The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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M;' 802, TSE;«W YOEK CLIPPER. September 15. INTO W» KALI, CI.OTHB8 TI Brill stores are now ready to distribute Brill '-■..*• ] v clothes tot Autumn, 1706. '.vlplV Brill itorea offer inurt productions from ■', . ,»|« tailoring institutions and exclusive.Brill ' '■• ' ' ■'•' V '•'»'■ models, !• fabrics and values from'*'*', Brill . %■'■ . ,'i' directed Uilorlngorrardzationa—altogether an assortment possible only in Brill stores, •' - Attention is directed to extreme ^^ _ - ''' > values In hand Uflorwl nulls it . • JL O 1 Prices for sulfa . ... . . $1010*40 "Jill coats and Cravenette Rain» ... .:.'•." ■7. •':•- "colts . ..--, . . . ... . »toto*35 :•,") M\ a&'. - iln-IIMf *<tUAHK, 14th «t., n.«r B'way, NKW VOBK CITY. ■TO Broadway, nur Ch.mberlS Jl" 47 (orll.n.ll OngnvtlA > iamh HI., rmn.r TBI rd Ave. Good Looking Juvcblld Man, 8. and 1). Comedian (Rube Kldl, Character Heavy Man (Mlaor), Charac- ter Woman (Old MAUI), Pcoplo with this snow MUST, make good. Hooked solid star] dolnft the busi- ness. Name vory lowesL>icl heiffhtand weight and cxponeuco. Joia'on wire. rhotos>m f bo re- turned. John Lawrence, wire. AedrcsB j.- n. hauman, ' Vandtrgrtft, Pa.,Uent. la;.IllAlrsvll|cl:i,lrwlnH, Jeanott£.ir>,MonongahoU01fy.lT ; . ——— 'iii- ; i i .1 ' I ,ii i'ii i 1265 BROADWAY,N. Y. CITY. !i ■ EXCLUSIVE BOOKING MAIfAGER FOR - CHE8TBK,' FSTTSTON, FOTT8 VII/LK, HAZBLTOIV AftD CARBONDALE, FA. IMAM. .ICMPM. HO HVNIlAV WORK. HEAVIES. CHARACTER*, 'JUVENILIS.. Experienced, reliable. WANTRTJ, FOB NIAGARA HOTEL, Toledo, 0. — mm KATHRYN PURNELL CO. iThe strongest and boat, equipped ropflrtolro . organisation In alt Amorlcii). INOBNOE; with strong Specialty. Don't apply imtrHN you mo poaltlvoyou can ant and drosB Ux, pure. Sluto nil.' Address W.'l^'nrauftKAIaU, (irnnd 0. II., Reading, Po., week-Sopt. 10; York, Va„ week IT. "» ■ ■ ■ mgm WASfEB, Jdmi qulck, pkotqs, lowest. MANAGER STOCK-'CO., .UMIQ.VB THEATRE, THEATRICAL TTFIULM KS AND BIGS SIPOND HAND AR3D NBW. BPiioiJii. sai>b. ALL STVLKS o[ all tllO l.TdADINU IUAKOB In First Class Condition; , LOWEST I-IIICEB BASEMENT STORES llimilfp " • SCHWARZ & OO. i ■'... gswrsBTgssggaqgissaE i ' i n 1 ' 1 1 l Ega-agEi m' t R €©., "W A Wl'lllil* REPEItTOlm; PEOPLE Willi wardrobe hh.i romo ability. Company booked W jM.n.M.miMF* solid. Make nalary reaionable and all parll'nlars Hint loinr- Tickets ad- vanced. Addrtis .,' ..•■•• . ' ■ ■ ,.•••■ u. i„ carter, Now Keiwliijtoa, I'a. NOTB.—Want Gluvoi'. Peoplu for uiy one plneo attraction, opening about Ool, 1. ' i 1 i v, i mm ' i ,.',' i . r ." i 'ii. PEOPLE-IH AU BRANCHES OF CIRCUS BUSINESS. coatesvllle, I'a,, sjnpt. 