The New York Clipper (September 1906)

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SEPTEMBER 2^ THE NEW YORIC OLIVER. 82S * PALEY'S LATEST INSPIRATION; OP, THE BIGGEST MARCH SONG HIT IN MANY YEARS. A REAL SONG. CH1ER UP, MART A SENSATIONAL SONG ALL OVER THE COUNTRY. BY REAL WRITERS. CHEER UP, MART •=» E R FO RMER S—Bond Ten ConU in Stamps for our latest publications. Performers call and iouis of our Big Song Hits. OROHK8TR4 LEADERS-Bend Twenty-flve Cents in Stamps and reoelve our latest March and Two Step. Why don'i you join our Orchestra Club for One Collar ? You will be supplied with all our Publications for One Year. i . COOPER, kendTs&paIey PUB. CO., 110 W. 40th ST., N. Y. CITY. CHARLES ORRIN COWLES D OROTH Y D ALDEN, - Pr.a.utlng !!>.• Military ftlwtrli by IIOWAKO P. TAVI.OH, "JONATHAN'S © © U R TS M I R" AND "A ONE-HORSE TOWN," r : a satiiim'ai. i.'onrRov hkktcii. Belli Al'la umyrlghtctl nnd r'nllv Protected. Adilrcstt . IV. 11. Nllinv.U.'I'KH. Ml) Sli™i, Srw Ini-k I H.V, TATjRLIWTEIU SPECIALTY WOMAN Hoiihi iiiic preferred. Muni cln»nu;o lift Hi Icasi three Umcn on week and lie NLpaMc uf pluylntr ftinnll purl a. Stm« iiuc, helirhl ttnd hiUuvv and Henri photo, , ,, „ ■ , , (iKAHAUK MUCK CD.,,week II, IHiIaIh, Ph.; 21,011 Oily, Pa. WANTED, for RICE A CONLEY'S BIG WHITE MINSTRELS, Tins almw was changed from ratoreii 10 waiie 4, And Inn iieon doinnrcnintkawo luiainoja. Hand and OrclicBti a Leader with mmm, inu»l play Violin; Cornet w donMo Jil ilil.,ul»rioni;i, Slide, •niil Al Ttnujli iimmC r. lllcicle Ail, Juggler, MnnlciilTcnm, iirNovelty Aclof any kind. good Comedian rurend. salaried uiuhI lie low,'a» we p.iy tliPnl every week,': 1'ii'kt'l*advanced will .pay Imir ynnr fare on to .how. W.r>tB... »im goo.) framing """"•^"Jit'Ai'oB.'jigr.^por route. I TOLD VftC TIIBV WOIILUVT HEPAKATE YKS, BUT TIIKV .NBAliLV FOOI.KD UN. LeMAIRE I LeMAIRE ARE STILL WORKINC TOGETHER. I'. S -^ONE TMAM HUH THE 0.O0IIS Id WORTH TWO EXrmilMKNTM (tml then Biroe). WANTED, REPERTOIRE PEOPLE Leading Lady and Han, 8. and I). Soub. nnil Cum., Oliar. Man (doiiblo), Heavy Man, Al Agent. One urn w saiar, .<,,( ami .are. I payall. one of llienliovc to tnao MHM irtic u 'i- *»« L»dy Pianist. • ° :. MAMAUBR, Moion Ht , gyracu...». V. ibGUND HAND HLM iSho^HaWjXts. RaPi kete Perfect. and J. (IKOVEB, 1430 Federal St., llnllo,, Mil. LADY ORCHESTRA, Tli>mn«hlT experienced ML linen. HELEN r.misK baton, cart or Now York ourPEH. L«o»i MUSICAL MAYS Fred BRASS, CTIIIWi, VOCAL. Join burleaiino or vaudeville at oneo. Addresa ■H. WEST Until ST.. NEWJTOJK 11' LUTY-Moving Pietore <»|>araror. One who uniterarnndi liualDeKa. U ijSBO Y smith, L'wmiort, bid. (Hotel nann .l iT-l!BEflTY-.