The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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812 THE NETW YORK OLIPPEB. September ig ■ ■ jra||VJ* UAflOMT lWIAN«^OTU««« Oir • PHIL AD E LP HI A L_WE5I1^I* LIFE MOTION PICTURE MACHINES €& FILMS • » "p-'" ggg Birait THE GREATEST FIGHT OF THE ACE. OUR REPRODUCTION OF THE GANSNELSON FIGHT TEN SELECTED ROUNDS. LENGTH, OVER 1,250 FEET. PRICE, $250. W. have, among tk. Iw Bert Bounds Out I~«t One, tfca 4«d, In which th* TOVL BLOW 1. pUlnlr Ann, which H.Uon delivered to hi. .nporior opponent. THIS IS THj riOMT TM1 COUNTRY IS» TALKING ABOUT. W OUR rillHT FILB. Mil COPYRIGHTED ABD rVLUT PBOTBCTBD 11V LAW. -<,» PT A NEW COMEDY HIT A NIGHT OFF The Funniest Film Ever Seen. Full of Ginger. Full of merriment. YOU WANT THIS. Length, 800 Feet. Price, $88. r JUST OUT "* THE SECRET DEATH VALLEY A THRILLING DRAMA IN LIFE MOTION PICTURES. I. SBHKINO A rOKTUHH. II. A RICH CLAIM. III. THE WIKB'II VIRION. IV. BL A in FOB. ool.n. V. ILL UOTTK1 UlllllH. VI. AVKHOEO. LENCTH, 6QO FEET. PRICE, 866. ANYTHWe FOR PUCE AND QUIETNESS. ™.. •■.« r«n y . ■ BLACKMAILING THE MOTORISTS. Another tubi.,. • ■ A FRESH BATH, h.imihii.i,i,i. VEN6EANCE IS MINE, linuionl Melodrama. ME AND MY TWO PALS, au i.iu* Thi. ^.^ «.... THE GAMBLER'S NI6HTMARE, a,,,,,,,.,,.,.,..,*.,-^.,. 160ft. SI7.60 200ft. $22.00 130ft. $14.30 450ft $49.50 310ft. $34.10 255ft. $26.05 THE BIGGEST SENSATION THE GREAT RUIL BOBBERY Full of Exoitomout, Snappy, Another Big Hit and Money Maker. Length, 560 Feet. Price, $BO.fiO All Our Films Class A. Pries, II Cents Per Foot. Our Beautifully Illustrated Catalogues Free of Charge. VITACRAPH FILMS, 12 CENTS PER FOOT. TUB I.ATKDT CONIC 1VOVKI.TY OR, MY FRIEND, THE DUMMY. Copyright 1900, tor th e VITAORAPH OOM PAlfT OF AMERICA. Tde icreamlDgly fanny adventures of a tramp who steals a tailor's dummy and Ingeniously "works" ereryoue he meets by protending the dummy It aUvo. FJtot*>gr*ptiic*.iiy batter than ever. Aetlon extremely eoralenl tbronghout (For (all, detail!!d description see this week's Issue of VIEWS AND FILMS INDEX.) A STIRRING DETECTIVE STORY* SECRET SERVICE; OR, THE DIAMOND SMUGGLER. Copyright, 1908, by Mi VlUjrtph Company el Amulet. A REAL. HCADLINKR. L-KNOTM ..... q»n Br..*. SPLENDID PICTURE OF WILLIAMJENNINGSBRYAN ArrlrlM. attho Battery and being rwtlTwIbrth, Ifebratkan Committee. An Intimate Cloie Range Portrait. :noth ISO "-«.•*. MAGNIFICENT FILMS OF THE GREAT NAVAL REVIEW AT OYSTI IAY. Tk* Flost Firing; -President! avl ■*l«i« and lining IkeTlowad by President StSMMftVaU Abomrrf Inn ".Me.yrU.w-rr." President Bosv<dlng thf* V. fl. m. "Ynnkee" emit addressing the Troops anit Marines. A splendid series ,f»f vlaws obtained throngh special permission of tbe hmrI authorities. LKNOTH ...... MOO -root. Orders fliitxi in rotation. Write for Circulars. THE VITAORAPH COMPANY OF AMERICA, IIS NASSAU ST., NEW YORK. CABLE ADDRESS, "VITAURAPII," HXXJNQ AOErtTSi BUin opticai, co.. < dbbab thauino oo., lu., M (tat* St., OMengo. III. 4. Kaaert .t., taad.n. Bag. FILMS RENT CHICAGO HEADQUARTERS FOR PICTURE HCHIE.ES 19 Durban Qt, GHlQiBO. PICTURE FILMS FOR RENT. Unapproachable Service FROM ft Wide ftwake Office. MTI01LFILMH. »» B. Clara Wk OHIO A way mo. MOTION PICTURE MACHINES FILMS OF ALL MAKES. WE HAVE IN STOOE A LIMITED NUMBER OF PRINTS OF A NEW, ORIGINAL FOREIGN FILM, A 8EN8ATIONAL SUBJECT. APPROXIMATE LENGTH, 500 FEET. PRICE, $75.00 m. state ST. I opposrre tiKm^mm r Till .Uren, 1I7-I8I W. St. ST. MTU00DI ntti l|