1U, Ilovor,, Arldre,. ClIMlthNS jWII.C 1*| I'nlriKlllr, Jl, II.D WliST, *=M i, 'way/^ T^ T m* Ttfi'i Petfdrmqrs and Agent for Kennedy Comedy Co. All *r« un I Ooinedlaui Comedy In Acts and 8|ieelalty; Plauo riayer; Lady or flent 3B)|BKeador; speu'aHy If nossllilb."Touiirr.llvu AitunBthat van and will use tltebrUHli, Also pood tttlentA^t, 4,i most itettTftlUTfiYisobor.. olve.jour very inwnst. I'ayown. woekand'tlireenlBlitBlandi; Taude ddramt cinlek. «. A. KEaisKfa- - vllte. Address i|"»lek. »■ A. KEIIIIEDT, Ureene, New Yjra:, I), A.,.wr[ti-l|ulrlf. ' WAWBlb? P*5)PLB IM A1.L. LINES, JOIN UlHBl5iATlEbV''i i '- . OARR0XE. DREW & CO., in REPERTOIRE. Lending nRkMM wi>n)Hp, iioftvy irtnti, man r«t gc«. b»«., woman for Roti. Iiur. nnd vhlld for psMr- ptkDlit. mmTor'Mis-anrt'p-ii'ijM, insu wlili i>lo(uro maclilito, ttnd ntin-i, and lllu«trale>i songs, siva w»i t a good Koulirfltto, ilHtertanmnndsKciit.r.tttiu If you do 8p«flaliio«, nil must lie cap<tl>lo actoramia •otrosrU's, unit iiUDplt 1 i\t o.VpiTloucc. stHto ajtv,' iicight, weight mui ooud photon, wtitnti win ho retJim- ed. LohR HCHi'nri tiookfcl hi\U Kli,goiu1 time, Join Irumadlritt-lv, m DufHiid, Mich. AddressOARnOLI' DREW.'Mbt.. OAKIlOLJi llflKW A i a. liiirru.d, Hlrli. hr lends write. "• -TC WAIVKKp , PKRFORMKRS, JHIJ8ICIAN8 All Unas; for nithMro.VCo. Manngemcnt p»y« board, Muslculund ^ovolty AcIb, people clouMirjg glvpn preferapoe. No farefl sdyaucotl.' Tiiinnii 1h to replace h bunotior kickers'and dnibKB Whod»u t Knew tn«y arc M Hrcflif {Jiato lowen, you net 11, Add. X, Y, / , WabjwU Av. Hotel, Tcrretiaftto, l.mi WANTED, REPERTOIRE PEOPLE Leading Lady and Iton, S-and IK 80110. pad Com., Olmr. Man (douhlew ■ Heavy Man, il Agent. M ntolit suud. Balarr low ahiUitri'. 1 |i»v hII. Uod of tlie nlnivo to rake piano for one turn. " A,'? ' ' • MAMAeaa.WotpnIL.■ytMmay,w.Y. SKETCHES KONOLOUORH AKII PAROIjlES „ HATE IVOHK. RKAB0NAI1[,H flit S8£~t fOuMIKR. UPTO «IA8. E. HAHT, 3W Norlli ]3lll at., Pbiladclpbla, Pa... m THE LATEST THE BEST FOR S ALE OR RENT ORDERS FILLED IN ROTATION FOR THE REPRODUCTIOR OF GANS-NELSON FIGHT 12 BEST ROUNDS AND KNOCKOUT. 1250ft. $250. CHICAGO FILH EXCHANGE 133 S. Clark St., Chicago, III. AT tlBERTY, Al VIOLINIST Experienced tlieatre and concert lender wlalieato locate or travel as member of orchestra with ntst class company. AtldroBs M. VI., NEW YolLK CLIPPER Weetorn Bureau, fiO-i Ashland Block, Ohicago. HI. ■ ' ' ■ ■ - " fr, WANTED, I 17th and later. VVILJvA. PETBH8, .': • i'MAItljOTTB, H, C. LADY PARTNER r?1 WANTED, One who can do good feature or fipcclalty act given pnjfijniricr, to take half loteroa*: In travel- ing Vaudeville eompaoy, well booked through Oaaidlan territory. Startlaator month. $looall required. Young man, good appearance and habits. Addreaa ' X, L Y.. care of CUPPER. New York. Wanted, for STETSOK'a WM TOM CO. Tiilia, llarltbne and clarionet te ror tianda and small us on stage. Wlro or-write as below. GEO. . .»,CK. rnnlra-ood, K. J.. 13; lUdgowood, ». J., 18th; Cheater, N. v., u; linslien, NT Y.,.16. Wanted Qulolc, j I-KOPLK lit ALL I.INKN KOH WOLFflRfl STOCK CO. Tell all "rat letter.