The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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824 ttHE HHSiW YORK CJLIPPER. SEPTEMBER 22. fill IF TOT WAMT A GOOD RIPPING, ROTJSINe. ROARING, COOH SHOUTT,;;«©■ I'LL FOLD UP MY TENT AND I'LL Word* by FRANK RILEY. 1*11 fold up my tent and I'll steal away, »l*«l awajr, steal away. I'll park op my thing! lit.the l.r.'ftU of day. And never, Hiufw, com. back, come baelcf WE HAVI OROHE8T Muslo by TMKODOHE MOB«l ikiii i s— ',..'■ ■: I'll Inst disappear when •&• rent com.s.'roiind. Won't lie fnund. csn't be found. .■.'.'!."■ . •' Whirl the landlord sails, well, I won't be here to pay, 'Cause ,I'1X FOLD OP MV TENT AMD I'll. STEAL AWAY. -• f ,: ATIONS IN ANY KCY TO SUIT YOUR VOIOt F; B. HAVILAND PUB. CO., 125 West 37th St. cor. Broadway, New York. NO BRANCHES ANYWHERE. Copies ."nl qpob r.insest waul itrrompanled by late programme, only, unlr.. we know you. THIS 18 IMPORTANT. WANTED, CLEVER DRAMATIC ARTISTS, Leading Mini, Heavy Mnti rindThree Chnrncter "Men Hint can slug. Company now on ruin! julnvlug l-NidlriK ihintrt'H, M»i«l Join Itmnedlutelv. .('nil ■ Y t , 3TAU1'. IMUllcrtilt, 243-W. 4 2d Ht.,N>w Vol* City. MfiiKr^nl. - Al IIIk Mtft>«ly*H (It. Q- Brooka, manuK**!-) Montgdnfary anil Stone, la "Tin 1 lU'ii Mill," came to k ,w *i IiuhIiichk week of Sept. JO. "The Gingerbread Mil" J.-.J, llnlM'.l. .MhiHHI 1.4-211, . At'ADHMtf t» Mimic i w/jiiier ({reaves-, man- ngen.—"Mi', Mini nnd V drew well hint week. Ki'iini', ihc nniKlrliiji, 17-22; "l'an- hnndle I'ete" 24-2U, i 'I'nr.vnu: Knv.n, Mi. I?. Kgerton, mana- ger).—flood attendance greeled the Tiger LIU.^ week of 111,- Tti« Nlgli'lingalea 17-22, Jlroudwny tllrh* 24-inl Tiiiiatuk Kiiancaim (R W. ,I.e Cliilr, mnn- ogcri.—'-l"The (Jiu-en of the Clrcim" hud good rerelpfH.hint.: week. - M TI».Jtt«>iifct H 17-22, ■'Huled Off fclift-Turf aM'sM.;' TlIKATIlr. UM NotlVKAtlTKH (ft: IlflVPUX. muniigcr). —Tim jiermnnenl; r-'roich hUh-Ic . niiipniiy. lii "Jjp HiTriill," .linil ftilr hoiiaes tOHt week. ,'*.I> Hevell" JT-flft. TllKATIlK TUTIUNAll I'llANlAIH ll'nill CilZi'- ncuvc, manager!.— Tim itf'rmanenl French Mock romijiiny, lu '"fueodow," had big IiuhI- npfis 1(1-1 fi; ' "The AdveirillfeH of , JM !*• clinnee" 1 T-iSSf. DouiviNN i'AUK .(ii. A.'Unrupy, innaiar) cloMoa tlllH Week, nfh-r II "1ii,'i i^lul HUBHOn. AVInlcrbiirnVlkenrawcrp tlie-nttraction IMfi. I.,.. ,.ii—» ■ I, ' , ■,..,.. T«rin.tfi. -At Hit' rrlnrcHM, Hopt: .10-15, "Hed Feather" drew-well. Week of 17, Itli'li- iinl Carle, In "The Hprlng Chicken." I.KANli. ■■Itllllll'H" eilllje tU gOOd bllKllll'H'l week of Id. 4 leo, Sidney, In "Unity Ixxy's .Vnrntlun." 