The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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820 the new Yomz olippeb: SEPTEMBER 22. HOWARD BERT CLARENCE VON NIEDA, HOWE, VON NIEDA, INTRODUOIHG OUR ORIGINAL COMEDY SINQIHQ AND ACROBATIC ACT. "A DAY AT THE CIRCUS." WE CARRY OUR OWN SPECIAL SCENERY. OPEN TIME COMMENCING NOVEMBER 5, 1906. Kt liable Managers and Agents, write. AildreKsali romirmu I cations to Season lwa, Hargreave'i Circo*. BERT HDWE Mai .away Bide;., 12* S. Front St.. Reading, P». FOR EXTENDED TOUR OF MEXICO, FOR THE BIC1 SELLSFLOTO CIRCUS, FOR FAlvL, AND WINTER SBASOJV, ALSO SEASON 1907, The VERY Best Circus Feature Acts Known. AdiI Hale and Female Performers, VERY DiflHEST class oak, Id all branches of tlie Circus Husinesn. including Riders, with or without utocK, Leapera, especially Uuulilc Somersault Leapere, Clowns and hide show ami CoDcert People. .Want especially at ONCE, liouhle Sumersaalt Leapere, uood Looking J<adr Hour-be Dancen, Male and Kenialo colored Cake Walkers, Quartettes, Comedians. BAN jo PL A VERS and JUBILEE SINOfcHS, Colored Musicians for Bide Show Hand, and First Class Colored Band Leader. Also Ticket Sellers and Annooncers wlio Bpeak Bpaniah. • • FOR THK ADVANCE, WANT Contracting Agents, Pre-- Airents. Bill Posrera and Liinographera. Thoae sneaking Spanish pre- ferred. Ttils will be ttto FIRST Bid show ever to make an extended tour of Mexico. It furnlsheB the very heat of Paisi'fl Pullman sleeping Car accommodations, REST hotels to Perfonnera and Start*, and Hie most excellent camp service known to all emplojee*. CONTRACTOBS, BILL POSTERS ami LITHOGRAPHERS, address ■ -t W. II. -MU3GAT, Advance Manager: PRESS AGENTS, 1STERPRETERH, etc., II. K. PUNCH WHEELER, Uemeral Press Ageat, WANTED, FOR BIO SHOW, Band Muxtcr, First Olasa Ctrnm Musician*,all lnHtrumeiil", and Calliope Plaver: aI«o Bomt Canvas Man, Awdniaul Boss t'anvHM Mm., and Seal Men. WASTED, FOR ANNEX, r'rt-ak" uf Nature, (it all kimla : Fat Lady, Human Skeleton, Elastic Pkln Man, Dog or Linn Faced Buy or Girl, OxxIQcd Man, Bearded Lady, Ung Haired Lady, Strong Man or Kxpau-lonM, (limits ami Mldgeta, Alhlnos, Snake Churnier*, Fin: Kings, Tatrooed People, and nay good acta not depending on the English language. Joe Cramer, Mile. Pevere and Young ilei-inni. Write. Addre** JAMES A. MORKOW, Manager Annei, Splli-Floto Clrtm, . Jlote] Gtiardlola, Cltv of Mexico, Mexico. FEATURE ACTS, PERFORMERS and all others, WILLIAM KEJ.L9, Dlrertor General. HEADQUARTERS SELLS ■FLOTO BU3INE8S OFFICES, HOTtL GUARDIOLA, CITY OF MEXICO, MEXICO. WANTED, FOR CARROLL COMEDY CO., JUVENILE LEADINO MAN, COMEDIAN W1TU SPECIALTIES, UgAYY MAS, IIOOII ACTOR FOB OENKRAL BUSINESS Hint a good SINGLE VAU- DEVILI.E ACT. Mast Jola at once. Forty weeks work. Name Invent, ray vonr own. Address ION OAKROIJ. Bn.knanaoa, W. Va. Owing to Illness, LYCEUM COMEDY