The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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SEPTEMBER 22- Detroit.—At the Detroit Opera House IB>C Whitney, manager) "Llfile Johnny Jofiea" scored an cmbbntlc hit Sept. itl-in Aftenda-iee was good. "The Hoiirc of Mirth" hUftnVU (K. B. Stair, manaSer).—Flske 0'Harfl,:tn "Mr. Blumey from Ireland," was VU recc»tVcd by gotd slfed houses week of!i, "Wndpr,Hontb>rn Skies" week of 111. IiAvatkttb -4 lit, Cnnijibell. manager).—The Brandon KvwtiH Co., In "Tennessee's Pard- ner," drew well week of 0. The game com- pany, In "Lost Parnoisr," week of 10. .WtHTSKr (K. D. Stair, manager).—Hot* Kltxslmruoiis, In "A Fight for Isive." pleased packed houaea b-15. * loung Buffalo" HMI2 TSMii/K (J. II- Moore, manager).—Bill wMh or 17: Sle Ileb Hansen Alls Arabs, the Vnaaar Hlrla. Van Alslyne and Henry, Mansfirhl and Wilbur. Willy Zimmerman. Village Choir. I»n Vihe-Clmeron Trio, Johnny .Idles and in klnetugrsph.' AH:*i*t:-iDfew A Campbell, managers).— THc c KeuMtrky' Belles drew Mir houses M& Yankee Doodle Uirla" 16-22. C«v«tal i.r. J. Nnah, mnniigeri.—fill) week'*if IT: Harry W. Sprlnfcnld nod cam- i-iiiiy. Kva Blaine. Citand aud be Verne, Bin- im anil Chapman, Atison Htblrhart and tlio klnddrome. , ftflUan (It. II. ttedgea. luafiagcr).—Al, Keeves' lllg Beauty Show pleased good sized Timtses week of l). like k Barton's Ills Show NW * . ■ ,. ■ --..i » ■ f J rami Rapid*.—At the New Powers din try f J. Homme r* *('»., mnnngorso Louis .lames, Sept. 12, In "The Merry Wives of Windsor;" played'to crowded houses. Lillian Russdl, III "Barbara's Mllilous." IJMft played io excellent IntslneHa. The play la a eomcdv, la fortr■ado, by'l'aul si. Potter, founded on "lie lionhciir Mpsdames;" by Frauds dc crotsset. It received lis llrnt presentation mi. aby- dlgc ];t. it. i el In the dory of; n California ltelre*s who contracts n love match with it French tearauls. Tup brat net shows bow Ibe onpoatlloh of Hat-barn'* aunt t» lad wnUltfljt I* mrereotne when she dlartirem thiiE tiji' sttjtposM-fldvrti hirer Ik really a marujiK liie wecodd ■ act shows the yuutuf married couple-twb month*'later, The bu'abahd has 1+rulue weary audditem Into n Ulrtathm that taken htm to an Alpine -shooting lodge. Bar* luira. too,goes to the shading lodge, con- fronts her hustmtiil. ami, lo punish him, makes him believe that hup 1mm come to rldt Hene/tlU' owner of the bHlge. The husband ldklflta iluu ahc cunie bouie with Mm. I»nt she di'i-llnpK. Ho got.'ii ■ away, and wb-n ahe woilld follow, fl Iiml'p iivnbinebe niiprlaoba her In .the lodge with bene. The inlreflilKkea vldent -luvc-to Iter, litit her rt|»- Vmm U> his better nnture finally emise lllm io,celiac hla nltcutlons. Barbara aud 1{er liiikhiilid then netiflrtttn for a venr, but are hriHight togdber bya taiiKh 1 In hold idejlMoneK. The v*y.t: Bantam. Man|nlH> de CdttMaade. Mlllnn Uii«wM : fieorKP. II. ItN'veH Srtillh: 1tenc,!fe.PJ»llevlllr. Ffrdlnand (loll- ftchrtlk: r.CUeat. Ibiroti of Arrurtinnt-hm. ft. HKrrlHoii Hunter: K^riiniidp. t'tiihei'lne fmU- il*<if ;>Mr«. J ChWer.v.TucUer. Slnltle Kercnyon : «lnllche *De Fpr-pwx, Irene Ferry: liemlRe, 'Bll« Craven i Jena, Hi-ncHt Klton: Arllnc, HfMhHft He V:ilix. "A Mnd LWrV HI. "The Mayof of TokhV' : 22. Mv'Ksnc (Orln Hfjtir. manager).—l-b-nent Hosan, In "Unfiia fiHKhiH." IJkJB, pbiyi>d In **. It i*. "Yofk Shite Folka" 10-lb, "Hay New Yiitk" '-3ft£2." n>iANM nrhnx Ui<i:kh trhiireblll & narls. mftufti;e,r»).—Fyr Week of 111: Antrim and FdPTiL' llnwl. Ilowiird Hr»*., l'ow- H'* and-'Frec*K tlby tommatLi Varldy <Jnur- tdle.'&lid Woikla and Wobm the lsrirw yqbk owppeb: 823 j^i/g?W|fc«i> Work's Utit Father," to fair Nutbh.— ltobliimm Park jupt dciHwi one or Hie nuat anmjsaful wawiiK In many yearn. ;.- ,• - John Udger. formerly Imuuirrr of the pggMfc S5ft ft J" advance of "Ucdde tbo ■nil Utlnr Hindi" \VAXhi\<;T0N. Hr«Hlp,_At the Urnnd upera Hduae to. rloHPd I heir very micrraaftit enBagempiit tn/'Huroiliy." Hent. '1 and weak. Wit lam rvrhrUcnwl Ihr Tlvoll. und will lieurtrned »*.V «..._. .. i. ... «i . . . . t.u tin, 'rUl-iill Hniim IV l,i "t'lii* Hit, I'livaTAi. (H. I. Adama, uinuugpr).—tluod huxlncri* mini lusi week with Ihe Helvlnnes, HHMirWfwc, Itay tigilen iiud cumpnity. Mllinu Maaon, riinrt-ptt t'rpHler. and uleHireM. NttTBM.-.-Thi' old Kmplre Thentre haa ln-en MAX JHHKUV. ^-it£Hi**fc-At (lie (irand 'M.ndcrSouth S!L*fi?