17-liii. MA.IKSTH'.—"A Denpewte Chrtncn" drew good r-mirim. "Hilled Off the Turf" 17-22. Smka'h. — lllll week Of 17: ('linn. B. t'lviniH find company, J.K.; Murrayand Clnru Lnne, .^iiiii Wiuhhu. Miu.'i'ii/i, \<'Yiir.i;iinil Mnifciiu, ollvetto Troiibailottn, vmkina rieorvtte, Ibe kliiPtoui-niili mid- linvr l.<-w\t- Hiak- ■ IU,:lt Sd.lmol i'.UU did big bimllieH. The iliiBhliiK TI K 'T 1.11 leu 17-2.. I MANHicr Uai.i. Th.' Hciiiiii I.lfe (Juardi Baud 10. .i ■ ■ H lln.llit-K. Al ,the All'lit'-rllllll (('. V. Walker, mnnniipr) -the Henaon opened with "The Mnld and llie Mummy" Kept. 10-12, 10 n jruiulJioiiHt'. "riieekeiri" Ki 1u. Domision (I». ,1>oiirIiih, niitiui«.'r i .—Week of 1(1: Hnn.v iitid Knto Jnekmin,.Ethel Kubln- Hun. Anita. Arthur. H. Khernu, Veolelto and Olds, the Ituotn and the klundrome. Hi.toii I NiihIi 4 j HuriuwH, , pvoiirletora).— lllll week-nf 10: Oiiaahd Mnrlun Kulil, Ullly Moore,. )'\ix nnd Siiinnjej-H, juldore Bllver, Uujtli MoConnK'k, Klemi'ii. and Miller, the. Three /oel 14'i-ri, nnd. mo.Vlnfr plcturei:- I'Myrv: (NiimIj & HII1IWV.B pruprivtors).— IIlK Viowda eontlmie 'ta-eujoy moving plc- turea and] llliiHt^uied huu^h, , i -■■'■■■'■ ' ■ ' II ' , ■ ' .. .1 Ottair*.—At 1 the Hiihmi'11 ()'.. Clormnu, manuuor) KvlUtrliad.blx.huoiopsB Hept, 10-15. uiiami Oi>>:ha Uoubh (It, 3. Ulrdwhlstlo, mtuiUHer>.—"lltimnn llenrta hail ifOtd bual- lieaa 10-12. "Out .In idaho" lS-lti. Ilnmlltoii.—At the (irund .Opera lloime (A. !t. liOiidoii. nUH#f) -"The Alllvul of Kilty," Si'ji!. ID, amnant'ii -cobd ataed Iiom^'. "The Two .luhiiM" ll,,.Jt,lncft IMkft llnnil 17, "Iced lVnther" 18.- 111. "The Wdhian Hater' 1 20, "A liPHjH'nite I'baiK'e" J\. 2'2.\ ' • »i» ' MAINE). '. \i the .leffprHon "Undev Houthvru Sklea" .■aim- Hept. 10. "Why (llrla Leave Uoine," 11, and Frank DanlelH pruved hh popular hh, ever 12. • "The Ninety and Nine" l...]C. l'enberir flloik (?0. 17-22, ei* eopt 21, iwben "It IIuppNied. In Nordland" niipenri. , , i,'-> Vohti.anii. —The beni'llt perforinnnee for the familv of the late l'olleeiDau Jamea i:. lniwmxi ovcm-H Hiiiidny »• veiling, 211. Mr. nnd Mra. (Inrdner Crane. Norton and Nlehol* nun, Von Klein hnd OlbaOn. IVnniplu Trio, l.JIv Neville, .-Mid. Archer ami rnickcr, . XmViH.—the wedding of II. t>. rttublw nnd Hue Van Duaei,, late.uf 1 lu Up.hi Thelilm' Sloek,- oe-'iirt'd at I'enk's Ulimil, 0 ilnine* Muimy replaced Mn rah a II nud Uiralne nt the r.irtlmui. VJir., 'mi. iHdt.itni of illness of Mr. iShiralmll. . . 7?-. ; .TRXAV*. . ■" ■ 4.ali eolon.