The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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September 22, '■\.v;.."'llt'VBEiB. ■ 'A.ben*«ace.«BDf-]Q ■ great'big tretv My, 'twaa a beautiful lay-;' A. gay young ostrich passing by said ■ • ,T tSga'DiuBt Ik high to-day. ,r An early worm then sat right up , And said the mill won't grind ' 1Mb* stable's locked, a rolling stone 11 think I'm gone, don't-mind) lllog for the foolish cart.' - Oh. finish ' Don't you hear the turtle dotes The cows In the alley go Moo! Moot Moo! And I'll meet her at the fountain, >*ear the brookilde by the lake. Hark ! The merry Gekwar sounds his horn! 1st CHORUS. Oh ! I.wlab, that I was married, Dollar down and two a week. Old Mck Carter started llb'ries, Carnegie'and he don't speak. ]fan orange was a lemon, tell me why peart can t elope. if you'eat your meat In-cans Y6u k wlll ha« to change your plans, 'Cause you never can tell by the label. the iktew yobk c^ppeb: 821 2d VBBSB.- * * I he minstrel boy then spoke right-up, £h! 'twas a stormy night; Jo Oil with cheer he pass'd the cud. There wasn't a cent In sight. The- driver said "It must be done, ro-nlght we meet the foe." •lust then an onion shed real tears (Don't worry, I'll toon go); Ualter bring me a padded celll Don t carry water fi» a sieve, I hear a bump when Niagara Palls: But.Id rather be a pickle of the "flftyeeven kinds: * ™J SF y° u B et fro" 1 eating shredded *«..". , i\ M CHORUS. Oh I I wish I was born wealthy j Its the only way to live. If. you get Into the wrong flat, Some good advice I'll give. If a long lane bos no ending, (an two horses carry tales} rho thv outside may be tine what's within may he a shine. 'Cause you never can tell vy the label Oh!,J lure a million dollars stowed away in twenty MkaW^K And-1 m watched by ten detective*, on accou it of. all the. cmaftf; own three Atlantic Oceana. J." P. Morgan 1* idt cook. If I could only find the bar where I bought that last cigar, But you never can tell by the label Oh, I met a girl last Summer, while swimming in the nark. She certainly loked a hummer, although (be night was dark, The day for me. hereafter, I married ner, yon see. irom tbe, outside she looked good, but her limbs were made of wood. So you never can tell by the label. A lady leaves the counter within a dry goods store. Shea snopi>ed since early mowing dnn'r'-.- any more, One packsge that she carries Just reads H-0 R-K. Mill you wonder no one knows If It's tor garden or the toes. Cause you never can tell by the label. EXTRA CHORUSES. ' ' My wife I was sore on drinking so she called the doctor In, I To cure me of the habit, he said It was a sin. . ' the medicine he ordered,, marked) poison, so It read, , I dumped the drug, I couldn't lose, and had the buttle filled with booifi £o she never could tell by the label. You go to get your dinner, you.order up the meat, You think the place n winner, at least that's how you feel. You call for sonic ennned chicken, the outside looks Immense, Hut you find, hi ynur surprise, nwty nails, and hooks and eyes, So you never can tell by the label. Copvrif tried, loon, by F. D. Unvllsnd Pub, Co. A Pub. by F. B. HAVIIAND PUB. CO., 125 West 37th Street, cor. Broadway, New York. lVo Biraiaolxeai Anywheres , '/ GOLDEN GATE GLEANINGS. Bohemian Trio. Majestic Chicago, 17-22, Boyd Turkey, Olympic, So. Betid. ML 17-22: Grand. Milwaukee, Wis., 24-20. Boranl A- Nevaro. Proctor's' 12.Vh St.. NYC -17-23; Proctor': 23d St. 24-20. Phlla.. 17-22. Special Dlspvtch to The Nkw Yobk Clippkk. Sin tfavCisco, Sept. 18.—At tbe Dins Theatre, yesterday marked- tbe beginning of BouMeo Ada. Brjdenbnrgfa.. , the second-week of "Holty Tolty," by Hsrry Bottomley Troupe Kalr, Wtllhnsntle conn it James' Travestv Stars. ■ Island Park. F.istnu, IV, 24-29. •Central.— This Is the second week of Kolb t^SL' SaIU *' Schaeffer> Uardeo, Colombo*, o. and Dill, In "Lonesome Town." „ ■ y 22 - OmSQal (At the Chutes).—Opening Bun- SSSTaa^ -day (matinee), 16: The Ariboa, Flske and Br ^ ht Bw McDr - " McMu Chapel N. V.. 17-22; Mohawk, Hchenectatly, 2I-2U. Gladstone Ulster*. 1,'iiUpie. Akron. O., 17-22. Hoitlnb. Mr. * Mr*.. Kmplre. Oklahoma, Okla.. 17-R; t't-rollv, K. Ht. l«itK III.. 34-211. Gofortb it Doyle Caaluo, Pblla.. 17-22; Bijou,' II'aillnH. 21-311 UonVitt, (Itirr, Proctor'* 23d St.. S. Y. C, 17- Pfc g—JW> •■'"K- !»