The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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iSEPTEMBER 15. THE ]STEW YORK CLIPPER. 807 B. F. KEITH'S THEATRES AND VAUDEVILLE I00KINI CIRCUIT. Keith', Tfceette Boston, Mass. — — • Keltb'i Bijoo Theitro Boiton, Mass. Keith's 3beatre Providence, R. I. Keith's Theatre Pawtucket It. I. Keith's New Theatre Philadelphia, Pa. Keith's Prospect Theatre Cleveland, O. Keith's Theatre Columbus, 0. Keith's New Theatre Portland, Me Keith's New Theatre Manchester, N. H. Keith's New Theatre Lowell, Mass. ?i J .°." T -?„" ,re Altoena, Pi. Sheas Theatre Butalo N Y. f-^t "„ TllM, ,F Toronto, Can. Look Opera House Rochester, N. Y Tem"'e Theatre Detroit Mich I 5- 5*,!'." K""™ woTOiSr, 3s«: I f S°u' .2? M . tre Sorinifleld, Mast. I' 5 I" ' £?•"* Hartford: Conn. a 5- E° .'IS 8 *"* N «r Haven, Conn. 1' 5 ESQ S"fi! Bridgeport, nnn. 1' £ £85 ■J?"'™ WatertVrj, Conn. t 5 ?° ' S^".™ Wllkes-Barre, Pa. S' , Z ' , P ?"^L Tlle,tre Scrnnton, Pa. Colonial Theatre Lawrence, Mesa. Emp re Theatre Paterson, N. J Empire Theatre Hoooken. N. 1. Valentine Theatre Toledo, O Trent Theatre Trenton, N. J. Bennett's Theatre London, Ont Bennett's Theatre Hamilton, Ont Bennett's Theatre Ottawa, Ont Bennett's Theatre Montreal Que. neoderson's Music Hall Conej Island Celeren Theatre Jamestown, N. 1. also Booklet foe SO Park, maid Seashore Rr.orts. i'.rtom»r. will kewetit iheoielves bj keeping iiu •■<» i, I>r .,s ., their roate mad apew timet. B. F. KEITH'S BOOKING OFFICES, St. James Building, m. K. MODODOIM, Booking rV7-r-,. B -r, ■ 8»3 to 8»g gt, Jsimea Building, HEW YORK CIT¥. Keith's Royal Princess Theatre.London. Eng. Keith a Proctor's Cnlon Sq. Theatrt.N. X. City Keith* Proctor's 23u St Theatre..N. T. City Keith* Proctor's Btb. Ave. Theatre.N. Y.City Keith 4 Proctor's 68th St. Theatre..N. Y. City Keith* Proctor's 126th StTheatre.N. Y. Clti Keith* Proctor's Theatre. .Jersey City, N. J. F. F. Proctor's. Theatre Newark, N. J. F. P. Proctor's "Tieatre Troy, N. Y. F. F. Proctor's Tneatre Albany, N. Y. Harry Davis Grand Opera House.Plttsbnre, Pa Chase's Theatre Washington, D. C. Kernsn's Marvland Theatre... Baltimore, Md. Grand Tt.-tre Syracuse, N. Y. EDISON KINETOSGOPES. $75 AID ALL THE LATEST AMD MOST IH- PBOVED MOTIO.1 PICTIHE 'American Projectograph." leading¥ven7l1man ed. redmond stock co. PERMANENT STOCK. ONE PLAT A WEEK. ADDRESS ED, REDMOND, Redmond Theatre, San ..«*», C*l, WESTERN AMUSEMENT CO, KANSAS CITY'S THEATRICAL EXCHANGE. JACK BURNETT, Prest. Suits 327 Schurte Bldg.. 1209 Grand Avo. AL. MAKINSON. Tnai. Western Headquarters for Dramatic People. Visit our oillce when In Kansas City- Have your mall addressed In our care. Desk room for the transaction of busine-jB. MANAGERS, write or wire when you want people. WE WAST JUVENILE LEADING MAN. two Char. Men, with BpeclalUea; Char. Comedian, with specialties; Versatile Leading Woman, 2d Business Woman, u. B. Woman FOR PERMANENT STOCK; 36people In all lines for FOCR ONE PIECE Companies Write quick; tell all; •dont misrepresent. AL. "JAKINSON, Manager, VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS, BREAK TOUR JUMPS EAST OR WEST. GRAND THEATRE, DAYTON, OHIO. WANTED AT ALL TIMES, Vaudeville Acta, Novelty. Corned; and Sensational. Sorting too good* Booking Independent. Three shows daily. No Sunday shows. Can make Clnci, St. Louis, Chicago- Pittsburg, Cleveland