—At the t J rand Opera Hnnae <l>nve. A. Wela. innnngftri. Hie upenlug of the Henaun orrnrrt'd ut thin nouae Sept.' 7, w(tb "Ikey and Ahey," lo u fair home. Mali- nger Wi'U Iihh had'The liottne HiorouKhly renovated dnrlilg the Nmnnier. The aluff: Drive A. Wela. muiin.iir ; J, I,. Klvnn, treas- urer; jtniii. huii. aaalrttaut treasurer; i;u. 1'ond, doorkeeper: l'rof. Hhuw, leader of orraMlN ■,-Tooi Itoyle, arage manager. The Jerney J.lllea 1.0. l»nvld i'rortor. In "A Mea- aftge from Mara," drew n good hIkPiI house 11. lllnck . VmtJn Troiihadoora HI. 17. '"Ilic lloonler tllrl" ID. llllly Kemanda' Mlnstt-ela 2,1. "A llol old Time" 24, "Mel 'ihlili-n'ri li'lats"' 2fl, Tim Murphy 27. i;a],v):hiiin tiih- I'ahk (Clini-les Krenrkle, manager).-=-Week of 10: Noruiau Whlttler. Carl Htcel. >l-'rnt.k Wlhton, OaeUr l'oiiPHt and. the elurtroacope.' Hounton.—At thnlloliaton Theatre (Mnur- Ire C. MIcheals, inaiuiRert, .Jeracy Llllea Co., Hept. 11, had tw*>!falr hotiKOB. "A.Msmom f^om Slnra" rtrew..splendid. 12. ."IIIb High- ness the Hey" 10. lllnck l'nitl 18, 1ft, "The lloosler't pi, *'HI Holler" 21, "The Sweetest ulri in Dixie" 22. llidiii.AXD Paris TiiBATitK (Thou. II. Kee- nriii, •manntfer).—HtiHaell J. Urose, liandeuff expert, opened 4. Instead of 10, nud hla am*- <eaH has lieen io-phenomeual, nnd the crowds so great. Hint he wbb re-engajied 10 for an- other week. In addition to Group, the foi- lowing -appeared? 1'rof.- A; <:. I'aluter, with Btprcoptlron views; l.urllle ,May, child per- former: K. V, ward, In llliiHtrnted songB; Ijike Krynoldn, Yodler. and Ollbert Harony. Tkxan Avunue Thkatsk, with Us movlug pictures, continues dolly to nil the house. Ma.ikh'1 ii- TilKATHK,. With Fntuk Htiirglt as manager, will open 24, t Not*;. —The Houston Theatre aloff this ■ a#W B*lKtV*WUitl4*S I?, .-UJt'lieslM- jiinnager. and buftlnesa HUpervlaor.: t.Tiarlea T. iTViHiT 'JV.V naslstant in'infirer - and ireaAurer: Hemard II. UorrlH, doorVeeper, and Albert H. Wolfe, uritcial programmer. NuuRiH A Kowe'h Hiiowfi 27. FILMS 5 REELS, ABOUT 1,000 FEET. $37.50. $40.00, $42.50. $45.00, $47 50. 40 W. iNlli ST., N. V. r. WANTED, MAN AMD WOMAN. (LAY l'AKTr). WIRK. IIO0II HK1'. PEOPLB. WIUTB. ■'■ BEAUMONT CLAXTOH, , WATBRTOWK, WW, ;': FOR SALE, I GREAT TROUPE OF PEREORMINU BIRDS* 9 A swell ouioi. a tine AntomsUc i'lurm, uai-d onl ftlX.weekH. A ttoako Uniiing. aIbo Paintings feu Hoako uhtrraor, Alligatur gueeu, Leopard (fueen! All One condition. Also hnve three IlluBlonn. All munt be sold al once. Send stamp for prices. Have you reud Prof. PAtnahA8lii.'B liook »n the Art or Training lllrds and Animals i. Write to PKOF. l'AMAHASIKA, IK17 Ka»t luuphlu Sircet, I'lillii., pq, WANTED, m class emu -tun With voice oApahle of earning through a gi nniBli-nl iiiimhar for vaudeville, Addniaa "FOX," caro of (JLlPPBHOIllne.' VIM Qiir l,coort. Kdlaim'M Films, good can* EVO OAlib-Mlilon, on -!