-«»: Gaiety. the" Orpheum motion pictures. Uaimefflle RomePst. .This liM la nutde «p as ■eua>rlr «e- earatc mm it la poaalble to make * list ■ of vaudeville bookings, To ln»are ln- ■ ertlou In thla department the name of the theatre or p»rk, si we|| si the MM Quartette, llth St., N. Y. C. 17-22- West Bud. N. Y. C. M« Bninln*. Us, H-ttbsway'a, New Bedford, Ma*-., Brlttoos, Tlie. Saalban Mannheim, Ger., 17-30; Bmplrc. Ijouilon, Kng., Oct. 1-31. Bnutti. Stlnia. I'oll'n, Worcester, Maw., 17-22; Jrcnt. Trenton. N. J., 24-20. - Bradfonls, " Df Blaker'H Do|>. Kcaillna. pa., IT 22. Detmo. Otiihtum. Sprlti)dklil, «).. 17-22. I* Camo, CtiSf., A Dog. Jeffere, Manlnaw. Ulrb., De Varo A Curti*. Gram). Vaueoufcr. Oaak, 17-22- Dcrrla. Mm% T.. Yalw'. Ksomk l .ty. Mo.. 17-22; Crystal. Ht. Jaaenh. 24-20. .•™n»n, n nww ■ *■"« hd o. i. \i. t Be Fay * Milter. Parodlw Park. N. V. C, 17-22. Goldrn A Utigbea, Urer Brook, MllConl. M DRIcedere. Canuellta. Kuplrr, Albany, N. X., 17- 22. 22. . -frnmU m Hiiratt. Ondteum, nkln.. 17-22. De Hollla k Valora, Academy of Music, Pall Goldimlth A )Iot>)K- Auditorium, l.ynn. Msmb.. 17- Rlver. Maa*.. 17-22. <Ti: Hathawnj h biwrll 21-20. Dhon Brox.. Ornanm. l.o* Aoaeles. Cal.. 17-26. Got'lnitna. Miwlral. Illfon. Jnckmn, Midi.. 17-22; nierlrkx. Bra... Arcade. Toletlo. O.. 17-22. Bljon. I'llut. 24-2U. Diamond k Smtlh. Howard. 17-22; Colonial, Law- Oolrtcii Djrothr, Vounn'a Pier. Atlantic City. N. reace. 24-20. ••>•. 17-22. Dlanwod. I*w K. Bijou. Jaekson. Nidi.. 17-32. Gray. StHIa, Dewey, irttcs. N. Y. Downey ft Wlllard. IHJou. Jacksou. Midi.. 17-22; BUou. Battle Creek. 24-20., Donald*. Tbe. Sim'*, Buffalo. 17-22. Doyle & Urmifer, Urpbeum, Weblt City, Uo.. li- ra. - Dorxcb ft nunwell. Kcllb'a. Jerser City, R. J., 17- ■22: Proctnr'x, Albany. N*. Y.. 24-20. •*Zd *V> ■ u*iS ' *^ '"-WW W*~ m T"* ••!«■»«i mills «t Diunu, i\ei.HB, n SMj* f foiwo, MUST accompaay Caulk Brook*. Jeanne. Main St.. l'eorla m .Bfown ft Dtlnre^ pnii'a, Watertmry. Oonn., 17-22 Brown. Htrrls ft Brown, KeP:ii's, Boston, 17-22. lug aent na AbDulIab Bros.', H ft B.. Bkln.. 17-22. Acker ft-Collius, Younsvtown, O.. 17-22;- CleTe- / Isnd. .24-20. Artier Trio.- Howani, Boftou. 17-22. ... III.. 17-22; jGaletr. Gfllesborr,- 24-2C. - Bruce. Bertlua, ft Co., Empire. PatersoD, N. J.. "; 17-22. fnrkea. The, Proctor's. Newark. X. J., 17-22. urton A Brooks, Orpheum. Minneapolis, Ulna., '17-22; Orjilwiim. Omaba, Neb.. 24-20. Burxoyne, Harry, Cliane's, Waablngtou. D. C.; 17- Byron ft Blaneli, Orplieum, Newark. O.. 17-22. Byron ft Lanplon. I'oll'n. Worcester, Mass., 17- -•»•>■ II. II-., t|-_t__l..._> !-■-«.. lit AA • , Mich., 17-22: Larking. .f Adams ft Drew, .poll's. Hertford, Conn., 17-22; -*'™? ,*,.'* m PH" l'»H "• Worcwter, Masa., 17- 1 '-rotl's.-Snrlnzfkld Maw.,'24-20: ~^ > ' »; Poll s, Waterlsiry. Conn.. 24-20. * Adstui Musical, Weovt'p. Pcqrla, -111., 17-22* ■ Carl in A Otto 0.-pl»eum, Ownha, Neb., 17-22; Or- .'■Oaiety. Tta7l7lll| 24-20. "■» ." "J.P k * on Jj ■» -."'!■■■!■ !<■- •"•*■■■ nl ft Taylor, Orpheum; Sew Orleans, La., -VS** ■"»••• ^hutF"- 2; Orpbeum. Los AmjeteaiXaL-. *M-20- - - c flrD e H* fl Jl ' red| ft Barter, Bijou. nmalia.'Neb., 17-22; Fam- r.L^l'J*? _ .. . Slow .City. la., 24-29. -■ ; : ^«° * gj **** C Tly, ille Tenn.. 17-32. Broadway, Mfildleiown, 0., atersou. _ .._, Crystal. Detroit. Mlcb., 17-22. • 17.22---(^TriBgtoo'a Circus. Brailenuuriti'-t, Pblla.. 17-22: "fflVsi'itsiiii w-u.:-"^•:•-.. - . *. ;«■«»"• (ft fSS W"i 17 ;^ » . SEUhg r-oe. Atlantic (;ardeu. X X-C, 17:»2. . « ft Biker, Trenton, N. J...IffBj Pat A1II«oit. Mr. A Mrs., Procfor's, Newark, s: /.,.. ':„ 3SS _„ „ . „ : „■ --_ *• 17t"2' • ' ■■ - *;-Caileton. Tom. Manhattan. >orfolk. Va.. 17-22. Aline, Mil--., Indhnola Park,:Columbua. O.. wi'H 7 C i7 r . kf ' Hi /"t art * t ' .S l ? lc v* 0, 17 « 22, , ■ AJphs'Trio. Colonial, Uwretrct. Mbbs.. 17-22. CMrdotraleSNten-. Orpheum. Allentowp. Ps., 1 ^Soffa. The. HlmKxlrom.*. N. T. C- I7-22." ■ .xj^l BMM, i!i J 5S Tii^ii.^ »t™t-,_i- jL n -.oti. u» ■ v v- ,-> itm ,C«l!ahans, Tlie. tnlq Ckpipbelt, H. B., ITnlyne. Akron. <»., 17-22. Mmc, Camel, Hippodrome 'K. T. c, Alfb>a"twins. Poll*". Snrlncfleia. Mass.. 17-52. Atbiir.iis ft-Mllljr. Empire Trtvr Kng., 17-Oct. ;il. Atpo ft Vatiiterfo.i, Grnnit. Jollet.' 111..- 17-22. .Albas Great., Gaiety. Bkln.. N. Y., 17-22. rAlbeue ft La Brant Bijou, Bay City" Mich 1 ., 17-22; ifmal. Waaaayofj WTO' * t., 7*J. Amrrlctis Cflme-tr Four, .MohkwkvlScljenectayy. N. ' rT..t 17-22; Hsthawjy'K, 'Sew; Bedford, »Ma*a.. *' 24-20.- -..,-.*■ Anarrlcau' 'Newsboys' Qnnrtefte. Bijou. Memphis, lynn., 17-22; Bijou. Nashville, 24-20. AftteM A Kcatlicn, Bijou. 