The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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810 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. September 15. NOTICE'To Managers and Agents NOTICI UST CALL OF THE LEADINO FEATURES WITH THE GREAT AND ONLY F THE DOLLAR TROUPE IN THI1R NEW AND SENSATIONAL AOROBATIO ACT. AL HI TllKlll.AM), Sole Agent. at. jamca Building, New Tort, s. Y. OSCAR LOWANDE'S INDOOR CIRCUS. Olrcui Act* wastes. Write at once, Reading, leu. DUNEDIN TROUPE, World's Famous Artistic CY CLI8T8. The MATSUMOTAS. THE TROUPE THAT JAPAN IS PROUD OF. At liberty 0a«. I, as per routs. John LANCASTER and HAYWARD —- In ttitlr ikttch, "A. MARRIASE BROKER." Tin but of all Comady AcU. ALEXANDER WOLKOWSKY'S RUSSIAN TROUPE Now working wttb the 4-1'a.w & RrIIr Show. Second season. At Liberty for next season for Vaudeville and Burlesque. Troupe now working In Europe, consisting of 15 people. At Liberty for next season for Clrctiseu. Address care CLlFI'EK for both troupes. A FEATURE THAT IB A FEATURE. JOB iETJ lo minutes of original table tumbling, concluding wltli his famous HIGH LADDER drops and somer- Hnlts. Open time for vaudeville, Dec, l. Addrtai 67 Hanover St., Providence, R. I, Clown Comedian, and -tHen 8om«B>. e CORNALLAS ACROBATS e Wonld like lo hear from a ladles' hand that can double In orchestra, for a small elrens touring; the South this Winter. Address as per route. THE FLYING LA-VANS The World'. Melt MARVEtOPS AEHIA l GYMNASTS. WIL-LIAJVl TESSIER IK HIS HBW AND ORIGINAL WIRE ACT. For time, address AL SUTHERLAND, Agent, St. James Building, Neir York, N. Y. 3 DE-BOLIENS 3 FRENCH ACROBATS. Wo have a few weeks open for our Comedy Act. Time of act, i< mtnates. Uloae In one. Address as per route, or, No, u mater St., Paw tucket, it. 1. Pearl 4-Paw Fred Welcome THE 1ADT GYMNAST OF AMERICA. HAND BALANCER. The InigUng BOB. At Liberty lor Vaudeville Dee. 1, ai per root*. a<:iu>iiath,t5kai> AND HAND BALANCERS. Booked solid until Not., MOT. BAKER, DE VOE and HAMMER. Second season with tuo 4-Paw & Sells Circus with great success. I.e-engaged for season of 1007. Enough- miitl. J O HN RU E> Iv SBN8ATIONAL Bl-CVCIiB RIDER, NOW DOING "THI'J Tltll' TO TIIH MOON." NETTIE CARROLL QUEER OF THE WIBE. ROOKED SOLID OR THE KEITH CIRCUIT. FRANK K. ST. JOHN Reputation Loaf, but tils Hickories are In fine rendition, EIM OH, THAT FUNNY FELLOW. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THAT! TUB WORLD FAMED HAND BALANCER, IMS USD ^OKE>DIE> KNOWN THE WORLD OVER. X VUA GOOI> PLAY WITH GOOD PAPER AND GOOD TIME BOOKED. Hisloal Farce CjSjjtj or Burlesque Pnlentile. J. R. WOOD, Voik's Sartfsn, Consy Island, N.Y. BRASS BAND WANTED DBDMS, TORA, SLIDE TBOIBOBE, EDPH0H1DH, TWO COBNETS FOR MY ROLLER BKATlNtl RINK. SEASON OPENS SEPT. 201 CLOSES ABOUT JUNE, 1907. AddreM, atatlug very lowest Balary, at once CHAS. MvtVAHD, owner, Auditorium Kink, Knoxville, Tenn. SHOWS, WANTED, FOR LONC 8EA8ON SOUTH, WITH AL. F. WHEELER S model Versatile People for Rlnsr and