*Ii?»t: "• Tbr Four (hint HHH Hi, "linda Side Pnrhier"* S», "Itrown. of 'llnrrnrd,'* i micdnl \H. aud - "" latcf\ « ?& , ifcr*l!S for w l pk of t0 i "«i*r nnd Major, Hurry Harvey, hose, nnd KUk Curlla Vance, uad the bloaeope. #-*-•- L fABEf?— At " ,0 Hyperion iMnm K. ft Leo Hbubcrt. manngerti) llenrv Miller and Mnrgqret Anglln bad a gond Intime Hept IK. fonlh and William \v. .lefteraon 17, "The Virginian" l». "The Kittle gfeMtggr" M l^iiil* Slann and flora Idpman 21, 22. Nkw Wum HI. H. Mtinnell. manager).— *.. ,,et . e £'. H , Ilfll,t '"'S'lt" bad ffoud retiirua 10- 3. "Billy the KTu" drew fair bttMWn III- J.f. ltnawll Brothen 1Mb, "A Boutbern \endetta** 20-22. t'oiifir is. K Toll, manager).—Bill for Week of 17: Patrice nnd 1*0 Itnrnntd'a l>»ig and Monkey Hb«w, Six Sophomore (llrla. Hbf- man and Sliftiuion. Harry Lp t'lalr, Hiukcye State Quartette, and Nesaen, Hunter and MM BMiiu (S. '/,. Poll, proprietor).—(irand opening, week af 17. of the atock company, hMMby Ijurence B. MHllll and Urrirudo Hht|iniau, and IneUuUhK the following: lm- lothy r^amb. Kverltt BuHerlteld, Margaret HHgen, Lnrlna Kalreblld. F^ltli-rroHua. Wil- liam' F. Canildd. Harry Bangdon. Kmina Wnlnre, (Juy Mnynard. Frank Wallace Jr., William O Net) and Ilnrty Went. Hartford, \i Pni^ouH* Theatre, (II. V. 1'arsnna. tirnprlelor nnd roanuceri "It Ihin- PftiPd In Nordlahd,- Sept. lb.liad large mi- dleni-e. tnutlliee and evening, and wda lilgldv cattH/artorj': "The HolHrkltig tJti'l." wlih Hartley Bernard, proved ncejitable. The rofM- fiftiiy wan ■atlarndory. Nat II. Wllla and chintwttiy preneiileil "A liilekv Dog."' IT., fo good biiBlniiw. Mr. Wills rerdving'tlH! IIoh'h share of IMriftnar. Umt\n Fnrntim. In "Tbn yfrgliiliii], ,r It), 30; -Tue Hanghtera ofMen" llAhTpnih Orr.BA Mot sn in. II. Jennings, manager).—"A Race for h\W and "levels nnd LunallcH" t*o. drew wdl lad week. JeHde Mae Mall, in "A Southern Veiideiin." 17-1!>; DtfJ. it Thayer. In *'A Hiimire Deal." 2U-32; Henry R Hlapy. In "The Man on the Box," 24, ». with dallnee. VhWn (laWM H. Kllhy. mhnager).—S. It. a. hliBlnetiH wis done last week. The bill for Ibe current week: Hyan and lUdillrld. ■ lib Mo/Kiih. Yitnng and Brooka. Wbllinan SlMierH and Willie HnHlnwrn. Adama nnd Drew* Lillian Slinw, and Keno. Welch arid Mdrrme. •'oilier. In ; *(m riie qnlei,-* l» iaV'nlchard A Prlh|lea Mln^trola HMS, "The Hoyal Chef SkVJti.r OHinkpII & Brew, mnnagers).- ■ » 1,; , ,,n ' w "' f'rowded boiiiPa arci>le<l "t)n the llfldM at i will pfajj hero Mtdttlfht" 2 and week. The l&tartS In 111: ll«M.| rt , »n,l uffirflQ;**'*"' " "" "* " A Mftd Tiiiiiu Aviinik tlluaaell & Brew, mana- gem).—Dark until HI. when t'hac. A. Tny- lor^ Co. returlw. aa n permanent feature, prewehllng "Ksniped from the Harem." ST-in 11-:. J. Douellnn. uianagen.—New people lfl and weea: Tfdveaux Kounves Jamen and Sadie lifonanl and company.. Tua- cititb Broa. John B\rm\ Margaret Newton, Peter Alnawortb onu moving iiidurea OtifniirM it. J. Consldlne. manager).— New people Hi iiud week: Ormaby. Weat aud company, Adanm nnd KdwanlK. Merle Cur- tla, Paul La Dl-ew, Jimmy Roberta,-ONE F. KcHne and movlna plcturea. PAstAttKa" (Alex Putitagea. mnnngcrl.-- New people to am) week: Tedmil Tavern guirlpite. fleo. and t.liiair llrciil, l.aawdl Sla- MM. Margard. Morgan, Mary Muddvrn, Ar- tlinr Klwell nud moTlng- pldum. .MenTo., in '-™. stroller*.' 1 Stimlny, Tueaday, Thur«biy and Sat- urday will be mallnce day* nl the Tnhnr Hrand thin year Muiihaltnn Bench closed Its moal HUcd'Harul NPtiHon 1>. . . ■ -■■■ ' | IvKMK Ii\. «agliiniv.—At. Uh Academy: "Hooligan In New 'YorR" Wetit. 10, Ijciib Illvera HI, Mrtnw llogan ,17. ."ltnfHea" 211. "Kvervbod.v Works But Knllier-" 21, '■The Show Ulrl" 22. "I'nder Sputbern Sklc8"''2a. .fW^fltm—Bill week of 16: Kennedr add (luarltfelll. Katueruldit. CbarlpH He Camo add bla dog.'lj. Frederick llawley and cumunny, ttfe Bell Trld, and Atllc. I'harnilon. Sam MatliHi win.) formerly managed tbla house, lui Buhl hla entire lntereat In idtine. C. E. Sartfent la mabager. • .-.\i«r-.: .-u ■■ «»». '...■*. IMJI \>A. irtdinnnpolla a t Kngllab'a Opera House *Ail. >\ Miller, roahacoi') "The wizard of Ha," Kept; iO-lii." wua in'iieli appreciated by ibe Shite fair rrowda. "Llltle Julitiny iutlK' 17. 1H.'"The Mnyoc of Tokto" lb, Walker ' 1'aiik - (DK'Kmm & Talbot t, imtangers).— Hulilun'x "Fanttiamu," HJ-in, to the uhiiuI bin buducm ' .ill .Uranu QHdu lIut'HK (Shufer/legler. man- ageri.