'Decatiir, III.,- 17-22; ■ Gaiety. SnrlngUclil. 24-20., . , "*■-^> Antrim ft Peters. O. O. II.. Grand RaDlds, Mich., .2 0PW Tt"» , «. Ft: Wayne. Ittd... 24-20." 'Anderson & Go'uea. HUford, Maes., 17-22. Atiocniou ft. Kane, Acme. Norfolk. Vs.. 17-22. rt.iivt; ft I'etrne, Bijou, Norfolk, Va., 17-22. Arlington Comedy Four, Proctor's, Newark, N. J., -~17t22; PfocorV. .Albany. N. Y.. 24-20.-' 'Arnsberg & More tie, Trnymorej Balto., 17-22. Artols roar. K. ft P. 23d St., N. Y. C, 17-22. Arrlrer.'A Crocker, K. ft P. Colon 8q., N. JT. C, -17-82; K. ft P. 23d St.. 24-20. Armontr. Grace. Star. Mollnc, III.. 17-22. .Arlbos.. The,.ChnicB. S«i Fran.. Cal.; 1J-22. At-hton ft Karle. Dreuro City, ritl-ltirt,*, Pa., 17-22. Aihtonft.Martlw, Gran Vorledadcs, ilarana, Cuba, ■sit**., '"* l !? r i« wW*-. rAWfiy, I'tlea. N. Y., 17-22. Mai * Clarke. Huber'a, N. Y. C, 17-22; How- . an). Boston. 24-20. Carter A Water* Co., Trent. Trenton. N. J.. 17-22. Cirleton A Terre, Gayety. St.,'. Louis, 17-22; 'Trccflttero, Cbicufo. 24-29. Carlisle's Pt-gs. ColumbU. Cincinnati, 17-22; .■Hopkins'. r»tiI*Tille. Ky„ 24-20. Caron A Herbert. Columbia, St. ■ Loots, 17-22; .Olympic. Chicago. 24-20. Caron A Farnuai. On»lieuai. L'tlca. N.,Y.. 17-22. Careon ft Wlllard, Hopkins', Memphis, Teon., 17- .22: Wajana'aa Chicago. 24-20.' Canton. AL. Fair. Mulone. N. V.. 17-22. Cliaiham SlNters, BIJon, Fond dii-Lac, Wis., 17-22. Chlldera, Grace. Empire. Patersou. N. J., 17-22. CArlstonher, Chrln„ Orpheum, Limn, 0.. 17-22; ' i Grand, Dayton, 24-20. Cherry ft Bates. Keith'*. Providence, 17-22. ClirWopuer, Grand, Flndlay, O.,- 17-22. Cblnko ft Minnie Kanrutsu, Chutes, San Frao., ■•17-22. . ^ ■ Chlnqullla. Prlnceiw. Unloue. Akrou. O.. 17-22. (Itesler. Mile.. Ktaplre. Holmken. N. J.. 17-22. Charalon. Jeffers. Saginaw, Mlcb., 17-22. Clark, Geoiglna, Lyric, Cleveland. 17-22. Clifford A Ortb. Novelty. Sun Fran.. Cal.. 17-22. Clstk. Harry Coison. Poll's. Springfield, Mass., ■ 17-22; Poll's. Worcester. 24-20. ClInTonl A Burke. G. 0. H., Pittsburg. 17-22. Clark A Fleuretr? Shea'*. Toronto. 17-22. Ctacbe ft Florette Proctor's. Albauy. N. Y;. 17-22. dav, George, Bijou. Lincoln, Neb., 17-20. _ .17-82. • Grant A Hoag. K. ft 1>. .'>Mtli St., N. V.'C. 17-22. - dreen Sisters, Howard. Boston, 17-22. ' Green Bros.. Womlcrlaiid Park, Milwaukee, 'Wl«„ 17-12. Crccvry'H Pantomlwe Cu., Innian's, Coney Island, N. Y., 1720. (tray, K«l.. K. A P. I'nluu Suuare, N. Y. C, 17- 22. tlraut. Mn.r- I^well. Mass.. 17-22. tiityer A O'Neill. Colunitila. Cincinnati. 17-22. ' Hayes. Tnnimy. (i. O. 11.. Syracuse, N. Y.. 17- ' 22; O. O. H., Pittsburg. 34-20. Ilallen ft Fuller, Alhamnra. N, I. C. 17-22. : Harris, Ctiarlle, Ilstbaway's, Lowell, Mass., 17- 22. llalun. Lola. Womk>rltnid, Revere, Mass., 17-20. Uaydeu, Freil. Crystal. Goslieu, 1ml., 17-T2; Crrsial, Anderson, 24-2(1. , Hamilton A Brooks, Island Park, Kastou, I'n.', 17-22. Harrison, Minnie, Mohawk. Schenectady, N. Y., 17-22. IlarrlK-Itennretisnlc Co.. Orpheum, Itockfurd, III., 17-22. IlBWthorhc ft Hurt. Keith's. CtcvclHinl, 17-22. llawley. K. Fred, ft Co., Jeffers, Saginaw, Mich., • . .17-22. Hays, Ktl. C. Onmlnra. I', <).. 17-22; Or ■ plilum. Pnrtsmnutli. 24-20. Uarrlson,' I*e. Majestic, Cblcngo. 17-22; Keith's, - Cleveland, 21-20. Harlwch A Harris, Star, Richmond, Vs., 17-22; Star, Muiit-lc, luil.. 24-20. Hais?y. Kill I It ft Ls# Jr.. CrtataA, Frankfort. Ind., 17-22: Crystal. KIwuoil, 24-20. Unysranl. C»un»y ft llaywnnl. BIJuu. Kvntisvlllc, - l:i-t.. 17-22; Hfipklux, I^ulsvllle, Ky., 24-20. Ilitwklns, Lew Amide. Toletlo, 17-22. Haley ft llarty. Crystnl. Marlon, ItnL. 17-22. . Hartflti'S'nnllet. Keith's, Boston. 17-22. j Hanson A Harris, HI|>i*Mln>me. N. V. C., 17-22. - Harringtons, Tlie, Family, Piiterson, N. J., 17-22. »-«*»»* *'- wfib sss &a o n .-ii 7 2?- »2«?^ Phlli., 1T-22: Empire, gg iSis^S^^^;"? #^SjS^ City, M.C,;;i7.22; . CoJamJ- ^.fcfiittJftfc *' J " Batds .Four, 0. O. H., ImliauaimllH. 17-22, alley * AiiHtln Proctor's, Albany.- N. Y.. 17-22. itey. ft Fietcli.-r, Poll's, Bridgeport, Conu., 17- Bsrry & Parry. Bijou. Norfolk. Va.. 17-22. Bsrunlo.ft Dins, Orpheum. Utlca. N. .Y., 17-22. JUfPbW -A-Ilowanl.■ Co!timhta. Cincinnati, 17-22. BA»rett'Sl£bBH,-3aIao„ 17-22; Colonial, N^Y. C, 17-22; £ 34-20., BfltCS' L ■rTrysta.. _,.... taJret'La Veils Trio. Fair. Vlroqua, Wis., 17-22; f/ool'h Stevens, Orplieum, b«l». Rlchlaud Center, £4-20. - - J Contlno A Lawrence, Ob/niplc. So. ■ Bend e Mi Crystal. -Pueblo,! CoL, Trlnhlml. 