and Toledo. To open Monday. Friends write. Add. DICK TRACY, Manager. WANT Q ORKf Hundreds placed weekly. Profitable engagements. BE ONE OF THEM. Dra- matic, Stock, Repertoire and Vaudeville People, also Musicians, write and GET ON OUR BOOKS. Artist*? vicinity Boston, call. Headquarters for local and travel- ing managers. Commissions promptly executed. Nothing too large or small. WE HANDLE EVERYTHING PERTAINING TO THEATRICAL AMUSEMENTS. NEW YORK DRAMATIC AND VAUDEVILLE EXCHANGE, 3 Tremont Row. Boston, Han., Rooms 14, 13. Telephone 1V69-1 Hay market. MUSIC PUBLISHERS ..-Popularize your catalog through the medium of the MUSIC PUBLISHERS' EXCHANGE. 40 of the prominent publishers of New York and the country at large, with the co-operation of the entire talking machine fraternity and the leading singers of the minstrel, vaudeville and theatrical professions, are obtaining popularizing results of the kind that bring quick financial returns. Are you Interested,* Call at once, or write. LEN. SPENCER, Manager, N | ... O A aU ft- I SINGING ARTISTS II Avail yourselves at once of the advantages ottered you by the MUSIC PUBLISHERS* EXCHANGE. 400 of the feature hits from the leading publish- ers from which to select just what will suit your neede. Uniform courtesy extended to all callers. Out-of-town performers write us just what jou want, enclosing stamps and program, l'i West 38tli St., New York. PERFORMKUS ARE REQUESTED TO CALL AND SEE GEORGE RIO, BEPRESENTINQ HUDSON P. ROSE COMPANY. Hand 12A.M. da[lv. Parti doubled tfielr monev^ Jest opened k SPALDING BLDG.] N0T3I West 42d~ Street",' Room 402, New York City. between Hand IS A. H. dallj. Parties mat have bought lots on ea»vterm^iWHUi'>»« doubled their money. Jost opened a tract of 337 LOTB, NBAB DROUX AtfD PELHAM PARK PARKWAY, a driveway of 620 feet wide. Jala sold on easy_tcrms. ao.imvn mivi v.. 1 Faoifio Coast Amusement Co., OWNING 1ND Mile 30 FIRST US VAUDEVILLE TJEI1S EAST, ttfltlfflESI ANDJS!. at all times, FIRST CLASS A0T8 OP ALL KISDS that can deliver tte goods. SOLE BOOKING. AGENTS: AL. ONKEN, Fare 30s American Bank Baud., Seattle, Wash., OH m Eddy Bt„ San Frnnouco, OaL r Theatre, lath St., New Tort Olty; CHAS. WRAY, S. O. BROWN, «1 8. Clark St,, Ohlcagoi AROHIK LETT, MANAGERS. Let ns tnmisli A BAND, ORCHESTRA or PIANIST forjojr .company. Good PoiWoiui for■ good musicians. ORAMFTON'S MUSICIANS BCREAC, M Dearborn St, Ohloago, HI Actors' Society of America. RALPH DELMORE, Pres. MARK ELL8IVUKTU, secretary. The kind that get til. money. Oil or -wrrlto. P. 8- ZIWMBRWAW. »B. l«tb gt.. It. V. _ J. if. MANSFIELD, Manufacturer of ' TBGATMCiL TI8BTS In Silk, Worsted and Mercerized, and all klnda SF0BTUB SUITS. 1421 Rldie Ave.. Phlla., Pa. Atlantic City , HOURS li-om NEW YORK via ( New Jersey Central Passing Tlirouflh Lakewood. Solid VoiiLtiie Iralm. Iljffei fiiiot Ctn. L*. W.ay] Sr.o.w A.M. dskHv ( P.M. Sat.). —-E|>lSUB. j 3-M P.M. eice dkiljr (i. w P. M. Sat.), i .*■: I 1 . M LL.I.1K AKKHSTHOM, HI |ll|i For Stock and Road Cob- on low rLAYS roTaltlerj. Writ* far lUt. Have 1 »■• ■ *■ several comedy Bketchea ready. Playn a n a Sketches written to order. 