-^For week of 17: Iloae Couglilnn, Ibird Itrtia.. Ttuvollo, Knlgbt Hroa. and Haw- tellc, Ifehc Franklin. Avon Comedy Four, John A. Wtwh Max Stlllbin and tbe bioscope, Kjipntti (1-bdH. /luihieruian, luunageif.-- Willlatrta* Imlrt'i-Itda gave a itlenalng perforni- nnco week-uf 10 that drew capndly fnlMlneaa, Mlner'a Aiiierlvana week of 17, -Merry Maker* week of 24.'' >' (iAYHtr (Kdw. Shayne. uinnager). — (Juy MiiKipieradera 10-12, gave a dean, bright, well dl-eaaed allow, that pleased very good biNliietot. ''Item Hvdell'a I^ndoii Bdlea l3-1fi, Harry Bryan Ph Bla Kxtravaganzn Co. 17-Ht, Ibiclidor'ariiibi 31-33, Al. Reeves' Big Show 2l-2«, World Beatein 3T-30. WiiNinmt-ANn.—Week of H»:.W. P. Croa- well, Meier Family. Prof. Ofdrelve. und an Indian Village. Bwdnewi 1» very bit:. Notks.— Well'a lland died 11 return en- gajrcnirnt at Fall-bank week of 10. to good liu*lae«» The White City t« doing well. ....;.The ludlnnn Stole Fair had the larg- est attendance 1 In Us hldory l«-14i The following Kperlnl features appeared: Wlld'a' nlrnlilp. "I'lugle:" John C. Welier'u Bund, I^lglit Bedouin Aralw, Fight Alliwm. Trouia-, Budd Bran., |-*our Plcurda, and Clayion, ■lonkliiM ami Jiiaper Mllbm A|H>1 Ih aeorlng a hlg aumn la vaudeville, with a vlever "plailoloKuc." entitled "Tlte tflrl and Hie 'rifinu." bv -Louis Wealyn, iircsa agent of tte Grand Opera Ibmae. ■ ' fKvHQnvllle.—At. 11m Craud ibe Wayne Siork. Co. nifldo a hit at every itcrfuruuneo bUt wr.*. Wilton Lacknye- Smtt. 17. I'mil'i.K'a.—"ni<r I'hautoni Pet eel I ve had 11 big udvaiice aale Mi. Bljoi'.*—A wonderfully aurecsHful opening week, coniiueiiclug 1*. and a atrong list of heuiHIuers, Includlnx Howard nnd Blanri, Hayinoiut and-Teal, the Dcmonta, Stuart and Keeltey SlHiera. Fnhhy Fninkel. Olney and Cuhmngham, bud the Iduelofcrope. CtMiK'H Paok. — «>m«1 patronage aud |M attriiclloita. The ll«l. Im'litdea Ibe Comiw Club. Mr. Monl. Jennie Do Weeci-. the Mur- ray Slatei-a, (irceu Umtbera, and the kineto- acone. - " Oak Summit Pauk liau bad local and pro- feantonal talent for the benefit of tbe Ming Slur lAHbze. fbe Bat Indudcd the play. "Pen- alt/ of Pride," ltoidllc Herwitx, Orover Bob- ertMon and John Beck. . „ „. NtiTEB.—The Trl-Stale fair owned 10. wllh riiormous crowds ...The llooaler Circus MHO a big; btt. _ Fort Wnjne.-Ar the Majeatlc iM. «t Hire, manager) Walker Whiteside, hi "pe Urutr MdiaJr," Sept. 17. "In Old Kentucky IS,- Hi, <Tbi! Mavur of Toklo" 21). Hubert l*- raliie 21. "Aa Told In the llllia" Tl. • Makomc Tk-JI'u: (F. K. Hlouder, mana- ger f—Week' o! 17: (leorgc Fleber and Blaache Alexandre. In "Pals; 1 ' NdT ami Sill- ier. Beuo nod Aaora, Blo««oni IMblriiton, Ber- ibn IMyef. Ibe kltwdmnie. with the Two \h vlniia n« an added featuh-. * • Pri\*'ksm UoliuA. « maitn«pirr—1 iM Is a new lude|H>nileiit lioiiae which ot.ened l«, Brhlweiinrf—Al StJlltb> (K. V: Snlllli. nmimaer) "A Stmlbern Vendetta." Sept. 10, 11." played to good hudnem "Not Vet. But Soon" did well 12. Itlchanl (Jordon. lb **Iiii- ■vldcontbn,' 1 played to big hualnrati lit. ahd "Adrift. In New Turk" did iilfr buslneaa ,14, la. "The Itollleklng lllfl" 17. '"rtie Vander- bllt run" is, IB, "The Oi-eat Dittbiond Mja- telj" l'o, "Birtter Iima-n" 21. 22. for.t'H (K. B. Mitchell, manager).—the week of 0, opening of vaudeville, snw Hiq itsuiI big bnatnePB. Booked week nf 17 : DpI- Sblno nnd lteimom. Bailey arid Fletcher. Hen . nona. the Mlaaes Dclmot-e. Hdgii Stanton nnd Florence Mnilcnn, WllHnm Ininan and company, FIHs-Nowltin Trio atid the Klec- trogrnpli. ■ • 4 1» MKSUl'HI. Kniiana illy. -At the WIIUk Wood Ihn aeaaou opened Sept- 10. with Dlgby Bell, In "The Kducntlon of Mr. Plpp. .ladies O'Nelll'a farewell engagement of "Monte Crlalo.'-'.drew gtaid bouaea l't-13. Thla week. Fay Teibpldoii. In "Forty-live Minutes.from Broadway *." : iiext week, "The Free Lfl lice," ifriAND oi'i;i;\ llouan (Hudson A Judab, manugel-sL—IjAat week. David Hlgglna. fb "Ills Lad Dollar." drew i>Ik bouaiw. This week, Chauhcey (Hcoti, In "Bates Aathorc;" next week, "l-uritdsnia." OariiKl'M (Martin. Beck, general nitinn- ger).—Thla, week: Ibtmjue Ouadelte, Klin Colllua and la 1 *- Hurl, Carl In and Olto, .lamea A. Kelly and Annie M. Kenl, Swor Bros,, and Mtmlciil Forreala. Uibi.iH (M. M. Ilrlghaul. manager).—Lad week. "No Mother lo llillde Her"' thrilled uudleiicea of good projiorlloiW. Thla week, "Clilnatowa Charley."