£.ln. reels, iso. Btnl for.examlnation on receipt of $& or will exohadgu lllms for others. ' 1 OPHltATOR. 101 (Jarlleld St., Hazleton, Pa. Moviiri, or ezoiiange for Kill Machines', ilagln. Privileges for greni lira*/ fa.. Fair, Out. m to l».' ' PROF. BARRY H M1TII, tlra U, Pa. G.VKMEANAMEKICANGltfL Fretty waltz song. vmo. Ore heat rations Uc, ■■Tt\t>i Alligator's Paraae," iwo.step, I'Bc. -'Come Hack Mr Evelyn." 26c. / A. I). MAtlRBl-i, Uil Rcnaca St., Allegheny, Paf ■»■■ rtr**»r MtfttntACl ToJolD-gnod Houhle Dutnli Act. ofitat tiO golf Singer and Dancer. AddreBp . Jai X. V., care of CLll'PHH. j UTAH. Malt Lake 4;i(y.~At Hip Lyrlr (Jotieph retrleh, tununger) week of Hepl. 0, the Lyric Stock Co.. In 'The It.mdmnn," did fair buaP:' nertH. "Tlu- Winning Hand"'10 ami week, i ' (.irAMi (A. M. 'Cox, DJflMgur).—"TOlf World" did it fair Imslm-SH 0-12. "A Woman's t4tttrU.iV' played HI-HI. "The Holy City" HI- * HtAC 'l\ix hi, 11. Voting, nAhnager);—Weak *vf ft: Cnrdellu itu<l children,"Haymond Mer- illl, I'rliici'Mri Oiueiie. Tonoff, legless contOt- iloiilKt i I'oiii Fmiiks, In "Mixed Affairs," and .Mabel Linvrtun. ■.'.'. , ' ■ ■ uiti'iihii.M (W.T.. Jetinlngs, innnager).—Bill' week of 17: N|la Allen.nud coinpnny, l-Mlth Iti'lenu. Hrothers On-nr" . •-'•■uv American Thimiiclera nnd Kerbert MeOloy, JlwANn-tA' . a.» ~ NUBIIA8KA. .Oiiiiiiia.—iM ltoyd'a Thealre <W. I. Bnr- geas, mittingiT) Jumea (k'Nelll, In "Monte I'rlato," eoniPH Hept, 2t,'22. Kdwln Arnold, In "Told lu Hie I fills," 2.1-211, "The Olrl nntl i he Bandit" 27-211. Chauncey Olcott ooened the aeuHon with gisul midlences 1.1, H. "The t-!d neiituin of Mr. I'lpp"' did gooll business 15.; Oui-iikiim. I Martin fleck, geneiul innnager). —The Military Octette headed a very good hill hud we<.'k. Week of HI: 1'iinl Spndnnl, James Thornton, Waterhury Bron. and 'Penny, Mn- rart'a dogs nud monkeys, Lillian Ashley, Bry- an nnd Nmllne, elms. Ledegar, klniulronte. i llUIWOOD (\Y. J, HurijesB. mnnngeri.—The Woodward 8t u-k prcHented "The Krtaky Mrs. JhhiiMon" to capacity Inst week, "The Altar of I'YIcndBlilp" ltl-22. • ■ Knot) (C. . 8. Breed, manager).—"Uncle Tom's Cnblu" drew largo houses 1H. 17. "No Mother to Oulde Ilor w 18. 10, "Kaatoama"^ 20-22. "Arlioun" 2!l, 24, "Chinatown Char- lifer M, 211. "At i lie World's Mercy" 27-2H. "IIIk ileiifteil Jim" drew good houses 11, 12. "Tilly Olson" did good tWMMM 111-1 o. in. mi |II. Waller Van Hyke, mnnngcr).