- Agent, write. K. L- PAUL, Midland ggOi Omaha, N«*. KEYSTONE Dramatic Company WANTS ei>moillan, sohbretto. repertoire peAplo. All lines. max. A. arnoi.ii, costlcook, p.i).Can., la, n,it; IJinnil Pond, vi., n, ik, id. FILMS AND SONG SLIDES Forty thousand (tot flue a'took. Large and nmaii auhjeuts,4 joentB an* up. eo.BQta Song Slides, lft cttnta, 11alao buT^fllms.and song aUdes In largo nftandUes,-i(gooa. ■ .. ■ \ * .* j G. P. GAfcLOT. TO ChrUtoptlgr St., ti.Yt, otehestra-.Conduotor; Opera, Vaudeville or Drama; Sight Reader; can arrange. Transpose Kfptiutlun: •'Among the boat ,lu the country." Hatlrjfactioii guaranteed. Adilrcsfl MUSIOAh IURB0TOR, cam of CLIPPER. WANTED LEADING MAW CiitrMtur Wonuui, Aiobi, Cornet. ■ Olavrioniat, Traps, Novelty Act BURT IMPHOT, HutcUHfon.Kow. . AT l-IUEHTV, iiwiisofli; vouNfi imm woman With exeollcnt wardrobe, for atrong Una of parts or one pteeo. Also MANAQBK. Experienced. Can play strong eornet In band or B. anil (i. Address--. •■ -"Sf.NAOEH," care of Bli.LBOATtli, cinclnnstl. o. AT LIBERTY, LAWHESCE anl SADIE BELOABDE, nerttrel Hftavlese Oen. Bus. Juvvnllw latmtti. Wardrobe Al, Mppunranco and ability. One Piece Slock or-Piip. ■ ..,> LAffRPNOEBKLGARDE, Weston. W.Va, REP. PEOPLE MU8ICIANS FOB, B, AND O. Must be absolutely sober. Slate all. I pay all. Ch n. York and Geo. Ton Eyck, write. Address, for two weeks. Spartanburg, h. c. yiLUAMtOU STOUK CO.. TVni. Tod, Manager. LttBlffrOBWIRTEBSEASOI, Vlo.rrilKt.'(Leader), Double Alto. -Up to date library* n Strictly temperato. Rep. show pre- ferred. Address M. L- CLINK, Boat 10C6, Kingston, N. Y. I THEATRE East St, Louis, Illinois. L E.L1D, High Class Taudeyllle Act at all times. None but recognized acta that are .absolutely olean and novel. Dramatic stock Pcoplo; competent, Hobcr, Dramatic Artist. for Pernuuent Sbook. Ttita thcatro now-ln fonrtli'Beason of continuous suceeafl. Reference, Union Trust Bank, Address* " ' . .; _ r ,~ i ..-- ' LARRY, B. EPgajj tg.Ahove. THE PA RLOR THE ATRE, I VflUDEVILLF l Tork, Pa. I VflUDtVILLE I " - KKASIW 'lirj-'OJ OPKSH SEPT. Utth. ' Wanted, VAUDEVILLE NOVELTIES AND FEATURE ACTS. ;■ - v. :i.SHOWS DAILY. Address appllcatlouBfor Immediate and later ; tlmc to ,/.'