24-20. J GarrieM FamlbT. N- V. C:, 17-22. ; WnnlHI, Cincinnati, SrMlnjrom The. KHnilly. Patersou. N. J.. 1T-22. Bjjforif Al O.ft Masle. Dewey, Utlca, N. Y., 17- Barry A -llaUei-s Keith's. Phllai. 17^22. . Barlow.ft. Nicholson, Bradeiihurgh's, Phlla.,-17-22. M A Edwlni, Orpheum, Chllllcotbe, O., 17- Partell ft' Bfiter A-i— Barnes. Stuart, Urpheuin Bkln., 17-22. JUrtHoldl'fl t.Tock.Uoo^, Keith's, Boston, 17-22; T - K. A P. I'Mkn Hq- N. Y. C. 24-20. ^HriLet A l^yina. Lyric. San.Fran., Cal., 17-22; Bon Ton, Salt Lake, DU 24-29. . m „_ „ Hslsers. Tlw. Cordc's. Rochester, N. Y.. 17-22; G. O. II.. Plttsbur.;. Pa.. 24-20. BflStfl, Nora, Keith's, Eostou. 17-22. Be.ver. Be-i, Orpheum, Rending. Pa.. 17-22. Beftinl.-D-maf, nn'J Dog. Mohawk. Schenectady. N. ,Y,."17-22; Orj»beum. L'tlrt..24-20. Ber'anc's' Circus, Keith's. Providence. 17-22. Berry A, Bern-. Lyric. Trrre Haute. Iod.. 17-22; Main HL penrla. III. 24-20. Bait-Trio Singers.. Jeffers. Ssgluiw. 'Midi., li- V23J Arcade.-Toledo, 24-20. - _ '•■ Rell Bo^s' Trio. Bijou. Dutnique. la., 17-2-'. gesay. Claire, Keith's. Phlla.. 17-22. "TO rlIri'i IrfiBi 24-2». Bftllter & HtplL., G.m, l-rnn/ Mmkh.. 1T-22. . WnlUu i Bcniler. Ilnr. Lynn. Iln. l'- 2 ?^. KernkT 4 M»,cot, Cry.1.1. MIlw-BUkw, 17-22. -aBSW^WKfte. * Co.. K. 4 P- Unloo gquaTC. ilntollln' Arab.'-ls'l. ColnniM,. ClnelniuU. »•»• • Wlclajre Bro... K.qillj. DnTtniwrt, 1... - 17-J2, -C.lumelv So. Clili'alto. 24-20. „ ^ fleiwr Bru-.. MafcSlill G.liiwt.llle. Tex.. 17-22. 8..noli-&Mlll.r. Empire, r.terwo. ^ J.. 17-22; T F.mplre. Hobotoi. 24-21). _ m B.lforl. ■ Mnr. K. A r. Union Sqiwre. N. Y. C r . :17-"22. Plimr & Crratat. Clroll. Mlcb., 17- Dlll/Blcjdc, Kon((crl«ml P>rt. Mll«.iitre. WU-. Bi.oii^c'lt, Trio. Toleilii. O.. 17-22: Crr,- ■ t«t. Klklinil. Iml.. 24-20. • ~, .i,. BlnOl. Bomni. B-r-rr, ll«jni«rk.I..Chli:«ro. 17-i2. ai.r. MIlw.ukM. .IK 17- -TlJ 1 Dtw.1-. 81. l'.nl. MlMi.. 24-20. BUncb.rq. Elanmr.-H.. O.. H.. PHUbotll. 17-22! Emjilr*. f.ter^on. N. J.. 24-20. guru*. Kt«. Ctr«t«l. Detroit. 17-22. K * JlcSnlty. Topk. Bllllnsi.. Mont- i,'' 2 "- Blimphln Se Helir. Ht.r. Atr.nt«. «... 17-22. B1»fk HilMur., Kpltli - ". I'hll... 17-22: Trenloo. "N. J.. 14-20. Mlrt * Jon*". Orpbenm. Bo«lon. 1. -22. RUck * l^elle. I.rrle. iMK .1. T.. 1.-22: Df«»» ; J.rrle. J>t. Smllh. Ark.. .24-21). ..... • .. ■BoT4ewrtT.'-0«loti:- Col.. Proctor'.. Albany. N. ' \7. 17-22. I'-OOlh. Mule. t>ew.y. I'llc. 17 22. Brtr T#it:B.. Kniplre, Job.nne.bor,, 8. A.. 17-20, - :jTltoll,. Cue Tom.. >■,». .MS, _^,_ ,. Soirm. Walter. A Crooker llow.rd, Bo^lon, 17- .WiSilotHwk, ScdnKtUoy, N. I., 81-W- S. ■-■ :.:■'. . Cogswells, 'Cycling. Touring Mexico.. Con * Conrad K. ft P. 23d 8L. N. Y. C. 17-22. llowper. Jennie, Newport It. I., 17-22. Cook. Frank. A. \ K., Boston. 17-22. Colbr Family. Orpheum, floston, 17.-22: Albaugb, ' Bslto., Md., 24-20. . mm <."olh«ni A (Jrenaclie, Syracuse. N. Y.. 17-22. Cole ft Clemens, WwatN. Peorls, 111.. 17-22. Conroy. John ft Mamie. Bijou, Wlieellos, W. Va., .17-22: Orpheum. Lima, O., 24-2ff. Conlon ft Hastings. Harden, BulTalo, N. Y.. 17- 12: Crystal, Detroit. Mich.. 24-20. __ - . . - Bkln., 17-22. •plr. So. Bend. Ind., 17-22: tirantl. Milwaukee, Wla.. 34-20. QasjIaW Kuse, ftCo.,-0.0. II., lndlana|s>Ils, 17- Cower ft Robinson, K. ft P. GStli St., N. Y. C, "•>»• mi . Cotton's Comedy Donkeys, Araiory. Blnihaiutnii. N T.. 17-22; Orpheum. Allentown. Pa... 24-20. Cretsr ft Payne. Kellh's, Boston. 17-20. _ .22. Don.- Kmma. Month ft Royal. Kng.. 17-22: Hal- , .bam, London. 24-20: Kmp., Islinaton. Oct. 1-0; . .GratHl. Claiiham. 8-13. Donnslly ft west, Jacksou, . .24.-20. 1 Doncrty Sisters K. ft P. 2-1-1 St., N. Y. C. 17-22. Drew, Dorolhy. Erap.,, Ko*.. 17-22: Hipp.. Hull. 24-20: Emm. Olamcow. Heot., Oct. 1-fl; Hipp. B.ljriiton. Kmt. g-13. t . -rrmlrpv. Cheslyh ft Burns, Kellh's, Boston. 17-22. DnBols, Great, Tamlly. Plttston. Pa.. 24-20. Duncan. A. O., Young's Pier, Atlantic City, N. J..-17-22. Dupont. Mary, ft Co., Proctor's, Albany, N. Y., ■ ir-aa. ■ Pliraiid Trio. Keith's. Providence, 17-22. Dllrla. Hnwanl, Bo«ton. 17-22. Far). Howard ft Harl. Acme. Norfolk, Va., 17-22. EarL Vlremla. Orpheum. Boston. 17-22. Hirlr ft Bartler:, Dorte. Yonkers. N. Y.. 17-22, Knert, Fran*, Kmplre. Patersou. N. J.. 17-22. Eckhnfl ft finnVn. Colurobin. Cincinnati. 17-22. - Klmunds Sl-ler-, Kokomo, Ind., 17-22; Frankfort, 24-20. „•• - Ellnorr Sisters. Keith's. ProThleuce. R. I.. 17-22; . Keith's, i.viiu. Mass.. 24-20. FJton Wsm. Keith's. ' Clevelanil. 