7* EAST 7>h ST., BROOKLYN. W. »« M. 8TRA88M A N, ATToaHiT, ssi Broadway. Ntw Tort City. THE PLAY FACTORY. MAM-SCRIPT FL.AYB AMD SKKTCIIK8 wriiL-n Toornir lought and sold. Address AL1CR IIOWLAM), M «'■ «'»■ Place. Chlcsiro. AMUSIfflT ErSHhT A BIO LINK OF MOTION PICTURE MACHINES (VARIOUS MAKES). FILMS, SONG AND LECTURE STEREOPTICON S, BONO AND SERPENTINE SLIDES. LEC- TURE SETS, ETC., AT SPECIAL, RE- DUCED FIGURES. WWswWwVM FILMS SEND FOR 12 PAGE LIST OF FILMS FROM 4c. to 8c. PER FOOT. »%%.'%.%,^.'>1,%.%'%.TX,'1A.%. FEATURE FILMS AT LOW PRICES. Model B Oxy-Lithe Outfit $29.50 OXY-LITHE and OXONE. CARBONS, LIMES, CALCIUM JETS. ELECTRIC LAMPS, RHEOSTATS, ETC., BEST CONDENSERS, In 1 ;,. $l.^.„ NEW SONG SETS, *9. 8. H., (3.90 UP. "10 TBOUBIE TO AI8WEB QDE8T10H3." CATALOGUE OH APPLICATION. MOTION PICTURE MACHINES MD FILNS WANTED. HARBACH & CO., 809 FLLBEEt ST., PH1LA, PA. • THE LATEST. THE BEST. JUST OUT. T.wOPTIGRflPHNO. 4 T. 0 -?' Has the ONLY PERFECT FRAMING DEVICE Write as for 40 REASONS Wbf Ten Bkonll B.j THE NEW , ... OPTICHAPH In prvforanc* to »ny other Holloa Picture Machine. BlffCaUlottus of LaUatarns* KH.tih, Slide i, Aocouoriei, etc. AMUSEMENT SUPPLY CO. (Inc.) 481 ObemluJ Bank Bid*. ClaCAO HOW TO MAKE MONET WITH EDISON COIN-SLOT MACHINES. Start a penny arcade and amusement parlor. Edison Coin-Slot Machines fascinate and attract the crowd and bring them to your place often. Get in line now and make a fortune. Write to-day for par- ticulars. NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH CO., 64 Lakeside Avenue, Orange, N. J. FILMS FOR RENT THE INTER-OCEAN FILI EXCHANGE, ' OLD INTER-OCEAN BUM}., D.»rbocat >ad Madlson Us., Chicago. NKORESCOU MAIR ■«» STATE ST., CHICAGO, Bill FLOOn. CO. THEATRICAL fflES. OarcpMlmltjr Is rata* for yonr money ■vt one half th* price others »tk tat the smme goocls. Perfect »tlafsvetl«» fCuarnntoed or yonr mousy famck. On receipt of tl.00 deposit w« will sond goodiC.O.D,, lubjpct to fiamlnatlon, Remember the Name and the Place. CATALOG rKEK. NECRE8COU HAIR CO., 18S STATE 8T„ CHICAGO, 6th fLOOR. TRY OUR ORKAT MAROH SONS, ROSABELLE FHIE.-Professional Copies lo Perfbrmsrs Enclosing Programs.. John Srhoinaker, Prof. Manager. NOW REAI>Y.-"Tueairl With tlio Curl," "Will You UMMa lh.rlll.jtT Bay." "Whoo Wo P»rte<l by the stream Benciith the Hill," "Viola !Jnn." »Joneohlno, Mr Hcmlne," "Conte input Ion," "When the ItlrdicH AreAnlcop,* 1 "Ik> You i.»ve McT" "My Heart'* Id old Mlttwiurl." "The old drupe-vine 8irlD(i 1 ""THe Flower of the if. S. A.." "Johnny Want* lo he an Actor," "When Mother Died," "De- parted," "Past and Present," "My Cracker Jack airly," "Hroadwar," "She Meet* Mfi IV'heu the Mm Goea Itown." "The Rarthquake of 10Wt," "By the Old l.ou (Juiiln," "JlemorlOH," "San Francisco Earth- quake," "My Sweetheart," "My Sweetheart Dear." MJJLVTXLE MUSIC PUB. CO., 66 "Went 28th Street. New York. rV. B.MOORE. MANAGER mmu&SuBBi or Actress. No profession so tasclnatlDff or profit- able. I teach you by mall, bo yon can go at once on the stage. Send for my beautifully Illus- trated book explaining method, also plctnres, scenes of plays, actora, actresses who have become efflcient through my training—mailed FREE. Address HE SKY DICKSON SCHOOL OF ACTING, 800 Klmbal Hall, Chicago. TV'E HAVE FOR 8AI-E AND LEASE AdTancr, Privileges, Baggage, Stock, Au- tomobile and mprry-Co-lloun(1 Cars. 60ft. long. Desirable for Show and Carnival Com- panies. Reasonable terms. Write for particulars. THE ARMS PALACE HORSE CAR COMPANY, No. 1220 Monadnock Building, Chicago, 111. ■ fflracnoiraj, ANU VIII I r- Designs iu Wc Worklorth; CUPPER. WhyNutToh-You 1 Chemical''Engraving Co. StND FOR CATA.L'O&UE-.. 