaaW TUrim NclaonK.. 1'lmilkel.t, Tftrlff vm, Mud.-ni Tlnuiuy, John I'llUile ftKllmtmt ThamiiHiin ft ' ttirter 'IIi.iiiih.mi ..-M'lrlt u.iiftT. Mti ,., UllKee. Max ; Dun*. Hjni lifter CftFiiiiuy Van, Than. 8. Vllliilr. Allan Van C. A Kniuiy Vnn, I'li.ii'le'. \'.ll.'lllllU-, .. h C.iriu'llua Vnrlii, FriHl VajH, ii \v. Vefila Clltfonl I, Vcrro, MnVlc. Vim. Art hill -wand n'ar.1-Cant. Wiiil,-. Hihi. j.. fwiiah'u.. Jobii J JKMH Unia. WaiuM HanleF. Wih.iN Chiml H, WelHzinayer, II. Iir.Knil Wliliili-M Juo.'i', wni.-;„-ter M.L. WIIH:llll»'LM« w n Hi iii. iii. tch H'e|», Il«?]d A. ffirm Hon Wullvra, HilTtil MaiMf. y.w, WikkI Frmiela M'elH« A W*>l«i Wilaon Heo. X, Wilder. U,,j"* l,,r "il" 1J, ' ,, » Wlkl-im.-BnlJ' WoTj.Im, 0>irim, : Weft. Dalnad. **•%';,„ Wnltura Howard Wnii'Hivr, Wnt. WlllllllllM. J(H' \yVloll,- Ueoru^ Walker, Jainea WcllMl lliul,,li>|, Wllwm. I). S, Weeuer. JinU'im WiiketleM,. wmiai(ia H tu/ciJ VV.II- ft OS \V-nli.ini * '■ ; • ' MnHbnm Wixoa ft liiatiai Welti,. Hurry L, Wlljlniua WnSti mm v.. y. Jlland . Maifnox, Archl. M. :H I'll l>. — MiirtliiaclufW, Fcilor Murrla MIL.. Mnck,. 1'iUl.i Miirrlx, Mlkd M- It, Ju-i-(,lr Mlllin.l M li'reil Melrwe, Wullj> Miller, flu.-. MllellelH IMH.'. rii.H^i t; AH IlouetM. Will ILiKiiitleil (Mill l(o«c Jr. Jan ' I'll'W. II. Hol-'i-tu ftiir Ityill) .LHAiMiiikI lll.-|HI!-.V(,ll, J. I) miii/ ftwtliiioii. Maiikln, -Art. ■MH NOTIf)MiA*Ci 4 Bf ft. I.' I, wiiiim-r H'1,11... Kml (J. WMt, M, ,.i,,,.h( Witrrvib KfwJ W„rl,l * v i '. B M BP ' V, UN Allr.idU* v„ii. 1'iiiiit, Voiluif. Arlliur Zt'vn. Kilwln Zrr,.,ll, ,I„„ | i \n ni- i.m.'. i n NHW .ii)iihi;i . I'lllaaUflb.—At III l.yniim IWnu « IlrHkv. lnnuiiiii>rH| "A' HiitlUmm VvrnJi'LIt 1 i-noiD H«lll. II-.1, <n mlr Iilmlnomi. Tll||'|illl» - Willi kI.i«|,,I, i,n,l |„li| ,11 InfcTHHtlllll 'id Of '' Af ' ijiHii-r "h vlHitnl u|wii nui'-'uin, ~Wm- mm! WIIK Willi all)||l!ll, 1111,1 loll] ,1,1 IntlTIWll 111 Hlury of Hmilluim ililmhy, ntld n fuml lit li Huiiiliirn rninllj.. 'I'lii. wriiiiii ,i„IHk nf i) Inlllpr la vlaltml n|vin llip'aiin, wllu l|i||«i>« llilllllli Ow. w. 'I" vlrlnlly am, irnvula an nulioM, fiiirluii Inifiiiii, Oin». Illp WflHI, nt- .Miljiir ■ Hnlnina. on ' nlil-tlmii EnllnfrJIMh A - Hi|iiiiiiTi| Ki'iiiifiimn, wlinm. aiNinr linn liwm wninjtoil Bjf 1 hla inn-nlj Tim nun rMurna l,„,l|.,. hi I0ll|i nil. WiiVrM V. nllor ! Hilar, Mr, {l,rV,l.H, l,M,l| I uniiiii. Ala., ■ ram*,, w. 11, dlllnair? Mr. Illiwn-llr Tuny lll'ili. -luliwa II. Salllmor,,. Arlli ■ ,y. ,,,',,i ■» i:,ir,M,i, Altir 'ililfi,,,. I{, II. ilium, Win. uiii.,i,„i. unit ll,tl,lMW..llllM. Tlin llylamlM, I'raf Prpil lluinnmr Itrrlll lliunnlrll J. II. KI.OMK. Hi'lii.rtll|a>la , |ii'r liliaii. I>b I'l.i,, T.