Concert, especially tliosc playing Urass; Black Face Comedian, to double band; Tnba, Cornet and Trap Drummer for llantl. (Win. Ilorrert, Arthur Brers, Marion, wire.) Routo: Waterlown. Oonn., Sept. 13; Woodbury, Cum., 14; Sandy Hook. Conn., 16; lltthel. lynn., IT; Drewster, N. Y„ in. __ STOCK, HSP. OR PRODUCTION. FLORENCE PI1TOKNE Y.t F R A. JX K HOLLAND, Lends, Ingenues, Bolibretto or Kniotlonnl. II Lends, Juvenile, Excellent Specialty. Quick studies, experienced and thoroughly reliable. leaving beat manager and show In tho business because we want stronger |)arta, KUUKNK HAF ' " 30, Washington, l'a.; DID, McKccsport,-11. THE AMERICAN PBOJECTOGBAPH With Take-op and Fireproof Magazines. The only machine that will not FLICKER even alter years of use. C.E.OHESSLIR&CO. im FLICKERLE88I H * stuffactnrersi CHAS. E. DRESSLER & CO., u.l B. »3d St., Haw York < if >. Agent.I ERKER BROS, HARBACH & CO., m Olive 81. St. Louis, Mo. rnlla., Pa. THE HOUSE WITH THE GOODS INI LOWEST ICES. ■^ ■Oe. par loo. Our IBM STREET. MEN'S CATALOGUE h now ready far distribu- tion. Writ, br II to- day. You cannot afford to b. without a copy. Mallad Iraa. LEVIN BROS., BBS Ml S, SIXTH 8TRECT, TERMS HAUTE, WD, MUSICAL BELLS MUSICAL SPECIALTIES Deed bj All Leading Artists. Send for New kilns- trsted Catalogue. THE ONLY THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED BELL FACTORY IN THE WORLD. We only m&nufsotare our own Inventions, for whloh we bold letters patent Our goods o&n be ■sen at 0. II. Dltson, New York; Oliver IHtson, BoHton; Volkweln Broi., Pittsburg; Ignai Pliober, Toledo- Kalaer MdbIo Co., Cleveland; Qrlnnell Bros., Detroit. Always a few bargains In second band Instruments on hand. TRICKS All th. Latest nn.l B.St. TOST * COMPANY, SOI Filbert St.. (Established 18101, Philadelphia. New, Enlarged, Illustrated Catalogue. HOW DOES TOUR CANDY PRIVILEGE PAY? THE FAMOUS CRACKER JACK Packed so It cannot become unsalable, and our 5 and 10c. package candles will greatly Increase Lit. value. Inform as where yon hold i* oouoessl"n and we will send samples and prices. EUECEHEUt BROS. & BOKSTBHf, 248 SO. PEORIA ST., CHICAGO. MoMAHON'8 F&mousTliestTlcar RESTAURANT 47is SIXTH AVE., Bot.28tb and 20th ate, NEW YOJIKOITY. BeHtof Food, Perfect. It Cooked, Dellclously Served. Prices rea- nonable. Special Din- ing Room for Ladles- I HUkolloe Tip lit.,, ttt.OOi Wonted Tight*. Qa.OOf Cotton llpht- »i.7)o, BUh'J Ighto,from 991.05 upf Shlrta to ms>toh, all ammo price st tlshtit Pumps MB tiwnts? Gait- ers, Ol.OOi Blastle Supporter!, 81.0(1; Cloth Supporters, »» cents* Bend for catalogue and samples off tights free, Positively a de- posit required. Satisfaction guaran- teed or money refunded. SPICERBROS., 66 Woodbine Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.; New York Office. Lincoln Bldjr. 