- Next- week, Four Corners of the Fartb." -' Aroiroftii'-u.—Last wwk fbn WoiHlwurd Stock Co. put oh an excellent petforniHUeo of- "Howlrtg the Wind." In which Kva Lung, iieo. It. Vine and Frnuk llolllalmi 'lid ox- tfUnit work. Tbla week, "Old Heidelberg." Next week, "Mice nnd Men." • ■ ■ Ci;\Tt:nv (Joaeiih Donegun, manuger).— ijiBt week tbe Merryhinkera Kxtravagair/a C«>. drew nj housed. \ In the olio the- Clip- per'CohieiTy Four and Jen none Yming were Die headllnerx. Tbla week, Ibe BrlgndierK. Next week, the Jolly (llrla. MLUKHTic iK. '!. Davidson, miiiiager).— Lasl week "Fred Irwln'a Big Show scored 11 bit. Willbiiu < 'int. Frank CarrolKoti nnd Sunle Flaher deserve special mention. .Tbla week, the Jersey. Llllea. UflSfl Hill Folly Co, next. Fi.KiTiiie Pabk (Sum Benjamin, mntui- Bcr ),—The KIBlea Seidell Band opened laat Sunday, and scored a bit. In tbe derma Villugo Ibe Five Musical Byrona. Herbert and Rogers. Nellie Kvans and Kdnu Wood- alou wen* llavaela. Fobrkmt Pahk (IJoyd Brown, manager). —The seHflon closed laal Sunday, with big orowda In attendance. Manager Brown re- l.oris tbla the moat snccPKaful year the park lias ever had. l-'-iniMorNT Pabk (Ben Bowulbnl, matia- M oi. —Helner'a Mlllfury Band, batlooii as- ceiisbma and swimming mutches remain the feat hits. Ci.Ti'i'HitiMiH.— Mingling Bros.' Clrcua la henvllv billed for 2-1 Work Ih being nipldlv piiahed on the new Shul»ert Theatre, and Manager Snnford cxpi'i'ts lo hnva Ibe house In rendlneaH by Oct, 1. carniviil week. • ei» IOWA. HnveiiiMirt.—Tlie Burlls 0|«'i*n \Uh\m , ~- "Lost hi New York" Sept. 10. "The Cowlmy Olrl" 12. "Johnny Wise 1% "Ah Told In I ho llllb*" U. "lairn Tliorne" HI. "Code Josh Spr.Tccbv" 17. "The ibimbbVit Daughter" IH, "The LPUc ll'oaeatcad" 22. "An Arlfd"- cratlc Tramn*' 2U. "Peggy from Paris" 20. James O-Nell 27, "A IN»r Relation" WJ. Walker Whiteside 3b, "Dad'a Side Partner Famii.t opened the vaudeville aenwn 10, with: Lelin Imveuiwrt. Harry J. Wheeler, Herbert and Willing. MIIph MeCnrlliy, Mu- sical Adams. Ln Tell Brolhen, aud Wood- worth'a nnlmnleil pictures. Bitrllnxlnn At Hie rjmnd "Nobody^ Claim" drew a tnedlinn crowd Kepi. II. "l^iat in New York" 14, "Jolinuy Wine 1.1. ' «w Cowlajy fllrl" J", i.'nrtcr, the mngldan, 11), "Dora Thorhc" 20, James O'Neill 34 liw rd |?iaB^K.~-John U. Boot la In ''har^. and Is o])eratlng In connect Ion with the Waalern VioilcvlHcAM.h-lotb.ii. Bill n-eek of IT Ih; Vere and He Vere. W. J. Mclwruioli. Ilt.llaud and VeTiion. Uart "DilitupaH did MugruM TaeoNin.—At the Tnrotnd Tlieolre (C. II. ^Herald, mnnagert Mni-ettn Stewart, aa Lady Aiidley, ln "A Mad I,ove," Sept. lit. OttAND (Dean B. Worley, managerl.— U.'Pk commencing Hi: Cnsey and M .Clair. .Morrison add Uoinn. .lamea Burke. Manila and Arddle, Calnllle Person!. Walter Brentim and Juggling Hlrl, and mnllon pictures. KrAii ill. M. Owens, mauiifferi.—Week comoiendnij HI: "HeiiHemnn Bill," by tbe Allen Slock Co., No. 2. May .llolinrla In the lending role. In adilltbni, mm Sli'taun, In Hie dance. "Doittltto Hklt.' f ' PANTAllKH* ClIVHTAI. TllKATItH (W. J. Ttlll* inona. uinnuger).—-Cnbrtne*/ nnd Jennntle. Al. H. Flonrnoy. Fitahloit Plate Trio. Chwnbi-r- Inltl. Tom Ln Iloae, lu lllimtrnled sowg and motion lililtircH. TKXAS ' ' ; ' <> ♦ VIHDIMA. Norfolk.- -,m ibe Academv of UudcTtus Llllle Hiidutw." Scpi. 10, waa enjoyed by a lalite audience, .lowidi .lelTeraon Jr. 21, "OH 1'nrolc" 2.1. 20. l« il. Illiufonl 27. (iASHv.— *How lldklvr lUillnl In" opened the regttlnr seaaon lit tbla hoilxis to, (0 a W«ek of unuaiially (paal bualnesx. "Hap" Ward. lu"Not Yel, Rut ■Moon." 17-22. Ma.ib*th'.— Thla house o|K>ned l 1l. The Dliinly IHicliPMS. Ihe opening iiltracllop, Iniidc gisal. Tbe Bon Ton llurlesiiirerM wivk of 17. Hunt*.—New peoblit for week of 17 : Barry and Barry. Anb-e it nil Potrlle. llnriv T. How- ard, Nimiiyih anil I^iue. HiliidoI|tli nnd Mor- lrtg. Lemte I*ponard. and Pierce and Lee. The' musical hurlowpio, "Tint Balllllltf Hlrla." will Ih> put on. AfMis.—New for week of 17 : AiulerMiu and Kane, the Two .Forda. Karl, llowuril and KilH. Slii'l-woud mill Miller. Bessie Himctimml, KM.- WIlHon mid Lucille Wnlfdcld. AfDiTiiiiiPsi.—I>e0|)le who play thla boimq week of 17: cliaif. Ward. Frank Mtniiietr, .loliiiaoii ami (Irand, and Sullivan and Put- tcrmh. • . - Manhattan.