— 't'.i-- Lockwood Hlsters and McDountu Four headed n good hill last week, to good liouneR. ' Ai on i. hum (J, M. tilllnn. inann^eri. - The lloynl Hawaiian Hnnd will return 17-2H: Notk. —The Pall fustlvllles of the Knights of Ak-Hnr-Ilen m-cur 2ii<Oi'l.'0. Manager C. Kv Breed aaya they will eclipse any |irevlotin< J**ar. . , , • ■ > 1'iunk Wtt.sTAi'ii hits been unpointed.hv the simijeitu |o succeed <*hanning INitlock aa general prew rcpresPDtntlve : .6r their en- tiirprlai-K. Mr. 1'olliick rellrt'k to i-oimilete u -i-'j-a-' vh is c ^TSe -fbtriK*OVtftmit , ,""*»i»- 0i<* Klinberia. ' • Wm. chaisoc owing to Illness h consider Ing offers for Ihe lense of Hie t'rudoi -Neville W«, llRVft 111 TH* OrlRlnal- Fireproof motion Plctaire Hacblnf, With Magazines and Take- up Hevlco Attached. >lc- tnre.Sur- liuBBeaall other ma- chines lo d.nrablll 1 V 6f COD- IBM 1 * Lion, work- manship and fln- lah. Can be fitted with Power's original Fire- proof Magazines and Take-up Device. 1 PC WEB, 117 Hassan Street, lew York. All of our apparatus In folly protected by United States patents lBRtied or pending, and [ofrroge- menta vrla be vigorously prosecuted. For Bale oj all leading deaiem. Chicago Jobbers, KLEINE OPT. CO. . San Francltco Jobber*, MILES BROS. AuUiorlztd Philadelphia Agent. L. M. 8WAAB, 338 Spruce St. WANTED QUICK, if" TO iioiiiii.i: <minus. ORGANIZED BAND OR SINGLE. Aililres» WIM. K1I.KOY, (Irond Dpira House, OIllCIIRII. 111. ', Wanted, to Complete THE SHOCKEY STOCK GO. We have jubI closed a aiicceHful tenilag season. •Aaohd year's engagement to the right people. A good Singing and nuncing Souhrelte, Man for flinnieter Old Man, Man fur fleneral ItUBlncsa to Double Alto In band, Woman for Characters with Speeluitlea, Cornet to Double Piano or ^d Violin. MauAKcraln Ohio, W. Va., Penn. and Ind. nond opon tlaic. ft P. H HOO KBY, McArlhtir .'Oklo. THE ZARETZKYS, RUSSIAN SINGERS AND DANCERS. POSITIVELY THE OBEATEST ACT OF ITS K1HD IN EXISTEHCE. THIS ACT IS eORamWLT COSTUMED. THK OHEATB8T PIROUKTTB Akl) WHIRL. WIND DANGERS IN TIIK WORLD. ; . . ™C After a live iiiodMih' nucreBtfu) rnKSKemenl nt Nouvean Olninc, Paris, FrRhe.n, were Impnrleil In tliln country by B. E. Wnllacg. WIU , , 1K A ,, i,mii;kiv , Nov, to. . Vsitdevllls or L'lrcns ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO- PAUIj BBACIIABB, care of The Great Wallace Circus, as per rout*. AN D WANTED, STONE IH TIME, Woman lor Leads and Juveniles, two good Aclora for Qen'l Bus. Others write. Permanent Stock. Never close. Mum dn-Hs and act One bill n week. Tell all SHI letter. PRANK ORAvE. Peoria, 111. WANTED. t median. Irlah and Black Pace Acta and oolnity; Hualcal Team; one to play Plunn or too Player doing Specialty. Iluntilng jmuig Agent that la a lllll Punter. Thin la a three night Vaudeville Show. 1-ong and pleasant