-Medicire Mnrer OiiUAQiced real mono* ifeitrr. Hi rone omce-s T run, btirceniRRe. Will flond photo: l*on\ ■Wjuj. lie wi'iT U. KAHL, Cairo, III. KIRS and R1NB, AL and HOSA. Comedian; mack Face Sliming. Talking Aoi. uualnrm Manager, otc; 'Drat clM» Vaiidevll.o riaulf i. ' can uac onrown ekowli. Addreai ■ AL KINO, lid g UN BU Phlla., Pa. HDVANCE AGENT AT LIBERTY. Thoro.glilf Rincrlenred, Fwtiier and rftllnWe., Bap. or opu iitKlitHiftflflN. lU-rjponBiUlenmnigerrionlT. W, V. Ltifi, fifl vVawhlritfton Ave., Hlclimond, IndUDH THE 3 EYED CAIAPOOKA WITH LECTURE and H.X10 rAICTINO.ttU.lllogrcMeRt I'lalforni M rent attraellon >n cartli. WM. NEL90N, a Van Nordeu Hl^No. camlirlilgf, >la«a C>AB!0KTTI8I ;tt~ L1BBETT. 4^*fj-ianred I'l' 1 , 'W'P'-!*-"^ Mw'»« r -A. Fr.ot M. Illaili and low pllili Inala.). Hotel or lliealre pre- irrecl.-AddreS. K. P. WI1ITC0MII, ■a Manet St., Taunton, Mare. AT LIBERTY, PIANIST, HIUIIT HKAIM'.K AMI K .1. III. ' riitv Miuaii Paris. One plt-co proforred. AddrsHs L'J.VliK nWfiUH, AtiAdftrku, ok in. WM. CROSS THE JEW KID. 'VnivfiiiiL' nulci4iimn with DiS 1'i-rrlH CitincdlatiH, delivering it contnlete line of (ifriimn Uonnily, wlrii i iir iirtMinmiicuor my in.), l.YNNh UA/./AKU, Plan I Hi. RcgsrdH to Da n Ko H Hei nnd O'Nell. AT LIBEBTY AFTER OCT. 1, HANK SPRINGER RXPtHRIBNUBU COHNETTIgT. Tra vel or loca te. BO X MJ, VI NTON'. IOWA. STETSON'S TOM CO. WANTS PEOPLE FOR ALL PARTS. Also Ooruct nnd 1'iimo Player. BtsU' nalsry. wnir in- wlrit, nicliiiuiud, ind . Hept-. W, H»ilfonl City Mi Blumonao. ,\inii(ivi.iii-iMii'k«t. ; UM. IilUIII.i:,M»n«tirr. WANTED QttlSk; GOOD CO. FOR MIR MIES, SEW. 25-26 nig bioiiuj boro. Worth any J amp to net litre. Co. with Itand preferred. Otli#«rH,wrlw ur.rYlre nulck. hi xi v inltwf wear of I j. croflHtr, \i\*. Orhpr valiiatile dHtOKOpen. CUftllMAN P. TIIJUKTM, llgr. Tiiii»'ii«' Opera IIoiihr, PivHt^n.'Mlnneiiotj.. " WANTEO, AT OWE, TO JOIN ON WIRE, PEOPLE ALL LINES. grate age, holglit, welglit and what experience, geiidjjliyjiw. UHAS. I'. U1LM0K, « M»e«.i..ll. Y. Arranged, composed. Low lermn; A. KltETSMAn, 418 K. Hth M.. N. T. WANTED AT ONCE, PIANO PLAYER. SISTER TEAUSandSPEClALTV WOMAN. JOHN KBAT. I Ml. Urunnwlck Mnali' Hall, lllclillcld.