The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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808 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. September 15. TO THE PROFESSION. Batting Rudy (or your Fall Campaign, Rsmimbir wo art r ••dqoitton tar PROFESSIONAL UNDERWEAR, UIUI CD RDM DANCE SKIRTS, BLOOMERS, mB B7S n eftBL U0, » mamtmin MAHLER. BROS., PROFESSIONAL SHOES. SHORT VAMPS. Sand for Catalogue. PROFESSIONAL MAKE UPS, . GREASE, PAINTS, POWDERS, ETC. 61T-M9 8th AVE. MAHLER BROS., M7-619 8tk AVE. MAHLER BROS., 517-519 6th AVE. SPECIAL OFFERING. OUR MM BOX. Made from the very best tin, are black enameled. Kspe- cIhMj made for professional use, haying a tray wltb com- Sartmenta for Grease Paints, Powders, r% hew _, "tab and Brash, Wlgn, Etc., Etc. Hm 77p double acUon lock, with two keys,« •***• ^»**» OUR COxD CREAM Expressly prepared for the Theatrical Profession, guaran- teed to be absolutely pare and never become rancid In any climate. Put up In pound Screw Top Tin Cans at 43c.t half pound at Me. 84HPLES Or OBEAI 8EIT Tilt. ALL MAIL ORDERS MUST BE AOOOHPA1NED BY MONEY ORDER. NONE SENT 0. 0. D. Our Hew Theatrical Catalogue sent free upon request. IEBE IS 80IETB1IB lEWt STAGE DANCING TAUGHT BY MAIL JOHN P. HOOAN'S CHART AlfB DIAoRAM SYSTEM Enables anyone, without former experience, to become an accomplishes dancer. For fall partic- ulars send 2-ccnt HLamp for Circular, Prospectus, etc., to JOHN P. HOOAN, Tra< her of Stag* Dancing, Klin* Mall, Majestic Theatre Bwlldme;, 50th St. and tfth Ave., New York City. DOCTORS, MEDICINE PEOPLE AND SHOWMEN Why handle rocky goods when you can handle goodi that will sell themselves. Blectrlc Belte from $1 per don. up. Large variety to select from. Electric Ju 7Bc. doz.; Electric Insoles, 87He. doz. pairs. Soap, 12.10 gross; Pine Medl cal Batteries. Send 750. for Sample No. 14 E. B., exp. prepaid. Latest out One third cash required. Trial order will convince. Lar of Electrical Belts and Appliances In U. B. A Establlsl Price Hat free. THE ELECTRICAL APPUAJTCE CO, Largest Manufacturer! shed 1878. Lecture am) i Burlington, Ku L. SCHWARTZ TRUNK WORKS. EST. 1869. 412 6th Ave., Cor. 25th St., R. T. City. Wo. 1 10.33 10.7,1 11.JO !*.«» l3.»S 14.8ft IS.Sft Prof. 28 80 82 34 3fl 38 40 Above Trunk guaranteed for 10 years, Including locks, Prof. 7.B0 8.00 8.80 0.00 0,50 10.00 10.50 No. » 28 80 32 84 W S8 40 Steel 5.00 5.30 0.00 O.50 7.00 7.30 8.00 CI ml 28 SO 82 H SO 38 40 Write for catalog n. we make over 100 different styles of trunks. TAYLOR TRUNKS. 0. A. TAYLOR TRUNK WORK!, 88 E. Randolph St., CHICAGO; Ul W. 88th 81., HIW TOBX Casey's Theatrical Trunks. 13.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 1O.O0 17.00 18.00 >l 30 82 84 W S8 40 7.50 8.40 0.00 0.75 10.50 11.85 13.00 28 SO 82 34 » SI 41 " 8.60 XXX XX fl-iii 1 °- n(> a ' 00 0' B0 7 - 00 r - s0 8 - 00 uUJll Hull 29 so 82 34 S0 38 J Shipped 0.0. D. on receipt of $6. Write for Catalogue. 1505 Broadway, cor. 44th St., Opposite Hotel Astor, the most convenient Theatrical Trunk Corner in America, Also 441 Sixth Avenue, near 27th St., N. Y. City. M. S. CASEY, ESTABLISHED 49 YEARS RUNKS "PATTERSON" THE WORLD'S LEADERS "ATLIS" NEW CATALOGUE JUST OUT. THE BKU1EH TRUNK AND DAG CO., 15» Columbia Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. CENTRAL TRUNKS. 20ln., S7.B0: 2Sln.. fsr.O: SOIn., fli.BO: SOIn., (10.50; 40in„ ,12.60. Circus Trunks, 24x18x18, S7.50. Bill Trunks, 30i23xl5, Inside, $12.00. Lltho. Trunks, 42%i28VjI12, Inside, ,15.00. hlnppd on receipt of ,8.00, bnl,, c\ 0. D., except over 800 miles, then remit whole amount. BIMONS * CO., CENTRAL TBTJNK FACTOUY, Est. 1804, 8. W.cor. 7tb and Arch Sta.PWla. LEATHEROID TRUNKS. LIGHTER THAN STEEL. 