hcubou. Dou'i ask a foniirih salary, (live lowont. Pay vonr own. No tlmo to dicker. Tell all, . ' i , .. S. A. KKNNBDY, GreeJ» fJ New YorK A rlOMF.ll, IIKkMIII.K PIANO PLAYER wiui cjiii nnu play either violin or douh.o hasH. I'eriuauetit ongagemont forscaMon. (live salary anil previous engagements iirm letter. AddrcM r ' ■ MUSICIAN, CareofCMl'PBtt. The SOLOMON SHOW WAJTVS -Singing Souhrette or. Haliad Singer Ih'at can work In act; also Mualci.l Act;. Otherucia that unn chaiigo for week and niako good. Write, htato Imvem, 1 pay all. Opera llonno Slmw, Year around tn-ason, AddrcnH .1. H. HAHKV, Manager, SolomoniSliow, Orango, Maui... ttila week, - WANTED, i • LOWEST; PAY OWN. IIKBMAND .1 FORD CO. Vcrgennee, VI. man sii. Csd plneo Draiiisllc nail V.iidovlllo People, aouljllin brusil. KISENIIARTII i HENDERSON FLOATWCI TltRATIlE. Naples, III. Al LIBERTY, CLEVER LADY WITH SMALL Olrl.' Age io. slngH and Daneea. Very neat in dress and appearance. Add. MUM. CURTIS, care Knyno, UU West Ohio St., ItidlanapnllH, ind. AND all Til hatiiujai. noons. Scenery painted obesply mill iiuleLly. Amateurs supplleil. 0UA8, It. MILI3. <3I W. s'stSt.^lMWYiirt Olty. VOCALISTS- For Opera, MiHicnt Coinpanicti, Vaudeville '. i"#i5 1 * , HrW0 , H\l'f*' 1 '- il'rlil.'i-t"^' cltyappearanpci* n^iTOnfteaTT-Virrebiei, solte soo, 1201 lir'divay, N.Y, PRICES lilfi LOWEST HARSTN & CO., 138 East 14th Street, NEW YORK, N.Y. TBI,. dKI-4 (iKAJIKHI■ V, NEVER CLOSED. Write, Wlro, Telephone. Th. GmalBluNsw Novelty In Vnuilevlllr Tills Kuion Will B« "MONTRAY," "THE CIRCUS MAN," An Act full of niunlo and high class comedy. Wardrobe the heat that money can buy. Special scenery and the Act is proioi'lcd hy copyright. Agenta sond open time alter Oct.' 1. NORTH SIDB, Greater Pltlaburg. Pa. THI WRIGHTS WANT ( O N K II I A N With Speclattleri, other good Performers, (live age, lielglu, weight, Halary. Tell all. FOH, tiOft. R. T. with Mft, H.. p., with roiioB, atakcx, pnlcH, icata and rhairH, , stage; all compleie. ciioaplor cash. * SLIM K. WRIQ1IT, Valley, Nch. WANTED, FOR REPERTOIRE, Stage Mnnngcr 1 . Man for lleavica and Lead*. Gen. 1 hub. Man and Character Man to double Bnritouo, Alto and bacn Drum In Band. Woman for Leads and Juveiillen. Othein write. Thuao doing Hpcclaitlew and doable In band preferred. 