— .people for week of 17 :1 lurry )larH*oh. May Bell. Joe Dnvcr. lOmiini Wnl- laie. Tom Cnrllon, Klaln Fay, Hu< MiiiIdcniN, and Llllle Lrwla. John Uorixson'h Ciiiith 1:1. LiiiiInvIIIc— At Mm-anley's (J. T. Mn- cauley. lnnunger) "The Mayor of Toklo" drew good iialnmage Sept. 101."». Max Itloom, a Ijiiiisvllle buy. wna gtveu u warm welcome, Jades Diirlliig. Madge Lawrence. Ada Mildiell nnd John I* Kearney wem well received. For Khitc Fair Week, 17*22, Nat C. Hoodwln. MandNic (C A. Sluiw. manager).—"Be- hind (be Musk" 10 to, met wllb favdr frohi large amlleticcs. "The Yankee Coiiaiil" IT- 22. l#W«*t| , Avkm'k- M'haa. A. Shuw. iiuttiager).—"Se- reel Sorvb-e Sam." week of b, nttrncled crowded bnbaen. Clmrlea Aldrlch and Llllle May Wlilte were given loud a|iplanae. "A Man'* Broken l'mmlae" 111-22. Itri'MMiiiAM (Wbalii'ii Bros.. munngersL —The Twentieth Cenlitry Maids, week of ». drew parked houses. In the olio Totna llnii- lon. llllter nltd Poaler, Joaeiih K. Watson. Morion and Diamond, and Cmmalla and 1. iliile Were clever. Williams' imperials ltl- JloruiNN' (Wm. Relchman, iiinnager).-- Tbe Hrii-nti bpcjiied 1). wllb U .vaudeville bill that pleaaed Irirge audlenees. Liii'llle Mill- ball, wllb Miirilu Van Bergen and Charley MiitbJilI, were an added attractbui. 'I'bey Introdueeil ai>veral mtistaiigft and broncos, putting tlb-tn through a number of fttniils, for which lliev received hearty approval. For week of lit: Robert WhlHlcr ifnd aw- (irtliy. ItuiTliyellea iicrohalle dogs. Ilowiird nnd Blniid, Kldii-P.i'ctto Troupe, Belle (lor- don. Lucille Itiiudalt. Hllllbau und Perry mid tbe klhodrohip. Niitk.— The Kentucky Stale Fair opens 17 for a week. Lllierutl's Band -baa been en- gaged to discourse music during (be event. 1 ■ ' ■ » ■- " ■-■ — i'lidm-ah, —'I'be Kelilucky.ITbos. W. ttoli- erts. manager) wua dark all lual week. Io- nian Howe's -pictures Sept. 17, "Tbe Mlkmlo" 10, "A I'liuro'ldibreil Trunin" 22, "Huppy Ibsdlttaii" 2fl. "S|u-** ijohd to Fulber' 27, "In'Ohl Kelllurk) 1, 2N. 4 »» LOUISIANA. Itlchuion.l, -Al the Aiddemy of Mimic "Tbe Llllle Dudiesa" pblvnl to welt tilled Iioiihcs Sept. it. Al. (1. i-'leid's MlualrelH 12, "Poriy-flve MHitiles man Hi Iwuy" lb,"Ser- gc.iui Kilty" 111-31. Illjov H'lfas. I. MeKoe, inauager).—Week of 10; "Tom, DU-k nud llai-ry" played Id ln- nieftdouH crowds. "Thi' MltHobali-e Didedlve 1 ' 17-22, "Lovera aud LuimtleK" 3-L20. LyiU'liliura;.- -At llic Acailemy of Music Nell Burgeas-, Atig. 2B, in "The County Fair," opened the waaon here. Al. <i. Field's Mlu- strela. Sept. 11, drew ri packed bouae. "Pcek'a Bad Boy" 12. »>» MAlttLAND. Xtw OrlciUiK.—At.i Hie Til 111 lie Thrill re IT. c. I'nmnbi'll. mnnagnr) "The Cuuiity l''«lr," with Nell Burgess as Ibe alHr, npeuetl up it wr.'H's ellgttgemclil at tllla bmise Sep). Hi ,hrid won nilicll niuueclntloii frolu a laigo imdicncc. Tim Murphy came for week of Id. "C'iniliig.Tbi'o* the Rye" 3:1. citi:Hi'l:kt' TDfUtkH IT. c'. 1'iinnibell. 1111111- •Bfjerli — nu' Balilwln-Melvllle Stock Co., In the thrilling inHodiamn, "The ilHtnbler of lb« West." jilayed lu Iniltieuse bllHhiess week of 0, nnd, .in ostul!, gave full antlafnrfloii. This rtjin|inhy ivltl move lo Ibe Mlysliim Tlieiilm next WN'k. iib'l ri'innlli there unlll Hie New Baldwin Tbpiilre is ilnlshcd, which will lm probably In n monlh or mi. "Mi-Kadilen's Fhila" week or Id, "IbuibiM's and Brokers" 2:1. Lvine 'riiKAtllb (Ijchmnii ft Davis, iiihiiii- gers).—'I'lm HniWIt-llflker Slock Co. oiiened Its, season biJie 10, presenting "ilruudiiik." and evtry uumlu-r aeitred heavily, lo big business I !imughtui! Die week. "A Si III Alurlll" week M 17. flUKKxWAM) TllHATIIK (ll.v, Hrcpiiwiibl, manager t.—The Rose HIM Folly Co. did lin- meiiSe business week of.O, oia'ollhg wllh a malluee io ciipHcllv. The company ]di'ased. Week or III, MiUldiesler'a Night: Owls. l iiiciiKCM (Murltll Hccli, hi 'tn'I'll I inn nu glTI-Thla high (bias vaudeville house will opens Its season 17. The opening bill ludddea: Sciuvii linii.. Kldn ami cilfloh. I^u-liuer Johiisiou. I'ook ami company, "Tile Three Romps." Be llnven mid Parker, Kiixnlln Ver- non nud i-oiii|Hiuy, Adumlul and Taylor. . 