The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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September 15. ^H E NEW YOEK CLIPPER. 80S - S I it C f >R ^ i - 4L - S1 ' IBES BX A - L - s * MPSON - cc ff WM TO EVERY RECOGNIZED PERFORMER. NELLIE DEAR 0 L "KATEY WENT AWAYf D DIXIE," DEAR." WO DEPOSIT IIF.IH IltEll. MIT FCIIIBET THAT «'£ PUBLISH Til 0 C.lLl.OWlMl SON OS i it Wall > a aavi ^—. ™»>»»mmi, ,vo DErosiT iiF.ainiKn. dont to E'VE BEEN CHUMS FOR FIFTY YEARS," . . aO£ K 1 A TR,P TO IWERRYLAND," l Js&XB~ Y0U ^P R YOURSELF ALONE," iHs^U^&^rr. "highland echoes." IBffitXJg&icg 3E>XJEIlL.IS>E![S:i?a-gS- ^E€>"gTS8S8, 1433 Broadway. Now Y»rlt City. WARNING! "A ONE-HORSE TOWN" H the title of an original one set comedy skckli, which Cowles anil AMcn nrc nluvlnirwllh ureal SSSSff.JS-"" 1 . vnartevlllo circuits, AND BOTH km,?. AND TLAV AHK KOI,M P PlVoTEOTEO BY COPYHIonr. A muslc-l comedy has lately been prodnccd In Now York underNlii. title lit i\hla ? 0l ). c S'."ttaR&S M>NA«KHS that my solo rights to tm» title," i Onc-Uorsc To in,- ill5? pro tected to toe utmost. M masters hooklnu any attraction oicent my o»n under tills tit e are lehle fnr damages. ■ cUaRLbh orrik cowles, „r cowi.ES in "i aldW E«..t.rn Rcprc.ent.tlv., W. P. BHOWAL.TER lau St., Now Yo"aT MYRKLE-HARDER STOCK CO. ONE QUARTER HUNDRED OF PEOPLE. THE TO DIE AT DAWN, A HUMAN SLAVE, A RUINED LI IE, CAUGHT IN THE WEB, WHY GIRLS GO WRONG, NEW YORK AFTER DARK, A FATAL SOAR. All complete scenic productions painted hy OEORur; TALBOT, ol Cincinnati. Use uo House icenery. , , . SPECIAL VAUDEVILLE FEATOBE, A COMPANY IW 1THK l.K, The Great Sonetaro Troupe, Mystifying Japanese Illusionists. A Woman with a Novel specla. _ that can play a few small pans. Will buy a ilrst class Picture Machine. EUGENE A. HALL, Week Bopt. in, Mckeesport, Pa.; wcojl Sent, it, New Castle, Pa, U/ANTCn *^ 0 ™? nwlth *NovelSpeolRHy AGEMT AT LIBERTY, I*. J. JCXXEJS SIX YEARS WITH LEON WASHBURN'S ATTRACTIONS. win relieve yon of all worry ahead. Address P. J. JONES, Manager Stetson's Uncle Tom Co, 8crt. H. Elizabeth,N.J.;Sept. 16, Trenton, N. J. Pormancntaddress. (til Columbia Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. WK ARE HERB THIN WKKlt, OUR ACT TO SHOW, IF ON 'lllli. nuWEllV YOU WILL GO, THE ACT THAT'S NKAT, AND II All H TO BEAT, AND WITH ^iw.M., WAHnitOOK. * l,I> COMPLETE. WK HAVE THE (i(Hil)s THAT HAlwls THEN TALK AT MlNEli'n .mlVKKV, IN NEW VOHK. THE UP SIDE DOWN Managers and amenta invited to seo the act that la away from all others. WILD and RICH'S PLAYERS WANT REPERTOIRE PEOPLE, All linen. Yoaoff.Gond Looking LEADING MAN, HBAVY HAN, CIIA1U0TKR MAN to 1HRE0T, Al SCENIC ARTIST who NO play nartu, uapnb c. experienced Kcportolrc People, with >1 wurrtroliF. flan use two strong FEATURE SPfiCIAi.TlES that change. Toll all Ilrst letter. One show a daj. fay own.- WM. 0. WILD, w»k. Sept. 10, Owego, N, Y.; W*. Sept. 17, Mansfield, Pa. "EMANUEL BOONE" This Is sare to be the coon song hit of tho season, and inuy ho Jest the song yon are looking for. PK0FEH8I0NAL COPIBS SUNT ON RECEIPT OK PROOItAMMKS. hO ClAMIS. I- .1.1 V IN UKTON. 1.11.1.