06 FRANKLIN ST.' C HIG AG 0 BsBSffigm THE THE OIlbAT ENOLIBH VAUDEVILLE PAPEIl, CVIKVaf. 14 Leicester St., Leicester Square, London, W. C. FI)H£IQ1 SI BSt UIPTIUMB, . . . . . 8s. Sd, PXIl TBAll PROFESSIONAL ADVBKTIBBUKIITI. - Us. M., Blnal. Col.mai Isusa NEW YORK CORRESPONDENT AND RET., IDA CAULK, 07P10E, 70S ST./AMIS BLDO~ wUsr. ad.ertlBemanls will be received. Copies on Hie. I DO YOU USE ACETYLENE? IF 10 wa WAST TO »I»D TOV A BAM^LK MURNKfal. We know we hare tba best burner erer nude for n,e la a StoreopQeoD .r Harlag Pletora MaobiDe; also for Lighting Theatres, Medicine camps and Bosjan IS, Eateloilnaj 10.. Ibr a.a..l.. WM. M. ORAUT OOMPAinf, 1131J3 Brc-dsrmj, Hew Tork. CLT1> AX ¥* HALF-TONE 31 KA11 PROCESS CO. _ PARK ROW BUILDING. N.Y. A_| .„ fc Sets. SQUARE INCH* rt ' QUls Ml Floe Magical Apparatus, ILLUSIONS. TRICKS, Etc. Orand Knd of Ccnturr, fully IIIUHtralcd. HOOK CATA- Lotii'K, 2fic, free by mall' Catstftfruu of rurlor tricks free MAUTINKA k CO.. llfrn.. -i/i m.\i;. Ave.,N. Y. WE ARE STILL DOING BUSINESS AT THE BAME OLD PLACE MDQ I B/-UEIICD Wlsbes to Ittform the I'rofeuloa that ibe b» In stock IWInOs ■■■ OV/nCUCI. [ OP tbfJ C0D ]|Qg season a Larger and Finer Stock of EVENING, DINNER. RECEPTION, AND STREET OOWNB, Gentlccnen'a Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits, Street Suite. 1'rlnce Alberts, Fall and Winter Overcoats, Inverness Cap*>«. Ktr, Prlrc« "JUST HtOHT." W»* have salted you before, w« can suit you again. MBS. It. BOHBCBR. 024-020 Booth Street, Phlla., Fa. llranch Store: 810 W. Mulberry BL, Kaltlmore, Aid. | HAVE YOUR MUSIC PUBLISHED BY US. Send ns a good poem, a good melody or a complete work, We have no favorite wrltart, AU get equal treatment and consideration. All letters answered promptly. PIOSK.KU HDMO PUBMIIIIllfa COMPANY, TOO K»nhftlt*M ■!«.«.. CHICAW. BLOOD POISON FOR MOREJHAN TWENTY YEARS we hare made the care of Blood Poison a incclalty. Blood J'olsoo pcrmanciiUyCuretl. You can be treated at borne unucr Banio jToaranty. Capital »HW,000. We solicit the moBt ol>stlnate canes. If yon hare ex- hausted the old methods of treatment and iUH bare achea and pains, Mucus Patches In Moulh.SoreThioat, Pimples, Copper Colored SdoU, Ulcers on any part of the body, llalr orEyebrowa falling out, write for proofs of cures, loo-page Book Free. COOK REMEDY CO., 1111 Masonic T>m pit .Chicago, III., US.*. \\l eoiae TO EDBOPE To apply for lowes rates al PiOL TAUBIQ'S EX0HJJ0E 0FFI0B, 104 Ksst utli Hi., New York, (lornunSavings Bank Building. Telephone, mm Gramorcy. Cable ad. dress, SlaoeMlg. All printed matter and Inf. True. SONG-POEMS AND MUSIG PUBLISHED Off HOYALTV. We write Uualc to your words. Introduce and Dopnlarlae. Send In IfSS. POPULAR MUSIC PUB. CO. (Inc.), Swlte ftl*. It: 511 Dearborn St., Chlrm«o. Katz, Theatrical Costumer. BURLESQUE WORK A 8PECIALTY. Also EMBROIDERED DKEBSK3 for Spsclaltr Acta. 116 lexinoto.n AVE., near Mtn street. New mm. Tsi. ran Pleas. Illfifil CSC CIIBBI ICC a "»' Batoos, Oqm. Holllef rjlohas, Docps, clUahLCIld llllrrLlcSB.amii'''>]te[i , i(l>nn]i l Koiii,nAic,.iI>mpIor WWtlllblillW WW! | UUI natalnr anil ll.i u». Van w.n». rilnnlnnali o. EXTRA! BKETOII lor iwo males or HOMOLOOUE for one. Sullable for Vaudeville, Minstrel or Concert. Either one for e Dollar, stamps or silver. H. U. L1KDEMAN, Bex 341, Broeiire h. T.