17-22; Shea's, ' IlitP/aln. 24-20. FJlLotr Ho l.nlr ft KIMolt. BIJon, Dnnuque. Is., . ..17-22; People'*. Otar llaplds. 24 20. KIHs-Xowlan Trio Poll's Bridgeport, Conn., 17-22i F4ftora, Atlantic Garden. N. Y. City, N. Y. C. 17- -22. Hinrrson ft Baldwin, Proctor's. Troy, N. Y., 17-22,, KmBier - : F.ugeue, Klelne's Park. West)iort, Md., 17- ,' 22; .Tmymore, Balto.. 24-20. Kmmelt. Frank. Audilorlnm. Norfolk. Va., 17-22. Fmrw-ors ..f Mitslc Ml. Ma.te*tb-. Dallas, Tex., 17-22: Majestic, Houston. 24-20. ■Empire t'liv Quartette Columbia. Clnclnnall. 24-20. Fmplre Comedy Four. K. ft P. r>8th Ht.. N. Y. C, 317-22; Poll's VToreester, Mass.. 24-20. _K*meraIUa." Jeffers. "SsKliiaw, Mich.. 17-22. Fthsrdo, Naomi. Hippodrome. N. Y. C 17-22. Kvan*. Chas. E., ft Co.. Shea's, Toronto, Can., 17-22. Ever*. Oeo. W., Oalety, Gslesbunr. III., 17-22; Osrrlck. Burllnatoo. la.. 24-20. Keans, (leorse. Keith's, Phlla.. 17-22. Ricels. Mile.. Star, Peoria, III., 17-22; Family, Dsven]>ort. Is.. 24-20. Fadette Orchestrn. K. ft P. XM St., N. Y. C, 17-' • 22. Farhlo, Adonl*. Bon Ton. Owlet.. IT.. 17-22. l-'amuni, Bud, Trio, Lyric. Cletelaml. 17-22. -' Farrell ft l# Roy. A. ft H.. Boston. 17-22. Fantette Slaters ft Nelson. Hewlrraoa's, Coney Island. N. Y.. 17-22. ■ *•*•£'!7-22; O-ynipk-, RwltM. 24-20, Farrell-Tiirlor Trio. Kmplre. Albany, X. Y.. 17-22. Hetirtoy ft Oralmin. Ntishrille, Tenn., 17-22; Femande Mav Duo. BIJon. Decatur. 111.. 17-22. ■ * "^Oilumlma. O., 24-20. Ferttiison-Daprce Co., Orphlum, nprlngneld, 0., *V*Ury * Yiiiiiik- "- O. II.. I'ltt-lsirit. 17-22. 17-22. Betwood, Great, Lakealile Park, Daylmi, O., 17- Ferenson A Mack, Auditorium. Lynn, Mssn., 17- "-22. 22: Fall Hirer, 24-2B., Tom. Olymida, Paris, I-'r., 17-rtO; Central, Fields ft Hanson. Howard. Boston. 17-22. - 1 "7'"Dresden, Her., Ilwt. 1-iHl. Fruiter, Mr. ft Mrs. Perkins, pastor's, N. Y. 0..'Itlerrmaitn (Ireat, Keeney'K, Bkln., 17-22. 17.22. "'•''ltenmiMs, The, UrtV. Cleveland, 17-22. FUke ft McDononirb, Orpheum, Han Fran., Cal.J ' fMnanl. Braden'mrj.h's. Phlla., 17-22. 17-22: Ontbetiin. Los Antreles. 24-20. ' "Herbert's Dttsw, Victoria, N. Y. C.. 17-22. FIts'-Qerald ft Ollduy. Proctor's, Troy, N. Y., 17-" "llf+hert, Mons., Ilopkliis'. Memphis, Tenu., 17-22; 22: K. ft P. nth Are.. N. V. 0.. 24-20. ' ■ -'"HopkltiV I/iiilsvllle, Ky.. 24-20. Flrat, Barney, Trocaiiero, Phlla., 17-22; Dewey, ! '«*wlettes. The. Alcasar. Denver, dri.. 17-20. ■ NY C 24-2B ' IBdslna A Howl flrtiiid. llnmllUrii, O.. 17-22; Phll- Fltt-Gerald A Roma, Hemlerson'B, Coney Island.- ^jjS*- RWiiwmbI, Ind.. 24-20. -N Y 17-22 HV'- 'lurry K-. tWitnthh, Ht. Louis, 17-22; Olym- Plnlay k Burke. Howard, Boston, 17 22. ' \,$'-, a &;? il ''- '{*'*"■ .„ ,. v ,,„., Fisher ft Johnaoo. WomlerlaiKl Park, Imllanap- 'HOI" ft Wilson. Kmplre. AllMny. N. Y„ 17-22. oils 17-22 i 'Wines, Bll'y, Klectrlc I'srk, Ksnsas City, Mo., 17- Flatiaitan ft tVt., t.'olnmbla. Cincinnati. 17-22. " *£■**• .,„.,' -, ... ,_ .„, Flenieii * Miller. Grand. Milwaukee. Wis., 17-22.. rnliwiaa. Cant. Hlilney. Htar, Aurora, III., 17-22; Fhpod Sisters. Fair. Wtmlstnek. Conn.. 17-22. V^A™. 1 " 1 ' *»*•« **«*. . „. Foster. Harry. Boston. Fall Iliver. Mass.. 17 22. TlS^hraiit, Mm, I-o»* Anaeles. CM.. 17-20. Haw ley ft Olcitt, Empire, Hotsiken, N. J., 17-1 Hssson, Hie Ben, Temple. Detroit, 17-22. Hsvmnn ft Krankllu. Tlv.. Dublin. Ire.. 1722: 1 •■•Pal., Wolverhampton, 24-20; Canterbury, l-oii- ': rtoo. Oer. I-U:-Ilnriiard's. Clintham, 8-11. Harria. Marie. Dewey. Utlca., N. Y.. 17-22. Hsrt A Dvuuette, BradetilmrKh's, Phlla.. 17-22. llnrrey ft De Von Acme, Hacramenlo, CnL, 17-22; -.Psrk, Fnttno, 24-20. Hamilton .V Wllpy. Kinplre SprlnnAfhl. 111.. 17-29. Hart A IK'wette Bradcnhurgb's, Phlln.. 17-22. H.H.-ii-.v A Hayne* Lyric. Onlens, III., 17-22; Ly- ■rlc. Pardons, Kan.. 24-20. Harroorf Frank.' (Irernwnld's New Orleans, La,, ■'•17-22. Ramiurt. Dulsy, Oothstn, nkln,. 24-20. HanMoi A Nelson. (Mrmplc. Chlcflfo. 17-22 ; (.run I. - '-Indianapolis, 21-20- Hs'rrlnnton. Dmitri J., Woolworth's, Lancaster. 'Ps.. 17-W; Paitor's. N. Y. C. 24-20. Hewininn, Adelaide. Columbia. Clncluiiall, 17-22. Hehert ft lU.sers, Mnnnlon's Park, Bt. I^iuls, 17- '":«. Hesnltivs U"v\-. A llcnuburs, Columbia, Ht. Louis, Foster, Harry Ford Slaters 1 0. C 17-22. Fords (2). Acme. Norfolk. Vs.. 17-22. Foi. Will H., Gaiety. Galeslnirc. 111.. 17-22! Majestic, Hirmlnglism. Ala.. 24-20. Fortrsi'iic. Oen. K., Alhsrahra, N. Y. C, Vm, Delia. Areade, Toledo. (>.. 17-22. Forrest*. Musical, Orpheum, Kansas City, 17-22. Johns. Johnny, Temple. Detroit, 17-22. Jiiih-v A llHVHiinsl,' I liunN, Madison. Wis,. 