< 11 It ES I PUD. CO 1607a 3d St., N. W., Wuslil n|( I. ill, D. C. RESPONSIBLE MANAGERS. THEODORE A. DOUCET At Liberty for Juvenile Lead*, characters (Heavy and Comedy), Specialty (Comedy and Classic), Al Stage Director and Producer. Oalck Study, Sober and Reliable Wardrobe-* Yea. PAINT* Yiea, I furnish my own. P. 8.—If you have not the spuro Wckwt money don't write. Address BATHCRST, New Brunswick, Canada, Regards to my friend*' Miss Trannie Morton, invited, ntrcrs for Leads or Buvln, Height, tft.^ln.| weight, iso lbs,; age, 28. EXPERIENCED and RELIABLE. Address per HOTEL TOUBAIWE, 6th. and Elm Stg„ Cincinnati, Ohio. Va*" ANTED, W i MR COMEDIS AND MODERN REMEDY CO. i Otwct'Dseful Med. rcople In every line, especially lliosewho can falo or road music. Tins show close, under canvas In two wockB end noes lulo the opera nooses. Have novcr mlBscd u siilsry day. luw, lfesure. Boozers and kickers clnBcd on slghr. Ko: never, no more. J. w. Ilrano, kindly return the } i.i 1 sent yon to pay your faro and save trouble, tickets? No. Bcgiirds to Menu. Marvelous Turners, wire me. kroUIIIC. 1IUHV,... iw. ..up,.,..,, ™ ...~..~ 0. W. LK8TBB, Hrant, Erie Co., N. Y. WoNTFIl Versatile Msd. People that »rc not ■inniEUi afraid to work. Must bo strictly sober end experienced, rreleronoo to those Doubling Plane. Mint have good wardrobe. No tickets unless I ido. yon. irof. Bennett, Lew snd Ilella WalteiB,, write, win buy M. P. ootnt. Will rear, subject lo purchase, large Compartment Car. state everything and lowest. HOAKBH. COMEDY CO., Molbroot, Neb. WANTED, A Ian That Can Work Spirit Cabinet. ..' „ -Addreas, It C..NICOL, ISO B. tax bc, Zoneevlllo. Ohio. AT IIBBBTY, ADVANCE AOEHT. Hqber jud.reliable, and ran ase it brush. Rellablo wannpen", send beet terms. D10K REEVES, Box 4M t WeUBburg, W« V». •mmr a HTlWIt a i irisii combdun W A.JM M. WJMf to .limine atroiKht o d man, mtiHt play snare drum or horn In i»»nd. At light conieolau to doulue autre drum or horn In hand. Hoth muHtdoH|eet*ities. Don't gdnw» sent. State everyHtlnK in ilrst letter. Addreas, AttTlinn J. WOOUH, Mar. A Piruggle for Gold Ou. Viola. Ills. 15, New Boston IT, Oquawka 18. AIm want Al cornet player lo lead jmnrt. wanted, A Good Bill Poster. JOHN NAPIBB, Ptlon, IT. Y. (oid Sl'tfo frciWa^aw at Once. State lowe't salary. Long engagement. SAM M verts, Orpheum, AUentowo, Pa. flOLMST 12 years home loader In City of Boiton. WM LOCAL Nunn OUTSIDE OF siahb. South preferred. EXCELLENT PIANO TUNER. A. PERRY. «»« MASS. AVE., BOSTON, MAf»g. \AAAlMT-etD, Two d'oorj Glass Dlowen, Ont Wax Worker that Can Fill Shades, Good Potter with Wheel, Lady or limit to Sing 111. Songs, Must have machine. Pianist, and any good acl unliable for glass seow and carnival co. Wire workers and candy makers, ans. The Benders and Edwin /.Ira, ans. Address PHOF. HAHKINQTUN, Mgr,, Lowlslon, Me. TWO MALE POODLES AND HOMB MALE FOX TERRIERS Must do Boinerannlts. State age and tricks they perforin, nlso lowest price, In Ural letter. .TtlLMS TUItNOim, care of N. Y. CLIPPER. Bxperlenoed Agent AT lVIBBHTV. C. A. WATgOW. Bo a 1H, C enlr.rerl, L, 1. New Line of Repertoire or Stock Co. Printing CONSISTING OF ' ■■'{.! .' : l-a-Sn., I-Sh.. 