1 Union 8a, ALL'S MYHKLfrUARDBR CO., WMED, HABT STOCK CO., Al Advance Agent who can book. Pull Acting company for Repertoire. Clover Child. All must do specially. Pay your own. Must be good drcsaors on and off. Tickets to those I know. Show opens on or about Oct. IS. Add. W. E. HART, Qrecnop, La, CHARLES Establishes ISM. L E L L A, Manufacturer or Theat- rical and Cos ''in Shoes, 410 FOURTH AVE , bet. 28th ■ntl'JOtl. Sta.,N.Y. Clogs and DanclngShoCB a Specialty, Orders descriptions MUTOSCOPES "BACKBONE OF THE ARCADE BUSINESS." Tbe average town or city will readily support as many "Automatic Vaudevilles" as It does thea res. Dozens of Arcades were opened teat year by men of no previ- ous experience with coin-operated machines, and all are coining money. Do you know of a good location? If so, don't hesitate. The Autumn months are the very best of the year. We have a splendid new model M utoscnpe at g o.oo, and bargfitnH In used machines as low as $28.00. AMERICAN MUTOSCOPE & BI06RAPH CO., 2633 W. PICO ST., LOS ASQELES. 11 B. 14th ST., HBW YORK. HOHNER, HARMONICAS I ACCORDIONS For those critical professional players whose artistic reputations are partly dependent upon the fine tone quality of the particular in- strument they may play. Thoso instruments have no equals, and fill the hill for Vaudeville Per- formers Wh o Mil H AVE THE BEST. Used exclusively by WM, H. BURK, wl o was the first to introduce the harmonica into vaudeville, and is acknowledged the world's greatest player. IIOHNER GOODS ABE FOR BALK BV ALL DBALBRS KVKltVWIIKUK. M.H0HNER, 47S BROADWAY, HEW TOBK. Canadian Office. 76 York St., TORONTO. PENNY ARCADE IN TOWN OF 90,000 tS> PEOPLE. IOO MACHINES, ALL HBW AND III PERFECT SIIAPB. WILL SELL WITH OR WITHOUT MACHINES. Positively the beet location in town. Boom, eleotrio signs, eto. as good as any. Best of reaeone for soiling;, bat we don't have to sell and won't give it to anyone for nothing. Host favorable lease at very low rental, only $180 per month. Don't write if you don't mean business. If you do mean business, address CENTRAL AMUSEMENT CO., 412 YOUNCERMAN BLK„ PES MOINES, IA. WANTED, FOR THIS ROSE STOCK COMPANY, OENEBAL BUSINESS 1AI AND INGENUE W01AN. Bust Join on wire. Don't misrepresent, and I will pa, jou anything reasonable. Wire me at Warren, Pa. JOSBPH SKIRBOLL, Mgr. SKATERS WANTED FANCY, TRICK AND COMIC SKATERS. Address CHAS. MoMABD, Owner, Auditorium IlloU, Knoxville, Tonn. ATTENTION. ATTENTION. AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. f^" if AV>f ~i ^? ow ? oa , EBROTEAN TRAINED ANIMAL ACT, consisting of 1 HORSE, I PONV !?„„.,.nS?:.- »£>«»W.forlaoJoffraUen»ii. in perfect working order for stage or rig. Can be seen until Sept. a at Luna Park (Coney Island). Write or call personally. PAUL BATTY. Luna Part, Con.v Island, N. Y. AT LIBERTY, FIRST TIME IS YEARS, HUSTLING CLIFF WODETSKI A Real Live MANAGER or AGENT. DID YOU EVER STOP TO THINK MantCAPLBV A MMOWB. fe WlUlam St.. New York City. Hi:ml for lltorstare. ACTORS, BEWARE (Every Dog Has His Day) Hone pan were all mat In tneir day. Bo vara oanvas corered trunks. But tnelr days are passed. Moral-o.t B BAL. FIBRE TUUHK. Send for catalogue 0. WOUAM BAL (lno.„ * U9 VT. Wtn St, K. T. Olty.