17-22. .fiipl'tiT Ill-ox.. Irorl'''. Yonkers, N. Y., 17-22; Au- dilurluiu. I,vim. Mass.. 24-20. Ki:ih Pros., BIJuu. Kvansvllle. Ind. 17-22. Ksluto. C!ihs. ft Ada, Grand, Clreo ltell,|Mealm. Kaninis, J. F., ,MkntowH. Pa.. 17-22; Treuum, N. J„ 24-20. v - Kaufman Sifters, Auditorium. Lynn, Masa., 1722. Koufionn Tmit|ie, Cohnuliln St. Luuls, 17-22; 0. n. 11, IndliimiDPlls, 24-20. Ksrint's Ptintotnlnie Co., Alhambrs, N. Y. C.,- 17- 22; Novelty, nkln-. 24-20. Kelcy. Mr A aim Alfred, (l.O. II.. Orand llap- lds. Midi., 24-20. Kimc. Joe, Atulllorliim, Lyuii. Msss., 17-22. Keuna, t^isrlt*. II. A B. Bkln., 17-22. Krnuey ft llollls, Howani. Boston, 17-22; K. A I', rnhm Hu-, h. Y. t.'., 24-20. Krone, tmgmVmm 'OnMiliUn, Mansfield. 0.. 17-22; IHJ..11. Wheelllit. W. Vs., 24-20. Kelly A Ken*. Ortdieum, Kansas Clly. Mo., 17-22; Orpheuin, New tirlesns, r^t., 24-20. Kelly. Walter C (!ulmilal, N. Y. C. 17-22. Kelly A Itciio, Orpheum. M'tlrH. N: Y.; .17-22. Kelly A Ketsy, Hheeliy'a, tllena Falls, N. Y„ 1T> 22. Kelly. Hsm A Ma. Orand. Milwaukee, Wis., 17- 22: liijin. La Crosse. 21-20. Kelly. Julio T.i A C<t.. Orjdieuin, Bolton. 17-22. Ki-ui>e>ly A Onantrelll, Jeffers, Hatfluavr,, Mlcb.* 17 22. Kennedy A Itouney. Alhambrs. N. Y. C. 17-22. Klefe. Zens, Prtictnr's, Newnrk. X. J.. 17-22; Trent. Trenton: N. J., 24-21). Kins-Ners. Tbfl. Umpire. Palerson, X. J., 17-22. Kliitfslcy & Uwll. K- A I'. 23d Ht., X. Y, C, 17- 2$: Keith's.-Phlla., 24-20.- Klhi-llsiiKNl Jiina, Keith's, Cleveland. 17-22. Khnball ft 1-cwis. Cliase's, Wasblnglon, D, C. IT* Kliiv. Mr. ft Mrs. Hani. Berlin. N. It.. 1722. Klein ft Clifton, Orplieum, New Orleans. Lit., 17- .22. Klein, (lit Urns. A NIcholKuii, Young's ■ Pier, At- 22; Keith's* pmvWeure, 24-»». Knnwle*. It. (I., Cliutcs, Sati I'raii.. Cal., 17-22. KJsfehl Bros. A Snwlelle, t). O. II., Intllsnapolls, Kuetufer. l*w. Pnntaites. Portland. Ore., 17-20. Kot-kly Bros., Oritbcittii. Bkln., 17-22. Kmme. IslHinl park. Huston, Pa.. 17-22. Kolder ft Marfnn, Family. HSaleton. Pa., 17-22; Family, Poiuvllle, 34-29. ■ • . „ „ Kraus A thmcli, llemk-rson's, Coney Islaml, N. Y.. Krat..n«', The. Ilathsway's. Lowell. Maas., 17-22. Kitrtla ft Husse. South Bend, Intl., 17-22; La I'roMar. Wis,; 24-20, La Tour Hlxiolv Kceiiey'*. Bkln./ 17-22. La Clair ft wBd, Traym»re, llalln,.' 17-22. La Herat, Proctor's, Albany.']*. Y.. 17-tf2. La Toska. I'ltll.. Orplieum, Nnuipa, Ida., 17-22. I,a lionl ft Hyurson, Hllnit. Snircrlor. Minn,. 21-20. I.a Note Bros.. Fnir. Newport, Pa.. 17-22; Kalr. lUn-kvllie, Cmin., 24-20. Lavallees. Tossing (HI. BIJon. Applelon. Wis., 17- 22; llljMi, dreeo H«y. 2<*H»- Latoy Bros., III Jo?,' 1 !.In coin. Neb.. 17-22; UIJuu, (Iniahs. 24-211. I.iihakans. The. Kellii's, Phllu., 17-23. Lalelt. Kd-. flrpheum, Pllea. N. Y.. 1722; Or- pheuni. ltesdliiH; Pa., 21-20. „. — i.a Mate llnm., G. •). II.. PHt*biirff. 17-22; YnmnfM Pier, Atlaplle City, N. J.. 24-211, La ■Vere ft Msrstlaii, (Jlympli-. Cblcaao. 17-22. Lam'SNlsr. Turn, Bnideitliurail's. Phlla.. 17-22. La .I.--, Theu. A Csmlih'. llljon, PI. Huron, ■ MlHi.. 17-22; llljm, Lmislua. 21.20. Luskyllolff gulltlello. Colnnlal. N. Y. C.. 17-22. Lndmau. John." Bi-udeitbitntli's. Phlla.', 17-22. I.afnyctte Lyrlo 4. He* Moines, la., 20-22. Uveni A tlraaa, tlrplteum, BosU.ii. 17-22. La Vine. Hri.. 'IHrMliigbaia, Ala., 17-22; I.lltlo llin'k. Ark., 24-30. . Iji Vlne-ClnMnm Trio, Temple, Detroit, 17-21; Khrs's. Buffalo. 24-20. Larklns ft Patersou, Henderson's,. Coney Island, la* Tell" Bros,, r C(»li Pslace, Mllcliell, Su. Dak.. ImSIBm, ttwV flalety. Qnliicy. HI.. 17-22; tlBlelr. tlatealitiriiJ 24-20. „ m „ — La Cnli, PsuL^Orpbeitni. lilies, N. Y„ 17-22; Armory. lllnra>naloir. N. Y„ 24-211. La /a-II, KdwnTd,. HIJVj'I. CnluiiH-t, Midi., 17-221 HIJou MRmuetto. 24-211. lister Nliiii, Hllrer. Luke Park, White Plates. N. ■ Y. 17-2?. [ l# flair Harry, hdl'a. New Haven, <5»mi.. 17-22. liejiiinnt A Isiitlo PeooloV Cidur llaplds, la., 17* lav"itiiy. Kmma. Albtullc tlardeii, N. Y. (L. 17-22. Leiiitnnl ft Phillips Anisti'rdiiin. S. V. fjLj 17'—• ' Hirst-Idioms. 22 ; LalMS4 Irfonanl. On*, llllwi. Wliiidiaw, Caw.. 17-22. _ lee. Flthuuli A llrssle, liljsstj. l-n Orosae, Wis,, Kmplre. Oklahoma, Okla., 17- I7-22J tTiihitte. Kail Claire, 24-20. .... Galena. Kau.. 24-20, l^lle. ftl-lle, OriiheiJlu. OblHIciAhe. ()., 17 Htees A ItemlnftDn. Olympic. ClilcaKo. 17-22; |^ W f, |, aY i', Nhea r », Toionlo,. 17-22. 