3-8U. ud lB-Sh. Bludi Bend for Samples and Catalogue. GREAT WKSTKIIN I'llIMINU CO- ' St. Lovla, Mo. Printing for Dramatic Companies, Pairs, Oarnl vals, Roller Rinks, circus, Wild West, Labor Day Celobratlous, CM. ■ -,i SCENERY "SILKO,"tho PorfeotTrnnk Kind. largest studios In the World. DANIELS SCENIC STUDIO. Chloajto. FUTURES. future Husb. or Wife Photos for Palmist*, Fairs, Parki. etc., $2.00 per i,ooo; $i.8& per 600,«oitsi4d. Samples, loo. oABirVKT PHOTOS, for seliinR or adv. pur- poses, 120.00 per 1,000; |2.w per loo, copied from yonr photo. Hamptos, 10c. OA ft HON A BTODIO. 8818 N. Broad St, PDlla.,Pa. PUMPKIN SHOWS: Have 3 Datiy Qrand Planon, with Rhlpplnjr Case, only $79.00 each. Crank Pianos, $66.00 to f 106,00. One New Spring Motor Piano, $2A0 0O. One Rood as novv Tonophon^, ?aoo.00, Mejiaphnnes, 2d cenin up. Pino 2ix60 loft- wall,' Rluclt Tent, lUB.oo, Scm\ Tor bargiln booklet. R, H. ARMIHtUSTKR, BpMngfleld, Illinois. nd Oroheatru will be en tonr of Bask', Alberta, and British Col. during Nov., Dec, and Jan. 1006-07. Special engagement or Picket's r-'amiiUH Minstrel Entertainers, 10 peo- ple, 10. Opora Houiee mgrs,, please write, Could uso a flrat-eluBB adv. agent, ( nay and long ritigeigernent. J. W. WAN10OEK, Mgr., Ooopcrit- ..•n. n. nafc. Pormcrly of Ht Paul. Minn. WANTED FOUR ALL 'ROXJUD STEDICrNE FSOPLJD. Men and Wives, to open Oct. 1. Piano Player, fair salary, sure, Sunday morning, dive particulars, lowest salary In Unit lotter. Address 0. U. .-'LORES, Mgr. KgyptiAii Remedy Co., L. BOX m2. KddrvlUf, 1». WANTED, ACTS, COIEDIAH, SOUBBBTTB, BUSIGAL ACT, FAULT BAND. All must double U.andO. Wrltoage, what you do. Drunkards not wanted here. UK. J AMeVat CAKSON, Petcrboro. Onl. Wanted, fo«- the At den. Huh. Man. Also Juvenile Womao that can handle some leads, others write at once, AddreM II K PRIKR09R, Horton, Midi. Msnsgement pays all. WAN'ITBU- MKD. PERPORMKKS. 'Uoud place fur sober, all 'round people. Money sure. Week stands: hotels; must make gond. 'Miislcal peoiile, state all In detail. L. 11. COOPBIt, New Knoavllle, Ohio. PVAN FLEET, m+W rinteK 47 W*»T S8tk fTRBBT, BBW XOBX. >A/iBkNTESD QUICK, POR WIEDEMANN'S BIG SHOW, IV'RKPEIlTOIHKI-fHtBT 0I.AB8 PEOILE IN ALL .LINKS, lllltlll HKETOII TEAM, AND orilEll STUONli VAUDEVILLE ACTS. » Wanted, for "KIT CARSON, first-class Actors that doable brass and do spicllltlci. Call use food Sketch Team. Must Join at once, WANTED, FOR tfaNoii & Dixon's Uncle Tom's Cabin Co., Open Oel, 23, hrsl-clsi, "TO\I" PEOPLE and MUSICIANS In 'II lines. Also want good WILD-OAT AtlBNT. Ailerons Till),. F. WlKllcmvv, Hprlnghlll, Kana. . tm FOR SALE, THE HOST 8DCGGE8FDL SHALL SHOW IS ABEBIOA. I f. mm &. rttff cleared over $17,ooo In litres years. :« Horses and Ponies, is Wagons, Harness, TeiilM (all now this season), fioilc and Weyer New LlglitH, Troupe of Tralnoil Una*. Ponies ami Mu'os. RveryllilnB oomplete. Elegant SpreliU Paper. Pino African Moiicnh anil Small Animals. KIVK TIIOllHAND D<»l,IiAlt.s (f A.GO0) titlces ctilire oulfll. Itoasoii for Hulling, will put. nut a big R. It. ihow next year. Come and aoe the bu*tncH* we are dnlnit. No iiuui f»r trlrlurs. Ruiitu In OMI'PKR. TRY SOME BIG WESTERN HITS D ft ATlKli*> A I Alla^ Theono thai sliircoil all the "fLOATINO'' rkV/MI lllVI akVIlM ImUnUons ml over tho world. ITV lilt 1 !