1 <«» MtNNKHOTA. Dm initio re. — The past week im» ben given 1 over to tlte jubilee and cdebmibm or lite clfj'a reebvery frohi her gi-eal. fire, nud ihla, Jti conlilbdlon wllb (he extreme beat, hits lilmosl depopulated Ihe tbenlreK. Al.DAl.'Uii'M (Ituherl K. Irwin, resldenl uuill- agpri 0|>ens Kepi, 17. wllli.Mitrk A. Luesdier nssocluti'd wllh Air. Irwin In Its management. - The lioiiae haa Ijeen- entirely changed, aid Ihe will IM« devoted to vnudeville of -the -highest class. The first gallery Bus been converted Inlo a mezzanine floor, (be front of which la given over Id coxy boxen Tbe lobbr la decorated lu i-remri und gold, while tin 1 Interior la flblsbeu In Ivory and gold. New curpeti adorn the'fluora, entirely new acenery has been furnished, und the new drop ciirlaln la of red plush. The opening bill Includes: Tliii Fara,' Josephine Coiian and compnuy, Fred Ntblo. the PoWellColtrell Traitpe, the ItoKc De Haven Seplelte, Kd. Blondell ami com- pany, tbo Four (IregoryH, nnd Froalnl,"' Foiui'a (Charles K. Ford, manager).— IllandiP Blllg Is lo he seen Ibis week in "MNs Dolly Dollars." "LitHe Jack Homer" closed a light week lo. "Little ,lohnny Junes" conies Nixon & /,i.MMi:u.\i.\N's Acxtmut (M. .1. I.elinicyer. manager 1. —"Mlziwh" begins a week's engagement 17. rollowlng "Man and Ills Angel." Primrose s Minstrels 34. -ArniToHinM (James L. Krrnmi, nniniigcr). —"The Hall Boom Boys" 7. "Pahiltng I lies Town" came l»Mo. "Ilreuklng Into Sodeij" lidi,in.iv Strkkt (Oisirge W. Rife, mnim- ger).—"Tim Burglar and the Ijidy," wllb James J. Corlsdt, opens 17. "Ijliwu <<f Ilia Highbinders" closed 13. Next week, "(iuccn or the I'onvlcts." * I, Blaxkv'k (Charles K. Blimey, manager). - Cecil Kpooner. In "The fllrl BallleM." 17. "The Millionaire [h-lc-llve" dosed Ifi, "A Woman of elre" 24. Nitw Mom'MK.ntat, (Satii M. Diiwson. man- iiscri.— The Avenue Olrls 17. The Wash- ington Socleiv Olrls en me. 10-1 o. William-*' Ideals 31. iJavhtt (W. L. Biillaur, niaiiHgur).—The Dalntv Duchess Co. Is current. The World Beaters dosed lo. The Bon Ton* 24. Mabvlanii (James L. Kernan. manager|. - The Zhiflurl Trou|H>, lagan nnd Byron, the Four Harveys, Aluiont and Diimont. Flewmo* I'nlk I'M'Htln and Fdwarda. and Dlsoa itii'l Anger i-oiislllulc ihe kill for 17 and week. Minileil polls . ■ At tin* .Met I'opiilllali (llii'i'n House i I,, N. Scoll, maililgcrl Clay Clelildil. Sejit. Hl-lu. Ja'wIs. lames. In "The Merry Wive* or Wlmbor." 20-22. "The Slint or Hie 'Cross" n-1. nnd "Sum Iloiialon" 'Hi- in, ul- rhlrted large iiiidlplici'H. "'I'lie College Widow" 3:1-211. Itiiberl Loliilue, In "Man and Super- ninii," 37-30. Hi mi lll'KIIA llui.MH (Thro. L. tlnys, maII- utter).—"At Itm World's Mercy" li nnd w«-t(. "Aerdas the Pmllb-" (jbiyed lo due houses 0 and week. ' Bed ford's Hope" 3!l and week. ■Ditnli-u-si i.M.ii'Mj! Beck, general mummer). -Bill far HI end week; M Hilary Oi-fplle, Coram, chiulb- Comedy Trio. Ilurlou iiud Biitokes, DnulHc" MeKeii/ie, /.isku nud Klhg, und I.e.- White'. LVcki'M (I.e. Spfers, manager).—"Charily llllll" 111 and week. "Lord ntld Lilll.V Alav" drew very good hnsluess. "The Only Way" "3.1 and week. rNKjiii: i.iolni Kllbiit, manager). BUI for 17 and week: Ous and, Murbm Kohl; Teggo and Daniels, Lillian Clifford, J. W. Sherry, the Lureiios. Lewis I'I'HkIo-w and Irene Little, Dkwkv (W. A, Singer, miiiingeri.— -Miner's Bohemio'is 10 and week. The Jolly Olrls were well received II und week. Itellly &, WiHjd's p'l.ow 2-1 und week. ^»» WINCO**!*. MlUvnnkee. — At the Shulcil tKdwIu Thaiihnui-er. tii.iniigcr) "*lln» Karl aid the Hlrl'' put In it highly sullsfaclory week Sent. 11-1o. Xi'ltnn Itawlslon wus fbe favorlle. "'I'ho IJreiiler Love" HMO, wllb Aubrey Bouclcanll. D'viM' (Hlierman Brown, iiiunnger),— - "'Ibn College'Widow." bid 'wi'df. drew wdl lllli. I Iioii-ips. Bolierl Kelly, rieo. S. Trimble, Louise kill let und Bessie Tuber (lidded Ike honors.' "The Lion nud the Mouse' 1 '10-32. "The CmpIre" 3:i-2<l. Ai.iiAMiuiA (Jus. A. Illgler, itiiiiiugcrl, - - "Bedford's Hone" drew i:Ioho lo cii|iildly lust we»k. "The Volunteer Orgulilsl" 10-23. Rune ni'HiiA IIoiihk LI. II. I'leiTo, uiiiim- ger».—"In Old Kentucky" drew Ihn usttul big nilemlmice. Botiu .Melville, lu "His Hopkins, 1 ' 10-22. Sta n ( F. II. Trot (niaii, inaunger). —Tint Cherry BIoskohis Co, met will lis iituml sue- •■ess lusl week. The Dreamland Burlcsqui'i-a 10 32. Csvmtai,.-- Manager Fnnik II. Wlnler idTVrs i Ids week: 17 Peklli ZoiinVcK. Ihe Viiti Du Kisms, Hen. Fox and comjiaiiy, Ib-inlce ami NIssM-nilc, Judl King ami (be Cryslulgruidt • «» CdLOIlAIMI. UeiiTcr.-At Hie Broadway (II. F. Me- Court, manager) Ibe aeuson oiiened Kcpl. HI ( with Jane Corcoran, In "Tbe Fre«ilom of Ku- rnnne." Largi! Imlisbs were pleased. Week of 17. 