22. Crirkels The,-Electric, 0. O. U., Plttaburg, 17- ' FotHlnelle. Mysterious, Novelty, Stockton, Csl, 17-22: Sacrin.i-nto. 24-20. 17-22. """llsymnrkei, Wraps, 24-21*. . ' Hofcnml.. Curtis A i:»., Allentown, Pa., 17-22; ■Uil.'" - IteudlnH, 24-20. He-rate* A Wnldon.' Clnclunittl, O., 17-22: Or- phlnin, Portsmouth, 24-20. La Iieur ilrei«t, Maji-stli'. Krie, Ps.. 17-22; AU T^retle, Hay-Clly, Mich.. 24-20. l-p tllalr. .Iiihii, Arcade. Tohaln, 17-22. I^oiihanll, AL, Msjestfi-. Dallas, tra. 17-22: Majeslh-. Houston, 24-20. Craw'tonl. Clifton. Chutea, San Fran., Cal., 21- CeStV Tflo. K- A P- 2M «'■■ N- Y - C- US Crsne, Mr. A Mrs. Ganlner. Moore's. Portland, Cralne. laaaT A Crnlne. Crump's. Columbus. 0., . 17-22 dimming*. Master. Lyric. Cleveland. 17-22. r mya. Mush-al («». Keith's, Cleveland, 1T-M. CuniilnKham A Ro-s. Family. 1 ourtkeepsle. i\. Y., 17-22: Family. Passaic. N. J.. 2*" M ; .*—* Foster. Ud., A Do*. Woolworth's, Lancaster. Pa 17-22 For A Clark. AiHlllondm. Lynn, Poller. Dujr, fchaeirer'a (lanleu. 1T-22; . Foi A Dn Ball. Majeatk-, Little Koek, Ark., 17 '22: Majestic. Dallas, Tea.; 34-20, Fov. A Want, I lib St.. Pblla.. 17-22. Fredo A -Dare.-Main St.. Peoria, HI.. 17-22; Family. Davenport, U.. 24-20. Fred A Pauly. K. A P. L'nlou Kquare. N. Y. C. 17-22. Hc'maii, AL K. A Miirulc. lU-kli-lirillrn. Coin, |V Hoy ft Wootldml Clintes, Sun Fran., Csl., 24* Her.. 17-20: Apollo. Mauulteliu, (m. l-lfl; ;ki l'nlou, Htraalssira. lfl-31. \* Vere, tVntral Psrk, S*. I^uls, 1T-!«I. Mass , 17-22, HoielinL Hurry. Chase's. Ws«IiIiiiHoii, D. C, 17- l^ M tlf ft WIlllaMis.. Crystsl, Hi. Jistepli, M»., 17- Columwis. O., 23; tl. O. H.. PUlsburv. 24-20. 22: People's, l.aaveuworlli, Kiin.. 21-20. lloey A I^e, Olympic. Clnclimall. 17-22. Leslie's Pordno ( Itcim, Fslr. llalavla, N. Y., 10- Homen Hn.« , Kenm-y's. Hklu , 17-22; Fair, Hall- fax, It, H„ 24-Oct. 0. Holt. AIL. .Mi,-- 'linn. HaaT*, 17-20. Honard, (]pu. F,, Connor's, Oukt Islaml, N. Y., 17-20. • ' • Howard, Oreut. Miirhai. Chesterton. Ind., 17-22. Howard A North, Colonial; N. Y.O., 17-22 Dale ft o'Brteii.'Park." Worcester. Mass.. 17-22. Krellirb.'Lizzie. Kinplre. Albany, N. Y.. 17-22. llolllnirsworlb Twins. On., Dallas,'Tea.. 17-22 Davis. Tom. Trio, Hippodrome, N. Y. C. "-22. Fre-lcrkk. MHena. Haymarket, Cblcaav,, 17-22; Hwper A Oraut,,A. A H.. Ilnsloti, 17-22. N. Y. Bine Davis. Tom. _ Marl" A Walker, Aubi ' bamton, 24-20. ...«•• Day. Bdrusnd, ft Co., Hallmway a, LoweU, Mass,, Dac>e W Loalse, Itomlnlon. Winnipeg. -Ora., 17-22. DHiiphln. Great Little. Family.■ N. Y. C. 17-22. DavenK-rt. t*na. Oarrick. Burlteftou, la., 17- '22: Grand. Marlon. Ind.. Njfc Danovss, I*s, Olyuiide. SprlngBeM, 111- 17-22; Dale^t Bosal. O. U, "., Pittsburg. 17-22. ' Parcnnort. Kdna, Bijou. Dululb. Mlnuj. 17-22. ■ Dfliiwrll. Aurie. Hopkins'. Menipbla. Teon... It- 22: Majestic Chicago, 24-20. Daver, Joe. Manhattan. Norfolk, \ a. 1.-22. De Faye. Trent, Trenton, S J.. 17-22; Boston, De'llaVs Lions, HenderHMTs, Cooey Island, N. Y-. De'Witt. Boms ft Torrance. Wlutergarten, Ber- Drimo.%mtem W1 'sprlnrrleld. O.. 17-22; Orand. lMlorn Mile.. II Pi's mrue. A. 1- <-■- 17-.-. K W it Sbo tj A^LIHIsri. A trade. Toledo. 17-:2. De ESS ©ami. A Bru.. Shea'f. Bttffalo, 17-22: Sties'*. Toronto. 24-20. De Coe llsrrr. Lnotl'a. E- ft Louw. !" De 1 Veree. Mn ■*■*" r De Colmnbla, St. trails, 24-20. .: Howe A Scott, Os-k's, Roriiestet, NV Y., 17-22; Frahkltu. Irene. 0. O. H.. Iwllanapnlla, 17-22. «■ O, II., Kyracilse. 24-20. Freeman ft Watson. Bistton. Lowell, Msss., 17-22. Howards; Mysterious, O. II., Oraurl Itepldfl, Franks. A Franks. Boston. ItdO. . . .JSSh £''V'' «■ , «._. .•,.« •■Futwrltv Winner." Victoria. N. Y. C. 17-2i. nolley A Mnehan. Keeney's, Bkln., 17-22. Fuller, Ida, Wlutergsrren. BeeHo. Oer.. 17-30; Huber'a Gouts, Family. Patersou, N. J„ 17-22. ' Frsckfort. Oct. 1-31. ' Ihmgsrlsn llovs Bsnd, (L O. II., Plllslyurg. 17-22. Oarrtrifr ft Msddem. Hayiaarket. Chicago, 17-22. Ilaatou ft Dallas, Henderson's, Coney lalaad, K Osttlner ft Stoddard, Hathaway'*,. Lowell, Mas*.. .'Y.. 17-22. 17-22. Gardner. Irene. Hathaway's. Isswell. Mass.. 17-22. Oarrtner. Happy Jack. Mmre's. Mancaeater, N. . H., 17-22: Keith's, Providence. 24-20. Gardner ft Vincent. Orpitrtim, St. Paal, 17-22; Orpheum, Minneapolis. 21-20. fterrUon. Jules ft Kite. II. ft B., Bkln.. 17-22. Oartelle Bros., Orpheum, MIruwapolfs, Minn.. 21- -Inrrani A Cnadii, Islaml Park, Kastvn, Pa., 17 Huegel Bros., Henderson's, Coney Island, X. Y., 17-22. Hnssoy, i,e->. W., ft <>., Ocm. Lvnn, Mass., 1722. Hyama ft Mclnfyre. Shea's, Buffate. 