50 TIMES STRONGER. THAN WOOD. Send for New Theatrical catalogue. LEATUEROID MFC. 00,, 682 B'way, N. Y., near Spring St MANAGERS, Attention! If yon owned a railroad, perhaps yon are satisfied to carry heavy exoeas breeding trunks. But If yon wan getaBAL trunk. Send tor Catalogue "O. 1 i want to nave exoeas baggage, WILLLIAM BAL Hoc)., I BAL line)., St., N. Y. City. MUTED STATES AND 'JrtATES. And make you a fortune. If 70a hare a PLAY, SKETCH, PHOTO. .ACT, fcONG or BOOK that Is worth anything, voi] should copy riir lit it. Don't take chances 1 when you can secure our wr»- Ice* at small cn*>t. Sendfor our SPECIAL OFFER 10 WVEMORS beforeapnlylrur for a patent, "" u*H pay you. ilAKOBOOk 47a pj/entu/nt fHE. We advise If patenta- ble or not. FREE. We Incorporate STOCK COMPANIES, Small fees. Consult os. WORMEUE & VAN MATER, Col.aU. Copyright A P.u.t Co. lac, WASNM6T0N.D.C. SONG ROOKS IHE UIASl l\.nARRIS ^ONGSTEF ABSOLUTELY THE BEST - ALWAYS CONTAINS THE-LATEST HITS W/c/brtoia/MB/iirJpffidll THE MURRAY CO., CIRCUS CANVASES. Poles and Stakes, SEATS, run Ft: BLACK TENTS. SIOE SHOW PAINTINGS, FRONTS AND BANNERS FOR STREET FAIRS. Agents for KIDD'S PATENT CIRCUS LIGHTS. 19 t »1 W. Wmlilngton St., CHICAGO, ILL. SHOW TENTS For Circuses, Wild West Shows, Black Tents, Candy Tops, Flags, Kldd & Beker Lights, etc. Send for ltJ page price list of second hand Tents. BAKER k LOCKWOOD MFQ. CO., 7th and Wyandotte, Kansas City, Ho. lulled States Tent ana Awning Co.. Bandolph and Union Streets, CHICAGO, III. CIRCU8 CANVA8E8.9 BLACK TENTS Oar Speolaltr. SIDH (HOW PAINTINGS. GOSS CO. ^iiyip M. R. ttii KELT MANUFACTURER OF SHOW CANVASSES XK IM T «2 Large Stock sort, and Under 4a asB p> Heir and second Band. Write ^^^ IBK CHARLES P. SIEDKR nn AHD AWIHWO CO., gaoooators to theT. W. Noble Co., Tent Depu, Detroit Bag and Mfg. Oo„ Detroit. anon. I Spangles, 11.00 Per found. Cotton Tights, pair..,. Worsted Tights, pair.. Plaited Bilk noble, pair... Beat silk Tights,' 0 inch cotton Beat Silt Tigh 1 tops,, Calf, Thigh and Hip Padding.. ...Jl.oo .... 3.00 .... MO 1, AUigal IUV UIU I OUIA4A1KB, Gold and Sliver Trimmings. Bend Deposit with order. THE BOSTON REGALIA CO., B8I Washington St.. Boston. Mass. f7T»TD VENTRII Learned by any man or boy; small cost. Send to-day 30. stamp for particulars and proof. O. A. Smith. Room "0. M40 KnoxTlllo Ave., Peoria, 111. MANUSCRIPT PLAYS 144 LA SALLE ST. JUST OUT, 124 PAGE ILLUSTRATED MAGIC CATALOGUE, 28c; BUI'. CATAL., Be. Nona free. Only N. B. Agent for Mabatma. 10c W. D. LE&OI. 108 Court St., Boston, llaaa. i MATERIAL.AND SUPPLIES FROM THE 860,000,000 8T. LOUIS WORLD'S FAIR RegisteringTirnstIIts ,f»*MsssssteHEW STRIP TICKETS Like mt .$38.00 f Ktsoeorid hand ticket chop- per boien, each $18.1)0 OPERA CHAIRS 1,000 good as new $1.25 ^ Printed fornao attba Eipo. Bitten; havo nover been o«fd; 2,000 to a roll, comee- utlv.:iv cambered. Deuom- Inatlnnti: 2c. 15c, SSc. G4c. DltTerent Color*. Price per thona&nd 15c In lots of 60,000 lee 100,000 EiRhl Oandle Power •3 ss 5c, vera nsed, *—' Itfiffe.KO In t barrel. INCANDESCENT LAMPS t^v.-uin;;^^.^ are teatcd and iorriceablo. 100to 110 vnltnce. -Jw in a barrel. Price eaeu So , In amall qaantttle*. each . u . ■ gg 100,000same as abovo. brand new. In foil caio lota, eaea.. -l"° 50,000 now, 16 candle power lamps, each......... HO ES.OOO Lamps, ascd, nataral colora. ruby, (rreon, unber and opal. Teatcd and aervicoable. Price each — - —. - ^-..^.IQo 20.000 samo as abovo, brand new* prico each-. 