CO. WANTS' QUICK, 1 FIRST CLASS PIANO PLAYEB lady or geni). Can also place annthor good CnararUF-r Ae-ior Willi Specialties. Address AL. 8. EVANS, Coal Creek, Tenn., 2 weeks. A I Soubrette to Feature. Repertoire People of all kinds. W. E. W'Ul.'l /., WailOllUla, Flu. BANKS' IDEAS « ■J A 1 j the lni(>i«l. The brightest ana kfM HA H vaudovllle material e»er pnt up ai ItVI V AlYriUCK, Monologues,sketolies, Parodies, End Gags, Cross Eire (lagging, etc. PKICK, 00c. Mean Nos. c, «. 1, 8, ti.a. Any s books (or II: any -J tor 800. UUS UA.NK8. aw Pine St., Providence, R. I. WAKTBD, Al Pianist, Man with Picture Machine, with about fl thousand roet of Flltba. Doctor ami Denlisl reg. In UllnoH. Oonrt Musical Team change tor week.. H. O, M1ILVEY, YnrHV IIln, In" JUST OUT, 124 PA6E ILLUSTRATED MAGIC CATALOGUE,-2Bc. : Sill'. t'ATAI,.. r,c. Node free. Only X. I'. Agout for MnhntmR. ]0c. W. D. LKliOV. Ml Ciiurt St.. lliwton, Mass.- Mill ueiioi.d: I • I • • "THE RIIINOOHINK IS THE THINCI." TBE (IREAT Jewell Kelley Stock Co. JEWELL KELLEY, - - into prop, and mgr., The Sotith'a Kepreaentative Stock Compabv. Founded upon the rook or confidence and faith. Condurtert upon progressive and advanceo. ideas. Piloted tiy a ampins of brains and endless or capital. Positively piuing to the largest, receipts in the history of Southern repertoire. LOOK! ACTUAL RECEIPTS. Knoxvilie, Ttnc, one week I.' ChattanooRa,Tenn h 4 ulghto 1>4SU0 Lexliigtoa, Ky.,one week l,'£*.2fl. Somerset, Ky., one week l.eioXx) J'aria, Kjf,,one week 1,120.411 oolnmhua, (la., one week 1,484.90 g weeks ie,636.t*j SEASON 1907-08. 3-BI6 SHOWS-3 Herd of Cameia. ho People. 4 carloads scenery. Correspondence now Invited. WANTED, TrVTMBDIATEIiY. A Vaudeville Team, man and woman, wno can plav lenponelblc parta. Frank Thome, write: U- UOOD, STHONG ACTING PPKOPE4E-O A Feature Aot to ctoae abow, not less than u people. Karoi>can Importation preferred. Musi lie new. POH SALE-Ono Small Raft lioat with cabin, suitable for am&il THKATRR'Al, COMPANY EX- CURSIONS. All oonnnimlcatlona to • -) EH ELI. KELLKV, Box i'i.j,, tlonie aildri-Hg, Knoxvilie, Teno. MOVING PICTURE PAPER Write for Sample* and. Prlaca. THE DONALDSON LITHO CO.. 01,188 A PILIS, 15 OBITS FEB R. CLASS B rn.ll, 12 OUTS FEB H. NEWPORT, KY. (INDEPENDENT HOUSE), FORT WAYNE, INDIANA. The nnderalgned la now iiooking for season 'oe- '07. Seating cupaciry, 2,000. For time, wilte or wire. ., JOHJV A. SCOTT. HOW DOES YOTJR CINDY PRIVILEGE PAW THE FAMOUS CRACKER JACK Tacked bo It cannot become unsalable, and our 0 and 10c. package candles will greatly Increase Its valne. Inform 01 where yon hold a oonecaai-^n and we will send samples and prices. RDECKHELM BROS. & ECKSTEIN, 243 80. PDOBIA ST., CHICAGO. GOWNS ^Sf* SLIGHTLY USED. AUo STREET GOWNS. We have on band a large assortment of Bll.htl, worn Evening GownB.Dlnner, ReceptlonandfeaOowni. Taese robe, are perfect In every respect, and are especially Bailable for wear In HIGH CLASS DRA- MATIC productions, we nave a foil Hue or Seal Skin Coats and Fura of all kinds. MRS. n.STAKR, 36? Sontb State St.,CHICAGO WANTI T- At Liberty, lecturer and Office Worker. SoIh.t aud rcllnbli', !'