17-22. Hyde. Iteitth ft Walsh, Lyric Park, Ft. Kinlth, Arh., 17-22; Lyric Park. Ardiuore. I. T.. 21-20. J«uieii*l|i|i(.nr, (IruhciiDt, llkln., 17-22. 22. Union Inuess A Byati, BIJ011, Qulncy, III,, 17-22; (lap Hrk, BurlltiSloil. 21-20. Inoivii ft Or., Poll's, Bridgeport, Conn.. 17-22. Italian Trio. Chutes. Man Fran.. Cal., 17-22. Jsaies A Davis. BIJou, Film. Mich.. 17-22. Jacobs' Dogs. K. A P. 58th St., N. V. C 17 22. Jscqnes, 'Aluerl. A Bro... Krsllral, Clm-lniMll, 17- Ardmore. I.- T. Gassmsu, Joeeithlne A Picks, K. ' Square. N. V. CL 17-22. 1 .- , Osyford. Boenle, Shea's. Buffalo. 17-22; Hbea's Toronto. 24-20. Gagnoui. The. II. O. H.. Kyraeuae. N, Y„ 17-22; K- ft P. 31h Ave.. N. Y. C. 24-91. Gardiner Children 1.1). Star, Moilne, III- 17-22 Crystal. Jinwankee. Wis., ,2*i»«, ■_.„■_ . Gardner. 1 Vest A Sonshlne. Orimeum, Hprlngflcld O.." 17-22. 17-22. Gerald. Musical, flljon. Kalamazoo, Mich.. 17-22; - Jackson Family. Melllnl, Hanover, Ger., 17-fW nil-ii. Lsn*lriT. 24-20 22- Rmplre Ok .homa. Okla- 24-20. Oeorgs A Jlarrlngion Fair Ilns*arllk. Ps- 17- -I7-22: Pastor"*. N. V. < ► Brnl flraee- 8ekaelfer'«. Colutnlms. O.. 17-22. 32:'Kalr.- Bratllehoeo. Vt.. 21-W. Jiaaeti. Ifc««. Kmnlre. Alls aaS A Brt'ls " A P. SS Square., N. Y. Osorge. Wwin. Shear's. Fall Uw.lbsa, 17-22,; asJaSkV A jl«s4M. r«»»te * iieiip. i\. « -a flams, lV. Keith'*. Pntvlilenee. 17-22. 33| Green wall. New Orlf .V',-«™ nanclnr. Kmi.lre. Oklahoma, Okla.. GIBsu. Tea. Lyric. Plttston. Pa.. 17-22. Jeinre A Kllsworih. Golonii nf'Ueeyii. Dancing. Raptr*. Oklahoma, Okla aS£ SIMera. Poll's. Bridgeport. Conn., 17-22, naaaaaf A Dezter. Issant Blaas., 17-22. De Itavea. Boae. Septette. Albaugb, Balto., 17 22: Colonial. N. Y. C. =4-20. PeLora. MUe-. Kalr. Atmoott, Out., 17-22. Glrard. Helen. Olympic Ctnrlnnall, 17-22. Gllllhin A Perry. Hopkins'. I^ulsvllle. Ky., 17- 22; Hopkins'. MemphiN. Tenn., 24-2A- Gllimore ft Carroll. Bl>m Qulncy. HL. 17-22. GHIette'i Musical Dogs. VKm's. Buffalo. 17-22. Gkaroy, James Bkhmor-l, Armory, BlDghamtott, Jack'-nni I3K Henderson's, Ciaiey Island, N. Y., " T. ft, 34-20. Allssnr; N. V.. 17 22. elyr. Ill mi Ingham, Ala.. 17- Orlenns. 24-20. .... GoUatnade. Hallo.. 1722. Johnsons The, Kmplre, Ht. Paid, Minn., 17-32. Jiibnson. Ralph, Orplieum. Boslon. 17-22. Johnson. Daveunwt ft I^rella. Hathaway's, I^jw- ell. Ma«s.. 17-22. Juhnsffs)* MusPiil. Kmn.. Manchester. Kng.. 17* 33; tllpp., Hull, 21-20; Eup., Ulaagow, Sout., 22; Fall-. CoWilesklll, 21-20. Irffrel Trlt. HiHhlcrsmi's. Coney lalind, N. Y„ 17- l.e il'rsv Imllie, Ai|i11l'>r1tilu. lteeliif, Wis.. 17-22. l*slle. Bert. A tV. ( VtaKirln.- N. Y. tt, 17-22. Leffel Trlti llntilersipn>, twiivy lalaud, N. Y., 17- Uvy'. Mrs. Jules. A Oh, Chester Park. Clficln* tiatl. 17-22; tVdur PI., Hainlnskv, 21-20. I^onnnl A Uaslfdn. A. A K,, HosliHi. 17-22. Lindsay ft Chaff. KH-lrlc PaVk. N. J., 24-20. Llitplinotts. The, Cedsr PL, Sandusky, O.. 17-22. I.Hi.I. Allniinhra. N. Y. ,C. 17-22. Llvlincsloii. Murry. Mnrmy Hill, N. Y. 0-, 24 20. loinlmnl. Preston.' Iilr. Allpulown. Ps.. 17-22. Istve. Corn. DpWfj Utlca, ,N. Y., 17-22. _ Lomliard Hfrs., Ilf>oi. Wichita. Kan., 17-22. Iriikens *AJ. Fair. Ilallfa*. X. K.. 17-20. Lucy A l.i iter, Ctivse's, WasblUiiton. D. C, I7> 22; Proctor's. Newark..N. J-. 24-20. Luby. Kdna. Albanibrn, U. ¥.-«,. 17-22. Lydla A Albino. Victoria, N. Y. CL, 17-22. Lysler ft OoukfL Family,- Mshouoy City, Pn-l 17. Lyniitie Sisters.-Trts-Hdero. Phlla., 17-22; Gotham, N. V. O, 24-211. , Lyiiii. Fay ft Young. Colinnbln, Cltri'lnimtl. 17-2J. Maddcrim. The. MniiluilMn. Norfolk. Vs.. 17-32. Maddsnt* , The, Miinhatlsn. Norfnlk. Vit., 17-23. Martin Brfdin-rs. Seattle. Wash.. 17-22. Martlniietlle ft Jtylvestl-r. Wsterlowii, Wis.. 17-23, Itacn, A !■'„«. Kelt-'s. Paw nickel, B. L. 17 32. Marriott Twins, Grttf'Clrw Bell. City «l Mexico. M.'x., IT-Dit. I. Macks (2), Lyric. Plttston. Pa., 17-22; Family, i-iirhoudsle. 34-3*. Maraden Hl«ters. Gem. Lrnn. Mass.. 17-22. Msnlslls Mflr'PHelttes. HeaOle, Wash.. 17-321 PortInnrl. Ore.. 2| 30. Marr A Kratis. RipaaHISM, PlitsiHirg. 17-22. Marlni'lhs. Tlie. OrpUcmn. Ht. Piuil. Minn., 17-22. Malpstb- Trio. Grpbriim, Ml. Paul. Minn., 17-22; Orpheum, M liilttn noils, 5H-21I. Mnidinllaii Conimlf Four, II. * B.. llkln., 17-22. Marco Twins. Ha.i-|iis'kot, Clitcazw. 17-33; Olym* |dc. Chleapi. 21-20. Mareeiio, Neruru * Msreena, Shea's, Toronto, Maiianeld ft^ilamey, Grand. Jollet. III., 17-23. MaiiiflcH A Wilbur, Teuiple, Detroit, 17-22.