5,000 HARDWOOD FOLDING CHAIRS wood; beat malleable iron flttlcBs; simple la cons made of sea. ._ soned hard- construction; fold Perfectly flat; BtroQK, darable and comfortable; Will not warp; arc lar superior to any other make; brand new. Price, In doioo lots 96.00 Special Price on Larger Quantles FOR BANDS, HELP, ETC. ■ ■ M* 1,000 UNIFORMS Eahkl... □q tierre..4a.OO Writo for onr Special UO-paee Catalogae Ho. 8. A. 678. it coo l of all klnda of Electrical P— '_pnrchaatns- We haveforaalo Fire Lu..,au mm^o v . «••= _ Sappltofl."Fla*s. i Bantlng,_F^ > rnUnj'e, Household Goods, PlomblDg Materia], Biacbinery eve'rythfiig "under the "sod." Address CHICAGO HOUSE WRECKING CO., □d. of Flra-llsbtlDE ApDamnB^ Electrlc.1 H.tcrl.1, Machinery-IE. fact 3Bth and Iron Sta., CHICAGO Ho. 7591 Spar Bracelet and Necklace Set Only cosi8 you 10 cents per set The best 35 cent seller that ever* happened. Send IB cents for sample set and our new catalogue No. 19. $14.40 per Gross. ROGERS, THUBmaN & CO., 38 Michigan Ave., Chicago,U.8J* SBND US YOUR MANUSCRIPT OF SONG POEMS, ORIGINAL MELODIES, Or COMPLETE WORKS, Sow Is the time to have them published, All letters answered promptly. PIONEER MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., Boom Toa, Manhattan Bide;., CHICAGO, IIJ.. ACETYLENE BURNER. The CRESCENT BURNERS. INDISPENSABLE FOR USERS OF ACETYLENE. Every Burner Guaranteed. Each Bnrner Good for Orer 1,000 Bonn. BEWARE OF INFRINGING IMITATIONS. at. KIRCHBERGER ■ CO., fi.n.ral LIctnsiM and Sol. AginU, «• Park Place, If.w York. US c.nta. "TEE PROOF OF THE Fl'DDIIf O 18 Iff THE KATIflO." SS centa. Dazian's Theatrical Emporium NOW AT 142-144 W. 44th ST. (Near Broadway), NEW YORK. THEATRICAL COSTUMES AND SUPPLIES, EVEHY RKUI IS1TE FOR THE STAGE. 8E1ID FOH CATALOGUE, MONOGRAM RED ROSE ROUGE Is made especially for the Profession. It Is In the form of a rose with five petals. Each petal can be used repe ATEDLY until color is removed. Used properly, each rose will last over two months. It can be carried In your parse or handkerchief without stalnlntt either. It Is not affected by perspi- ration or salt water. SEND FOUR CENTS IS STAMPS FOR. SAMPLE AND ClRCtLAlt OF ALL OUR TOILET PREPARATIONS. MONOGRAM CREME COMPANY, •I BEEKHAX STREET, SEW YORK. GOWNS FOR THE STAGE AND STREET. We have on hand a large assortment of slightly need EVEN1S0 GOWNS, DINKER, RECEPTION and TEA GOWNS. These Gowns are perfect In every respect, of the latest styles, and are especially suitable for wear In High Class Dramatic Productions. We also haves full line of SEAL, S0CIRREL, MINE, PERSIAN LAMB COATS and FCRS of all kinds, which we beg you to kindly call and In ape ct. IVUVIE. DOKTOR, Telephone, 4*88 Madison Square. Agi 6th AVE., CITY. EXHIBITING MOTION PICTUREr WIGS TOUPEES. GREASE PAINTS, ETC. And thi Lit,,! and Most Popular Stylu In Ladle, Hair Drosslcg. . A. M. BITCH & CO., im 11. Ninth ISMaa, . . . . . Philadelphia SHOES FOR STAGE STREET AND ETENINO. EXCLUSIVE 8TTLE8 AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. Short Vamp and Staa. Lart. always on hand. Mall orders tilled. Ftt guaranteed WILLIAM BKRHSTKIN, TeL US Madison Bqnare. 60, sixth Ave., near Hit St., S. T. ALL COLORED SUPPERS MADE TO ORDER EN 94 HOURS. FUNK SCO. Wi * & Toup^Makis",' anj -*•■ Satai IrSi **%*n paint and POWDER McVlCKER'8 THEATRE, Ckle.go, 111. Telephone—Central, 604. Bend for Catalogue. Thootrlcal PRODUCTIONS A SPECIALTY. Coatui 34 EAST 20th STREET, NEW YORK. PLAYS For Stock Companies, for Repertoire Companies, (or Aetieirs. LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN TUB WOBLD. Books for home amusement, Negro Plays, Paper. Scenery, Mr* Jarley'. Wax Worse, Catalogue Free 1 Free 1 Free ! •AatOEL, FRENCH, IT W. Bd St., BI.w Yoa-k.