* a ■• 1 It 1 laiaTl a . oncoriliegri'iitesfproducllonnumboraeverwiltten •Vl^AFaryaTA JmV JTAJIil.rjvIi nndasiioelaliiiiveltyfiir aoubrettooreDaemtilo wqrk, ■III,111 saaaal MA'aVST.lkA * "Ney ntiniber Willi Just > little hlgholasi *M.a.MjaF2%. HIIU lTJI«.iJ»JJIJFim. cumedyliithoversuandablgwIlUUlDgullnrui. TUC aUI A B A V MM A m a newldoalmoogs with a new style of comedy. I rl C a*1 HLHi IVI alU Just the chorua to sing at a man In tho autllenoo PBOPESSIONAL9 IN NKIV YORK CAN IIHAU TI1KM i'..AYKIl AND BKCUItE TIIKIIl OOPIBS AT 1 HUSIC PHBLISHEB8' IXOHAIOE, 43 W. 18th It., How York. AU Hill Bemmii HB8T In not la 0. n. pinmnnv wi> m.».- nnlli, ■Un. FOR BAKER BROTHERS' ELECTRIC SHOW AND CONCERT CO., PIANIST who can double lu Hand, RANI) and OROHKSTRA LKAUKR. Lot g MMfl South. Under canvas. All rnuht bc gonernUy useful. Hulnrlon reasonabli 1 to thn rlBhl nnoi lo. Name Instruments doubled and lowest. Ipayall. Also euor 70lt. COMIIINATION DlN'Md mi-l SI.HRPINCI CAR In rises condition; cheap for cash or will rent. Namo i.n corntijiy, location, elu. ALUIfiltT L. IIAKMil, llHiironl Va, Him. Dol). WANTED, QUICK, KOR BRADY STOCK CO., Oood Specialty Team, Man and Wuman, wlio play part', People In all lines. Long, sure Heruon. . I). «. hahi-HaN, Mnutpellor, Ohio. WANTJBrD, FOR 0*11135 HARRINGTON STOCK COMPANY, Competent Repertoire Pooplu in all linen. Stalowhat Specialties, If any. Cm. place « good HlRitr Tajtni/ Compiuti) Wardrobe, Ability essential. Must lulu on wire. Managers In lud , 111, and Ohio that want a big Hand ami Orchestra Show send open time, I h avo fuur weeks ripen. Address K. A. ilAltHlNOiuN. Ml. Owniioi. III., week Sept. 10. "VVAIXTTJESJD, A.VT OIUC3JE3, A Uniformed Band of Fourteen Pieces COn A LIIVU HKAHO.V DOUTII. ADllltKSH. r» A W IV JE& DH> HIJUI., PER KOI IK IN THIN I'lflll. Wanted, for BEPEBTOIBE WMAI (or Leads and Invenllos, IAI for Hoavlos to play Cornol, Baritone, or Trombono In tail; OBOHEBTBA LCADEB with moalc, and PUKO PUTEB to lonblo band. iffircrSiaiio People doubling band, write. Tell all Ilrst let or. 1 pay expenses. Address AUOLPII G IK KURD, Monroe, Wis., Sept. 10-16; (Jratiot, 11-10; A|> >'d Rlv. ,111.. ww. (lalena, «-». V1VTX.D, Baritone to Double Second Violin or Viola 1 (ILiaVBnNET for Rand and Crchextra, VIOLA to Doubl* \\u< or AHu lloilblC'ir ■.•«! Pld. npoilKHTRA l.KAllRlt wlio liotibli'H Hand. (HIierMUHlelMUs, write. CnUiabo iiie top ftinr. All inmt he first claasand •hie lo Join nn rpeelpt of wire. Mention salary, age ami experience. Pay your own. Aildro s PIIKI* I). KOWLKR, Mgr. Haverlr's Minstrels, week Sept. 10, Rlniilnitliain. <m : week s^pt IT Nashville, Term. MUSICIAN AdVAIM-TED. Uidles and (ienbi-Mostelaos that are Al Ion their Instrinueuia, Bind only. PaytlJ/o nor week and ex pens. No Paradoses. Year round Job to the right one. 14 In Band. Also want 4 Lsdles and t Oents.slngerrt, that can lake p»mh in acts. Address J. A. uAR'f LETT'S American Hand lu Vaude- ville , va. W. 2»tn street, N. V. City.