- II 11,,,,,., Arllim I.Tl>„ I'lil,: Icwrjr, Win. liltiltilnt. 1,'aHI. Jilmi., Up,,. .,- .M,klli. I'l.ll M. N,,„ Frnl I. a-Vny t .Mlllp tnwll li. It. ..Ilia, Null- .ilioit A Nprr llWIt ...III. !,ir,.,l, K. :>;,i;,. Tpi| l'»in,., llnrry Itllloll. Ill /.Uir A Ellloll Klllutl. .!,.li RUPiflmrtli.A ■ •• llHItll'mrili Rrwonil, B. 4. Kratin. 1 ,,,) Fur K. ■-;,«i|». Mia. J. tttPH,r,n,k li-r,,l fillS, Harry ll Mmm-ii. \V. KIMuu II ASoJIo llln|,lir.,y JaaW ilarrpy; Moiih. |Ii,w,oii. Nwl IMII„ivI>iihIi <!W IIUHtnli I'runll- lln Hlinw null,, n,.i- utranl. In.. olOlen Hru.. . 0,(111, KrlM^t ftwliliin, K. F. > mm, win i> I 6*1,1,1. Mr. nlfnii, Kriirnt OfllPN. Ml. A ;■ . Illi. r l|pn." ll.niKvr,,. IJM1 1,1111,m. •!.'». I,, r llpuiiy, Clilll-.U UtrlfMil, ■ I'lmikiit til,'I ll««i,| Ftniilt li. ■ „ K"')'. >' M ,''"' inixi'li'ii. wuuri anil wlnS" '!'' »"lij". ilinwllt'r, niiin.iiKii uniiiii, fhrmf' p|« li. kill li in A .nigilK nplalilmr la In Invo wltli l||p ifM. ilml irliwln win hrr friini tho rPlurncil BOB, lint fnlln, 1'nppra nrn fuunJ ■'Irnrliig'tlii. linn,,, of tin, .mm*; mnn J « fntllur. nurl 111,, ymilli l» tnkpii liiln ttiii fnmlly. Tlio voiml pITiirta of Joanlri Sinn Hull Wpro ertnllv iiliutpclotpd, itml liar ni-tlliir wua pliivpr •'IHaiik ..'rook .IK" UK. 'A Mllllonnlrp'a Up. vpiikp" i(iii:,.i'fii,, lwrr of Mvnoy". VI-IO, •liprilm. Hie Hnwlrik ilipldno (llrl.'v if-to] •"I'lui Way of Ihr Tiirmiin'aaiir" 2.) "a.- JaviilW. — "lliliiinii llmrlk" R. "Man nml Hiiihtimh" ,, "Th,. I,l,„i anil Hi, Mow," « -iii,, Himk Cnnk" b, "The coiiniy pllijr- jTU'K.—John J. Ilmiphpllp. gnnprnl «<I«r- JI»liiK, iiKPht fur Up-Mat, llvo.yrara fur llm nf*'"".. f" m "■."•. 'L"" l *"" "W«ii'i»ii l» a llku liuilllun with HiPiann'a "1)7 'r. (.'." II, Ilia iniiilp liuala uf frlptuln In thn iirnfiiaalun. ,, «■» . . ■ IKIiAWAIIIi. -wllmliiBi.,.,.- At in,, nraml Ontra Lnrnlip, In "llun, or HuiR.riii.ih7 die* a liw.'irluroK ilM iood liualneaa 7. d/'llobked: "Kri , v , a, K d", , r'-' ™ ww$m iJOl'KHTAHKli'a OAIUIICK <W,' Ij. Ih)C|<BtO» ilfr, rnanoKPri.—lliaid l„nln,.«» prevailed'nil tl|o ,oponln» week. Fofweek.of'10: "Thli Sr;'.""i-" ,'i';. 1 " 1 l"n«i» T«wa«nr (J* ftny. Irntik Mnyne rnmiuiny, f'rane Ilrolhtra, lloattliio and Hlephpna, Tun f.itnraater UiitkP", and Bdlaoirf plelurea. """""""i IiniKiiM innnlid Itiunphrlea. nninii«er).— Dolly ki'inuer. Jn "A Uypay lllrl," did Kduil ffiWSB Ht «o.*»ii "IViHio HmSm" in- I?- "Ilie Wavnf the Tr»ua«rea»or" 13-1.1. JX/joSS*^ 17 '"' "Q"«n of llie Con-