• yeiim' exjierlence. In- quire ticket. Sllnrv or pt>ri:i'ittaRi*. I'rof, MaurlttUB, Oir> W. fit It St.. Clnclnnntl, Ohio. WASTED, FIBST CLASS DBUfflMEE For Grand Opcni Ilmiae, thla oily. Wire or write quirk. A. K. M. prfrenrtL JOliy iii. KUAN, Wilm ington. Del. WANTED, COMEDIAN UP IN MEDICINE BIZ. Must have plenty of Rpeclalilea and put on acta, Man with Picture Machine with pkT.iv or Films. EOYPT1AN RKMKOY CO., Iuy.T-0]!, ilni.. Canada. WANTED, ALL 'ROUND MED, PERFORMERS, Dr. for olllce work. Mint be registered for ill. Kdlaon Picture U. and Kllmx, trade for soft. Top or larg er. K. Y. WRKN, Cajuga , Inil. To Let, for Rehearsals, etc., Handsome HALL Large platform, piano, and every accomodation. PrlvacvafrMured, Ideal location. Moderate charge. Jngnlre 1M BAST a?th BTRKKT. ISKW YORK. fhit 6rand Old Name, That Grand Old Place .1 OEL'8, Kin V.4M St., opp. AmaierdamTheatre. Chile Ci.uCarne. SpagKetll. :. tirades Beat tleer. ! Rcaaouable Prlcefl. 1 REPERTOIRE PEOPLE, ALSO MUSICIANS. SALARY SURE. KO HILLS, CrnlrevmcMlcli. Edwin Barrie Stock Co. WANTS CtHPKSTRR and PROI'EKTV MAN to play Small Par... Muat be mlier and reliable. Remetiiber, we carry a largo iiuamlty of Hpeiial scenery. Work year arooufl. Sure Mlary. stale full par- ticulars oral toiler. miwiN barrie, Onager, Okla . . Sept. 17 J-2; lioncan. Ind.Tcr-.Sepi. 24,3'.; ^. MOVING PICTURE PRINTING. HTENNEGAN ct CO., ClnclunaiL SCOTTVILLE, MICH. WANTED, FIBST CLASS ATTRACTIONS. SEASON NOW OPEN, flood Show Town. Every- body Working. Write For Date. SCUTTVILUO OPFKA MOrSE, W. F.. Blake, Mgr EDISON Films and Projecting Kinetoscopes Eihlbillon Model Klnetoseope, $115,00. Universal Model Kinetoscope, {75.00. AllK THE IIF.( OOM/.KD STASUAUDH THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. OUR LATEST DRAMATIC SUCCESS. THE FIRST AND ONLY IRISH PICTURE, \ KATHLEEN MAVOURNEEN. A Thrilling Irish Melodrama, in Seventeen Scenes. OAST OP CHARACTERS! KATHLEEN KITTY O'HEIL TERENCE O'lIORK, KaOilem-3 iotw WAVLTER ORISWOLL CAPTAIN CLEARFIELD. An IIIMImBW* *<• L. BA8COM DCOAN, rientjielii'f WW Inn Tool W, R. FLOYD DAVID O'CONNOR. BMM Fathtr E. M. LESLIE FATHER O'CABSIDY, Tlie Pariah Frit* "• ?. CLARKE DANNY KELLY, frtMItt 0/ Terenoi Villiii. "JDOVALL KITTY O'LAVKRY, An Odd Irish Chancier JKHIflH CLIFFORD BLACK RODY, The ROOOTr Chief. ~ •••■• O.F. 8EARERT RED BARNEY ) 1 D. R. ALLK* DARBY DOYLE j Of Che Bobber ami } D, J. H.OINNIS DENNIS O'OAFF I IW. P. BORROUOIIS SOLDIERS, CONSTABLES, ROBBERS, PEASANTS, ETC. The In.ult, The Hold Up, Th. Robbara* Cave. Serving the Paper,, The, Kathleen', Home, The Fire . Beautifully