'The Education of "Mr. Plpp," Ori'HKiim (Martin Beck, general manager). —Big bodies Inst week with Wilfred Clark and company. Nltn Allen and company. Billy Vjiij. Lncaula-Trio, Hlckmuu Brothers, Ida iijiiiv, Vernon, ami kluistrome. Taimih iiiiasp (K. F. McCourt. mnnnger).-~ The Bellows Slock Co. played lo good husl- neao last week. In 'The Ititynl Hot." Week of lfl,' "Because Hhe I.r, red Him So." Cibtik (A. II. Pel ton. manager i.—"Tim Hlrl of the Streets" did good lousiness. Week of 17. *'A Henerted Bride." (Henry LulH-lskf. malinger). —- IjisI week's bill dP'W gowt lnis|lie*is. I^oue Mlllsiuruc and Indians. Corn Voniigl.loiot i*'»r«oo_.«i-ri* fealurcs. m;w hampniiihi MuiiclM'sler, —■ A' K-lili's for opening wed; of HruL 17 : Thos. J. Keuuidi ami com- pany. In "How lie Won Her;" Four Singing Colleens, Selbliil and (irovlul, .lack Harurmr, Hedrlx and Prescotl, Paul Kldat ami Hi" kbietograph, t'Aiiii iJoliu Sflles, miimigeri.—"A Crown of Thorns," 10-13. came to good busbless. Ton Waters, as "The Mayor of Lauifbland." Dl-lo, Is nlenslng large audiences. Th" Mc- Kay & SlroiiB Co.. 17-10. In repertory. "'Way Irtiwii l-aisl" 32. Notbm.-— Al Ihe Concord, N. II.. Slate I'air, 11-14 ;• Madam Ixaile and her four llous, I'rol. Riley and his trained pigs, (}eo, A. Hnskln, tenor; Minnie Fisher, slide for life; Olive Hwuu show of educated horses, Drnko's dog und siieen clri'im, NHo-nsku BUI aud liri-ncbos, Ibiriiey Ib-mnrcst hippodrome Tbe Huge rboW'H'Hs Under dll'eclloii of Ilurlou C. Pearson. u» lu Ibe fad four years. "ifwnfk,-The Newark Tliculre l Lee 01- lotengul. mutiiiger) offers tbla week'Ruyinoiid Hllebcnik, In "TUp lialloper. Illi" I'rbifo of Flhseu,'* week of Se[d. 10, drew «ood kiiiiHps. "The cinnsmiin" 24-20. . Pitnrroii'K ir. I*. Proctor, mminip'i'L- Tbu curreiii bill inrsciiis Hie Klghi llngllsii Pilm- vuses, Scoit mid Wllsoii. Sbean and Wurnti, ltooney Sisters. Mr. slid Mis, Allison. Xenu Klefu, the Burkes, and (be Arlington Comedy Four. ; C|.i.i'Miii.\ (M. J. Jiieolm, ma linger L' "A .Midnight Kscnpe" Ibis week. Tbe new piece, "A Slater's, Sact-lHce," was kindly received by fair nixed nuilleitrcH week of in. This is n entnedv drauin lu live nets, and whs Drat nisntirced or Mount Vermm. N. V.. Aug. 21. It Im nu adaplnllon or "Woman Auulnst Wo- llinn." The dial: Roi-ert Allen, .Idfersoti (to- Iioi-uei' I'eler Allen. William MeKey : Hamil- ton Bracken.-Clyde Bales: Arthur Hustings. Jefferson Hall: Dr. Tcrr.v. Frank ihsiglas: Mlft Frnsl. Itiilph Holky; llcniielt. C. P. White; Kale Powers. Flhd ibirriligloli; Mis. Bracken. Mlvlm Bales; Riilli Oerunl, tier. HUde MulUilltd:. Mrs. Wen Powers, Maud ilrnrtoii: Aimle Cmbploti, Heiia Slaiiley. Malley & Phillips nrnselit Hie pbH-t>, and ciiurb's uuiih is the stage dlreciui'. "When Hie World Sh'epH" 24-20. Hi.ANUT'K |,|. |{. But'ki'ii, inutinger).-Bar- ney Ollmo.c. In "The Rocky Itoitd to Dublin." IT-32. "Bertha. Ihe Senllig Machine Oirl." drew fnlrly well week of Hi. "Uiieen of tbo Cln-ns" 24-3b. Wai.umax.n'm tW. S. Clark, mntingpr.---Tim lloslnii Belles, a new upu!legation or Inu- Irsiiuers. are making their Inlilnl bow Iiece llils week, and I'ltttsnnl llileresl Is unmseil lit (lie new show. Tbe Morning Hlorles jirovcd us beguiling us ever, in! received Hldr ne citsionii'il mend of gonil buidness, Maticbes- ler's Crncker .lucks 21-20. Illlnnhotll. -Al Hie Lvceiiiu 'The MIL IbuiiHVe's Revenge" npiuied Sept. IU-13. for ihe lli-si Iluu' on iluv singe. Tin- plliv, u roue ■id drama, by Hill Held, Is founded on the sliooilng of Siturord While The slnmllug or 'Rbiek'Ma (fepldcd In the mm' garden vvlilht tile hullel girts Tho sjIoi'V Is a 'Inhonilcil us io 'titlii-lliu oil ihe singe, . lob) In Hie duly pt-ess, detail, ami Humid D:iw Is made ibe hero. The en si proved iiiTi'liiultlr. It included: Ibiruhl IWw. Brhisley Show, siiinronl Black, Lmils K, .Miller: Iteiiiamiii Fmuklbi Washlngion. Master Mnrlln; Billy Browni'. Wnlircil Wilson; TIiiUiiuk Meiltte, .liuucM Burniws; Jack Waiaon. John lli'iider- son; Henry Mnlson, William Cnlniilidl: .IohIiiiu Dingle. Ihii'i-y J. Lane: J. lldubisoii SuiUb, Hobby Nolan; Winston Russell .Ralph Hniirord-: Tlmolbv Dni-rell, Fred t'oupi-r: Charles Bbukbiirii, Wlllbim Alilmtl ; Henjii- mlu Dimlln. Joint Hums ; Mitl'llll, Chits. Hood- win: John Murphy, Robcrl Kdlb: Han Mr- Miotic, C. HpurhK; Wnll . i, Kilille Muck: Kuto Mi'Mlroy, Louise Mitchell: Kluhm Diiw, Alice Seymoiir: Mm, Wilson luiw, Her sou; Saiuuinhn Dingle. .May I-:. Alice Wiiltdi. Jennie Waters: Myrlte Stone. Hruee Snillll: Muiiel Rents. Maysle lliit'ii Min : Annie Wilson, Menu ; Fniolllie HtUlspPth Drttt. ' Josephine Thel-oso TIlllL "HiM-lhii. Ihe Sewing Miichlue Hlrl." IT IH: •The Wuv or Ihe Ti'iinsijreHsoi'" 20-22, "The Burglar's Dmgliter" 3-fittl, "Tim .Mldnlghi. Mwnpi"'* 27-20., Jai'oiik'.