1 pay oxpoUBOw. Honnrd Sttllnlan, wrlto. Address KD HAKU1N0, Monroe, Wla. WANTED, FOR BALANCE OF SUMMER SEA- eon and Winter bcbbod, iimt cIiibh Vaudevlllal'co- plo in all linen. Addreen STUART'S oomutnkd SHOWS, Predion. Minn., Sept. uti. 2; and -28. Alan iii:Liii.gern oMowmor a.otKimid up wanting a lint olatR Vandovlilo, addreM. with open time; Wis- consin, Illinois, Indiana. Ohio. 50 CENTS FOR A BOOK OF 10 SKETCHES, A acta, for-I mnle.l fomalo; 5 uein, for -2 iiinic- Money order or a-cent stump*. Addrcas HRItNARU KI.INU, Playwright, DO, Jay St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Skotchca and plain.written to order. AT L.II A. V. SMITH, ' VIOLIN anil TltOMBONE(Ol'elicslrnLeiillPi). WM. BOWERS. ULAKIONET, B. unil O. (Band Leader); WM. M. WACNER, CORNET, B. and O. M. A. SCHUH. TitoMiii ink. II.andO. HARRY RICHARDS, THAI' nitOMs. E\iierleneei),rcllable,c(iiiipotflul. I^tcateorlritvel, Uareiit FRANKLIN linllarJ, Elision, fin . M i.STANlPEDO.K. M . E la the mint of profcflnlonal approval. That R if.thc record of ni,vinsorvs BUUOBT Mo. 10, the greatest book of ntage comedy cverlDHucd. It contalnnftiparody bucccbhcs, U really funny monologufs.B line aketchea for'2 males, and 4 lor mate And female, :t swell remedleB and hurlesqutn running nearly an hour each, linaldea a iremeniloici •uncfi of new gago, joken, comic poems, nldbwalk patter, etc. Price only $1 pkh COPY. Motwy tmrk Vyou Hay no. Hark laauea out or print except UUHQKTS;t, "and a. Will any % Tor ll.w, :i for s:. or ie 11 [14. i-;ts la, ", b and io for S'j.i'iO .) a .11 km tl.\IIIN<»N, Mtll THIRD AVI',., . NHW YllllK. WANTED, BOSS HOSTLER and DRIVERS. YEARS' WORK.' Address wx ituus.' rails BOAP SHOW. MKMPUI9, TRNS. NA/AISITEO. MITIULU FOR MEDICINE COMPANIES. Long engagemcnM. Week ntanda.- Salary attre. Add; J. D. WARP, P. O. Box HI; New Haven. Pon». SKETCH TEAMS SINGLE LADIES Song and Dance. Wrlto lo THAYER'S PARK, Amsterdam. N.Y. Open all year around. ■ - MILLS' PUNCHING BAGS. Intent model, direct from fnctory, M'i.litii '"■mill hand, good na new, $'■'■'■> to *■"■ Al1 klnda of alot machlnen at low prlcea. Send for cninlogne. {_•''' MANHATTAN N0VRLTY CO.. . •Jl l'nik Row. Room 17:12. ■ New York. WANTED, COMPOSER OF ABILITY To wrllo nnanpy Indian muilcforhoir apontnonlai', li!ay, "POCAHONTAS,'- contAlninB Indian Pow- wow, DiuicL'K, Itallnda apd elx catchy Ronga. W. L. Auatin. fitrti P.. Franklin St.. Richmond, Va- NOVBLTY AUTfl In the Medicine Itiialncnn. Ilavo no limit. Pay all vnn are worth. No lime to corronpond. ORROON INDIAN MEDI- CINE dO.. Murpli?'a Hotel. Richmond. Va. limiiui) Medlelnc Bn.lness. AlaoOrgiin-! I'll.. Join Immediately. Addrean . ; | J. O, VAI1EI1, onelsea, Ind. Ten I WANTED, AN ALL'ROUND 6000 NOVELTY MEN l»r HedlolDO Show. Alno unmi'illan Hint ruAtls or fake iilano. Beott llnll.nlre. . , J)B. W. H. DALEY. Maurice, Bknix On-, '»• WANTEP, PIW14T AHO 5. MO .0, COME: III an. iiik Oil; .Med. Mliow. Farei II tumrn. Join on wire. Addrftsa ■ i ■ . milt. UEI1H an VIED. CO., I.ltrln Falls,lilnn.