Hand Painted), The Ahdnetlon, l..a In th. Robhere* Cave, Tile Drugged Will.key. The Re.cne, The Angelua, Th. Village Dane., The Wedding. Send for llla.trstrd Deaerlptlv. Cireular No. 30>. No. 01166. Cod. VECHTVAAN. Length, 1,000ft. Clsaa A. 11.10.00. AN INSTANTANEOUS SUCCESS. TELLS ITS OWN SSTORY-PLAINER THAN WORDS. RBAL IRISH JIAUNTINC CAR CHAMPION REEL DANCERS Sill TO OTJR PIMKMW ANDTnR PORUG: We take this opiHii-tunltv to heailily tlinnk yon for your Rpneroiia appreeiatloa anil many complimentary notice* and kind exprr-^alnos of our .nimble efforts. EDISON MANT'i, CO. THE LAUGH OF ALL THE LAUGHS, HOW THE OFFICE BOY SAW THE BALL CAME Send for Illnllr.tril DeKrlpUv. Circular No, !1US. No. SS63, Cod. VEADORIA. Length, TSjft. Claa. A. Jl 17.7S. ANOTHER IP.TO.DATE COBEDY HIT. A LAUGHABLE PARODY IN MOTION PICTURES. "WAITING AT THE CHURCH." VESTA VICTORIA'S LATEST AMERICAN AND ENGLISH SON Li SI CC ESS. The Meeting—The Proposal—vision of the Honertm>on-Obadlab.'a Home—Family Objections— "Waiting at tlie Chorch"—"Can't Qet Away to Marry Ton To-Ilay." No. 0303. Code VBCHTPKRK. Lenfth 470ft. Cla.i A. 970.SO. BARGAINS IN FILMS: 077ft.. "The Cruise of the Gladys;" 541ft. "Sir Jones Looking for John Smith;" CSSft., "A'o WeddlDg Hella for Him;" RKfc. "The Miiso.iipradprs;" -iSOfi., "Sklddoo Bros.:" •asrL. "Tlie Night of the Tarty;" r»08ft.. "Anil Her Nam« Was Mnud ;" rt81ft„ "Vllhigp C'oHJ|»:" ttor»ft.. "The SubiKrna Server:" CUttfl.. "Tho I'ayiBRHter." J*. IIF.TZ, Manufacturer of Stereoptirons, JiO-J East 2:id Street, New York, ACROBATS. WANTRD, a good Acrobat who can do good Mund Balancing, lBBtrong and weighing not over 1-toih. No oli]ecllona lo good amateur. Must Join at once. AdiircHM with full nartlcnlarB, llRAHa, care i f OUPPKi;. MUSICIAN With Rinall vlfc to do bo; parta, apcclaltlea. Good. .otierMualctan, alwava. Wloter Keaeoll. QOBBN'S Rlf Van WINKLK CO., Haupeca, Wla. WANTED, Stump Speakers, To addniH evenlog open air roeetlnga on Pure M ljueailon. Mustliave good delivery, ready wit and the nece.nary pcrwnalliy aud resource to hold a crowd. AddreM H, II, K., P. O. Box 7W, New York City, WANTED, m It It. FOR EDYTHE FRANCIS CO. CleverJnvenllo Leading Woman, with speejAH preferred. (Hher Rep. Peopewlth upecli wriie. Salary no object If you can do the Mcib* Palmer, write. 3ETH PKEL, Now FrankU D, Mo. AT LIBEBTT, il ADVANCE AGENT ur good Character Man, can do Rpeclalue*. Newa- paper close cnniractor Miint have ticket. Addre-u LUU1S WRSSRIJIAN, Vevay, Ind. USE A "CROSS" LETTERHEAD AND WORK EVERY WEEK. Free Samples, Contracts, Tickets, Envelope., etc. CROSS KB DEARUORN ST., CHICAGO Ptg. STAQR MOSEY, lac. BOOK "F CUTS, Mo. Attention, Band and Orchestra Leaders! Do you want to Learn to Conipoi. and Arrange Matalcl If BO, Rend He, stamp for trial leaMon. Nothing to pay until you have been taught lesgona l, 2 and a. ir these le&tons