. > , v " . WM. B. PYLE, Mgr., York, Pa. WANTED, BY HEBREW COMEDIInT^ A GOOD STRAIGHT MAN address MODNIE LeWAIRE, Late Coinfdlaii,Li<>Mntrt> <t Lo^lalii*, I'V IV. Ui'ith St., X. V. <;i(y, ' THADDEUS CRAY STOCK CO. WANTS, OWING TO MISREPUBSHNTATION, (icntrcl Heavy Man, Comedian and union Carpenter who can play bits. K you are not flint clans don't wru.. Incompetoilt closed first rehearsal. .Must be able to Join on wire. Full particulars first f'ttor, with photosrapti, which will be rotarnrd. Positively no ticket advanced u> poople not known o ub. Addresa D. S. BHNN. Mgr., Tltuavllie, Pa., Sept. 10-1&; Oil City, r*., Sept. urn. WANTED: William A. Dillon, Presenting Vaudeville AMU DRAMA. SKKTOH TBiHB of all kinds, prefer those that plar respoaalble para.' t:nMi:iilAf., with specialty. 8UUBUCTTE or INOKNUE, with specially. MAN for HEAVIES and Ophoral business. Can use other useful ltepcrtolre people. '" '■''■ '■ iwefjl;Qf 8.|it. 10, Pe.h.hlll, N. V. W..k or Sept. IT, Pittaraan, K. J. W ANTED MEDICINE PERFORMERS rwant sober, rellabto Medicine Pfoplc of all kinds. State all you do In drat letter and whether yon can Join on who. flood, No camp outfit. Salary sure. Addreaa "'. . ! •■ -. B. r. SPSNCBU, Maaalllon, Ohio. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, POR X«.XSX>XSXCM7€>XX«.ZS MAN AND WOMAN. For strong line or "Heavies." ; r.S.—Prepay telegrams. Tickets If 1 know you, PRANK J. HARVEY; Atbol.Mass. WANT BALLAD SINGERS Join trulcay Othora write. Norwood, N. Y., Sept. Uj MaBBanaift, LK BARB BROS. "THE TWO IHMM SONfl SUCCESSES." YOU SHOULD HAVE THEM. _i ' ' •_£■ „„„,„"MV KKrniKii'.s sonoe." The groat homo song by BOWARli l). NAL1NB. Wherever sung or played It mscta with Instant suc- cess. It touehosa unordtnevory heart, Onco heard It Is oover forgotten. OrBneitriUon.wlth a beautiful cello, cornel, or trombone solo. loe. "IN AN AUTOHoliiI.E HOII.T FOBTWO." The walls sougor the season, by yorjNrl * UBSAL. Unsurpassed. Vory catchy. Sung or played, It *TM?*AvERi,i'i»mir?v» l; fil?r?f., 8 , urc w . m% *K you wain oven If you can't. Orchestration, Jjj, '-THE AMERICAN CIIBVAUKK,'» the groat maroh and two-step, hr ELUEKT N. IIIPI,BY. Excellent 2LMRS!!Si.% MMI °a' Aols, etc. Orohcstration, 25c. pYor. copies of above sent free upon leoelpt of roccm P^gram. oWonjlaei please send in ccnls for postego. Wrlle for tlioni to-day. .gCHUBBHT MfJBic PUBLUBISO Co., Auditorium BldaJ., Chicago, ■"■ AT UBB1TT, ADVANCE AGENT. Thoroughly experienced, sober.Tellalde, repenolre or one ulgnt stands. Responuiiiic nianageraoniy. LEW DOUGLAS, Oenora(Dellvery, Rlohmond, lnd* 1 WifiLBuT AN mtBREST Iu!any good theatttbal proposition. Attraction' .all booked, or theatre. Aruexpcrlboced. Addieas V^ v - ■B.aVWOOD,BT)Xl^ ( BoaU»n.llBaBL- BEAVY MAN, 1NOEN0E, CRABACTER WOMAN,•»« OMARAOTSH MAN. THOSE DOINO SPECIALTIES AND DOUBLINQ BRASS PREFERRED. I ik JACK HOBKLKlciH, Manager, Whitman's Comedian',, Nevada, Mo- WORKING ADVANOB AQ^NT ^.V(."Jff.f?' h "" , 5!Sj mr J ,K ^ «d appearancB Al. Can do anything ahead SK'nJlS'fi lle8r '.'"P B !bl "r m need of a man who can g«t «ht and do things. rth^ opera Houie, Auburn, N. Y„ sept, lo to 16; sioae OpVi'Uonic, Blnghatnf amm-wt^-.