- -'"Ibe County Chairman" to. "Around the Clock" II, "The Dairy Farm" 15. ■ DllW, A I left led lite lobl- F. McKay; PlilrrHou. -Al (he Kmplre lA. M, Brilg- geimin, mmingi'!')-week of Sept. 17: Clarice Vance, lleaiillh nnd Mlin-i', Mltrbell ami <Mlii. Mmtuv. itiiil Mn'ctie, Bei-tllin llnice uml nun- imiiv, tinice ciilhlers uml ilog Did, llle Kin- soins, I't-uiix Kbdt und cumpnily, und Hi * li1nelogrii,i||. . . LveiJi-M (Frauds .1. tllllieri, ma linger i. ■ "The Power or Mulii'V" hud good IioIIscm III 13. "Secrds of Hie I'olh'n" drew fnlrly well Hl-15. -A Woiuiui In Ihe case" IT-ID. "Herlliu, Ihe Hewing Machine Hlrl," Iffll Bill-ury tlllmoif, lb "A lloeky Ilmill lo Dub- lin." 21-211. .lAi'iiim'- (Mtuirlce .Incobs, iiiuiiiigiw).—Mr. ■lucobs bus decided io clidige Hie mime of his bouse In iIHh city., Heltcernrlb It will but known its Jacobs' Tbciilre, loslend id Ihn Bijou, as herdnrore. Wiilsoti's Ot'leiilnl Bur- h'soud'H hiici ciipnclly Iioiimi's lasl wtsik. Jutly Ornsa Widows week or 17. Wine, Woimih uml SoiiV In follow, Faiiii.y (lOllKPlie flclger, dntiilgor). -Bill Tor week or 17; The Keiiuluglons, IIuImu-k iraliitsl gods, SI. Ftnio, Hie IliililligloUs, uml Ibe dlHUiialogtuph. * AHnitile Mir—At ibe Buvu.v Tliculrn (Fred I'). M'loiv. lllllhllgfl'i '"I'll" I'dmiose illrln." Sept. HI-12, hud' full- pittnuuige. "The ViimleibHi Cub" proved it goml drawing nlnl L'l-lb. Coming: Sum II iiinl, 1 1'ln- Itlcb .Mr. IlougculKilil'l," 17-111; Paul (lllmoie. In "Al Vnle," 21, 22- YoifM'i'H I'IKU TiihATJdi (W. 1-1. Hlun-keL Tord, imiiinger). - Vaiub'vllle ioi:i did well. ■■The Hi-eiii Divide" dh'W hlg lm.iliicss IL ID. Vloln Htllctte, In "The Hlrl and Hie Hntidlt," 17. Tim rimiiilbiler or Hie week '.audevllle will lie In order, wHb Heyiumir ■ ml Hill. Mirier uml Hunter, D's and DV. A. u. Diiiiciin, Kllwibi'lh Muiinv. lioroibr liobleii, Kleh:, Oil Bros, aid Mclo'lson nud bllielogruph. Ami A Mint A (A. C. Nichols, umnugnr). • This h-ois" reopens 17, with Margnrei Bloke end her slock company, lu repertory, for we,ek. Jersey VUy. —"Tim Rocky Itopil to Dublin," week or Sept. 1(1. gave nmple sal be ruction :ii Hie Academy. The lllalto Roiinib era, al 'lie lion Ton, were duly appreciated. AcAtoiMV IF, F. Ilt'ildersoit, mmiugeci. ■ -For wri'k or 17, "lloiiiu Folks." "Buster Bi'iuvn" to Hollow, Hon Ton iT. W. Dlnklim itmgeri. Will son's RiiruHUicrs 17-32. Jolly (iruss Widows 31-211. MolHiKeo. - At Ibe Lyric (II. P Kotiller. niaimu'eri the Sunduy nlghl iiHemhiuco Is beyond the lluilL "A Ibid Mao from Mcn)- co fi Sept. HI-111, "The Mini of Her Choice" 20-32. "Al Ike Old Cross lloail" 2v'l-2tl, "A Koliliieru VVadelia" 27-211. Lmi'Mk; lA. M. Bdlggi-IUUO, propi'lclori, - For woi>:< or 17: Walsh, lleaiv mid M'di- trowe, cbiirloitc Carry, Four Mefvbis, Coluiu- bin Foil-. James II. Collins, lluwlcy oud Ol- coil. M"c. Clienter ami her slnliie dog, mid (he kiii"togrnpb. . i ■ i | ■ CutlMlen, -At Hie ('limib'll Tlli'illl'e (,M. W. Tiiylur, malinger) "Tin- Way of the Transgressor" made h great lili Hepl. lu-12, as did "*|ii.iam Re ward." Dl-L'. hoiit ploi- liie lo esCclii'iil business. "Ouceii of tlO! Colivb-U" 17-10. "Ilollj Tolly" I'll 32, Jisi S/uiHey. lu "Billy. Ibe Kid." 2l2«; "From Ti-Hinp lo Millionaire" 37-30. — ■ ■*.» i ■ mr*i» tii-:oitiif *«. AiiniHii. - - M Ihe Ol'Jiml (II. L. A •' L. De Hive, iimnugersl "l-'uxy Hrnmhiu" S*'pl. ll, ir.. "Coming Thro' ihe \ty^" 17, is. Bmoi; (Juke Wells, uuimigerl. ■— "How llearls Are Brolteii," Ml nud week, drew crowded houses. "A Wife's Secrel" 17-22. StaIi (J. It. Thompson, manager). Dill IB-in Included: May Ikuni', Astride Wick muiiii. Lluii'i' Mriibaio, llamlltou nml How lell. Morris und Parker. Bliunnhlti uml Ht-ltc Hen. Mllloti. Llllle Mil,v. Bell Mlllon. nud moving pictures. laisjKAisi (J. B. Thompson, miiiiuger). • Tills lioiise will be upem-d fo Ihe public 17. or the llrsl lline. The opening bill will be h'ss A- Li'aimaii Co., al popular prjei-i. Hi'.xrilY HiniH.' Hilows drew bfa I". II CAMI>n. Police de Leon Park, clnseil S. for