do not convince you that itiis Is Strictly Legti- Imnte, then They are Free. Don't write un- less you have a thorough knowledge of the radi- menu of musio, and Mean Bvilaeu. C. \V, WILCOX (Box C), 10 Union 8g« »ro, Wow York C I ty , OUR 1VATBST HEADL.INER, LIFE OF A COWBOY DCJll COWBOYS AND INDIANS nTAI nCHL BRONCHOS - 8TACE COACH ntHL A STIRRING WESTERN DRAMA IN NOTION PICTURES. SYNOPSIS OF SCENES: The "BJg Horn" Saloon—Meeting between Hero and Villain —Entrance of English Tour- ists—Initialing the Tender feet—Collection for Salvation Army Lassie—Arrival-at the Ranch —Cowboy ■porta. Trick Riding, Throwing Lurlat, Wrestling—Departure of Stage Coach:from Itnnch—Atta<* by Indliir.s—.tunning fight (3 scenes)—Couture Stage Coach and Abduction of lilrl—Indians Escaping and Covering Trail—Arrival Wounded Stage Driver'at Hunch— Cowboys In rursult—The Klght—Thrilling Rescue of Girl from Madly Galloping Horse—. Reunion Hero nod Heroine—Death, of Villain. No. 01130. Code VAVASSEl'R. Length, 1,000ft. class A. $130.00 ' SCE1VE SCHELX'S SCENIC STUDIO, ■ COLiaDlR, OHIO. Opera Houses and Road CompaDlea famished complete. Avaline Scenery to carry In trunk. Asbaatoa Caruins. Prompt delivery. Lowest prlcfti. Second Hand Koenary on band. Also good Anlinnl Men. Addresa M. JACKSON. 017 So. Mb St., Camden. N. J. WHAT IS A SHAKE? MANAORRS ABD AGENTS, WRITE, SCENES IN HAWAII KO. Bam. Cod. VBDANTIHAg. L.ngtli. 7T«f«. Clan A. $115.50. IIAWAIIAVg AURIVINO TO ATTEND A "LUAli" OR NATIVE FEABT. TUFT. 1IA«AIIA%S DEPARTING TO ATTEND A "HIAir" OR NATTVB PRAAT. 1U0FT. ?,.1;,','ir : iSV''.'.i:^2l?. < i MSSENOERS. KOHU*, HAWAIL !W T. ABRIVAl. *££El£ff A -TB£ E m WI£ .£ m Si&i "**•". ><»*t- sreahino sheep, SSIL , w , .' A . n R i5' ;,, J..".i.iyM , -„ 9:1,JT ' WASHING SHEEP. IIUIIIU RANCH. I!)JI V, ' !.«iCP - SSSSJ'SSa THHOCOH "CHUTE," HI HIT LA RANCH. "iAK* ' "ACWINO SUGAR CANE, KOHALA PLANTATION, HAWAII, MILD COMPLETE OR IN SEPARATE SCENES. ANOTHER COMEDY HIT THE TERRIBLE KIDS SEND FOR IU,USTI(ATKD HESCltlPTIVK C1IICUI.AR .No. 28a.. / 1 ■ No. >S*5, Cod. VAVLTAGE, LengUi, 000ft- Ala., A. tW.00. OUR LATEST NOVELTY THREE AMERICAN BEAUTIES AMER , lS a 4°oiRl BE .V'' r -. "<>8E dlMolvw into a boat pl.tar. of a bn.tlral i*M I, ,„.. V' , ''''r 1 "' Into an A5IERICAN KLAU waving to th. bre «... Sai«««rt«.^.£!m.l;*.'.. Int °-* ■'*'-'» bacliaramad, tb. .t.ra, aft.r macl. taano.uv.rlng, apelllag tn. word. "GOOD MGHT." HAND COLORED. HAND COLORED. No. 6!I40, Code VAUDEVILLE. L.Bgln 80R. Claa. A. •1T.SO. ".■ml for l.mrai CalalOK. and IUa.lratrd Clrcalara. i EDISON MANUFACTURING CO., MAINOFFICH and EACTOttY.'orlANGB, N. J. x- a- a« alc-BKo Offlc, :tt!4 Waba.h Avenur OFFH-TToR u\'!T|5?>KivrYS. , «" ^°r!i r AW^...J.''' , ' , ' Addres.. Zymotic, Hew lalt. „„ inin.i a .,.« .£8P£,v8! Cr.KllKENWKLI. ROAD, IXIN'LKJN. E. CM KNOLAND. * rtrEB BaCJUALUPI, HOT Fillmore St. San MM «••'•