-Spring., N. V. : ■' Al and^exporiented It WITH AVAJ1I1UOUK. In repertoire. Ad- dreM U. U, f.'1'i.i-:, O*wego, N.V.. week 17: Par h. ^.V-week 21. WANTED, FOR REP. QUICK, Leading Man. Heavy Man. r>m«t|a-> ,.nd Sou- l.n-tto with »ieclalrlc". P. 1. tlOUI.ll, II -onu M 7, KOI llroadway, N. Y.; .__ . WAITED, SKETCH TEAM AND SINGLE COMEDIAN. ■ • ■ JIM KINO. Kltklln, Indiana. ttAZTAGEBS., .s^ii'i ''i'l'ii iiinr fiuiii Nuv, ^\ nn one, two and tliroo ululii Hfand* for ill) Hpci'lal iconic phiiliicilnii. "THE MAN FROM THE WEST." Oranil Nircet. parade In W<!Mifrn <-0Mt.iii.. , <i, Ai-'i"". u A. 4. Mi-i'ciiKf.i,, rt'J> Wrst Ave., Ilnirulu, New VOjTk* WANTED, for J. BUS. SMITH'S * MURRAY COMEDY CO., A OOOV (.KXKItAI. HI'HIKKHH iNAN WllliKRII IIOTHPKCIAIjTIKH. MHt Ho IfM IHM In ovcry rmpffdli H«nd |ihnl». •I. Itl'M. HM1TII, PortHinotilli,<»., M.-iir. \",-tl; HiinlJllK'ou, W, Vit., :l ';u. EDSALL-WINTHROPE CO. WANTS QIIIOK, TALL. FINE LOOKING, YOUNG JUVENILE MAN. Mint sum all; pay own. Join on wire. No time \<i low, Urpertolni People, write. IV14.—Will irny KondHprlp."Ulild'.'allaiid, , 'Hliort('iiat,Hirali(lil A<(m,'iiiil'hu, va. WANTED AT ONCE, Woman (ar Opnells, Child lor Era, Ban lor Pbtutl lid Legrcs, Harris lit It. Clair, Orcliealra Leader, Piano PJayor. Clarlonolta, Alio. rjaerm People in all nnca, write. Teiii hIiow pIaiuj uci. i:i; upon In'- tui-atma rti't, ir,. Hint* in' liniid.. In paradoa; Imnil concert* only. -, ha.>i'L ri|, ( l l'i iikon, ,, . -' ' ' Lorain, Ohio, Sept. -Jlf^yfln, tr;,.yj; llorea, tL, :i. 3L JXT T 3ES 3C> , Tall Leading and Heavy Man, Clever Sou brette with Specialties; Good Capable Director with ScrlptB, Novelty Man who Doubles Stage or Orchestra. Three nliclil aliuida. I paj uaiial experiaca. HalarlcH miiat be low, as'lli't-y aiV; anri 1 . Kelori'iicn Klrat Nallulial Hank llcre. Open Oct. lr„ IteheanalH one wr-Kk earlier. AddrenH BOYB iit'icituWUN. LoupOlly. NclrraaU. w. wXlter^sh^uIworth, LEADS and heavus. .: One* piece or permanent Mock. Experienced and reliable. Wriiooewl " '' Mil W. 1.1.1 *r„..vmv VOIIK HIV. BUNCANI. COMEDY J UCCLER, All new laugliR thin fit-aeon/ lie; Artdre.H me care of LYCKUM. 9HM'. HUlMt., *ew York City. ATLIB£RTY-LAI)V-TlflLINlSTi(LEmi»>. VIUUNIItT, Ira, N. Y. WANTED QUICK, FOR S! b'iJStimwB CO. Uin lor Light Oomeilr. Man tor Oonnlrr Kid. liolh with Hnnil'alHo'. Piano I'lajir. MM. very Ion <-t, YOU MUST UK IIIHIO. Have had fho oilier. Ilonrl Ln Vardo wlro.- - IIAN liAlll.Klllll, Hilliiini.porl. ra„Htpl, tj, ' SI/eTi^tlee **" aionumiui'K. n iin'im 'I'm uiiok.ii. .ill $4bUcI lafHitta■ HMKum^wm '.' 'i. I.").; HI . I'lillaih ll'liin.I'll.